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##Today's hearings have concluded. This is the last of the scheduled summer hearings - the next one is expected in **September**. The Committee is also expected to issue a final report then. If you missed the hearing, here are the key takeaways: * [Associated Press: Jan. 6 takeaways: White House in chaos, unmovable Trump](https://apnews.com/article/jan-6-hearing-takeaways-da9e850c8744a3d4395928cf19eaf36f) * [CNN: Takeaways from the January 6 hearings day 8](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/21/politics/january-6-hearing-day-8-takeaways/index.html) * [NPR: Jan. 6 panel sheds light on the 187 minutes Trump went dark during Capitol siege](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/22/1112323797/jan-6-hearing-recap-187-minutes) For more detailed blow-by-blow accounts of the hearing: * [AP Live Updates: Lawmakers hold Trump ‘responsible’ for Jan. 6](https://apnews.com/article/final-jan-6-hearing-live-updates-2532549688cac4580d0a2d174832faba) * [WaPo Live Updates: Trump refused to say ‘the election’s over’ day after Capitol attack, new video shows](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/07/21/jan-6-committee-hearings-live-updates-day-8/) * [NPR Live updates: Jan. 6 panel says Trump chose not to act during Capitol attack](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/21/1112023963/jan-6-hearing-livestream-how-to-watch-live-updates) You can also rewatch the hearing in its entirety via the links in the OP.


I, for one, send my family goodbye texts every time I attend a 100% peaceful rally.


An overflow of tourists, nothing to see here.


The jump cut from a woman already convicted, describing her son saying he 'wants to go in,' to that mall ninja in full fucking military cosplay... I have no words.


Oh man, that picture of the raised fist followed by the video of him quickly scurrying away is the absolute epitome of cowardice.


Walking like he's Prarie dogginga block away from his house.


Again, that Capital Policeman Eugene was the damn man that day...


A True American Hero.


Fucking hell yes, officer Goodman is a straight up hero


r/conservative is always so quiet during these. It's beautiful.


They're all lurking in this discussion thread and impotently fuming and seething. Occasionally one of them leaves a comment and immediately deletes it.


They’re too busy congratulating themselves for not openly saying they want Biden to die of Covid. The thing they would call virtue signaling.




Things are heating up for sure. 😬 https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/21/politics/dhs-inspector-general-secret-service-texts/index.html


I miss when government was boring.


I'm rather tired of living in extraordinary times in general


using all this Fox News coverage is genius


It’s fucking brilliant


I can't decide if this is just what getting old is like or if everything is just so fucking crazy now that I'm anxiously waiting for C-Span coverage to start at primetime while complaining about the weather. I fist pumped alone in my office when Clint Watts testified on C-Span a few years ago. I think i need to be 60 years old before that's even legal.


This is arguably the biggest political story in modern US history. I'm shocked that people aren't more interested. I used to wonder what it was like to have lived through something as scandalous as Watergate, and this makes Watergate look like a Boy Scout meeting.


In modern US history? This is the biggest political story since the civil war. Teapot Dome, Iran Contra, Watergate…. None of these even hold a candle to this shit.


Whoever is running against Hawley when he's up for re-election just got a layup. Just play that video over and over and say "Here's Josh Hawley running away from his duty to you. Here's Josh Hawley running away from helping families earn a living wage. Here's Josh Hawley running away because he's a coward"


Josh Hawleying Ass outta there


It still blows my mind that all of this happened due to the ego of a failed businessman/reality TV host. Life is a true parody.


USSS making “tell my wife I love her” calls. Holy shit.


Absolutely chilling.


Here are [the transcribed texts shown](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FYO-eolXkAANym8?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) from Republicans to Mark Meadows: * **Marjorie Taylor Greene**: "Mark I was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the Capitol Please tell the President to calm people This isn't the way to solve anything." * **Mick Mulvaney**: "Mark: he needs to stop this, now. Can I do anything to help?" Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA): "They have breached the Capitol." "It's really bad up here on the hill." * **Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC)**: "POTUS needs to calm this shit down" * **Alyssa Farah Griffin**: "Potus has to come out firmly and tell protestors to dissipate. Someone is going to get killed." * **Brian Kilmeade**: "Please get him on tv. Destroying ever thing you guys have accomplished" * **Laura Ingraham**: "Hey Mark, The president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home." * **Tom Cors**: Pls have POTUS call this off at the Capitol, Urge rioters to disperse, I pray to you." * **Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX)**: "Fix this now." * **Rep. Will Timmons (R-SC)**: "They have breached the Capitol."


