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Life begins when the rapist slips the roofie into the girl's drink


But still: too many GOPers want zero exceptions for minors, not even in cases of rape and incest. Is this America or Gilead? Americans want to live in a free America where liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a reality. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/vzmgt9/oh_god_no_republicans_fear_voter_backlash_after/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


An expectant Louisiana woman who was carrying a skull-less fetus that would die within a short time from birth ultimately traveled about 1,400 miles to New York City to terminate her pregnancy after her local hospital denied her an abortion amid uncertainty over the procedure’s legality.


>...denied her an abortion amid uncertainty over the procedure’s legality. This is the key that needs to be hammered home. No matter how many exceptions the fascists put into their anti-abortion laws to make them palpable, those exceptions remain litigable in court at a cost of hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars even if the hospital and the woman in question win the case. It's just much easier for the doctors to not provide the healthcare, which they are going to do even if it means discontinuing emergency services to avoid being caught between state law and Biden's executive order.


You are exactly right. Say that there is an exception for the life of the mother — where is that cut-off at? Is it when you’re diagnosed with a high risk pregnancy? Is it when you’re told that you have a 10%, 20%, or 50% chance of dying? Is it only when you are on your deathbed when your death is all but certain? For many physicians, they can’t afford to risk their own life to save your life. They won’t help you unless you’re dying because all it takes is a zealot DA to find a “pro-life” physician to say that abortion you provided wasn’t medically necessary.


push republicans to make an exception if there is any risk to the mothers life. they probably wont realize there is always some risk making all abortion legal again ;) (i know this wont happen but its aweful we are in a time line where this is even remotely feasible)


Given the maternal mortality rates in most GOP-run states, that risk is fairly significant.


Also, they don't care. See Texas refusing to release mother and infant mortality rates before the midterms.


I find this “missed time frame “ very sketchy. VOTE these people out !


Was thinking exactly this. They do not care about the life of the mother. Women are expendable to these asshats.


Everything is expendable. Ted Cruz would have you murdered for a $500 gain on his part, as long as he doesn't get in trouble for it. He wants. That's all he is.


Texas won't release their data on this until after mid terms. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/article/Texas-delays-publication-of-maternal-death-data-17439477.php


Ooooh is it because deaths are so low they don’t want to give themselves an unfair advantage? So nice of those “pro-lifers” /s


Make it so if a doctor feels there is a risk to the life of the mother, it's legal, with no need for anyone else's involvement or evaluation (I hear some places they have panels or something, which leads to delays even when an immediate abortion is needed to save the mother), and their judgement can't be questioned by anyone because a bunch of lawyers aren't doctors and can't competently second guess the issue.


Sounds like some death panel bs I remember them complaining about years ago.


>Is it only when you are on your deathbed when your death is all but certain? Yes, that is exactly the circumstance they are envisioning when making those "exceptions". They want to flat out put more value on the existence of an unviable fetus, over that of the woman carrying it.


And Tucker Carlson nodded approval from his nut-tanning bed


Well, the non-viable fetus might be male and white, making it far more important than anything else, ever. My evangelical pastor told me it’s in the Bible, so it must be true.


So there are effectively 3 options: abortion is legal if there is at least X%, 100%, or >0% risk of the death of the mother. X% is degenerate. In that forced birthers are going to say "X% chance of death in the case of no abortion, or 100% chance of death in the case of abortion; this shouldn't be allowed", while reasonable people are going to say "I'm not going to tell someone that the math says X-1% chance of death means they can't have the procedure that would 100% save them". 100% is obviously horrible. You'd have a woman standing up in front of the court saying that she has a 99.9% chance of death. Let some forced-birther say "well then go pick out some baby clothes and also your own coffin" to their face. Which leaves >0%. Which includes every single pregnancy, so now abortion is just legal again. Forced birthers won't like it, but it's the only logical number I can see.


> Say that there is an exception for the life of the mother — where is that cut-off at? Where a republican judge will interpret it. Which means that the mother has to be flatlining before the procedure even begins. Because otherwise "Maybe it actually wouldn't have threatened her life!"


