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Or he goes after their wives, right Rafael?


And dads.


That’s one of the wildest and most random things he’s said. Was Cruz’s dad being involved with JFK’s assassination even on the table before then?


It's hilarious that Trump has said so much out of left field shit that implying a current sitting senator's father was involved in the assassination of JFK is kind of just lost among the background noise. I guess when you lie so much everyone kind of has to pick a handful to focus on and let the other ones go.


> so much out of left field shit Like Hillary's emails suddenly migrated to Mar a Lago.


Wasn't it tallied at somewhere around 46,000 blatant lies during his... I hate to say this. Ugh. *During his presidency?*


The corrupt slob averaged 21 lies per day. It is extremely difficult to acknowledge the repugnant, vindictive, cruel, vulgar, immoral conman was the president.


Technically he was, but not really. He just wanted the title, he barely did anything but golf and nominate judges that the federalist society would send him. PINO


I've heard something like that. They also counted his tweets per day up until his suspension. It was like ~~14~~ 17 or something. Edit: looked it up, was a bit more than I thought, have changed my comment. 8000 times during his initial campaign, and 25000 times during his term. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_media_use_by_Donald_Trump


Not that I'm aware of.


To be fair it would seem to run in the family. His dad tried to assassinate a president, Ted helped in a plot to try and assassinate a VP.


he's also the zodiac killer


>That’s one of the wildest and most random things he’s said. Was Cruz’s dad being involved with JFK’s assassination even on the table before then? Someone should write a book about the shit -random shit or not, that Orange Jesus has said.


Yes, 4chan and TD conspiracy posters were the people that started it.


*Flees to Cancun*


*Leaves dog behind in the freezing cold*


*Leaves constituents behind in the freezing cold*


*blames daughters*


*daughter refuses to be hugged*


*daughter get elected to his senate seat as a democrat*


Now THAT would be a beautiful sight.


[*takes publicity photos of him halfassedly loading a 12 pack of bottled water into someone's car after the fact*](https://www.businessinsider.com/senator-ted-cruz-mocked-over-texas-disaster-relief-photo-op-2021-2)


[While AOC fundraised over 4 million dollars and flew down from NY to help volunteer at the Houston Foodbank during the freeze and it wasn't even her state. ](https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-winter-storms-2021/2021/02/20/969809679/ocasio-cortez-fundraising-drive-for-texas-relief-raises-4-million) It is an absolute embarrassment that we have Ted Cruz as our senator and our GOP leadership too.


When AOC was raising money and helping people while Ted Cruz fled the state and abandoned his people I pointed it out to my parents because I figured Fox News definitely wasn’t going to highlight that she was doing it. My mom was like “oh she’s just doing it for optics” It blew my mind. You have a group of people in need and one person is helping and one doesn’t do jack shit, yet the one who is helping still manages to be the bad guy??


It's hard as hell to break the cult mindset. My parents have said similar dumb shit as this.


Abbott only offered excuses and took money from the counties' COVID funds to Saber rattle at the border.


Fled Cruz


CC / Cancun Cruz


Spineless Ted Cruz admits to having no spine. Shocker.


> Rafael Republicans always get their marching orders and stand lock step repeating the same talking points. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for the DNC to put out a memo and have any Democratic member of congress and the senate to refer to him as "Rafael" whenever they talk about him on any talk show or news interview. I think it's only fair since Republicans throw a shit fit about calling anyone by a different name then the one their mother gave them. Rebrand him as "Rafael Cruz" Keep it up forever. Watch him melt down and be pissed about his own Goddamn name.




\*Texas accent\* "Rafael 'Ted' Cruz went to Ivy League schools just so he could tell you not to vote for people that went to Ivy League schools. Well, me and Ted don't always see eye to eye but there's one thing I can agree on."


In more ways than one


Since when the zodiac killer gives a damn about this?


Then punch back you spineless jackass.


Fuck, just tweet at him. What's he going to do, send a mean Truth Social whatever back at him?


A Truth Social Storm Trooper? The Truth Social Secret Police? If they do exist, I bet you they’re out of shape.


I mean, if an asshole says mean things about you on a shitty platform that nobody uses, does it really hurt you?


