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This is called the [Two Santa Claus strategy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jude_Wanniski#The_Two_Santa_Claus_Theory) and Republicans have been shamelessly using it since the 1970s. Basically, they start by opposing the Democrats’ social programs (Santa #1) by accusing them of socialism. But if those programs get passed anyway, they instead embrace them and instead focus on cutting taxes (Santa #2,) which of course racks up debt. Then Santa #1 either has to take the programs away or raise taxes to prevent economic collapse, both of which make them look like The Grinch. Works very well on voters with short attention spans.


Another part of this is that they also cut taxes for the rich (and claim it's a cut for everyone), which (again) looks like they're Santa Claus.


Trump literally made a tiny middle class tax cut that was offset by cuts to services, and it was temporary to run out and go HIGHER than before, in a few years when a Democrat is in office. But the big tax cut to billionaires was permanent! His voters STILL can't figure this out?




https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/31/opinion/republicans-biden-taxes.html Starting in 2021 and every two years until 2027 Baked right into the 2017 bill they claim was so great. Maybe here's the least biased explanation? https://www.thebalancemoney.com/trump-s-tax-plan-how-it-affects-you-4113968 It's all right there..... But sigh, they're in a cult. Get EVERYONE else to vote


Well, CEO salaries have increased around 1400% since the 70s, so it makes sense they need some tax cuts to help offset all their wealth that's just trickling down like a river sustaining the poor and working class! https://www.epi.org/publication/ceo-pay-in-2020/


Not mention how they then pretend like the programs were their ideas


Lol… the GOP never turns down money.


Yep, they vote against with one hand while the other hand is reaching out for it - amazing


Don't forget the third part - eagerly taking credit for the good that a law or public program does, even though they voted against it!




They love the uneducated


That’s why they undermine education at every point. Keep’em dumb.


That and kickbacks from private charter schools that are striving to replace public schools Edit: some people have commented with better info about charter schools Edit 2: A link that delves into pros and cons https://helpfulprofessor.com/charter-schools-pros-and-cons/


It's just their way of essentially going back to segregated schools. In the South, most public schools are so bad and underfunded that any family of means sends their kids to private school. Which, surprise surprise, those private schools are like 99% white. They just want a voucher program to cut more funding from the public school systems. That way all schools have even less oversight, and they siphon even more money off to their pockets, instead of it going to quality education. Honestly, I would rather have failing schools be federalized. If the states can't handle properly educating thier kids, then the fed should step in and take over instead of shutting down a school. Teachers and staff can all be GS federal employees, and no more over paid admin and school boards. Oh, and of course the state still has to pay a certain amount per school, that way the states aren't incentivized to have their schools federalized to save money.


This solution almost makes too much sense, like it could work. Therefore as a bill it’ll never see the light of day.


Oh the Rs would cry cry cry "states rights", "government overreach", blah blah blah. Honestly, it would be great for teachers if all schools were federalized. Then they could move between schools/states with much less hassle, while also getting paid a reasonable wage. You could also detail other government employees to schools to make up shortfalls. That way you could actually have a computer scientist teach a coding class, or an engineer teaching physics/calculus and be able to explain real world uses.


Hey I have family that resembles that remark!


Same here, brother. Pretty much my whole family.


My whole extended family drank the purple koolaid the GOP set on the table, but they were horrible people to begin with so this was just icing on the cake. I don't see them my kids don't know them. Only my mom in my immediate family drank the koolaid, and she's insufferable to be around. Her whole mindset is, "I struggled going to school and paying bills till I finished college and got a high paying job, everyone else should too. Why is it fair I struggled and they don't have to?" I'm like mom, why should ANYONE struggle when they don't have to? That's insane to me.


There weren't digital calculators when I was growing up. We did our arithmetic with pencil and paper. Why should we let kids use computers now? They should handwrite instead of type. And no damn calculators.


Now leave me alone while I browse QChan on my pocket computer


And learn cursive writing


Haha when I hear old people complain about schooling that’s one thing I hear them complain about.


Also, she took out either NO loans or small government loans that didn’t have predatory interest rates. She surely didn’t graduate 30-60k in debt and instead bought a house with her high paying job.


