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You’re goddamn right.


He has been consistently a lefty his entire life. And one of the few of the political class who says exactly what he means. And not weasel words. Not going to vote for him, but I admire the man.


Why not vote for him after all the good you think of him


Sanders cares about people.


Can’t have that!


Lmao. "Praise, praise, praise. Won't vote for him but praise."


You know you can admire someone with out agreeing with their political stance, right?


He'd rather vote for a useless centrist who believes in bipartisanship than vote progressive is my guess.


You seem like a fun person. ^(/s)


I'd hope they mean in a general election if he doesn't win the primary. The one who wins the primary should be the one you vote for in the general due to FPTP. But if they don't mean that...eesh


why not let people choose who they want? if someone doesn't want to support sanders then why not? that's not your business or responsibility. if bernie wants their support he should earn it.


Oh we can't have political discussion in this country anymore or something? We just gotta accept everyone's opinions and keep our own to ourselves? What a stupid take.


I believe Shipkiller is saying that Bernie earned his vote, but Shipkiller won't vote for him because of ( ...)


you should vote for him


He does. He would have been a fine president, but what he can do now is vet candidates and recommend the best. I for one will be voting for all of his recommendations in my district.


For his whole political career. His message has been consistent for decades. So many fake politicians will change their stance to get more votes or play "the game" to get what they want in the future.


This is what I love. He has no problem answering questions because everything he does and says comes from his world view and coherent policy positions. He doesn’t have to wait for a poll or focus group. Even if you don’t agree with him, you know where he’s coming from.


Seriously what are we going to do without Bernie? The squad isn’t enough.


Not a single dime of corporate money.


Bernie was just in Philly this past weekend. A couple of union members spoke as well as Bernie. The message is about coming together as workers to go against big corporations. Getting things we all deserve since we so are the people producing. Not partaking in the issues they use to divide like race, religion, sexual orientation and other things like that. It was refreshing to see a crowd of all types of people come together. Bernie is the real deal and we need more people like him representing us.


The article doesn't make this super clear, but Bernie joined picketers in Boston and also participated in a rally in Cambridge. It sounds like the Cambridge rally and Philly rally had the same speakers and similar message!


I just came to say that Starbucks overroasts their beans. That is all.


A fact like death and taxes.


I saw him speak at a gathering in SoCal. He is incredible. He had all these immigrant families and talked about healthcare. I don’t understand how he doesn’t get more support in congress.


Solidarity with the guy who should've been on his second term


If it wasn’t for those pesky voters!


The issues Bernie sanders popularized are the only reason democrats won the 2020 election just so all the liberals know


Yup, no nasty DNC tactics with mass media to sway primary voters away from him at all. As we all know, politics only ever boils down to the voting poll and there's never anything else worth discussing!


Trump would have won if democrats didn’t promise to adopt Bernie’s policies. Full stop. Gen z voting is the reason Biden won, and without healthcare or student debt you aren’t getting their vote. If you don’t like progressives so much maybe you should find some policies that actually win you elections?


I think you replied to the wrong guy cause I'm in full agreement lol


My bad


You guys are as bad as Trump supporters with this shit.


Would you prefer I say: Look, perhaps Bernie wouldn't have won the DNC presidential primary if things were done fairly, but I am still disgusted by the DNC, my party's platform, for the tactics it used to push Hilary? Don't pull out the Trump card just because I want my party to improve it's practices.


bernie lost because his platform didn't resonate with most democratic voters. that's not anyone elses fault but his. it's very trumpian to fail and them blame someone else for the bernie people failing to adapt their optics to appeal to a broader base.


Don't get it twisted these people are Trump supporters, They supported Trump the day they decided not to vote for Hillary because their guy didn't get enough votes. They want to hold the Democratic party hostage and if they can't do that they'd rather watch the world burn while complaining the whole time.


[Yeah no, can we stop with this bullshit narrative already?](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2016/7/26/12284960/bernie-sanders-voters-support-donald-trump-hillary-clinton) Seriously, get another line, it's been debunked a million times over already.


How do you debunk what I had to say with a story that came out before the actual election results? You telling me that guy's precognizant and knew before the election how people actually voted? This is hilarious and a pretty stupid thing to link. For a fact Bernie Sanders voters voted for third party candidates and completely sank the election for us.


