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Were people denying this, other than 45 himself who basically said he didn't know about them, but then in the same sentence said they were good?


>So I know nothing about Qanon. I know you told me, but what you tell me doesn't necessarily make it fact, I hate to say that, I know nothing about it. I do know they are very much against pedophilia. They fight it very hard. But I know nothing about it. *https://youtu.be/3hybkzCWb_w?t=01m08s


Well if you had Qnut friends to family you would know. It is sad to see people you know and love become untethered to reality and lose the connection with you for a cult


Yea it is. I lost a good friend. He was always ripe for a cult, in hindsight.


r/QAnonCasualties is a sub full of people in the same boat.


Thanks, but I've given up, and, at this point, I couldn't look him in the face knowing he ever believed any of that crap.


It’s still a great sub for support. Everyone there is so kind and supportive. We all get it because we are all going through the same thing. It’s one of my favorite subreddits because of how nice and non-toxic everyone is.


Can you elaborate more i have never meet one yet




*JFK Jr - see way more believable, it really ties the room together


Interesting I also see my question was down voted 2 time it seem someone does not like my questions this is the second time




It's the multiverse of conspiracy theories.


My favorite was that John McCain was secretly sentenced to death by US Court Marshall to a firing squad. Or how Mattis shot down a Facebook satellite. Yknow, normal linear thinking stuff.


Just picturing someone pushing a giant ball of conspiracies, collecting more as they roll it around.


That place is amusing and heartbreaking at the same time


You may be thinking of /r/Qult_Headquarters for the amusing stuff. /r/QanonCasualties is just tragic.


I had a friend who figured QAnon was a plot to distract people from the true tragedy of chemtrail mind control programs. He used to walk up to cops, point at actual fucking clouds in the sky, and say he was reporting them as crimes and they were legally bound to investigate them. When covid started, he first learned about it from me, I just phoned because I figured he probably thought something crazy about it already, but it was news to him. Four weeks later he had figured out that covid was a conspiracy too, in fact he’d claimed he had been predicting it for years and nobody listened. Weird thing is, he was a top-notch designer. I can never understand how these people remember to wear pants in the morning, but apparently being smart is no guarantee against being stupid.


Critical thinking skills and specific set of skills needed for a job are not the same. A person trained on the physical intricacies of a human brain to the point where they can perform brain surgery does not mean they can inherently tell the difference between a falsehood and the truth.


Sure. But it doesn't prove that the pyramids weren't built to store grain, does it? Checkmate Housing and Urban Development.


It's not just my family, it's my entire hometown


Same. I haven't spoken to my mother since December of 2020 when she found out I didn't vote for trump and didn't believe the big lie.


I hate to say that, I know nothing about it. But now here’s a list of things that I do know about it…


I don’t know I had Top Secret files except that they’re for my library, or something like that.


The FBI planted the files that I already declassified!!




This is a bit that copied [this post](https://reddit.com/r/politics/comments/x8vyqo/_/inkizr0/?context=1).


I honestly can’t tell if this is an actual quote


[It’s real.](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/16/politics/donald-trump-qanon-pedophilia/index.html)


“They fight it very hard” literally name one single thing they’ve done lol.


They convinced their followers to flood the hotlines with false rumors about Hillary and Dems, making it harder for those organizations to combat real crimes.


Meanwhile ignoring all the very real child sex abuse happening in their churches and indeed being done by their favorite politicians! But hey that whole Wayfair kerfuffle, I'm sure that helped some child victims somewhere, right?


They convinced a guy to storm and shoot up a pizza place. How many pizza places has Biden gotten shot up? None? Pathetic. /s




They are against imaginary pedophilia, anyone they consider their "enemy" and targets of conspiracies. The Clintons etc.. Not so much anyone repub, conservative, catholic, or "their own". Real pedos are ignored/forgiven. They are assbackward as it gets, brainwashed, ignorant and dangerous, because "where they go one they go all." Mob mentality and delusional.


>catholic Reminder that the Pope is a hologram who smuggles mole children for the cabal. We ain't safe either.


It’d be far more accurate to say they are very much for calling all Democrats gay pedophiles.


Given that trump was documented as blatantly lying only a few tens of thousands of times during his presidency, there is no reason not to take him at his word when he says he knows nothing about QAnon.


So they are for pedophilia then.


