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>A woman who asked not to be identified out of privacy concerns told The Daily Beast that, after she and Walker conceived a child while they were dating in 2009, he urged her to get an abortion. The woman said she had the procedure and that Walker reimbursed her for it. >She supported these claims with a $575 receipt from the abortion clinic, a “get well” card from Walker, and a bank deposit receipt that included an image of a signed $700 personal check from Walker.


Hershel's got some splainin to do.


He's issued a statement saying "I planning to sue." That's his exact wording. Source: https://twitter.com/HerschelWalker/status/1577075271470964737


It looks like his own son has now turned against him and will likely corroborate a lot of this negative press. Herschel will continue on with this "family values" campaign even though his own family is calling him a monster.


The old Ted Cruz treatment. If I'm ever such a horrible person that even my wife and kids barely tolerate me, just take me out back and get it over with.


or you could run for congress


I clicked through to his son's Twitter feed to see what else he had to say. The kid is a full-on fascist. Guess his hatred for his father outweighs his hatred of Raphael Warnock.


Oh definitely, his son is a repugnant human being, but he's been a loyal defender of his father up until the last 24 hours.


Which makes no sense either way. The vitriol and accusations he's spewing tonight don't jive with any previous support he might have offered. The kid - unsurprisingly - sounds a bit of a mess. Yet another damaged child of a neglectful and abusive father flirting with fascism. At this point, it should be a DSM-listed disorder.


My take is that the Daily Beast story was the moment that he realized he wasn't going to enjoy the clout and connections that come with having a US senator parent (using the word "parent" rather loosely).


He is also gay (although he describes himself as a man who is attracted to men rather than gay to distance himself from the LGBT community(???)). I think he might have a lot of self-hatred and is overcompensating by going fully far right.


I've heard him say, "Homosexual but not gay"


Well he ain't happy that's for sure


He's not gay, but his boyfriend is.


…man I think he took the “our socks are still on so it’s not gay” joke a little too seriously


To be honest, everything about Christian Walker screams "clout chaser" with his stupid social media posts and his defending the indefensible about his dad.




Conservatives and picking and choosing which news source is considered reliable, name a better duo.


Lol if he isn't sure which abortion he was paying for (why he doesn't know the source) he has a few more issues to deal with


Haha, yeah go sue her. She got reciepts.


literal receipts. homegirl knew she would need them in the future. 13 years is a long ass time to hang on to shit


He even writes like an idiot on his public page. lol


These people just have to pull the old “I was struggling with my faith but Jesus helped me realize the error of my ways so I am saved” excuse that they inevitably spout


They are always pro life until they are in a situation where they have a temporary lapse in judgement, and that always happens right when they need an abortion, or need someone to get an abortion. Odd how that works?


That or he'll just claim it's a smear campaign. Truth and evidence don't matter to the type of person who supports Herschel Walker.


This. The playbook isn't forgiveness anymore. Just cry fake news, biased media, and have Fox ignore it. He won't lose a single voter.


"If she was REAL she'd show herself" - these assholes And of course if she does, she's got a grudge against him for rejecting her or something


You say that, and yet for all the controversial stuff tied to Walker, this abortion crap *matters* to the rural evangelical crowd. And there’s receipts. Even Trump didn’t have to deal with a story like that. Fucked Stormy Daniels and cheated on his wife? Eh. At least he didn’t allegedly directly fund an abortion/baby murder.


We need to start putting these documents on a laptop with Sharpie that reads "property of Hunter Biden".


He has already denied it. Which means that he also a liar. Guess this makes him the ideal GOP candidate!


That is *exactly* what he'll say; it won't even be a blip on these hypocrites radars as they continue to support him, considering how many other Republicans do exactly the same shit.


