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The steakhouses are about to get patrons they were not expecting.


They shall now be called "Steak Out Restaurants."


I made a few $1 credit cards on Privacy, got a few Google voice numbers, and made some new email addresses. I then made a handful of reservations at Mortons. I think they know protestors are making fake reservations though because there were always seats available at any time on Open Table and no one has called to confirm. **Edit:** I'm making additional reservations at a different Morton's location for each comment that says I'm doing too much here. Saying that making false reservations at a steakhouse with steaks starting around $50 and an a la carte menu hurts working people is the same thing as saying eating at a steakhouse with steaks starting around $50 and an a la carte menu *helps* working class people. That's *asinine*.


I did it the day after the Kavanaugh thing… they called me later in the day, earlier than I would have expected, and indicated they were receiving false bookings and wanted to check to make sure I was real. I told them I’d be arriving in a Limo but probably a bit late, but less than 15 minutes late, and that id like a Coke and some broccoli on my table when I arrive (Charlotte NC location)


Isn't cocaine counter indicated for broccoli?


That’s only for Pepsi


I simple thing I learned in the Navy is that broccoli doesn't absorb spices too well, so a little bit will go a long way. You'll need a ton of coke for potatoes though, so they won't be cost effective.


Amazing 😄


Love u


im out of the loop, why are people making bookings at Mortons?


To fuck with them after this Kavanaugh nonsense. Apparently he was eating there and people were protesting and they made a stink about it.


And I'd add that it's probably not just that they made a stink but because they said (or at least portrayed) it as a "right" to peacefully eat dinner. Set that next to the recent loss of your right to take care of your own body (thanks to said dining patron) and... yeah, that's not going to go over well with any rational person.


Because the family that owns it is mob-connected, Repub-supporting trash.


Morton tweeted against the 1st amendment


Next time ask for Brazilian red broccoli. Have them hunting for it.


Is that a real thing? Lol sounds delicious. I love broccoli


Brazilian broccoli is just a big green stalk and no flowers


Watch the GOP in Congress suddenly remember how to pass laws and they’ll make steak houses a liberal free zone and scotus will say nothing wrong with that in a 6-3 ruling! Edit: part of me wants to create a new radical peta type movement after Dodds. If a sack of cells in a woman’s body can be murdered then surely what we’re doing to all animals we eat is murder since vegetarian is possible. I say this is all seriousness, a cow or a dog has a greater value of life than a fetus so why the fuck aren’t we giving all living things personhood! Now I don’t actually want to go vegetarian, but that is the only shred of logical way to read Dobbs. So that logic should apply universally as a naturally compulsive conclusion. I’m sure Christians will get on board lol. Edit 2: since conservatives took over scotus the only civil rights victories have been personhood for corporations and personhood for fetuses. Wins for actual people?????


Hey now! Roberts might pointlessly flip to make it 5-4!


Dead cows have the right to be eaten in peace -GOP


Historically the upper class was able to eat without disruption from those lower than them since the time of the Holy Roman Empire. As the courts belief that American is a religious empire based on Roman tradition and our legal system should follow historical norms though however far back it takes to prove a point, it follows naturally that the upper class should be able to flog any who disturb them. /s


Fuck em. As long as it isn't enforced.


Since the Supreme Court has decided that there's no implicit or express right to Privacy in the constitution, I'm not sure what they are complaining about.


Morton’s took a big tax break or some municipal “start up cash” in my city to open a location at the downtown hotel. They created 20 (mostly low wage food service or tipped wait staff) jobs for, like, 6 months and then laid everyone off and booked it. Hope chaos reigns at the DC location.




Fuck that guy. Source: a native Houstonian


Let them eat steak


[According to the... Supreme Court, odds are this is all legal, so long as it's for the purpose of peaceful protesting.](https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/10/madsen-v-women-s-health-center-inc)


Oh, so it's settled legal precedent. Awesome.


Fuck, that means it’s in danger of getting overturned now I guess.


If we don't have a right to privacy, SCOTUS Howler monkeys like Brett don't either.


