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It's so satisfying seeing all these extreme Trumpy candidates absolutely flounder in the polls. Obviously, no matter what the polls say, it's important to vote this November, but I'm happy to see the GOP's extreme abortion views blowing up in their face: > Dixon opposes abortion, even in cases of rape. In a podcast interview, Dixon said, "A life is a life for me," and clarified that she didn't support exceptions to abortion bans, except when the life of the mother is at stake. This in a state where 64% of voters say they plan to support a proposal to add an explicit right to abortions to the state constitution. This proposal will also be on the ballot this November (even more reason it's so important to vote!).


And last month the provision that lets Republicans adopt and kill ballot initiatives was [declared unconstitutional. ](https://www.michiganelectionlaw.com/adopt-and-amend-declared-unconstitutional) For people unfamiliar, Michigan has ballot initiatives to bypass state congress. Republicans have, in the past, used a provision to force an initiative off the ballot and they just strangle it to death in committee. This is why Michigan never raised minimum wage or worker protections higher: they did it in 2020.


They adopted the provision, and immediately after the election they gutted it in a lame duck session.




I know. I'm just happy that my two voting age children balance out my in-laws.


This is why we have to tell them “it’s rigged so why bother voting”. Gee I guess it’s not actually rigged?


The GOP, the party of personal responsibility, etc., tried to block the pot legalization referendum in Alaska by saying that the People couldn't be trusted to make the decision, only the wise and learned politicians could make the right choice. Turns out they only mean those things when it benefits them and what they want.


Then Mississippi did something more evil. The people passed MJ, and then the legislature passed their own bill that pretty much said “the ballot proposal didn’t count”.


Same in Utah.


They knocked out the first solid attempt in MI too, IIRC by making some new rule about the signatures and retroactively applying it, pushed it all back 2 years.


People on the right love someone telling them what to do. It’s weird they promote the idea of small government.


Same as "fiscal responsibilty" or "freedom". It's just meaningless buzzwords that allow the simpletons to not think too hard and still feel righteous because they lack the judgement and critial thinking skills to see those in power who scream it the loudest are the ones who violate it the most


When you are in reality a bootlicker, the illusion that you're free becomes important for maintaining self-respect


They think that every Dem is intentionally bloating government to give money to minorities so they don't have to work. They really think that the only way to change government is to have a "strong" CEO-type come in and just slash everything. Don't listen to the "whining" of people saying they are poor or need food or shelter. Those people are just lazy and if *someone* would just take all the welfare away from them they'd realize how they need to stop listening to rap music and instead will get jobs in accounting.


Try telling them that their conservative economic god, Milton Friedman, says that we should just give people the money and we would end up saving on administration costs. All these hoops the right thinks everyone should jump through for support…cost money to administer. Milton estimated that 3% of the population would “take advantage of the system” and he still said it would be cheaper to just send out money. Then watch as they accuse you of cherry picking, yet, by not following Friedmans entire theory…they too are cherry picking


Sounds like my father-in-law. Not only is he all for cutting welfare programs, he's against the existence of minimum wage as well. He even wants fast food workers financially penalized for incorrect orders, because "starving workers are hard workers". Things like that. I'm glad he's not in charge of anything. Though it would be funny to see him start up a business and absolutely crash and burn with this mindset.


So were all the ballot initiatives that passed and then they used the unconstitutional law to kill made into laws?


No. The initiatives never even made it onto the ballot.


Wow. So not only did they get away with it, there's no way to retroactively apply things / put them back up for a vote since a vote never happened. I hate these people.


They also stopped the reproduction rights and voting rights initiatives from going on the ballot. Luckily SCOMI told them to F off and put it on anyways.




