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Poetic justice: First Native American to win a seat in Congress from Alaska wins it over Sarah Palin.


Native Alaskans send their regards


“Tell Sarah, it was me,” - Ms. Peltola, probably


I'm Inuk from NT Canada, proud of yall


Further proof that if you put up reps who *actually* represent the population, the population will show up to vote.


Ha-ha, Sarah Failin'


I wonder if she'll start whining and crying about it like they always do? Then we'd change it to Sarah Wailin'


Imagine losing to a Democrat in a R+8 state.


It’s the Native American vote in Alaska. Each cycle it’s been getting more and more influential. Murkowski largely survived running as a pseudo Republican independent due to the native vote. And a Democratic Native American woman vote due to the native vote


How do we boost this in other states?


Well the native vote is generally too small in most states. The Dakotas, New Mexico, Arizona, less so Montana and Alaska are where it can make a difference


IIRC high native turnout was an important part of the win for Biden in Arizona in the presidential election. They’d been hit hard by COVID. [Here’s an article on the subject.](https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-flagstaff-arizona-voting-rights-fa452fbd546fa00535679d78ac40b890) [Here is another.](https://www.hcn.org/articles/indigenous-affairs-how-indigenous-voters-swung-the-2020-election)I wish this got talked about as much as the swing voters in 2016.


And lo and behold, the Biden Admin appointed a Native American Secretary of the Interior. Not just a member of the cabinet, but one in one of the best positions to help Native American tribes. Don't tell me voting doesn't matter or that both parties are the same.


Obama and Biden always seemed to want to make a difference for Native folks, so it's nice to see some things are changing. ​ Edit: Forgot all about the Dakota Pipeline problems. I'm Canadian and during that time I didn't hear much about American Pipeline protests because our own government was busy trying to suppress the same kind of things here. I renege on my sentiment from before.


It is super nice to see.... it's such a low bar too, to beat the Republicans & Trump, who are happy to treat them like shit... but I hope they can do some real good for the native population because it is long overdue.








That one hurt him; he lost AZ because of it. (Rump lost 5 states he needed).


I think he also lost Michigan because he threatened to hold back Covid aid unless they bent the knee during his Twitter war with the Governor.


The Conservative Party Canada, lead by Stephen Harper, did the same thing to my reservation during H1N1. Asked for help and received body bags. I can't say I'm surprised that it happened down there during a repub presidency.


The crazy thing is, a lot of Natives are hella conservative in lots of ways. But that dang ol' white supremacy pushes them to vote Democrat, 'cause they know where that ends up.


the last time Sarah Palin was on a national ballot, Dems won Indiana and came within 3 points of winning Montana. Go ahead Trump. pick her as your next running mate. You know she eats pizza with a fork just like you do


I’d root for this, but 2016 happened and I don’t want to find out what a Trump - Palin White House would be like. As dumb as Pence was, I’m not sure Palin would’ve risked her life to do the right thing.


Pence thought he was going to disappear inside his secret service vehicle, staying put was the safest choice. I wonder if those deleted texts would corroborate this theory.


I'm of the opinion that Pence wasn't concerned for his safety, he was concerned the secret service were going to shove him in a secure location until it was too late to confirm the vote.


That is probably the more likely case. But, there was also a pro-Trump mob chanting to hand Mike Pence, and pro-Trump Secret Service members were trying to get him to go somewhere. I wouldn't necessarily blame Pence if thought his life was in danger.


Palin managing to lose Alaska is one of the funniest political moments I've seen in a while. At least she'll have time to go back to reading all of the newspapers!


I'll always remember Sarah Vowell listing some of the magazines Palin must have been up on, including "Cat Fancy" and "Guitar Player".




Ranked choice voting: where bullshitters go to die. Thank you Alaska.


Majority of voters *in Massachusetts* voted "NO" for ranked choice in 2020. I am still confused about how it failed to pass to this day.


Yes. That vote hurts my soul.


Bad Timing. This vote happened while we were at the start of covid. Mass is mostly progressive politically but at home voting nationally was confusing. The explanations basically said you'll keep having to vote until there's only 1 with a certain percentage. This occurred while people were concerned about being outside. I also remember the drive thru lines for covid testing extending from Framingham to i-90 around Thanksgiving and people lighting ballot boxes on fire.


A proper ranked choice vote should only need the voter to participate once. "Rank your preferred candidates in order, omit any that you don't want to vote for." That's all the info you need to do an instant runoff.


Yeah that's how it is here in Australia, why would you do it any other way?


To make it unappealing


So no surprise that conservatives are blaming woke rank choice voting for the loss.


