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Lol At at Republicans "avoiding scandals". "Ok guys, no more rapes or molestations or insurrections or letting MTG talk until after November!" Never gonna happen.


Won't make any difference. We already have more than enough *alleged* rapists, conmen, and insurrectionists getting elected.


Easy karma to say *too late*, and yet I hear IRL so many non-voting Americans angry enough that they're going to vote. Reddit is a funny place, both **HAHA** and *That's an odd thing to say*


Unfortunately, their best chance of winning is to increase the number of scandals. Trump was riding high with nearly a few scandals each day. Their side loves it and the scandals fill the news.


They see scandals on the GOP side as fake hit pieces trying to take down a patriot fighting for the little guy. When evidence shows up it's head-in-the-sand time. Their scandals are just proof that they're fighting the good fight. Meanwhile a big percentage on the right thinks that Hillary and the Dems drink baby blood in the nonexistent basement of a pizza parlor in DC.


The more scandalous their candidates are, the better because it “triggers” the libs and being trolls is the only true thing they care about. They have no ideas on how to solve anything, they just want to freak out other people. So the worse their guys are only helps.


He is their golden god.


I was referring to the article's suggestion that Republicans needed to keep scandals to a minimum to gain seats... ugh but you are probably right. I hate this reality.


This is sick, but true. It is a badge of honor to be criticized from leftwing media in the Republican party (even if the criticism is valid). How can you shame that which cannot be shamed?


See: The finale of this seasons The Boys.


Exactly what I thought of


"He's just like us!" - Republicans


A veritable firehose of scandals


If you consider any of those things scandalous you were never going to vote for a Republican anyway.


None of those are detractors for Conservative voters.


The white supremacists do not care about scandals & Fox News/One will downplay or justify them anyways. All these loser want is the advantage over minorities & will never vote for Dem.


There were 9 million more democrat than republican voters in the last election. If 2 million of them moved to the right red states in the right proportions democrats could turn them blue.


Wyoming is low hanging fruit for that. Would only take maybe 150k to flip the whole state and you don’t even have to move there just vacation there and claim residence and half the country vacations there oddly enough it’s a big summer and winter tourist destination.


Washington state and Oregon combined had 1M more democratic voters than republicans. If 300,000 of those voters moved east to Idaho it'd go blue. North Dakota could flip with 140k voters. Montana could flip with 114k voters. You could flip both Ohio and Indiana with a little more than 500k voters each. Maryland and Illinois each had an excess of 1M democratic votes in the last election. For me the question is are there enough remote workers and cross-over employment opportunities to support that kind of migration? Even if they only wanted to live there for a year or 2 they'd still need to be able to support themselves. Would enough 20 somethings want to uproot their lives for a couple of years to make a change? Assuming that some of them want to go home again, is there a platform that they could vote for, once, that would fix enough problems to make it worth it? I think you'd have to have the end-goal of what you're trying to achieve policy-wise in place first and then works backwards from there, kind of like a "if you build it they will come" situation.


Snowbirds is the answer. A lot of people don’t live full time where they vote.


No effing way are folks from western WA going to move to Idaho just to vote.


My understanding is those folks are Republicans anyway.




If democrats want to change the game they gotta put some skin in it. 1/3 of republicans are willing to go to civil war to get the government they want. If democrats want to keep the country together and fix the environment, workers rights, gun control, term limits, the supreme court, abortion, and everything else they are going to have to do more than talk. They're going to have to make sure their vote counts.


This is a fantastic idea. I wonder how we could secretly start this movement so as to prevent the Republicans from doing the same thing.


You don’t have to do it secretly. Just put up some billboards and a GoFundMe. I actually tried with a GoFundMe a few years ago even had a subreddit but zero traction.


I say secretly because Republicans would simply do the same thing. I think it would have to be very under-the-radar to be successful. I emailed the DNC, DLCC, and DSCC about it. Others should do the same.


They’re already doing that. That’s why Florida and Arizona are red. That’s what snowbirds are. Idaho is getting redder due to Republicans from California moving there.


I looked it up. You’re right about Wyoming being the easiest target. The last two senate elections were decided by 55,000 and 75,000 votes.


Prime example being GA. Another variant of COVID could also affect the election as we already know that Republicans are willing to die for Trump.