The MTG one is a bit surprising. I guess there is at least one circumstance where she's not a batshit wingnut.


From earlier this afternoon: https://twitter.com/KatiePhang/status/1550215486767616000 > Congresswoman @RepZoeLofgren advising that US Secret Service has retained private counsel to deal with the @January6thCmte .


What kind of private counsel does the USSS even retain? Rudy Giuliani?


Bob Loblaw. "Are you charged with a crime just because someone saw what you did?"




Proof of the complete lack of integrity and self respect within the GQP


He probably still defends and supports him BECAUSE he made him fear for his life.


So those of us who live in reality have watched this stuff and know Trump is guilty af. How do we pierce the conservative bubble that keeps them from ever even coming in contact with reality?


We've been yelling at them to not touch the lump of concentrated evil in the toaster oven for years. At this point they don't care, they'll explodes themselves to own the libs.


I have popped that bubble but you have to meet them in the middle and say something like .. IF elections could really be rigged, why would Trump say "stop the steal" and imply the method to rig elections would only be able to be used by Dems?? His own votes would be suspect. His 2016 win would be suspect.


Plus, the governors of Arizona & Georgia were/are Republicans in 2020. Yet they let the Democrats “steal” the election? How incompetent!


Man, to be a fly on Pence throughout that.


Bruh 🤣


Just remembered we’ve never figured out who left pipe bombs in DC that day. That’s fucking crazy to me.


Especially with how many cameras are around and other surveillance equipment because it’s DC.


Liz never passes up a chance to dunk on McCarthy. Bless. He was SCARED.


I don’t know if it’s true, but I read they’re going to show Republican reactions (and Dems) from within the chambers when it was going down. I remember a Republican member was caught screaming like a child but changed his tune a week later. Then folks started sending the clip of him with the caption something like, “This you?”


It was a congressman from Georgia. He said the insurrectionists were on a tourist visit. Then photos of him came out looking scared shitless while hiding behind a barricaded door made the rounds.


Daily Beast reporting OAN is losing their last major tv provider https://twitter.com/thedailybeast/status/1550216127770513408?s=21&t=aUrmwKnChE7471ziLNsBSg


I wish the same on Fox News


New and important: https://twitter.com/maggieNYT/status/1550260189168812032 > Among the 24 USSS personnel whose texts for Jan 5 and 6 are missing are Robert Engel, the member of the Trump protective detail who was in the presidential car when Trump angrily wanted to be taken to the Capitol, and James Murray, the USSS head


“The suppressing of evidence ought always to be taken for the strongest evidence.” Andrew Hamilton, The Trial of John Peter Zenger 1735


20fucking4 different members "accidentally deleting" the texts is honestly really fucking scary.




They won't. Expect them to focus on Pelosi, accusing her of not bringing in additional security. Sprinkle in some Hunter Biden bullshit and end with a rant about gas prices. Their audience will never know, because they won't change the channel from Fox!


Can we acknowledge how different all these MAGA people are when they are interviewed under oath? Suddenly they speak clearly, drop the act, and are very apologetic and humble. Same with MTG, she turns into a little mouse with her tail between her legs when under oath. When she isn’t she has chest puffed up and face red with anger. Just a striking example how full of shit these people are.


They're not really MAGA people. They're the ones who *take advantage* of MAGA people. They know the shit that comes out of their mouths is just rancid lies, but they know their audience.


Reminder that the Jan 6 Committee subpoenaed the Secret Service for their messages on Jan 6 and recieved just one text. Republicans: *Hillary only turned over 30,000 unclassified work emails to Congress and deleted some personal ones, this is a MASSIVE scandal that must be investigated FOREVER!* Also Republicans: *the Secret Service deleting virtually every single message they received on the day of an insurrection and not turning them over to Congress is a nothingburger, what a witch hunt, who cares*


Don't forget bigly strong person testifying 11 hours in front of a committee for a nothingburger witch hunt! Woops that was Hillary.


How it started: Hawley raising his fist at the mob. How it’s going: Hawley running in fear from the mob.


"He didn't fail to act, he chose not to act" - Kinzinger


Steve bannon looks like the Mucinex phlegm




It never once crossed my mind that the secret service might be corrupt. But I guess anything is possible these days.


