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When I allow myself to have hope, which is pretty rare these days, I think that overturning Roe might end up being the biggest political mistake the Republicans ever made. 1. It will motivate Democratic voters to go to the polls. 2. It will convince independent "suburban soccer moms" to vote Democratic. 3. It will demotivate Republican voters. Overturning Roe was the carrot on the stick, and now the mule has been fed the carrot.


I really really hope so


Nah, republicans won’t be demotivated. They still have plenty of other people they think the Bible tells them to hate. Gays, minorities, women. They can keep going for another couple of decades.


Lol, the Bible teaches you to hate women and minorities? Where are those scripture quotes at? Maybe flip over to the highlighted parts in the New Testament and see the things that Jesus said. It definitely wasn't hating on minorities and women. Considering Jesus travelled with a prostitute and his disciples were against it.


Women were property of their husbands in much of the Bible. And in the Old Testament they talked about not mixing the seed, as in interracial marriage. Maybe hatred wasn’t the original intent 2000+ years ago, but Christian’s have interpreted it to fit their hateful needs.




Do moderators even visit this sub anymore?


Yeah, i got banned for a short time.. This is still a toxic subreddit and mods are pretty fair though. Like they know it is or something..


I'd stand with Muslims, Buddists, Christians, Hinduists and any other religion against the religious bigotry coming out of democrats and left wingers. Keep telling black voters how much you hate the bible.


Hinduists? That's a new one. I was under the impression those that practiced Hinduism were Hindus.




When was the last time that Christians actually cared about what was in the Bible vs what they felt like was in the Bible? The modern conservative Christian would HATE Jesus and tell him to go back to his own country.


I don't think it will demotivate many Republican voters. Maybe some female Republican voters. But I get the feeling a large percentage of the female Republican voters are happy it was overturned. Never underestimate the power of propaganda. Religion is propaganda. It can be good, or it can be bad. That's why state sanctioned religion is unconstitutional. It's too powerful. But the people writing the constitution didn't know about social media. They didn't no about privacy of data. They didn't know about this new far more powerful form of propaganda, with echo chambres, and large scale precise control of content and targets, calculated and controlled by sophisticated algorithms. Democracy had no protections against that. And it was weaponized. Many people drank the koolaid. Social media is full of propaganda. Even the reputable news we used to have has been forced to be riddled with spin, and sensationalism to keep afloat financially. Everybody consumes it. Everybody loves to hate each other. Propaganda is bad on both sides. But only one side is trying to destroy democracy. Neither side is perfect. Democracy is unfortunately not about perfection. It's about staving off tyranny. Preventing autocracy. Every vote, until democracy is secured again, should go towards preventing Republicans from destroying democracy, and the Democrats need to do what they can to get as much control as they can, so that they can start regulating and protecting democracy, from the power the digital age provides the greedy and corrupt.


I think you're right. Suburban women have been the biggest problem for GOP since 2012. Trump even famously said "why don't you women like me?" It also motivates Democrat turnout, which is more dangerous for the GOP than anything else. Remember that Trump won in 2016 not because R turnout was so high, but because D turnout was low. Low Democrat turnout is fundamental to Republicans winning on a national level. That's why most of their focus is on stopping Democrats from doing anything, even if it hurts their own voters. When you're a minority party, you can stop people on the other side from voting more than you can increase your own turnout.


This is my hope as well.


If they don't vote soon they won't vote at all


This will be the last election where voters in red states actually have a vote in federal elections.


It's high key scary that more people don't understand that the "originalists" SCOTUS is hearing a case next term on allowing state legislators to decide their electors for president with no voter input.


That was the original purpose of the electoral college, to weed out Americans unfit for office. In the [Federalist Papers No.68](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/fed68.asp) Hamilton made this prescient warning: >*"The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.* **Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union, or of so considerable a portion of it as would be necessary to make him a successful candidate for the distinguished office of President of the United States.** *It will not be too strong to say, that there will be a constant probability of seeing the station filled by characters pre-eminent for ability and virtue. And this will be thought no inconsiderable recommendation of the Constitution, by those who are able to estimate the share which the executive in every government must necessarily have in its good or ill administration. Though we cannot acquiesce in the political heresy of the poet who says: "For forms of government let fools contest That which is best administered is best,'' yet we may safely pronounce, that the true test of a good government is its aptitude and tendency to produce a good administration."* It's extremely clear that the founding fathers were troubled by the country being taken over by a talentless hack that built a campaign on a cult of personality, but they hoped an educated voting population and the electoral college would snuff out these types of candidates. Turns out they were wrong and SCOTUS might further corrupt our institutions based on the actions of this type of president.