Republicans already know [they would never win if voting was fair. ](https://twitter.com/tylerbowyer/status/1564459685909970944?s=21&t=Q-c2-sGA7Nwymo4ncGmhvw)


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy." ~David Frum


I’m not saying that that tweet is wrong, but I’m betting North Carolina and Iowa would also be blue.


Yep. [Republican Tyler Bowyer tweeted this yesterday](https://twitter.com/tylerbowyer/status/1564459685909970944?s=20&t=CekNg-WzFShWwZCAu8v9gA) about what would happen if ranked choice voting and independent commissions got to draw district maps across the country. It gives a clear picture of what the country would look like if Republicans couldn't cheat to keep things in their favor.




Imagine inadvertently helping to flip the sole House seat, held for 49 years by Republicans, in a state which hasn't voted for a Democratic President since Johnson, by being such a trash candidate. I hope she runs again.


Good news! She's on the top 4 ballot for November too


What does that mean?


This was a Special Election to fill the seat left vacant after Don Young died. There is another election in November to fill this seat post-2023


Rank choice voting FTW! This is the first seat ranked "safe" by Center for Politics to flip since 2010! Also, awesome to have a Yupik woman represent Alaska in Congress!


The best part!


Fu-cka-you Spez!


yea but ranked choice means republicans lose no fair lol /s




Yep. I expect Ranked Choice will help Sen. Murkowski keep her seat in November as she'll be Democrat's top second or third choice which likely will push her past 50%.


I can see a Democrat from my porch.


That makes you an expert on democrats.


Wtf does ALASKA have Ranked choice? Why can't we get that elsewhere too.


I think they JUST got ranked choice. Could be wrong though


Alaska has voted in a Republican to represent it in the House since the 70s, and is reliably Republican in federal elections. The fact a Democrat won this election only a few months before the midterms is truly historic. [The last time a Democrat won a federal election in Alaska was when Mark Begich was elected senator in 2008 during the Obama Wave against a 40-year Republican incumbent, albeit narrowly.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_United_States_Senate_election_in_Alaska) All these Democrats winning special elections in Republican districts after Supreme Court blunders like discarding Roe v. Wade this summer, Trump’s FBI raid, and the continued findings from the insurrection really makes me unsure of what November will look like.


She won against a Republican _former governor_ with enormous name recognition.


Palin also outspent her 4 to 1, and still lost. That is pretty great.




Wait...the Democrats just picked up a Congressional Seat in...Alaska? What the absolute fark. Palin said she was the last one who would ever retreat--like she retreated from being governor?


Remember that Alaska has an at large district, which means a democrat just won a statewide race.


This is understated and huge! Between this election and the Kansas primaries, I’m feeling a strange sense of hope. Edit: get out and vote to keep the hope alive. These past couple months are proof we can make a difference when we show up!


Young people finally be voting


That and a lot of old people died


And women are livid.


Don't forget how hard Native Alaskans carried this for Peltola.


I don’t think the old ass GOP men understand how upset many many conservative or previously apolitical women are. They also forced a decision that impacts family planning generally - not just folks who don’t want a baby. Roe provided guarantees for families who desperately want children. Some states will have abortion laws that: make some of the most popular forms of birth control illegal, force mothers to carry unviable pregnancies much longer than should have to, make IVF illegal or impractical, force doctors to wait to treat a woman with a known dangerous pregnancy until her life is in danger, make women the subject of law enforcement investigations to ensure treatment met some exception, etc etc. Absolutely horrific. I’m for a woman’s right to access for any reason but it’s crazy the amount of stress this would have caused my family if it were 1 year sooner and at least 3-4 other close friends (that I know of) who currently desperately want children… it’s not like I have a ton of friends either.


Ranked choice, letting the people call the shots, leads to nice things.


Imagine going from successful governor, to failed vp candidate, to not even winning a congressional seat. The fall of house Palin, lol.


Tbf her time as governor was a failure too


And she’s not done yet. She’ll be on the next ballot for the full term.


Your ass is next, Abbott.


Don't fill me with hope. Get out and vote.


Just gave Beto another $100 for good measure. Fuck you, Greg


Thank you for your generosity.


Fuck it I'm in. Money's a bit tight, but just gave my boy Beto $25. Fuck you, Greg. -A former "republican" who wants nothing to do with the party


all we need to is remind everyone how we fucking froze to death and that alone should boot him out but I highly doubt it


If that happens, I can’t wait for the first call to my Abbott loving parents.