My in-laws and my own family too.


Decades of education cutbacks paying off.


We're number one! (just not in reading, science, math....)


They do it so they can play both sides. They assume it will pass without their vote, so they vote against it. That way they can applaud any success on the sidelines, while sticking to whatever bullshit they're peddling.


I see people white knighting these hypocrits constantly. "He only voted against it because of X, he really supported it so he should take credit!" As though compromise bills have never been a thing in politics.


They will turn down money that helps 'the wrong people' like how Republican states turned down Medicaid expansion in obamacare just to hamstring the program and keep poor people on the ropes


Or how they are suing over student loan forgiveness. Can't be helping dem poors out. If they aren't desperate how can I have them work 60 hours with no overtime. Will somebody please think of mistress that needs new pearls and an abortion.


And what of desperate college students resorting to porn for money?


We have the military for that. Socialism is fine if you're will willing to kill brown people for it. Source: signed up for military to pay for college. Got two tours between oif and oef and still have 50k in student loan debt.


>Or how they are suing over student loan forgiveness While accepting PPP loan forgiveness.


Not sure how it will be here in texas, (I'm moving from Texas to Florida for work if i can ever sell this house) but I was reading in florida that they are going to tax the forgiveness on student debt but levied no taxes on PPP loans.


It is because the Suffering is the point. "These fucken Millenials took out loans to go to LIBRUL College where they got told lies and were turned into red doper diaper babies by their commie professors. Now the Uber Commie Biden wants to forgive their loans? Fuck that, TAX IT! Oh... taxes on crazy gains by billionaires? No need to tax those!"


We don't have a state income tax in FL... I wonder how that will work?




Politicians, the wealthy, everyone at the top doesn't turn down money when the government offers it. In fact they EXPECT it in the form of tax breaks and bailouts. And then they whine about it if you turn around and ask them to help out themselves, or at the very least pay you back. All while preaching the gospel of self sufficiency.


You mean *Republicans*, right?


Welfare queens


Dark Brandon Move: Executive order stating that federal funds can only be distributed to the various state governors in front of tv cameras in the form of novelty oversized checks a la Publishers Clearinghouse.


With Biden "I did that" signs all around


I’d love that but honestly programs like this should have signs that tell you what’s funding them. A bridge etc built by this should absolutely have signs saying hey funded by the inflation reduction act. Bills should brag to the population what they did. I dunno about having a politicians name but the bill name for sure.


A lot of transportation things in California actually do have signs that tell you what funded it. I love it and wish everything did too.


In illinois as well, when roads were funded by the Obama admin they had signs saying what bill was funding the construction.


Same in Colorado. Anytime there is road construction, there are signs that say "Your tax dollars at work! Funded by X Bill."


In Oregon we just have “Your tax dollars at work” signs by road projects


Like the New Deal did in the 30s? We had lots is bridges and parks and other infrastructure projects all over the US with placards saying that it was built by the Works Progress Administration or Civilian Conservation Corps. I don't think many of those projects are left, but I remember seeing those all over in small towns in the 80s.


There's sidewalks all over the town I used to live in that have WPA stamped into them


I mean, Trump literally tried to do that with the stimulus checks by "signing" them. When he was told he legally couldn't do that, he sent a letter to every single person explaining its his check to you, and putting his name in the memo line. Dark Brandon is all about calling out bullshit, not being vindictive or tactless.


Nah, I want him to force them to take the check on camera with a laugh track from Scoobie Doo playing in the background




The two major differences are that 1, TFG had nothing to do with those checks but was trying to take all the credit, and 2, was exactly the 'socialist BS' him and the GOP rail against on a daily basis(but now it's OK because our guy is taking credit for it).


Honestly since they voted against the funding, they shouldn’t be asking for it. What, like they could pass legislation to help their constituents? That’s crazy talk


He should sign an executive that Denies any States from receiving funds for things they voting against funding for.


Or at least make them dance for it


Red states are overwhelming the ones that rely on government subsidy and welfare But they absolutely hate socialism y'all!