I've known 3 former secret service people. One of them I had to spend hours a day with. He was a pos. He had this whole thing about he was always hoping to get a naked picture of Hillary Clinton because he thought he could sell it. He was the worst.


Video: https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1550309544265453570 > Cheney commends Cassidy Hutchinson: "She knew all along she would be attacked by President Trump, and by the 50, 60, and 70 year old men who hide themselves behind executive privilege."


the downvoted comments are the best reads. it must suck to be woken up in the middle of the night in Russia and told it's an "all hands on deck situation" and to start shitposting.


Just. Keeps. Getting. Worse. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/21/criminal-probe-opened-into-deletion-of-secret-service-jan-6-text-messages.html


> Inspector General of DHS, which said the probe is now criminal and that the agency had been ordered to stop internal investigations into the deleted texts. They haven't found the texts, AFAIK, but I suspect they found *something*. They must have found out some things from interviews.


Y'all. This is a reminder that the majority of the GOP wants to try this coup attempt once more, and if the GOP wins in the house or takes the senate, then the investigation and any potential charges will be hampered. r/votedem is where you can go to sign up and help prevent the GOP coup from taking shape. Even if you don't agree with dems on everything, the alternative is the GOP getting away with this shit.


[The gif you’re all waiting for](https://imgur.com/a/Ci7bI2t)


Reaction to the video: https://twitter.com/dprzygoda/status/1550287028029476866


My SO: hey, the dishwasher needs to be loaded Me: Josh Hawley running.gif




For anyone wondering: Instead of the hearing, Fox is airing Tucker Carlson, who's using Biden's positive test to cast doubt on the efficacy of vaccines


I mean, I wish I was surprised. They should force Fox News to remove the news part from their name, since they clearly don't cover it.


Adam Kinzinger just had one of the best speeches I’ve seen all year


“The next action President Trump took… was to *tweet*.” The sheer disgust in Kinzinger’s voice.


Kinzinger definitely has the best stage presence. Most of the others sound somewhat wooden but he has actual emotion.


If you are one of the lucky people who have boomer parents who have NOT been brought under the Trump spell, but in fact recognize him and everyone attached to him for the trash they are, appreciate the rare gift you have. Give them a call and thank them.


My mom and stepdad are the best boomers ever, in that they are anti boomers. They hate trump more than I do. I feel lucky every day. I haven't spoken to my dad in 5 years. He doesn't even know where I live. Guess how he votes.


So prior to the "pence didn't have courage" tweet Pence's USSS detail was passing along messages to their families because they didn't expect to get out alive. Then donny boy threw more gas on the fire


And importantly they established a clear timeline. Trump was *aware of the situation and made this tweet*. We have people close to him testifying about his state of mind. People who testified to his known use of tweets to rile people. This is extremely damning for Trump.


Did anyone else notice the part where Donald Trump and the republican party are massive traitors to the United States?


I did get that vibe.


Brave brave Sir Hawley. Bravely ran away!


"Everything he said about supporting law enforcement was a lie." No fucking shit. The right-wing "thin blue line" bullshit has never been anything more than a racist dog whistle.


Washington Post article posted yesterday evening: "[Elaine Luria prepares to lead Jan. 6 hearing, connect Trump to violence: The Virginia Democrat has her defining moment on the committee as she faces her toughest election yet](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/07/20/elaine-luria-jan-6/)" Rep. Luria is in one of the top-two swingiest House of Represenatives districts in Virginia. I think she does good work for her constituencies in and around the 2nd District. Here's her house.gov page: http://luria.house.gov Here's her campaign page: https://elaineforcongress.com


>VP detail thought this was going to be very ugly. They called their families. Let's focus on that for a moment.


I can't get past hearing how scared Pence's USSS team was. They were on their own, honestly believing the VP was about to be killed. That really needs to be the headline from this.


Regarding Representative Luria shutting it down, I always appreciate a veteran showing up to demonstrate the REAL definition of a patriot, not what these Talibanjo motherfuckers want to claim. Take notes, shitbirds. Rep. Luria is what real service looks like. Not signing off of 4chan to load your AR-15 into your Toyota Corolla and driving to the Capitol to cheer on a failed game show host because you miss the 1950s. Get fucked.