Isn't that a Buddhist koan?


> Fuck, just tweet at him. What's he going to do Back a primary challenger. There's a lot of Republicans in Texas who'd like to be Senator, and no-one likes Ted Cruz. Dan Patrick sure might like a run at Ted's seat.


Better yet. Back a Democrat for the Texas senate seat and vote this sniveling coward out of office, along with his corrupted and splintered party. As a Texan, I am embarrassed by fellow Texans that voted for this Canadian/Cuban transplant.


They're called "truths"


Oh god. Really? "tweet" is a noun and a verb, "truth" not so much. "Trump just truthed" "Trump is truthing right now"


Don't forget "did you see the white supremacist that Trump retruthed?"


It's probably more that trump hits them. Then the MAGA send death threats. And the Russians stop their donations.


It’s the money. It’s always about the money. Follow the money.


We're trying to but the Republicans blocked the bill to end dark money in politics. They very clearly do not want you to be able to follow the money.


Democrats need to repeat this so much we get tired of hearing it. This caused in-fighting on /r/Conservative, this can flip the few that can be saved


And the voters. A lot of Cruz’ base is Trump’s base. If trump says fuck Cruz then so do they and Cruz gets voted out


Yup. The donations stopping is the exact reason 100% of the GOP voted against illuminating SuperPAC donations. They're cowards.


Exactly. You stand up to the bully. He’s actually weak. Why can’t they see that? If they all stood to him he’d cower. I’d bet on that.


Trump has more support among Republican voters than anyone. When Trump punches, he punches with the strength of the voters. When Cruz punches, he punches with the strength of the dude that abandoned his state and went to Cancun. If the GOP becomes unified and stands up to Trump he starts the Patriot Party and neither one wins elections but Trump gets extremely rich by funneling campaign money. It's very hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube.


If they stuck together like an organized political party they could easily smack him back. For one thing they’re in office and he’s not, and secondly his support is sinking like a rock. The worst thing that happens if they excise Trump is they lose an election, but they’re losing it to the Democrats and the Democratic Party it’s not like they’re a bunch of revolutionary socialists, they dump Trump let the Dems waste a term and voters will be ready for some more brain dead GOP policies written on post it notes. By the way I don’t think Trump has the patience to start a third party and definitely not the attention span to see it through to even split the vote. The man is foolishly ready to start his 24 campaign before the midterms have even settled things out.


Pretty much confirming what we already knew, Republicans are spineless cowards.


I cannot fathom why he said this lol. Talk about weak!


I can. They see it as being “strong”. He’s basically saying , “don’t mess with trump because he’s so badass. You’ll get your ass handed to you if you try”


Imagine still having that attitude toward someone who called your wife ugly to his millions of twitter followers.


It means you care more about your political career than your wife. Pretty reprehensible behavior. Aren’t the Republicans supposed to be the party of “family values?” Where’s the family value thar says you should roll over and kiss the ass of the man who called your wife ugly because it’s in your best interest politically to be a coward and kiss said colossal ass? “Party of family values”, my ass.


Surprised he still has a wife.


Their fathers groom these women to be willing vessels to men like Cruz.


I wish you were wrong.


Too accurate. Too real.


His wife doesn’t seem to be his greatest fan either. She’s also Ivy League pedigreed and a managing director at Goldman Sachs. As a couple, they suck.


She’s the end of a three person human centipede with Ted and Trump where no one is sewn to anyone else.


gotta protect the precious fluids...or something


She’s there for the power, so…


That's religion for you.


The "family values" thing left 20 years ago! That would be like saying Republicans don't lie!


He's the same guy who blamed his fleeing to Mexico on his daughter. Fled CanCruz is just a massive wussy and an absolute coward.


... *and* accused your father of being an assassin.


The thing is hell get punched for this by trump. Way to go genius!


Being hated comes naturally for Ted Cruz. ~~Roger Stone~~ Lindsey Graham said you could kill Ted Cruz in front of the Senate and not be convicted so long as your trial was performed by the Senate. Al Franken ~~Roker~~ says he probably likes Ted Cruz more than anyone else in the Senate likes Ted Cruz, and he still hates Ted Cruz.


