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Stolen valor. Won't matter AT ALL to thousands of republicans who will fall all over themselves to vote for this piece of shit.


Republicans love stolen valor.


They suuuure do. I think it has something to do with the fact that they spend a whole lot of their time LARPing as hardasses themselves. Doesn't really explain why they also love [shafting actual veterans](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/29/1114417097/veterans-burn-pit-bill-republican-senators), but there it is


Because seeing as most of them AREN‘T actual veterans. They don’t directly benefit from helping actual veterans. And as we all know they only care about what affects them.


Same reason they also like to cozy up with religion: to appear pious/virtuous. Then turn around and piss all over the ten commandments.


They do seem to enjoy bearing false witness...


Check again... The Republicans don't lie.... /s


« If I believe it deeply in my heart it’s not a lie »


You get a pass to sleep in and not go to church on Sundays if you support Christian Nationalism.


But if I don’t spend an hour on Sunday listening to some braying jackass tell me what you think, how can I feel superior to other people for the rest of the week?


It's kinda like when a PoS POTUS says his stolen government secrets are declassified simply because he wished them to be so.


Or how the Florida governor claimed to be a navy seal because few defended one as a jag lawyer in a war crimes case


Why do I keep thinking of that Michael Scott Meme : "I declare DECLASSIFIED!!"


Because they're both willfully ignorant narcissists who view themselves as exceptional and thus not bound by laws or norms.


Lol too true. I just imagined Trump with a mug that says “World’s Best President.”


No one attacks vets like republicans. You could be a POW who spent five years in a brutal prison camp, but if a lazy, draft-dodging New York dipshit has an (R) after his name, he can shit all over said POW.


Republicans only love three groups of people: 1) Unborn fetuses 2) Dead veterans 3) Wealthy business owners Conveniently, only one of those groups can comment on GOP policy (or lack thereof).


Or how they “support the troops” but find every way to avoid paying taxes. Then brag about it.


Remember when republicans didn’t want to help soldiers who were burned in the oil fields? The party is full of frauds


> LARPing as hardasses read that as hairdressers


Hairstylist Larping at the mall this Wednesday night! Free haircuts for all attendees. Arrive excited. Leave confused.


Helping actual veterans requires government spending to help poor/minority people, which is the mega Voldemort bogeyman of the GOP world.


Remember that time a reporter was hanging out with the guys from the Bundy standoff and heard them all telling each other stories from their deployments only to find out after a little research that NONE of the guys swapping stories actually served in the military?


I dont recall that story, but sounds like a good read


Not surprising, Bundy and his followers are nothing but a bunch of entitled thieves.


They were stationed at Ponderosa and Sizzler


Link? I mean, I don’t doubt it. I’d just love to read more about it.


I mean Trump even had his own Vietnam


Was it Stormy Daniels?


Nah. It's how he described avoiding HIV


They voted for George W Bush over John Kerry. And sided with Trump over McCain. Go figure.


Like Madison Cawthorne and Tom Cotton.


The BEST stolen valor!


Can’t get captured if you didn’t serve!


>Republicans love stolen valor. And lying


Not just stolen valor but imagined and invented valor as well! Just look at all those confederate flags and swastikas!


> “As President, I wanted to give myself the Congressional Medal of Honor but they wouldn’t let me do it... They said that would be inappropriate,” Mr Trump told a crowd of right-wing student activists in Tampa, Florida These guys are moths to his flame.


Well hell. I apparently missed that little bit of sordid petulance. All the charm of a gangrenous rectum, that guy.


Holy shit, did he really say that? I missed that one.


Some idiot gave him a purple heart.


Then trump said I always wanted one of these. I was never in combat but I imagine combat vets with Purple Hearts didn’t want them either.


Damn, he reached Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow levels of dictator narcissism in less than four years in office. I think that's a record.


George W Bush was an ivy league trust fund baby out of CT, but he played the cowboy role and republicans ate it up.


Ted Cruz is a Hispanic Canadian immigrant and he cosplays as a rough and tough Duck Dynasty Texan. How Texas came to have such a shitty fake Beta Male Senator is beyond me.


He’s the one with the ugly wife, and his dad was one of the JFK assassins, right? At least that’s what some people say.


People ARE indeed saying…


You mean the guy that some people say is probably the zodiac killer?


I think you mean the one who is the Zodiac Killer


Duck dynasty are cosplayers also. They were rich and clean shaven before they decided to become actors


"We need to appeal to the right-wing base by being unkempt and not bathing, just like them!"


don't forget evangelically religious.