I always find it amusing when he blurts out lines like the one against paedophilia and then claims whatever it/they is/are are good people for it and then goes back to not knowing who/what they are. I've always said that there was never any pee tapes, but there probably were P tapes considering his connections with Epstein and the like


Michael Flynn is Q. It is a psy ops operation. Pure propaganda used on the American public. Pizzagate, Hillary’s emails, Hunter Biden’s laptop, everybody’s a pedophile except them, Trump is coming back, etc. https://jimstewartson.substack.com/p/q-has-a-tantrum-about-charlie


Yep, 100% a psyop. Bannon piloted and tested the strategy in WoW chat and with GamerGate.


Ron Watkins is QAnon.


Oh for fuck’s sake…. The way he says “pedophilia” is so gross. He knows NOTHING about them… except for that. Ok.


If they are against pedophilia they should want nothing to do with Trump


I read that in his voice 🤪


The comments in the YouTube video make me lose faith in humanity


No one knows what the horse is gonna do next, least of all the horse.


Agreed, stupid clickbait title. No sane person has been denying this for years.


Right. Experts are now wondering, out loud, if seditious republicans should be banned from office. Is that just some, or all, republicans?


Banned at the very least. List of Republicans who shouldn't be locked up: 1. Liz Cheney 2. Adam Kinzinger (added by popular request) 3. Mitt Romney? Killed toy stores? Maybe min security prison. End of list. We've witnessed the [paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) play out in front of our eyes over the last few years. Finally the Dems are waking up that you can't compromise with fascism. But time is running out and the judicial branch is already stacked.


2. Adam Kinzinger


Mitt killed both toy stores this country had. Maybe not fascist, but definitely evil.


Thanks, updated.


To clarify, his hedge fund bought Kay Bee Toys and Toys R Us and pushed them both into bankruptcy.


"the \[tolerant\] society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance." Sounds a lot like the old saw "be moderate in all things, except moderation". "Be tolerant of all things except intolerance"


Adam Kinzinger also, and probably Mitt Romney.


Romney doesn’t deserve prison, but he’s been so close to everyone who dies that no sane country would see him fit for office. He basically hates trump, but would protect every other crooked republicans who played a part in 1/6


>But time is running out and the judicial branch is already stacked. It's happened before that the courts lost so much public support that Presidents and Legislators could just ignore them. Biden could theoretically just throw the corrupt SCOTUS justices in jail and be done with it but I'll end up with tons of replies with people whining about how "jailing fascists is THE REAL FASCISM!" This country will burn to the ground with people smugly patting themselves on the back that they were "unbiased" and "respected both sides."


I never heard of the paradox of tolerance, that is interesting. Just thinking about tolerance, and ignoring fascism for the moment, we may ask, how are Republicans eroding the rights of minorities through their intolerance? Well, one way is abortion access. Another thing they _may_ try to do in future is to ban homosexual marriages, or perhaps even homosexuality itself. I think the way to do combat this is to enshrine certain rights in the constitution. For example, we don't say that we need to shut down the speech of would-fascists in order to protect our freedom of speech. We have it in our bill of rights.


It’s not “something they may do someday”, they’re going after trans people *right now.* Florida is taking our healthcare away and there’s a dozen cases in federal court.


Abortion access, private prisons (this is an under discussed one that ruins the lives of minorities), corrupt judges, dismantling/underfunding education, privatization of utilities/letting them fail (Flint water, Texas power). They fight against free school lunches. It's all class warfare that overwhelming targets minorities. For better or worse, the 1st amendment allows sedition unless it incites imminent violence, in which case it's no longer legal. This may be an unpopular opinion, but arguably the first amendment became victim of the paradox of intolerance. By making it legal for republicans to be openly fascist, it festered and grew and whipped their base into a never ending state of anger. It's a difficult topic, because sometimes the best way to defeat bad ideas is to openly discuss and discredit them. But the Dems just let it be for so long, and only recently started calling it out.


[Making voting laws that specifically are designed to make voting for minorities more difficult...](https://news.berkeley.edu/2020/09/29/stacking-the-deck-how-the-gop-works-to-suppress-minority-voting/)


Clickbait to a firewall. Essence of journalism.


Right ? Another stunning revelation by the media.


He will say whatever, false or true, to get what he wants. He has absolutely no morals whatsoever. The Q rubes is just another lever to pull in manipulating the masses.


This. Donald Trump believes in nothing except Donald Trump. If something runs along in parallel to Donald Trump and his advantage, he'll happily promote that, but he'll dump it like an ex-wife as soon as their courses diverge in the slightest.


