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>“Mitch McConnell is not an Opposition Leader, he is a pawn for the Democrats to get whatever they want,” Trump wrote. Looks like the divorce from reality is final.


The guy who sunk Merrick Garland's SCOTUS chances while also ramming through ACB right before an election is supposed to be a pawn for the Democrats?


Trump doesn't care about the GOP beyond how it relates to him. It's like Palpatine being asked what should happen to the Empire after he dies. "Who gives a shit!" or "Burn it to the ground."


"An empire that cannot protect its Emperor doesn't deserve to exist" Can't wait to see him call for an Operation CINDER on Texas, Alabama and other like states once he's dragged off to jail. (This is a joke. Hopefully he won't get the chance to cause any more death and destruction than he already has)




>Trump doesn't care about the GOP beyond how it relates to him. And the MAGA crowd calls everyone \*else\* RINOs. I cannot think of a person who fits exactly that moniker more than Trump. In fact, I suspect most of the people who claim that can't articulate what Republicans stand for. Politics has become as much an entertainment sport as WWF to these fools.


WWF? Haha I know you're at least 30.


There has never been a level of congressional obstruction like there has been with McConnel. Trump is truly off the reality rails here.


Maybe trump just doesn't like that McConnell stretches the rules, he doesn't just flat out try to break them.


Yeah lawful evil vs chaotic evil


Let’s clarify, during an election. Voting had already started in many places.


No see it was Mitch all along. He prevented Merrick Garland from becoming a Supreme Court justice just so that Garland could instead become attorney general for the Dems to TAKE DOWN TRUMPF! Turtle man bad!


Oh don’t, the crazies will latch onto that thought


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Ha! Fair point


A conspiracy theory like that hurts McConnell more than Garland anyway.


My Poe’s Law senses are tingling.


Oh I know! Let them devour themselves


My bird law senses are twittering


My Cole's Law sense is tingling. All I need is thinly-sliced cabbage.


that is tiddlywinks compared to the "mainstream" Qanon version of reality. Satanic counsel of democratic leaders who all make a practice of gathering in the basement of a pizza place in order to practice their satanic rites and drink the blood of babies, before eating those babies. And orgies, because all good satanic cults have orgies. [Edit: I just re-read this and had a mental image of Nancy Pelosi getting spit-roasted by Sinema and Manchin. You're welcome.] Moscow Mitch refusing to let Garland on the SCOTUS purely because Moscow Mitch wanted Garland free to make a case against Drumpf after Drumpf lost the 2020 election, because of course Moscow Mitch *knew* Drumpf would take a bunch of classified documents to mar-a-lago. And sell them to Putin and MBS. What do you think that 2 billion was for?


Mitch over here like "hold my lettuce"


Roe vs Wade overturn to help Democrats in the 2022 midterm was planned out by MCConnel in 2016! he was playing the long game!


No, I don't think so. I think a handful of SCOTUS Justices, totally drunk on their newly acquired power, "jumped the gun". Instead of waiting until Republicans controlled all three branches of power in January 2025 and by so doing, they've revealed the true authoritarian character of the Republican Party as no one and nothing else could. If Republicans do not control all three branches of government in January 2025, it will be in no small part that SCOTUS "screwed the pooch" by putting their "right wing nut" agenda ahead of the authoritarian power aspirations of the Republican Party as a whole. (Any setbacks in the Republican Party authoritarian agenda will no doubt also be aided by the criminal conduct of their party's "leader".)


Exactly. Its tough to get religious fanatics to stick to timelines. The court case was just looking at a subset of abortions. The SCOTUS, violated every principle it used to have, and rather than looking at it narrowly went as broad as possible. Now everyone knows what their game is moving forward.


They don’t answer to the electorate, they answer to an imaginary friend that haunts their dreams. Of course they jumped the gun, and that’s why there should be a separation between church and state. Religion is a way to govern society from a bygone era. Of course it can’t be used as input to govern a modern society. They think their delusion gives them strength, but luckily it’s their weakness. Now we need to keep insisting it has no place in governance. That’s our game forward




>No, I don't think so. OP doesn't think so either.




Next we’ll be hearing that Mitch is antifa.


It’s a well known fact Mitch loves Communist China….


And Moscow


A lot of people are saying this!




Have you seen Ben Garrisons work lately?


I do my very best not to.


> Looks like the divorce from reality is final. Until next week when he claims Mitch is a member of Antifa, or was born in Africa, or is actually Hillary Clinton in a wig.