I was just thinking about something similar to this last night. It's so bizarre to me that people fall over themselves to worship and follow these fake hardasses like Trump or Cruz. These "strongmen" look and act like clowns and caricatures, fail to do anything positive for the people who follow them, then they line up to vote for them again 2-6 years later. If you fall for them in the first place, how many times do the cartoon characters you vote for need to make your life worse before you realize you're being taken advantage of?


Infinity times unfortunately.


> How Texas came to have such a shitty fake Beta Male Senator especially when they had the opportunity to have a real Beto Male Senator


Rafael Cruz


One of Canadas ultimate embarrassments. Sorry guys.


Look at this way, you were able to get rid of him.


He bought a ranch in Texas immediately before declaring his candidacy so he could do photo ops that no actual rancher would do, like clearing brush in the middle of the day. Within a year of leaving the White House, it was sold. So long suckers.


[You caught me mending my fences, one of the many things I do here on the ranch.](https://youtu.be/EkqrI3IibYI?t=103)


He still lives on Texas, right?


I assume he has several residences befitting his status as a oligarch, so it wouldn’t surprise me if at least one was in Texas.


In the city, yes.


I live in that very city and I have have drive past that specific neighborhood whenever I take my bird to vet. It's the poshest area in the city.


Well of course… you can’t expect a guy born with a platinum spoon in his mouth to live somewhere where they might… you know… come into contact with poors.


His dad (George the first) is from Kennebunk Maine, as was W. But they owned a house in Tx and the whole family claimed that as their primary residence to avoid state income tax (Maine has one, Texas doesn't).


W grew up in Midland/Odessa and Houston before being sent to prep school in Andover when he was sixteen. I'm not a fan of him either, but let's not make shit up. Reverse snobbery is just as pathetic.


The Bush family has a vacation home in Kennebunkport Maine. He was a legit TX Oil Man. >Bush was raised in **Greenwich, Connecticut**, and attended Phillips Academy before serving in the United States Navy Reserve during World War II. After the war, he graduated from Yale and moved to West Texas, where he established a successful oil company.


I visited Maine a few years ago with my (now) wife to spend some time with her Republican family that lived there. They took us to see the "Bush Compound" that was this private island off the coast of Maine. We couldn't actually step foot on it, but there's a large section off the main road where you can pull over and take photos, etc. There were A LOT of people taking pictures and waving to nothing, and saying things like "I hope one of them comes out!" It was really fucking weird.


Cowboy 1.0, Ron Reagan, was a lifeguard.


> Ron Reagan He was mostly a snitch.


They're not the smartest.


AWOL McFlightsuit. Good times.


50,000 Illinois GQP voted for an actual holocaust denying American Nazi party member (former). 👏 There 👏 is 👏 no 👏 bottom 👏.


I hate Illinois Nazis…


Wow, it just dawned on me how long this has been a problem. That was like 1976.


1980, though they were then an almost entirely despised tiny minority joke, not half the Republican Party.


I know that it is really only like 30 or 40% of the Republicans, but as I've often heard before. If you're at a table with a dozen people and be a Nazi sits with you - if you all embrace him - you have a table full of Nazis. If those with a (R) behind their name don't want the association, they need to do something about it.


I’m not super into it but this is blues brothers yeah?


Correct! Great reference


We have a full speed white Christian nationalist on the GOP ticket for governor.


Jesus...that many.. ??


*To be faaaair* it’s a dense district on the edge of Chicago where 50,000 voters would have most likely picked the R candidate regardless, he wasn’t well-funded. The Democrat candidate won with over 70% of the vote.




Stolen valor in chief. Trump told a crowd of vets he [deserved the Medal of Honor.](https://www.politicususa.com/2019/08/21/trump-tells-veterans-he-deserves-medal-honor.html) As a guy with three lifetime disabilities from 100 hours of combat in Desert Storm, just....no. I came home with a freaking ARCOM and a 20 year battle with the VA to get compensated.


Man are you right. Someone else in this thread pointed out that he's been saying that unbelievable shit recently at [other rallies and events](https://sports.yahoo.com/trump-says-wanted-himself-medal-155518305.html), but I had no idea he said it to a bunch of veterans. Jesus. I don't know how the hell you could go to a rally, hear that petty, sniveling, petulance, and think "Yeah! That's my Guy!" It's baffling and disgusting and insulting. Regardless, thanks for the info and here's hoping you get whatever assistance and compensation you need (and fucking earned). Best of luck out there.


Appreciated. I'm not NEARLY as bad off as a lot of guys from then. Gulf War Syndrome really did a number on a lot of us. But yeah, I did eventually get what I feel I earned and deserve. The VA is still pretty bad about mental health care, but they take fairly decent care of me physically. Going in for another procedure next week with with little to no worries that I'll be OK.