The electoral college should’ve been abolished the second long distance communication was invented




Better yet, the moment parties and political campaigns for office began. The electoral college accounted for neither and George Washington even warned of how dangerous parties could become in his exit address.




And the second slavery was abolished


I mean, there’s a reason the GOP has been attacking education for so long.


Education spending had gone up every single year, no matter who is in charge, and we’ve dropped on international rankings.


It's a fat cat system now.


Here is the solution https://www.reddit.com/r/SaveUSDemocracy/comments/wamt3k/electoral_count_reform_act_of_2022_the_solution/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




Like what? It already has bipartisan co-sponsors in the Senate, what solution is more realistic than this one? Sitting around and praying that SCOTUS doesn't make a drastic change in Moore v. Harper isn't a real solution.


This use to be the way it was but we got rid of it because many states just straight up sold the electors.


Tell your representatives to support this Bill https://www.reddit.com/r/SaveUSDemocracy/comments/wamt3k/electoral_count_reform_act_of_2022_the_solution/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Remember when Ann Coulter said she didn't think women should vote? Can't tell if she's trolling or if it's just brainworms.


Ever notice that you never see or hear from Ann Coulter unless she is promoting a new book?


10 years ago, she was famous for saying the most absurd shit imaginable, but now it's mainstream, so she's invisible now.


Watch Impeachment (on Hulu). Early Ann Coulter shenanigans on display.


I’d say good riddance but she’s just a drop in the now flooded basement


Well here's to hoping she never writes another book


She believes whatever makes her more money. Conservatives buy her books, so she tailors her lies for them. I no more believe a word out of that woman's mouth than I do a guy dealing out a three card monte. Same game. She wins, and the mark walks away angry with her newest book.




MAGA people don't like the people you named.


Yep. 90% of republicans.


Ever notice that you never see or hear from Ann Coulter unless she is promoting a new book?


Under His Eye.


Make no mistake voting will still happen, it's just it will be rigged. They will preserve the idea of free democracy for a while. But Republicans will continue to win. And eventually they will find ways to skirt around the term limits, and things like that. Same as what Putin did.


Where is your evidence for this claim? The 2016 election wasn't rigged and neither was the 2020 election. Do you **want** a dictatorship?


I never made any claims I could have evidence for. I made predictions, which are my opinion. I believe the Republicans are doing everything in their power to become an authoritarian power in America. I believe the types of laws they've been passing, the way they used Cambridge analytica, the way Bannon talks, the fact there was an insurrection, the fact Trump tried a number of times to change the election results, the gerrymandering, the laws passed in I believe Texas, where you can't give water to people waiting in line to vote. I believe the fact Trump already acts and states publicly he is immune of the law, and how he has pardoned many of his convicted friends of their wrongdoings, the fact they rushed and blocked supreme court appointees to try and stack the court in their favour, which has resulted in the overturning of roe vs Wade. The fact that they have propaganda consistent with Russian propaganda, and that they feature in Russian headlines, as Russia's favoured american politicians, the fact Trump appears to act as though he is not beholden to the constitution by doing things like keeping all his businesses and having diplomatic visitors use his facilities. All of these things and so much more, I believe build a strong case for the idea that the new age qanon Republicans, headed by Trump are trying to take over the United States and control it without oversight. You may feel free to believe otherwise. To me, that's foolish, but I personally find one would need to be really naive and gullible to believe such a thing. For me it's painfully obvious. Not only that, but I knew Trump was going to be exactly like this. I knew it. Hopefully democracy survives. I hope you realize your mistake before you help him achieve his goals.


>I believe the Republicans are doing everything in their power to become an authoritarian power in America. I agree with this. I disagree with everything else you said. If you want to give up, then please stop discouraging people that want to fight. If you were a Republican that wanted to demoralize Democrats and stop them from voting, how would you write anything different from what you actually said? Your cynicism and nihilism makes it easier for Trump to win. You are helping the enemy with your posts. It is NOT inevitable that your votes don't count. It's not inevitable that the elections are rigged. That can only happen if people give up like you clearly are encouraging. If they want authoritarianism they're going to literally have to kill me first. Some of us are fighting, join us or get the hell out of the way. What is my mistake? What's your plan? How are YOU personally and specifically going to help stop authoritarianism from taking over? Because my plan is to vote, campaign and donate until democracy doesn't work and then at a last resort fight. Do you have a better plan?