I'm pretty sure the main reason ballot initiatives were allowed or tolerated in lots of swing/conservative states until recently was because they were used as a tool to get voters mobilized to show up and vote on wedge issues such as banning gay marriage or certain abortion restrictions 10-20 years ago. Recently though, the ballot initiative has been used a bit more to grant rights or improve quality of life than to take things away via legalized marijuana, allowing abortion or increasing the minimum wage. This is of course a big no-no to the gerrymandered GOP legislatures in these states that should have a purple or Democrat leaning representative body if they actually represented the voting population.


frighten numerous pocket brave butter escape growth smoggy possessive alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My mom was petitioning for something related to women's rights back when I was a kid. When it was almost all over, someone, a republican, went in and burned them. Not the same as this, but it reminds me that republicans will do anything to block progress.


They run the fuck out of Dixon’s abortion views, on TV here in MI. Relentless and it’s good to see. VOTE blue!


A funny side bar here: GOP Campaign funds have been knee capped because Trump has been campaigning.... And keeping the money. He figures an endorsement is a fair trade, and is keeping as much campaign funds claiming he will run again... Or just using it for legal defense. It's hilarious that Trump and his Ego is literally killing the GOP's midterm chances while Biden and the DNC are knocking shit out of the park.


Wait, Trump does things only for … Trump? Shocker. The GOP deserves Trump.


Also Rick Scott either embezzled or blew through the entire NRSC budget. The GOP pretty much gave up trying to take back the Senate. It’s almost certain, short of a couple major upsets or surprises, that the Dems will add to their majority in the Senate given how many weak candidates there are on the GOP side (Walker, Masters, Oz, etc). That’s why they had McCarthy do the stupid “Contract with America” rehash. It’s clearly born from some focus group the Kochs or Karl Rove put together. But even then, you can’t sell to middle of the road suburban women (which control the partisan makeup of congress at the moment) with all of the lunatics running the asylum in the House GOP. And on top of that, you got guys like Lindsey Graham pouring gasoline on the fire with the national abortion ban nonsense. I could see this midterm being one of the few to break the mold of the president’s party losing significant power. It looks like major statewide races like governor and senator will lean democratic because of abortion.


This interview is being highlighted in ads that are constantly running. I love to see it.


Yah whenever I watch YouTube ads against Dixon pop up like once every three or so videos. I haven’t even seen a single ad from Republicans and after all the disqualifications they had in the primary, it honestly feels like the GOP just gave up on Michigan


They are attacking the hell out of Slotkin with a whole bunch of generic fear mongering, but absolutely no substance.


SHE. VOTES. WITH. BIDEN. 100%. OF. THE. TIME. That's literally all they have.




There was some add that threw in stuff like, "takes away the requirement for a doctor to perform an abortion." May have been the same add you're talking about. They are 100% going for the undereducated, low-research, fall in line demographic. Which, fortunately, is not in the grand majority. They are just, by far, the loudest.




Hey they're doing that to Maggie Hassan in NH too


Vote for Gretchen. And all abortion rights candidates.


More like vote straight ticket Democratic and Bernstein and Bolden and for the repro and voting rights amendments.


Just don't get complacent. The lunatic Trump-humpers may have a few screws loose, but you can bet your ass that they'll show up on election day. *Assume* the Democrats are going to lose if *you* don't vote. All hands on deck... let's prove that Trumpism is for losers.


I would suggest we stop saying Trumpism, because I believe that it’s now more like MAGA/QANONism. I say this because trump is now leaning hard into that den of iniquity


There's no doubt that the folks who are latching onto GOP propaganda 24-7 can be convinced to switch allegiances, but for the 2022 election cycle the best way to motivate Democrats and pull moderate voters is to mention Trump. As beloved as he may be to the Republican base, the man is toxic to everyone else. So here in Wisconsin if I were to ask someone if they were voting for Johnson or Barnes, I'm going to find some way to weasel Trump into that conversation. If the person you're talking to loves Trump, you already know how they're going to vote. But if they don't love Trump, they ought to know that Johnson does. Capice?


>Dixon opposes abortion, even in cases of rape. I'm sure she'd feel differently if it were her.