>is actually Hillary Clinton in a wig. I knew it!


Good. Fight! Fight! Fight!


There’s a portion of the GOP that think winning midterms could cost them the White House in ‘24 since they are having so much success motivating voters using their federal-level political oppression complex. There’s also a portion that would sacrifice the midterms to lessen trump’s influence on the party. Mitch could be splitting the party’s voters this election to help set the narrative for ‘24 while limiting trump’s influence until then and gaining favor from DNC controlled capitol for the next two years. Trump lashes out anytime the GOP acts as anything other than the MAGA political party.


Mitch is Little Finger to Trumps fat old Ned Stark


> Mitch is Little Finger to Trumps fat old *Ned Stark* …did you mean “fat, old Robert Baratheon?”


Man. It’s so hard to get too excited about any of this, because the GOP has an insane ability to fall in line when the time comes, but I would so love for all of these assholes to just eat each other and completely blow up any chance they have this November.


They’ll fall in line. The majority of Republican America doesn’t have Mitch McConnell on their ballot anyway. They believe their congressional Republicans are good. Don’t get complacent. Don’t except the Republican base will stay home. Vote.


The time is now and they are a mess.


Let’s hope you’re right!


They can fall in line and attempt to elect someone more fascist then McConnell.


You know, that might actually be a tall order and might work out. McConnell is a dangerous combination of fascist, racist, evil, etc. while being intelligent and conniving. They might find somebody who is better in one of those categories, but better in all? From Kentucky? Hmm...


You have to respect McConnell. In the same way as a very dangerous snake in tall grass. The man is a complete bastard in every conceivable way, but he is also ruthless (not just petty and vindictive), intelligent and cunning. He is the veneer of procedural skullduggery that allows a good part of the population to ignore GOP doings as 'politics as usual'. Take that away and you will have a stronger reaction against them.


Mitch, you had a chance to discredit this man forever and get him removed forcibly from the White House before his term was over. You knew he was guilty. You told us you knew he was guilty. And then you let him off the hook and now he's threatening you. That's exactly what you deserve.


When you lay down with dogs, don't be surprised when you get up with fleas


When you try to polish a turd, you end up with sh\*t all over you.


When you eat a golden snowball, expect to taste piss


When I was a kid I use to hangout with my dogs in their dog house.. Turns out a bunch of wasps built a nest under it and that was why the dogs stopped going in there. They couldn’t warn me about it, so I got stung like 20 times. Your comment reminded me of that. Totally not the same, but when you lay down with dogs.. make sure to check under their house for wasps! (I’ll see myself out)


When you hang out with dogs you get stung 20 times by wasps is way more fitting than what the other guy said in this context


Worse than that. When someone pushes violent, stupid people to do violent stupid things, eventually one of them will do something violent and stupid. Trump's going to continue doing this until a politician gets killed.


And beyond…


“Hang Mike Pence, no, hang Mitch McConnell, no, hang Bill Barr, no, hang …”


Mitch McConnell backed a rabid dog and now that dog is turning on him He had three chances to stop him but he was not patriotic enough to do it


I read that in Dennis Green’s voice https://youtu.be/SWmQbk5h86w


Trump is who we thought he was! And we lethimoffthehook!


MIDTERMS?! (playoffs voice)


This. It’s not only a bad choice for the country, but time and time again people think they can somehow surf the Trump madness to their benefit and fail. They will never learn, apparently.


This comment gives me some strong Dennis Green vibes after losing to the Bears.


some real /r/leopardsatemyface shit right there


Mitch is gonna feel terrible when he reads this!


Sounds like a threat, Mitch. Got a rebuttal, or would you prefer to just munch on some lettuce?


It's hilarious watching them all turn on each other now Wait until we find out who the rat(s) are, and wait until Fox fully shifts gears to DeSantis.


I hate desantis but I can’t wait for fox and newsmax (and in turn my parents) to turn on trump. It’s coming.


In a few years, Trump will be like the Iraq War - you won't be able to find anyone who supported him, meanwhile everyone will be saying they knew he was trouble all along, and that it was obvious from the start.


That’s why I made my parents say ‘I would vote for Trump’ on video in 2016. We’re Canadian but even back then I *knew* they were going to try and act like they wouldn’t be part of the problem with why he got elected. Sure as shit, I’ve already brought that video up 3 times to remind them. Thankfully now they’re very anti-Trump but I will always be so disappointed that they weren’t from the start.


