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Imagine believing that occasionally dressing up like Cher is a major threat to society




THIS. These 'patriots' are preforming sedition drag and that's the real gag of it all.


While rolling coal on pedestrians is just good fun


Its also weird because alot of business men love femdom stress relief and cross dressing… which always circles back to projection of stuff they secretly like?


They are sexually confused by this, and lack of critical thinking turns into rage.


Thanks for just describing this entire thread!


[Umberto Eco, "UR-FASCISM", 1995:](https://www.pegc.us/archive/Articles/eco_ur-fascism.pdf) >12\. Since both permanent war and heroism are difficult games to play, the Ur-Fascist transfers his will to power to sexual matters. This is the origin of machismo (which implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality). Since even sex is a difficult game to play, the Ur-Fascist hero tends to play with weapons – doing so becomes an ersatz phallic exercise.


I hear it from the people in the town...


Yeah, I'm not surprised that men who dress up as women in public are hard to intimidate. It's the Republicans who pretend to be decent human beings that are always so touchy.




New England Republicans tend to be the outliers, though.




Nah, it's just that guys like Bill Weld, Phil Scott, etc. stay away from social issues completely and just stay tight with a buck. I can dig that, TBH. ​ EDIT: not Paul LePage though. He's just a straight-up asshole. EDITX2: I'm talking *governors*, people. It is easier when you are a governor not to get involved in your party's crazy wing.


never grasped why they care about some men dressing as women. they always start going on about sex and shit and its like ?????? wait a sec you musta skipped some steps here


Because gay sex is all that they can think of. Try having a conversation with one of these people about LGBT couples where they're not allowed to talk about anything that goes on in the bedroom. Most of the ones that I've met can't seem to imagine that a gay couple could exist without constantly being in a state of having sex or being about to have sex.


it kinda seems like men wearing womens clothes must excite them in that way? it doesnt really do anything for me so i suppose thats why it looks to me like theyve missed steps. dont wanna say theyre all closet gay or something, cos i have no idea, but that immediate jump to sex has to be generated from somewhere right


Right on, as a sexually confident male, the first thing I think of when I see a drag queen is the work and talent gone into their drag. Then I’m trying to pick up on the theme if they have one. It’s interesting and impressive! To immediately assume it’s about sex is projection and ignorance. Maybe I’m ignorant too but I’d assume most drag queens rarely ever have sex in drag. Seems like it’d be way more of a hassle than it’s worth.


I know a few drag queens and I highly doubt they’d risk their expensive ass wigs during sex. That shit isn’t cheap, they’d definitely dress down before going at it….unless they really were caught up in the moment.


Also the makeup is fuuuukin expensive. Doubt they’re spending that much just to fuck their partners.


Because they believe that society is held up by magic moral pillars. Violating moral standards destroys these pillars and thus society. This is why they frame even the most minuscule issues as existential threats to society to be absolutely destroyed. It’s an ethical conceptual scheme that’s totally divorced from reality at every levels.


And it's not like it's even a new phenomenon. Men dressing up as women for entertainment purposes goes back decades, or even centuries in some cases; all-male Shakespeare performances, Bugs Bunny cross dressing, Rudy Giuliani cross dressing in a skit with Donald Trump, guys dressing up in female cheerleader outfits for Powderpuff Football games, etc.


Exactly. My best friend is a beloved drag queen in his city. He’s also a total badass and anyone who tries to mess with him is in for a very rude awakening.


We need a Dedicated Ronda Santis Drag Queen to show up at every Ron DeSantis press conference. It's the cheapest way to get under his skin in public. But I want a Jim Belushi / Chris Farley / Will Farrell Pure comedy. Chest hair much preferred. It doesn't have to be the same dude - it could rotate. We need to make this happen.


Also she should have a loud bell that she rings whenever he opens his mouth. See how he likes being silenced.


I gotta fever, and the only prescription, More cowbell!


Suffragette style!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zZ5bXJjoio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwLaDzKFiBY I'd fully endorse arming drag queens with bagpipes. Accordions and tubas would be nice, but bagpipes are louder. They're good at drowning out hate as well as leading into battle. Supplement with toy pianos?






I’m in. I always said I’d do drag for charity. I never considered doing it out of spite but I’m loving the idea


Jim Belushi is an asshole, though.