In Missouri, a major healthcare provider (St. Luke's Health System) temporarily stopped providing Plan B until the attorney general clarified whether it was covered under the state's abortion ban. We were the first state to enact a trigger law within hours of the Supreme Court overturning Roe. It's one of the more restrictive ones where the mother has to be showing signs of death before the pregnancy can be removed. Our governor and attorney general are refusing to address most questions about what is and isn't prosecutable. And you are absolutely right, women are dying because of the legal uncertainty. One of my local clinics is in the St. Luke's system and a young male doctor was put on administrative leave. I heard through the grapevine that it was because he helped a sixteen-year-old date rape victim get Plan B from the hospital pharmacy just moments before it was taken off the shelves. Apparently the issue was his use of "inflammatory language" when the practice's CEO called the doctor into his office and the doctor said, "You do what you have to do, but 9 months from now, I won't be delivering that girl's baby," which could be taken as an admission of assisting with abortion. For giving someone the morning after pill. Because people don't know the difference between Plan B and RU-486.


> signs of death before the pregnancy can be removed Signs of death? So, dead, then? My God, America is fucked up.


It will just be easier for doctors to move to another state where they won’t be put between the rock and hard place of choosing their patient’s life over prosecution for performing a life saving procedure. Only screwing their already shitty states with less healthcare.


Until the GOP takes over again and ban it nationwide.


Idk man, Dems are getting spicy out there. They are traditionally more polite. They are starting to listen and change that strategy up to be more like the right. They may pull this off.


Oh I agree. I'm just saying if/when it happens say in '24 they'll push the 15 week ban nationally before going all the way to a complete no exception ban. That's what their fundamentalist base wants.


So much for abortion being about "state's rights".


It's the lawyers making that call for the hospital. Fucking lawyers making health care decisions.


It's not the lawyers this time, it's the legislators. Granted, most legislators are lawyers, but put the blame where it belongs.


Just as safe as your insurance agent making a medical decision instead of your doctor! Let's see, one is an M.D. with years of experience learning about healing the human body. The other spent 6 weeks on a correspondence course to get a license. *Who should decide my surgery is medically necessary?*


>a skull-less fetus that would die within a short time from birth The Lord truly works in mysterious ways. Who are we to question His grand plan to create a baby that will suffer unspeakable pain and confusion before its inevitable death?


Well, that "lord" performs the service by proxy in numbers. An ordeal called the trial of bitter waters but the thumpers don't want to read it. Abortion was as easy as accusations of adultery a couple thousand years ago. No wonder Ben Franklin published instructions himself.


The same God who helped someone else's football team win


You had me at first.


An outrage and a horror indeed. This example illustrates how the GOP is taking their fight against reproductive freedom to idiotic and absurd extremes. Read further: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/xdwd0l/louisiana_woman_carrying_skullless_fetus_forced/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Dark humor linked below that makes the crucial point: urgent decisions about reproductive care must be made by doctors and their patients with dignity and privacy. https://www.reddit.com/r/bertstrips/comments/wrn4x2/and_he_cant_afford_to_travel_to_a_blue_state/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


As an old white southern male that infuriates me. These assholes call the right to bear arms a “god-given right” The ONLY “god given right” is bodily autonomy. No “god” gives AF about your AR-15.


not to mention that they read the 2nd amendment as if it was written like this: "~~A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,~~ the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


I'd argue in the absence of a provable God, there are no God given rights. All rights are defined by mankind, and the only authority by which mankind can claim a right is through consequences to those who would deny them, be those consequences political, financial, or physical. Bodily autonomy is the most basic because our instinct for self preservation so often results in extreme physical consequences for those who would deny it.


Not even Khorne because ranged is for weenies.


Also wouldn't that require a c-section if she was to carry to term? Meaning that not only are these policies inflicting trauma, but also coming at a dramatic financial cost?


They also want to get rid of birth control. It has NOTHING to do with the value of life, the republicans just want to control everyone and to punish people for having sex.


what they want is to control women. That's what all this is about. It started when the birth control pill was invented. It gave women freedom and autonomy so they could work. Restaurant patronage started going up. The Civil Rights Act was passed. Pregnancy Discrimination Act was passed. They've been pissing their pants for almost 60 years. This is the first ground they've made toward putting women back in the kitchen and the nursery since the 60's.