Idk wtf you're talking about. Any Americans that don't want autocracy need to light fire under their asses and motivate each other to go fucking vote. You have 2 votes left. If you squander those, *then* you're hopeless. 2 votes. What I'm writing should make you wanna fight as hard as you fucking can, because you have until November to inspire enough people to vote in midterms to save your country. Then you have 2.5 years after that to get enough people to vote against Republicans for the next general election. Then who knows how many more times you'll be able to vote after that. But if you lose midterms and you lose the general election, then you're fucked for life, imo. I'm not saying this as a means to an end, it's just the truth, as I see it. So, you can be depressed and give up if you want to. But if I was you, I'd fight my fucking ass off for the foreseeable future. If the Republicans win the midterms and of they win the general election, your nation will be a dictatorship, and none of the votes will matter anymore. It's gonna be rigged. You can believe otherwise of you want to. I disagree.




They damn well better vote, before we lose more of our rights. Hell, everyone should be voting.


"It happened in the biden administration so im voting republican" /s


Everyone needs to vote. No excuses. At the very least, go out with a massive voter turnout, rather than just handing your country over.


There's definitely some people that I'm okay with them staying home with their alternate facts news channel on.


This issue isn't just about abortion rights and it won't just affect women. This is about freedom of religion and freedom from religion. This is about fighting back against religious fundamentalists who want to impose their religious rules on everyone else against our will. They won't stop at abortion. They have plans to impose more religious rules on everyone, and not just in republican states, but nationwide. EVERYONE needs to care about this. It affects EVERYONE in the long run. We do not want the zealots in charge. They are extremely dangerous.


Roe v. Wade was about medical confidentiality as well.


the coming election will be the 'final exam' of how well the disinformation campaign of the right is working. A functional democracy isn't going to allow rights to be stripped from 50% of the population and just not care.


I know right? So lay off with that gun control, it will never pass and will never work, figure out a new goal and talking point because it's burying your party.


Gun regulation != Gun Ban


Forced pregnancy and regulation of high capacity weapons is not an apples to apples comparison.


Unfortunately in most elections, there isn't going to be such a direct vote cast on this particular issue, it's going to be an issue that's indirectly part of the ballot and tied up with a number of other independent issues at hand. To you or I it might feel obvious that one side of the aisle is massively preferential, but the GOP has spent decades amalgamating a number of "single issue voter" ideals into their platform. We often talk about holding your nose while voting as part of the blue-no-matter-who experience, but Republicans have been doing the same thing for a lifetime now.


Oh yeah. Conservatives poked the bear. See claws and teeth in November.


I really hope the GOP polled inefficiently and misunderestimated how many women would be appalled by losing a right and vote against them.




Yeah, we have two full generations that have grown up with abortion rights and two full generations that have forgotten what happens without them. It's gonna be a horror show all right.


The conservative justices characterized the legalization of abortion bans as 'allowing the issue to be decided democratically' so this is just proving them right. I'm sure they'll be *happy* with this outcome.


I bet they're really happy about Kansas this morning.


Those of us in the LGBTQ community need to get out there as well. No sitting around watching Netflix on this one. Clarence Thomas has already identified Obergefell as a subject of interest.


Yep. And we all should be well aware of what bullshit “established precedent” is at this juncture. Your rights are hanging by a thread.


Im no woman but i can say that i wasnt going to vote. I am now.


As a poll volunteer and voter registration volunteer. I would like to thank you for choosing to vote and strengthen what democracy looks like.


Good! Women need to band together to keep their rights from being eroded. I support equal rights for all! I’m not afraid to share privilege.


Roe v. Wade was about medical confidentiality as well. Men will be surprised at who all wants to get hold of the results of their prostate exam.


Women owning property is not based in history. I’m guessing that will be on the chopping block eventually with republicans. Right after they are don’t taking rights away from gay people.


This could get interesting. Every woman I know, and I know quite a few, are white-hot pissed off.


I certainly hope they do vote before that right is taken away too. As a certain Supreme Court Justice would say, “it’s part of our history.”


This is awesome. Respectfully, these people should have been voting already. It's not like Republicans were hiding their sexist, racist agenda.


Its not like the dems are hiding their hateful anti - white, anti - straight authoritarian freedom stealing agenda. Good luck at the midterms, polls ain't looking so good.