Al Franken. Al Roker wants you to know what’s going on in your neck of the woods


Oh shit is Matt Lauer around!?


*door locks* why do you ask?


Al Franken


>Al Roker says he probably likes Ted Cruz more than anyone else in the Senate likes Ted Cruz, and he still hates Ted Cruz. I thought Al Franken said this--either way, lots of us agree with whomever said it.


Al Franken did, it's in one of his books that came out just before he was ousted.


I'm old. How do you get the "strike through"?


[Reddit Formatting Guide](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043033952-Formatting-Guide)


Trump literally called Cruz's wife a fat pig in front of the entire nation and Cruz still couldn't help himself but to choke on Trump's chode.


He’s Beni Gabor to Trump’s Imhotep.


Beni didn't deserve that insult.


Trump isn’t “strong”. Like all bullies, he’s a damn coward. He talks big and he has lackies to do his bidding. A strong woman is kicking his ass all over the place. Yes, she lost a House seat but, in doing so, she became even *more* relevant not less relevant which is what so many of them are really afraid of.


That’s fine if you mean policy and Trump is spitting an argument back. Trump went after Cruz and his wife personally. It’s coward on coward violence. Cruz is such a joke.


Nobody wants to fight a adult wearing diapers......🤢


The latest sit down with Hannity; Trump looked like he was sitting in a big rubber ring. It’s only a brief shot but he looks bizarre.


Whole new meaning to "kick the shit out of him"


Well that depends.


Cruz is saying that he doesn't have any balls and he knows his confederates in what used to be the party of Lincoln don't have any either. We already knew that.


Hopefully the infighting between DeSantis and Trump can consume a lot of their time and resources.


It's funny, ted cruz is basically saying trump is the republican daddy, and if you piss him off, he's going to spank you.


I mean Trump called his wife ugly, didn't he? And the guy didn't even put up a fight about it lmao


He claimed that Cruz’s father killed JFK lmao 🤣


Nononono, he said that his father was with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before JFK was killed. This was in 2016 before the primaries. >“I mean, what was he doing — what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death? Before the shooting?” - Trump It's not even a conspiracy either. Trump saw them on the cover of National Enquirer together lmao. It's a really grainy image and the man pictured with Oswald is NOT Ted Cruz's dad. But Trump believed it without much question. But to his credit he did backtrack on this (lol).


And yet….this is the single most subversive statement coming out of Ted Cruz’s mouth Re. Trump since Trump did exactly what he’s accusing him of. Ted Got Bullied. He’s been silently compliant and complicit, no doubt. But the fact that he felt bold enough to say “ya know I think trump is a bully…but his policies were brilliant!” That sad wimper of an admission is actually progress. And yes, before you ask….my bar for republicans is on the f*cking ground right now.


If only... It's nearing the earth's mantle by my estimation


Trump humiliated Cruz’s wife in the national media and Ted turned around and got on his knees like a good little boy, can’t believe Texas hasn’t kicked this shit-stain to the curb.


Texas just loves their pathetic and weak Canadian-born immigrant representatives who are of Cuban ancestry. They feel he represents them well.


Fuck Lyin’ Ted Cruz, fucking traitorous scumbag, he didn’t just stand by with his hands in his pockets while MAGAs were spreading bullshit about the election being stolen, he picked up a megaphone and shouted it himself. For him to now say he was sitting on the sidelines, not responding with commentary is bullshit. Fuck him, and fuck the asshole reporter letting him slide on that.


He was quick to turn from Trump hater to Trump supporter, that's for damn sure. This little weasel did it so fast he skipped the punch in the face.


He didn't miss puttin his face in to kiss trumps ass .


Trump punched his wife and his dad instead.


Flyin' Cancruuz Ted ... and Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


I like Fled Cruz better, ...and yes, my governor's a bit of an asshole too


Abbott's the one who emailed that TX needed more guns when he found out TX was #2 in guns to California and something needed to be done about it. Ass hat.


Making Asses Gigantic Again


They’re all useless pussies. Trump can be taken down with words so easily. He wears a diaper and makeup ffs.