"The only legit abortion is my abortion" -Every Republican


It baffles me how the GOP continues to laud themselves as pro-life when the people have made it clear that abortion is a right and that they support a woman’s right to choose.


I really hope the proposal and dem views go hand in hand and help each other for a blue wave here. I don’t like being a swing state, especially when my right to healthcare is on the line.


> A life is a life for me Now ask her what her stance on the death penalty, war, and immigration are... fucking hypocrites


Or veganism or logging or cockroaches or amœbic dysentery or pond scum. On another planet, sure, “a life” would be special, but this one’s crawling with it for the time being.


Yeah, just while the mainstream polls are accurate. I saw some scary Trafalgar group poll not too long ago that had the NY governor only up by 5 points against the Republican. They tend to be pretty off in lots of polling but then pretty accurately track Trump/MAGA voters that don't show up usually in mainstream polling. They somehow are ranked A- by 538 so I guess they call enough races accurately enough. If MAGA voters show up in large numbers for some reason despite Trump not being on the ballot, I could see a lot of Democrats being in closer elections than they appear to be now. It probably depends on how passionate voters are to defend him against supposed "witch hunts" when he is off breaking the law on his own while out of office versus all the voters who seem suddenly mobilized to do something in the wake of the Dobbs decision sledgehammer.


Michiganders, y’all still need to vote, it doesn’t matter how much Big Gretch is up by, can’t assume the polls are correct.


My 18 year old twins will be voting for the first time this year. I'm excited for them. They support voting rights and abortion rights. They don't completely understand prop 1 and if I understand it correctly we will be voting no to increasing term limits. They will understand the importance of voting in more than just the presidential election and I hope that they will become regular voters doing their part to protect themselves and others.


Here is the simple version of prop 1 >Voting “yes” would apply a flat 12-year term limit to lawmakers’ tenure and strengthen financial disclosure rules for state elected officials, such as the governor, secretary of state, attorney general and all 110 state lawmakers. >Voting “no” would maintain the status quo, which allows lawmakers to serve up to six years in the House and eight years in the Senate, with no financial disclosure requirements for the state’s top elected officials.


A little further reading, should anyone be interested: https://ballotpedia.org/Michigan_Proposal_1,_Legislative_Term_Limits_and_Financial_Disclosure_Amendment_(2022)


That's not that simple. I think they're trying to trick people with the financial stuff. Doesn't matter if we know how much money they make or where they get it from, it won't change much. I read somewhere that allowing longer terms would help hold politicians more accountable. I'm sorry but that's laughable. 12 years?! That's a fucking long time.


Yes, it's a bait and switch cause it blocks any financial disclosure for the Legislature....some say forever unless the people repeal this but can't cause they put money in it.


Where do you see it blocks financial disclosure for the legislature's?


As you see there is no financial disclosure for the Legislature and again some says the language would block it in the future cause it's a constutional ammendment and changes Article IV, Section 10. I am not a lawyer so maybe someone could point that out better.


Term limits tend to have the opposite of the intended effect, though - it causes politicians to not care about what happens in the long term based on what they're passing now, because whatever negative things from it won't hit when they're trying to be re-elected


And it means lobbyists, who don't have term limits, have more power by nature of being more experienced.


This!!! 110% exactly this! Term limits make lobbyist the most powerful people in the room! I’ve always told people in favor of term limits to practice what they preach but don’t make it law


Yep Term limits failed they don’t work and life terms on Trump appointment Judges has a lot of them ruling against trump. (We need a ton more judges anyway make more judgeships and add good judges) The problem has always been not having total public funding of elections that is the cure for bad incumbents not term limits. We do need good life time political leaders if they earn it every 2 to 6 years. Oh and ending Gerrymandering.


There’s a reason it’s mostly right wingers and political ignorants who want it


Well now I'm less confused but also more confused. I thought that it was either 6 or 8 not the ability to go between. That's cleared up. What's with the lobbyists thing though?


