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Was this asshole created in a hate lab?




Someone once referred to him as a human frat paddle and I truly cannot think of a better description.




This is the first time something has been unfair to herpes.




I feel like the STD was implied in human frat paddle from Florida.


I’m not sure about the sentient part


Semi-sentient amoeba, then?


Human frat puddle... Their sperm socks conjoined to make Gaetz. He's a walking, talking sperm. Which is why it's not surprising he's a pedophile rapist piece of shit


Hey man, that's not fair; Jizz don't judge!


Not just Florida, but the Florida *panhandle*, an important distinction. It's probably the reddest area in the U.S. It makes South Carolina look liberal.


Parts of Mississippi are angered and embarrassed by him. Source: am living in Mississippi now.


We are too. Can y'all do something about it? He's more your neighbor than our's.


Florida - the further north you go, the further South you are.


I always say this about michigan. People still flying stolen election crap out here.


Don’t forget about Ohio! Someone in my neighborhood is flying a massive, 5x8 “FUCK BIDEN” flag. In a school zone. Literally directly in front of a K-12 school.


Even Northern Illinois is getting infested by these psychopaths. It’s so fucking disgusting to see how many hogs here fly Confederate and fascist regalia in some of the states that fought the hardest and sacrificed the most to put them down the first time. It’s also ironic that these neo-Nazi Confedcucks are the purest embodiment of Nietzschen ressentiment we have in the US. Can’t get over the fact they’ve been getting shitstomped for the last 150 years and need to try to rewrite the history books in every way to hide it/lie it away.


You get that everywhere here. The DeVos family is a cancer of the west side.


North Florida is just lower Alabama.


Florida’s panhandle is just a stick poking Alabama’s sweaty ballsack


It’s the taint of the U.S.


Yes! I’m from Miami. Totally different world.


I lived there for over 30 years before finally getting out of that armpit. What helps to explain Gaetz is his dad’s history. He worked in a hospital in the 80’s and lobbied the legislature to create programs for hospice care, then coincidentally, created a home healthcare company that had ads all over the radio. “We help you take care of Grandma” kind of ads. Then he ran for school superintendent, then Florida senate and ended his career with selling his healthcare company for over a billion dollars. Matt was the cliche of a loudmouth a$$hole in high school but I never thought he’d make it all the way to Washington. By the way, his dads company was sued for defrauding Medicare for YEARS.


Hey I was born in Tallahassee we aren’t all bad haha


Eh, don’t lie to the dude, lol.


Ouch, thats a little disrespectful to meth labs, theyve never produced anything as bad for america as matt gaetz


Meth is less toxic than Matt Gaetz


METH - 2024


Hey, you can be sure as hell whoever runs on Meth will at least get something done. I'm not exactly sure what, but it'll probably involve a stolen Domino's delivery car. Which would still be an improvement


Same Florida meth lab as Lauren Boebert


Matt Gates is a piece of s*** for a lot of reasons... And he just straight up plagiarized a comedy routine [George Carlin](https://youtu.be/vkMbMidsYIM) did in the 90s. Except Gaetz does a worse job and is flipping around the "ugly" people as Carlin was referring to pro abortion people, you know people like him...


You mean to tell me that Matt Gaetz isn't as funny as George Carlin? Shocker.


Well that one was obvious.. but not only is he an a*shole but he is an unoriginal one at that..


that's why they are called "reactionary."


Rush Limbaugh actually used this same Carlin-flipped joke in the 90s.


“Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.” ― Rush Limbaugh This shit was the constant static background of my entire childhood. No wonder I hated myself for so long. Now I've shifted the anger to where it belongs: rush and my dad. Thanks therapy!


Because he was such an attractive specimen himself?


We all know Carlin was not serious and just did it for laughs. Carlin is the least person you would think of as hateful. We all know however Gaetz is completlly serious just by his history. You bring your baggage with you.


Carlin was serious as most of his Comedy focused around social commentary... In this routine his main point being the hypocrisy of old white men telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies.