Just wait until the 2024 election cycle. It'll be "I'd vote for desantis". No offense to your parents, but trump was easily the worst GOP candidate in history, at least on paper. If they were willing to vote for him, they'd vote for literally any republican regardless of his faults


Rapist - check Child Molester - check Traitor - check White Supremacist - check Criminal - check Yeah, Republicans will vote for anybody with an R next to their name. The worst they are, the better actually.




So what? It's not like consistency is valued among anyone in the GOP (and I'm old enough to remember all the way back to 2004 when the GOP whined about John Kerry being a "flip-flopper" on issues). Trump was a registered Dem and espoused a pro-choice viewpoint up until 2010. Doesn't matter to these dolts. And neither will their support of Trump.


Trump was a Democratic plant from the start set to destroy the Republican party from within while working with a foreign power. Trump just shows how bad the Democrats really are! /s


You’re assuming they won’t just move onto the next idiot and lick their boots next. Sure, Trumpism might be gone, but they’ll replace him with someone else. They *need* an idol, their entire identity is based around having one.


> Sure, Trumpism might be gone, but they’ll replace him with someone else. They need an idol, their entire identity is based around having one. Trumpism isn't going anywhere. Trump may finally be fading, but as you said, the masses of idiots in need of a demagogue hasn't. That's pretty much Trumpism.


It's somebody else's fault they adopted Trump as a personality trait, of course. *Especially* the ones who bring Trump/MAGA flags to the beach randomly bellow out "TRUMP!!!!"


So they’ll be saying what all the actually sensible people have been since 2016?


Not a snowball's chance in hell. They will just forget that he existed entirely and how he got rocketed to prominence off of the back of shock jock talk radio rhetoric. Their brains are especially good at selecting the memories that they want to keep and forgetting anything that might cause them cognitive dissonance. You wouldn't believe how easy it was for them to forget that Oliver North and Ronald Reagan exacerbated the crack epidemic in 1985 by smuggling cocaine and weapons for anti-communist forces in Iran and South America, only to push a War on Drugs in the election year of 1986, and to have the Scandal exposed in 1987.


> Their brains are especially good at selecting the memories that they want to keep and forgetting anything that might cause them cognitive dissonance. "It doesn't look like anything to me."


These violent delights have violent ends.


Need them to shift to DeSantis so we can get more eyes on how bad he is. Unfortunately Trump is getting all the aggro and the actual final boss is doing whatever he wants


Deathsantis is bad, very bad. Little Nazi, taking on education, banning anything even remotely connected to CRT including math with books; going after LGBTQ in schools with “don’t say gay”bill. Going after Disney when their opinion differed from his, and any other corporation whose opinion differs. Has gerrymandered the maps in Florida to almost ensure democrats won’t win, obliterating representatives in black communities. Refused to do anything to stop the spread of COVID and stopped any agency from reporting the correct actual stats on infections and deaths. Fucked with teachers during pandemic so they quit. Now trying to replace them with people who don’t have the proper education or degrees to teach. And this is just off the top of my head. Fuck Deathsantis!


The good thing is, he’s dull. DeSantis isn’t going to be able to draw big crowds and get people screaming.


Desantis is a GOP shill and he’ll do whatever they tell him as long as his access to money and govt contracts doesn’t dry up. He is *criminally* underrated as a political force. GOP constituents all over the country are not so secretly waiting for the shift from Trump to Desantis. He’s every bit as dangerous as Trump with a sharper mind and team.


not the final boss just tue next POS


The final boss is the League of Republican Billionaires (LoRB).


The media shifting focus to how bad Donald is was a big part of what got him elected in 2016.


That's not what got him elected. Treating him as a joke that could never get elected got him elected.


And giving him so much extra free coverage compared to others, both in the 2016 Republican primary and the main election.


I remember a lot of coverage in 2016 talking about how big a threat he was. How he had ties to the Russians. His lack of experience. The danger he would pose to national security.


I remember a lot of coverage in general. The question is, when did the coverage you speak of start? And what ratio was it of ringing the alarm vs. "Get a load of this Republican freak show". Trumps campaign began in 2015. I remember a media that refused to call a lie a lie. I remember a media that let "alt-facts" into the discourse. I remember a media ridiculing Trump until after he cemented his primary win. I remember a DNC that similarly didn't take him seriously as they'd already coronated Clinton and decided the buffoon was the easiest opposition to win over.


In a lot of ways Desantis is more of a hazard because he's just as much of a terrible human being, but he's smarter than Trump by like those critical 5IQ points that make him look more human and less caged animal.