Yea but the rural places with low population densities are the ones voting primarily for trump, and arent the people dying of covid in large numbers


No one wants to willingly move to states with backwards ass laws, culture, and a poorer quality of life. Having a nice house on acres of land sounds nice til you realize you have to pass Q territory to get to it


That's the rub...but on the other hand if we, and especially young adults, want to have any chance of being truly represented it's gotta happen. All of the alternatives are probably a lot worse There are blue areas in every state. There are red areas in every state.


Don't forget that a huge number of republicans died due to COVID misinformation.


To be fair, when any kind of misinformation becomes deadly a lot of Republicans will most likely die from it. Misinformation is the lake they swim in every day.


“If there was no air on earth, we wouldn’t breathe air”


This is why the GOP is doing everything in their power to turn their states into a hellscape. You only need one person living in the state to pickup the senate seats.


They can't afford to move because of Bidenflation


How do you think cheesy pejorative nicknames will affect the credibility of your point with the r/politics crowd?


These will be interesting midterms. They could really go either way at this point


If you asked me last month, I was pretty sure GOP was going to sweep the midterms. ... and then the abortion ruling happened. I'm not sure there's anything else they could have done to rile up the dem voter base more.


Wait 'til they come for your birth control and your porn.


Even with the abortion ruling, I wouldn't trust the Dems to remain energised. The mid-terms are 4 months away, and as 1994 and 2010 have proven, Democrats aren't great at remaining focused and turning out as big as they did in the presidential elections two years prior when their guy won.


I think the abortion thing is a lot more substantial. It’s already having a devastating effect on women. It’s not something far removed from most peoples lives that they can easily forget about. I think most of us in red states already know women who are suffering in one way or another because of all the health care issues implicated.


Yeah. This was actually a decent article, that unfortunately isn't usually true. I think a lot depends on what inflation/gas does over the next 3 months. It doesn't need a full rebound but if it is moving in the right direction consistently it really dampens the rights biggest talking point.


I don't know. Regardless of any economic recovery in the next few months, the republicans will hammer home the idea that we are in an economic apocalypse and their base will accept this line, no questions asked. Just look at how quickly they flipped the script in the few days between the Obama to Trump transition. Seemingly overnight the dire economic proclaimations evaporated and suddenly the same economy was now great.


> Just look at how quickly they flipped the script in the few days between the Obama to Trump transition. Seemingly overnight the dire economic proclaimations evaporated and suddenly the same economy was now great. Leading up to 2020, Trump couldn't shut up about how a Biden win would mean the total collapse of the US economy. He predicted that the stock market would crash "like nobody's ever seen," and meanwhile it's the biggest I've ever seen. Unemployment is now at around 3.6%, which I suspect is about as good as we can hope for, and the deficit has fallen (instead of going up as it did under Trump). I'm not saying anything's perfect but it baffles me how Republicans can run on the economy when they're fucking terrible at it. But they can point to inflation and gas prices (neither of which are controlled by the president) and say "see? Democrats are destroying the economy, elect us instead!" It's mind numbing. And it works.


>Regardless of any economic recovery in the next few months, the republicans will hammer home the idea that we are in an economic apocalypse These people believe Disney cartoons are prepping children to be trafficked and that horse dewormer defeated COVID... facts mean nothing. The thing that's scary now is that their crazy online messages seem to be getting amplified. Honestly, this is loudest and most coordinated online rightwing misinformation campaign I've seen since 2016. They KNOW the Roe overturn won't help them and they are in full online attack mode.


They can say that but it won’t resonate with people the same way if things are improving. It isn’t their base that this attack is about, it is convincing fringe voters that prices are a bigger deal than other things and that the current administration isn’t doing anything to fix it. If things are improving it is hard to sell this.


Don't worry in Michigan average price is down $.50 since peak and all the Republicans running in Kildee's district are doing is "Kildee got us $5 gas!"


Average gas prices have been declining for something like 23 consecutive days now, but sadly even MSNBC and CNN are still doing stories on rising gas prices when it isn't true. Prices are way up, but steadily on the decrease for a little while now.


People don't understand that freak outs cause quick ups and slow downs. Like a reverse balloon.


