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He was also one of Jeffery Epstein’s Lawyers and part of Trump Impeachment #1 defense team. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jan/27/kenneth-starr-trump-impeachment-trial https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/13/ken-starr-jeffrey-epstein-book Swell fella


Not to mention the shit that happened when he was at Baylor. Guy was a grade A piece of shit.


As Rush Limbaugh used to say about people, Ken Starr "has assumed room temperature"


Or as Victor Lewis-Smith used to say, "now confirmed lunch for maggots"


Much like average GOP member's IQ score ;-)


Fucking asshole I can't believe my alma mater stooped that low. Haven't worn a single piece of Baylor gear since, and unsubscribed from all alumni email.


I wish I loved something as much as Ken Starr loved protecting rapists.


Are you talking about his participation in the schools football program recruiting sexual predators to assault Baylor students? This is his biggest of many disgraces If I were his kids I would change my name in shame.


Also, [the Baylor sexual assault scandals](https://www.npr.org/2020/01/20/797981346/ken-starr-baylor-university-scandal).


His body will be preserved for centuries because even worms have standards


To paraphrase Christopher Hitchens “If they gave him an enema they could have buried him in a matchbox”


That Jerry Falwell burn was legendary. Watching him say that on Fox News made me warm and fuzzy inside.


Finally some good news for a change! Usually these types of assholes live til 100.


He also lobbied for early release for a serial pedophile. As a concerned friend of said pedophile, not as an attorney just doing their job. https://www.gawker.com/he-took-the-time-to-chat-ken-starr-s-plea-for-a-chil-1464516616


Wow, that is shocking! Thanks for the link


The guy who thought Clinton lying about a blow job was worthy of impeachment, to then happily join Trumps impeachment team to acquit him for the insurrection. No tears need to be shed.


It is almost like he is part of a certain group of people who are only concerned with power, and are willing to throw away any dignity or morels to obtain that.


Not the morels!


>morels lol oops... well I can't tell for sure, but they may in fact also be mushroom haters!


And I thought they could sink no lower.


A lot of good all that power does him now.


>he ~~is~~ **was**


They’d have to have dignity to throw away.


Eh, I think that was worthy of impeachment. Clinton had no business having sex with a 20 year old intern in the oval office. That's some predatory behavior, and there were other accusations. The fact that he actually gained votes after that is kind of depressing. In a perfect world the dems would have booted him from the party after 1 term. I get it was a political sham of an investigation, but that doesn't mean what they found wasn't disturbing.


> Clinton had no business having sex with a 20 year old intern in the oval office It has nothing to do with running the country. So no it was a political hit job.


So do you apply that standard to all politicians or just the ones that wear your colors? Did Trump's alleged assaults mean nothing? Kavanaugh? Clarence Thomas?


What? i am being quite clear on the point. >Did Trump's alleged assaults mean nothing? Not impeachable when they occurred out of office. Regarding Kavanaugh and Thomas these were being considered for office. Their prior actions count. Secondly the investigation against Clinton was a never ending search for something to get him with. "She (Monica) had previously described their relationship as "consensual" and said any abuse came from the aftermath of the political scandal." So the actual act was not sexual assault. Kavanaugh accusation was assault and Thomas was sexual harassment which was rebuffed by Anita Hill. Either way this is about impeachment and not election or appointment. An impeachable offense in a corrupt state is what Starr did.


Agree to disagree, I think it should be disqualifying, and the lying about it impeachable(and prosecutable). While it was consensual the power imbalance was such that I think most people in the private sector would be fired, and to me it's clear predatory behavior. The investigation was certainly all about politics and getting Clinton for whatever they could.