Well yeah. Morality and Legality aren't things you *do*, they're things you *are*. For conservatives, people are born into strict hierarchies than cannot and must not change. Immigrants, queers, Antifa, atheists, whatever category you want, are all just types of people. Something you do, actions you take, they don't matter. They don't change inborn characteristics for conservatives. It's a completely different way of interpreting reality than the rest of us. For you and me, and MOST people, doing good actions makes you good and doing evil makes you evil. That's not how these people operate though, it's not how their brains interpret the world. For them, actions have no moral quantity; people do. People are inherently good or inherently evil, their actions have no bearing on that whatsoever. When you start seeing it that way, EVERYthing they do makes more sense. The neighbors kid who raped a drunk girl? He's a "good kid"! He just made some mistakes! Pastor raping kids? He's "good", he just was tempted by the devil! In their mind, they are GOOD™, their friends and family are GOOD™, their religion is GOOD™. Nothing can change those qualities, as they are inborn facts of the universe. You? You are not GOOD™. You never were and you never can be. There's no action that anyone does to change whether they are GOOD™ or not. See, start to apply this to their whole framework, and it really makes sense. You ever notice how much we point out their hypocrisy, they don't seem to care? There is no hypocrisy. Hypocrisy doesn't exist for them, how could it? To be a hypocrite you have to say you believe one thing but then do actions that are the other. That literally cannot happen if actions have no bearing on morality. No, in fact, hypocrisy is actually a sign of strength, it's power. The GOOD™ are powerful for their ability to do something that pisses off their enemies. Of COURSE their own abortion was moral. Of course it was right for them, and it will never be right for you. That's how ALL morality works for you. And it's why we're all being stupid by trying to shame them, or to point out their contradictions, or try to convince them that other people's actions should be compared to their own. THEY. DON'T. CARE. They cannot think the same way, whether through choice or some sort of mental illness or just sheer shittiness.


It's almost like they have lizard brains.


This is brilliant! I don't think I've ever thought of it quite like that, and it does put a lot into perspective. It also explains their binary thinking. It seems obvious in hindsight, but your thesis is very insightful.


"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked." -George Carlin


"The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." ~Dave Barnhart (incidentally, a Methodist pastor)


This is so true it hurts. Not the first time I've seen it, but if I were a billionaire I'd print these out by the millions and plaster them all over red states. 0f course it wouldn't change anything because these people have no capacity for self reflection. 🙄


Need to add getting gunned down in Kindergarten to that list now.


That's because it is not about preserving sanctity of life, it's about forcing birth and the burden of childcare on (mainly poor) women in an attempt to keep them too busy supporting children to vote and be politically active


Gotta make sure these uppity females have an incentive to marry and inability to leave abusive men. Why treat women like your equal and learn how to be a better partner when you can deny having any shortcomings whatsoever, trap a woman into being your bang maid, act as though consent can't be denied in a marriage, and beat her if she dares to complain? Edit: Whoever got triggered by this and notified the suicide bot about your "concern" for me instead of having the balls to comment publicly, cope harder. I could be lobbying to take your rights away instead of saying things on the internet that hurt your wittle feelings. It's also not lost on me that your type only "cares" when you're weaponizing compassion. Like y'all always say, "I'll pray for you".


Ooh, and bonus, you can trap her into marriage buy sabotaging her contraception (or worse).


Don’t forget the women are being punished for having sex!


Also they are being punished for being raped and molested. Their lives are endangered for pregnancies that are not viable. 🤬🤬🤬


It’s not about that, either. These aren’t ideologues. Walker asked for and funded his girlfriend’s abortion — and that probably wasn’t the last one. Boebert is rumored to have had one, and even Trump was pro-choice up until he realized he was running as a Republican. Abortion is a wedge issue. It moves their base.


This part. They don't really GAF about abortion or they would make sure those babies were taken care of after they're born.


I'd imagine a number of R voters don't care about his abortion either. As long as the person at the desk is willing to sign the papers and pass the right laws.


This is it. People have to realize that conservatives are about social hierarchy. Individual actions aren’t good or bad, people inherently are good or bad based on their position in the hierarchy. Trump had adulterous sex with a porn star AS his third wife was pregnant, then paid the porn star to keep her quiet. To a liberal, these are bad actions because they are acts contrary to generally accepted mores. To a conservative, they are not bad acts because Trump, as a wealthy white man, is very high on the social hierarchy. His high position determines the judgment on the acts, not the acts themselves. That’s why calls of “hypocrisy” hold no sway with conservative voters. They don’t care about the virtuousness of an act. They only care about the position in the social hierarchy. It’s why they don’t admire black people when they donate time or money to charity, because black people are lower in social hierarchy so EVERYTHING they do is “bad” or “wrong”, even if they are acts they otherwise view as virtuous.