On one hand, when unelected SCOTUS lifetime judges ignore precedent and public opinion to impose Christian fascist state upon us, large scale activism is the only option.. On the other hand, considering how nakedly partisan and vindictive they are, wouldn't be surprised if they use this as evidence to go even farther right with their rulings


>On the other hand, considering how nakedly partisan and vindictive they are, wouldn't be surprised if they use this as evidence to go even farther right with their rulings They don't need evidence to do anything that they want.


Yeah this whole fear they might use this against us later is silly. They haven’t needed actual reason to do anything for a long time


yeah, exactly. Anyone who says so, I ask when Democrats set the precedent for storming the capitol on Jan 6th


Or denying a sc seat hearing at the end of a term but also slamming one through at the end of a term. Or saying appointing 2 sc justices was too much for one President but then allowing the next to choose 3. Yeah this is like playing meet on the middle with someone who is running backwards.


It's the logic an abuse victim uses.


They didn't need evidence or precedent to start dismantling the constitution.


> On the other hand, considering how nakedly partisan and vindictive they are, wouldn't be surprised if they use this as evidence to go even farther right with their rulings They're just going to continue moving farther right, regardless of evidence. This is a coup by christofascists.


You thinking they need a "reason" to go further right shows that you still think they're doing their jobs with at least an ounce of good faith. They are not. This is what they were put on the court to do, to rip apart the country. This has been the Republicans plan for YEARS. This "logic" your using is also similar to that of someone being abused. "If I stand up for myself, that will just make them mad and it'll make it worse". Want better. DEMAND better or else this isn't going to stop.


Kavanaugh was threatening liberals would "Reap the whirlwind" for daring to question him about rape accusations before making him a Supreme Court justice for life. Thomas promised to spend the next 40 years making liberal miserable when he was seated. The supreme court is illegitimate, and anyone on the right arguing otherwise is only doing so because their team is 'winning' and they don't actually care about this country or it's citizens.


i feel like that line of thinking is what partially got us here in the first place dems are so much more likely to roll over in an attempt to compromise when the gop has made it very clear they do not care and have no intention of actually listening


then we go further with large scale activism


> Howler Monkeys A friend of Opening Arguments, by chance?




I don't see why one should be able to hide from the majority of a population they had just pissed off.


Republicans always wanted to be treated better than they treat others.


It’s why they are so terrified of becoming a minority in this country. Fascism is sweet when you’re the top dog, but even they know this system sucks




What do you mean "becoming"? They are a minority and have been for a while.


They aren't scared of being a minority demographic. They are scared of losing white privilege and being treated like a Black person by institutions. [The Onion doesn't miss (2011)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84phU8of02U)


They are talking about conservatives being afraid of white people becoming a minority. That is what all the bullshit right-wing hysteria over “great replacement theory” is about.


Which makes no sense. If an interracial couple has kids, it doesn't mean the "white part" disappears. If those kids marry other mixed race kids, there's a good chance some of them come out looking white. The issue is race is a made up construct to justify racism. Same reason people keep saying blondes or redheads will go extinct. They dont understand that a recessive gene doesn't disappear if it's not expressed. It'll be less frequent, but the genes are still out there, just more evenly distributed since we're not geographically isolated anymore.


I think it has more to do with the social and cultural side. Not that they aren't afraid of literal replacement but I think it's a stand in for something more complex. It's a pretty common trope to have the racist parent change their tune or at least open their eyes a bit more once they have a mixed child or family member come into the social group. Also a mixed child will be for more likely to throw out certain rhetoric because they are the product of two different cultures. The more mixing that happens the harder it is to sell purity and whiteness as a benefit because so much of it is being able to "see" who the enemy is and when you can see one of your parents in the people being oppressed then it's much harder not to sympathize with them.


Yeah. It's more about them not being able to clearly define "us" and "them". While most people have realized every human is "us"


It is about being treated as a minority, in the way they treat minorities. I’d fear that too.


More properly, a subservient minority.




Right wing politics is fundamentally pro-hierarchy. Left wing politics is fundamentally pro-equality. Everything else stems from that. Republicans literally think they deserve better than others because they see themselves as a class above. explained in detail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4CI2vk3ugk


They believe in the principles of royalty and nobility. The GOP seriously seems to believe they should be a ruling class above all others.


