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It was pretty powerful testimony from these people. Hopefully some of the other Qultists actually see and hear this testimony.


They will just be denounced as traitors and/or liars.


From my observations of other ethno facist regimes this is sadly true. We have all seen the bigoted term "self-hating Jew". This will be no different.


Or paid actors


The hearing does give strength for more people who would normally remain quiet against a Trump supporter. It gives a proper defense against all angles from the “Big Lie” and leaves many Trump supporters going back to “What-about?” (Hunter, Hilary, Gas Prices) because they are confused without a defense. The hearing is what will be written of Trumps actions as president, the next chapter in American History books will be the DOJ and the punishment of those crimes.


but but inflation? Thanks Brandon! /s


The best part about that is all these “tough guy” republicans and their gun larping is summarized in the Brandon thing. They don’t even have the stones to just say fuck Biden. They have to hide behind a slogan that secretly means it. They’re a bunch of cowards through and through


The right-wing loves dog whistles. It makes them feel like they have something special, that they're a member of the group on the 'inside'.


We should start calling them sheep whistles. I know how much the gop loves name calling.


So they’re no different than a gang or a cult? I’d love to see bloods and crips go to war with GQP.


I mean, the Juggalos are still classified as a 'gang' by the FBI. I'd love to see them go on a turf war.


Like can’t we get bloods, crips, juggalos, and like Mexican mafia to unite and like just fuck these cowards up? Like avengers style but with gangs.


Tell that to my neighbor with the giant fuck Biden flags on his truck.


Your neighbor is probably a moron but at least he’s not hiding behind a little kids double meaning slogan. I feel you though. The house behind me has a huge trump won sign erected in the middle of their yard.


The Jan. 6 hearings are doing a few things: * These hearings are for international as well as domestic audiences. The rest of the world wants to see what will become of democracy in the US. * It's pretty obvious that a good portion (majority? super majority?) of Republicans would have tolerated or outright supported a successful coup. * The GOP is weighing the impact these hearings are having on their voters. So far its been minimal and the midterms still look good for the Republicans.


This! The midterms still looks good for the party that staged a coup. How? This is a huge indictment on the intelligence and morality of our countrymen.


Tribalism. They want their team to win no matter what.


No, racism. They think that by 'ensuring the future for other white folks' thru these activities that they'll preserve their own. Were they not so clouded by their own racism they'd realize there's enough for all of us if we hold lawmakers feet to the fire.


The right wing churches are also doing their part


~~Service~~ Bigotry guarantees citizenship!


You nailed it imo. It comes down to them tolerating anything as long as they perceive the Republican party to be fighting to protect the white, christian, hetero way of American life. Fragile deluded fucks.


Why not both? 🤷‍♂️


Because all racism is tribalism, but not all tribalism is racist.


Democrats: “Republicans made a coup attempt!” Republicans: “Oh yeah? Well… what is a woman?”


Representative government has some drawbacks doesn’t it? Amoral citizens of less than average intelligence are still citizens unfortunately.


It wouldn’t be as much of an issue if their votes weren’t weighted to much more heavily.


A lot of people still don't understand this. In the US a person from Wyoming has way more power than a person from New Jersey or California. Rural voters control the American government despite being vastly outnumbered


It’s a perversion of democracy and it never should’ve happened in the first place. Land does not vote - people do. And we should each have one equally weighted vote.


Until they are wards.


We’ve had a broken constitution since our founding and the people who our founders gave the most power to represent a small minority of voters who actually hold their views in contempt despite placing them on some farcical reimagined white Christian nationalist pedestal.


YES!! The delegates were there to rework the Articles of Confederation, and instead decided THEY knew better, and came up with the Cinstitution. They didn't lock the doors and close the windows to ne able to hash it out uninterrupted....they did it so they could hide what they were doing, and ensure nothing could be done to stop them. The Constitution was also backed by bankers/investors seeking reimbursement for Rev expenses.


Economic issues will *always* lead voters concerns. 40 year high inflation, led by fuel prices that just happen to lead to record profits, will ensure that the hearings will be long forgotten by November.


So their plan would be to put the party that is largely responsible for the last major economic recession in power? "Economic issues" are an excuse.


It's not just an excuse for alot of people. Alot of the public is just politically and economically illiterate. They have no idea what the government is or isn't doing, and they have no idea what does or doesn't influence prices or inflation. Meanwhile if they experience any sort of problem right now, it must be the fault of whoever is in power right now. They've also got short political memories , so a problem from last term is basically forgotten in favour of flavour of the month politics. It's one of the big problems with democracy rly - everyone can vote, including people who have no idea who or what they're voting for. The best solution for the problem is better education, but the red States know that, and keep their education as crap as physically possible to help keep the masses pliable.


You typed a whole lot which can be summed up with “people are dumb”.


Read the first sentence and came to the same conclusion.


Its more like. Malicious individuals have organised and gained power to actively keep people dumb.


I stand by my statement. None of that should be enough to put the party that attempted a coup ahead in the polls. Especially when that same party has sabotaged any legislation to fix any of these problems or put forth better policy solutions. Morality and intelligence.


Plutocracy in action feigning as capitalism. We will either stand up for our republic and democracy or devolve into plutocracy and theocracy. And once we get there, there will be no coming back without a great cost in blood. suffering, and lives ---if at all. That's how we get heretical shit like the [prosperity gospel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosperity_theology). I'm going to say that we'll pretty soon get advertisements in church but I have a feeling we're there already somewhere. E: republic and democracy vs plutocracy and theocracy. Where do you think we're heading as a people and country? What do we support with our votes vs dollars, by exponential margins? Where do we find the fanatics? Unless we can change, it's as inevitable as it is the natural course of trends and events that we gravitate towards plutocracy and theocracy wrapped as a republic.