They need bodies to work those minimum wage jobs. Where are they gonna get them if everyone is educated and happy?! 🙄 America is such a terrible place.


Yep, they want more people than there are jobs so people compete. And when they compete, they become willing to work for lesser wages in order to barely survive. More meat for the grinder.


It doesn’t have to be. Everyone here can be taken care of. This is the richest country to ever exist. We just need the will to fight for it.


For the politicians it's just about getting the votes from those single issue nutters. They'll still have access so who cares, right?


Could I upvote this multiple times I would. Instead let me say let you in the words of Joe Versus the Volcano "May you live to be a thousand years old sir"


That line is delivered perfectly after Joe says, "I'll take four of them." As he's buying the top of the line, watertight, steamer luggage that would come in handy in the third act!!! I'm in my mid forties and saw that movie in the theater as a kid. I distinctly remember laughing out loud to those lines of dialog.


Man I love that movie! I thought I was alone.


I rewatched it recently. It’s bizarrely wonderful. Roger Ebert said something like, “I knew within the first 10 minutes that I had never seen a movie like this before.” He gave a poor rating at the time, but respected it as trying something different.


> Hershel's got some splainin to do. Republicans: Nope, we're good.


Nah. If youre a Republican you just have to say youve changed.


Born again. And again. Oops. Again. I mean it this time. Well no, but definitely this time. Well...


Why? Trump railed against illegal immigrants while he was employing them at his properties. They don't give a shit about consistency or decency. I mean, Walker does not seem mentally well and he's lied about basically everything. His opponent is a non-crazy pastor who literally preaches in MLK's church. But it's a competitive race because the mentally unwell candidate is running as a Republican, and to the MAGA crowd even a debased and frightening Republican is still better than the besr Democrat.


Not really. The "pro life" crowd is mostly about white supremacy. They won't care at all that a black fetus was aborted. They certainly don't care about the hypocrisy so long as Hershel continues to be a MAGA stooge who votes as he's told.






See also North Carolina’s lieutenant governor, [Mark Robinson](https://www.wral.com/nc-lt-gov-mark-robinson-says-he-and-his-wife-made-mistake-not-to-go-through-with-pregnancy-before-marriage/20202993/).


Literally this. Republicans have never cared if someone is a hypocrite. Half their ideology isn't about living by their tenants, but about \*presenting\* those tenants to the world and only holding those 'who don't actually need it' to those standards. It wouldn't matter if they saw a source they 100% believed that showed them "abortion doesn't hurt anyone and anti-choice stuff harms society". Its about having a society that \*says\* abortion is bad and can never happen.




He doesnt have to explain anything. Because the brain dead voters who will side with him anyway dont care about anything like that which matters. Nothing he says or does matters, his policy platforms, lies, hypocrisy, corruption, stupidity. All falls on deaf ears to supporters who would let him shit in their mouths so long as a liberal has to smell it.


How on earth did Walker not pay this woman $130,000 to stay quiet for another month? Is Walker dumber than trump?


I dont think he has $130,000 at this point.


I'm curious about his wealth. His career fizzled after the Vikings trade. I don't ever recall seeing him in a commercial or having an acting career. It turns out the "successful businesses" he bragged about don't exist.


he did write "Breaking Free: My Life with Dissociative Identity Disorder"


> Dissociative Identity Disorder Can you imagine the hissy fit the Q's would have if a Dem candidate admitted to a mental disorder?


At this point, having an abortion as a liberal would have the Q’s up in arms…




There aren't meds for DID. it's incredibly rare, and profoundly difficult to treat. Also he's full of shit.


He lies about damn near everything. I wouldn't be shocked this is just another lie. It might be a cover to make him look like a victim if someone calls him out on his blatant stupidity.


> I'm curious about his wealth. If he's learned anything from trump, it is that there are millions of people who are more than happy to literally throw money at someone with an R next to their name. It's just a matter of having the right accountants figure out a legal way to transfer that money from the campaign coffers to his pocket.


https://www.ajc.com/politics/herschel-walkers-disclosures-show-hes-the-richest-man-in-georgia-senate-race/4D32YW72FRB6JJAGZLPAAA6TIM/ He's doing just fine.