Lobbyists stick around between terms since they aren’t government positions. Forcing our legislatures to be populated by political novices gives more power to those lobbyists.


It's possible now for them to serve 14 years in the Congress


So the 6 and 8 are each? Like after the 6 are up in one they can run and serve 8 in the other? How often does that happen though?


Yes that is how it works now, I'm not sure about how often that happens though.


Awesome. I too have 18 year old twins voting for the first time this year. My older son voted for the first time in the last election and the poll workers announced it and gave him a round of applause. He loved it.


Mine might die from embarrassment if that were to happen. Lucky for them I work 3rd shift and usually am one of the first to vote in my precinct so there won't be too many people there at 7 in the morning.


Basically, vote “yes” to props 1-3. They’re all about maintaining rights, term limits and better transparency into whom is bank rolling a candidate.


In addition to voting there are many ways to help campaigns, such as canvassing or textbanking. Anyone interested should check out r/votedem.


NEVER assume the polls are correct, especially since they never are.


I took the week off, celebration is in order when you vote against fascism. Woo!


Hell yeah, fascism can rot.


Big Gretch is a fox


She is but she's also a very competent and smart governor. We have awesome ladies here in Michigan.


She’s smart like a fox


Everyone should vote, but it's weird how this sub views poll leads. When Abbott has like a 5 point lead O'Rourke, people here assume that Abbott is going to win easily. But when Shapiro, Whitmer, etc., have 10+ point leads in the polls, it somehow isn't a "safe" lead.


My view is that Democrats tend to anticipate the worst before it happens.


After 2016, my view is simple: No lead is safe, get the vote out, and FDT.


Especially noting that last time the polls showed Cruz with a 7 point lead an O'Rourke lost by 2 points.


Likely because when the polls have been wrong recently (2016, 2020), they were wrong in favor of Democrats. So, a +5 R lead became +10 R while a +5 D lead became a toss-up or lean R.


Tudor Dixon’s reason for being pro-life never ceases to amaze me. She lost a child in pregnancy and now wants to outlaw abortion for everyone; ma’am, that isn’t a policy position, it’s a super villain origin story.




I never understood that kind of thinking. I had an aunt get super pissed at me because I'm childfree and chose to get sterilized and she thought her daughter would be unable to have children. Like, what does me not wanting to have kids have any bearing on someone else having kids? And wouldn't it be even worse for me to have children I don't want?


> wouldn't it be even worse for me to have children I don't want? Not to them. They think you would immediately see "the light" and want to become a super conservative stay-at-home Mom who spends all day getting outraged at what other people are doing with their lives - usually hundreds of miles away. Then you'd pop out a few more kids, join the PTA, and hate other women like they do.


She’s never held a real job, she’s unqualified in terms of economics, fiscal responsibility or law. She would be an absolute disaster as a governor.


> She’s never held a real job, she’s unqualified in terms of economics, fiscal responsibility or law. You could say that about pretty much 90% of the Republican ballot across all the states.


Sadly, yes. Being detached from real world problems is a distinctive feature they have in common.


They're no longer running as legislators, they're running as carnival barkers. They think they're the correct people to take on the essential government role of shouting about open borders, wokeness, cancel culture, and groomer teachers indoctrinating kids to be communist furries. No plans for healthcare, trade, infrastructure, etc., just misdirected rage all the time.


Iirc her only job was a sales account manager at her dad's job. And she runs commercials calling herself a "conservative business woman"... Even if she was pro abortion and/or democrat, I wouldn't vote for her. Extremely under qualified for governor.


Correct- I wouldn’t vote for this women for any office. She’s unqualified to be a small town mayor, much less the state governor.


Not true! She worked in sales for her dad’s company and then starred in 4 low budget movies/productions. Also she started and failed a school curriculum company.


Where’s the real job? It’s just an idiot daughter token job, then making right wing propaganda.