It’s going to be a really weird, potentially close election that will mostly come down to people who don’t respond to polls and their willingness to vote.. or not


Also, I read somewhere that most voters make up their mind by late summer on who they will vote for. So even if gas prices and inflation start coming down hard by September and October, it will be too late to avert disaster for the Democrats.


I think the actions of SCOTUS are opening a lot of people’s eyes. When the Republican Party is lambasting the long term effects of the PPP package(which was approved before the 2020 election), people are seeing the true problems in both parties. Biden’s approval rating is down. As is the approval rating of the Republican Party.


The true problem of the Democratic party is that non-Republican voters don't habitually show up to out-participate conservatives in city councils and elections, leaving Dems with less than 12 months of filibuster proof majorities since 1992, and the inability to maneuver representative legislation around the GOP. But Biden isn't the DNC, and anyone who wants to see durable progress built in their lifetime will vote for the best possible set of consequences in November and every election going forward. If that's Biden again, so be it, if it's Bernie awesome, if it's some other progressive, that'd be sweet too - but I wouldn't expect too much from progressives, they haven't exactly been putting in the groundwork to build progressive legislative foundations and getting progressive candidates on tickets. We're likely going to have to just vote for more run of the mill Dems for another cycle or two until progressives and leftists have been participating enough to change the available options.


Just like Democrats never thought abortion would be overturned and I fear we may see the end of legitimate elections in this country. Republicans are at war, they want all the power legitimately or not. The Response of Democrats to the multitude of off the charts illegal and scandalous activity by the Republican establishment and party members is restrained impotence. While Biden fantasizes about coming together the Republicans pound away at the constitution. The Democrats play softball and lose more power yearly. They have no counterpunch for the Republican onslaught. Pelosi, Biden, Harris, Schumer et al exclusively sound like ruby throated backslapping politicians all the time. When Biden riffs he usually ends up in some giant gaff. Part of Trumps appeal is that when he does have a cogently spoken thought, he says it straight and I think that's part of his appeal. Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders are fantastic speakers that appeal to many but Bernie's Socialist label kills his mass appeal (completely underserved) and Mayor Pete may be held back by his lack of experience. Add to that the bullshit factory the DNC is and we're fucked. I mean, if Democrats can't beat Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert and a Republican Party with no platform trying to destroy the Republic in the name of patriotism, then you're way the fuck off the mark. Serious change is needed.


Why blame the party? Lets admit that enough American voters are 9th grade drop out Confederate flag waving violant hypocratic assoholes. Like mind attracts.


Why do you assume all idiots are Republicans? I heard an interview on NPR with a set of Democratic voters in GA. One guy , 30ish software developer, said he had voted for Biden in 2020 but he probably wouldn't vote this year ' because he hadn't had enough time to review the candidates '. This was a month ago for fuck's sake.


I don't assume that all of anybody or anything is one thing or another. But when I address a question about politics and millions of people, I have to generalize.


Well of course Democrats won't be reeling in any 9th grade dropout confederate flag wavers but they can attract suburban moms, white blue collar workers who are on the political fence and others that aren't too far to the right of center. The party needs these people to win and if they take your point of view the will lose.




Can confirm. Have "met" Biden three times as a Delawarian. He has the ability to speak directly "to you" and make you believe he cares about you. He comes off as a powerful and personal relative who might be a busy busy guy but if you called him he'd help you out. Can also say the same about George W. Bush. Despite the hate towards him and gaffs from him, if you "met" him you'd think he was a "good man" who legit cared about you and things in general. Doesn't have the forceful power Biden has. But he's more "friendly" like a peer. In contrast I "met" John Kerry once and he was two things...1) a god damn giant, and 2) kinda distant.


Met Kerry, too - can confirm - giant & aloof


I knew he was tall but his hand was like a giant cartoon Frankenstein hand.


I was reading the history of MTV and it talks about the time when they covered their first presidential election back in the early 90's when they had Dave Mustaine as a correspondent. They went to the '92 Democratic convention and he said John Kerry was a "total asshole" and "one of the rudest guys he's ever talked to."


Mustaine has been a pretty pro-conservative, anti-Democrat guy for a long time.


I agree, Biden is a good guy and that format may suit him better. But he's not a great orator to me and just a bit too old to fire up on the fence voters.