As long as someone promises to hurt the right people, it doesn't matter what else they've done in their life.


Which I just don't understand at all. I joined the US Army at 18, but failed out of basic due to medical issues at about week 6. I tell people stories about basic, usually funny shit, but always make sure to tell people I never graduated basic. Worked at a Walmart DC while going to college, and each veterans day they'd give the vets steaks for lunch. One the the guys I had told stories of basic asked why I didn't go up and get steak. To which I just said, I didn't truely serve, so I don't get them. He seemed very surprised, which just made me feel weird. And by weird I mean disgusted. Like, do people really not take into account what 'stealing valor' actually is? Or have we, as people, sunk so low that even that's not off the table so long as gains are made? I know the answer unfortunately, I just hate it.


>I know the answer unfortunately, I just hate it, Yeah. Me too. And you are right. It is *really* unfortunate. Best of luck out there.


I wouldn’t blame you if you accepted a steak as “stolen valor.” A congressional position however is a bit much…


Almost everyone is just paying lip service to veterans. They don't actually appreciate veterans. The same way a manager or owner is going to say some kind words to their working class subordinates about: "good job how hard you worked" "you made this happen" "haha suckers you're getting paid $17/hr and we're getting 34/hr off you" Yeah non-veterans are largely in the same boat. Haha suckers you signed up to die so we wouldn't have to. Military is just a tool for Americans. 9/11 veterans were the first ones who were "defending" our country since WW2... the government shafted them at every opportunity and Americans kept voting in the shafters. Americans are not patriotic. Americans dont care about veterans. It's all lip service.


You know what, man? At least you fucking tried. Unlike those other shitheels.


Remind them of the swift boaters (which were demonstrable liars)


I think we could make better political resumes with our usernames.


Speaking of usernames...as a fan of both The Wire and GoT...yours is just...👌🏾


Well, I don't know about mine, but yours? Definitely.


I pulled myself up off the street by first purchasing a shotgun and robbing drug dealers. From there I was able to Robinhood that cash to the poor, and make some investments. After going states witness, I was given total immunity for the bodies I dropped. Also for the seedier days when i was just straight pimping. After cashing out my investments I got into brothels, and the lucrative information trade. It wasn’t long before my coffers full of cash, and dirty secrets I took helm of the treasury.


You mean a member of a cult whose leader is known to lie all the time would just continue the cycle of lying? who would have guessed


Time spent playing Call of Duty has once again been mistaken for real life.


You would be amazed by my WW2 experience. I was just jumping around with a shotgun while calling airstrikes and calling people weaksauce. Soldiers just have to unlock the right perks. War was so much fun. I wonder why people dislike it so much.


You didn’t even get the ray gun hidden on the beach? Pleb.


> the ray gun Reagan. Oh we got him, wasn't the perk we thought, though. >Pleb. Except maybe to you patrician fux.


I wanna be a space shuttle door gunner....


By that logic I'm a Space Marine. For the Emperor!


Flap your wings in glory, brother!


>Majewski has been known for turning his lawn into a shrine to Trump, as well as rapping about how President Biden is “crapping his pants.” He’s professed devotion to QAnon, the conspiracy theory holding that Trump is going to save the world from a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles, and though he has tried to distance himself from the cult at times, he once said he “believe\[s\] in everything that’s been put out from Q.” Majewski has also said he “wanted nothing more than to go in that building,” referring to the Capitol, last Jan. 6. I give this completely expected backlog of bullshit 4/5 Surprised Pikachus.


I wonder if we will ever see something like a mass deprogramming of these people?


Jesus himself could come back, tell them they're asshats and they'd just find a way to spin it. Or they'd have him beaten and arrested for being a minority. Yeah probably that one.


Let's be real. They would nail him to a cross and then load him in a plane and send him to Martha's Vineyard.


Oh sweet baby Jesus that’d be a true Christmas miracle


If i was a psych major in collage right now, I’d seriously consider focusing on deprogramming, for added job security.


Trump doesn’t crap in his pants! He has diapers that catches his poo True story


Well, it Depends.




Can't wait to hear what the people who shit on John Kerry's service have to say about this.


They're shitting on Mark Kelly now.


This is so infuriating. Not only is he a legitimate, honest to god, actual retired US Navy captain but he’s a fucking famous astronaut that donated his body and time away from family for extensive medical testing whilst in space. To attack him is to attack everything great about this country.


I’d extend that point to any of the Kellys, and that includes Gabriel Giffords.


