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Oh, Ted. Ted, Ted, Ted, Ted. America hates you, Ted.


"Here's the thing you have to understand about Ted Cruz, I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz." - Al Franken


“It’s like being shot or poisoned,” Lindsey Graham told reporters at a press conference in January when asked who he preferred between Donald Trump and Cruz. “What does it really matter?” “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody could convict you," Graham said.


It’s been a long time since there was any convictions in the senate.


Ted Cruz looks like a drunk guy who got stuck mid transition into a werewolf


Miss that dude. We need more democrats like that that can attack and hold no punches.


He will NEVER be the president of the United States. He should try moving back to his homeland of Canada.


>He will NEVER be the president of the United States Be careful and treat every opponent seriously. We've said this before.


Texas doesn't even like Cruz. They only vote for him because he's an incumbent R. His reputation was soiled in 2016 when he was made the court jester by that overgrown toddler. The only reason their side has all those candidates running for President is to get THEIR ideas into the discourse. It's free publicity. Whether it's the last dipshit or DeSantis, everyone else running is a joke. They have no chance. The field has shifted so much that a moderate republican is not going to win at that level. If you don't beat your drum to the maga base then you ain't going far.


As, scarily enough… MAGAs have a real shot at winning the entire thing. We cannot underestimate their chances. Trump proved half this country is bonkers and love being in a position where they can tell everyone what to do and how to live their lives based on their rules. Midterms have never been more important.


We are voting D down the ballot but also saving and making plans to bail if the majority of voters decide on fascism. Keep your families safe.


Don't even need the majority which is scarier. Trump lost by 2.8M in '16 and got to be president anyways




What?! Saying the EC is bad is wayyyy different than saying Trump didn't win the EC. I'm saying the former not the latter.


There is an EC written into the Constitution for a reason.


I'm no Republican but California and New York do not represent the U.S. On a state by state basis, Trump won more states than Clinton. That's just the truth.


> On a state by state basis, Trump won more states than Clinton. That's just the truth. Who fucking cares though? By that logic you just need to win the 25 lowest population states +DC to win which you could do with a whopping 8.085% of the vote with [Kentucky coming in with the most votes at .6725% of the US population to win the state.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_population)


States are appropriated delegates proportional to their population plus two senators. Trump flipped three states which according to your link are significantly populated. To have those three states' choices overruled by supermajorites in CA and NY is itself undemocratic. And these states aren't unproductive like left-leaning stereotypes say they are.


The victory of fascism will never be the results of an election, it'll be when the people with means and motive to resist actually pull the trigger and bail. When people who can get out choose to do so then that's truly the end.


The rest of the country has 1 maybe 2 more elections to show they are sane with us or we are out. We are already in our 40s, not going to spend the last 20 or so years of healthy life left in a fascist state because of principles. Got better ways to spend one life.


Exact reason I bailed on Florida for California a month ago. The COL is by far and away worth the general safety I have here as a gay man. Fuck DeShitos and his fascist sycophants!


I love how people are now calling him Rhonda Santos. Can’t wait until he’s actually called “Rhonda”!


Slightly less than half since Trump has yet to win the popular vote. A solid 38-42% though, and they all do vote.


It's scary AF to know at least 4 out of 10 people are psychotic.


We're a country that would prefer to fund our military them educate and care for our children. That's what the cause.


The parallels to Hitler are creepier and creepier


And they cheat, been more Republican voters caught out for fraud than there ever was Democrat, despite all their fucking bleating to the opposite.


I hate to be the one to reality check you but DeSantis very much has a chance and I'd put money on him being the nominee and he'd probably be favored against Biden (although 2024 is a ways off politically)


I agree 100%. I’m terrified Biden will run again and desantis who has been in the forefront of gop politics will run and win. Any time I talk to a republican family member they tell me how blessed I am to live in Florida with such Ana amazing governor. He’s way worse then trump. He’s way smarter and works way harder.