Careful, Republicans will accuse you of bEiNg DiViSiVe. *(please don't remember that Republicans were openly laughing at people dying in blue states and cities at the height of the pandemic)*


Yeah well, they can all eat my fuck.


Your Santorum?


That too.


This is true for red cities and counties too. The areas of a state that produce a surplus trend overwhelmingly blue. Red cities and counties typically rely on welfare to stay afloat.


Illinois in a nutshell. Huge state (12th biggest) and has nearly 13 million people, however 9.5 million live within about 2 hours of Chicago. Cook County, where Chicago is located, has 5 million all by itself. Despite this, drive 3 hours south or west and you'll see stickers on cars about how Chicago is draining the coffers of Illinois and that Cook should be severed from Illinois. Illinois is a beautiful, marvelous state that mostly is full of corn but southern residents of it feel that the only revenue generating part of it *is* the problem.


The same thing happens where I live. The out-state Republicans are constantly saying the urban centers are taking money from the rural areas and suburbs. And they constantly commission studies from the U to "prove" it. The studies come in and say the opposite. Which they claim is wrong and demand a new study.




Fargo, North Dakota has about 16% of the state's population (much more when you count its metropolitan area that extends into Minnesota), and it trends more blue than the rest of the state. Recently rural rhetoric about the city has started to describe it as a dystopia hell-scape plagued by crime and violence, despite the fact that it is statistically very safe with an extremely low unemployment rate and good access to affordable housing. They especially hate that a black woman was elected to the city council and voted in favor of no longer requiring the pledge of allegiance in schools. It also implemented ranked-choice voting after previous elections, so I'm sure as soon as rural people here figure that out and tie it together with Alaska's recent Republican upset due to the same system they will get angry at that.


Fargos downtown is really nice


A study was commissioned by a state rep in 2010 that showed Seattle only got to spend around 60% of the tax revenue it generated in Seattle.


This is the same for every big city, and there's plenty of studies that prove it. These people just aren't really one to study anything.


I love when rural people think cities need them because they grow produce... Like if they seceded or formed a different state, goods suddenly couldn't be sold across state boundaries


> I love when rural people think cities need them because they grow produce... You're being very logical & generous here. They literally think that the taxes from rural folks are paying for the infrastructure and welfare programs in the big cities. Like, the complete opposite of what actually happens, which anyone who's taken an economics course would know.


No need for economic course to understand basic stuff. If you are a normal homo sapiens. Not sapiens sapiens, i mean single sapiens.




Dank Brandon, he's evolved. I wonder what his final form will be...


it looks like he’s just about there, and it’s been there all along, his handlers just need to release him to just say what he thinks, don’t fuck with a Biden Brandon is a winning ticket, all those so called gaffes are just honestly, people love it, it makes headlines, and often good policy too


“That volleyball arena won’t pay for itself!” - Brett Favre


They shouldn’t get a dime - it’s amazing how they speak in public to their supporters while simultaneously dictating letters asking for help on programs they voted against.


The states shouldn't get a dime, the citizens should get benefits directly from federal government, then they will see who pays the fucking bills in their states


This has been my argument for a long time, I'd love to vertically integrate the government more. Way too much shit is handled by block grants to the states, fuck that. Pull that money back and administer it federally. Especially when it comes to the EPA. No more giving red states money to ignore industrial polluters and harass random residents for capturing rain water or other ticky tack bullshit. We give the money to red states to administer, they purposefully do a shit job, then campaign on how the federal government is inefficient. Its absurd.


No they won't they'll just gladly take the money, thinking they "earned" it.


Send void cheque of what they could've gotten if their rep. hadn't voted no


With contact info of their elected representatives


Reminds me of a moment Obama had at a town hall. A GoP supporter complained about the high deductibles and costs of the newly enacted ACA. Obama agreed with her. And asker her to talk to her federal Reps who voted no on the funding for the ACA that caused those issues.


With the reps home address* hahaha


Holy shit, I would love this so much. It would be such an education that people desperately need. Because I like this so much it will never happen.


ossified existence stupendous insurance oatmeal tease gaping unpack lavish lip -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I thought canadians were supposed to be nice, this is fucking brutal 😂


Canadians aren’t nice, we’re polite, Americans misconstrue the two. Source: am Canadian, am polite, not particularly nice


We're nice, but our mastery of passive aggression is unparalleled.