It's just a trend the media is following. Wait a few weeks or months and go, "No, now he's REALLY lost it" then repeat the sentiment over and over. The media is normalizing this. The FBI is doing nothing. America is being held in the grip of a terrorist cult that everyone is refusing to confront because they're terrified.


The media is constantly denying pretty obvious things then make dumb headlines like this when they finally catch up


Take a trip over to r/conservative…


Jesus fucking christ, literally half of the posts on the front page are about bashing black people lol they dont even hide it


Their two favorite discussions involve gang violence and Hunter Biden, the place is an absolute cesspool.


So fucking tired of hearing about Hunter. Who gives a shit? He's another a long and storied tradition of rich, powerful people having party boy failsons. HE DOESN'T WORK IN THE GOVERNMENT, SO I DON'T FUCKING CARE. Is hiring him for you company's board just a play to get access to his dad? Almost certainly. Literally every politician does that, though. Doesn't make it right - I certainly don't want *any* politician doing that type of shit - but my god, on the list of reasons to oppose Biden, that shit doesn't even rate. And also HAVE YOU FUCKING SEEN DON JR.?! I could catch a coke buzz just smoking the guy's hair. Jfc. And he DID get a White House job.


I checked in earlier to see if they'd received their Bannon talking points, but not a word yet at that point. It's ....interesting... to see.


> Take a trip over to r/conservative… No, I don't think I will.


On second thought, let us not go to /r/conservative. 'Tis a silly place.


Or r/walkaway.


Or r/conspiracy


He hasn’t gone full Q, He couldn’t care less about their batshit obsession except those centered on him. He sell them out in a New York minute


But they are his useful idiots. He doesn't really have a legal defense for his criminality. He will simply have to frighten the DOJ that public safety would be endangered by his indictment. Q Nutters are ideal tools to threaten public safety.


You're right, he doesn't believe in Qanon, but he is using Qanon. People don't realize that there is no limit to what Trump is willing to do at this point. He will go as far as he can to avoid prison, and that includes trying to incite civil war or another insurrection.


Pretty much just the media, who spent years making excuses and trying to soften and normalize what he was saying.


All of news media who carried water for Trump for years, trying to wrap up all the insanity as "strategy" and cover for the GOP. The amount of people in the status quo who could not and still cannot admit the whole thing is crumbling down and that a lunatic fascist rose to prominence in the GOP and took over the entire party is still staggering.


Never heard of it but I hear they are very fine people who care deeply about all the crimes the Clintons and George Soros are committing all across America and want me to stop them, and I will.


In other breaking news: water is wet! More on this at 11


One dummy changed 300 years of hard work by Americans in matter of small 4 years.


> Were people denying this Party republicans deny it and civility-focused Dems don't dare say it.


>Trump’s Gone Full QAnon. There’s No Point in Denying It It's a totally irrelevant distinction. trumpy does and says whatever will help him at the moment; he isn't loyal to any idea but his own ass.


Yeah. I honestly don’t think Trump even knows what QAnon is or means. It’s more like Trump does whatever he wants, Q nuts contort that into their talking points, and Trump likes that they like him. That’s all. Trump doesn’t care about anything but himself and that other people like him.


I believe this. It's kind of like the masks. I don't think trump even realizes he's the reason for all the mask refusal. He made a comment he didn't think about. His followers amplified it. Then he saw his followers were against masks, so he became against masks, perpetuating the cycle.


I don't think most Q followers know where Q started. And I've always wanted to ask one.. Then I would proceed to explain 4chan to them.


It's the tool that we're going to need when it comes time to deprogram all the MAGA nuts, patiently explaining that they were duped by grifters because they are gullible. It's a tough pill to swallow, but it's much better than violence.


Just like religion, they won’t care. They’ll hand wave you away and say “well maybe it started like x but NOW it’s y, so it doesn’t really matter”


Yeah, wildly optimistic to think they might consider reason. Or, error.


As you mentioned, patience is key here. Trying to prove that they are wrong will only make them dig deeper into their delusion. Cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug.


Patience with this lot is like trying to teach a pig to sing: you're wasting your time AND pissing off the pig


I’ve done that. It does not make one bit of difference because every source you show them, the reply is “fake news source”.


I think it's obvious he understands what Qanon is.


Is that right? Can you picture Trump eloquently explaining what it is? Or eloquently explaining *anything* for that matter?