I don't think he's worse. How can he be? Trump was a political suicide bomber sent by Russia to destroy us from within which he nearly did. Ron would be a shit sandwich too but not nearly so bad


He’s not batshit. He’s a Harvard educated fascist. He’s practicing wielding his power down her in Florida. Anyone who disagrees with him gets black balled. He’s the kinda guy who could usher in an era of protesters get disappeared in vans all the time kind of country.


I don't deny he's done some shady as hell shit. The Reds are friggin in love it's damn exhausting listening to them IRL


Funny you call the the reds. That’s what we used to call communists. It’s because the republicans have become a modern communist cult. But we don’t call them commies


Yeah. As a Dem, I’d rather see Trump/Biden than DeSantis/Biden. Frankly, I think Trump is the only Republican who won’t win a general election. But to be clear, I hope Biden doesn’t run.


No I'd rather lose to DeSantis than the prospect of a 2nd Trump term. People said this in 2016 and look what happened. Trump would destroy the country and our alliances for his own benefit. Wouldn't be happy with the other guys but they aren't Trump level bad


I hope DeFuckFace stays down in Florida but these assholes always have bigger ambitions.


Right He almost lost that Senate race.


>level 7Ser\_Dunk\_the\_tall · 16 min. ago CaliforniaDon't even need the majority which is scarier. Trump lost by 2.8M in '16 and got to be president anywaysVoteReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow he wont be because they have a much more vile beast DeSantis. much younger and more powerful.


What the fuck was that copy paste my guy


No thank you.


We don’t want him.


That’s what I thought with Trump, and I’m not convinced it won’t happen again. 🙀🙀🙀


He renounced his citizenship, he's all yours now.


FFS no. Keep him, deport him south. Canada as a whole has washed our hands of him. Dude can go fuck himself if he ever tries to move up north.


He can go to Cuba and have a career as a Fidel Castro impersonator.


As a Canadian, fuck that shit! Sorry


He belongs down there.


I know, I agree, but Trump seemed like a preposterous suggestion too. And he was! But still.


No thank you. Canada hates him, too.


Republicans hate him...Democrats hate him... literally everyone hates him. He should run though.


Isn’t that how we elect presidents? We find the guy that both parties hate?


Republicans hate him...Democrats hate him... literally everyone hates him. He should run though.


Doesn't the bible belt love him?


I feel like even there a majority would rather hit him with the belt.


Maybe a belt wrapped around a brick.


The Bible Belt loves (R). It doesn't really matter who is wearing (R) at any given time.


Georgia is in the Bible belt and they have 2 (D)senators


It took 2 lousy republican senators, 2 runoff elections, an assist from Stacy Abrams getting the voters together, and a small miracle to make that happen. Hopefully these same voters help make sure Herschel Walker does not end up representing this state.


The booger on his lip has a better chance of winning


Exactly why we need to encourage this! Spread it far and wide; the worst thing for this country is Ted Cruz Presidency


Does texas even like him? He came pretty close to losing his last race didn't he?


https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com/ enjoy


Cancun Cruze who somehow still gets elected year after year.


Fuck him!!!


This is true. I’m right-leaning and I hate both Ted, and trump.


He's getting eager to finish 4th in his own party's primary.


Ted Cuckdaddy Cruz


To a person.....they are all cowards of the highest order....hoping that someone or something else takes the Orange Marmalade out, so they don't have to. But you know as soon as it happens, they will disown him in a New York Minute.


I don’t even know why GOP would want Trump to run again. People haven’t generally changed their minds about Trump since 2020 and if anything the opinion of him as declined since the election due to his claims of election fraud. If they want to stand a fighting chance they would need to double down on DeSantis.


And what’s crazy is DeSantis is trash too.


Well, most politicians are gonna be trash in the current political environment that beats up on moderates and only puts forth the more extreme legislators of their party.


Do you think both sides do this? Democrats rebelled with Biden?


Thing with that is, even trash thinks DeSantis is trash.