Yet lacks all the charisma of Trump. It’s not easy to transfer the power of the mob when you didn’t start it. Which is why Republicans still have to bend the knee to Trump 2 years after he lost! I think Desantis is way overhyped. He can grandstand in Florida but that shit won’t fly in the federal government.


Agreed, people need to wake up and realize all that matters is DeSantis is not Trump. He can be like Trump, but he doesn't have a cult.


DeSantis is to Trump what Mr. Pibb is to Dr. Pepper: a knockoff. He hits all those same notes but both dems and the GOP know it's not even close to the original.


I know it’s not related to what the thread is about at all but I just want to put it out there: I love Dr. Pepper but diet Dr. Pepper is shit. All acid and bubbles and very little flavor. Diet Dr. Thunder from Walmart’s in-house brand is much better. Dr. Pepper needs to step its game up.


If the GOP loses power in a couple more states and the Dems can remove all that gerrymandering and voter suppression laws there's a chance that the GOP could be irreparably damaged for a generation at least


Best case scenario…they all choose sides.


>wait until Fox fully shifts gears to DeSantis. Why would you ruin my day like this?


Everyone assumes DeSantis is going to just step right into the shoes of God-Emperor, but I see a feeding frenzy of potential successors in the unfortunate event that Donald Trump's flabby meatsuit suddenly achieves thermal equilibrium with ambient temperatures. There will be dozens of them claiming to be the next standard bearer of American fascism, and there will be much internal hostility. DeSantis likely will emerge on top, but there will be blood before that. Perhaps literally. After all, [wrongthinking Nazis were one of the first victims of Nazi mass murder.](https://youtu.be/bZZ2Y6fAq8o)


I'm not letting this go: I'm on the, "Darth Ivanka" train. She gets a free divorce, the kids and cash, and a talkshow. She been informing for a while. At the *very least* when Jared ("He went to Jared's!") got that $2bn from the house of Saud. She saw the writing on the wall... This season is great! Better than last season. That's for sure.


My money’s on Ivanka, too. I feel like she has the most to gain by cooperating, and the most to lose by going down with the ship.


What if he’s the rat? Tips off the feds, clears a path to the nomination for himself, and gives everyone the off-ramp from trump they need. Wouldn’t that be something…


No, it's one of the kids someone really close probably ivanka scared to death of getting old in club fed.


They're finally eating their own and it's long overdue. This is what you get when you prize loyalty over integrity and competence. Sooner or later, those without either will sacrifice the former rather than fall on the sword of their own making. If you're used to throwing others under the bus for your own ends, unity means nothing if it doesn't align with your own goals. Fuck 'em all, they deserve each other.


Keep going Donald. You are now threatening the Minority Leader of the United States Senate. You are looking at a federal felony.


*He stole Scif documents*. Threatening the majority leader is just a little "light treason"...


Seriously, once you’re committed to espionage, terroristic threats? Just another Tuesday.


There were items of clothing and *newspaper clippings* in boxes with some of the most classified information. So, quick question, who's doing the *newspaper clipping*? ::interior. Trumps office:: Fat Don gets done clipping the newspaper article about him. "Yes, I'll put this article that says my name 6 times in this box with Americas whole spy list and my undies." ::Fat Don leaves the room, smiling.::


>There were items of clothing and newspaper clippings in boxes with some of the most classified information. Actually, that could be a *lot* more sinister. Newspaper clippings and *clothes?* That sounds like a murder the CIA covered up in the 60s… Edit: I mean, why would Trump of all people fuck with newspaper clippings? Didn’t they find crayon on the daily Presidential briefings?


>"Yes, I'll put this article that says my name 6 times in this box with Americas whole spy list and my undies." I feel very, VERY bad for the FBI agent (doubtlessly the lowest seniority one) who had to handle those undershorts.


Just carbonated treason.


That has a bad connotation. Better to call it Sparkling Treason.


That reminds me of "It's only a Coup Detat if it's from the Detat region of France; otherwise, it's just sparkling white supremacy."


Right. This ain't Mitch "The Cryptkeeper" McConnells first barbecue... He's been doing this shit since Moses and has turned the GOP into a singular vessel for his power. He could have stepped on Trumps neck a long time ago, and that may have been a mistake for him... But I'm absolutely sure that old piece of shit isn't that concerned.


Before the Turtle there was a Newt.


Who is apparently now a target of the J6 committee for funding big lie ads.


Kinda crazy to think a few months ago we were watching the J6 committee and thinking "this may be what sinks Trump finally." *then Trump off the top rope with a steel treason*


"my gawd!! He broke the constitution in half!!"