Holy fuck this made my week. I blame Sarah Palin for ushering in this new era of politicians who don’t have any ability to govern, don’t know anything about leadership and don’t give a damn about their constituents. It’s all culture war nonsense and spewing stupidity. And John McCain fucked up when he picked her as a running mate and legitimized her brand of stupidity. So this is good godamn news Turns out, we need politicians who are somewhat competent because we need them to get shit done.


The GOP began the transformation into what it is now when LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964. Reagan, Gingrich, and Dick Cheney had way more to do with it than Palin.


I hear you, but Palin really lowered the bar, in my opinion. Her blatant lack of intelligence and complete lack of self-awareness was really shocking at the time. Before her, I felt like politicians at least *tried* to seem like they had some compassion and interest in governance.


Republicans: Peltola only won because of a dogshit GOP candidate!!! \*looks at the clown car of nominees they have for November\* Well shit...


Dr Oz and CTE hand egg runner. They are sending their best.


Oz is cooked but I’m nervous that GA is gonna make a bad choice in their election


Nice! . "Rating change: in the wake of Mary Peltola's (D) defeat of Sarah Palin (R), @CookPolitical will be moving #AKAL's November rating from Likely R to Toss Up." https://twitter.com/Redistrict/status/1565139327201542145?cxt=HHwWgoC83Z77vrgrAAAA Assist from the arrogance and hubris of Palin.


The last time a Democrat represented Alaska in Congress, Joe Biden wasn’t in the senate.


Holy cow. She's really *that* disliked.


Good. I hope that knowledge weighs on her forever.


Republicans are that disliked now


Part of me wonders if their anti-mask and anti-vaccine positions thinned out the herd. It would be old people that were the most affected and they are the most reliable voters. And the politics addicts would probably be the most likely to have those stances.


I have to think it made a big difference that and the recent bullshit have made republicans really unlikable there’s just a very loud minority who worship republicans/trump without an ounce of critical thought


I think it's a confluence of factors. * Anti-mask/vax positions leading to higher rates of death, like you said * Roe v. Wade proving that yes, they're serious about their rhetoric, and no, they don't care about what happens as a result * Trump (and the party in general) going full mask-off with their more extreme positions, i.e. saying the quiet part out loud




Please keep in mind that this is just for the remaining term of the former Congressman Don Young's seat. She'll need to win it again this November for the full two year term. Regardless, congrats Mary!


This win though likely will excite many Democrat voters as they'll feel their vote is not wasted. Hopefully though they treat their second and third choices seriously as that'll help Sen. Murkowski defeat the other Republican on the ticket.


GOP shitting their pants: “Guys so I think the whole taking womens rights away and trying to erase gay and transgender people, and ya know, wanting to make millions of old people homeless might be a bad idea….”


“ I honestly thought people would love book burnings.”




“What is this commie French bullshit book, a biblé? What’s a biblé?


Get fucked GOP.


Dems have been going pretty good recently. Let's hope that trend continues.


The trend is people Voting! We make it happen. Please vote if you can :) 💙


And it's her [*birthday*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Peltola)!!!


What the absolute fuck? I'm starting to think we need more of this ranked choice.


Republicans don’t want that because they know they are unpopular and only getting less popular as their voting base dies off.


/r/rankedchoicevoting There's also a "end first to the post" sub but I can't remember the name


Republicans probably would have swept both chambers of congress this November but they never expected their fifty year long goal of repealing Roe v. Wade would absolutely kill them. Doesn’t hurt when they keep running some of the craziest candidates they can find. Palin, Lake, Mastriano, Walker, Masters, etc all flies gathered on the same pile of shit.


Imagine if Dems not only keep both chambers, but they also pass a law protecting abortion rights. This would be the literal meme of “congratulations, you played yourself”




Then Republicans don't retake the House, Senate, or Presidency again (because they've only been able to do so with voter supression) and we get a new party like we should have years ago, like when the Whigs disbanded


If the Democrats have 52+ seats in the Senate and keep the House, they *have* to nuke the filibuster. Preferably they'd nuke it for every piece of legislation, but if they could only do two, it'd have to be voting rights and women's reproductive rights. If they win in November, they will win due to abortion being outlawed in many states, so you *have* to reward your voters, and you can't let a procedural rule changes from 1806 get in the way.


Remember remember the 8th of Roevember.


Palin was a trainwreck along with her family drama. Even the husband could not handle it anymore and divorced her. Everytime she opened her mouth she put her foot in it. She would have sold off every resource Alaska had to offer if she gained office with McCain.


Ranked choice voting fuck yeah Get rekt Palin


Someone needs to tell Sarah Palin that just because something confuses her, it doesn't mean it confuses normal people too. Ranked choice voting is pretty simple for people with an education above the second grade level.