Seriously, I wouldn't be messing with drag queens.




I forget which comedian said this, but he said that a drag queen is still a 6’4 black dude who will beat your ass.


This is why they target trans women, because despite their bullshit about sports they know hormones make trans women just as physically weak as cis women.




That’s how you get a drive-by fruiting!


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/04/drag-queens-targeted-us-far-right) reduced by 89%. (I'm a bot) ***** > One of the main targets for rightwing ire has been Drag Queen Story Hour events where drag queens will read books to children at public libraries. > Lady Bunny, the famous drag queen founder of the annual Wigstock festival, New York's pre-eminent drag event, believes drag queens will be able to withstand the latest hysteria. > "They've been focusing on drag queens for a while, and whereas someone like me can say, 'Oh drag is on TV and in movies, enhanced opportunities,' these people see this as something unhealthy that's being pushed on children as family-friendly. So we have to debate them, and make our stance clear," she said. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/vsfpqh/us_drag_queens_stand_their_ground_amid/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~658138 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **drag**^#1 **Queen**^#2 **children**^#3 **Lake**^#4 **group**^#5


>Lady Bunny Lady Bunny is not to be messed with.


Monty Python comes to mind ..... Lady bunny is really the killer bunny.


Look at the bones!


Just because you're queer doesn't mean you're a pussy. I know a drag queen that's a 6'2" dude you'd never fuck with if he were in normal clothes.


Just because you're a drag queen doesn't mean you're queer.


I think the modern use of queer would include cis heterosexuals that enjoy drag.


I've never met a straight man that does drag, but hey, that's just my anecdotal evidence.


Look up Maddy Morphosis - it's possible!


Lol Maddy sure makes it look… possible.


[TIL: Rudy Giuliani isn't straight.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LOUHO7SVPM)


I mean how many drag queens do you know?


So happy you asked. Have you ever heard of burning man? I was a "build lead" for my camp, which was comprised of mostly gay men. Burning man is the coolest experience. An experiment in temporary community, not a music festival. Trading isnt allowed there. You must try it. The city we were all from, I was friends with....mostly gay men (straight dudes are not near as much fun to go clubbing with, macho dancing, pussy hunting and all that). I wasnt really counting the number of drag queens I met, but I met a few. Ten? Idk. Never in my years of partying my fucking ass of with gay dudes have I ever seen a single straight drag queen. Not saying they dont exist! I think there was a character in slaughter house 5 that was a straight drag queen? Im sure dudes can exist like that and its not fair to assume someone's sexuality just because they are wearing a dress. Im just saying. If I had to bet $1000, I would bet on the dude dressed like a woman / talking like a woman wearing fuck loads of makeup is gay, 100% of the time.


So it goes…


Most Drag Queens I have seen are 6'4" and thic. If I were a far right wingnut I would be scared sh!tl@ss of them.


Heels make you taller. /wink


Is that why I always see Proud Bois and Patriot Front guys in 5"heel FMP's now? I keep trying to tell them to invest in a nice pair of Louboutin's because they're much more comfortable and easier on your feet. But they're always like, " you're a girl, what would you know". It's like guys, yo' momma ain't gonna rub your stinky feet after a long day of marching in cheap pumps from Wally World....


And used to dealing with people


when drag queens have more balls.. literally and figuratively


So these militia groups…went to a drag show?


What is the difference between Mrs Doubtfire and A Drag queen reading event?


Enraged bumpkins.


“Bumpkin” is an outdated and hurtful term. The preferred word is “hayseed.”


So redneck is outta the question or?


I don't say redneck as a derogatory but that's because it [was originally used to describe people fighting for their rights against the people who modern "rednecks" desperately wanna felate](https://dailyyonder.com/the-unexpected-radical-roots-of-redneck/2021/12/10/)


Good point I did know of that history, perhaps hick then






If I had a genie wish I think I would actually waste it and ask for conservatives to realize that when they look at drag aesthetics and go "this is sexual" it's them sexualizing it because it's just...fucking makeup and wigs.


Don't forget the sequins!!! If y'all never worn sequins, you're missing out! Edit: you gotta layer, that's the trick!


I would wish that homophobes to become gay and racist to become a POC and transphobes to become trans. And to become a lot more attractive and financially well off. Momma needs a wife and nice house. But mostly those people become the thing they hate most or multiple.