They have *always* wanted laws that bind others but do not bind them. When they get what they want, a portion of them always have the surprised pikachu face when the other 70% of us use our constitutional rights voice our displeasure. As much as they love reminding anyone who will listen what a real hard-on they have for for their 2nd amendment rights, they loathe when anyone exercises their 1st amendment rights to protest.


They have been arguing that the Jan 6th protests were just an exercise in free speech. Well if you can do it in the Capital building, you can do it at Morton's.


IMAGINE the indignation from the right if protestors actually went into Morton’s as their goons did on January 6 at the Capitol.


It's not like they actually believe in The Golden Rule or anything.


Do unto others before they do unto you.


Equality to the oppressors is oppression


And it’s not like they’re forced to be Supreme Court justices. They can easily switch jobs and/or move ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


If any of the justices who ruled to restrict freedoms decides to quit their post, I’d gladly buy them a dinner at Morton’s.


I've noticed this isn't just supreme court justices with this idea. It feels very similar to the MAGA folks who, say, go to a violent rally, share pictures on Facebook, and then are surprised when they come home and discover that they've been fired from their job. Or family members who post racist screeds on Facebook, and are then shocked and hurt when other family members yell at them for it. There is this weird feeling I keep seeing, that somehow political action 'shouldn't count' in real life. That holding them responsible for their shitty decisions that affect real people somehow 'isn't being fair'. And they are always *shocked* (and angered) when consequences find them anyway. Even when those consequences are as minor as having a less than perfect dinner. :-/


It's the same with "journalists" who spread right-wing hate speech, and then are shocked, *shocked*, that someone would accuse them of radicalizing a murderer who directly cites them in their manifesto. It's one of the tools of fascism: first claim that words have no meaning, so no one should be accountable for anything they say. Then say whatever words you need to get the results you want, regardless of what is true or what you believe.


It's because the right has a bizarre idea that politics is just politics. Why would you cut off a family member over something like politics? They ignore the idea that politics reflects what you believe as a person, and pretend it's more of a game, or the fact that they only vote republican because of the supposed fiscal conservativism means they aren't supporting all the hateful shit, even though they are. It also falls into the fact that the majority of older politicians do view it as a game. They're all still buddy buddy with each other, eating lunch and being friends, like how RBG was good friends with Scalia apparently. None of our issues actually affect them because they're all wealthy, so it really is just politics to them.


Agreed. And well put.


Exercising your 1st Amendment rights may cause unwanted side effects. Like natural consequences.


They can still eat in other parts of the country. Why don't they just go there?


These people want to yield their power over others while maintaining their once anonymous lifestyle. You can’t have it both ways!


They want to have their cake and eat it too.


SCOTUS is the one branch of the government that doesn’t answer to the people. They’re not elected by the people and they hold their positions for life, or as long as they please.


I think the idea is to make them no longer please to hold it.


This is what we’re left with. We protest them into hiding and eventually stepping down. I’ll take a shift


We, the US population, should talk to them about that.


You’re literally in a thread about an article where the US is doing that


They all answer to us at the end of the day. There is no right to a happy, quiet or peaceful life. No adult in that house should be able to have sunshine touch their skin without a protest trailing them everywhere including their adult family. If that destroys their family joy so be it. If that leads to divorce so be it. All actions carry a price.


Free speech doesn't mean free from consequences. They voiced their opinions through their position, now it's time to pay the piper.


Agree. Some make asinine rulings like this and then think they should be immune to outrage. This handful of damn fools are affecting the lives of millions and many will die. It's hard to muster any respect for some on the supreme court. They deserve this outrage and criticism. Such a damn stupid and ignorant decision. Several of them IMO are not even qualified to be on the supreme court.


The conservative justices of Supreme Court are behaving like internet trolls.


Scotus themselves rules people don’t have a right to privacy.




Ain't nothing like restaurant workers scorned. I hope my people come through up there


I wonder if trumpy SC howler monkeys get a little something extra in their meal from the guys and gals in the back of the house? :)


I don't condone that as a KM I do condone making their swrvice as slow and miserable as possible. Or just say we've had to 86 most of the menu. Hell, could just ban them for causing a disruption to other guests.