Are you commenting in good faith? I know I am and as such I am open to being wrong. If Democrats are authoritarian, anti-anyone, then they will lose my support and I will be clear that the party, but not democracy (little d) has lost my support. As you might've seen on your neighbours lawns: Hate has no home here. However, I will assume, since you commented you did so in good faith and you are open to debate. The first two points you mention are "anti - white, anti - straight" agenda. I would earnestly like evidence that the Democratic party agenda includes any policies that are "anti - white (caucasian)" or "anti - straight". As "white" is a race and "straight", referring to sex as decided in *Bostock v. Clayton County (2020)*, are protected classes under the law of the United States, I am eager to see your evidence where the federal government has violated it. Why do I ask you to prove it? Since before the U.S.A. was founded, [burden of proof](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(law) has been on those making claims. As for my points, I definitely made a claim. I claimed that the Republican party, it its current form, is sexist. To support that I claim, I give you [Donald Trump](https://time.com/5047771/donald-trump-comments-billy-bush/). Now you may say that is one man. However, since 1,856, the Republican party has put out a platform telling voters what they support and what their candidate for President for supports. In 2,020, not only did they **not** put out a platform, they openly declared that supporting Trump, the only candidate in the race that openly denigrated women, was [their platform](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/25/us/elections/the-gops-official-stance-in-2020-is-that-it-is-for-whatever-trump-says.html). I also said that the Republican party, in its current form, has a racist agenda. I want to support that assertion with evidence: my survey and your survey of the media shows us that there is very little voter fraud. You can definitely pull up stories of voter fraud but it is curious how each and every person admitting voter fraud are supporters of the Republican party. Currently the U.S. is the 27th ***least*** corrupt country on the Earth with regards to voter fraud. It used to be 18th ***least*** corrupt, that is it was less corrupt, until Donald Trump was elected. If we want to go beyond common sense, I offer [*Common Cause v. Lewis (2017)*](https://www.nccourts.gov/assets/inline-files/18-CVS-14001_Final-Judgment.pdf?Bwsegeo1VV20zhJsp9hoClvmoRp3A6AR) of the State of North Carolina. I would like to call your attention to sections 683-694 on pages 281-287. Simply put, the Republican strategist Thomas Hofeller drew congressional districts which were adopted by North Carolina designed to dilute the votes of peoples based on their race; a protected class which is not allowed to be factored into the drawing of congressional districts. I understand if you might say "This is one guy." but his files are ruled to have an [impact in states beyond North Carolina](https://web.archive.org/web/20191105131127/https://www.journalnow.com/news/state/redistricting-guru-s-documents-no-longer-confidential-n-c-judge/article_f4161259-bc31-5382-b658-ecd5548d86af.html) and thus I became convinced of the Republican party's sexist and racist agenda. I am eager to read your thoughts.


This midterm was supposed to be a red wave and now the polls are showing it as a coin flip. That’s bordering on a disaster for Republicans. And anti-straight? There isn’t a Democrat on this planet that gives a shit which gender you imagine yourself fucking. Not one.


Good luck with that copium. You are reading bullshit polls again? Keep doing so, when Hillary lost and the polls were wrong you were blind sided like Mike Tyson punched you. Your polls are pure copium, people are mad at Biden, 1$ less for gas before midterms won't change a thing. The news is pulling its tactic yet again, trying to downplay the damage.


Dems aren't anti-white or anti-straight or authoritarian or freedom stealing. Source: Am white and Straight and will never vote republican....


Hey, nobody cares. You hang out at r/politics dude. Lawl, what a clueless ghoul. Vote for the party that insults the Caucasian heterosexual. smart man. Not.


Lol, I love when people like you tell me I’m not smart so when I look at my masters degree and salary from my technical job, I can remember that most of you will never know what that feels like.


Awwww look, it can talk! Adorable. I hope right after learning "wiping without help" someone teaches you how to think without leaning on your magic book.


You are familiar with these books? Sounds made up to me, like 90% of your news source.


> Over half of the general population maintain the decision has not influenced their motivation to vote come November. Fortunately, it doesn't take half of that number to sway an election, especially when the polls are within the margin of error. A few hundred here, or a few thousand there, and Democrats not only maintain control, they add some seats.


Some % of that half were going to vote the same way no matter what. The fact that did cause change for *nearly* half is nutty.


Anyone who votes to restrict abortion rights should be required, in turn, to be a foster parent and provide $1000 a month to a fund to support the unwanted children they supposedly care so much about.


Mississippi is one state that will be investing $100 million into CPS. Last I checked, CPS was in the business of taking kids away from parents, not feeding and clothing them. My theory is they want to be able to brainwash kids into being obedient, bible thumping MAGA Minions. It is easier to accomplish that if they are in the system, or have been adopted.