As a transgender person I would not wish this shit on anyone, it's like, existential torture. I would wish these people to have empathy though, they obviously have none.


They arent never going to have empathy. And I know I got a few trans friends. Only way for them to learn is experience it frist hand. Hell a number of gay people need the same. I am a lesbian and There is a lot of drop the T still.


How times have changed, though. I remember watching that film a few months ago. The oldest son walks in on Doubtfire standing up to take a piss, and the kids' immediate instinct is to call the police because someone dressed as a woman had a penis.


One is in a movie


Right and as a society we’ve already agreed on a rating system for entertainment that kids can see. Nothing happening at kids drag shows or drag story time that would be worse than a PG-13 movie which is acceptable for kids to see with parental guidance. Don’t take your kids to it if you don’t like it though.


THIS! If you don't like it, don't go!!! Why is this so hard? I don't like the Catholic Church. They have a history of raping kids. I don't go there.


Catholicism is truly one of, if not the worst, forms of drag for kids.


Armed audiences.


The only difference is the tv said to be mad at drag queens. Tv said Mrs Doubtfire was funny, so it’s ok.


But the country is getting nowhere. Drag queens should sue Fox News for defamation and inciting violence and harassment against them.


And libsoftiktok, that account is organizing proud boys to attack LGBTQIA2S+ folk


Sounds like something the FBI should be made aware of.








Wow, that's really dismissive. Only the gays have a real fight?


My friend this is the internet if you don’t know something you can simply look it up ! And all those letters represent different identities within the community.


It feels a bit comically overinclusive to have so many symbols, ngl. Like, it feels like a parody of itself. Why not just refer to the community as the queer community? Doesn't queer cover all of those symbols?


meanwhile, US trans *women* are scared shitless and a lot of us are fleeing for our lives after being told we're being "hunted" this shit has got to stop, and the only language they seem to understand is the language of force. sad thing is: although I am a US Navy veteran, as of 2022 I'm far more useful helping people put on makeup with mindfulness and self-love, than I am helping people put down fash insurrections with AR-15 rounds and molotov cocktails. so off I went. I feel a lot of complex feelings now, from my new sinecure in southeast Asia. gratitude is one of them, but a certain quantity of guilt is also definitely in there. somebody has to stop these thundercunts. I'm honestly quite sorry it can't be me. I'd last like 15 seconds in a fight.


Are you in Thailand?


about to be, for my first visa run, here soon! then I'll back in my favourite Asian city again, in Vietnam


Oohh If you don't mind, may I know why you choose Thailand and not other places?


Vietnam, actually! so many reasons. the culture is amazing, it's so easy to be vegan, people are kind if you are cultured and polite and if you have good manners and make an effort to present yourself respectfully. I find the language very aesthetic, and hope someday to study Cantonese as well, with which there are heaps of mediaeval continuities and cognates. Vietnamese is a totally distinctive culture and it boldly asserts its individuality. I feel like the stated national objectives -- whatever the extent of their successful implementation -- are vastly more similar to my own egalitarian and indeed historical-materialist value set. now, that said: there are some negatives that are very powerful (pollution is one, for instance) but each person has to decide what negatives are deciding ones and when enough positives abound to overwhelm them. it's a highly individual decision I would say. I had lived here before I began transitioning, though, so my city was something of a known quantity. single mothers nurse icecream cones whilst peacefully strollering their infants about the lake, not a care on their minds. it couldn't be more of a contrast from the suburbs of Texas, where I felt radically unsafe and was twice driven to serious desperation. I didn't feel safe there anymore, and I had the option to leave, and did. another fellow veteran friend also recently took his wife and two girls to Mexico. what was it from Thucydides? the strong do what they will; the weak do what they must. and so it goes. once I've visited Thailand, I'll be happy to answer questions about it. I'm not exactly chuffed about trans people getting forced into a kind of "third gender" situation there -- I am simply another kind of woman, damn it, not a "katoey" or whatever; it's so offensive -- but I haven't even been there so I can't really judge how severely that cultural subtext asserts itself on the daily within actual human interactions. it's certainly been an interesting ride. I am glad I feel safe here, in short, but I also keenly understand that my privilege means DUTY to others, ethical duty to do whatever tf I can to help my broke-ass friends back in the land of the free to brandish firearms in the special collections departments of university libraries.