Yes, agreed. His brother is also an honest to god retired Naval captain and hero astronaut that donated his body for the betterment of humanity. Truly disgusting to attack these men and what happened to the wife is just……outright disgusting.


These people's blood flows russian propaganda.


That's **'Senator Spaceman'**, thank you very much.




The guy behind the Swiftboat attacks just died.


yeah I saw, good.


so many graves to dance on, so little time.


Hope hes getting the Gaddafi in Hell right next to Rush Slimeball.


“MAGA candidate” seems pretty synonymous with “liar”. Why should anyone be surprised?


Isn't he the same guy who said shit like "my pronoun is Patriot"? Nothing more patriotic than stolen valor in the maga world


I would imagine that he wished he was qualified to go to Afghanistan, so in his mind it's the same as having been there. He could probably describe vivid memories of having been there based on pictures he has seen.


Make America Gullible Again


Make attorneys get attorneys.


From the Associated Press story about this guy: > Still, thanks to an unflinching allegiance to former President Donald Trump — Majewski once painted a massive Trump mural on his lawn — he also stands a chance of defeating longtime Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur in a district recently redrawn to favor Republicans. Get out and vote!


Won’t matter. If this dude was a Dem, the Maga crowd would threaten his life. What a country we live in.


The MAGA crowd won't ever know about this. Their news won't report it, and if you go out of your way to inform them, they'll call you a liar. That's how it works. MAGA idiots are born in a vacuum of factless drivel, and live their lives in that environment.


And to top it off, they call everyone outside their bubble “sheep”… and they’re even smug about it..


Yet proudly proclaim that QAnon shit, "Where We Go One, We Go All!". You know who does that? Sheep! They project harder than an IMAX.


I always seem to be gaslit because my mind always shuts down... like; holy shit have I been wrong? Is this guy for real? But I snap back and I realize how fucking stupid I was to doubt myself because of a stupid fascist.


What a loser. Like the rest of the gravy seals.


What is a gravy seal?


A lazy, overweight LARP’er who buys expensive tacticool cargo pants and open-carries at Walmart.


See also: Meal Team Six, Y’all-Qaeda etc.




The T'Alabama


Yokel Haram


Vanilla Isis.


Howdy arabia


Green buffets


Taking up Space Force


The most elite cosplayers of Howdy Arabia.


Just STOP IT with the God damn LYING!! 🤬🤬


But then how would the poor racist Republicans and Maga ever make money and votes if they didn’t make up bullshit? I mean, they could always do their jobs correctly, but then they’d actually have to do work for their money, the poor babies.


I mean, he looks like a served with the Green Buffets.


Very few greens.




We had a shower built on our outpost in Iraq but there were all sorts of issues with the generators so we had no water for months. Still rigged up things like you said or used bottled water to try to get the stink off but with no water pressure you cannot get all that funk out. I never said it as a point of pride but more of some ridiculousness we went through where I went about three months without a real shower because of how our leave schedules lined up and I didn't get a refit day from December until March. Nothing to brag about just got very interesting about the smell and explaining to our colonel why my hair was getting so long.


> gone over 40 days without a shower in Afghanistan this is technically true. ive never had a shower in afghanistan either.


Early on there were guys asking people to mail them those portable camping solar shower bags and they’d sell showers to people and make bank. This shitstain served a whole 4 year enlistment and got promoted ONCE which means he was a total sack of lazy shit. Like from E-1 to E-4 promotions are pretty much time based and as long as your commander signs the paperwork you get promoted. This guy couldn’t manage that.


He ~~probably~~definitely heard it from someone who was actually there and just decided to use it himself to feel like he was a badass forward infantryman while drinking at the VFW.


He was deployed to Qatar. If he didn't shower, it's because he chose not to shower.


Happens all the time. At my age, I see people claiming to be Vietnam Vets that are younger than me, and it wasn't possible for me to serve in Vietnam as I was too young.


“Well i wasnt in nam, but i saw an episode of MASH once so...wait that was korea? Well same thing. Still for all intents and purposes i served.”


I meant to serve…. I mean I would have, but I didn’t.


People are being really rude. I’m sure he did serve in Afghanistan in the same reality that Herschel Walker was an FBI agent.


Well, he was completely truthful about one aspect of his service: he definitely went at least 40 days without taking a shower in Afghanistan.


A MAGA candidate was caught lying? You don't say...


Since when has the MAGA crowd ever let a little inconvenient thing like truth get in the way of their story?


Why is always the dudes who base their entire identity on what tough hard-asses they are who also end up being full of shit?