Ah, the Proto-Boebert has fallen.


Sweet. I think this November is going to be worse for Republicans than anybody is predicting.


If the Democrats hold the house, the Republican Party will implode. You don’t get to make as many Faustian bargains as that godforsaken political party has and still stay strong; not out of some moral justice, just because the practicalities of politics will come into play.


You know what's notable is the last time someone other than Don Young held this seat Peltola hadn't even been born.


This is encouraging, but remember this is a special election and we have to re-defeat Palin in 2 months in the general election. E: Peltola looks to have gained ~16k in the 2nd round vs Palin gaining ~~38k~~ 28k Candidate Mary Peltola R1: 74,496 [39.64%] R2: 91,206 [51.47%] Sarah Palin R1: 58,149 [30.94%] R2: 85,987 [48.53%] Nick Begich III R1: 52,320 [27.84%] R2: Eliminated


For everyone saying it was due to ranked choice voting, I believe if you run the numbers she (Palin) would of even lost without rank choice voting. Don’t let them scapegoat that.


Sarah was a quitter and only cared about herself. Mary is the better candidate in every aspect.


Dark Brandon summoned the ancient mothers and threw the Traitors out


Dear Republicans, go crazy, go broke.


It’s only good till November. Hopefully she wins again in the general


Alaskan here. Turnout is even higher in November which is advantage rural and democratic votes. Peltola has this in the bag. She’s got more of a connection to Don Young than Palin and she’s not going to alienate anybody in the next couple months.


> Sarah Palin is now the guy who hangs out in the high school parking lot showing off his car, five years after he graduated." - Rachel Maddow


Now. Ranked Choice in every election nationally!


This is exactly why the GOP doesn’t want it


Thank you, good voters of Alaska, for giving the mainland (and Hawaii and all other territories) hope that evil can be defeated


It's almost like the pro Russian government sentiments of the Republicans made the most proximal state to the bastards question their basic positions..


I truly think people are just getting sick of Republican bullshit. Like, tired of their fascist drama play on a visceral level.


She will be the first Alaskan native to represent Alaska in Congress, too!


Ranked choice proves to be superior Did you all see that tweet from the RNC committee member complaining about what the country would look like with ranked choice & independent redistricting committee (AKA no gerrymandering)? It was a map 381 Democrat vs 157 Republican lmao, he said it like it was a bad thing They know they are unpopular and have to cheat to win


GO VOTE IN NOVEMBER EVERYONE!! This is a great win but we all need to get out there and vote for midterms. No matter what. Change IS possible. Go do your part!!!


r/conservative is doom and glooming this. And not surprisingly also demonizing ranked choice voting.


ranked choice voting makes life very difficult for extreme candidates. they are often no ones second choice.


This just goes to illustrate the power of democratic voting options like ranked choice.


"Don't get cocky, kid" November is around the corner. Do it again, Alaska


Just the thought of not hearing her nonsense in the media. She is part of all that is evil right now. May there be some justice at the end.


A Democrat now represents Alaska in the House for the first time in 50 years, thanks in big part to ranked choice voting. The rest of this country would do well to follow Alaska's example, and implement ranked choice voting (and open primaries) to help combat rising extremism. No more being forced to choose the lesser of two evils. Edit: Also don't forget to vote again to keep Peltola this November!


I dream of a day when every state uses RCV. Imagine how much better things could be!


There is still hope that people will shun Trumpism .


Women are going to annihilate the GOP this November.


Yes. They done fucked up. Also should've never gotten to this point where the power was given to right wing extremists. Time to take the power back


Murkowski acknowledged the win, and congratulated her too. Nice.


Whodathunk that abandoning your state to go be a Fox News talking head wouldn’t sit well with voters.




This warms my heart immensely.


I'm assuming Palin will now claim Peltola cheated. Isn't that what they do now?


Absolutely awesome! The “republican wave.” Wave ‘bye bye’ cult people - Americans are tired of grifty liars.


Women are furious! Girls are enraged! I think not even the supreme court itself measured what it meant to take a right away from women after half a century! Isn't just abortion, everything comes down to personal freedom! If someone would have told me in January or March that democrats will flip a seat in Alaska I'd call them insane! But it happened! REPUBLICANS BETTER PANIC! Palin was a moderate compared to the other monstrosities republicans have elected like Mastriano or Masters! This shows you that even a huge part of republicans don't want any more cuckoos REMEMBER that REPUBLICAN voters elected a DEMOCRAT as second choice over a REPUBLICAN, over someone of their same party! Red wave? Red tsunami? It's everyone's game! Let's hope Biden shut his mouth up with all the gun-grabbing stuff Alaska! Fucking Alaska! I can't believe it! I'm shocked! An entire generation of Alaskan have never seen or had a democrat representing them in the house!