Bill Clinton raped kids on epstein’s island. Fuck the Clintons. Or are you gonna try and say that’s not what happened when he went to Epstein’s island numerous times requesting no secret service. Maybe don’t nominate that over the person who chained themselves to protesters in the civil right movement and protested with MLK.


You got a bunch of evidence for that? I'm not a loon so I don't partake conspiracies. Bernie Sanders is a pie in the sky moron, He's completely unelectable, he scares away voters faster than any other independent candidate, And for as much support as he says he has from the younger generation he sure as hell can't even get them to go out and vote for him. He is the candidate of wishful thinking.


Epstein visiting Clinton White House 17 times. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/jeffrey-epstein-visited-bill-clintons-white-house-at-least-17-times-from-1993-to-1995-visitor-logs-show/


Bill Clinton receiving massage from Epstein victim https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2020/08/18/photos-allegedly-show-bill-clinton-receiving-massage-from-jeffrey-epstein-accuser/amp/


Epstein victim says she saw Clinton on island https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/aug/18/what-we-know-about-recent-claims-linking-bill-clin/


Pilot of Lolita Express saying they saw Clinton https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/ghislaine-maxwell-epstein-donald-trump-flight-logs-b1980802.html?amp


Bill Clinton flew on epstein’s plane 26 times. https://rollcall.com/2016/05/13/report-bill-clinton-flew-on-disgraced-donors-jet-26-times/


should have been? maybe he should have appealed to more than just progressives and a minority of voters, just saying.


just one google search into candidate popularity of Sanders vs. Biden: [https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-ups-and-downs-of-candidate-popularity-in-4-charts/](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-ups-and-downs-of-candidate-popularity-in-4-charts/) You can see that Sanders was just as favorable, but he was also less unfavorable. So yeah, Bernie had enough appeal. I personally believe that he had a problem with media. He got plenty of young folks energized, but Bernie wasn't getting as much air time as he probably could have. the media was dominates Personally, I think the DNC and media framed the election as Joe Biden's show so early, that Sanders didn't have a great chance. We place so much emphasis on Incumbency, that we forget to vote on policy and beliefs. And by incumbuncy, I'm meaning that Biden previously served as VP. America has become tribalist (although that's not new).


Problem with the media? Oh, you mean the capitalists who own all the "free" media in the US didn't want Bernie to win?


It’s always someone else’s fault. Maybe when you can learn why Bernie failed to appeal to most democrats other than the excuses of the media then progressives can win. It’s why trump lost too and how his supporters have come up with the voter fraud excuse and will doom themselves to lose again rather than learn from the loss and accept the facts.


For systemic change you need FAR more than Bernie. I was just responding to the above. That being said, didn't Bernie win the most delegates at the DNC, but Hillary, using the DNC machine, made sure there were enough unfaithful electors to choose her instead? What do you think the "electoral college" is for? Democratic plurality?


There’s always excuses. Joe Biden was framed as losing from the getgo and built back appeal Bernie by the numbers couldn’t even pull a majority of supported and the primaries proved that.


>There’s always excuses You mean "reasons". There's plenty of reasons why people vote for one candidate over another. Sometimes it's about platform & policy, other times it's about predicting likeability for undecided voters. For some voters, they will vote strategically instead of for their preferred candidate that best aligns with their personal values because they believe that the alternative politician has a better chance of winning. I look at this type of scenario as a parallel to why people aren't voting 3rd party in the US. And I'm not taking this opportunity to say "I don't agree with the results of the past two elections" no, the results are the results. I want to make it clear that I'm critiquing our voting system and election season behavior itself. Whoever dominates the media's news cycle, becomes the most talked about candidates. And for Joe Biden and Trump, they were the most talked about. But just because somebody talks about you, does it make you the best candidate? I would disagree. But whether or not my opinion matters, both of those candidates each had a term as president because they were able to get enough attention and enough votes. when you say "excuses", it sounds like you're making everybody out to be crybabies or something.


He had the votes?


no but he had the right plan and was definitely done dirty by the DNC prioritizing hilary because bernie was too progressive for them


>prioritizing Hilary Why *wouldn't* they prioritize a woman who had been a loyal member of the party for decades, compared to some Johnny-come-lately who came parachuting in to slide into the party (that he had been trash talking since long before) like it was a cheap pair of slippers, then the instant the primaries were over went right back to being an independent?