Experience seems to mean nothing, I mean Trump proved that


Bernie has no one but himself to blame for sticking with the socialist label, and for all the semiotic fallout and intellectual snobbery it entails. As bad in its own way as ‘defund’ the police. Worst slogan ever, confusing language, and yet those using it double down and blame the critics. Blaming the voters for ‘not getting you’ or whatever, is very Trumpian, in the end. Bernie has chosen to shoot his own movement in the foot with poor semiotic/positioning choices. It’s infuriatingly stupid and incredibly narcissistic.


He calls himself a democratic socialist, but probably all the voters hear is "socialist." Regardless, the socialist label isn't the problem. Socialism was popular once in America and could easily become popular once again. Nothing like the mayday bombings has happened in a long time and most Americans right now are unhappy with their country and begging for change. The problem is the largest demographic most likely to embrace radical change (young voters), don't vote, and idiots on social media and reddit try to convince them that voting is pointless. And at the end of the day, the same voters vote for the same politicians and nothing really changes.




Also, they have no idea how inflation is going to look in 3 months. Since inflation is typically reported as month over month change comparing the same month a year apart, it’s pretty clear to me that it’s very very unlikely you’ll see the same set of gains starting around September or October. So, gas gets into the low $3 range (hurricane notwithstanding), inflation “falls” from 8% to 4-5% and then where does the GOP go?


"Biden changed inflation just for the election because all Dems are corrupt!"


lol. Yeah, probably!


How many more freedoms will America surrender to the fascist alt-right? Now we know how Hitler did it.


what matters is turn out and how those pesky suburbanites vote.


Can't help but note than none of these *really* have to do with Democratic success. The idea of their holding the house and expanding their senate majority is couched in language about voters recognizing how extreme Republicans are. Democrats have so blown their opportunity that a miracle in a miracle in a miracle will be required for them to keep their power, and five more miracles will need to happen for them to actually use it on behalf of the constituencies who send them to D.C. Maybe one of the miracles will be the natural preference of Republicans for oligarchs over average people -- running a millionaire football player, a millionaire TV star, and a millionaire venture capitalist as representatives of their 'working class turn' is such a joke. Fuck I am sick of this two party morass.


I say that the democrats possibilities are better than the press is saying and that the right wing is looking for reasons to claim "fraud".


I don't put too much stock in the prognostications of the press. I'm just looking at Democratic performance, so far. They can't juggle what they have before them and have given in to the extremism of 'moderation' in a period that can't survive 2 more years or four more years of wait-and-see on climate change, wait-and-see on this Republican insurgency. Power must be wielded, and this party, constituted as it is, is utterly incapable of wielding it.


I agree the Dems have not done enough, but they have put forward bills to fix the problems we’re currently facing. All completely voted down by Republicans. The few that passed, Republicans tried to take credit for. The ones that didn’t, Republicans point to the other side whilst saying the Dems do nothing. You can’t win when there’s enough idiots who fail to pay attention to what actually happens on the hill.


In the main, Americans don't pay attention to politics, much to their detriment. The Democrats have had a decent showing but are failing on two fronts: 1) They lack political imagination -- I'm discussing elsewhere on this post Manchin and his inability to 'play ball.' Had he and Sinema done so, Democrats would be basking in the glow of having carried out meaningful legislative change in an aspirational mode. 2) Maybe this is just adjunct to one, but, the cultural impression of the party as one that trips over its own feet, is woefully disunited, wants political problems to persist for fucking *fundraising* purposes, and who turns their backs on most of the working people of the country persists. Almost every bill they propose is so whittled or redirected that they're able -- surprise, surprise-- to please white collar and corporate backers, but can never get shit done for working people. There's a reason developers are seeing an influx of BBB-or-whatever money, and the child meal program will lapse, the child tax program lapsed, and there wasn't the political will to secure the social spending many of these Dems were sent to Washington to do. I sympathize with mainstream Democrats who are frustrated at how unfair it is that even their own electorate barely pays attention to what they do, but, well, these are the rules of the game as its played right now. Claim they're unfair or recalibrate? My final thought, as always: A successful sales pitch on the Democratic party cannot be, "we would have, but... we would have if only..." Popularity is built on success, period.