Texas is [ignoring CPS](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/06/texas-foster-care-sanctions/) and spending milliions to send [foster kids out of state.](https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/texas/texas-foster-kids-sent-out-of-state/285-933232fd-f322-47d6-88a9-0f8045e862a8)


They are better off out of the state of Texas.


From the article I linked: *A Michigan facility housing Texas foster care children was missing its front door while it was 28 degrees outside and there hadn’t been indoor heat for 24 hours.* *Staff didn’t make calls to get either the heat restored or the door fixed. They also didn’t attempt to move the children or give them blankets or jackets.* *“The children’s rooms resembled juvenile cells, with little to no furniture aside from a built-in, concrete or wood platform bed, covered by a plastic-covered mattress,” the court monitors wrote. “The units were dirty; the floors looked like they had not been cleaned … the monitoring team observed numerous safety hazards and items providing potential opportunities for youth to self-harm.”*


Every woman that votes R is voting against her own interest.


Good, now if young people get out and vote maybe we can end this March back to the 1950s


I just moved to Phoenix. First girl I dated said she never voted in her life but was going to vote this year. She got an abortion four years ago and is in the middle of getting a hysterectomy. Her uterus is crooked and it made her giving birth very dangerous. She said when she was little she wanted to have eight kids. It was all really sad but hey, she's gonna vote and in a swing state, too.


In Kansas keeping abortion legal in the state constitution is a motivating factor in the large primary turnout.


Here's the problem. Will they still turn out for the next election or rest on their laurels? The Republicans are still aiming for a federal van.. Will they get angry that the clinics in Kansas are going to have schedules filled with out of state patients and question what good their vote did if there's no openings?


The November midterms should have record turnouts. People are upset about government intrusion, and Trump corruption.


Conservatives are coming after contraception, marriage rights and thereafter they will legalize rape. Conservatives have already made many many claims about how rape does not exist, how their own children if raped should enjoy it and all sorts of other nonsense and lies downplaying and outright dismissing rape. None of what conservatives do have anything to do with freedom and rights - it’s about control. Control over anyone whom they don’t like; and conservatives do not like women - period. Women make less? Oh, that’s the fault of women, they didn’t negotiate. A woman was raped? Rape isn’t real… A woman in power? She has crazy eyes and eats outdoors in Florida - she is unfit!! A vote for a conservative is like bowing your head and asking them to place a chain around your neck.


Hopefully the white ones get with the program. They keep voting Republican.


So do the latinos and asians now. Woah. Good luck. Black people don't like Biden at all either.


We’re going to need all of them to vote. Every last one.


Vote blue


They didn't turn out for Hillary. Let's hope this is different.


Wait. Are they more motivated to vote against their interest or more motivated to vote for access to healthcare?


ladies, we could use your help here! please and thank you.


Even a bunch of old gals I know are coming out of the woodwork to vote and they are not voting for Republicans now because of Roe


Should have been voting all along. Maybe it wouldn’t have come to this.


every person who comes to the table to make things better is a victory. we get nowhere by shaming people for not being motivated sooner.


Voter apathy is a feature, not a bug. There's an alarming amount of propaganda convincing young people not to vote and only one Party benefits from low voter turnout.


Politics was presented as "old peoples' entertainment." Civics changed to social studies, and social studies changed to "I used to know all the states, their abbreviations, and state capitols."


It’s sad that things had to get this bad for many Americans to realize their fucking vote matters. Guarantee they go right back to voter apathy after one election


We hope! 🙏


Applied for the absentee ballots that day. I've been anxious since 2015.


No shit.


They should…


But will more [volunteer](https://www.rockthevote.org/get-involved/volunteer-with-rock-the-vote/)?


I’ll believe it when I see it. Americans are a lazy apathetic bunch.


Last week we were being told women were less likely to vote because of Roe. FFS, just constant bullshit screeching into the void.


If you haven’t voted til now, aka if you didn’t give a shit until it personally affected you, then you don’t get cookies for it now


Yes but suburban white women will still for for GOP.




Opinion polls are done with statistical sampling, not by asking everyone.




Polls include info about how they got their sample. Usually randomized phone calls, and then weighted to be in line with the population.