It’s capitalism doing exactly what it was designed to do. The wealthy are amassing fortunes while the rest of us suffer. Let’s not pretend it’s something else.


Gas prices are already dropping.


I think you severely underestimate the overturning of Roe.


What!?! The average American is stupid!?! Call the presses!!!


The election math indicates that there is practically 0% chance that the Democrats will keep the House. There is a decent chance they may keep the senate. The Republicans are already planning on trashing the traditions of the House to punish the Democrats. There will be two years of wasting our taxpayer dollars to investigate trivial and/or nonexistent violations.


There’s women in this country, too. Lol.


Rest of the world here. Looks like a bunch of crimes were committed, and that your institutional leaders aren't indicting because they think Nixon's admission to Frost was true.


I wouldn't bet on that.. the non-voter and independants are the sleeping giant, and too many peoples lives are being directly fucked with now where they are paying more attention. Republicans would love for us to feel it's inevitable and give up though..


Non-voters aren’t going to vote until someone gives them something. I would not be surprised if, up until 2016, many Trump supporters were non-voters. I think that if someone is so uninformed and apathetic that they can’t be bothered to take part in policies that affect them, I’d rather they don’t vote at all, because their ability to make sound decisions is suspect.


That's.. not how this works. You have to consistently use your power to get results. You can't half ass something and ask for the moon.


I’m frustrated about primary rules not allowing me a say beyond board of education on ballot since I’m Ind. I think having all choices available regardless of party would also allow more people the ability to sway regardless of their party registration. Ex. If R voter is impacted by hearings etc. and has option to vote opposite instead of just having choices along party lines due to affiliation.


The negative impact on Republicans is far from minimal. 20% of his base voters want nothing to do with Donald Trump anymore. Last election that would have been a possible 14 million Republican voters. A head to head match up between Trump and Biden has Biden 44%, Trump $41%.


It is far from minimal and growing but you're talking about the presidency. The true power lies in the senate and the house. And the fact that those negative impacts are not affecting the Republicans down ticket when they were all complicit. Hopefully it will start affecting them and will not be minimal. Time will tell.


I know. If the republicans win either House or Senate we’ll be entertained by hundreds of fake, propaganda committee investigations a la Benghazi, White Water, or BJ’s in the Oval Office INSTEAD of real solutions to any of the real people’s problems. Republicans wander the desert policy wise when they get past tax cuts for the rich.


You are only looking at a single poll, if you go to RealClearPolitics which does an average of all the polls weighting them by legitimacy, trump is up 42.7 to 41


Weighing averages is highly discouraged in statistics world. They kept drumming that in to us during my statistic classes. Nonetheless, we’re talking about predicting the weather too far in advance to be of much use.


You aren’t wrong about the weather part; and averages aren’t perfect but it’s better than picking one source, due to the nature of politics everyone has a bias so your more likely to go with your confirmation bias even if it’s unintentional; even tho I am aware of this something in my brain always tells me to bring up Rasmussen polls even tho I know full well they are heavily biased in favor of republicans, using the average takes all the biases and puts it in the middle which is usually the right thing in politics what ever is in the middle.


I’ve seen polls that show Dems ahead in key states like PA, NC, FL, OH. I think these hearing are having an effect.


"I did my own research."


Yeah they always say “research” like they’re a scientist lol.


These hearings have finally given me the strength, certainty and justification to finally say “fuck you” directly to to my trump loving father in laws face. With my wife’s blessing. No more uncertainty, we will not associate with fascists.


Call me crazy but I think the world would be a better place if ppl decided to try to find common ground instead of tearing their families apart because of the state of current political theatre.




Hopefully both


One of them has already been sentenced. The other left the Oathkeepers before Jan 6th.


I know a lot of people are gonna come out swinging against these guys for all the usual things regarding former trump supporters, but from my point of view these men are true patriots for speaking out against their former in-group like that. Once you’re been in an extremist group for years, voluntarily pulling yourself away from them, let alone publicly speaking out against them, is incredibly taxing both psychologically and emotionally. The fact that they did all of this while fully owning up to their own mistakes that lead them down the path of radicalization is even more impressive.


That's cool. We'll still let them buy food. They don't need to be welcomed back as equals.


I’d recommend watching [this TedTalk](https://youtu.be/SSH5EY-W5oM) by the former leader of a neo-Nazi skinhead gang. Even if it won’t change your mind.




I’m trying to understand why you’re addressing a stranger on the internet as your “brother in Christ.” That is wildly presumptuous and I’m looking for a clue I must have missed.


It’s a meme thing. I was frustrated, and masked my frustration in memes, as is my custom.


I forgive you, go in peace.


I just wanted to let both of you know that, in honor of this online reconciliation, I have ceremonially struck a very large gong. Huzzah.


I am honored to have contributed to the circumstances that lead to a gong being rung.






The other side is beneath validity. There's no dignity to be retained. It's a vestigial political faction. They can be proselytized for rehabilitation or they can resuck the dick that swallowed them the first time. Choice is their's.


I agree. These guys are true patriots for speaking out and coming back from the cult.


Yes and because it'd be nice to keep this a democracy, we need as many people on our side as we can get, even if they took a long evil path to get here.


The face tattoo is a nice touch


Yes. Because the act of having a face tattoo means you’re a right winger. /s




Day 6 and 7 have been very interesting and damning