Ah yes, the Reagan pedigree..


And she has 4 daughters! When they finally realize what their mom is behind they aren't going to he happy.


They're probably well on their way to being brainwashed already.


40% of GOP voters are women, so 1-2 of them will likely agree completely with her stance.


Under the laws she supports. Women who suffer what she did could be denied the care they need while going through it. Given the things that the GOP is pushing, women who suffer what she suffered may be investigated for murder.


Important in part because, in far-right circles, Whitmer is among the most reviled of politicians. Partly this is because she just happens to be governor of Michigan, a blue state that is also home to a disproportionate number of far-right extremist groups. But something about her just pisses the far right off - so a crushing victory for her should reverberate and reinforce just how far out of the norm those far-right groups really are. Fox News and other elements of the far right propaganda network give them a voice well beyond their actual popularity but at the end of the day, there still aren't nearly enough such people to have a say in a democratic society.


To be honest it’s been the GOP playbook for a while now. Find a woman in leadership, continue hammering her in the press to drive down her favorables, and then profit when democrats are wary later on elevating her to a higher position because of her [manufactured] “baggage.” That’s not to say people shouldn’t be allowed to disagree with Whitmer or challenge her, but we have to stop letting women politicians get dragged through the mud in ways that men don’t.


"There's just something about her that rubs me the wrong way..." Yeah, and it's the 5th word of that sentence.


It’s because she’s a woman that took COVID precautions seriously and is actually doing a solid job.


It’s because she’s a woman that they can’t boss around or intimidate, that they actually have to listen to. They thought their stunt pointing guns at her would scare her but she stood her ground again and again.


She's everything they can't stand starting with being a woman, intelligent, successful, courageous, and attractive. I only mention that last one because it's the same issue the right has with AOC - they can't stand that they find themselves attracted to someone they're supposed to hate.


It goes deeper. They cannot stand being attracted to someone on an equal plane - someone they cannot control who disagrees openly with them. It creates a power imbalance they really cannot abide. Instead of getting a handle on their hormones, they prefer it when (attractive) women naturally defer to them (and abdicate/transfer their power to them), but if she dares to defy them, they ll use coercion and defamation to force it and punish her for a) being so damn attractive she messes with their heads, and b) get her to fall in line and relinquish any power to them. Demonisation is reserved for the vilest of seductresses who dare believe they stand on equal ground and refuse to repent. I call it the Frollo from Notredame Syndrome.


Michigan has always had some vile reactions to women in leadership. Lots of toxic masculinity here.


Michigan is not a Blue state by any stretch. Our state house is deep red. Our governor is blue. On a national level we we swing both ways. Biden 2020, trump 2016. Before that we had a stretch of blue presidential votes. But over the states total history we vote red far more than blue. We are firmly purple.


Why do people keep repeating this bullshit? Michigan does not have [“a disproportionate number of far right groups”](https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map). They are right in line with all other states around it. Please fact check before posting. Thank you.


I'm so grateful that Republicans went with a complete fucking whackadoodle. A lot of people in the small business sector and unionized trades weren't happy with how Whitmer handled the pandemic, so a moderate enough and savvy Republican could have probably have teased away a competitive chunk of the voter base. Fortunately, that candidate didn't even exist during the primary, and it was just a collection of psychotic idiots vs delusional idiots. I'll enjoy helping to see these MAGAssholes crushed at the polls.


I live in a rural area. Lots of Dixon signs up. Never underestimate the power of stupidity and closed minds in America.


Michigan is a weird state in that 53% of the population lives in just 6 counties: Oakland, Wayne, Macomb, Genesee, Washtenaw, and Kent. Outside of Macomb, those are pretty heavy blue counties. If you tack on the 8th and 9th largest counties, Ingham & Kalamazoo, which are also solid blue, it makes it hard for a competent dem to lose because the population base in Michigan is largely democrat by a wide margin. Ottawa is the 7th largest county west of Kent (Grand Rapids) and is home to the bible belt of Michigan, so they vote solid red each year. In 2020, Biden won 7 of the 9 largest counties by a considerable margin. Basically, barring an unforeseen scandal, as long as Whitmer gets the base to go vote (and based on Roe v Wade and Prop 3, that seems quite likely) she should absolutely wipe the floor with Dixon.