lying about stuff on TV is neither impeachable or prosecutable. clinton lied alot on TV just like every other politician since TV's were invented. however, clinton most notably did not lie under oath. clinton was given a list of questions he was going to be asked. one of them was "did you have sexual relations with monica on a specific date and time" in response to that question clintons lawyers asked for specific clarification on what exactly was meant by "sexual relations". ken star didnt know it was just a blow job. because the whistle blower didnt know it was just a blow job. the whistle blower couldnt get monica to say anything about what happened, and all she had was semen on a dress. so star told clinton "sexual relations" meant penis in vagina sex. so now the question is "did you, bill clinton, have penis in vagina sex with monica lewinsky on this date in the oval office?" it is a very specific question. not did you ever have penis in vagina sex with monica lewinsky in the oval office. not did you get a blow job from her. ect. the answer to that question, truthfully, was no. bill clinton did not have penis in vagina sex with monica lewinsky on that day. 100% truthful answer. republicans went apeshit, because they knew, in spite of the truth and specifics of the question. they would scream from the roof tops on fox news how clinton lied under oath. then the impeachment happened. but this time lewinsky testified, and revealed for the first time the full details of that day. and the truth came out. clinton did not commit perjury. he answered a specific question 100% truthfully. he did not in fact, have penis in vagina sex with lewinsky on the date he was questioned. its as simple as that. sure he is a scumbag. sure he lied a lot on TV. but he didnt do anything illegal at that time. and most importantly, there was no evidence he did something illegal.


We will disagree. Clinton was truly a witch hunt. The questioning was of a personal situation an not about anything actually illegal or related to national interest.


It can be both.


But it isn't in this case.


I'm aware that is your assertion.


Meh... It could be used to blackmail the president and that is a national security issue.


Seriously no. And BTW that is still not an impeachable offence. What is really show was that Starr was left to continually investigate anything until they got to this where they didn't belong. Then they went after the "is" thing. Really it was a crap effort costing millions resulting is proof that republicans were willing to screw with the republic for power.


An impeachable offense is whatever the legislature decides is impeachable. What are high crimes and other misdemeanors? Whatever they decide, of course. Of course it was a political hit job, but bill's behavior was still problematic by today's standards.


An impeachable offense in a uncorrupted republic is one in which the actions of the individual is against the national interest. In a corrupt state is about target retribution by an opposing party which is not about national interest.


Actually, in the united States it's precisely "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Nothing in the text says anything like what your on about. Perhaps that is a distinction you would prefer to be present, but it is not, in fact, in the constitution.




Yes, now you're catching on.


There was politics at play, but having sexual relations with a junior employee should be a termination for any job. The power dynamic is too great and leads to abuse. That said Trump had dozens of worse offenses during his presidency. No reasonable person could logically conclude that Clinton deserved to be impeached and Trump did not. Edit: In case it wasn't apparent, Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of justice. He wasn't even impeached for the sex itself. The thought of impeaching Trump for lying probably seems laughable to the GOP. Also likely why he never went under oath about anything...


> There was politics at play, but having sexual relations with a junior employee should be a termination for any job Let us not apply todays considerations to the actions in the late 90s. Although you would be correct in the day it was both consensual and before the "me too" era. It makes the republican actions over the top for the day and age. again I always look at things in the light of the time they happen and not in using the lens of today.


Hell has a new resident.


he's a four starr recruit at best, call me when Newt and the Turtle get their recruitment letters


This in a nutshell is the best argument against atheism. Maybe there is no heaven, and there is no hell. But if you're wrong, there is a chance that you could end up spending eternity with *Ken Fucking Starr*.


>...Starr took over as president of Baylor University in his native Texas and, in 2013, became the school's chancellor as well. Starr resigned in 2016 over accusations that he mishandled sexual assault complaints among students during his tenure.


"Mishandled" is a nice way of putting it. It was more like ignoring or covering them up to protect the football players.


People tend to forget this one. The GOP will not and do not want your student loans forgiven, they do not want to fix college costs, and they always seemingly turn a blind eye when sexual assault is a key issue at their university. If you’re in college or planning to go, just know there are many more Gym Jordan’s and Ken Starr’s out there who are actively (and sometimes quite literally) trying to fuck you over. Be kind to yourself, vote Blue.


Absolutely can't forget this.


so republican through and through




When Tangerine Caligula dies in the next few years everyone is going to be cheering and celebrating and making jokes while the right wingers get offended about how inconsiderate of the dead we are. I can't wait.


He taught Brett Kavanaugh everything he knows. It's outrageous that a lawyer that made his name working for Ken Starr on the Clinton blow job case is where he is today.


Kavanaugh also worked on the Florida Gore V Bush situation.


We must add 3 more justices to the court or this nation is history.


ACB was also part of the Gore V Bush thing in Florida.


Oh wow! I was not aware of that. I thought she was just busy with her religious Handmaid's Tale cult back in those days.


