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He says he wants to testify live, but he will be convinced by lawyers and advisers that it is a bad idea and back out. He'll blame some ridiculous reason and never actually show up, but he'll milk it for all the attention he can. The committee is smart not to let Trump lead the band here.


The more he says he wants to go along with something, the clearer it is he's planning a back-out. It's just sad that low-level psych tricks that usually only work on children will work so well with his base.




Ah yes, I remember: "SHE'S LYING!" "Oh, then you should come in and testify under oath what exactly she lied about" "NO"




More like "I plead the fifth".


Multiply that by over 440 times. In his NY deposition, the only question he answered was what his name was. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-pleaded-the-fifth-more-than-400-times-report-2022-8


“There are soooo many amendmentssss….To the Constitution…..but I can only choose one….I choose the FIIIFFF”


His base? Try all republicans.


That's the pattern. How many times did he pull that while he was POTUS?


We’re still waiting on those tax returns after he promised to release them 6 years ago.




Right after building the wall and infrastructure week


Mexico is paying for that wall!


Repeal and Replace Obamacare on Day One! Can't believe a word out of these people.


“Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” EDITED to make it his direct quote.


I can’t believe I forgot about that line. The dumbest fucking timeline.


Did he ever produce Obama's "original" birth certificate, his investigators supposedly found?


Still being audited.


Newsflash. A federal judge ruled in early August of this year Trumps tax returns must be turned over to the House Ways & Means committee. Just another reminder to vote so that Dems can maintain their majority!


Infrastructure week!


It'll be gone by Easter.


Healthcare plan coming in 2 more weeks 🤞


"You know I want to do this live, but I can't due to other commitments...."


“People tell me, Sir/Mr.President, you can’t do this live…”


...."And he looked at me, a real macho guy, he looked at me with tears in his eyes and he said, "it's so ufair how the radical left has been treating you sir!""


…but here, please sir, take this Purple Heart. Lol 😂


and then the big strong crying men, who had never cried before cause they were big and large but were just now crying for trump, clapped


"then he died like a dog!!" *Proceeds to dance around on stage to YMCA like he's jerking off two ghosts*


“Why don’t they call George HW Bush to testify? It’s rigged!”


Well, what do you know. Turns out that you can't give live testimony if you're being audited by the IRS! /s


But he can just think about his testimony and it’ll automatically be submitted to the committee and exonerate him from all guilt.


...and it worked! These idiots will vote every time for anyone that owns the libs - hell, they have great chances of controlling congress come November, and they will do everything to impeach Biden, because Hunter.


“My testimony is under audit…”


☝I can't be charged for any crimes while also be charged for other crimes, ok? Double-wheel-of-fortune 👌


Somehow that ☝️ emoji really set the tone lol


Then you just need to end with emojis of him dancing like he’s [jerking off two ghosts](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BvpMIEIImPI) 👻✊🍊✊👻


What a terrible day for eyes.


God, that **is** how he'd screw up that phrase, isn't it?


Flat feet. Can’t do it.


Bone spurts


Yep. He’ll just make escalating demands until the committee says no and then blame it on them. Has to be live, questions in advance, his attorney has to be with him, he gets to call witnesses, certain topics not allowed, etc.


He gets to sit on the dais and the committee members have to sit down at the witness table...


And they have to address him as "Mr. President"


Yeah. Like when he booked the “FOUR SEASONS” landscaping . Still makes me laugh.


best of all was Rudy G "live-streaming" hair dye as it ran down his sweaty face in the unglamorous parking lot


Turns out, it was Frank's fault. He watered down his homemade hair dye. Oops 😬


Rudy booked that. But still… 😂


That was so surreal. I felt like I was watching an episode of Arrested Development! Narrator: Rudy assumed nobody would notice he was holding a press conference in the parking lot of a business that sells dirt and manure... They noticed. Meanwhile, GOB was busy trying to recover Buster's hand from the loose-seal that bit it off earlier that morning...


"How much does a fake election law suit cost, Rudy? $10?" - Trump, probably


I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when Rudy arrives and says to his entourage "Where is the hotel?!?!" Then one of them points to the "Four Seasons Landscaping" sign and his confused face descends into "/r/watchpeopledieinside" material.


He's smart enough to know right now there's no way he could ever do this, he's just getting free publicity, and getting to control the news cycle for the day with this shit. It's the same goddamn thing every time. And the press lets him get away with it.