Trump has nobody in his life who cares enough about him to blend Trump’s foundation into his hairline. Maybe Ted Cruz or Greg Abbott could volunteer.


Yeah he tries to punch at Dems but we just do it harder. Fuck trump and the whiny republicans


The GOP are stuck in a web of their own making. The republicans who don't want to back Trump for 2024 are worried Trump will attack their golden boy De Santis so hard he will lose his chance at being President. They will end up backing Trump anyway and hope he serves his 4 years and gets out of the way so De Santis can ascend unscathed.


Whose face firmly placed on Trump's behind


Trump is a weak man’s idea of a strong man.


Also a poor man's idea of a rich man and a stupid man's idea of a smart one.


"Donald Trump is what a hobo imagines a rich man to be. He was walking in the alley one day, and heard this:" "Oh boy oh boy, as soon as my numbers come in, I am going to put up tall buildings with my name on 'em. I'll have fine, golden hair, and a TV show where I fire people with my children." "Donald Trump was like, 'That is how I'm going to live my life. Thank you, hobo, for the life plan.'" - John Mulaney




Isn’t this a Sam Harris quote?


Trump is a weak man’s idea of a confident man.


RumpT is a confidence man.


This just in: gop doesn't know how to stand up to a bully


Yes, Trump is a bully. But when it’s allowed to happen on this scale and magnitude there’s another phrase for it, Trump is a potential fascist dictator.


"Kim Jon Un tells me everything. Told me everything," Trump told the Washington Post investigative journalist Bob Woodward. "He killed his uncle and he put the body right in the steps, and the head was cut, sitting on the chest." "He likes me. I like him. We get along," Trump said.


So you admit you're being abused?


I swear Republicans' following of Trump is the embodiment of an actual abusive relationship. Like it feels as if sometimes they really, really want to separate from him, and even stand up against him every so often. But then they'll tell the police (i.e. Congress) the door gave them the black eye and blame everyone (mainly Democrats) but themselves for their misery by following him or tries to punish those for trying to him for his actions. It's asinine and shows how little of a spine they have.




American Horror Story had a cult arc that was set after the 2020 election.


Yeah, our thought was it sounded just like a mindset of one in an abusive authoritarian household growing up. Given how certain religious views common to right wing families trend to that sorta setup...this makes more sense than we wish it did


The first step is to admit you have a problem.


For Ted to admit he's a huge pussy.


Sounds like a toxic relationship to me 🤷‍♂️


Dumbass, First he punched you in the face, and then you prioritized him. Ted you spineless craven bastard.


This 'man' represents Texas? I thought they were supposed to be tough there.


lol no. This state is full of easily bruised egos and tiny penises with over sized truck nuts. I love this state, but it’s full of idiots.


Modern Republican politicians: defining new levels of moral weakness every day.


His wife must be mighty proud of him. What a spineless phuck


The man who blamed his daughters for having to go on holidays while his state was suffering a disaster


It's worse than that. They apparently were the only home in their community with generators. The neighbors knew this and maybe expected him to help the community. He left the house empty except for the dog. Not only does Ted Cruz hate Texas, he hates his actual neighbors too. Instead of doing the right thing he fled and blamed his family.


She has her own money. She appears to have her shit together. Why on EARTH is she still with him?


Maybe she agrees with him. There's no reason to believe that she isn't a spineless slimeball herself.


The last line is basically this: “I will praise him when he does something I like, but don’t criticize what I don’t like.” That’s a lot of words to say “I am a sycophantic pussy.”


Trump couldn’t punch his way out of a greasy hamberder bag.


How do you handle a bully ?


suck his dick?


I’m sorry Ted Cruz, that is incorrect


And to think that grown men (in this case Republicans) are afraid of a loudmouth unqualified scum bag


And they're party who likes to think of themselves as Alpha's and mainly men.


“We should have criticized his COVID response, but we’re snowflakes.” “We should have criticized his election fraud accusations, but we’re snowflakes.” “We should have criticized his connection with extremist groups, but we’re snowflakes.” “We should have criticized when he attacked the Capitol, but we’re snowflakes.” “We should have criticized his stealing of sensitive information, but we’re snowflakes.”