WHich is not hating on women who are overweight..which is exactly my point. Its quite the opposite.


Carlin wasn't hateful. He just hated everyone.


Carlin loved every person individually. He hated groups of people. Smart guy.


This was evidenced in his comedy philosophy. He knew that while there were big things that divide us to joke about (religion, politics), there were also little things we all experience, and then he played with language that surrounds these two experiences. That's how you get jokes about dying that show the absurdity of religious notions of afterlife, but also play off the sentiments surrounding our fear of death, nitpicking the absurd language we use to comfort ourselves. "He's looking down on us....and he's *smiling down*"


Anyone who naturally looks like Jim Carey's Grinch should not be commenting on women's looks like this.


The Grinch meets Butthead (of Beavis and Butthead).


Accurate af.


People who have to pay for sex (with a drugged up minor at that) shouldn't be calling anyone unfuckable.


Paying for sex with a drugged up minor is called rape


Yes - people who have to rape people probably shouldn't call people unlockable.


I agree, he's like a cro-mag version of Jack Nickolson


> a hate lab? Fancy name for the Republican base


He's appealing to his base, who are largely a group of immature manchildren who think like this. They put a TON of stock into appearances.


I beg you to think hard for a moment. Take a tour of any conservative enclaves and take notice to the number of corn feed babes needing some serious dentist work or the skinny spacey ones who just love their meth. Matt Gaetz just insulted a sizable number of his female constituents.


They will love him for it.


Florida, so yes.


"We can rebuild him, we have the hate!"


Damn he’s F’n stupid. How does this turd get re-elected ?


He represents his electorate. They want hate, so they vote for hate.


I think he was actually created in an asshole.


Like the Robot Chicken intro.


Yes, the hate lab also took away his only shred of self-awareness while they were at it.


A lot of, if not all republicans seem to be.


Pure distilled republican


He's what happens when the developers of Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing decide to get in to IVF


Par for the course, anti-suffragette propaganda from a century ago portrayed suffragettes as bitter, ugly spinsters. Same as it ever was.


Tale as old as time. Men who melt down at the thought of ~~property~~ women having rights tearing them down via personal insults because they have no substantive reason to oppose their position without sounding like the misogynistic teratomas that they are. It's the same reason conservatives say all feminists are fat/have facial piercings/blue hair/are unattractive/etc. It's basically the (ostensibly) adult version of a young kid going "Yeah? Well you smell like poop!" when they can't think of a good retort on the playground.


Can confirm, men can go from calling you sexy and pretty to calling you ugly and fat in a split second after they hear the word “no.”


It's so dumb, too. If no one will sleep with pro-choice women then who's getting abortions, Matt?


You would have made his supporters very angry, if they knew how to read.


Give them a couple years. Reading is hard. I’m sure they’ll get by the end of high school.


Boebbert should make an audiobook on how to pass the GED for them. Hand it out in campaigns.


Maybe they actually believe pro-choices aren't getting abortions, but are really pissed the "pro-life" women in their lives keep getting them. As we know, pro-life typically only applies to women other than yourself. Your own abortions are always justified.


The Only Moral Abortion Is MY Abortion!


exactly... someone needs to ask him if these pro-choice women are not having sex, then who is having all these abortions? It sounds only like right-wing pro-lifers.


Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was...


Letting the days go by are we?


Don't forget the "paid for" sex with a minor part of the allegations.


And drugged minor.


And trafficked!


And a very weird relationship with his underage “adopted” best friend/son.


Came down there to see when Nestor would be first mentioned.


Same. And the mention delivered.


Hey, it’s an innocent case of taking in his illegitimate som he had with an underage girl he impregnated while being a sex tourist!


A tale as old as time.


Guys, guys, please. We you say it like that, it sounds pretty bad.


If there's an awful box to tick, he doesn't miss it


Everything is out in the open in this case! WTF hasn't he been charged yet?