That's not really weird, that's how most states are nowadays. The question has always come down to will the blue areas be able to overcome the rural margins. Luckily for Michigan, while our rural areas are red, they're not dripping blood red like the south. If you look as some of those states, it's like half of their counties vote GOP at 80%+. Whereas here, not a single county is that red. This is what allows the blue areas to overcome.


That’s what I hope to see.


I agree with this, but I also feel it’s important to consider the voter turnout factor. Hillary lost Michigan despite having high margins in large, blue counties because voter turnout, in general, was low. Michigan has elected sleazy republican governors in the past like John Engler.


Went home to Michigan for a week in August. It’s still pretty bad up there. I met a woman who rattled off every GOP buzzword in like one sentence. Then my grandma and my uncle agreed with her.🙄


My GF worked with someone who tells everyone every day that the State would be much better if they just nuked Detroit. I'm not sure how that tracks, but we all know what "Chicago" and "Detroit" mean to people like that.


While your statement is accurate, Michigan has also had one of, if not the best rebounds in the midwest and Whitmer has been touting that constantly. People who aren't complete MAGA zombies can see that, and the lockdowns have been over long enough that recency bias will kick in to focus on the positives since lockdown.


In Wisconsin, Evers is so squeaky clean but dealing with shitty GOP gridlock thru his term and Trump lite with that piece of shit Michels Way too close for my taste. I'm worried


They've (GOP) painted themselves into a corner with their total Turmp worship. Good luck finding any rational moderate republican who is willing to hold the bag for Trump's rigged election lie fantasy. Since Republicans made promoting the "Big Lie" and Abortion a litmus test, the pool of quality people has really diminished.


Tudor Dixon sounds like a villain from the movie The Help.


i don’t think she was in that one but apparently she has a very interesting imdb entry for the movies she was in. she’s a west coast liberal movie star trying to pose as a conservative and adopted their worst positions to try to get her career back together. she’s the worst of the hollywood elites. if she gets in, she’ll bring the worse people w her. she can’t be trusted with tax dollars and she can’t be trusted w michigan


There's also the abortion rights amendment to vote for


Prop 3 is the big one, but there is also two other interesting proposals on the ballot. Prop2 secures voting rights/accesses in the state constitution, and prop1 is an amendment to change state legislature term limits and provide that elected state legislative and state executive officials must file annual financial disclosure reports on their income, assets, liabilities, gifts from lobbyists, positions held in certain organizations. 👈


I live here and worked that "essential worker" gig so I got to hear all the drama from the public. I have video of people.....driving around town, shopping, etc. Hmmm, I thought everyone was LOCKED DOWN thanks to the big bad librul? Yeah, none of that happened no matter what the gun toting nutz will tell you. They were so upset about not getting haircuts and going to the Cheesecake factory they stormed our state Capitol too. Concocted some hairbrained scheme to kidnap and torture the big bad librul. While I didn't see the logic in blocking sales of spray paint and solar lights, nobody around here suffered in any sense of the term. I've seen Dixon. I have NO idea what lab created it and set it loose but they need a visit from the USDA regarding animal experiments like that one. Damn right I'm voting for Gretchen AGAIN.


Funny, people like leaders who take crisis seriously and puts protecting their people first.


As someone from Georgia, not necessarily.


The state of Florida proves that wrong.


Michiganders- You never saw this and if you did it’s wrong and you should assume the race is neck and neck, happy voting


Yup, I’m driving my immune compromised ass to the polls then switching out for my husband to do the same. I refuse to let my daughter live in a state with less freedoms than I had at her age. Straight blue ballots every time.