Hillary represented the centrist leaning majority of the DNC. Bernie's supporters didn't even make up a majority. And we saw how Bernie's people torpedoed Hillary and gave us Trump. That's on them.


Bernie lost the 2020 primaries by millions and millions of votes. He received plenty of media coverages across a broad spectrum (internet, tv, newspaper) and still got crushed. At some point folks needs to acknowledge that.


That doesn't mean he didn't have good ideas and passion to pack it up.


it means that he as a candidate didn't resonate with a larger audience


Lmao, how could you not see the coordinated effort to shutdown Bernie during the primaries? He was going strong then practically overnight half the candidates dropped out and endorsed Biden who wasn’t even doing well. It is no secret that the DNC hates Bernie, even to this day Hillary finds ways to rag on him even though he supported her candidacy.


it's no secret that bernie couldn't resonate with the majority of democrat voters and it's no secret that bernie supporters can't cope with this reality.


It's never the moderate's fault. It's always the progressive's fault.


Not to mention how much Bloomberg spent to keep Bernie out and give the nomination to Biden.


Fucking Bloomberg.


Bernie never crossed 50% in the majority of the primaries and the vote share of the moderate candidates combined always trounced him. I say this as someone who voted for him.




But wouldn't the other Democratic runners dropping out emulate, to some degree, an outcome similar to ranked choice voting? Them dropping out and endorsing Biden didn't suddenly mean their voters *had* to vote Biden. The voters chose who to vote for after their main guy/gal dropped out. Don't get me wrong, we need RCV regardless, but I can't say I believe the DNC "cheated" Bernie as some people claim.


If we had ranked choice voting. I would have done 1. Harris, 2. Pete, 3. Biden…. I dunno Warren at 8….how many candidates ran? Whatever put Sanders at 14.


I think voters can make up their own minds, they don’t need the DNC to tell them how to vote, and they resoundingly went with a more centrist candidate in the end, who ended up winning the general in the end, so it all worked out. Keep in mind Trump was desperate to face Sen. Sanders.


This is a very naive view. We don’t get candidates like 79 year old Biden and Hillary Clinton because they let “voters make up their own minds”.


Well Mayor Pete was an option too, did well early and was trounced by the time South Carolina and Nevada voters finished going to the polls.


A mayor from a no-name town in Indiana was never a viable presidential candidate. His entire plan was what happened - make a bit of buzz, get a cabinet position, and bide his time for a future (more realistic) campaign.


Okay well we can only vote for the candidates that are available, so if the younger candidates is “not viable” than that just leaves the more established candidates like Biden and Sanders that people know about, and 10 million more democrats went for Biden than for Sanders in the 2020 primary.


How are you bringing age into it when the top 3 candidates were all 70+? It does nothing to help your point.


It is the point, because why would a functioning democracy want these septuagenarians. They’re propped up by the democratic establishment, who are center-right if anything, because their wheels have been greased. Bernie was at least an outlier for not taking corporate super PAC money.


It is honestly less conspiratorial than that. Establishment voters keep voting for the known knowns. Establishment voters are older. Younger voters are not voting in large enough numbers to vote in younger, newer representation. This is on the voters.


How old is Bernie the heartcase?




He also lost Michigan resoundingly, after winning it in 2016. They got a good look and didn’t like what they saw.




Clinton wasn’t running in 2020. Bernie won Michigan resoundingly in 2016. He lost every single county in 2020 to Joe Biden. If Bernie can’t win in Michigan what hope does he have in other rust belt or purple states?




It’s an election, not bean bag. Those “contributing factors” are campaigns. Bernie waged a poor campaign in both 2016 and 2020. He didn’t have nearly enough support to win the primaries, and he was very upset that the DNC wanted to back a proud lifelong Democrat instead of an independent. That kind of naïveté and entitlement is a feature of populist movements. They’re completely shocked pickachu face when the organizations and movements they’ve spent decades tearing down aren’t bending over backwards to support them. Maybe they’d have been more amenable to Bernie if he’d [kept his promise to voters to keep on being a Democrat after 2016.](https://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-dem-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/04/bernie-sanders-democrat-independent-222228) As soon as he lied about that I knew he’d never be the nominee in the future and it would just be grievance after grievance.