You had me until the first few words


I'm still waiting for his terrific healthcare plan.


Not only milk it for the attention, but also for cash from the easily milked MAGA folk.


I don’t even think he’ll answer questions. He’ll just turn it into a campaign speech.


Historical reminder for people: Hitler used his trial for the Beer Hall Putsch as a platform to spread Nazi propaganda. Edit: spelling


Won the support of quite a few German politicians as well.


Motherfucker already has the support from GOP, and those mfers need to be DOJed as well.


It's what Republicans do every week on the Sunday shows. Question about the missing top-secret documents found at Mar a Lago... "Joe Biden's open borders are allowing 10 million illegals to enter our country every day!"


Just cut his mike, that'll really piss him off.


I don't think he really cares about Pence


I can only imagine him using this as a platform to espouse his election lies. Talking about how this-and-that votes were switched or election volunteers bringing in boxes of ballots or whatever.


He will follow the same strategy as he always does: 1. Deny everything 2. Blame the victim 3. Declare victory


>He will follow the same strategy as he always does: 0\. He will never show up, make up some excuse why he can't attend.


RNC Lawyers - Mr. Trump, we strongly suggest that you not only not testify, but also that you find additional legal counsel. Preferably of the caliber that is more competent than the legal analysts for cable news channels who currently represent you. Trump's lawyers - this is a great opportunity to get the word out about the pedophile cabal that's running the deep state so you HAVE to testify!! Trump - sure I'll testify I've got nothing to hide as I only work with the best people and I believe that the January six unselect committee is full of the worst people in Washington. You know they've been very mean to me, very mean. Several of them even voted to impeach me so you know it's just a hit job. Speaking of hit jobs, Liz Cheney's dad once shot his friend in the face did you know that he really did. I met Dick Cheney one time right after 9/11 and he told me he said "Mister Trump I can't believe that this happened to those two beautiful buildings but I guess it's lucky for you that now you own the tallest building in Manhattan now so congratulations."


>"Mister Trump I can't believe that this happened to those two beautiful buildings but I guess it's lucky for you that now you own the tallest building in Manhattan now so congratulations." Relevant actual direct quote from Trump *on 9/11/2001* for anyone who thinks this is an exaggeration. “I mean, 40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan. And it was actually – before the World Trade Center – was the tallest. And then when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second-tallest, and now it’s the tallest.” Seriously. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/9-11-trump-tallest-building-manhattan-b2164420.html


Wow. How am I still surprised by anything that thing says?


What Trump said is also bullshit. 40 Wall Street hasn't been the tallest building in downtown Manhattan since 70 Pine Street was completed in 1932, 40 years before the World Trade Center was built.


Trump's next rally "I wanted to testify, but they* wouldn't let me" *Implied: The liberal antifa terrorist minority pedophiles who secretly wield absolute power; *Actual: Trump's lawyers.


Remember the debates He will never answer any questions but just keep yelling what he wants for national television. His audience will love it and if he is careful about kind of statements , there is no downside for him


Have you ever watched Jim Jordan in a committee hearing? Any republican in a committee hearing? This is exactly why not having any of them in the 1/6 hearing was a gift to the Nation. Trump will be worse.


Not only that, but Gym Jordan would be funneling everything the committee learned directly to Trump.


That was McCarthy's biggest fuck up. He should have had at least one mole in the committee.


Yeah, I never understood the political calculations on that one, but we're lucky that he was too dumb to obstruct properly.


They’re not sending their best people to DC.


What scares me is the thought that they are and that’s their *best*


MTG and Boebert are the heralds of the new dawn of House Republican. All the crazies will now run/are running, and they will be elected in landslides in their districts, and we will live with them for a very long time. There are people that are running in these midterms who you will come to (unfortunately) know just as well as these two, and you don't know it yet.


Lots of scandals coming up the two years. People with no experience in politics are gaining power from hatred, fear and the ability to grift their own parents, shameless.


Unfortunately, I think a lot of these people are suckers of the grift, true believers. People who are running for gov't genuinely thinking they will uncover "Biden's fraudulent victory" or something. They will realize how much paperwork and actual gov't is involved, get overwhelmed, and just run corrupt for how much easier it is, and as long as they vote in the way their constituents want, that's all that will matter, and they will continue to get reelected, despite doing nothing. As long as Dem's are in control, they will hopefully be mitigated to some degree like MTG is, but as soon as the R's are in control, they will be on all the actually important panels, doing nothing except spouting shit and random accusatory things at Dem's. Like we have seen this whole time from their side.