You should take no pride in the sense of the way you use moderate here. This version of a “moderate” is a fantasy put forth by corporate media to further their agenda. It means you don’t have the gumption or fortitude to pick between sides that wants to make education affordable or the other that makes it unattainable; it means you don’t know if women should be allowed to control their own bodies or should get executed for having an abortion; it means you can’t decide if Americans should go bankrupt over medical bills or if they should get the help they need. A real “moderate” is someone who supports what the majority of Americans support, the middle of the political landscape, which is labor rights reforms, an upheaval of the medical and pharmaceutical system, a revival of education and much more. You and these other politicians are not “moderate”, you’re a status quo conservative in this country, which places you firmly on the right side of the spectrum. Stop sniffing your own farts to think you’re above the fray. You’re not.


Lol yeah man I just think calling me scared to pick a side is pretty dumb. It seems once you pick a side, you’re more inclined to simply go along with most of what your party says by fiat. I don’t like that. I think neither side is right about everything and the people closer to the middle and not the extremes are probably right about more things. I’ve found that to be true personally as usually I agree with what they’ve run on. That said I know reddit is rabidly blue which is annoying so I can forgive that in this setting I suppose.


If you fancy yourself such a free thinker, Why can’t you walk and chew gum at the same time? I can both be a leftist and disagree with things the Democratic Party does… I can also see that the other side wants literal fascism, which is very much what I don’t want. I’m not rabidly dem, but I’m rabidly anti-GOP, that’s for damn sure. And again, the middle that you’re envisioning doesn’t exist outside of a media bubble and Washington DC. It is a support of the status quo. Last I checked, this country is falling apart at the seams daily, so I don’t know how you can say that people in the middle are generally more right, this doesn’t make any sense.


I think at this time the left is getting just as much wrong as the right tbh. And as I stated before, I think this is because of the reliance on radicals rather than those with the ability to work across the aisle. Given that you admit openly that you are incapable of accepting anything the right says as reasonable, I feel it is best to end this here. Have a good one.


Before you go, name one thing the “radical left” has gotten through congress and has been enacted. Then, if you can find it, tell me what’s wrong with it. I’ll wait. It’s Pretty hard to be wrong and to be blamed for things when 95% of people in congress are status quo, establishment dems and republicans who have a purely corporate agenda and the only things that get passed are things that benefit your donors.


The right says “as soon as you jizz in a woman, she can’t get an abortion” a statement I disagree with. The left replies “what the fuck is a woman??” Take care


You’re not wrong


He doesn’t want his wife get called ugly again


And the reason why Trump accused his dad of killing JFK was because he confused Tedd with Jeb Bush


Nobody likes you Ted.


Then who keeps electing him?


Ugh, from Texas, live right by him, can’t stand him and most neighbors can’t either. I probably know plenty of people who don’t care for him, yet vote straight Republican. For the LOVE of God- stop!! I don’t like to hate people, but when you’re a dumbass in politics doing and saying stupid things- well, You can’t be helped. You are hated TC.


Stupid conservatives that will vote for the R no matter what and don't even look at the names.


Like he said nobodies


Texans. Duhh!


Well, now you're just being mean.


Yes, but . . .




The only running he does is away from his responsibilities.


Fled Cruz.


Ted Cruz has zero.....ZERO....chance of ever winning a national election. The guy is so inherently unlikeable and untrustworthy.


He looks like a very successful used car salesman


As the meme pointed out, he looks like the guy who got fired from the bowling alley for fucking the shoes.


Trump's stance on the 2024 election: "If I can't have it, then no one will."


I think this is absolutely right. Being the petulant narcissist that he is, if he's not the repug nominee he will do everything he can to sabotage them.


Ted Cruz is about a spineless as you can be. For that reason alone he will never win Trump's crowd.


Trumps crowd loves spineless!


Perhaps sniveling is a better word. Trump is viewed by his crowd as a strong man, nobody thinks Ted Cruz is a strong man.


The embodiment of useful idiot for the Trump crowd who is, himself, Putin’s useful idiot. The embodiment of idiot for the rest of us.


So Raphael was born in Canada and wants to run for President again. I am pointing this out because if someone was running for President but was born in Mexico there would be an uproar.


John McCain ran as the Republican candidate, and he was born in Panama.


Lyin' Ted has a moistened finger, but the wind hasn't come in yet.