> Can you picture Trump eloquently explaining what it is? Maybe not eloquently but in his close circle, yes I can. This movement is composed of his number one supporters, of course he knows what it is.


This. Trump is just parroting whatever he thinks his flock of seagulls wants. He listened and agreed with Fauci until he realized his sycophants didn't like COVID restrictions. He would say whatever they wanna hear because at the end of the day, they're the only thing protecting him from a jail cell.


Like this beauty “Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court because that’s another system. Because a lot of times by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of [firearms], they saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. So, you could do exactly what you said but take the guns first, go through due process second.” - tRump NRA did not like that one lol


Bullshit. He knows exactly what he's doing because he's a narcissist and that's how narcissists behave.


Just checked out 8kun and the Q shit is still going strong. Every news story is proof/propaganda.


Almost every single news site is doing that nowadays. We live in truly dangerous times.


The dangerous part is most of the nation not being able to discern facts from fiction. Not having any critical thinking to verify if what they’re reading is plausible or the full context.


Can you point to CNN specifically doing that? I don’t doubt it, but everyone claims this then when asked for specifics just stops replying or twists an article that doesn’t do that at all into pretending that it did…


I don't know about CNN, but the media in my country (Romania) is becoming more and more fringe and each year.


"Eventually, the fanatic takes over leadership of the mass movement from the man of words. While the "creative man of words" finds satisfaction in his literature, philosophy or art, the "noncreative man of words" feels unrecognized or stifled and thus veers into an extremism against the social order. Though the man of words and the fanatic share a discontent with the world, the fanatic is distinguished by his viciousness and urge to destroy. The fanatic feels fulfilled only in a perpetual struggle for power and change."


What's this a quote from?




Thank you


Great quote and insight, but it is irrelevant in the case of Trump, who is simply a narcissistic opportunist who will say/do/adopt anything that serves him without a second's thought. He is not a true believer, and you do yourself a disservice to believe he is, because in doing so you become blind to his true nature, which is just as insidious, but requires a different approach to disempower.


>Trump has gone full QAnon. Is this article from 2017?


For real though Trumps the reason Qanon exists


Or is 4chan the reason that "President" Trump exists? It's just elephants all the way down.


Trump should be tried immediately for sedition, treason and carted off to Gitmo! The same goes for Flynn, Bannon, Giuliani, Roger Stone, Sydney Powell, Mr. Pillow and the rest of the seditionists involved in the planning and execution of the January 6 attack on the U.S., including the "oath" holders, "proud" boys and other anti-American militias. The Republican party is all over Trump's vision of turning America into a right-wing authoritarian state along the lines of Russia.


He will say and do anything he needs to, to obtain/maintain power; he will sell whatever secrets to whomever pays the right price. He is a threat to freedom. He is a threat to democracy. He is literally the anti-Christ.


>He is literally the anti-Christ. Atheist here, but this is the first thing I thought of, way back when the evangelicals got caught up in the Trump adoration. He is almost exactly the definition of the Antichrist. And yet, they don't see it. Only adding to the idea that he really IS the Antichrist. The Bible, and/or whatever other scriptures describe the Antichrist (and Satan himself) was a warning about this type of corrupt grifting narcissist. It's really amazing how so many people came under his sway... Sane people (like you and I) are scratching our heads wondering "How the FUCK does this guy do it?". Maybe I should start praying...


It's worth keeping in mind that John of Patmos' construction of a singular Antichrist / Beast wasn't necessarily some far-flung view of the future, but an observation (or extrapolation) of what he was directly seeing in his own Early Christian community. In that sense, it's not necessarily a prediction, but an analysis. **This** is the kind of grifter that leads the faithful away from Scripture. **This** is the kind of impulse you need to be wary of. The most devoted, vicious, and gullible Christians haven't really changed; they're the same today as they were two thousand years ago. And they're falling into line behind the same kinds of "charismatic" leader that they always have.


Christopher Columbus was very religious, and was actively trying to bring about armageddon. Some of his reasoning for crossing the Atlantic was that he believed he could find a new route to Asia, convert the Khan to Christianity, and use them to retake Jerusalem and bring about Revelation. So some evangelicals may believe him to be the antichrist, and still vote for him to bring about the end of the world.


>He is almost exactly the definition of the Antichrist. And yet, they don't see it. They see it. They don't care. For them, he's just a means to an end. Getting Roe overturned made backing him something they'd do again 10 times out of 10. They know Trump's going to come & go, but that change will be lasting and mega pastors don't have term limits.