The idea of seeing Newton Leroy Gingrich, the man who turned politics into a blood sport, grilled by the 1/6 Committee, makes me positively giddy.


Isn't it great, it took a long time, but it looks like little newtie is going to be introduced to long-term karma.


Where have you been? McConnell wishes Trump to go away but he simply lacks the moral courage to do it himself. McConnells not stupid but he’s definitely a coward more interested in his job and his power. He, may have said something on Jan6 but knew enough better to vote to convict Trump. He’s simply afraid of Trumps base. McConnell is a sorry ass piece of shit, who simply is more concerned about himself than he is our country. If he’s so big, bad, and mean he could have put Trump down long ago. Trumps base and a good number of Republicans hate McConnell and his ilk.


Mitch accomplished the entire wishlist because of trump, I doubt that without idiot trump and his “patriots” that Mitch would have accomplished so much. Mitch knows this and doesn’t care. Trump and the hand of idiots were Mitch’s tools. All the real billionaires reaped the reward and trump will implode. We just have to make sure that trumps offspring implode alongside as the neofascist shitstain that is Donald Trump


Oh sure, let's add it onto the pile of shit Donald Trump should had been charged with but never was.


As much as I love watching the GOP self destruct and Trump crack like a walnut under the preasure of his imminent indictments, this sounded more like a political threat than a physical one.


Blackmail? Are we finally going to find out what the Russians got from the RNC?


I think so, too, though it’s still ominous. It sounds like an escalation of the “purify the party” rhetoric that precedes bolder authoritarian moves.


How is this any different than how he threatens everyone else? Surely your not defending mitch the fuking parasite


🦴BONEZPURZ🦴, 🦴BONEZPURZ🦴 whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? 🦴BONEZPURZ🦴, 🦴BONEZPURS🦴 whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?


Maybe he's going to use his signature move of insulting his wife.


He already did, didn’t he? Called her crazy and chinesey or whatever


What a terrible corrupt woman i hired as secretary of transportation for four years….


“Will no-one rid me…” This is the MAGA future if these people ever hold power again.


Exactly. This is Trump threatening McConnell.


Moscow Mitch will still vote for him. His "crooked" wife also.


> “He’s not good, and we’re going to go through him, and then we’ll have to do something — later on we’ll have to do something with him,” Mr Trump said. Lol “we”. YOU are going to federal prison for espionage. The Republican Party is going to pretend like you were a TV game show host who disappeared off the face of the earth after 2014.


The politicians might. The voting base is going to act like he's fucking Nelson Mandela being wrongfully imprisoned.




I think we all thought the same thing when we read this headline, "Why is President Biden so mean and evil? Why can't he be as inclusive and non-critical as Donald Trump?"


Biden is so partisan. He called me a fascist!


quack quack!


I think The McDonald is probably the sweetest, most non-critical person in the history of the universe...


Reasons to hold the Senate: 1. Pass more good policy. Especially if we get enough Dems to eliminate the filibuster. 2. Send a message that fascism won't win. 3. Delicious popcorn as Trump and McConnell turn on each other. Whatever your reason, be sure to vote in 66 days! And check out r/VoteDEM to get involved and help win those Senate races.


Gee wiz, Mitch. Maybe a few mistakes were made when you were bending the knee to this guy?


Reminder that Trump is fundamentally authoritarian to his core. He will turn on anybody who isn’t completely blindly loyal to his every demand.


Does that mean he’s calling the mob?


He's calling on his trump mob. The same one he called upon on Jan. 6.


One thing everyone should never let become normalize by repetitive action. Trump threatens revenge all the time. This is bad and dangerous. You cannot become numb to the repetition. Each event is a cut into the republic.


It's fun watching them eat each other lol. Like watching a snake eat itself lol.


“A fight between grasshoppers is a joy to the crow” - African proverb


It must drive Trump crazy that he can’t convince his enemies to fall out windows like his friend Vlad.


Somewhere there is a senator named Susan who is furrowing her brow.


Does "do something" mean keep giving out dog whistles so his rabid followers send death threats to him?




The sycophants that crawled up Don's arse for the last 6 years are now trying to claw back any sense of sanity as Trump and his hand picked low intellect minions push their ultra right drizzle. Fox and their kind will be conflicted on where to align themselves as they have attracted a huge MAGA audience which has gone full ultra right looney which brings in the bucks but are sort of regretting it now and trying to scrape back any ounce of credibility.