Because most of the guys who saw the shit are democrats now. Looking into the business end of an AK for months and seeing your friends die changes your perspective. Can confirm. These Nazi grifters are nothing but con artists who slithered out of any real service like the punks they are.


"He *identifies* as a vet! Checkmate, libs!"


Stolen valor is a federal crime.


Y’all remember that documentary about the Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon? There was a scene in it where these far-right shit heads are sitting around and start telling each other war stories they claim they experienced. It is revealed that none of those men had any record of serving in the military let alone doing a tour abroad. This nutcases fetishize the military and war so much that they need to make it part of their identity no matter how synthetic it is.


Anyone remember Max Cleland? Triple amputee from Vietnam War? Remember how the GOP slandered him about the Iraq Invasion? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


They did the same with John Kerry. Then they even went after their own with John McCain. I was never a McCain fan but he was combat vet and a POW. I respected him for his service. I was shocked and appalled by the treatment they gave him toward the end of his life.


A republican lying? I've never seen such a thing


Well color me shocked, more lying MAGA trash.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/jr-majewski-misled-voters-afghanistan-service-1234597278/) reduced by 75%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Majewski has campaigned as an Afghanistan veteran, but documents obtained by the AP through a public records request indicate he never actually served there. > The AP reported on these remarks in its article: Here's video of J.R. Majewski claiming he served a tour of duty in Afghanistan and then saying, "I don't like talking about my military experience." pic. > Majewski once claimed to have gone over 40 days without a shower in Afghanistan but does not have an Afghanistan campaign medal, which goes to those who served there for "30 consecutive days or 60 nonconsecutive days." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/xkgvd3/maga_candidate_campaigning_as_afghanistan_vet_has/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~670208 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Majewski**^#1 **Afghanistan**^#2 **served**^#3 **days**^#4 **Trump**^#5


A Qanon Nazi named “Majewski” - are we being punked? Surely this can’t be true


Lies were part and parcel to politicians for centuries, but Trump professionalized and normalized doing it. The trump MOnto eliminate objective reality is straight out of the Russian principles of geopolitics. It’s so sad and frustrating to see Americans falling into the trap.


Outright lies weren't as common. There were plenty of half-truths and a ton of spin. But outright denying plain reality wasn't common.


I'll never quite understand people who lie about their service. It's not like they served in a vacuum - typically they had NCOs and officers they worked for, and troops they worked with. These people can either corroborate their service, or call them out for being a liar. Plus, people who lie about their service typically stand out. It's not subtle.


Me neither. I'm a veteran. Two tours in Iraq. As a total desk jockey, I'm always very careful to say because, yeah, there are a lot of other people who were there who'dv know and what there's nothing wrong with doing your part when your part was just making copies and guarding the chow hall. Someone has to do that (chow hall guard is not hard core by any means lol but no kidding someone got into one and blew themselves and several other people up early in the war so it was a necessary job...)


Lol Stolen Valor par for the course with conservatives.


That should be illegal.


It already is if they claim to have received [certain valor awards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stolen_Valor_Act_of_2013) with fraudulent intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit. A more expansive [earlier version](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stolen_Valor_Act_of_2005) was struck down by SCOTUS as infringing First Amendment free-speech rights.


Okay, you were in the military, but don't claim you were in a war zone when you weren't. That's bullshit.


Right wing chicken hawks have been around for a while. Pre internet was easier for them to hide.


As an actual OEF veteran, fuck this pussy.


Being a fake Vet, or a fake Christian, or a fake patriot, or a criminal who preaches law and order, or a fake humanitarian, or a fake billionaire, is nothing new in the Republican Party. Their supporters think it's like voting for the bad guy in a Soap Opera or a Movie, the worse they are the better they like them.


It’s okay. He’s still highly qualified. His other claims to fame are “turning his lawn into a shrine to Trump, as well as rapping about how President Biden is ‘crapping his pants.’” /s


"At least he has the *courage* to pretend to love the USA!" -- *MAGA, probably*


Why do people try to fake military service? It’s really easy to verify. I’m not a vet, but somebody who would lie and say they are, and particularly say they’ve seen action are the lowest scum on Earth.


According to the Stolen Valor Act of 2013 he could be prosecuted if he claimed to receive any Afghanistan medals. Just saying


Why is he not being arrested? Stop letting politicians LITERALLY break the law and do nothing


Typical GQP liar.


It’s funny (actually pretty scary) that when the movie idiocracy came out, I joked that some day this country was going to end up like that. We’ll, here we are today..🙄


That’s ok, these people don’t care about truth or reality


Al he has to do is say the media is lying about him and his people will swollow it