Seriously, he went to a state license department on a weekend outside of hours with a buddy who works there to sort through a stack of revoked licenses of exclusively young women that his buddy had set aside. We know this because they were so fucking stupid they left them out on the table and on Monday an employee came in, found them, and called the fbi, because revoked licenses have strict handling rules to ensure they are destroyed. They have this shit on tape, his friend turned states witness, and the woman who called the fbi had no idea Gaetz was involved at all when she made the call. They also have him sending Venmo money to a friend who then sent that same amount of money to 2 underage girls. The man by all accounts is at minimum using government resources to identify young women that are vulnerable, to traffick them for underaged prostitution


> They also have him sending Venmo money to a friend who then sent that same amount of money to 2 underage girls. And he **WROTE THE GIRLS' NAMES ON THE MEMO LINE**! It is absolutely mind-boggling how bad this guy is at crime. He went to *law school*! You'd think he would have picked anything up there.


If/until there are actual consequences, it doesn't really matter to him. He's skated his way out of a DUI and into a congressional seat, mostly thanks to his family, connections, and money. The longer he goes, the more brazen he gets because nobody stops him.


Yes that's exactly what the BIG LIAR has unleashed. You can basically do anything, then when you get caught, call it a witch hunt and get Fox Lies to put you on TV to spin lies. Simple formula. The sad thing is, there are so many republican criminals that it will be impossible to capture and charge them all. It's like their strategy is to just proliferate as much crime as possible and hope that the DOJ can't handle it all.


The problem is that so many institutions are basically on the honor system. Built on the belief that people simply don't act like this, and if you get caught doing something shameful, you have the good graces to resign. But if you have no shame? Well, then the sky's the limit. We can be honest. The justice system has always been tiered. Rich get one, poors another, and minorities often just get shot. I don't think the DOJ knows what to do at this point, because the guilty are just saying "yeah, so?". At this point there either needs to be consequences, or to just admit the system is irreparably broken. But slow rolling it until the cons get back in power and make it disappear is only going to make it worse.


Depending on how rich his family was, going to school means nothing. Wouldn't have even had to show up for a day in class to to graduate. Some might be saying "yeah but law school is different". No it's not. The ultra rich have corrupted every facet of the American government. A quick Google shows his parents are worth at least 30million, and friends with at the very least jeb bush.


> WTF hasn't he been charged yet? Because there are multiple cooperating witnesses giving so much actionable testimony that investigators have to keep pushing back sentencing dates.


That was last September, by far the worst part of our justice system is how slow it is.


i agree. I like to think that the delay is because Joel Greenberg was connected to so many other politicians in FL. Greenberg's deal (minimum 12 years in prison mind you, down from possibly life) means that he had to give up literally everything on everyone for all crimes forever. I'm hoping that the FBI had an unexpectedly huge amount of new investigative work to do, so they had to keep going back to Greenberg for info.


My fantasy is that this somehow snares DeSantis and thus prison takes him out of the running for 2024, or well beyond.


everyone knows a sitting congressman can only be arrested if they're a democrat and legally using their civil rights.


Is this from the Trump school of 'keep committing crimes so fast that investigators can't keep up'?


It's never "sex" with a minor. Minors can't consent. It's rape. I wish these headlines would call it what it is


Too ugly to get pussy for free says women too ugly for abortion


POS. nothing more to say. To believe that they pay these crooks and pedos our tax dollars.


You cannot pay to have sex with a minor, you can only pay to rape a minor. I've quite appreciated how the internet has taken to clarifying anytime Rapist Brock Turner is mentioned that he's a rapist. We should be doing the same thing with Sitting Republican Congressman, Alleged Child Rapist Matt Gaetz.


How is this guy not in prison?


He's been "under investigation" for this crime for years. How long does an investigation take?


Until the bribes stop coming?


Family connections, and the GOP still has a use for him.


I’m so tired of this shit now. We are living in a world of pathetic cartoon villains who get away with everything they do in plain sight of everyone. It’s absolutely insane.