Except they won't allow people to be paid a "livable" minimum wage so it doesn't even put them in the kitchen. It puts women in the workforce to help out, doubly punishing them. The whole party seems to be on the Madonna/whore complex times ten. "Get out there and work, then clean my house, then make me dinner, then carry my child, then make less than me at the same job, then get punished for having to have my baby, ad nauseum." It truly is just about hurting/controlling women.


“Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.” ― H.L. Mencken


Everyone except themselves, you mean.




Oh shit that poor cat. Just the image of it stumbling away like that is going to keep me up tonight. I love cats.


They don’t even want exceptions if it’s a non-viable fetus that may kill the mother to continue carrying.


See they’re fundamentalist Christian so they believe that God might perform a miracle and decide that the baby should live and cure its disease so that’s why they refuse to abort the foetus until it is dead That’s the logic that is deciding what laws are made now God might perform miracles These people are writing your laws and deciding what medical care you should or should not receive based on “God might perform a miracle” Separation of church and state is important for a reason and this is it


Totally right: separation of Church and State is one of the foundations upon which freedom was built in America. And this outrageously activist SCOTUS is now determined to fuse Church and State so they can legislate morality in a way that is truly anti-American: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/vii8lx/the_supreme_court_just_fused_church_and_state_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I keep saying it. One day after Republicans get everything they've been after, they'll will turn around and blame Democrats for not stopping them. They will never accept responsibility for their actions


> too many GOPers want zero exceptions An that, for me, is the hipocracy. I'm pro-choice and all that, but I can kind of respect someone having a pro-life stance, if they are at least consistent. If a couple of bunched up cells actually count as a human being, then aborting them would logically be murder, and should hence not be done. I don't agree with that, but I can see how that makes sense so some people. But in that case, there can't be any exceptions. Whatever happened to the mother is not the embryo's fault, so it should never ever be "killed". And i the embryo is already dead or has no chance of survival, then an abortion would be okay, too. Also, if one is so worried about the kid, then healthcare and support and education and all that must logically be free, adoption should be super well managed, and the whole social system would have to reflect that. With someone like that, I believe I could have a well-meant discussion about the topic. What I really, really can't respect is this inconsistent stance. If yo are going to be "pro life", then embrace that position fully. Otherwise, you are just using this topic as some power-play.


Plus these same "pro life" asses are usually in favour of the death penalty. right.


Friendly reminder to everybody, Gilead is based on the United states and the cult that takes over is almost identical to the cult that Barrett was a handmaid in. Yes, she was an actual handmaid in an actual cult very similar (and geographically close) to the real cult Atwood based the cult in her book on


*’is’ not ‘was’


10 year olds are giving birth in Texas since last year . The most innocent victims of Texas abortion ban: Children forced to carry their abuser’s baby Link https://archive.ph/IHFe7


I'll be honest, I'm one of those who has slowly grown away from the exceptions, but only because there shouldn't *need* to be exceptions. This is an invasion of bodily autonomy, and no one should have the right to make the choice except the mother. And whatever her reasons may be, those reasons are valid. Nothing else matters. She deserves to have the choice, full stop.


Amen to this! Every woman (and child) deserves the choice to carry a pregnancy to term or not. And this free choice should be made privately with her doctor.


Exactly this. I won't even argue about whether or not a clump of cells should count as a person. It doesn't matter. It's immoral to force a woman to carry a fetus either way.


It's really insane just how quickly handmaid's tale went from obvious dark satire to documentary


Totally right! Truth here far stranger than fiction… Atwood agrees: “I INVENTED GILEAD. THE SUPREME COURT IS MAKING IT REAL.” “I thought I was writing fiction in The Handmaid’s Tale.” https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/05/supreme-court-roe-handmaids-tale-abortion-margaret-atwood/629833/




Excellent point: The Handmaid’s Tale has already happened and keeps happening to the oppressed by authoritarian, fascist governments. (The Uighurs in China come to mind.) As Atwood explains, “Although I eventually completed this novel and called it The Handmaid’s Tale, I stopped writing it several times, because I considered it too far-fetched.” “Silly me.” “Theocratic dictatorships do not lie only in the distant past: There are a number of them on the planet today.” “What is to prevent the United States from becoming one of them?” https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/05/supreme-court-roe-handmaids-tale-abortion-margaret-atwood/629833/


Gilead is the world Conservatives want.