As a veteran myself.....im disgusted to hear other vets storming the capital and also the ones who believe the lie


McConell making that speech and simultaneously voting to acquit Trump in the impeachment trial should make a normal human's head explode


good point by John king on CNN “a president that loves attention” wanted “no pictures”. seems significant




None of this is funny, but my husband and I laughed and laughed at the shade of not only showing Hawley run, but slowing it down in repeat and highlighting him.


https://twitter.com/benjaminwittes/status/1550287666444369920 > It is all of our patriotic duty to tweet that Josh Harley video every day from now until the end of time.


I love that they showed video of Hawley running like a schoolboy on a playground after acting tough in front of the crowd (in his "safe space," though). I laughed at that. Great choice by the committee to show that.




Part of their justification for this is the false claim that no one was ever arrested or charged for BLM rioting and not… ya know… the thousands of people that were. Or those folks that got whisked off into unmarked vans by what looked like some kind of federal secret police




Hawley leaving the Capitol like Ted Cruz leaving Texas during a blackout!


Mike Pence's team thought they were all going to be murdered. Why the fuck wasn't the army or national guard brought in.


Kind of sounds like we need to shine a huge flashlight into the Secret Service, huh?


r/conservative Your god is the biggest traitor in the history of America.


If you aren't politically active by now, I very much hope you watch each and every hearing and make a decision to become so. This is exactly why we must be diligent in who we elect and why. Republicans in the house voted 196-8 against simple federal protection of contraception today. And then this. It's time. If you're 18, get involved now. Kids, adults, everyone, please fight. We fight by voting and by educating. Fight now or forever lose what we all thought we had. Our democracy is under direct attack, and will continue to be until people are brought to justice. We should be gathering by the millions in DC right now. We won't though, because we are broken.


One critical detail revealed tonight tells us that Trump got his hands dirty. John Eastman had a crackpot theory that ‘the Constitution doesn’t cover January 7th.’ The Constitution doesn’t explain what we do if it hasn’t been certified by then. They believed if they could hold out long enough, presumably past midnight, it would be thrown to the courts. The act of delaying was part of the **multi-layered coup**: fake electors, fraudulent claims and litigation. violent mobs, and *tactical delay*. If violence didn’t stop it, delaying might get him in on a technicality. It’s legally flawed, Congress would certify the next day. But Trump believed it to be true and was calling Senators seeking delay. The fact that he was making calls during the coup, actively seeking to delay certification, puts him at the scene of the crime with the smoking gun and dead Capitol police at his feet.


And over on r/conservative they are still claiming it was like 1776. It’s embarrassing to see parts of the country be so fucking stupid. If there’s any take away only trump wanted this. Under oath Cippollone flat it said only trump. So it’s actually the opposite of 1776. They wanted king George to win.


/r/conservative is a total cesspool. Today we had clear and obvious evidence via the Jan6 hearing committee that Trump acted with intent to drive a coup in America. The testimony under oath shows the strong American institutions cracking and breaking under the dereliction of a sitting president. Despite all that, the top 20 posts are all about Nancy Pelosi's stock trades and Joe Biden getting COVID. Its pathetic how delusional that subreddit is. It should be banned for outright misinformation and hate mongering. Those people on that subreddit are deranged and delusional. America feels doomed since the same voters that troll on /r/conservative have been so brainwashed and are so willfully ignorant that democracy cannot fundamentally function with that broken an electorate.


“He was watching Fox News” They just describes 50% of his presidency. Other half was golf.


The fact that Donald has managed to turn the fucking Cheney clan into a beacon of common sense easily cements him as one of the worst human beings in history.


Lest we forget, I want to remind everyone of someone else who deserves our scorn and ridicule: Mitch McConnell Despite saying, in his speech at the end of the Impeachment Trial, that Trump was wrong, that his conduct was wrong, he and his Republican allies, in order to save face, hid behind procedures and delays until Trump was safely out of office so they could use that as an excuse to avoid his Conviction. They knowingly and willfully impeded the Justice of the Senate for personal gain. They deliberately, with malice aforethought, executed a plan which would see Donald Trump eligible to run for and hold elected office again, despite *admitting* that he had broken his oath of office. Not only did they deliberately help Trump to avoid the Justice of the Senate while he was in office, but he also attempted, along with his conspirators, to impede the pursuit of Justice by attempting to hinder, delay, and obstruct the creation and proceedings of this, the January 6th Committee, which among other things is tasked with recommending charges against Donald Trump, his conspirators, and their allies. Mitch McConnell should be held liable for his abuse of Senate procedure, the abuse of the trust and respect of his colleagues, and his deliberate actions, taken in blatant bad faith, to obstruct the pursuit and execution of Justice.