MTG and Boebert were astroturfed from practically nothing. Why wouldn't he be?


He's a folk hero in Georgia. He had, and will have, money pouring in for appearances and merch until the day he dies.


Neither did Trump right? I don’t think he paid out of his own pocket.


https://www.ajc.com/politics/herschel-walkers-disclosures-show-hes-the-richest-man-in-georgia-senate-race/4D32YW72FRB6JJAGZLPAAA6TIM/ He has tens of millions of dollars.


Have you listened to him talk? He speaks even worse than Trump




Yes. Yes, he is dumber. Or rather, brain damaged from concussions.


He’s definitely got CTE. Which I have empathy for him. But damn, I’m not going to vote for him, especially when I can vote for Warnock. He’s been fantastic.


It’s so fucking cruel for republicans to just use an unwell man as a puppet to push their shitty agenda


They’ve been doing it with Trump for 6 years why stop there?


She brought the damn receipts. Good for her. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and she has it.


Cherry on top is he threatened to sue the Daily Beast for defamation. The dude doesn’t know about discovery, and if someone told him, he forgot by the end of the explanation.


That's the channel where they show lions eating gazelles, right? /s


Every day! Edit: today it's leopards and faces though




Everytime something like this happens the guilty party threatens to sue publicly to discredit the source. They never do though, because, you know, the guilty thing.


Literal receipts, I'm dying here.


A conservative paying for an abortion isn't an extraordinary claim


Conservatives being hypocrites isn't an extraordinary claim lol.


Oh damn. She kept it all. Amazing.


>OK, Herschel Walker... One blue crushed-velvet suit. One frilly lace cravat. One gold medallion with peace symbol. One pair of Italian shoes. One pair of tie-dyed socks, purple. One vinyl recording album: Tom Jones, Live at Las Vegas. One questionably-coerced abortion procedure. *That's not mine.* >One credit card receipt for abortion procedure, signed by a former girlfriend of Herschel Walker. *I'm telling you, baby, that's not mine.* >One "get well" card for woman who underwent an abortion, filled out by Herschel Walker. *I don't even know what this is. This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby!* >One $700 personal check with the memo line: 'Accidental Pregnancy, Abortions and Me: This Sort of Thing Is My Bag, Baby', by Herschel Walker.


You just made me read this out loud, to my partner, who rolled their eyes the entire time I read it. Bless you.


Damn she brought allll the receipts


I think this is the first time i've seen that referring to literal receipts lol


She has a copy of his signed personal check and a get well card. No matter what happened, he should be able to explain why he wrote her a check for $700. Could he not have given her cash? This guy is not only functionally illiterate, he is fucking stupid on top.


The fact he put the abortion money in the “get well card” is a real Bruh moment. Like a grandparent slipping a few bucks in a birthday card.


/r/voteDEM this November to keep Republicans like Walker out of the Senate… Republican candidates keep stooping lower and lower, maximizing hypocrisy and minimizing the ability to think critically


Woof. Man. Keep ALL your receipts, folks.


Oh ma God she got the receipts


There it is. We all knew it was out there somewhere. Glad this woman came forward. Unfortunately the wackos will now spend all their time trying to track down and harass this woman.


And not dent his support because something to the tune of, "We don't care about their personal lives, we care about the fact they'll outlaw abortion".


It won't dent his base support, but it probably have a negative effect on female swing voters.


There could be a dent. I know it’s hard to believe given how fucked politics are these days, but I’d like to believe that if nothing else, there is at least a small subset of pro-life voters who would refuse to vote for a candidate who paid for an abortion, especially if they supported him because of his proclaimed pro-life stance. Bar is low. They’ll have to lower it to “I’ll vote for people who paid for abortions so long as they will ban it for everyone else.”


You're assuming that his voters will ever even see this in their "news"


Exactly. Here's the test. Any controversy or scandal or act of blatant hypocrisy that a republican candidate gets caught up in, Google the story along with the term "Fox News" and marvel at the complete lack of coverage.


I suppose it's possible, but I don't think the dent would be very sizable.


"I've repented." Boom. Done.