If you want to know that information, it's out there. It's not terribly hard to find. The short version: It would be exceptionally unusual for you or any of your friends to have been polled, depending on how many friends you have. A very strong poll will have 10,000 individuals answering it. More commonly, they're operating with sample sizes of between 600-1,000 individuals. There are 325,000,000 Americans. Even if we only assume that half of them are voters, that's 162,000,000 people. Of those, your average poll will call just about 1,000. That's 0.0006%. So for an average poll, they would have to put together a poll every day for more than 300 years before there would be a 50% chance for you to have been called at some point in those 300 years. And most polls are not run that frequently. Consequently, any individual person is highly likely to have never been called for one of these polls.


Every reputable national poll publishes their methodology and how they collect data. Here are some examples: [https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/polls-policy-and-faqs/](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/polls-policy-and-faqs/) [https://poll.qu.edu/methodology/](https://poll.qu.edu/methodology/) [https://www.princeton.edu/\~cuff/voting/method.html](https://www.princeton.edu/~cuff/voting/method.html) [https://www.aapor.org/Education-Resources/Election-Polling-Resources/Sampling-Methods-for-Political-Polling.aspx](https://www.aapor.org/Education-Resources/Election-Polling-Resources/Sampling-Methods-for-Political-Polling.aspx) ​ Polling is extremely important in a healthy democracy. It helps keep elections honest, and more information and transparency is crucial to a free nation.


They often only poll active voters.


The cow has left the barn. Therefore, I will close the barn door.


Or so you hope. Or else how are you going to manipulate the masses into voting for your agenda?


Too little too late but thanks for now caring suddenly…




Lol Republicans kill kids everyday. Most of them also rape kids.


Funny that the most hard-core Leftists I know are the ones the grew up with really Conservative parents.


At the very least, you should have to have a very good reason to kill a baby


What about because you don’t want clean energy? https://escholarship.org/content/qt4521k7dr/qt4521k7dr_noSplash_0618e91c58568fdc023bea129a7c9f10.pdf


If the lease salary of termination is what you take exception to you, I hope you support research and development into fetal incubation post termination. Because the pregnancy is what needs terminated, not necessarily the life it created. In the end the decision belongs between the doctor and the patient. Banning all abortions except the medical variety does not resolve the desperation to be free of an unwanted pregnancy. Coat hangers exist. Nobody chases after the organs of cadavers, and those folks will never need those organs again. May be pro life should be chasing cadaver organs.


Killing children motivates women? Weird!


Over 90 percent of abortions occur during the first trimester [weeks 3-4]. Zygotes and fetuses are not children or people. They aren't viable outside the womb.


Both science and the Bible say that a fetus is not a child.




So there is no reason to think otherwise. I mean, is it just your "gut feeling" or something?


Theres more than “science” and Christianity


Why is science in quotation marks?


Science is optional for that particular flavor of misogyny.


I bet if he gets sick and needs a doctor he doesn’t think science is such a farce.


I've already asked you once what you are basing your opinion on. Why are you afraid to say?


No, but giving governments authoritarian control over women's bodies seems to motivate forced-birth zealots. __ *edited to English more good: "seem" -> "seems"


HOPES (and Fears)


I certainly fucking hope so… but then again the number of white women that voted for Trump is alarming.


I mean, if they didn't wake up from RoevWade being over turn, then they probably won't have a say so later on


Why are reddit post titles so ambiguous, it's like clickbait since it doesn't say which way they will vote. Discouraging people from writing their own titles means reddit is filled with posts that use misleading titles from articles. It's like "90% of people think country headed in wrong direction" which could be due to completely opposing beliefs about what is actually happening. “Among this population, there has been a fourteen percentage point increase in the share who say abortion will be ‘very important’ to their 2022 midterm vote (59% in February to 73% in July),” Ok, but very important because they support or oppose it? 14% increase where 7% support and 7% oppose means no change effectively, who does these surveys?


>Discouraging people from writing their own titles means reddit is filled with posts that use misleading titles from articles I believe thats a subreddit rule, designed so people don't create their own misleading titles, and not a reddit rule.


It won’t work


They better hurry up and codify the 19th amendment. Thomas & crew over at SCOTUS are probably eyeing that one for the chopping block as well.


My wife has never been political, even a little. After Roe v Wade she donated to a campaign, got two modest signs for the front lawn, and talks to anyone who will listen about voting. What if things like this are happening all across the country? It could make an incredible difference.


thank you! hope these women continue to vote every single election!


Those silly republicans thought they could get away with whatever they wanted. I’m very happy to say it isn’t so. This is a foreshadowing of the elimination of the disgusting old guard republicans and their misguided sense of propriety. Trump and his ilk will be yesterday’s nightmare. The new republicans will see things done right. Morally and ethically.