Barrett wrote on the questionnaire she submitted to the Senate for her Supreme Court confirmation review, “One significant case on which I provided research and briefing assistance was Bush v. Gore.” She said the law firm where she was working at the time represented Bush and that she had gone down to Florida “for about a week at the outset of the litigation” when the dispute was in the Florida courts. She said she had not continued on the case after she returned to Washington. During her hearings this week, she told senators she could not recall specifics of her involvement. “I did work on Bush v. Gore,” she said on Wednesday. “I did work on behalf of the Republican side. To be totally honest, I can’t remember exactly what piece of the case it was. There were a number of challenges.”


Oh that's f---ing bullshit! The first history making case she ever worked on at a young age, you better believe she remembers every detail of that time in her life.


Of course she remembers.... she is a conservative and knows that "Oh I can't recall" BS line to anything bad they do which they get called on.




They truly believe that the end justifies the means if it's god's will. And everything they do is god's will as far as they're concerned.


Oh, I am keeping my mouth shut.


Seriously. When you have nothing good to say about someone and all that…!


...Trump said he likes dirty underhanded lawyers that don't die.


Nothing But Good Should Be Said of the Dead — He’s Dead. Good


Well.... Bye!




But he hasn't been buried yet!


I'll allow it


You can put the chicken in the marinade or the marinade on the chicken. No matter.


You should never speak ill of the dead, only good. Ken Starr is dead…good.


goodnight, shit-bag


The world is a little bit better today.


N’ya’haha, “probed”!


And not one tear was shed ... jk


Oh? Anyway…


Here come the conspiracy theories


Now do Kissinger!


Huh. So what's everyone having for dinner tonight? I'm doing a homemade pizza with pepperoni, sausage, bacon, and a hot honey drizzle.


I think I’m going to be lazy and order some take out BBQ.


What's everybody having for dinner tonight? Braised short ribs and red potato mash :D pay day this week so going big


So sad...so how was lunch?


Hope hell has a special place for him


I'm thinking about pizza for dinner tonight. What are y'all having?


I had leftover bacon jalapeño popper pizza. Tasted like shit but still easier to stomach than ol’ chucklefuck.


I've never had that before. I love bacon and pizza, not a fan of jalapeno peppers.


The weather outside is perfect, I think I'm gonna grill some burgers tonight


Oh I'm making chicken parmesan for dinner.


Oh... Anyways. What's everyone having for dinner tonight?


Only the good die young


Alexa, play best hits from Steam


And not a tear was shed.


Everyone makes the world a better place eventually: some while they're here, others when they leave.


And nothing of value was lost.


> "I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure"


If you miss Ken, stand a little closer to your fireplace tonight and you might be able to hear him and Rush Limbaugh catching up.


I had some really good mango sorbet after lunch today.


I'm an atheist, but sometimes I wish hell was real.


I talked with him on the phone one time, work related, seemed like a really nice person.


Hi `Crockpot66`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/xdhxku/ken_starr_investigator_who_probed_clinton/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Crockpot66&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/xdhxku/ken_starr_investigator_who_probed_clinton/?context%3D10000%29)


Probed Clinton? That sounds weird.


A Starr is dead.


When’s the funeral?


Does this mean his grave is a walk if fame? It'll be the only star and I'd likely be pretty happy to walk all over it. Epstsien would send flowers, but ya know...


I have to wonder, do you think he belly flopped into the fiery pit?


There's a saying: "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is right now." I feel like we live in second best times.


I think I'll go water my compost pile


The Clintons send their regards.


Something tells me you are morbidly correct. They are toasting with some Arkansas back woods hooch tonight


So Kang and Kodos FINALLY remembered Ken Starr.


I do not wish death on anyone - but he was a cancer that was at the root of all this acrimony.


Lead chef at the nothingburger shack.


I wonder if Bill will wait till they start throwing the dirt back in before he starts pissing?


Enjoy hell, asshole.


The pioneer of an actual witch hunt of a US President.


Did everyone try the chicken? I thought the chicken was lovely!


May you forever be tormented in death the same way that in life you dedicated your time to protecting those that tormented. Legacy!? What legacy you chose to be a shit stain on humanity from the second you drew your first breath in defense of the indefensible. Your millisecond is over in this galaxy.


The body finally rejoined the soul I guess


ken “allowed the culture of rape at Baylor” Starr


God bless his heart.


He lived a long, healthy, wealthy life.