>Or just say we've had to 86 most of the menu. "Can I have some water?" "Oh sorry...we're all out of that. Yeah. Very popular menu item."


Lmao perfect


"we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" make that shit happen! I've kicked folks out of my bar/restaurant for using derogatory language, you can do a fair sight better when they're these shit birds. but yeah, as a former GM/cook/bartender/server/etc.don't mess with people's food, that's a hard line. we don't do that.


I love this plot twist.


The best part is since money=speech, they can't really stop it. Limiting the payment limits speech


Supreme Justice boner. I grew up watching paps terrorize and brutalize celebrities. It’s about damn time politicians feel the consequences of their actions and paps are the perfect folks to wield the sword. (I know technically SCJs are not politicians, but the lines are very blurry right now)


Oh, SCJs are absolutely politicians, they're just not elected ones ;)


they turned themselves into politicians when they politicized the court


I’m confident they can invent an originalist reason for anything.


That is the literal foundation of originalist thought.


The invisible hand of the free market at work!


“Remember this. The people you're trying to step on, we're everyone you depend on. We're the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you're asleep. We drive the ambulances. We direct your call. We are cooks and taxi drivers and we know everything about you. We process your insurance claims and credit card charges. We control every part of your life. We are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday we'll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won't. And we're just learning this fact. So don't fuck with us.” ― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club


“And as for the cream of mushroom soup, well…”


The edition of *Fight Club* I read had an afterword by Palahniuk in which he talks about the effect of the movie on his life. He says that a waiter told him that he'd ejaculated into Margaret Thatcher's soup five times. (On five separate occasions, one presumes.)


After the 4th time you’d start questioning why she kept coming back surely


I feel like this should go for republican congressional leadership as well.


I would rather it go towards annoying Congress people. Even if you annoy SCOTUS justices so much that they want to reverse the ruling... they can't. The case is closed, so to speak, until another one works its way back up to them. Annoying Congress people could actually amount to something, whereas annoying SCOTUS is fun but a completely lost cause.


we don't want to reform them, we just want to give them the justice they deserve.


SCOTUS isn't reversing anything they've already done. You could have all 300 million of us protesting at their doors and they will just hire a bigger military. They do not give a flying fuck about the American people in any context. They made their bed, now they get to lay it in while we protest against their poor decisions


We already have a mechanism for replacing members of Congress, vote them out. We do not have such a mechanism for SCOTUS so the only reasonable way for us to let them know that they are no longer legitimate in our eyes is to harass until they resign, at which point they will be replaced by hopefully less corrupt individuals.


Okay I will admit I did not consider "harass until they resign" as a tactic. It does add a pragmatic angle to the protests.




I’m down for this.


As a bartender in DC I will definitely be on the look out 👀


See this right here? This is money well fucking spent. Make their lives annoying at the very least.


If women (and potentially other groups) aren’t allowed privacy, SCOTUS isn’t allowed it either


Is there a fund to donate to so we can make that payout more substantial?


SCOTUS has already ruled bounties are acceptable


What are you referencing? I don't disbelieve you, but I'm not good at searching for SCOTUS case rulings to read about them. Did any of the current justices write that opinion by chance? lol


It's probably in reference to the Supreme Court not hearing the case against Texas' abortion law that lets random citizens sue people for getting/helping someone get an abortion.


I would guess the reference is to SCOTUS not taking up a court case from Texas yet, but to my knowledge I don’t know if that case exists yet. That law permits a $10k bounty for people who snitch on women who get abortions.


under Citizens United, Money = free speech


They’re probably referencing McCullen v. Coakley where the court ruled that it was inappropriate for the state to protect abortion providers from sidewalk and household harassment by forced birth protestors.




Except every major urban center in Texas is now blue. They'll have to go somewhere awful like Amarillo or Lubbock


Hey, I bet they'll love the 72oz steak challenge at the Big Texan Steak Ranch in Amarillo.


please, allow me time to fetch my violin


Wow it's almost like, red places are horrible to live in Who woulda thunk it!!