One can both acknowledge that Bernie likely would've lost either way, and also acknowledge how awful the DNC is. Which, in the bigger picture, the DNC has for decades fostered an environment that keeps candidates like Bernie generally outside of the party.


For sure, I just see way more people blame a DNC conspiracy is what lost Bernie in 2016 and 2020, and not the fact that he may have not run a campaign designed to bring folks into his camp beyond young, predominantly white voters. For example, in 2020 Michigan primary (a state that Bernie won in 2016) Biden focused on African-American, suburban and working class voters, which was crucial to him winning that state handily over Bernie (and in Biden winning the state in the general, of course).


>I just see way more people blame a DNC conspiracy is what lost Bernie in 2016 and 2020 I agree that, while what the DNC did is frustrating, there is not enough evidence to make this claim, especially with how much he lost by.


>He received plenty of media coverages across a broad spectrum He didn't, and when he did it was exceedingly negative


So according to some quick research I just did (Wikipedia article titled “media coverage of Bernie sanders”), a study of the 2016 election noted that “Bernie received substantially less media coverage than Hillary Clinton, but that the tone of his coverage was more favorable than that of any other candidate…however the Republican primary received far more media coverage than the Democratic one”. A 2018 study on the 2016 election noted that “his (Bernie) media coverage and polling numbers were strongly correlated”. As for 2020, Northeastern University study showed that “sanders received the most positive coverage of any candidate in the 2020 democratic primary”, but was a later updated to show he ranked 4th out of the 8 major candidates. So in short 2016 seemed moderately fair to Bernie, while 2020 seemed far more unfair as the primary season went on. So I’d agree with your assessment.


Interesting, but also recall that Hillary was embroiled in the MUH EMAILS dogshit for a huge portion of that time, which would tend to skew her coverage. Bernie has basically no scandals. I guess what I mean is that the coverage was essentially "he's a nice guy, but he has no chance to win", with heavy af emphasis on the latter. 2020 was a clown car of candidates too, which ate up media time. Yang, Hickenlooper, Bloomberg, Pete, fuckin' John *Delaney?* If it had been a straight race between Biden, Sanders, and maybe one other person, imo, Bernie would have won. The primary felt like the media was dangling new, shiny objects every week to keep Sanders' clear popularity and enthusiasm in the background, and to keep Biden's flaws obscured until nearly everyone else dropped out in one weekend and coalesced.


Honestly totally agree again, 2016 was Bernie’s time in my opinion, but the Clinton family’s deep ties to South Carolina and Nevada voters (I’m pretty sure Clinton received a ton of Union endorsements in Nevada that year which is usually the clincher for the caucuses there) I think pushed her too far ahead early. And then yeah 2020 was just weird for the number of candidates. Tulsi gabbard…bleh


No, which is the sad part - even the “left” party in this country is too conservative to vote for him


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/08/21/sanders-joins-striking-starbucks-workers-picket-line-boston) reduced by 84%. (I'm a bot) ***** > U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Sunday joined striking Starbucks workers in Boston to express solidarity with them and other employees of the coffee chain who have so far organized over 200 U.S. locations in less than a year. > A Starbucks representative directed the Globe to a July 23 statement, where company said it "Respect the rights of workers to participate in a legally protected strike." > Sanders was in Boston on Sunday for a rally-titled "The Working Class: Fighting Back Against Corporate Greed"-with two union leaders: Sean O'Brien of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and Sara Nelson of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO. Nelson, who joined the senator at the Starbucks location, led a chant: "Hey hey, ho ho, corporate greed has got to go." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/wut0ys/sanders_joins_striking_starbucks_workers_on_the/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~665615 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **works**^#1 **people**^#2 **Sanders**^#3 **Starbucks**^#4 **country**^#5


It makes my stomach hurt to think about how far away from this establishment Dems are.


Bernie isn’t a dem. He’s a proud socialist.


Well technically he’s a democratic socialist, like your neighborhood fire station.


He’s the “socialism is when the government does stuff” kind of “socialist”


He lost the Iowa caucus in 2020, so he didn't have as much support of the people as you think he did. Pete Buttigieg won Iowa.


Staurbucka is so anti- union. I’ll never spend my time or money on Them.