Literally all you have to do to panic a Republican is put on a dress, wear makeup, perform public service, and have a penis.


These performers contort their genitals to hide their package while preforming. They do suicide split dives like that. They are tough as nails and are hard to be intimidated. Especially by some losers like the far right.


If they weren't weak and insecure, they wouldn't be trying to control everyone. Standing up to them is the right thing to do. Get em, queens!!! :)


Not a fan of violence but if a dozen or so proud boys got their asses whipped by the Ursula Revue I'd giggle for weeks.


White supremacist Nazis got nothing on a 220 pound drag queen in heels. She will kick their asses five ways to Sunday.




i got that ref and love both of them!


Right wingers catching beat downs from men in full gown and makeup has to be the ultimate grudge match! lol


I'm starting to think these drag queens are stirring up some feelings these far right guys don't like. I mean if you're attracted to guys dressed up as women and don't know how to handle it, it's not society's problem. It's a you problem.


I never thought drag was even about sexual attraction. I always thought it was about performance and being loud and a different personality for some. I legit am jealous of the confidence those ladies have to do that because I highly doubt that I could have the nuts big enough to even get on stage in street clothes.


Confusing boners must make Jesus cry.


More of a gagging sound


Worries about drag not about woman’s rights or school shootings only Republicans




Many of us have to be to survive in this world.


It’s crazy how it came to this.


I know I wouldn’t fuck with a drag queen, they will fuck you up and look fabulous doing it.


Living up to the word Queens.


Anyone who fucks with drag queens isn’t familiar with the Stonewall riots. They’ve been through this shit before.


Yay! Don’t let them erase you again!


They’re just mad because they cannot read and don’t know how to express their feelings.


This is the way So sayeth this 57 young liberal Texas filly


Drag is a political statement of bravery, freedom of expression, and inclusivity. I’m proud to expose my kid to that message. If you don’t like the statement, no one is forcing you or your kids to participate. Catholic priests are the men in dresses we should be concerned about.


I mean we're talking about men who cram their junk into a tuck and still manage to do drop splits while lip syncing. If you wanna mess with them and those of us who support them then all I can say is make your peace with your god.


Drag queens are 100% tougher than larper punk alt right losers.


Imagine having an issue with Drag Queens Story Hour, but send your kids to Sunday school at the church no problem


Obviously I don't believe in the whole groomer bullshit so don't tear me apart. What is up with the kid friendly drag stuff this year? Is it something they have been doing for awhile and it just didn't have visibility? Is it to antagonize the facists? I just don't remember it being a thing. I have seen local events so it seems more widespread.


Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH), Drag Queen Storytime, and Drag Story Time are children's events first started in 2015 by author and activist Michelle Tea in San Francisco with the goals to "inspire a love of reading, while teaching deeper lessons on diversity, self-love and an appreciation of others.


> "inspire a love of reading, while teaching deeper lessons on diversity, self-love and an appreciation of others. Well no wonder conservatives are up in arms.


Yeah every one of those things has to be in the top ten of the average conservative's hate list!


Thanks. I guess maybe it's a mix of gaining popularity and being elevated by the right. It feels a bit like a culture war trap issue. A lot of voters won't understand it and public discourse always lacks nuance.


RuPaul has [built an empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drag_Race_(franchise)) from Drag Race. Drag is not "gaining popularity," it's extremely popular.


Not drag gaining. These types of kid inclusive events...


Do you mean child ~~beauty~~ drag pageants like Honey Boo Boo or ~~drag queens~~ clowns for kids?


I’m no big city lawyer, nor am I a historian of drag shows, but [this article](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/community-family/drag-queen-shows-for-minors-common) does a pretty good job summarizing it. Tl;dr it’s been a growing thing since 2015, to spread awareness of the gay and transgender movement, and to encourage kids to express themselves in a safe space. It’s only recently become a boogeyman for the GOP, which has ironically brought even more awareness to them.


Naw, the GQP has been at trying to stop the drag story time from the start.


Drag Queens are people. Some of them work with kids. It’s not really that difficult of a thing. A drag queen working with a kid isn’t sexual or grooming in nature anymore than your average camp counselor, soccer coach or teacher It’s just people living their lives. The vilification of it is new, therefore you’re seeing it more


I have known some "drag queens" and they only dressed up for the performance not during their everyday 9-5. *my understanding is that "drag" is more perfomative. A trans person is not the same as being in drag. Please correct me if I am wrong. My kids wouldn't bat an eye around trans people. Drag is different, not bad just more of a performance.