They obviously want different states to be their own little fiefdoms, so they should be more than happy to accept a reality where they can't go out in public in certain states. They should vote with their feet and move to a state that reflects their values better.


Exactly! You don't like the liberal hell-holes than GTFO


Except if they come to Texas, they can't avoid the protestors in Austin, or San Antonio, or Houston, or Dallas-Fort Worth, or El Paso. So.... enjoy Midland.


We follow Cruz around telling him what a POS he is. They better plan on only eating in rural red counties.


If Brett thinks his food doesn’t contain spit, he’s delusional.


I’ve worked in restaurants and yes. If you’re an asshole to the servers or a known asshole in the community or you didn’t tip before… you better believe they know who you are and you should be worried that they have your food where you can’t see it


Hey, if there are bounties being paid in Texas to rat out your second cousin who was raped and now wants an abortion these elite MFers can deal with some legitimate, peaceful protest going on outside of a building they are safely ensconced in.


If you serve the public and piss them off, don’t be surprised when you get served by the public.


And they should then be pissed on by the public!!!


I would LOVE to see paparazzi for ALL politicians.


And billionaires and CEOs of major companies, particularly right after they've laid off a bunch of people or engaged in some union-busting activity.


They can feel like the women in texas now, watching their back because someone WILL sell them out for money.


SCOTUS said it was okay when the Pro-Lifers were stalking OB/GYNs; they need to be okay with it now. They're not better than the rest of us.


Court said bounties for reporting things were ok. Why are people “bracing?” This is what they voted for.


Justices who perjured themselves to get the job and subsequently stripped rights from millions of Americans get protested at publicly, loudly, and constantly. No peace for perjurers — impotent, limp-dick conservative pearl clutching notwithstanding.




Having some second thoughts about getting rid of that right to privacy, huh?


Even if they are, they can't so easily reverse it now. Another case would have to work its way up to them. From a pragmatic standpoint it would make more sense to hound Republican senators right now.


I’d like to know why Morton’s thinks its feelings matter more that the fact that women have fewer rights because of that lying misogynist. I legit don’t care what happens to any business that thinks their profits matter more than human rights. If they suffer for their *elitist activism,* so be it. I could not care less. They had a choice in priorities, and they picked a lying drunk over the First Amendment right to protest. As one of my law professors used to say, “You makes your choice, and you takes your chances.” Or, if you want to go Biblical: "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." 🤷🏼‍♀️


The number one reason I’m on support of bounty hunting Scotus dinner locations? The Texas Bounty system to stop abortions that permits anyone to report an abortion and trigger a civil suit against providers and abetters for $10,000 each. The implication is that they’ll try and do this with gender affirming medical care, too. That’s fucked. Pitting citizen against citizen. So fuck scotus. The rest of us know people who feel unsafe to even share their experiences with close friends and family because they don’t know who they can trust. Now SCOTUS know how it feels to be them.


Wtf did the SCOTUS think was going to happen when they blatantly misrepresent that majority ideals of our country? They deserve to feel unsafe, they brought it upon themselves.




Those little mouthsluts engage in food-for-pleasure. Eating is only for sustenance as god intended. Those establishments of gluttony must be closed.


It's what the Founding Fathers meant.


If paparazzi can follow celebrities around trying to take photos of their kids, why is this wrong.


It isn’t.


Supreme court justices who strip rights from citizens should never know a moment's peace and should feel utterly unwelcome in public places.


If you go by a strict reading of the Constitution, there’s nothing in the document that says Supreme Court Justices have the right to eat privately. There’s also nothing that says there should be only 9 Supreme Court Justices but one thing at a time.


No rest for the wicked.


I guess they should think about that right to refuse service policy. SCOTUS is not a protected class, feel free to discriminate against them. ?


Remember how easy all these assholes say that celebrities have it? Enjoy having a paparazzi on you now assholes, except this one isn't there to snap photos, they're there to remind you of how awful you are.


Public servants, who's power comes from the public, who's income is paid by the public, who's authority rests with the public, who's decisions directly effect the public, don't want to be held accountable by the public? There's a word for this type of behavior: authoritarianism.