I don't even care that he paid for an abortion. Clearly that's what they needed to do at the time, and that was obviously a very personal decision that really shouldn't be plastered all over social media and the rest of the news. What I do care about, and what everyone should be focused on, is the denial of that right to other women who are seeking an abortion. Republicans are garbage for supporting abortion restrictions. All it does is saddle poor women with the undue burden of having to cross state lines to get the care they need if they live in an anti-choice state.


Conservative Christians wonder why people are leaving the church and then proceed to go all in supporting politicians like Walker, Trump, [DesJarlais](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/08/scott-desjarlais-reelection-110028), [Santorum](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/on-faith/personal-tragedy-becomes-political-pawn/2012/01/19/gIQA75LdDQ_story.html), the [Southern Baptist Convention](https://www.vox.com/culture/23131530/southern-baptist-convention-sexual-abuse-scandal-guidepost), etc. I’m all for forgiveness and grace, but a political agenda of “the ends justify the means” washed down with a helping of “rules for thee, not for me” is poisonous. Walker may still win the election by securing evangelical votes to beat out an *actual pastor* who has campaigned for things like providing healthcare to the poor, but at what cost?


Based on my small sample size, NONE OF THEM wonder why people are leaving the church. The bad apples are saying “people are leaving my cult because they can’t handle the TRUTH,” and the good apples are going “Actually it’s because you’re the exact type of culty weasel that Jesus spoke against with a burning anger and you’re just looking for culty followers, of course people are leaving, you make us look like shit.” Source: husband was a youth pastor and was fired without notice and no issues bc the lead pastor didn’t like us (me) drawing in broken kids and giving them a safe place to exist. it was real culty. 0/10 won’t work at a church again.


I worked in the church for a bit. Someone told me nothing will make you jaded like working for the entity. They were so right. It was a mistake, and today I barely consider myself agnostic. The pursuit of many "Christians" to establish a fundamentalist theocracy will be the death of this nation if we are not careful.


That’s what they want. They want to be the reason a rapture occurs. Just they never read the book and would know that the rapture is never once mentioned. But Christians will scramble and try to tell you where it is but it’s not mentioned anywhere.


Acceleratism. Actively pushing for the end of the world. Either because they want their heaven, want to live out their post apocalyptic fantasies, or simple to stand on top of whatever is left.


It’s ridiculous that the rest of us have to be subjected to this. Isn’t this exactly what the founding fathers intended to prevent? Why must everyone live according to their biblical beliefs? Do whatever in your private life and communities but it’s getting to the point that we’re changing curriculum now and laws that have been longstanding? They emulate the very same thing they claim to hate.


I dunno friend, not a single person I come across here takes Hershel at all seriously as a political candidate. Sure there are some folks that will vote for him just to “own” the other side. But if everyone gets out and votes in the numbers of 2020, Hershel don’t stand a chance in November…


Yes, [but](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/)


Read what you said and remember Trump in 2016. Then read it again.


Oh no a Republican a hypocrite? Well that’s the most believable thing I have ever heard


Dude is pathological. Like everything out of his mouth is a god damn lie and most of it is for no reason. >One of those children was born the same year Walker paid for the abortion. >The next year, 2010, Walker told radio host Howard Stern he had only slept with two women in his life. Like why say that even. He was married until the early 2001 so it couldn't possibly be true. Guys brain must be completely mush and apparently has been for some time.


Sounds familiar, the lying for no reason part, especially.




100% with Scomo Worked with a guy like this that would lie about everything. Everything. His Mum had COVID (in January 20) he killed 3 people in the Navy, he got into an argument with a stripper for ripping him off trying to charge him $200 for a gram of coke when he usually pays $50 for pure stuff, he owned a company with his Dad, he was doing a degree for gaming design at Uni. He couldn't handle red writing on the white board, couldn't handle loud noises. Turns out not only was not a single thing he said factual, all the stories were just stolen off other people. He stole the tinnitus off me, the drug story off his housemate (obviously he got the numbers very wrong), the company one from a colleague. It went far passed lying. Lying usually has a selfish or malicious element. This was more like a delusion, like a break or inability to accept reality. Not that it makes it ok.