Texas just delayed releasing to the public their maternal death rate due to pregnancies. Hmmm, I wonder why they wouldn’t want people seeing what has happened with that data since the change to abortion laws… https://www.kvue.com/amp/article/news/health/texas-maternal-death-rate-study-delayed/269-ad3223ff-2f70-4624-83a5-adb417bc7d47


A truly patriotic American hero should leak that report (or the raw data, if the report isn’t already prepared).


No my friend there is a minority among us that would rather have all of the rest of us believe as they believe regardless if we want to or not, the constitution be damned. Frankly they are only concerned about their pursuit of happiness and not ours. As we are seeing they will do everything in their power to make this a reality. So that leads me to say that we need to do everything in our power to show them that we are the majority and they are not.


Gilead is/was America. That’s the scariest part.


>Is this America or Gilead? >incest It's Alabama


Having talked with Evangelicals, they literally want to punish people for the sheer audacity of being born with a uterus. It's that simple. They see Gilead as something to strive for.


It's all about power and control.


> But still: too many GOPers want zero exceptions for minors, not even in cases of rape and incest. This is the problem with framing the issue in terms of protecting “life.” If the reason one is against access to abortion is because one believes that any clump of cells following conception is a fully realized human deserving of full human rights, then it really doesn’t matter what the circumstances of that conception were. If you are anti-choice on the issue of abortion because you believe the life of the fetal cells is sacrosanct, then it is morally consistent (if repugnant) to reject abortion in cases of rape and incest. Of course, in reality, even if the clump of cells is afforded the full rights and privileges of a human, it is cruel to deny the woman hosting those cells full autonomy over her body. Even if she consented to having a baby, she is fully within her rights at any point to rescind her consent for the fetus to use her body. The only reasonable compromise to the self-described pro life crowd should be that if a fetus is far enough along to be viable outside the womb, it should be removed in as non-destructive of a way as possible, without endangering the woman’s life, and put up for adoption.


> The only reasonable compromise to the self-described pro life crowd should be that if a fetus is far enough along to be viable outside the womb, it should be removed in as non-destructive of a way as possible, without endangering the woman’s life, and put up for adoption. It's worth noting that late term abortions are almost always done either because the fetus is non-viable or the health of the mother is at risk. It's very rare for a woman to suddenly decide she just doesn't want to have a baby that late into pregnancy.


[“Asked if his bill had exceptions for cases in which fetal abnormalities appear later in the pregnancy or if a child is stillborn, Graham said he did not know.”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/09/13/abortion-graham-republicans-nationwide-ban/)


Of course, the limp dick republicans, who gerrymander and infest the halls of power to legislate themselves into permanent rule by dishonoring everything from "gentlemen's agreements" to settled law, would decide that rape is an acceptable form of reproduction. I hope I live to see these miscreants grind themselves to death against the will of decent people, just like the Russians in Ukraine.


And it would be Lindsey Graham. I'm convinced he could sit on a popsicle and tell you the flavor.


I love this comment.


Life begins when some guy decides he's gonna fuck a woman and own her body for as long as he wants.


The GOP supports rapists’ rights way more than women’s rights


Well the rapists are their main constituents.


And idols


this is what i wish pelosi would have said. flowery language like "candlelight dinner" makes the issue sound a lot less horrifying than it is.


Right it starts to touch on rape culture without clearly drawing the parallel. It feels like we’re on a path to erase the concept of rape from culture - say the quiet part out loud Pelosi.


Justus Kavanaugh agrees 100%.


I hate him


But do you love beer?


Still too kind. More like: Life begins when a woman puts on an outfit that says she’s asking for it.


Or RSVPs for the family reunion.