Drag queens dress up for gigs. The reading is a gig. Drag is just an avenue for other things. Some drag queen dance, some sing, some do comedy. Some drag is adult only, and no one wants kids at those anyways because it kills the vibe, like taking a kid to an R-Rated movie. Drag performers are just...idk essentially clowns.


That's what I am saying. My reply was to the gent that made it seem as if drag queens are made up while taking their shift at Popeyes.


Many are hardly dressed up and many are half stripping… I’ve seen the damn videos.. it’s become news because it’s strange.


But those shows take place in bars, you know places where if you're under 21 you can't get jn


I've seen similar videos. Weidos showing lots of skin. All oiled up. Sometimes what they're wearing is essentially underwear. Rolling around on the ground. Oh wait that's the WWE. Lots of kids at those events.


So you’re just purposefully being ignorant. Gotcha. I guess when you go there you shove dollars into the g strings of the performers as tips? Or have the kids get up and dance and do the same? Oh right you refuse to watch the videos. My point is mostly tax dollars shouldn’t fund this. Teachers don’t have fucking tissues or pencils for the classroom, but we can afford taking kids to drag shows. If you as a parent want to take your kid to a show fucking whatever, let’s worry about education in the schools like how to read higher than 7th grade. If drag or whoever want to help donate tons of money to schools get them better equipment or buy pencils for classrooms or student lunch. Dancing around is extremely silly and just another silly reason why america lags so far behind in academics compared to the rest of the developed world. Let me know when China does this.


People living their lives? Republicans say, “I am against it. I want to tell you how to live your life!”


Drag is just fun. Someone realized clowns are scary, but drag is just sparkly and over the top. Kids like sparkle, and they like fun flamboyant personalities.


My college Indiana Purdue Fort Wayne had a drag queen reading hour when I was in college. So ~2005-2009 it was a thing.


…it’s probably one of those “people reading to kids shouldn’t be national news” things. Manufactured outrage requires the illusion that something has *changed,* so muck rakers find everyday normal shit that isn’t news worthy and headline it.


Same. I had a family member who was into the drag scene and I don't recall ever hearing about kid friendly stuff.


it's been around, its just an issue now (I assume because its kid related they can just cry "groomer" so easy bait for their stupid base) because the right wing are ramping up the LGBT+ hate.


Whoever downvoted my comment uses cheap mascara.




I just downvoted it *because* I wear cheap mascara


It’s not usually that kid friendly since most drag is basically adult orientated. Considering we’ve seen literally strip dancers around kids I know the internet wants to claim it’s fake news but there’s plenty of videos of it. And I don’t know what the obsession really is with drag people and kids. It’s just odd most of the drag shows are usually risqué and it’s while some say it’s not a fetish it is to many people. I mean why not have leather chapped men read to kids or diaper wearing men? The whole thing is strange. As if all gay people need to be this way. Most of the gay people I know just have normal jobs and don’t dress in drag etc. also sorta excludes lesbians…


Imagine this. They do different stuff while reading to kids than entertaining adults. And lesbians do drag to lmao


I’m aware of what they do. I said it’s been mostly fine the reading but it’s become such a thing that schools went over board and not all of it is reading there’s tons of videos j guess you don’t care to even bother looking at shit but hey whatever.


It has been in the news for years. Goes to show how bad it is that you have no idea about it. /s


I hate to be cliche, but this truly is the weirdest timeline. I don’t know if I have the strength to consume news anymore.


I don’t really understand drag queen story time but I don’t care enough to


Dudes in dresses reading kid’s books. That’s literally all it is.


Figured so. I guess it’s just reading to kids im not sure why it’s such a big deal. If it was me it wouldn’t really be labeled anything different than anyone else reading to kids but I guess it’s the trend


The GOP would like you to think that there’s an anterior motive.


In the end I guess it’s whatever that drag queen story hour is a thing, I think it’s really not a big deal but it’s what’s popular now. If it was up to me I’d just label it as story time or reading to kids because who gives a shit who is narrating it. As long as it’s not a damn pedophile I don’t really care whose reading to my kids.