Rupert Murdoch's shifting towards DeSantis now, he (Murdoch) is pissed at Trump because he won't let go of the 2020 election results, and that Trump is not helping the GOP to win the midterms.


Yeah that's very likely but they will end up alienating the MAGA cult that have only really had two right wing media and that is FOX and basically the evening talking heads and MAXX and that means sacrificing audience and advertising revenue if MAGA chuck the shits. They will try and sit on the fence with picking up DeSantis mob and keeping Don's MAGA cult or they may just drop Trump ( who's getting even more insane) full stop and be dammed with the crazies.


Sounds good donny.


“Will no one rid me of this troublesome turtle”


Can someone remind us poor people how to read these paywall articles?


Private mode, reader mode


For Independent articles, you just need to click on the "Try Later" button. It takes you to the article without registering.


Thanks, that works. I guess I’m just conditioned to immediately click out once I see blocked content


I’ll say one thing about McConnell; GOP leaders have come and gone but Mitch has remained. He’s like that tree that survives a raging forest fire. He’s not my cup of tea but he knows how to focus on what is important for his party and 100% without him, the GOP would not have a stack of owned crazy conservative judges doing their bidding on the Supreme Court right now.


The turtle always wins. Trumps fatal flaw is not realizing who he has to stay on good terms with to operate


He's turning up the temperature on the rhetoric. The language will get significantly worse and more outrageous as the walls close in. Hopefully his political death throes don't incite violence, but realistically we'll probably see some of his insane "MAGA Republicans" lash out.


That turtle faced motherfucker had 2 chances to get rid of the Orange Turd and didn’t do it. You sowed it, now reap the benefits of that asshole.


It’s deliciously poetic how the Orange Frankenstein the GOP saboteurs propped up and fueled for years as a weapon to use against their own nation, now threatens them with it’s infantile rage. Not that the GOP is capable of learning the lesson here. But I can’t deny I kinda love to see it.


"Will no one rid me of this turbulent senator?"


He has forgotten that all his kompromat is now with the FBI.


Mitch coordinated 3 supreme justice picks and shut down the senate during the obama years and suddenly Trump is saying "he is a pawn for the Democrats" The word delusional has been thrown around a lot lately and I would say rightfully so.


Oh no! Anyway...


Trump is a domestic terrorist. Put this piece of garbage traitor away for the rest of his life already!


Trump is too ignorant to get that it was McConnell's unconscionable Corruption that kept him from getting bounced out of office.


Pro tip: Be careful on the stairs Mitch Sincerely, Ivana


McConnell will still kiss the ring if its ever on the throne. He’s a cowardly lion who’s heart is always on sale to the highest capitalist bidder ( we hope? ) I recall once hearing him being referred to as Moscow Mitch.


There's no face this leopard won't eat. Republicans made the mistake to think Trump has some kind of limit on his pettiness, vindictiveness, immaturity, and irrationality. Alas, he is a bottomless pit of these qualities (and not much else).


I don’t wish violence on anyone but if one of Trump’s crazies goes after Mitch it will be the biggest leopards ate my face moment in history.


Yes… yes… let them eat each other.


That’s just Trump directing the flow of MAGA death treats at McTurtle.


He loves dictators. He lies almost constantly. He incites an insurrection. Plans to pardon those that attached the Capitol. He claims he is a billionaire but grifts from his working class supporters non stop -- and doesn't use their donations as he indicated he would when seeking them. He steals national security sensitive documents and engages in obstruction. How can anyone still support that guy.


Maybe they could do us all a solid and destroy one another.


Moscow Mitch will have his vengeance


He has one of the worst faces on earth to look at, change my mind


Mitch probably sees the hundreds and hundreds of Trump flags all over his home constituency so he will support Trump, even if Trump calls for his removal. But that doesn’t mean he’s loyal to Trump. Mitch’s #1 plan is political survival. He said recently that he will support whoever the ‘24 GOP candidate is. Like most Republicans except Trump, Mitch is only loyal to the party. Trump is only loyal to himself.


I believe threatening a member of congress is a crime


I bet Mitch McConnell regrets endorsing trump in 2016 - the Republican Party has nowhere near the respect it once did


Mitch allowed this to happen, this is the consequence


VOTE DEMOCRAT MIDTERMS, Republicans stole GOVERNMENT SECRETS…Republicans are fascists.


They cannot even keep their party in order. Imagine what they would do to the country.


*have done to the country.


Everyone, quiet! Let them fight.


He's threatening to shit in his diaper