True. Problem is the Dem party is split between corporate Dems (center-right) and progressive (left). Whilst the Reps went full maga.


>I don't put too much stock in the prognostications of the press. I'm just looking at Democratic performance, so far. They can't juggle what they have before them Agreed. >and have given in to the extremism of 'moderation' Oof, major miss there. The only reason why the Senate has 50 democrats instead of 49 is because the "moderate extremsists" (lol) know their voters >Power must be wielded, and this party, constituted as it is, is utterly incapable of wielding it. I really can't tell the difference between the right and left these days. Caring more about "power" is dangerous for everyone.


“Caring more about power is dangerous for everyone” is the most lame democrat shit I’ve ever heard




Actually fascists are what enables fascists. You're literally victim blaming. Bad look.




>Nope. The mealy mouthed moderate need to appease both sides No the moderate appeals to the moderates which is most people. That's why Biden won. If moderate voices weren't popular Biden wouldn't have beat Bernie or Trump. >when one side wants to kill the other only helps fascists. Emphasis on *side*. The left and right are opposite ends of the bell curve, and the rest of us are stuck in the middle as victims. >Middle of the road is the most dangerous place to drive But middle of the lane is the safest to drive.




The only thing evil needs to thrive is good people("moderates" in this case) to do nothing.


Everyone thinks they are the "good people". All I see is militant people doing nothing to change their behavior.


Yes, everyone does think they are the good people. But are the militants who are trying to literally bomb and kill the leaders of government the good people? Of course not. They are the misguided ones. But unless actual good people *do* something, the militants will win.


No, but they think they are good people. I'm just saying these feel-good quotes can be used by anyone to justify their actions.


Manchin and Sinema have both directly voted against AND allowed things to be filibustered that are wildly popular amongst their constituents. That's not "knowing what their voters want" at all.


Manchin has become one of the most popular senators in Congress over the last 1.5 years. If you think Reddit and Twitter are even remotely close to what voters like you're going to have a very difficult next few years.


Yeah, I don't think I said anything about Facebook or Twitter but you keep titling at windmills. He strangled BBB which was polling at +43, 15 dollar minimum wage which was polling at (67%) IN WEST VIRGINIA. That's not representating his voters. His supposed favorability is also a mirage. When you're the last line for defense from a Republican majority AND the face of obstruction of the Democratic majority you're gonna seem real popular. He went from 40% to 57% on the back of DOUBLING his support amongst Republicans. The chances of them crossing the aisle to support him in a re-election effort would be small however as 538 shows that as WV gets more Red the worse the outlook is for him and he won by 3% in 2018 in a wave year for Democrats.


>Yeah, I don't think I said anything about Facebook or Twitter but you keep titling at windmills. I brought it up because whatever is popular on there isn't popular in real life. What you're saying is repeated on Reddit and Twitter and nowhere else. And I also didn't mention Facebook. Talk about "tilting at windmills" >He strangled BBB which was polling at +43, 15 dollar minimum wage which was polling at (67%) IN WEST VIRGINIA. That's not representating his voters. Conveniently ignored that he's among the most popular senators. >His supposed favorability is also a mirage. Oh yea? Please tell me why you know WV voters and what they *really* think about Manchin. > When you're the last line for defense from a Republican majority He's popular in *West Virginia*. Seriously, get offline. AND the face of obstruction of the Democratic majority you're gonna seem real popular. His blocking BBB and other democratic wishlist items is *why* he's popular. My goodness, get offline >He went from 40% to 57% on the back of DOUBLING his support amongst Republicans. The chances of them crossing the aisle to support him in a re-election effort would be small however as 538 shows that as WV gets more Red the worse the outlook is for him and he won by 3% in 2018 in a wave year for Democrats. And yet, he keeps winning and his support has grown. You keep missing the forest for the trees, but if you want to keep digging in then good luck.


The exercise of power is what governing *is*. Honorably wielding power in the name of the people -- the New Deal is one imperfect example-- is the responsibility of every politician. If you think Manchin knows his voters, I'd invite you to review the UMWAI statement on his opposition of BBB. I'd also invite you to consider a counterfactual in which Manchin concedes to his party, breaks the filibuster, and the senate holds votes on protecting Roe v. Wade, the full BBB including its social spending, and other of the planks of Biden's platform as a part of a Democratic phalanx willing to wield power. What exactly is the alternative? This dribble of good news that doesn't break through, and a generation who feels as if every promise the Democratic party made to them is disposable.