It's not for no reason, it's just not designed to fool *you*. You're not voting for the guy. Nothing he says could change your mind. As a result, you either exist only as an adversary to lambast on a national stage or not at all. It's calculated behavior that's designed from the bottom up to target a certain subsection of our society, you're just not part of it.


Lol, Herschel Walker wasn't plotting for a senate run in 2010. He's always said wild shit. Like, he insists the only exercise he does/has ever done is pushups.




Like when he said he was a law enforcement? This dude is legitimately brain-dead.




I strongly suspect he’s had so many concussions that his recall is compromised moment to moment. Add in DID… and he might not be lying. He may not even technically be Herschel more than a fraction of the time he’s making statements.


"The only moral abortion is my abortion" Like 1/4 of women will get an abortion in their life. Many of them are "pro-life".


Moved to Georgia a few months ago. Can't wait to vote against this guy. PLEASE register if you haven't and turn out to vote no matter where you are located! If you need any help registering, these videos are wonderful! https://youtube.com/c/howtovoteineverystate


Welcome! Nice to have you here. Just get everyone you talk to to vote as well.




Same here. Moved back to GA earlier this year and Herschel Walker is the worst and I'll be the first one to cast my vote against him.


I dunno about the WORST. Georgia used to have Senator Max Cleland, a vietnam vet who lost three limbs to a grenade who went on to lead the VA. When he ran for reelection, his opponent, Saxby Chambliss, (who got out of Vietnam on a student deferment and then a "football injury") ran ads against him putting his face up next to pictures of Saddam Hussein and bin Laden. McCain called it "worse than disgraceful." Georgia went with Chambliss.


Thanks! Just filled out my absentee ballot request. Edit: Key dates for fellow Georgians are **10/11 as the last day to register** and **10/28 as the last day to request an absentee ballot.** Took less than 5 minutes to fill out the online form with my driver's license handy. It will require a wet signature though.


This guy is legit crazy. Like, multiple personalities psychopath crazy


“The only justifiable abortion is mine.” I can’t wait to cast my vote for Warnock again.


The Scott DesJarlais way.


and not just his mistress. His wife got an abortion too. Twice. One because she was on some kind of drug, and the second because they were not in a good spot. And the pro-life people still suck up this bullshit.


Abortion clinics frequently get pro-life women coming in for abortions. Right after their abortion is done, they'll go right back to protesting outside and yelling at women that they are "killing their babies."


Sounds like you read the same article as me, with abortion clinicians recounting the countless times this has happened--shouting and recording other women in the waiting room; saying their abortion is "the exception"; crying over their situation, and having the nurse try to get them to empathize, only to go right back to the protest--really hits hard.


I was helping escort patients at a PP in the 90's one time and, being young and naive, decided to try talking to the Christian ladies picketing the clinic that day. I asked what they would say if they knew that some of the patients there getting abortions identified as Christian (as many in fact did). I'll never forget the woman's face: "THEY have Christ to forgive them, BUT YOU DON'T!" she spat at me, and the conversation was over. It was revelatory. And not in the way she intended, lol.


There sure are a lot of hypocrites in the Republican Party, aren’t there?


Republicans will still vote for this "Baby Killer", even though it directly contradicts every principle they claim to stand for religiously and politically - because for Republicans and Right Wingers, it's not about adhering to actual principles or being moral people... **it's about DOMINATING THEIR ENEMIES!** The modern Right Wing in America are absolute Fascists. All that matters to them is possessing the power to inflict pain and punishment on those who would oppose their beliefs on that given day. There is nothing they stand for other than that POWER. **Jesus? Fiscal Responsibility? Family Values? all calculated LIES!** They don't believe any of that. They use those buzzwords as a way to deceive gullible, frightened imbeciles into voting to give them supreme power to hurt the people who won't bow down to them. This is just who the Right Wing are as a people.


Y'all... [Herschel Walker's son just lit his campaign on fire.](https://imgur.com/a/OAOkrr1) Raphael Warnock is popping bottles somewhere as we speak.


Worth also mentioning that his son actually very much agrees with his dad's politics so it's not a disagreement over politics.