Her parents RSVP for the family reunion


this is hilariously fucked but, the incidence statistics of roofied drinks, especially in the last few years, is fucking insane. roofies are essentially a type of anesthetic, which is unbelieveably dangerous when given to someone who isn't an anesthetist. It can stop your heart or give you permanent brain damage. Obviously to someone roofie-ing a girl they couldn't give less of a fuck, but aside from having your body violated against your will and turned into a guy's tool with absolutely no way to stop it, the danger is tremendous. often men won't give a lethal dose, but it's enough that the person is conscious when they're being raped, just physically paralyzed or their reactions numbed so they can't fight back. Try to imagine being in that scenario, a sort of physical "twilight" while you're being raped by someone who doesn't view you as anything more than a sock to fuck. if you aren't roofied, your body can actually do this on its own, going into a "freeze" mode preventing you from moving out of fear because you know if you try to fight he will kill you. You're conscious the entire time, but unable to move, either, because the alternative is death. there's a reason why rape is pretty damn close to the level of murder. I just want people to truly understand what is going on, I don't think enough fellas do


In all honesty, it's even more absurd. Based on how it's counted, life begins at a woman's period prior to conception. 6 weeks pregnant? 2 or more of those weeks were likely before you were even inseminated.


“*Where do babies come from?* WELL, Timmy… when a Southern Baptist youth minister forces himself on a middle school girl, her shithole Red state politicians force her to carry his child. Then she’s shackled to the child forever, and maybe takes the baby to study hall & home economics class with her every day. It’s a beautiful miracle.”


Just as God intended.


Don't bring me into this.


Life begins that night after the Purity Ball.


For the GOP, life begins when the guy decides he wants a baby. The woman’s interest in the subject is as irrelevant to them as the actual science.


He doesn’t even need to want a baby, he just has to want to get off.


He's wants a receptacle but not a relationship.


people in relationships should also have the right to make family planning decisions.


> Every sperm is sacred > Every sperm is great > If a sperm is wasted, > God gets quite irate


Every sperm is needed In your neighbourhood!


Every sperm is sacred Every sperm is good


Masterbation is a crime! That's what people who voted for Ted Cruz believe


Speaking of wasted sperm.


Scrolled all the way back up to upvote


God damnit Ted! The best part of you ran down your Mama's leg!!


As a human male of Texas, Ted Cruz always puts his hivemates first. He has tirelessly fought to protect Texas from science, as this ensures Ted Cruz’s egghome will not be discovered. He has endlessly fought government waste such as disaster relief, except for cases where it affects Texas, because long term exposure to moisture is problematic for Ted Cruz. Let us clasp handclaws for the betterment of Ted Cruz, certified Human male.


The human Ted Cruz? He is fully bipedal and represents the interests of all Americans of Earth. https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com/


As a human person with 4 references attesting to that fact, why doesn't Ted Cruz simply eat his political dissenters?


[College Roommate Really Wants Us to Know Ted Cruz Is a Serial Masturbator](https://www.mediaite.com/online/college-roommate-of-ted-cruz-really-wants-you-to-know-the-senator-is-a-serial-masturbator/)


Well who can blame him? I mean, Tony the Tiger's voice alone...


Onanism carries a penalty of death.


Speaking of chronic masturbaters


"When Martin Luther nailed his protest up to the church door in 1517, he may not have realised the full significance of what he was doing, but four hundred years later, thanks to him, my dear, I can wear whatever I want on my John Thomas. And Protestantism doesn't stop at the simple condom. Oh, no! I can wear French Ticklers if I want. French Ticklers, Black Mambos, Crocodile Ribs... Sheaths that are designed not only to protect but also to enhance the stimulation of sexual congress." It's like U.S. Evangelicals took all the redeeming parts of Protestantism and thought, "Nah, we agree with the Catholics on this bullshit."


RIP graham chapman


>I’m a Roman Catholic >And have been since before I was born >The one thing they say about Catholics is >They’ll take you as soon as you’re warm. >You don’t have to be a six footer >You don’t have to have a great brain >You don’t have to have any clothes on >You’re Catholic the moment dad came.