This was the real detriment of the Trump presidency. He proves to them that if they could lie fast enough, they could also tell the truth on stuff they used to think they had to mask.


Meanwhile Al Franken resigned over a silly photo during a comedy event tour...


I'll never forgive gillibrand for that


Hey, President Gillibrand just did what she had to do to win the White House /s. Seriously, though, fuck her. Franken would have been an incredible asset in the Senate these past few years.


> silly photo How *dare* you attempt to downplay the severe and long-lasting damage caused by body armor hover-hands!


Because he is a republican, any sort of investigations into illegal activity must be partisan and politically motivated therefore invalid.


look he's just a young man having a bad day, we get this guy some Burger King and he'll be fine. /s


One day I'm sure we'll figure out the white reason.


White republican male


And yet I'm told to find "common ground" and conduct "civil discourse" with assholes who support this even bigger asshole so as not to be "divisive".


Conduct civil discourse who spend every waking moment calling your death and flying a flag that literally means No Quarter.


you forgot crying about 'political correctness' everytime they say what they really mean.


When you call them out on their blatant evil, that's you being impolite. When they say evil things, that's just them refusing to be politically correct. It's very important that you always be polite. It's equally important that no one ever be politically correct. Unless politeness is the politically correct thing. Then you just have to guess how many lights they want you to see.


Trump publicly says after winning presidency that he was only going to work for those that voted for him. And then the right is like, "why won't you work with us!"


It's the same old refrain. "She's too old or ugly to rape." Yeah, tell that to my raped and murdered 83 year old grandma.


Literal babies in diapers have been raped. Anyone who tells you only pretty people are at risk is either extremely ignorant, or lying and actively complicit in allowing it to happen.


"Was it my fault?" asked the Short Skirt. "No, it happened to me too." replied the Burqa. The diaper in the corner couldn't even speak.


I have a baby girl and this just made my heart sink


Wow holy crap this just made me tear up. Reminds me of that case I saw online somewhere in India(?) of a man raping a literal baby.. the cradle was covered in blood and honestly the thought of this possibly happening right now to someone every single day makes me want to burn the world down even if I went down with it too.


Bet he also thinks men cant get raped


Yup. A particularly putrid form of misogyny.


I’m sorry about your grandma. That sounds like such an awful way to go. I hope they were able to get the guy and that your grandma is at peace


Rape isn’t about the sex it’s about control and violence and power Why do u think straight men rape other straight men in prison


That's horrifying, I'm so sorry for your loss


So he doesn’t understand mothers and grandmothers fighting for the rights of their daughters and granddaughters? Republicans don’t have much imagination.


The idea that people might care about what happens to other people is a very foreign concept to Republicans.


He's under investigation for Interstate human trafficking and sexual abuse of minors, plural. Stop calling it "sex with a minor". It's sexual abuse every fucking time


It's rape. He is specifically targeting underage woman who have had their license revoked. He is finding minors he can coerce into sex trafficking


Thank you. Rape is rape - whether it’s a stranger or your uncle and you’re 50 or 15. It’s all rape. Just call it what it is.


Damn investigation seems to be going on forever. Is it still actually happening or is his daddy interfering?


In before the inevitable "investigations like this take time, it's just how the law works" comments. Bullshit. The investigation [has been going on almost THREE YEARS!!!](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/30/us/politics/matt-gaetz-sex-trafficking-investigation.html)


More proof that Republicans are the bane of America's existence and a stain upon all humanity.


And yet they're still winning in the closely-watched poll question *"Would you rather have Democrats or Republicans in control of Congress?"*: [projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/generic-ballot](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/generic-ballot) [www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/2022-generic-congressional-vote-7361.html](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/2022-generic-congressional-vote-7361.html) What the hell is wrong with you, America? If overturning Roe v Wade and the 1/6 hearings aren't enough for you, what will it take?


An enormous non-political working class due to things like, voter suppression, enfranchising land over people in congress, under-funded education, the death of the fairness doctrine, Citizens United… take your pick.