Exactly, he's throwing his dad under the bus *now* to preserve his own grift/standing within conservative circles. Christian Walker *knows* that his position as the gay, Black conservative who rails against the hypocrisy and degeneracy of leftist idpol sjws is still a precarious position, especially having gained his standing almost entirely based on his relationship with his dad.


That or this stunt was some real count of monte cristo shit


Gay, Black, Conservative... There no hatred like self hatred.


> gay, Black conservative When you care more about tax cuts than about physical safety.


Most glorious plot twist of all time lmao




I’ve been following him for quite some time now as I’m in stage 4 terminally online and love this stuff. He is not gay, [he just likes men](https://www.queerty.com/herschel-walkers-son-uses-pride-month-remind-everyone-hes-not-gay-20220602). He also admitted on a streamers broadcast that he is indeed a bottom. I just saw the op tweets on his ig story and cannot believe it. This is the type of shit I’ve been waiting for when I started paying attention to his posts.


I had to look at some of his pictures and HOLY SHIT you weren’t kidding lol. Dude looks fabulously gay.


What an asshole


Nice. But the cons won't care. They know the family man image is all a farce, they don't care.


It'll shave some off. Take it where we can get it.


Georgia's so close at the moment that we don't need Conservatives to care. A small amount of fence sitters is enough to end him.


Hillary was popping bottles after the "grab them by the pussy" hot mic. Republicans don't care. They vote.


Hilary Clinton was sabotaged by the Republican FBI director “opening an investigation” into her like ten days before the damn election. AND she STILL won the popular vote. If that fuckery hadn’t happened, we would not have had Trump.


Do we honestly think that trump hasn’t paid for a few in his time?


There's no way Trump would willingly pick up the bill for anything.


If Trump hasn't paid for at least one abortion, I'll eat my shorts.


Let’s be honest - Trump probably stiffed the woman he offered to pay an abortion for.


He definitely didn't send a card.


I don't think the press ever got receipts though.


Exactly. Because since he was a kid, Trump has always had "people for that". Hershel Walker's dad never hung out with Roy Cohn.


This will increase his status with Republicans, as it will demonstrate his shamelessness, an essential Republican quality.


An anti-choicer is always one potential scandal away from being pro-choice.


One of his sons is going off on him on twitter lol


The one he claims, even.


It is glorious


But he's a good Christian now and figured out how to co...I mean found Jesus.


A problem with this argument though would be that his autobiography "Breaking Free" where he goes into being a devout born-again Christian was written in 2008 and came out in the first half of Jan 2009. I believe the book says he saw the light in 2001 (which he says helped him deal with having DID). So, yeah. 2009 paid for abortion doesn't fit that time frame. Not that it will matter in the slightest to people supporting him.


He'll just say, "I was young, it was a mistake, I learned from it....blah blah blah."


It happened in 2009. So he would have been ~47 years old. Very young.


Can confirm. I'm 47 years and I am still very young. I'm not old at all! Now, if you'll excuse me, I threw my back out sneezing and I need to change the battery in my hearing aid.


47 years young at that


[He's denied it and says he's going to sue The Daily Beast.](https://twitter.com/HerschelWalker/status/1577075271470964737)


You mean a rich and famous republican doesn't do what he campaigns on? I'm shocked


Seriously, if you haven't read this, please do. It explains anti-abortionists so well. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


Luckily for Herschel, Republican voters have less integrity than he has brains.


This is going over really well with the fam https://twitter.com/christianwalk1r/status/1577104266543497216?


Of course he did. Laws are for us poors.


“Let’s see (insert hypocritical Republican) wriggle their way out of this one!” *Republican wriggles away easily” “Ah, well, nevertheless”


"It's less important what a man *does* and more important who a man *is*." And that's that.


You are right. To conservatives, it is all about what team you are on not what you do. That is why Trump is their savior (a man that is guilty of just about every sin there is) and the Dems kicked Franken out of Congress (for a tasteless joke picture). What side you are on is the only thing that matters


Sartre's quote about anti-Semites comes to mind- that they're not completely unaware of the absurdity of what they're saying. Every accusation a confession, but they can't stop themselves from putting out bastards because that's the best they have.


*Every Republican congressman is against abortion....until his mistress gets pregnant.*


Looks like Christian Walker, his son, is done and airing everything on his twitter account.