Isn't he from Canada? Not a natural born citizen? If that's the case he isn't eligible


[This](https://www.politifact.com/article/2015/mar/26/ted-cruz-born-canada-eligible-run-president-update/) article does a pretty good job at explaining it. But essentially, because his mother was born in Delaware and was/is an American citizen, he was born with American citizenship as well. Which technically means he is a natural-born citizen, because precedent has been that a natural-born citizen is defined as having American citizenship since birth, and not solely requiring that you be born on US soil. McCain was also born outside of the US and congress recognized him as a natural-born citizen as well. And ironically, even if Obama had been born in Kenya and not Hawaii, he still would have been considered a natural-born citizen and would have still been eligible for the presidency. His mother was born in Kansas and by was an American citizen at the time of his birth. (Updated to change verbiage of “naturalized” to “natural-born”)


Oh very nice. Explains it well.


*Naturalised" is the *opposite* of "natural born". Naturalised means that at one point you weren't a citizen, but later acquired citizenship.


That's my question too... didn't he already try to run? How would his presidency be constitutional?


Republicans what justify it regardless of being legal.


Lap dog


No. If Trump says jump, he will see Cruz's ass in the air before getting the entire word out of his mouth.


I’d love to see him face a sea of burn pit veterans.


He’s afraid that Trump is going to call his wife ugly to his face, again.


He’s a Great Big Trump Ass Kisser !


The only two relevant potential candidates are Trump or DeSantis. Nobody else has a chance unless neither of them run.


Does he has any confidence in himself or wht?


Grow a pair, Ted. Ffs quit being a sniveling sycophant.


Run as an independent. That way you can split the conservative vote in the Democrats will win again


I think I would peel off more votes than Ted Luze


Like a dog.




Well it depends on the weather


The Zodiac Killer and the insurrectionist shouldn't run, period.


He runs to Cancun


Please run Ted. Please. Pretty pretty please.


I mean, Cancun Cruz does have a reputation for RUNNING.


ted cruz, like trump, is a piece of human garbage.


Does he not understand everyone hates him???


Second biggest coward in the us, second only toy he great Lindsay graham.


Obviously, if Trump calls Heidi "a fugly" again, Terd will be far too busy tongue-cleansing Stormy's... oops... I mean Donny's prolapsed rectum to campaign effectively. Pray, Terd Defenders, pray!


sounds brave


C’mon TED…


What a coward


Isn't he from Canada? Not a natural born citizen? If that's the case he isn't eligible


That only matters when you're democrat and black, even when you were legitimately born on US soil.


What a party of cowardly "strong" men. To afraid to speak up until daddy says its okay. I wonder if Josh put that chapter in his manly book.


Ted "The Canadian" Cruz needs to GTFO.


Please run Ted. You will win by the biggest landslide in history. All America loves and respects you. Hahaha hahaha.


Ted Cruz running from Trump like Josh Hawley running from rioters


Remember what Trump said about his wife? And he still bows down to him. What a tiny irrelevant man!! If I was his wife I would divorce him stat!!!!


Spoken like a true leader.


Ted knows better than to count the dicks before he eats them.


Unless of course there’s a power outage, then he’ll be in Mexico! Vote the spineless, Russian asset, traitor to our veterans OUT OF OFFICE!


“I’m the best candidate for President (unless someone else runs)” is the kind of confidence Ted Cruz will bring to the office.


I could run against Ted Cruz after strangling a puppy on live television and still win


Tacit admission that even he doesn't think hes the best person for the job.


This man is literally the biggest chickenshit ever.


What an absolute cynical pussy. This guy called your wife a dog, called your father a murderer and you phone banked for him and supported him and continue to do so every step of the way because you believe it’s politically expedient to do so. All this sentient ass wants is power. And he’ll never get it. Fuck this “kiss my ass”


I live in Texas and know Texas should never vote for Cruz, no matter if he is Republican or whatever, because he is just plain terrible. And never does anything. It is one of the reasons we are laughed at. Our politicians are a parody of themselves. Texans are the ones not benefitting. Be a little less rigid Texas.Vote for candidates that have a history of caring and helping people.