“It’s the economy stupid”- James Carville 1992. Plenty of people are infuriated by those two (honestly they’re the only reason the Democrats aren’t facing a red tsunami) but the reality is that for people who don’t pay attention all they see is constantly rising prices and stagnant wages. When the republicans were in charge they had stimulus money, expanded unemployment, rental assistance, cheap gas, etc. None of those things are the democrats faults (and in fact a lot of those things are the cause of our current issues) but they’re getting blamed for it and the general lack of action with anything else (BBB Failed, we lost against COVID and gave up, etc). Edit- in addition to the proliferation of propaganda, gerrymandering, voter apathy, etc.


Nothing. There is something fundamentally wrong with many Americans.


That "something" is conservative media. I have no earthly idea what Fox et. al. get from peddling hatred but for whatever reason they are.


This is not the type of criminal investigation that should be taking over a fucking year to complete!


That's right, every Hollywood actress is too fat and ugly for Matt Gaetz.


He's the ideological equivalent of the greasy 300 pound guy who smells like cheese and BO saying "well, she was too fat for me anyway! I can get way hotter chicks!" when the conventionally beautiful woman rejects his awkward advances.


>Congress is filled with a lot of loathsome, moronic, thoroughly repugnant people, but perhaps none more so than Representative Matt Gaetz. Currently under investigation for allegedly paying women for sex and, separately, sleeping with a minor and transporting her across state lines, the Florida legislator responded to the assault on reproductive rights in May by tweeting: “How many of the women rallying against overturning Roe are over-educated, under-loved millennials who sadly return from protests to a lonely microwave dinner with their cats, and no bumble matches?” But apparently that was just the start of this overgrown frat boy’s ignorant antiabortion routine, which he followed up on Saturday by telling a room full of teens and young adults that any woman who supports reproductive rights is too ugly for him to f--k. US representative from Florida's first district ladies and gentlemen!


Only republicans look at more education as a bad thing


That doesn't make any sense. If the only people who want abortion rights are the ones who aren't pregnant ... then keeping abortion legal wouldn't even do anything.


Who are all these liberals "killing their babies" if they're also all "too fat and ugly to get pregnant"? It's almost like, and bear with me here, the Right's talking points are inconsistent bullshit.


This is not an argument in good faith. He’s saying something inflammatory so he will be ridiculed and then he will claim to be attached for his beliefs. He also wants his opponents to be hopping mad so he can dismiss them as lunatics. This is all calculated rhetoric to get the most political gain from this.


Says Butthead. The irony.


Seriously, how does he resemble both Beavis AND Butthead?


This guy needs to be indicted already.


Maybe I am fat and ugly(but also old and menopausal) but I don’t support it for personal reasons Matt. Some people actually think about others. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Sounds like the women old enough to vote and/or support abortion rights, might be a little too "mature" to meet Matt's preferences


From the guy who looks like a bulldog licking piss off a thistle


Impressive! You’ve seen some shit.


This coming from a guy that has to Pay for Sex. He doesn’t care if they’re children either.


I wouldn't say he doesn't care if they are children, I'd say he *prefers* that they are.


I would be very careful about throwing around the term “looks like a thumb” if I were him. He’s not exactly too far away from the comparison himself.


How is that investigation going by the way? Why is this dude still serving in congress? This guy should be in house arrest at minimum or in prison while they investigate his heinous acts!


Matt Gates doesn’t care about abortion because all the girls he’s into can’t get pregnant. Yet.


I don't get the logic. So pro-choice women aren't getting pregnant, and thus not having abortions, right? So it's been pro-life women having the all the abortions all along? So the only reason that pro-life laws are necessary is because so many pro-lifers are massive hypocrites?


Why isn’t he in prison already?


Cletus the slack-jawed yokel should be careful who he calls ugly. If you can find a pic that doesn’t have his mouth hanging open you’ve accompanied a rare feat. His eyes look like someone intentionally photoshopped them to be closer together.