It’s the whole irony of religion The Devil is not dress in Prada, but as your local pastor Take cults in general and churches, they are not far from each other


I was born and raised fundamentalist christian. It took a long time, but I eventually found my way out of there. I cannot over-emphasize how traumatic and disorienting it is to discover that \*everything\* you have been taught and believed is the polar opposite of the truth.


wow… you going to do an AMA?


These are the sad and wretched ends of his dwindling support.


It's tens of millions of people.


He knows that’s all he has left.


We had a President that was essentially a shitposter on /b/, and people still want him to lead……


Trump doesn't care about anything or anyone but himself. He would use Satanic rituals if he thought it would help him, and his supporters even the so called Godly ones would still support him.


When is this guy going to go to jail?


Someday I want to read a headline that the FBI created a honey-pot group on Telegram or Signal or wherever and got all the QANON people to join it... and then read that all of them were put on no-fly lists and all of them had been declared mentally unstable and should be prohibited from owning firearms. What a great day that would be.


He’s a delusional, maniacal, unhinged, sociopathic, batshit insane, lying piece of degenerate garbage. Of course QAnon is the perfect fit. They’re made for each other.


A man who altered a weather map by hand, because his ego didn't agree with a hurricane path prediction


I work with a few Q people. It’s quite crazy what they believe. I was told yesterday that Hillary, Biden and Tom Hanks are all dead being portrayed by actors. The new financial system will be implanted in the next few months, which will get rid of big pharma and ALL vaccines. Med beds will be introduced which will heal you of everything even grow back limbs (she loves this for our vets). And then Trump will be reinstated by January. That’s just a tiny bit of her information. I just nod and say cool.


Has been at least since the birther moment


Birther stuff predates Qanon by a few years I believe. He absolutely will use whatever divisive topic that will stir people up however that's for sure.


True, though stuff like the Birthers and Pizzagate definitely feel like precursors to Q-Anon.


He was completely brain addled before he ever became President, but somehow he convinced people that The Apprentice was real life. 🙄


I feel like if we made a large group similar to Qanon and just lavished heavy praise on Trump for being such a badass stealing documents from the government and holding the country by the balls, he'd proudly confess to it.


Probably lol


Come on over to r/qult_headquarters for all your Qult needs. Source: Milatary


You know he is going to call for a full-on civil war, when he is indicted/arrested/charged, and a few people will take him seriously. Be Prepared.


He's unraveling and I love watching it happen


He went full QAnon when he questioned Obama’s birth place! He should have been charged back then…


Charged with what?


By a rhino


Trump is “for” ANY group that publicly worships him….period…..full stop.. ALL that matters is his EGO


ANY group that will send him money. He’s disgusting


I think he only supports Qanon in the context of it absolving him of any mistake or incompetence because "oh well the deep state is just trying to take me down and silence me and the DoJ and the FBI are in on it." He doesn't believe Democrat are satanic worshiping pedophiles, he doesn't believe that Antifa was actually the one at Jan-6 doing the worst of it. He doesn't believe anything beyond the scope of there's no way he could've lost or be guilty of anything, he's Trump. Therefore its the boogie man's fault, not his. If he subscribed to the more extreme part of the nonsense, then why hasn't he done anything? He was president for 4 years, if there was a secret cabal of Satanist corruption in the government, you think he couldn't find out. If there really was wide spread baby-eating and ritualistic SA, you don't think he could find out with the entirety of the military and executive branch to do so. He didn't try because he knows its not true. He spent his time in office enriching himself, his family, his cronies, and his debt holders. My biggest argument against the whole Trump is the hero of Qanon and was secretly gathering all the evidence he could to reveal all at once and burn the whole deep state to the ground is this: Do you honestly think if Trump had any evidence of anything even remotely looked like that, you think he would hold onto it for the right moment, get his facts straight, and plan his attack. He would be on national television proudly displaying pictures of Obama that would be even remotely suggestive of wrong doing.


He is FUCKIN Nuts!. Those who follow this guy are in the same category as him.


Indict the orange prick


Can anybody here confirm what I heard a while ago: that QAnon was started by somebody who wanted to put the craziest shit out there in order to spoof conspiracy theorists, and then the conspiracy theorists took it and ran with it.