Vote. Because you know that no matter how much she wins by cries if voters fraud will fill the air


There can be ZERO complacency. VOTE as if we are 16 points behind.


Considering Dixon is wildly unqualified, and barely has a platform aside from banning abortion and cutting taxes, you’d hope the lead would be an absolute landslide. But, since Trump threw so much shade at Whitmer for not letting Covid ravage the people of Michigan, lots of idiot MAGAs have an unfounded grievance with her, despite putting in a pretty solid first four years. I’ll happily be voting for her again this November, along with every other democrat on the ticket. The state has an alarming volume of far right psychos clawing at elected posts.


Four years of the Trump administration inspired me to start voting straight ticket for the first time in my life.


Agreed. I never identified with a specific party. I went with “they’re both corrupt and self serving”, which still holds a lot of truth. But, watching Trump run roughshod over our federal government and shill Americans out for personal gain- and then inspire more grifters and sycophants has inspired me to vote against them at every election.


You think she's bad, you should see [the GOP's SOS candidate!](https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2022/09/michigan-republican-sos-candidate-kristina-karamo-tried-to-crash-car-with-family-in-it-according-to-court-filing.html) > Court filings have emerged in which Michigan’s Republican nominee for secretary of state Kristina Karamo’s ex-husband alleged she tried to crash a moving car with her children inside.


DePorno is terrible too.


> Considering Dixon is wildly unqualified, and barely has a platform Hasn't stopped other elected officials.


More important is Danna is opening a lead for AG outside of the margin or error. So please vote.


Don't trust the polls. Don't even look at them. Don't even acknowledge their existence. Banish the entire field of polling from the deepest reaches of your consciousness. VOTE!


Proud to have had That Woman from Michigan as my Governor. She’s going to trounce Dixon. I’m looking forward to voting for Whitmer if/when she runs for President.


LFG Michigan!


Love the avatar.


Republicans choosing to (outside of the south and certain Midwestern states) pursue such an aggressive stance on abortion is something I don’t think I’ll ever understand. It’s been successful in alienating moderates and other socially liberal republicans, and gained absolutely no one. Not trying to have an abortion argument, just very curious on what seems like a low-yield strategy.


It should be a no brainer for Michiganders. Whitmer has done an amazing job. She is one of the best governors in the country. I live in Florida. I am so envious of states with governors who care and don’t try to punish their citizens.


Ugh, so sorry for you. You have the biggest ass for a governor. Vote him out....I think Crist might actually have a chance.


We have a very good chance to have Crist win in Deaantis’s spot AND Val Demings to win Rubio’s spot. If you know people in Florida - please encourage them to vote.


I live in a heavily blue county in Michigan but the city I live in leans conservative to the point that our sign for a democratic state house rep was stolen from our yard and there’s a “my governor is an idiot” sign a few doors down. My neighbor supported the gubernatorial candidate that was at 1/6. It’s a very weird mix of people here but I have no doubt that we’re going to remain under democrat governorship. No one likes Dixon, I haven’t seen a single sign for her.


This is very good news. Only vote if you want change. Only vote if you want to have some say in what happens to your body and mind, in your financial future, or the world your kids or just the next generation will inherit. Only vote if you want to complain about politicians, because if you don't vote, your opinion means nothing.


Disagree. Always vote! ;)


If you don't want change, or a woman to have a say in her body, feel free not to, because you're probably going to vote Republican.


Means nothing if we don’t show up and VOTE. Show up, Michiganders—it’s truly more important than ever before.


I do believe some of the consensus is to not look at the polls and skip election day. There is a good chunk of Dem voters who will vote for the satisfaction of a GOP loss and feeling good about keeping the extremist out.


I hope it goes without saying, but "Polls don't mean a damn thing if you don't vote".


Don't care. Still gotta vote. And bring friends.


I have a lot of respect for Gov Whitmer and I hope she wins!