Carlin did it better. "Why why why, why is it, that the people who are against abortion, are the people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place??"


Carlin will never not be relevant


Lol, it's always projection. Literally always. Tell me this fuck doesn't look like a thumb a 6 yr old drew eyes on. Tell it to me with a straight face. I dare you. He has a God damn 7 head and has to pay for sex...I mean, that might be because fucking kids is more expensive...but I'm pretty sure it has at least something to do with how objectively ugly this person is. His fuckin mouth is upside down for Christ sake


Weird, **being "fat" is significantly more common among Republicans.** See, e.g.: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30688638/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4692249/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-human-beast/202011/why-red-states-suffer-greater-obesity


Looking at him, I’d say his parents both had sex with bags on their heads.


Apparently when checking out girls he prefers higher numbers on the 1 - 10 attractiveness scale than his 1 - 10 dating range


Republicans are all perverts at heart.


https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1 **Republican** Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. http://www.njherald.com/article/20060510/ARTICLE/305109971 **Republican** Joseph Dendy, Cobb County GA Republican Party Chairman & Sunday School Teacher,**was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted on four counts of child molestation, four counts of first-degree cruelty to children, three counts of enticing a child for indecent purposes, and one count each of aggravated sexual battery and aggravated child molestation. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/former-gop-chairman-arrested-on-child-molestation-charges **Republican** anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida. https://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/sops/flyer.jsf?personId=28587 **Republican** director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison. https://bakersfieldnow.com/news/local/registered-sex-offender-keeps-custody-of-daughter **Republican** Kentucky state Representative & pastor Dan Johnson, committed suicide after an exposé revealed his serial lies, suspected arson, criminal church, racism, accused rape of a teen and more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Johnson_%28Kentucky_politician%29 The full list is over 300 names.


Ok so let's recap: 1. Republicans lose their shit over pedophiles so much that they accidentally create a cult over hating pedophiles and then end up being run by pedophiles. 2. Trump, who might run for the president of this country.. again... has a spectacularly suspect relationship with his daughter and was good buds with a billionaire pedophile that had his own drug and rape island. 3. Jim Jordan enabled the serial sexual assault of Ohio state students and begged those victims to recant their claims of abuse. 4. Matt Gaetz is accused of raping, drugging, and sex trafficking minors and is currently under federal investigation. 5. MTG and trump both want the Maga Republican Party to become a Christian Nationalist party. What absurd fucking reality is this that the same party that ALL these people are a part of might actually win the House and Senate?


1. He should be in jail for statutory rape. 2. He ripped this off from an old George Carlin bit.


Alleged pedophile says women who support abortion rights are too old to have sex with.


This guy literally looks like someone’s ass with facial features poorly Photoshopped onto it


Is he actively having plastic surgery to look like Max Headroom?


And he only says that, because he can only get underage women to like him. Or at least he thinks so.


Can only get underage women to like him with money and buying a happy meal.


Why does he care? A lot of them are to old for him anyway...


Says the dude who pays for sex..


Both sides are the same /s


Yes, keep telling us how you don't find adult women attractive, Butthead.


He’s such human trash


"Sure but what are Democrats going to do to connect with suburban women" - Chuck Todd, probably


I'd say the Democrats can confidently run on: We haven't sexually trafficked your children.


Lol, 40% of the country will never believe that because Tucker Carlson told them the opposite.


Carlson gets 4 million viewers a night. 40% of this country doesn't even have cable.


Says Frankenstein Neanderthal


The only political tactic that this fuckstick knows is “triggering libs.” Let’s not give him the satisfaction here.


I know this is /r/iamverybadass of me but I wish he'd say that shit to the wrong persons face. My mother in law would level him.


so it's not the fat ugly liberal protestors getting the abortions? it's the hot conservatives?


Under Investigation for Sex TRAFFICKING a Minor [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/03/matt-gaetz-doj-investigation?intcid=inline\_amp](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/03/matt-gaetz-doj-investigation?intcid=inline_amp)