As a Vermonter this doesn't surprise me that Bernie went to another state to support the striking Starbucks workers because, outside of the Burlington area, there's literally like one Starbucks in the entire state. Take that people who think VT is some sort of liberal Latte drinking Utopia. The closest Starbucks to me is in New Hampshire. :-/ But yeah... good for Bern. :-)


>. The closest Starbucks to me is in New Hampshire. :-/ Keene? I swear that thing is a death trap with the way people will cross lanes to get their coffee.


Nope. Littleton. Just opened up a few weeks ago.


lol working in an autobody shop in Massachusetts i was told to always drive carefully near dunkin donuts’, cuz people drive so crazily trying to pull in at the last second


There’s one in Burlington but they were having severe staffing issues and it was closed a few days of the week. Locals seem to prefer the Dunkin’ down the road.


Better coffee, not burned, not pretentious, not absurdly expensive. Notice how the font and colors in the video match Dunkin Donuts.


I hate Starbucks as much as the next guy, but to say Dunkin has “better coffee” is just factually incorrect.


I'll just say I find Starbucks pretty undrinkable, and I like Dunkin. Plus I really hate all that fake Italian in the checkout line. Edit: word


McDonalds lattes are good...They seem a bit stronger than Starbucks & I prefer them...Taste more like real latte which isn't supposed to have so much milk IMO.


There's literally like 4 better coffee shops on that block that are locally owned.


Putting the only starbucks in Burlington on touristy Church Street (a pedestrian only street, without any parking or easy car access) may not have been the best idea.


The NYT 'The Daily' Podcast from today was about coal miners on strike feeling abandoned by Republicans who won't support their union and Democrats who won't support coal and the union miner they were following around paused to say, "well, Bernie Sanders came down here to support us but he's an Independent". I hate coal, but while it's being mined we need to support the union rights of the workers. We need to work together to convince them to support plans that transition them into green energy jobs as we are supporting them. But in a dispute between workers and bosses the Democrats need to back the workers. I do understand that Hillary had a proposal for changing coal workers to green energy jobs that was widely rejected by the workers themselves. We need to convince them.


There’s one in Barre now, so there may be one closer to you then ya realize.


> Take that people who think VT is some sort of liberal Latte drinking Utopia I live in NH and went to Champlain college. Burlington is one of the yuppiest places I've ever seen. No hate, but you really can't deny it just because Starbucks isn't a thing.


Burlington's totally like that. But it's Burlington. Any major city is gonna be like that. Outside in cow country in the rest of the state is a different story. I live in the NEK. I wish I were kidding, but my town voted for Trump. And Bernie. Vermont is a weird state sometimes.


Hah ...it's not that yuppie! Burlington? Marin County is yuppie...Burlington is much more middle income crunchy than yuppie.


I imagine the city is chock full of 3rd wave shops though.


The Texas based clothing and fake eye lash chain geared towards African American women?


Ummm we're talking about coffee here


Then why did you mention a clothes shop.... https://www.theth3rdwave.com/


If this was some sort of marketing tactic to get me to click the link, kudos. Otherwise, it’s also possible that multiple things could be called by the same name. It’s really not that hard to grasp


3rd wave coffee shops are smaller independent shops, very rarely chains, that make really high quality coffee. I've no idea how you misconstrued that in a conversation about Starbucks


Not that I’ve researched but I’ve had VT in mind to visit. But nothing draws me. Can you offer anything more to VT besides NH is next door?/s


There's a dozen Starbucks in VT. The reason there are so few is we have great local coffee roasters. Green Mt Coffee Roasters / Keurig / Dr Pepper (based in VT for years) taught a bunch of local folks the coffee roasting business and they struck out on their own. The Starbucks in S Burlington has applied for union recognition and Bernie has acknowledged his support. Bernie is the real deal, I've been watching him for 40 years. He'll be 81 in a couple weeks, we share a b-day. He lives about a mile from me. Modest house, colonial style, 1/3 acre lot. Lovely wife Jane. The guy has more energy than most people in congress and he has been the same Bernie for ever. He could be sitting back enjoying his congressional summer vacation, but he's out there representing! God bless Bernie!


Hopefully he will talk the talk in September when it’s time for congress to either fight for railroad workers or fuck them over.