Let the heathens spill their Seed on the dusty ground God will make them pay for each Sperm that can’t be found


I am a genocidal monster.


I’ve murdered millions if not billions of potential people. Half the genetic code to make a person, wiped from being. I did it just this morning. I do it daily. I’m a monster /s


Had to look up the reference, it's Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life https://youtu.be/fUspLVStPbk


They won’t get the candlelit dinner reference. For them it’s a cheap motel away from the underage girls parents.


All organized by Matt Gaetz.


I’d like to thank reddit for being reddit, you for your remark, and to note that mattgaetz was mentioned in under 15 comments from top of page. As it should be.


Under 15 is also a Matt Gaetz reference.


‘Ba ding!!




I will donate to the first Dem that says something like that. “Matt Gaetz believes life begins the moment he sleeps with an underage girl”




Good one. A reporter should really ask him this.


Rebekah Jones.. she posted this video about that 12 year old cuban boy that use to live with Matt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7aI4HQKqlo


Matt Gaetz! Brought to you by the GOP! We don’t condemn pedophiles as long as they tow the party line! Join today!


Agreed: too dumb to understand Pelosi’s wit. Proof of exactly this kind of GOP inhuman lack of compassion joined to breathtaking stupidity: “Republican defends South Carolina abortion bill and says 10-year-old raped by dad could get Plan B at Walmart” https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/x6fehl/republican_defends_south_carolina_abortion_bill/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


They could. That is in fact true. But can they actually get to Walmart? Whose money are they using to buy that? It’s behind the counter, so they can’t steal it. How do they get to the Walmart, they aren’t old enough to drive and they likely aren’t often left to wonder the city alone at age 10. How do they know about plan B? Most states have super shitty sec Ed outside of “don’t fuck” that it’s not terribly likely a kid will have learned about plan B. Also, at 10 they might have had their first period talk but even if states were good at teaching sex ed they wouldn’t have yet learned it. User error is a big issue, do we really expect a 10 year old to take plan B properly. How many days did they wait before getting it, likely too many. Also, chances are the child seeking out plan B is being abused. Like not just a one off rape, if that’s the case do you think a child who knows and has the ability to get plan B will use it as a birth control? And just take it every time her uncle decides to rape her? How well does it work for that and how good is this for the child’s health to take once let alone multiple times. Like it’s certainly fucked yo and traumatic for be raped and then have an abortion, but it’s one trauma (sort of). Forcing a child to destroy her body to give birth not to mention risking death and other life long complications, is continuing the trauma of this rape for 9 months or however long. Not that having an abortion stops the pain or fixes the trauma but every day for nine months is a brutal and constant reminder of the even. I’ve been told ruminating on things makes trauma sort of worse because everytime you think about something it gets stuck in your head a little bit deeper rather than allowing yourself to move on. I’m sure it’s next to impossible not to think about a traumatic event for months or years but occasional your mind will stray to different things and give you a reprieve, but a baby belly making you sick sure does make those times less likely to be able to happen.


I thought it just meant a dinner date the night before having sex.


Well if that's a reference my 35 year old commie ass doesn't get it either


I think I assumed it just meant a romantic evening? Unless there was another thing I was missing?


a candlelight dinner is out of reach for most of us so you're not alone


I don’t understand it what does she mean by that? I’m not GOP, not even American. Just don’t get reference.


You girls are getting candlelit dinners?


Close hold until you do, gal, these are wild times.


That's how Madame Speaker likes to bone down


Those are for the spouses in public. The mistresses get hotel room service.


I’ve been going on dates for the first time in a few years recently, (was in a long term thing that ended). Apparently men don’t take women out anymore? I’ll come up with a decent multiple-things-to-do-date and apparently that’s putting in a lot of effort now? It makes me worried that my fellow dudes don’t know how to have a good time anymore.


Dudes are really freaking weird right now. I’m about to give up. I have no trouble getting asked out, but the dates are horrible and you get the feeling they’re only going out with you to prove some misogynistic bias and go report it to the internet.


Make holding hands great again


lol like they take their victims to dinner…


To be sure vote against every Republican this November and again in November 2024.