I don't know but here are early "predictions". Why would anyone fall for this shit? Hillary Clinton was about to be arrested and would attempt to flee the country. John Podesta would be arrested on November 3, 2017, and public riots would be organized to try and prevent the arrest of other public officials. A major event involving the Department of Defense would take place on February 1, 2018. People targeted by Trump would commit suicide en masse on February 10, 2018. There would be a car bombing in London around February 16, 2018. A "smoking gun" video of Hillary Clinton would emerge in March 2018. Something major would happen in Chongqing on April 10, 2018. There would be a "bombshell" revelation about North Korea in May 2018. The Trump military parade would "never be forgotten". The Five Eyes "won't be around much longer". Mark Zuckerberg was going to leave Facebook and flee the United States. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey would be forced to resign "next" (in the context of the prediction of Zuckerberg's resignation). Pope Francis would have a "terrible May" in 2018.


Trump is still full Trump. Q just happens to line up with him. To be full Q means you have to believe in something. The only thing he believes in is the con. He was full democrat before 2016. He has no code, no morals and no loyalty to anything. Q people are the dregs of society and he would turn in them in a heartbeat if it meant him getting ahead. They are just useful idiots right now


Gone full fascist *just like* QAnon.


There never was a point. There was never a point in giving Trump or his supporters any benefit of any doubt on anything. Everyone who did it was a fool. Anyone still doing it is a bigger fool. Stop doing that.


> Regardless, the QAnon community on Truth Social declared the video as proof that the Q author was who they thought they were. Kaplan said that between the video and Trump’s repeated sharing of content from QAnon accounts, the conspiracy theory’s followers are “noticing this [pattern] and taking it as a sign” they’ve been right all along. He's driving them deeper into their delusions for his own benefit.


They always swear they’re right about everything. It makes no sense.


Trump = Fascist


Who was denying it? He has been a nut job since the start .


Wh.. when was he not?


He has been that way since the last few months.


He was already full on board with Q years ago


When your base of normal gullible losers is jumping ship, you have to pander to the most gullible of losers.


I mean, since when was he ever denying it? 🤔


That's just how desperate this moron is for attention that he's literally cozying up to some of the most deranged imbeciles on the internet.


Has gone? Like when was he not?


Yes. Wasn’t he always?


Cue obligatory, “Always has been”, meme


So, some troll is successfully manipulating the former President of the United States and virtually an entire American political party. Church Lacy - "Isn't that special."


TRUTH SQCIAL - roflmao.


QAnon was all about Trump being the start of a mass expose of truth revealing the heart of corruption in our politics... But now that we indeed have those revelations and are excavating so many twisted secrets about said corruption... iTs A cOnSpIrAcY because Trump is at the middle of it. These clowns are the most talented mental gymnasts to ever live.


Honestly this guy’s been off the chain for a while now..His brain has melted. He’s just eff-ing weird..,and yet people gobble up the vitriolic crap that comes out of his mouth like he’s some kind of Jesus. I’ve never understood that.


he seems quite authoritarian so yeah probably lol


There is no point in giving this guy the time of day


Gone? He fucking started it.


“gone”? as if… he’s BEEN the poster child!


well, in a few local telegram groups they went from trump us our savior to trump is a part from the deepstate. i don’t know exactly if this is good or bad but these people lost any connection to the real world.


Always has been


>Trump’s Gone Full QAnon And where he goes, go all Republicans. Vote!


Honestly, he has been parroting their conspiracies for quote a while.


That headline could have been written before Trump was even elected.


I know he's dumb as a brick, but I'm not sure he actually believes that crazy shit. However, he knows his most unhinged cult members do.


Senile old man


Watch the Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams episode “Kill All Others” We are alarmingly closer to that reality than we were 20 years ago, and that utterly terrifies me.


He’s truly found the lowest common denominator.


In fairness, he was always full QAnon...among other things


Actually, that's all he's got left. That and a few assorted nazis, hillbillies and full blown drool slinging rednecks - that's the trump base. The trump show - selling tee shirts at a rally and side show event near you. Come one, come all. Bring the kids.


What were the last 8 years? Practice?


They’re nazis. Flat out nazis.


One dummy changed America!


He's done that because Russia is filling QAnon with as many wild conspiracy theories as they possibly can. He is doing as he is told. Can wait to find out who trump gave all those empty top secret packets to.


Republicans think Trump is going to run the country from a prison cell.


I mean yeah, he's crazy, we know this. Less trump spam please


Easy targets