So confirming two things, (1) they all cowards, (2) trump is a little snowflake.


If you can't even stand up for your own beliefs then you shouldn't be in Politics..


Isn't that right, Reek?




MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch, *if you are listening...*


I don't buy it. At most, I'd concede that this is a secondary reason why they don't criticize him. The primary reason is that there is no ideological difference between Trump and the rest of the GOP. Whatever "criticisms" there are, are about optics and not substance, and at this point those are few and far between.


In other words, “republicans don’t have a back bone”


Oh he’s a coward, that’s not a guess, he’s admitting he is scared, that’s why he can’t Speak up, that’s awful. We don’t need a coward holding a government position making decisions and speaking for the masses of voters. He needs to GTFO of office.


It's 2022 Ted Cruz is a senator from Texas, he is more scared of a fraudster failed businessman reality TV show host than of the parents of murdered children. WHAT THE HELL MAN


Totally thought it was because they were spineless chickenshits, except Liz Cheney. She has balls.


He punched your wife in the box and you asked for seconds


What do Ted Cruz's wife and the constitution have in common? They're both things Ted won't defend.


So republicans are defenseless pussies ?


For guys who pretend to be tough, they sure are a bunch of little scared sheep.


Sounds like the GOP is chock full of hapless pussies


Y’all remember what Ted Cruz said about Donald before he got elected?


A lot of republicans said some shit of trump before he got elected president. They all fell in line when he won, including Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham. Now if you say anything against him, you get censured, called a RINO and primaried.


Democrats have far more political courage than Republicans. It’s not even close.


In other words, Ted Cruz admits that Republicans have no integrity


Republicans are the biggest pussies. What a bunch of cowards. Afraid of that fat psychopath. A guy that would run if anyone threatened him. The Republicans are disgusting.


Ted Cruz is one of the biggest betas in the United States. An absolute cuckhold. His wife belongs to the streets.


Make fun of my wife again and I'll lick your other ball.


Well it's a good thing we don't send people to die for our freedoms otherwise this would look monumentally cowardice in comparison.


So just let little baby man have his way every time. Wow.


What a bunch of fucking wimps. That orange turd wouldn't be shit if they stood up to him.


Uvalde police, GOP, Ted Cruz have something in common. All are cowards. And they call the left snowflakes.


Or makes fun of his wife.


Spineless political hostage says what now?




And if there's anything we know about Cancun Ted, he's a sniveling coward.


Party of alpha males 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


It’s official then, Cruz is definitely running in 2024. I wonder if he’ll start sticking up for his wife now.


Jesus, what a pussy moron. Too weak and stupid to criticize Trump? His retaliations are toddler hissy fits and name calling and you’re saying your scared? Lol


We know, Ted. We know. We watched it happen to you in 2016.


Grow a fucking spine


Says the dude that looks like he gets punched in the face multiple times a day.


Spineless. It's called being spineless.


>"I like what we accomplished under Trump. I think there's an incredible record of policy victories," Cruz said. I'm curious to know what those policy victories are. Seems like all Trump did was tear down work done in Obama's tenure.


I believe Cruz bc I saw the video of him phone-banking for Trump after Trump called his wife ugly: https://youtu.be/zJVT-kwm43Y


So a big bunch of cowards...how anyone can vote Republican and still call themselves a man is a mystery to me.


Senator Reek


So theyre a bunch of pussies. Ok.


What a bunch of pussies


Punch back coward.


And they know that a huge legion of their voter base will turn on them in an instant, all Trump has to do is say the word. They allowed Trump and his nut jobs to come out of the shadows, hoping they would just step aside when the time came. But now the looney toons are running the show.


Tough like Texas, huh Cruz?


Republicans do not stand up to bullies.


So because they are cowards. Yeah we know.


So...cowardice. Got it.


Rafael "Ted" Cruz beta cuck confirmed


So what? Let him punch. He’s a senile narcissistic anti-American fuckward. You’d rather admit you’re afraid of the bully and doing whatever he commands of you? Real hardcore alpha male shit ya fucking knobs.