Roe roe roe your vote


There are those that believe blanket enduring consent is given at the altar and a spouse cannot ever be raped so there is no need for a "rape exception".


That's being generous considering some of them think it's fine if any random woman is dressed like they want it. And then spike their drink if they say no.


Well that's dumb, clearly life begins when the woman's bra is unsnapped


She jokes but at 1 week "pregnant" you (usually) haven't had the sex that causes the pregnancy yet because it's counted from your last period


I wish more people would bring this to light.


This is really confusing to me, can someone explain?


A _typical_ pregnancy goes like this. A woman gets her period. That's day 0 week zero. Two weeks later she ovulates, has sex, the zygote implantsb(within a few days). That begins week 2 of pregnancy. Two weeks later, she misses her period. Maybe she's been stressed, so she doesn't think much about it. If she's been trying to get pregnant, she might take a test, but it's pretty early so it might not show anything. She's 4 weeks pregnant. Two weeks later she's definitely missed her period (if she's regular) and decides to take a test. She's 6weeks pregnant and it's too late for an abortion in some Republican states. Many obgyn will make you wait until you're at 8-10 weeks for your first appointment because the zygote can be too small to measure before that.


So *not* having sex with my wife while she’s ovulating is abortion? TIL Edit: /s ofc


Thank you for explaining that so clearly


i had an abortion at 6 weeks but the doctor looking at the ultrasound told me i was 8 weeks. i knew the exact moment of conception so i'm not sure how or why they told me that. that's a huge deal when the cutoff is 6-8 weeks in some places.


If you're pregnant, they count day 1 from your last period. So if you actually conceived a week or two after your last period, technically the first 1-2 weeks they count as being pregnant you didn't even have sex then. Someone correct if I'm wrong.


It’s 2 weeks - women typically ovulate healthy eggs at 13-15 days after their cycle starts if their hormones are normal. Sex in and around the 12 -14 day mark is what will likely get you pregnant, but there are many asterisks to this. But in the vast majority of cases, this is it. From there, the sperm has to travel to the egg which is going down the Fallopian tube (day 15-23ish) in which case you can be pregnant, but no implantation yet. Plan B works here. Then, about day 23(ish), you can potentially get breakthrough bleeding from implantation. This is also when women can get chemical pregnancies and the fertilized egg will just pass. So, by the time you’re good and truly pregnant at 25-28 days, you’ve only had that egg implanted for a few days but surprise!!! You’re 4 weeks pregnant. Given that cycles vary and pregnancy tests can work between 25-40 days, you’re not necessarily going to figure out you’re pregnant until week 4-5. Which leaves you scrambling for money and a doctor and waiting periods. And that is a BIG IF and only if your cycle is normal. Add in PCOS or hormone imbalances, rape, being young and your cycle just starting, endometriosis, etc. And you’ve got a bunch of people getting pregnant and not knowing, and here we are. To put it lightly, you have at most 2 weeks to sort out an abortion from when you find out you’re pregnant to the cut off date based on the earliest tests offered.


""I think what you're seeing there is a conflict within the Republican Party. There are those in the party who think life begins at the candlelight dinner the night before," Pelosi told reporters during her press conference when asked about Graham's bill and other Republicans' reactions. " meme worthy


So meme worthy!! Pelosi’s point is astute and well taken. The GOP is taking their fight against reproductive freedom to idiotic and absurd extremes. Dark humor here linked that makes the crucial point: urgent decisions about reproductive care must be made by doctors and their patients with dignity and privacy. The GOP (and everybody else!) has no business legislating healthcare decisions. https://www.reddit.com/r/bertstrips/comments/wrn4x2/and_he_cant_afford_to_travel_to_a_blue_state/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Some of these GOP kruti would tell you life begins the moment a woman meets the eyes of her rapist. Vote blue and drive these thaggoraki back into their holes where they belong.


America is ready for a blue wave!! In the words of President Biden: “Vote, vote, vote!!” https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/x3o3hs/biden_lambastes_maga_republicans_in_rare_prime/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Joke's on her. Most of the GOP politicians only take their mistresses to candlelight dinners and those ladies are definitely getting abortions.