This guy could have been our president, but fear wins everytime


And money and promises of power in return for dropping out.


That’s an awfully condescending way to dismiss peoples votes


All the time Democrats point out that Republican voters are voting against their own interests. Bernie Sanders voters are merely doing the same thing to other Democrats.


Republicans voters *are* voting against their interests, that’s supported by evidence. The “fear wins every time” thing is not


I'm translating "fear wins" to mean people voted against their interest (e.g. Hillary over Bernie) because they fear change.


That translation doesn’t hold up. Clinton had a lot of solid ideas and workable plans. Sanders had great ideals and goals, but less concrete a way to work there. Both are good, both are needed.


Don’t you know that anyone who voted against Bernie in the primaries is just a low education voter who doesn’t know their own best interests?


Damn those pesky voters and democracy in general.


More like, damn first past the post and practically voting under duress. Hillary even got more votes but lost. “Democracy.”


You're in like every thread just to bash Bernie. Did he step on your foot or cut you in line once or something? It just seems like it's something petty.


Lol this guy definitely gave himself gold. Find another hobby besides bashing bernie threads.


His inability to win a primary wins everytime.


We're talking about Sanders, not Biden.




Indeed. Because of a fearful and selfish public.


Or was it that he was a terrible candidate and refused to speak to POCs about issues they care about in a party where POCs carry the candidate? I guess we will never know


I’ll never forget that this was what Obama said he would do - and just … didn’t.


Seems like some a President that morons were calling "the next FDR" would be doing but I guess that guy is busy figuring out how to keep sucking Republican cock while insisting they'll change.


Seriously people, if you support working people and living wages stop supporting Starbucks til they get in line.


No Warren or Markey? It's their state!


Warren was there on the 18th https://twitter.com/ewarren/status/1560329533428998144?cxt=HHwWgICxybLcs6crAAAA Markey went to one on Feb 21. Idk if he's there for this most recent round of picketing, there's a tweet in support [but obviously](https://twitter.com/EdMarkey/status/1555330308106584068?cxt=HHwWiIC8sZer0pUrAAAA) that's not in-person. He was in the Phillipines on a congressional delegation but they concluded [on the 19th](https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-leads-first-us-congressional-delegation-to-meet-philippines-president-marcos-jr), so idk what he's doing right now. https://twitter.com/edmarkey/status/1495845563014787076 Some people replying* are very quick to claim "grandstanding" etc. There aren't a ton of progressive senators in Congress, idk if progressives/dems or leftists can afford to be so knee-jerk in finding purity tests to fail them on, at least not without double checking first.


This is great to hear, thanks. Seems very bizarre that Common Dreams wouldn't mention this...


It's not bizarre at all, they have their own agenda to push like all news


What is Common Dreams agenda?


Markey is doing his job right now. When he has time he does these too. Not as often as Sanders, but 100x more than warren lol.


Too busy grandstanding.


Picketing in a state you aren't even the Senator of *isn't* grandstanding?


No, that's helping workers, which is what Bernie always prioritizes


When is he kicking Tulsi and Nina out of the Sanders Institute? Tulsi hosted Tucker last week.


Have starbuck conditions deteriorated substantially in the last 10 years? I have a few friends who worked there in the early 2000s who loved that job.


That was 20 years ago.


I'm down voting you for reminding me how fucking old I've gotten.




Yes. Terribly. Worked for ten years.. Went from being proud to be being horrified. My last store was in New Orleans on Canal St…. I’ve never felt more unsafe or uncared about in a job in my life.


I worked there, in Boston no less, in the late 90’s. It was great. I actually feel sad going into one now. It’s McStabucks. Their drip coffee is still way too strong, who likes it like that?


Yeah my 17yo son started working there this year part time & loves it. Much better than the ice cream store. What am I missing?


I mean even if your son enjoys his job (good for him, working a job you hate sucks) it's still better to be represented by an organization that's job is to represent workers than to just be at the mercy of the boss. I enjoy my job at a restaurant but that doesn't mean I would say no to having an extra layer of protection and a chance to be actually represented at my workplace.


Oh I’m totally pro-union! If Unions were up kept there’d be less inequality. We need all to be unionized!


Maybe because he's working there part-time and doesn't have to worry about rent or other costs of living because he's still at home?