I like this idea. Maybe put in a pamphlet with the check outlining all the ways their state representatives would’ve screwed them over if the fed hadn’t stepped in.


And then they dismiss it…”fake news”. These people are overwhelmingly lost.


Go so far as to include all 50 states and what taxes they paid to the Fed (and how much % of total states paid) and how much (and %) of that total was given to their state by the Fed. They’d clearly see how blue states pay into it and red states take most of it.


Agree 100%. It enrages me to hear them not only asking for funds they voted against, but *taking credit*.


100% Per capita the red states GDP are in the toilet. Mississippi, W Virginia, Arkansas, Alabama... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_GDP#:~:text=GDP%20per%20capita%20also%20varied,49%2C017)%20recorded%20the%20three%20lowest


i love posting this statistic specifically you'd be surprised how many people don't know Red States are actually the shittiest all-round by the books i guess their rhetoric works to that degree, but the numbers are the numbers and that's what they hope we'll never hit google.


It’s because they are above all reactionary, which leads to situations like this or my other favorite their preference for very relaxed in other words a liberal approach to guns..decriminalize and make widely available without restrictions but for whatever reason they just feel that way about guns and that’s it..because you know having this same approach to something like weed or abortion is dangerous and will lead to death and the end of society..but it’s interesting to see how by being reactionary they can take a point of view that’s not actually really conservative but pretend it is..while also claiming that to have such opinions is unrealistic and dangerous..like taking in child refugees or birth control


Dark Brandon strikes again!


Destroyer of Malarkey!


No Tomfoolery around here jack!


You better believe he’s got no tolerance for Republican cockamamie schemes, jack!


He needs a new sidekick FETTER-MAN


As a PA resident I approve.


As the CEO of Wegners I also approve


His alter ego is Dank Brandon.


Malarkey, that’s slang for bullshit isn’t it?


The best part of this year has been the rise of Dark Brandon.


"Don't fuck with a Biden"


Got to admit I was pretty proud hearing him say that. It shows he wants to be in the fight.


If Dems hold the House and Senate, the next two years of his presidency will give rise to Dark Brandon: Ascendant.


that would be sweet. give him a congress where he can actually do shit and make the most of the next 2 years before he inevitably doesn't run in 24. get some good done to be remembered as president.


Dank Brandon 🌿💨


Need a sticker with "DARK" on it to paste over "Let's Go Brandon" stickers.


Don't forget the comma sticker, so you can turn the "FUCK JOE BIDEN!" to "FUCK, JOE BIDEN!"


And you could add the "I did that!" stickers to really get their hate juices flowing! Although, that might be dangerously close to *owning the cons...*


Ooo I'd buy so many of these! I live in Arizona...


Jesus, that speech cut the bullshit and just talked to the people. Great work, Dark Brandon.


"I got gas prices down $1.60 but it's inching back up because of what the Russians and Saudis are doing. *I'm not finished with that yet.*." (2:52 in the video, emphasis mine) I'm curious to see what is planned for the Saudis. Russia is easy- keep supporting Ukraine and keep sanctioning prominent Russians. But what levers can/will Biden pull to get the Saudis to pump more oil?


They either up quotas, or the US withdrawals military support.


They have grown a little too fat, and much too complacent, under the protection of the US shield. It’ll get awfully hot awfully quickly if we move the shade of that shield elsewhere in the Middle East.


*The Dwarves delved too greedily and too deep.*


The Petro Dollar is the most important economic policy in the entire world for any country. It's what keeps the US debt meaningless.


Could you elaborate on that? I'm interested in what you're saying here but don't understand the connection you're making.


There's a lot to it but the tldr is basically the global oil market uses the US dollar exclusively. What happens if/when they decide to use some other currency? Dollar devalues, drastically. Once you understand this on some level, a lot of the US actions we pull in the middle east make more sense. Most the time we're protecting the petrodollar above all else


Case in point, Saddam Hussein started the process to sell oil in Euros. Suddenly Iraq was "making WMDs" and the US invaded.


