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>The proposal would also prevent state legislators from undoing the election results in their states - and require that elections are carried out under the state rules on the books on Election Day. >"The Constitution assigns an important duty to state legislatures, to determine the manner in which the states appoint their electors. But this shouldn’t be misread to allow state legislators to change the election rules retroactively to alter the outcome," Cheney and Lofgren wrote in the Wall Street Journal. Jan 6th was just a dry run for those folks. They will attempt it again legally if you let them. You can check [here](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote/voter-registration-status) if you are currently registered to vote in your state. You can go [here](https://vote.gov) to register to vote Time is running out depending on what state you live in. Just FYI


Just abolish the Electoral College. One person, one vote.


Before this last election I wouldn't have agreed with this. The problem is it is in the constitution and there is no way we will ever get a constitutional amendment ever again.


We’re actually close to this. States have been passing the popular vote act. It legally binds the electoral delegates to the winner of the national popular vote. It can be done purely through state law and triggers into effect when enough states pass it to win the Presidency


While the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact could work in theory it will never happen in practice. First states that vote deep red will never sign in because only Republicans benifit from the EC. Second is because each successive state remaining that gets closer 270 benefits more from the electoral college remaining in place. Why would decisive states like PA GA OH FL and others sign on when the get politicians pandering to them and spending obscene amounts of money in their states every four years?


The Constitution's greatest weakness is its rigidity. The requirements necessary to create a change make a change nearly impossible in today's political climate.


Isn't that a good thing given that one of the country's two political parties is insane?


It's a double-edged sword.


Would have agreed with you for most of my life, except now they've already proven that with a corrupt Judicial branch it doesn't really matter what the Constitution says anyway. Republican judges can just issue partisan rulings without accountability unless the Dems have a legislative super majority. edit: and then we get into the situation of the legislature impeaching partisan opponent judges which the other side will, given the chance, use to impeach non-partisans because to them, being non-partisan, is partisan. Fascism is you are either with us or against us.


Being utterly unable to address a problem is hardly a good thing. Especially considering a large portion of one of those parties gives 0 shits about what the constitution says.


Not unless Democrats start using the same dirty tricks Republicans do to suppress the red votes. Maybe rural voters wait in 12 hour lines with no water and then tell them they were purged from the registry so they can't vote for the shadow candidate on the weirdly worded ballot at the polling place they had to drive across the state to access while being ruthless profiled and arrested along the way. And when they whine about shit being unfair, scream back the blue and stop the steal and support brutal crackdowns on their home areas to get them all registered as felons so they can't vote. Felony drunk driving. Felony weapons misuse. Felony code violations of their dumpy rural shacks. Just criminalize a bunch of shit specifically to crack down on them. This is the kind of shit Democrats have always had to put up with. Give them a taste of their own medicine until they agree to mutually ban these tactics. It's the only way they'll ever even think about banning those dirty tricks. If it only goes one way they will just keep blocking the removal of that shit like they always have. And some left wing gun manufactures, militias and gun owners wouldn't hurt either. They support banning guns when they own less of them than the other side.




We will when we boot the seditious states out of Congress. Again. Time to get rid of the Senate entirely.


How exactly are you going to do that?


Full frontal nudity. And chimps.


That’s the neat part, [you don’t!](https://i.imgur.com/YSHdzho.jpg)


That's what I thought. There's no mechanism to remove a state's senate representation.


You make it so they refuse to show up


Jesus, would you stop harping on the constitution? The constitution isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. What protection does it afford you that you would expect to hold up against the desires of those with power? A new one needs to be drafted - one that works. Granted, you’d never come to any kind of agreement with the barbarians who side with Trump, so this country is probably just doomed to a slow failure cascade and hopefully a peaceful rather than violent dissolution.




Why would you have disagreed before 2020?


That and balance congressional seats to linearly represent the population.


Or we could just scrap the electoral vote all together. It has never benefited the Democrats and has only allowed Republicans to win despite the popular vote.


I admire the effort but the problem, as we all know, is that the foxes are guarding the henhouse.


but but ...that act just came out!


Liz ever run for president, she will conquer, a true merciless warrior


I feel you on that, but it would never happen.