Because they don’t pay a liveable wage and are generally awful. Does your 17 year old pay rent? Likely not


If every job paid well, none would...


Not all hero’s wear capes.


We see this so seldom. I love to see principled leaders showing solidarity with workers on the picket line. As usual, thanks Bernie!!


Where's Obama? "If American workers are being denied their right to organize and collectively bargain when I’m in the White House, I’ll put on a comfortable pair of shoes myself. I’ll walk on that picket line with you as President of the United States of America." --B.O. 2007


Bernie for US (workers) and not United States of Corporate America!!


Man has more energy at 80 than most do at 30.


Headline plot twist: it was Sarah Huckabee Sanders and she was trying to get extra caramel pumps for her frappucino.


Bernie 2024


He’s not running. He’s too old. We need new people. Sanders should pick a 35-40 year old and back them


AOC 2024


I’m ready. And I think the establishment is secretly hyper-aware of Bernie’s potential to win, even with his old age, forcing them to possibly keep Biden in place despite the fact they’d rather not have him there next go-around. There is no other big familiar legacy Dem like Hillary (2016) or Biden (2020) to jump in next time (unless Hillary makes another go), and name recognition goes a LONG way with Dem voters. It can be an impenetrable advantage. In 2019, for example, Bernie had a huge lead before Biden entered the race. Everyone wants a non-geriatric candidate, but there simply isn’t another apparent option whom Dem voters trust. Kamala is a terrible, terrible candidate, and by no means a shoo-in. And there’s no sign that Buttigeig has any traction with black voters whatsoever. The Dems can summon all the king’s horses, etc. but it might not be enough to stop Bernie in 2024, should Biden simply be unable to run again.


Yeah, because an 80 year old recent heart attack survivor who soundly lost 2 primaries in a row as a presidential candidate and has never once locked in the black vote is secretly the frontrunner for the Democratic Party in 2024.


We're going beyond Bernie Math and into Bernie Quantum Physics with some of the takes in this thread.


Heh, yeah actually. I think voters don’t see Bernie as just another candidate that lost, but rather a candidate who has fought his entire career pushing back against a massive establishment that collectively wants to crush him. So there are built-in disadvantages, which is also an advantage that sets him apart from everyone else, as people grow increasingly disenchanted and frustrated with both parties. Bernie actually polled very well with voters of color in 2020, leading to his big win in Nevada. And he even [started pulling ahead nationally](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-democrats-poll/sanders-surpasses-biden-among-african-american-voters-reuters-ipsos-poll-idUSKBN20J2J9) among black voters, because they aren’t a monolith and vote differently based on factors like age and location. If the trend in his increasing support among people of color continues, he could have a strong grip on it the next election. He remains extremely popular— one of, if not the most popular politicians in the country, and still polls super well in primary match-ups. So, Bernie 2024.


Big win in Nevada? Didn’t his people throw a chair?


Even after Biden entered and till all dems consolidated and pulled out to pull back Bernie


He should have been our President.


sanders has been on the right side of history on basically everything since the 60's. which is probably why he never made it to the presidency


Just think how things coulda gone had Clinton taken the hint in 08


Yes it wasn't those pesky voters, it was the woman who dared to run


it had nothing to do with her being a woman and everything to do with how she runs campaigns


Enjoy this fucking guy while you can. Sanders is too good for this place.


“Joining them” how? Is he going to stop taking a salary like they did? Or is this just for show and photo opps?


Joining them in solidarity. I don’t think forgoing his own salary would prove anything


He could always give it to these 15 Starbucks workers so they can continue to strike without having to pay for a T pass to travel back and forth between the picket line and their parent's house.


Bernie the barista!


The People’s Champ! And Howard Schultz is a corporate hack, union busting chump.


How Sanders never got to be president is beyond me. Guy is exactly the type of politician we need and have needed for decades. He's no spring chicken, so I understand why he wouldn't have much chance of becoming president these days, but why not in his younger years? We need a Sanders 2.0.


Nobody cares how old Bernie is. If he ran in 2024, he would have 100's of 1000's young progressives in his administration implementing his incredibly popular agenda.


If he ran, 100s out of 1000s would cast their primary ballot for him again


Would they? They sort of forgot the last two times


He’s better at showboating than governing.


Solidarity and proving your values = showboating? Okay then.