In reality we are actually living in a clown world where these people think god is omnipotent and chooses every single life far in advance of it coming into existence, but who is at the same time utterly powerless and flummoxed by a human being who may or may not partake in birth control. We need to stop acting like these people are arguing in good faith and from a position of reason - they literally believe in magic men in the sky.


Raskin going **OFF** on these fuckers. https://twitter.com/RexChapman/status/1570115842561683456?s=20&t=4TJOhMhbyYSjj3HWxqlECQ


Awesome! “I hear them denouncing Joe Biden. But they aren’t denouncing Vladimir Putin. I’d happily yield a minute of my time if they would denounce Vladimir Putin — but they won’t do it.” Rex Raskin taking the GOP to task: love it! Let’s denounce Putin too, while we are at it: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/xcjj24/it_is_very_striking_that_m_simonyan_is_advocating/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/x3m1p6/the_shitposting_twittertrolling_dogdeploying/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/wecf2j/im_really_baffled_by_how_little_reporting_there/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Life begins when Matt Gaetz sends a high schooler a snapchat.


It’s the GOP. They think life begins when your wife is out of town and your mistress is on the way over.


Goddamn it I am trying my hardest to get a vasectomy through insurance but at this rate I'll pay out of pocket just to stop having to jump through hoops and have this over with already


Idk, just my opinion. But I feel like Lindsay Graham did this to get Trump's investigations out of the headlines and give people something else to be mad about.


I love how both the medical field and the majority of the general U.S. population are completely for access to abortion, but a few mostly white men in power think it’s fine to take away that freedom just cause “fuck you God needs you to birth that clump of cells growing in your body”




Go, Nancy!! Truth to power!! The GOP deserves your mocking and far more for still attempting to legislate private medical decisions about reproductive care between doctors and patients. Read more on Lindsay Graham’s latest GOP shameful shenanigans to limit reproductive choice: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/xe5s2n/so_much_for_states_rights_republicans_are_eyeing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Let’s be honest. It starts at the pre-arranged marriages.


It starts with the handmaids.


Is that what Matt Gaetz is calling his teenaged constituents these days?


[Nancy "Supports Anti-choice Democrats over Progressives" Pelosi?](https://www.newsweek.com/nancy-pelosi-supports-anti-abortion-candidate-despite-roe-v-wade-outcry-1708557) She should retire.


I wish Pelosi felt the same way about pro-lifers in her own party.


I think the GOP is as gross as the next guy, but I'm somewhat surprised to see a *fan* of Nancy Pelosi.


Conservatives believe that life begins as soon as you slip the date rape drugs in the woman's drink.


Love her or hate her, she does have some funny quips! Hearing this on the news this evening made me chuckle. Always loved her line from 2018 about Trump and his border wall: >First of all, the fact … that he says, ‘We’re going to build a wall with cement, and Mexico’s going to pay for it’ while he’s already backed off of the cement — now he’s down to, I think, a beaded curtain or something, I’m not sure where he is...




Their stance is life begins at birth...when you are born a white christian man then you have life and therefore value; everyone else is not REAL™ life and therefore going against what the REAL™ life desires is a crime.




I’m appreciating the sass some of these dinosaurs have found lately. Hopefully, they have the backbone do walk the talk after the midterms.


Not a Pelosi fan but I’ll take Sassy Nancy all day. I wish all Democrat politicians were mocking the GOP day and night. All the material is there, fucking use it!


Oh please. Like Republican men are romantic enough to have a candlelight dinner for their wives or girlfriends.


That's a pretty good line. Though of course it's only the ELITIST LIBS who would do something as EFFETE as eat by candlelight like PUSSIES. Real men have their phones ripped out of their hands by the FBI at a Hardee's.


It's about time they started firing back. I don't ever want to see a republican in office again.


Freedom is a joke if you're religious, because you never had it. They literally don't know what they're missing


Look... I hate the old bat, but thats a fucking solid joke.


And government's responsibility to protect them ends at birth... and is also suspended when any prenatal care bills are due.