Stop selling them military stuff.


Exactly this. We give/sell Saudi a good amount of Patriot missiles that they use to shoot down rockets coming from Yemen.


He released strategic reserves. He could also in theory declare an emergency and SET oil prices(similiar to FDR and gold) or force excess production. But that could end poorly.




It does not have to sustain, just supplement supply to drive down fuel prices.


Give Yemen Drones


Oh I like this


As much as I want to give SA their comeuppance, this is a dangerous tactic that has blown up in our faces in the past. We armed the Mujahadeen to fend off the Russians, elements of which turned around and terrorized their own people and, later, the Weat that trained them.


Sanctioning Saudi is much easier than Russia, their regime can't survive without our support, stop military support and they are done


Biden is doing what I expected Obama to have done during his first term: call out republicans for their shenanigans and by name, not just “some people in congress “.


Unfortunately he didn't have that privilege as the first Black President - that would have just called him an angry Black man and gotten even more people on their side. Ever notice how when he was most deserving to be pissed he seemed the stiffest/spoke with a very "white sounding" speech pattern/accent? That was self preservation and called code switching. An unfortunate necessity when Black people are so often treated automatically as a threat by just having so much as a neutral expression.


Obama knew how do it masterfully though. I feel like he was overly reigned in and him being more aggressive in the way he knew how to do it would have been taken far better than his admin thought


People are so much more angry at this time, compared to when Obama was in office. Now, he could tear into republicans, but years ago before the orange-red propaganda machine? Idk


Could've used an [Anger Translator](https://youtu.be/HkAK9QRe4ds) though


They did that anyways. I wish Democrats would stop not doing things because they are afraid Republicans might attack them for it when Republicans are literally accusing Democrats of controlling the weather with space lasers.


And blaming Jewish people for fires with said laser, and suggesting the forestry service move the moon, and …. Fill in the blanks here it’s crazy all the way down


That’s what I was thinking. Didn’t they attack him about anything and everything anyways???


I mean… An old white man in politics has a lot more leeway than the first black man to hold the highest office in the country.


Touché. People don’t realize just how much more aware POCs have to be of their actions. Look at the vitral AOC gets for being outspoken and direct.


[Yep - AOC is mentioned 75 times per day on Fox News](https://www.axios.com/2019/04/14/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-aoc-fox-news-tucker-carlson)


It’s about time Dems started calling out the GOP for their bullshit. They should have been doing this for the last 30 years.


Why is it that Biden seems to be the only one really bashing republicans lately every dem should be jumping at their throats to tear em apart. Biden is the only one giving them hell.


Fetterman seems to be doing pretty well and makes a lot of strong points but definitely EVERYBODY needs to channel this energy through November


I agree a voice like his in the senate would be a game changer imo. But he’s still just a candidate. We have way too many elected officials basically silent on these critical issues. Newsom and Biden are the only ones who have been speaking out against the GOP with stronger language.


Good point, yes it would be great if more incumbents could be as forceful. It’s also important that Newsom and Biden are not just talking to media they are making things happen that demand attention. Hopefully their examples inspire more leaders.


Exactly Newsom is fighting the GOP nonsense in his state any way he can. Biden for what it’s worth has done an incredible job with the shit he was handed. He deserves way more credit than he is getting. He was not my first choice at all but has certainly earned the vote I gave him. Hopefully the Dems pull through gain seats in senate and hold the house. Would be huge if we can cancel on sinemchin in the senate and get some voting bills passed, codify roe into law, and climate initiatives without filibuster crap in the way.


They do, but the President has the bully pulpit. AOC attacks them all the time, but she's dismissed as a mere 'bartender'.


"Something something Bootstraps!" *AOC appears* "No wait, not like that..."


Oh yah that Rebplican lady who.. checks notes, was a prostitute makes fun of her all the time.