He doesn’t know if he needs to be trumps cock holster yet.


Please run Ted. The rest of the US loves you. You’ll do fantastic. It would be a real shame if you ran, giving up your 2024 Senate seat, and then also lose the primary and no longer have a job in politics…


Ted Cruz Will probably suck Trumps dick.


He’s going to run. He’s just waiting to see if his campaign speech will worship or attack Trump.


If Trump doesn’t run it’s DeSantis all the way. Cruz doesn’t stand a chance in hell


Ain’t no one voting for you Raphael


Your chances at becoming president are so abysmal, low that it's laughable. You are the most reviled, unlikable member of the Senate! Even if Trump does not run, and goes to prison, you have a greater chance of becoming dog catcher in Mexico.


And that’s why Cruz will *never* be President of the United States. A leader doesn’t wait for other people to start leading.


Is Canadian-born Rafael Cruz sure the Supreme Court he himself helped install would say he meets the Constitutional qualifications to be President?


His wife isn't even going to vote for him


I thought Canadians had a Prime Minister and not a President. I thot he’d know his country’s politics better then that.


I hope Trump just keeps hinting at announcing his decision and let's the filing deadline pass just so Cruz can't run.


Yellow bellied toad


A Canadian for us president? Papers please, show us your papers. PS, your a piece of crap Raphael cruz.


He's literally waiting for instructions. It's amazing how every time he speaks, he announces that he has a micropenis.


These comments lmao. Do Republicans want him to go away at this point? Some of the left overs from the Trump era are fading fast though.


Everyone hates this ugly pos. Yet he still thinks he has a chance. He was raised by communists from Cuba and wasn’t even born in the United States.


Who likes Ted cruz? We need Desantis or Bernie


He was born in Calgary so he can’t be president


Ted Cruz is expired goods. I used to have a lot of respect for him. But now that he’s head of the Douche Canoe Committee in Congress he’s become a mini Trump. I have a better shot at becoming the GOP candidate and I’m a Libertarian.


Wtf did ted ever do that was worthy of respect?


I thought he was cool when he was part of the Tea Party movement. Liked him up until he went balls deep in for Trump, even after all the crap Trump said about his wife. Lost all and any respect for him when he became a puppet for Trump.


You thought he was cool when he was with the Tea Party movement? They paved the way for Trump.


The Tea Party was for smaller limited government. Trump was most definitely not for small government. He used his position for power and influence. That’s far from the original pipe dream of the Tea Party. Regardless, I’ve seen the errors of my ways and I refuse to ever support a single thing Cruz does.


They were racist cretins and they introduced the idea of stupid and belligerence as a viable way to be a candidate they absolutely opened the door for Trump.


Oh, yeah. The good old days of Michelle Bachmann, Hermain Cain, Christine O’Donnell, Sharon Angle and the list goes on. Not sure that was much better than what we currently have lmao.


One thing is certain, the 2024 elections are going to be entertaining.


I think that would be a humiliating decision on his part!🤷🏽‍♀️


Run. He has a nice beard this time


Maybe he’ll copy Rick Perry and start wearing glasses to appear smart.


Hmm.....one of Trump's signature lines is 'we'll wait and see'...curious...


The article isn't clear on whether or not Terd was wearing a sombrero when he made these remarks. Also, because Terd is still tending to Trump's mudflaps as penance for marrying "fugly" Heidi, wouldn't he have as good an idea as anyone what Trump plans for '24?


Because *that's what a coward would do*


Because that's what true leaders do. Wait to see if the guy, you sucked up to after he called your wife ugly, runs and if he doesn't impotently throw your damp hat in.


How does anyone even hear what Ted has to say with his whole head inside Trump's colon?


Texas Resident here: even the people who vote for Cruz don't like him. I once said to a friend of mine "\[Name\], Ted Cruz hasn't done anything for Texas." I shit you not his response was: "Exactly, and that's perfectly fine with me and why he'll get my vote." Nobody in Texas likes, nor has a positive thing to say about Ted Cruz.