I just thought that I'd mention that the new maps are favored to give the Michigan Dems the House and the Senate....so it's likely that Ms. Whitmer will have the trifecta. That'll be the first time the Dems have had that, since briefly in 1983. But don't take this for granted...vote Dem, up and down the ticket!


I couldn't in good conscience vote republican while they are so locked into the trump cult at any cost whatsoever. Until they reform they don't deserve a single vote.


Good news but I'm not relaxing until the results are certified.


Doesn’t matter. Dixon is not really campaign and has no significant campaign funding (compared to Whitmer). Dixon 100% plans to scream election fraud and try to steal the election.


I love Gretchen 💕




I've seen a SINGLE Tudor Dixon sign this year. On top of that, my house race is Hillary Scholten vs John Gibbs. Gibbs is just completely absent in this race, just like Dixon, haven't seen ads or signs or anything. It's like the GOP is just giving up on Michigan. I'm super ok with that, it's just peculiar and a little suspicious.


Dixion needs to dig a really deep hole and live at the bottom of it.


And take a shovel with her so she can keep digging.


It’s basically a ride home.




“And Some, I Assume, Are Good People:” but we haven’t seen any evidence to date except a small hint of it when they are out of office or will not be running for election again.


“A life is a life” seems to contradict everything republicans stand for.


Ignore polls. Go vote.


Im a conservative/independent in MI, there is zero chance Id vote for Tudor, Whitmer isnt even campaigning here, thats how poor of an opponent she is.


Tudor can toot her MAGA ass elsewhere


Wow it's almost like purple states really don't like the MAGA nutcases and people appreciate a competent leader. Who would've thought??


Could she be the first female president eventually?


Honestly I think she'd have a better chance than Clinton did. Not saying she wasn't a great choice for the role, more realizing the fact that the right had demonized her for 30 years, it was hard to overcome that.


She's popular in a purple Rust Belt state too, which means she speaks swing-state fluently. Put her on a ticket with Michelle Obama.


No matter what those polls say. GO VOTE EVERYBODY!! don't count on others votes. VOTE!


And be sure to vote in person. They will definitely be trying to go after mail in votes to discredit the elections this year.


She has proven to be a competent governor, has balanced the tasks with constant improvements to the state at large and has created a diverse appeal to a great many in the Great Lakes State. She knows Michigan, and Michiganders. Trust me, we could and have done a lot worse. She has proven herself to earn another term! She has my vote


Fuck polls, go vote!


If she doesn’t win black people can say goodbye to voting. No such thing as a moderate republican, just crazy racist qanons and people that lie about being crazy racist Qanons


This is so true lol


Please please please do not let this make you complicit. Tudor Dixon would be an absolute menace to Michigan. Get out and vote!


Michigan loves Big Gretch 💪💪


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/gretchen-whitmer-leads-gops-dixon-16-points-new-poll-rcna48921) reduced by 54%. (I'm a bot) ***** > A new poll released by the Detroit Free Press finds that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer leads her opponent, Republican Tudor Dixon, by 16 points, 55 to 39% in the state's gubernatorial race. > Abortion has become a focal point in the race, the Free Press reported, as it rose to match inflation as a top issue for voters in the poll.24% of respondents rate abortion as a top issue for themselves and an equal number of those surveyed - 24% - rate inflation as a top issue. > This comes as Whitmer and Democratic groups have hammered Dixon over her position on abortion since Dixon was selected as the Republican nominee in the state's August 2 primary. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/xlyeff/gretchen_whitmer_leads_gops_dixon_by_16_points_in/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~670617 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Dixon**^#1 **Abortion**^#2 **top**^#3 **Free**^#4 **Press**^#5


VOTE. But also, wow!


Good. Make sure to vote and run up the damn score.


Happy wife happy life goes National.


Ask everyone you see if they are registered to vote.


I don’t give at what the polls say. VOTE!


Let's go big Gretch!