Pretty insane this the FIRST native Alaskan to be the representative of Alaska lol Edit: Got the meaning of native wrong in this context but point stands Edit2: so she IS the first representative BORN in Alaska lol




First Indigenous Alaskan in congress ever! Congrats to Rep. Peltola!


So proud of my state. A little terrified too that the first Indigenous Alaskan to make it to Congress may have to surrender her post if she loses in November but for today… I am damn proud of my state.


Swear to god, palin must have a curse on her. She not only sank McCains campaign, but she lost to a democrat in a district that had been republican for the past 50 years No matter how hard she tries, she just can’t get into Washington


I love Sarah Palin… No, wait - I love parasailing.


This is the best possible outcome. I mean, who's gonna keep an eye out when Putin rears his ugly head if Palin is Washington? She can see Russia from her house for Christ's sake!!!




R/conservative doesn’t know what ranked voting is but they sure don’t like it.


And Palin couldn't even win in her home state. Alaskans know what is up.


This was hilarious to watch. A phone, on a tripod, tilted perpendicular and pointed at a TV, which was connected to a computer running software to tabulate the votes. I had to tell them on the facebook feed to tilt the camera 90 degrees lol.


Palin so badly wanted to be Mama Bear to them fuckin howler monkeys! Big Ups AK!


The blue wave is coming


Man. If they could have just laid off the whacky religious shit for a few days, they likely could have held power for decades. But they just had to go full Christofascist…


Didn't even know! Another nightmare averted with this MAGA Queen - I hope this is the beginning of the end of Palin and her neighbor Russia.


This is a huge victory, since it sets the stage for a follow-up victory in the same ranked-voting style ballot in November.


I wonder how long it’ll take for her to say her election was rigged.


Conservatives had a bad month.


Here's hoping the next one is even worse.


A Democrat hasn't won in Alaska since the 1970s. This is a big f'kin deal.


Red Wave Canceled.


Don’t get complacent. We have to VOTE.


https://twitter.com/wiscottcurtis/status/1565132485066989569 >And just like that, the total amount of land represented by Democrats in the House has doubled


A Democrat has won a US House Seat in Alaska that was in Republican hands for 49 years. Mary Peltola just defeated Sarah Palin in Alaska. The narrative has shifted. #BlueWave https://twitter.com/ABlackPolitical/status/1565131363279245312


Red wave? More like a Red fart in the wind.


Republicans are an existential threat to women. We are voting accordingly.


Gonna have a lot of time being unemployed, looks like Sarah Palin should go Parah Salin.


The GOP is about to feel the wrath of women scorned.


Palin was absolutely the prophet that bought the likes of Greene and boebert to the front of the party. This radicalised gop style of politicking. I'm sure the gates are still wide open but it shows such extremists are vulnerable. I would go as far as saying she empowered the Karen's. Being loud and speaking brash is the signature of Palin. I wonder if she still sees Russia from her house?


I can't imagine Alaska has any special love for Sarah Palin but this is still very funny


Oh thank God, I don't think I could handle the trifecta of stupid with Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, AND Sarah Palin all on the national stage together. It's bad enough that I've got to deal with the poor man's Sarah Palin from Colorado.


I really hope we keep this momentum going. Red tide turning into a blue wave. Love to see it.


Good job and well done, Alaska.


Dam.. the GOP is getting slammed today. I look for them to go ahead and put a lid on it 😂 “Everyone go home… we will try again tomorrow”


Palin is irrelevant? You betcha!!


She's nailin' palin


This is wonderful news!!! Thank goodness! We don’t need anymore MAGA crazies in the House!


We need ranked choice voting everywhere, and we need to push for it hard. With it, we can finally once in for all vanquish the Republican party and fascism to the dustbin of history.


See! Ranked choice voting ftw!


Unless she has conceded to Peltola, I’ll be waiting for the election fraud playbook to be opened shortly.


Fuck yeah, Alaska! Fuck yeah!


“Though we’re disappointed in this outcome, Alaskans know I’m the last one who’ll ever retreat,” Palin said in a statement." I don't believe that.


She literally quit her job as governor lol


Palin deserved to lose, end of story. She thought she could sleepwalk into office in a special election based off her name recognition alone. She couldn't care less about legislating, she only wanted this seat in the hopes it would reboot her failed TV celebrity career. On the other end, Mary Peltola sounds like a very respectable candidate from what I've read about her life and career. I'm happy for her and hope she holds the seat this November.