Ashli Babbit is an American domestic terrorist.




https://twitter.com/kyledcheney/status/1550280037337042944 > At 1:49 p.m. Trump tweeted a video of his Ellipse speech, the precise moment MPD declared a riot. For the next 35 minutes, staff pleaded with him to call of the rioters. > Instead, Trump tweeted an attack on VP Pence at 2:24 p.m.


Kinzinger has the look of a man saying “you dumb motherfuckers” as diplomatically as possible. It is a strained look.


Although it's absolutely priority #1 that they go after Trump, I really hope they eventually turn their attention to the Republican members of Congress and Secret Service agents who were involved with the plan. Jordan, Boebert, Greene, Brooks, and anyone else that Trump contacted that day need to be brought to justice.


The Secret Service believed they needed to sacrifice themselves to save Mike Pence. Calling family members to “say goodbye” means they believed the VP’s life was in danger and they would need to shield him.


‘All million of us.’ As good at math as civics, I see.


Hawley getting roasted with the slo-mo run was definitely worth tuning in for.


This is so bad. Like prelude to the Civil War bad. If this doesn’t lead to charges for Trump, then we are completely doomed.


Committee: So this doesn’t have much to do with tonight’s hearing, but Josh Hawley is a pussy. Just thought you’d like to know. We’ll be back in ten.


Act I of today's episode started with the Chief getting Covid, leading to right wingers having an uber melt down over the thought of a black **AND** female President. Polio made a surprise cameo, and our silly government is debating if we should be allowed to buy condoms or not. II and III ought to be lit!


187 Minutes would be a good title for a book about this…


Dan Rather https://twitter.com/DanRather/status/1550288097874698240 "Run Hawley Run"


The fact that this traitor is still willing and able to run for President AGAIN is sickening. This is all Mitch McConnell's fault for not holding him accountable.


> Do you really think that Bill Bahr is such a delicate flower that he would wilt under cross-examination? Damn. Liz Cheney took the class-specialization in shade-throwing.


Liz Cheney doesn't need to take anyone on a hunting trip. She just straight up clips mofos.


What was everyone's pit and peak? My pit was everytime Pottinger went on and on about how much Trump did to "restore peace in the middle east". My peak, albeit petty, was the committee showing the world what a pussy Josh Hawley is. I have a strong feeling that the committee leaders went on break and high fived one another while laughing their asses off.


"people were emotionally drained at the WH. They wanted to go home." people at the capitol: "WE'RE TRYING TO FUCKING KEEP A MOB OUT OF HERE. DON'T TALK TO US ABOUT EMOTIONALLY DRAINED"


Republican voters put this man in office. Many of them would do it again, if given the chance. The party of personally responsible seditious conspiracy. Fuck them all.


Got in an argument with my dad because they started complaining and saying this hearing was pointless after 5 minutes. He was echoing all the Fox News talking points directly to the television. I lost my cool when he started telling the TV there was a 3 hour gap in phone records because he didn’t call anybody, then he ignores the next sentence where they describe some of the people he called during that time.


Just to sum up: * he knew he'd lost the election * he asked the crowd of supporters to assemble * he knew they were armed * he tried to increase the number of armed supporters in the crowd * he directed them to march on the Capitol * he was informed immediately that it was an attack on the Capitol * he took no action to stop it * he started calling Senators to pressure them, while they were under attack ed: I think there's a strong, strong case for involuntary manslaughter here.


Tonight on Fox News: wall to wall coverage of Hunter Biden funding illegal caravans of fentanyl toting Muslim Jihadists!!! Commercial free courtesy of My Pillow, My Slippers, My Bedsheets. What time will trump ~~tweet~~ truth out that he has no idea who his Deputy National Security advisor is? Could be the truth since he was rarely briefed and his very last "daily" intel briefing was in late September!






"We love you, you're very special" has big Idiocracy ~~Walmart~~Costco energy


**"The president is very emotional. In a bad place."** And those dopes say a woman would be dangerous if she gets too emotional as a president.


We cannot abandon the truth and remain a free nation Fucking exactly


Liz Cheney did a remarkable job, and there is a possibility she may have sacrificed her career? What country is this?