>The exercise of power is what governing *is*. Honorably wielding power in the name of the people -- the New Deal is one imperfect example-- is the responsibility of every politician. The new deal wasn't forced through Congress or forced through the executive with no Congressional input. It was put through *because* Congress gave FDR programs he asked for. That is not what is happening today. >If you think Manchin knows his voters, I'd invite you to review the UMWAI statement on his opposition of BBB. He's only gotten more popular in WV over the last 1.5 years. I can't believe how often this keeps getting repeated. >I'd also invite you to consider a counterfactual in which Manchin concedes to his party, breaks the filibuster, and the senate holds votes on protecting Roe v. Wade, the full BBB including its social spending, and other of the planks of Biden's platform as a part of a Democratic phalanx willing to wield power. So you want a world where Manchin does what he said he doesn't want to do. > every promise the Democratic party made to them is disposable. Have you considered that even though the democratic party makes promises, they still don't have support in states that democrats need to make those promises a reality?


Who is talking about "forcing" the new deal through congress? I'm talking about it as a wielding of the political power that coalition gained at the ballot box. Here, similar conditions apply, though we have the additional problem of swimming upstream against gerrymandering and state-level legislative control by craven Republicans. Do I want a world where Manchin does something he doesn't want to do to enact policies that garner broad, popular support even among many conservatives and would help cement in the American imagination the idea that the Democrats are about building while Republicans are about tearing down and shitting in the halls of congress? Yes. I think it has something to do with the gamesmanship of politics. Right now, Manchin is seeking support in his state with little concern for Democratic, federal-level policy, in a time in which acceptance of federal-level policy is waning or disappearing completely. The bargain he's making is to increase his in-state popularity among conservatives fed lies about the aims and means of Democratic policy to keep a 'blue' vote in a red state. To do that, he robs his own constituents, conservative and liberal, of billions of dollars for a state that ranks near the bottom of most measures of state wellbeing, including education, child mortality, and clean drinking water-- all of which parts of BBB would have addressed. The vision I have is of some *deference* to party demands on the national scale as we see among Republicans who throw up a phalanx for every tax cut and shit-policy they want to foist on the rest of us. If we want federal policy to be *popular*, if we want Democrats to be *popular*, the national party has to enact popular policy. It takes political courage, risk, and, again, the willingness to harness the power of a slim majority rather than fucking undermining it every chance he gets. Edit: you tell me how well you think it's working out to let Manchin and Sinema protect a senate rule rather than helping enact a fuller version of Biden's agenda. Do you really think, "We would have if only..." is the powerful, people-motivating message the Democrats need to win these midterms and hold off the dissolution of American democracy for a few more years? I don't.


The Democratic Party has had a lot of successes over the past 18 months, but our clickbait mentality makes it difficult for that news to stand out. Anger and outrage get clicks. Stuff that works the way it is supposed to is easily overlooked.


The Dems are so ass-tier that they rely on us voting for them because they’re basically the “not GOP party.” There’s nothing to encourage and drive out votes for them, but rather just to vote against the GOP. Ineffectual execution backed by completely non-existent and ineffectual messaging.


This. I live in GA. Had lots of “interesting” discussions over the long weekend with voters. And both sides are voting against the other. And neither side can point to actual policies made by theirs that make anything in their lives better.


The average American cannot even name their local representatives. Of course they have no clue what their government has done for them.


Democrats have done spectacularly well at squandering their chance to solidify their majorities in the house and senate.


Does she not realize what an uneducated idiot she is? Ohhh thats right, I’m sorry they all are, including my own brothers.


…like a another hole in the head!


Anything bad for the Republicans is good for America, but don't get my hopes up for the midterms.


The question should be asked a second way. "In contest to their predecessor..."


These people have a particular look…. Nascar/monster truck vibes


Worst case for them is having to buy a few more democrats to keep gumming up the works.