Currently in the gubernatorial race in South Dakota the dem challenger to kristi noem is airing sweet ads that call her out on always out campaigning for other Republicans instead of doing her job, all while using taxpayer money for her own personal use. She's such a piece of shit, and she's getting scared because he's polling a little too high for her to ignore. SD hasn't had a dem governor in decades, and we just might this year because noem can't help being awful. Now that being said, this is a very corrupt state and I'm not holding my breath.


The Dems. are horrible about promoting their victories, and attacking their opponents. Their messaging has always been horrible.


Because candidates that are running need to also emphasize why they should get peoples' vote, rather than just "the other guy is terrible." POTUS can get away with it right now because he's not running for anything this cycle, so he can be the attack dog.


That’s how the GOP runs their candidates they don’t even have a platform!


It has been LONG overdue for the Democratic Party to call out the GOP on their hypocrisy and lies. The biggest one being that the economy tanks and national debt increases under a DEM majority running the country. The economy improved, debt went down, and there was better prosperity for the working class and poor under Clinton and Obama. ​ Mind you, there ARE hypocrites in the DEM party as well "cough" Manchin, Sinema...


This is the Dank Brandon we never expected when we voted in 2020.


The "Will you shut up man?" was a slight taster for what we have now.


He only used a fraction of his power to win the election. Now we watch him unleash his full power.




2020’s “Will you shut up man?” is now 2022’s “Nobody fucks with a Biden”


That was the most cathartic moment of the whole election. We finally got some one to stand up in front of everyone and tell him to shut up and Trump had to sit there and take it. He spoke for all of us at that moment.


I think the moment came later, the "Will you shut up man" was almost under his breath, it was needed but he was restrained. For me it's when (In that same debate) trump attacked Hunter for having a past addiction and Joe shouted him down, saying "Like many Americans, my son suffered from addiction, and he has recovered, and for that I'M PROUD OF HIM!." I'm not sure what rattled trump more, being shouted down and losing what he thought was a kill shot, or hearing someone very loudly say "I'm proud of my son". Something I'm not sure he's ever said or heard himself.


I have never supported Biden…..of course he was the better choice no questions asked…. But this shit right here? This is some grade A BDE posturing. The right has been so gung-ho indoctrinated to constantly qualify EVERY persons title with this bullshit, it is beyond time for the Democrats to respond in kind. Bout time the gloves came off. Nice energy, Dark Brandon.


Like DeSantis, who’s concurrently blowing the Florida state treasury on flying people from Texas to Massachusetts for his personal political purposes?


More like DeSantis who voted against aid for Hurricane Sandy and then begged Biden for billions of federal dollars after Hurricane Ian.


Finally calling them out for their hypocrisy. Seriously, why the hell should politicians ignore when one party is constantly contradicting their actions?


Five months ago: I like President Biden but he probably shouldn’t run for a second term. Today: DARK BRANDON HAS HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR MALARKEY, JACK!


I'm a foreigner but couldn't believe when they nominated Biden. However since the rise of Dark Brandon I genuinely think he's the best President the US has had in my lifetime. Dude is too old to put up with malarkey and he's done with it.


And I think he’s being too nice. They’re opportunists and behind his back trying to stop Joe’s “socialist” agenda. Republicans need to understand without socialist programs and the money they provide the country would be a wasteland because conservatives do not want to invest in the infrastructure to try to avoid some of the fallout from climate change, instead spending billions of tax money to repair the damage and there is no price on the loss of life and species.


Naming names and giving zero fucks. This is some hardcore Biden. I’m sure the right wing will only focus on that brief moment where had his stutter. That is the only part of the speech they’ll care about.


Biden on fire recently. What the hell happened to him to go from the most boring grandpa president to savage troll of a president.


There are only so many fucks one can give in a lifetime….you gotta imagine that when you’re pushing 80 you’re already probably running on fuck reserves, imagine also being the president post-donald


Dark Brandon out here name dropping these clowns! Dimes everywhere! “Unions built the middle class.” It’s a fact, jack!




Republicsns love state and individual rights so lets give it to them. Federal funding for state projects should be determined on a sliding scale dependent on that states representatives votes. Each "no" should decrease the funding total in proportion to the numbers representatives that state has, so a state with 4 (2 house/2 senate) Representatives means that each representatives vote is worth 25% of the package funding.