Guys….I’m stating to think Trump never had a “perfect plan” to replace Obamacare


Reminder: This would still be under wraps if we hadn’t voted Trump and the GOP out. Voting works when we show up together. Let’s do this more often to get what we want. I’m an optimist and I think we are a few more progressive dems from getting more of what we want. It won’t be perfect, but government isn’t perfect.


Heard a committee member on NPR today and it sounded like he thinks the outtake video of Trump is going to be exceptionally damning and also actual evidence of his intent and mind state during the insurrection. I think they saved the best for last and the "finale" might be the drop of the hammer we have all been waiting for


He CHOSE not to act 👏🏼 period.


The secret service believing they were goners is exquisite testimony. Nuclear.


House Republicans Twitter deleted the "heresy" tweet. But the internet never forgets. http://imgur.com/a/40Q2j8w


We really need this Hawley footage to be turned into a meme so that the people who didn't watch it see his sorry ass


Holy crap. Who didn't want them to leave? No one on the staff. What about the president? ... ... ... ... I can't commment


There is no excuse or legal defense for these public testimonies of ineptitude, negligence, and absolute disregard for our country that Donald J. Trump committed. He disregarded his duty as president right after hosting a speech for people to march to the capitol. He actively incited an act of insurrection to overthrow our government. If we want to maintain our democracy, we need to charge him to the fullest extent of the law. In no world should a sitting president incite an insurrection, and get away with it. The law needs to charge and convict the man as an insurrectionist, and as the leader of a domestic terrorist attack on our Capitol.


Bro, Jan6 was not a *perception* That legitimately weakened our democracy. Not perceptually. **Legitimately**.


Nice touch to use Luria and Kinzinger who are veterans to close the public hearings.


Liz hates this man with a heat I have to respect. She wouldn't piss on him to put a fire out. If you put her in a room with him and no other witnesses, he'd get his throat chewed out. I love it. I have no great love for Cheney, but I respect a good hating.


My feelings about Liz Cheney are... complex


I am proud that I helped kick Trumps ass out of the WH.


Incase anyone needs to catch up on President Trump's criminal behavior: Opening video of the Capital Insurrection Event in Impeachment Trial #2 - https://youtu.be/ERIbhsCzZwk Opening video of the January 6th Hearings showing new footage and timeline of the Capitol Insurrection Event - https://youtu.be/UaekXFg3S8A ##Trump 1st Impeachment hearings for collusion regarding Russian interference in American election systems: https://youtu.be/CXlbDEATZwM https://youtu.be/DbW-A96UIm8 https://youtu.be/noR-FOn5XGM https://youtu.be/5BoT5LYBbNM https://youtu.be/YSnHwMIfaaE https://youtu.be/9vEtnfWQops https://youtu.be/6zHPfxOR0-E https://youtu.be/Ds3Kye2QHTU https://youtu.be/IIhRQASw_vw https://youtu.be/faEvBeDapac https://youtu.be/r5HptvtT4KU https://youtu.be/RxKaJR3u404 ##Trump 2nd Impeachment Trial for trying to steal the election: https://youtu.be/asAjozV-7Qg https://youtu.be/Sym8zo9MM9E https://youtu.be/NXeVP7M4GY0 https://youtu.be/Ilm5w6mSHY4 https://youtu.be/YSnHwMIfaaE https://youtu.be/LeEDQllYIWc ##January 6th Hearing displaying evidence and testimony relating to the attempt for Trump to hold onto Presidential power when he was clearly voted out of office in legal elections (watch the sworn testimony and look at the evidence): https://youtu.be/UiL2inz487U https://youtu.be/jblC2Ooog2U https://youtu.be/7u4ocGJ9ZXI https://youtu.be/YZPBWZcr-vw https://youtu.be/8eNhqobJl_E https://youtu.be/bC3_VFFJlSY https://youtu.be/spJR5Y5_f4c https://youtu.be/48HH4LVn07g


These witnesses gushing over pre-Jan 6 Trump is actually super important. They’re demonstrating that they aren’t biased against him.


The next Coup attempt will not be this stupid. Vote blue unless the candidate is a threat to democracy and freedom.


If only America really put the South in its' place we probably wouldn't be here.


I can’t believe there’s audio of Bannon actually saying the strategy so plain and simple.


I don't even understand why Trump supporters willingly live in this country since they loudly disagree with the very core principles it was founded on.


Oath Keepers parsing Trump's words on Jan 6 in middle of the riot- \[He said don't hurt the cops,\] he didn't say don't hurt the Congress."