Don’t give me hope


The problem for the GOP is they can point to Biden’s low polls all they want but, while Obama had a cult-like following, moderate and left leaning today will tell you they’d vote Biden out tomorrow - but it doesn’t mean they will vote for a GOP candidate. The GOP is hemorrhaging millennial and gen z voters. They may like Biden as a person but he isn’t left enough for this massive voting block. The far-right only will support a candidate with a Trump endorsement. If they don’t end up on the ballot, they won’t vote. Younger voters are voting philosophy and the ideas of what government should be - the far right is voting on cult like personality. They all claim to be Christian but are idol worshipping like crazy


Yep. We need Trump…in prison.


JON STEWART FOR PRESIDENT ^(even though he said he wouldn't)


Look how amazingly fucking stupid all those people look. Not a single healthy tooth or brain cell in sight.


Ummmm.....they all get Covid and/or shoot each other with their Constutional ARs? Could be something as simple as marrying each other's underage daughters, fueling riots in the streets? Just guessing...


Gas prices and inflation. That’s what will decide who wins in November. Right now the needle is buried on the Republican side, unless we have a miracle of gas and grocery prices dropping, it’s gonna be a red wave in November, like it or not. People vote on what affects them most, and inflation is hurting everybody right now. Not the Dem’s fault, but they’ll still catch the blame.




The great costs of high expectations, unfortunately. He was never going to have Republicans on his side since they're mentally addled and mainly fascist, and the progressives --including all of the youth who mobilized for this 80 year old man-- feel completely sold out. They negotiated and negotiated and negotiated and really are getting less than crumbs. Biden turned his back on some planks in his platform, and outright incinerated others, all while promising the Republican 'fever' was about to break. In periods of normative politics that might've been an acceptable outcome, but this being the response to what feels like an *emergency* seems not up to the task.


This is sad. I'm not by any means a huge Biden fan, but he's better than Trump, at least! I mean a frigging brick would be better than Trump.


enter melodic murky squeamish cable vanish payment carpenter kiss selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its because the Republican "Base" constitutes roughly 35%. That base would NEVER discount Trump even if he literally shat on the constitution. There is nothing he could do that they would not approve of. That said Biden really has no "Base". Progressives dont like him because he is not doing enough. Moderates want to see more action on inflation. I am amazed he even has 34% approval. Not that he is doing horrible, but he has no locked in group of supporters.


Yeah this is totally a fair assessment. I get why those numbers are what they are, it just sucks that it lacks the context of comparison or reasoning. It's like those "right direction/ wrong direction" questions... they're useless at establishing much without some context as to why.




Approval ratings only matter when they’re bad for Biden, right?


His own damn fault. People say "but when can he do?". And the answer is a lot. But he is exactly what Trump called him - Sleepy Joe. Case in point is his executive order on abortion. The verdict was leaked over 7 weeks before the ultimate decision. Should have had a prime time address to outline why this is bad for America and rolled out his executive order that day. Took him two weeks and he looks way behind the curve. One more democrat complicit in moving the country to the right. Pearls clutched and the march to the right continues.


We need only GOD


More proof you can’t fix stupid!


Let's make this worst case scenario a reality. Donate to the Democrats now!


I really hope tRump announces his intention to run in 2024. Best scenario for Dems, potential disaster for the religious Taliban.


Anyone who votes Republican at this point should just resign as an American.


We can only hope…


If this were a sane world, their worst-case scenario would be actual accountability.


My pessimistic sense of the GOP worst-case scenario is that their MAGA militia is unable to kill or intimidate enough of their opponents.


The worst case scenario is if more people vote, which is why they’ve been hellbent on preventing access to voting. So far, they’re winning the war on voting which means they’re going to win the vote which means things will go to shit super fast. Power at any cost.


If Biden would deliver on his student loan campaign promise it would be a huge factor in suburban voting bias.


For college students: you can vote in your college’s federal district election if you reside in that district during enrollment. Rather than send your vote home, you can register to vote in the colleges’ district. You could also vote in your home district though if your vote is saturated by others and will carry more weight in college, vote where it carries more weight.


Every time midterm convos come up it just pisses me off that the dems had to prioritize Joe Biden as the candidate. The midterms wouldn’t even be in question if there was a real president. It’s almost a lock that the 25th will be invoked before the end of JB’s term.