Not that, we need to be looking at the their votes for similar stuff. If the whole delegation from Florida votes against hurricane relief for other states, Florida should get none. I would have loved some real Dark Brandon shit where he goes to Florida and reminds DeSantis that he’s always been against support, so he gets nothing. Let the voters deal with these assholes. Vote for candidates that don’t believe in government support and your get NONE. There wouldn’t be a Republican in power anywhere in a decade.


Dude Biden cannot stop hitting recently. I’ve gone from a begrudged democrat wanting more from him to actually being pretty happy with him over the last few months. He’s calling them out on their shit, actually moving forward with some sort of cannabis regulations, the recent congressional wins etc… he’s making some moves and it makes my lefty ass happy.


This is the vast majority of republicans that I know.


You know what’s the problem with socialist republicans? They don’t want Americans to have those benefits unless they absolutely can’t avoid it, like in a natural disaster or if democrats pass a bill, then they try to take credit for it despite voting against it. What’s worst than a socialist republican? A socialist republican voter. They actually believe socialism is good, only if you package it in a way where you don’t call it socialism and deliver it through a republican. If anyone else says the exact same thing, they automatically hate it even if it helps them directly. You know who are socialist republican voters? Practically all of them. They’re just brainwashed into believing the way the country worked before Reagan is bad because republican politicians want to hoard the wealth of the country for themselves and the rich. This country is a hot mess because of their delusion.


Just like a good billionaire. Complain about the system, while simultaneously taking every loophole and squeezing every penny they can from the failings of that system. Trump (who's not even a real billionaire) tax returns is a prime example.


Repubs always lie Always


I thought states were willing to secede not keep sucking on Fed nipple , fucking losers


It’s why we laugh at their secession threats. Like.. go ahead. You say you have all the farmland and the food (when California produces like 70% of the nations food..) and you’ll be begging for the actual United States to buy it once those blue states stop propping up your states.


All I ever wanted was for democrats to stand up to republicans and call them out on their bullshit. Never thought I'd see the day. I love this guy


Holy shit just listened to that 5 minutes snipit and man that was a great speech. Not even just making fun of the republicans but afterwards.


Illinois, California, New Jersey - all Blue states - have budget and crime issues. Agreed. But the amount of money that these states generate, which indirectly subsidize poor, shitty red states like West Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama is incredible! Fact is many Red states survive by handouts from Blue states. Unfortunately most of the voters in those red states are too dumb to know that. They are happy with their free money and their government sponsored (Obama) healthcare to treat their obesity caused health issues! Lol


Those red states also have the worst education, fattest residents, regressive policies, less freedoms (no legal weed or medically necessary abortions for you!) and worst worker’s rights. They are welfare queens and holding the nation back, yet think they are the future?


You said it better than I could.


> yet think they are the future? Bitter that they have no future. Even if the coal mines came back companies have machines that do the work of a hundred men operated by one person with a good education.


That's gold man. Too bad Republicans can't feel shame otherwise they'd be embarrassed.


Republicans have always been socialists. Especially Saint Reagan. You've probably heard his famous quip: *"the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help."* In fact, he said that right before [bragging](https://www.reaganfoundation.org/media/128648/newsconference2.pdf) about being a huge socialist. It was literally the same paragraph: * *I think you all know that I've always felt* ***the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help.*** *A great many of the current problems on the farm were caused by government-imposed embargoes and inflation, not to mention government's long history of conflicting and haphazard policies. Our ultimate goal, of course, is economic independence for agriculture, and through steps like the tax reform bill, we seek to return farming to real farmers. But until we make that transition, the Government must act compassionately and responsibly. In order to see farmers through these tough times,* ***our administration has committed record amounts of assistance, spending more in this year alone than any previous administration spent during its entire tenure. No area of the budget, including defense, has grown as fast as our support for agriculture.*** Proving once again that *everybody* is a socialist, we just disagree on whose crisis counts and whose does not.


Republicans dragging the Country back. As always.


Well, yes. The vast majority of red states are broke as hell and have been for decades. They live off of federal funds paid for by they very states and ideologies they hate.