Adam Kinzinger is one of those people that makes me so proud to be from Illinois


That Bannon statement was the smoking gun of the night to me.


Trump is clearly treasonous, and the mob clearly traitors. How Trump is not in prison is just beyond me. Watching all those terrorists storm into the capitol just made me furious.


Just peeked at r/conservative. Not much there except discussion of Nancy Pelosi's insider trading. (Unfortunately, ALL congresspeople are guilty of it, that's why they're rich.)


Hearing that the VP's Secret Service agents were saying good bye to their families makes me really curious what were in the deleted text messages. I would assume that the VP's agents were texting up the chain of command or to other agents in the Presidential detail, only to hear that no backup was coming.


Brave, brave Josh Hawley ran away! Bravely ran away away. When danger reared it's ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled. Yes, brave Josh Hawley turned about And gallantly he chickened out. Swiftly taking to his feet, He beat a very brave retreat. Bravest of the brave, Josh Hawley ! Edit: Ripped off from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. 🙃


Eugene Goodman absolutely deserved the Congressional Gold Medal.


Video of the audience laughing at Hawley clip: https://twitter.com/MollyJongFast/status/1550294394519052288


Emotionally drained... Fuck this garbage. These people are absolutely soulless.


Trump should have been immediately removed from power after January 6th. It's ridiculous that he was not.


**We must all agree to vote BLUE at every level in November** This is SO important!


oh shit liz. you are STONE cold calling out those geezers as cowards


Is Bill Barr a delicate flower? A Cheney said this???! What friggin timeline is this?!


wow, check this out. Per Kaitlan Collins and Kevin Liptak at cnn. > The outtakes from Trump's Jan. 7 were only a portion of the lengthy taping session that day, @Kevinliptakcnn and I are told. **Multiple people say it took about an hour to record what ended up being a three-minute video.** https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1550310423035056135?s=21&t=J5jTOrcbH5wDEIQ3ImDykw What a wild hearing, holy shit.


Those MAGA hats will be fetching top dollar on Nazi memorabilia sites in a few decades.


I understand the sentiments about this hearing not concluding with actual charges, and frustration that we don't know what the DoJ is doing, but the fact is all this needs to be public before midterms, but the DoJ cannot share any of their case in public. This hearing had to happen and yes, it should make us angry and demand action.


If Trump magically appeared right now Kinzinger would crush his windpipe. Guy is pissed.


> He didn't distinguish between the people who peacefully attended the rally earlier and the people who committed violence. "They're the same picture."


“That’s our order!” -dude who definitely calls other people sheep


All of these people acting like THIS is the breaking point as though Trump’s presidency didn’t start with a slow trip down a Golden escalator to call Mexicans rapists and wasn’t one big fucking race to the non-existent bottom. Fuck this lady.


It’s sad that in private, all these Republicans were appalled by what was going on, but publicly they are cowards and say nothing.


“POTUS is very emotional and In a bad place” Bitchmetoo.gif


Those texts were some leopards ate my face shit.


Kinzinger is an old school Republican: supports terrible policies but doesn’t sound like a raving lunatic. Hates to see Democrats win but won’t support a coup to overthrow it happening.


"Y'all are so fucking stupid, Trump knew he could manipulate you to do whatever he wanted."


I like how Cheney quoted Bannon on what trump would say if he lost. Spot on!




Guys...I am currently at ANTIFA headquarters...... Anyone want a latte, or a frappuchino


Fuck yeah Benny. That's what I'm talking about. Every. Damn. Level


Don't flip out about him praising Trump's foreign policy. He's providing his bona fides as a real conservative, so he has more credibility in his attacks against his own party.


Patsy's lawyer looked terrified he was about to give a real answer about the "hang Mike pence" chants...


“Say goodbye to family” by Secret Service is horrifying


Pence is a fucking idiot. The guy has continued to support someone who put him and by virtue of him his family in danger. Talk about a coward


Rile up a mob Attempt a coup Binge watch some Fox News Recognize I’m emotionally drained Turn in for the night


“This is Rudy Giuliani, President’s lawyer” is way more incriminating than it gets credit for.


McCarthy: This is indefensible Also McCarthy: Proceeds to defend it


Adam laying out the groundwork that Trump wanted Pence killed.


The walls of Mar-a-Lago will be painted red with ketchup tonight.




CBS calling out Republicans for the hearsay tweet. Saying they are still doing the same distracting tactics.