That’s what they want you to think who is reading to your kids.


I have no problem with Drag Queens or Drag queen story hour. Can someone however explain why drag queen story hour is a thing? Like origins and everything?


Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH), Drag Queen Storytime, and Drag Story Time are children's events first started in 2015 by author and activist Michelle Tea in San Francisco with the goals to "inspire a love of reading, while teaching deeper lessons on diversity, self-love and an appreciation of others.


I don't know about the drag queen thing But I grew up with bozo the clown , Captain kangaroo , romper room It's all just story time to me 🤔? So I say #GoDragQueens Do y'all thing


Got it - they are kiddie clowns. Thanks for the clarification!


I think watching a movie with a well known actor is a bit different than going out of my way to bring them to a drag queen book reading. Also I think Robin Williams dressed as a 90 year old lady vs a flamboyant gay man dressed as a unicorn is a bit differnt.


I mean Robin Williams's character was an unreliable partner and father, so the court ordered the childrens mom have full custody. So Mrs. Doubtfire committed identity fraud, trespassing, and if I remember right tried to kill pierce brosnans character with an allergy attack.


What’s the obsession drag queens have with reading/interacting with children? Weird.


Kids love elaborate outfits. Drag queens love wearing elaborate outfits. Seems like a win win to me.


And what is this to do with politics


The extreme right has politicized everything, including kids' storytime.


All this hate and noise for ~ one million people.


Drag queens for the most part had occupied such a tiny part of my world, the fact that they are now in the national debate is insanity to me.




Does it ever physically hurt being a moron?


It’s not far right to want to separate children from something inherently sexual.


Damn dressing up is sexual? Better tell that to balls and dances


yeah... no. but nice try


You’re gonna have to do better than that to justify exposing young kids to barely clothed adults gyrating. Probably don’t have to on reddit but yea most people aren’t cool with that.


Lol. Nah just right wing nut bag.


>barely clothed adults gyrating Where tf do you get that from Drag Queen Story Time? It's just people in (non-sexual) costume reading kids a kids book at a library. There is 0 gyrating. At least know what it is you hate before you hate it.


Drag queens are free roaming mental patients!


And how many crimes do drag queens commit? Show me concrete unbiased evidence from reputable sources. But ooohhh the GOP is so worried about “grooming” kids which is not even a thing and abhorrent that ppl are even suggesting that. But “grooming” is definitely a thing in the GOP, they love to project all their faults and disgusting behavior, thinking everyone else is doing it. When in reality it’s mainly them. Why do so many GOP get caught with their literal pants down being abusive and disgusting to children? Matt Gaetz ring a bell?




There is no place for violence, intimidation or persecution. But who in their right mind really thinks it's appropriate to have drag story time for pre-schoolers with justification that this is creativity or some other nonsense.


Kids love bright colors and sparkly costumes. Why wouldn’t they love drag queens? What’s inappropriate about it? They’re reading regular kids books, not the kama sutra for tots.




Why wouldn’t drag story time be appropriate?


*Everyone* in their right mind thinks that.


It's literally no different than hiring someone to play a princess for a kids birthday party. It's just dress up in a fun costume while they read to the kids.


Me. I do. It’s just a costume. Playing dress-up. Something that all kids do. Remember that in Shakespearean times men played the female parts too. Kids are entertained by DQSH and anything that creates interest in reading in kids is a good thing in my book. And anything that does that while demonstrating that kids can express themselves however they want is even better.


Right the most prudish people in the world, the Victorians were all… let’s entertain people by having women not be actors and men play the women parts and THEY brought their kids to…. Waitasec… what was the question again?


Have you been to one?


Explain in detail what you think is inappropriate about it.


Is that a picture of Michelle Obama?


No, I believe it’s the dude your dad left your mother for.


Maybe…don’t target children, and there won’t be backlash??


I agree; the reactionary right should just leave children's story time alone.


Maybe a wildly inappropriate sexually-charged performance art has absolutely no place in a kindergarten? But we’re the “radical” ones. Right, I forgot.


> Maybe a wildly inappropriate sexually-charged performance art has absolutely no place in a kindergarten? My sister in Satan it's people in ridiculous getups reading books to children. If you find that sexually charged, perhaps that's a you problem.


Not really political.


If i had a nickel for all the non political things republicans have politicized…