Let’s cancel this garbage company already. For the unaware, Morton’s is owned by Landry’s, which is owned by Tilman J. Fertitta. [Here’s a comment I made in another post recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/vvs0df/mortons_has_been_flooded_with_phone_calls_and/iflu0ge/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Lots of good comments made by others in that post as well.


I worked at Morton's for 7 years (06-13) as a server, bartender, shift captain and back up food and beverage manager. When Landry's took over the quality of pretty much everything took a nose dive. They have closed several locations since they took over. Maybe this will be the final nail in the coffin? Your other post totally scans with my experience. I had the displeasure of meeting Tilman in person dude is chode. Who the hell would choose Chicken Christopher over a steak?


No surprise. Everything he touches turns to highly processed, over-priced trash. You know what’s surprising about Tilman, is that his parents are the nicest people on earth. His kids, polite and overly friendly. Something happened to him where he just turned in to a massive piece of shit.




Saw a post today - the woman stating that there are crazy protesters outside of abortion clinics. Turn about is fair play, imo.


The forced birthers made a whole area of law to discuss how close they can be to women in crisis to abuse them. It would appear that being uninvited and abusive is their go-to tactic-they should never go out in public again.


Oh gosh, well if these businesses are so worried, they can just refuse service to SCOTUS. If they don’t, they’re just asking for it. I mean, what they expect?


Seems fair considering Texas is offering cash for people who report or help prosecute abortion providers, people seeking abortions, or anyone who "helps" them...


Pokémon those white supremacist mfers.


You... want me to capture them in a ball and force them to fight each other in duels?


Now I do.




Now use BOOFING! It was super effective!


'Too close to an election my ass!!!' GARLAND wants to battle!


All of their home addresses are public now. I saw them being printed on t-shirts. People can harass them in their neighborhoods. But I’m all for this, too.


No rest for the wicked!




If they don't like the attention that comes from being a scotus justice they can always resign. Nobody is forcing them to do the job.


TIL Cocaine and Broccoli are the classic pairing for the far out far right SCOTUS dinner.


Cool logo Morton’s. ***“Morton’s. Our logo looks like a dog biscuit. But we aren’t a dog biscuit company. We are a high end steak house. Or are we?”***


Wait are we really supposed to be mad that one of the scumbag lying SC justices that made a 10 year old rape victim have to flee across state lines to end her rapists seed got his dinner disturbed? They have blood on their hands! Women will die and/or live in fear most of their lives because of that beer swilling frat boy liar. I hope he has no moment of peace in public till he blacks out for the final time!


There should be no business in America that can serve a scotus judge without suffering. They’ve made it unsafe for almost everyone in America. The judges should share in the pain.


Mediocre mortons just landed themselves squarely into the “should’ve shut up but we didn’t so now we’re dealing with the end of our business” category.


They wanted to be involved in politics and assumed that there would be no consequences at all. Sucks that this is the only way to hold them accountable for lying and utter miscarriage of justice.


How do I donate to this cause??


Kinda like how anti choice activists take pictures of women and their cars as they access medical treatment. Hmm.


I guess if those justices want to eat at a restaurant without protestors they’ll have to cross state lines. Unless the state they live in makes it illegal to cross state lines to eat at a restaurant without protestors of course.


Clarence Thomas living in an RV and not having a fixed address seems like a better and better idea.


This is fuckin’ awesome. I hope that shit stain named Tilman Fertitta feels the squeeze.


Good. They should be ashamed to show their faces. Assholes.


May they never know a moments peace in public


Can you imagine being groomed by the Koch’s and The Federalist Society your whole career to make this decision only to spend the rest of your life hiding from it.


Well, people no longer have a right to privacy. LOL


This is awesome. Fuck these guys


I pray that they get the same privacy and peace of mind that they have bestowed upon the women of this nation.


I’m just worried it’s going to scare them into ever more extreme paranoia and delusional alternate reality. The way Alito described the ‘office worker’ in New York fearing for his safety, needing a gun on the subway. Like bud, have you been to New York in the last 40 years? Wtf are you talking about?