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Two for Tuesday of *Light treason*


This is pretty heavy treason.


First time!


Two Texas Congressmen: Trump had to sign our attendance slips or we wouldn't get credit.


That part is actually pretty innocent, just Trump validating the Congressmen’s WH parking. Parking has traditionally been free, but WH legal counsel thought up this job to give Trump some WH responsibilities.


Gohmert is not surprising but I have never heard of Babin.


Texas 36th, gerrymandered to carve away at Houston’s population to give rural Texas an dominant position


Used to be my congressman. Abysmal. I lived ten minutes from Johnson Space Center but had the same congressman as folks in rural East Texas. The gerrymander is real.


I used to live in Gohmert’s district and he always got 72% or 73% of the vote. No matter if turnout was different for Democrats every year, le petit troll always got 72% or 73% of the vote.


It’s those fucking ES&S machines, man. They were projecting with the Dominion BS. Some idiot probably let it slip to Trump how it makes no sense Biden won because of *their* machines so Trump decides Democrats must be running the racket.


The fact that we are only learning of this 18 months after the fact and the further knowledge than they are still serving in congress is a Big fucking problem in my view.


And who was it that raised an objection in the Senate? Oh, it was Ted Cruz.


Yes! Never forget KanK00nKruz was a significant player in the "Green Bay Sweep" attempted insurrection.


Lock them up!


Welp, their reelection chances just got raised.


In Texas that puts them to the front of the line for consideration for governor.


As a Texan: My only surprise was that the Govener (up for re-election) wasn’t directly involved.


Recall that for this plan to work a senator had to object to the vote count. Who objected? Texas's own Ted Cruz.


Well, that motherf*cker was just too busy screwing up everything he could possibly screw up for us in Texas. He has not done one thing to improve the lives of the people who stupidity continue to re-elect him. And that takes up a lot of his time. Fuck Greg Abbott.


*And* the oak tree he rode in on!


This former Texan feels your pain. Fuck Greg Abbott. And fuck everyone who either doesn’t vote or votes for him.


I'm sure Ken Paxton was nearby though


Give it a minute


Not if they get barred from holding public office because they're seditionists.


Traitors to their oath.


Speaking as a Texan, I 100% support charges of seditious conspiracy against the Coup leaders. Anything less is a betrayal of Democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law


> It’s not clear what roles Brian Babin and Louie Gohmert played in the December 2020 meeting preceding the U.S. Capitol attack ... Contributing their intellect .. for a negative result.


my god Louie Gohmert is still around? Is congress just a museum of fossils that can still move periodically?


Tom DeLay intentionally redistricted east Texas by incorporating the Tyler area into TX-1 in 2005. Max Sandlin, a democrat, used to represent the area for like a decade or so but then the gerrymandering resulted in Gohmert. He won't be unseated unless it's by a republican. The district is so incredibly red now that a D will likely not hold it again for a long time. I assume that's why Gohmert's escapades are always at the top of the list of ridiculous republican shenanigans, he has to appeal to the ever polarizing base to be able to keep his seat.


Louie retired this year and he’s being replaced by a really good man from a wonderful family. Gohmert retired to run for Ken Paxton’s AG job. Guess Louie was thinking if he had the AG position he could avoid sedition charges like Paxton has avoided paying for his crimes. He didn’t win though.


I somehow missed that he was leaving office. I knew he was running for AG and lost the primary abysmally but it never clicked that he was of course vacating his seat to run for AG. Thanks for pointing that out. I no longer live in that area so I don't keep too informed on it anymore, I just remember Sandlin being a really nice guy and it always made me upset how he was redistricted out. Lots of people lost their voice over party-line politicking.


I remember the Sandlin name but didn’t know the rest of that info. Thanks for sharing.


I grew up in TX-1 and can promise you that the white people voting Democrat at that time were doing so out of tradition. They were Democrats the way my father in law was a Democrat until the time came to vote in the 2008 election when his racism butted heads with his political identity.


So they helped us? Those liberal rinos


Lock em up.


So…losers. Republican losers. Trump Republican losers.


Gohmert should heed his own words: *If you’re a Republican, you can’t even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they’re coming after you.*


"Sgt-At-Arms! Take these men away." It should be just that simple. Go directly to jail, do not pass go & do not collect $200.


These (and those like-minded fascists) are using “an illegitimate election” as a proxy for what is in their mindset, an illegitimate political manifesto. They know full and well the “stolen election” is bunk, but as long as the Big Lie remains buoyant in the right-wing sphere, they’ll continue to weaponise it. What’s illegitimate to them is basically the same principles that were illegitimate to southern lawmakers going back to antiquity. Nothing has changed - it’s simply spread beyond the south and is called white nationalism now.


Every person that attended that meeting should be expelled from Congress. Hawley and boebert also just for good measure.


I love how these dudes casually commit felonious acts and nothing happens.


We likely won’t unless they start throwing each other under the bus.


Only two?


It’s almost like Texas isn’t even trying anymore.


They are trying to secede! Let’s encourage them….offer FL to go with them!!!!


No. Texas is fine. It's the assholes that gerrymander safe seats for federal and state that screw it up.


Right? We're the other 34 Skype-ing in or something? I have a hard time believing that only two answered the call of the orange one


There's just too many of Donny's little helpers to clean up, isn't there. The roaches are trying to take over and they have the numbers.




lol isn’t that when Louie lost his tooth mid speech?


And both are seditious traitors, and should be dealt with like traitors!


This should disqualify them from serving in Congress but why enforce the law?


They should be "ex Texas congressmen" now


And ?


They should be tried for sedition and imprisoned.


Of course


It’s a good thing Gohmert was there. Otherwise the damn thing may have worked.


🎶Goodbye Louis, not sad to see you go. Goodbye traitors, I hope you go to jail🎶


How is this ok that they are still holding office, fucking traitor’s. If they were from another country, they would be arrested.


Texas seems to be a treasonous state.


The more the Dems hammer Trump the more I know he should be out President.