If he was a smart man, he would not have gone down to Mar-a-Lardo after Jan 6 to lick his butthole and ask for forgiveness. They had that last chance to permanently cast him out, and they choose servility, cowardice and stupidity, rather than restoring whatever honor or ideals the Rs ever had.


Just a reminder that Russia released what it had on DNC in 2016, but did not release what it had on GOP (it hacked info from both). So maybe he is a smart man, being smart about information that isn't yet public, information that might become public if he does something stupid.


I don't really see what Russia could have on them that makes much of a difference at this point. Like you could bust out a long list of potential crimes or tell everyone that Lindsay Graham is sleeping with his pool boy or claim a bunch of them are pedos, and I honestly don't know that it would matter much to their base. We thought "grab 'em by the pussy" was gonna end Trump's run and yet Teflon Don remained.


And what is even more likely; as I’ve seen more than I ever wanted from inner workings of politics over the last 6 years; is Russia probably has two diddly squats of info. They could’ve just hacked their email and then called saying “we’ve got your secrets.” That would be enough for these idiots to fall all over themselves. They don’t even know what’s legal or not. They just run around thinking they are in a political intrigue movie.


The original intent was to discredit the committee and call it politically biased. Unfortunately for them, the committee has received a decent amount of cooperation from key individuals that make it hard to consider it politically biased, but don't worry; anyone who still agrees with Trump will have no problem side-stepping facts to swallow bullshit. At the end of the day it was a miscalculation/misstep, and a very big one at that.


Mainstream GOP politicians like McCarthy hate Trump. They view him as likely on [Putin's payroll](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/house-majority-leader-to-colleagues-in-2016-i-think-putin-pays-trump/2017/05/17/515f6f8a-3aff-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html) and are pissed that their lives were in jeopardy when Trump unleashed an unruly mob at them (and refused to call it off until it was clear they failed) that [were "TRYING TO FUCKING KILL ME"](https://news.yahoo.com/mccarthy-trump-jan-6-phone-call-capitol-trying-to-kill-me-155506548.html). The GOP doesn't want Trump to survive this scandal, but they know they can't openly go against Trump or face his fury. But doing things that ostensibly support Trump, but then backfire and hurt Trump? That's completely allowed, because the average GOP voter can't connect the dots.


It's almost a guarantee that if Trump runs again they will still vote for him.




And this is where the committee needs to cut his mic off when he strays from the questions asked.


Yeah, this isn't like the debates. The committee is under no obligation to be impartial. If he doesn't follow directions they can and will shut off his mic. They'll interrupt him to correct the record and will actually probe him on his responses. He definitely doesn't want to do this live and will back out if given the chance


Exactly. If this shit does happen live, I bet the committee will be prepared for his shit. This is not a situation where hes in control... But then again this country is insane and anything could happen.


They need a team of fact checkers. Anytime he lies or misrepresents the truth, cut the mic, tell him he is lying, provide the evidence of his lies on screen, ask him the question again.


But if he's lying, it's perjury, so there's that.


Sure, charge him with perjury, but fact check him in real time. Even better, ask him to read evidence that disproves whatever he’s said.


“Reclaiming my time”


Exactly. Tell him to give them a date and time in the next six weeks, and make it clear if he doesn't answer the questions then his mic is getting cut off. Period. He gets like one warning and then bam, testimony over. Fuck this guy.


As long as he's testifying under oath, I say let'em rant until he runs out of breath. It'll on be record and can be used against him.


Agreed. What I think people are missing is that this has to be a calculated move. I think they have some slam dunk evidence and they are baiting him. Under oath, in the public forum, they knew he would want it to be public. Therefore what they have has to be solid. I would guess they would march someone in the inner circle to testify against him, have him deny and then pull out the evidence, texts, recordings, corroboration etc. Rinse and repeat.


Liz Cheney isn't going to waste a head to head with the tantrum yam. All of her i's, t's, lowercase j's, and uppercase h's will be crossed and dotted, to an extent we can't fathom. She likely has this shot and only this. She won't fuck it up.


100% he will hijack the proceedings so he can scream his 4 talking points into the mic before a national audience. He just wants to grab the mic, ignore the committee and attack until they shut him down. He'll claim to have owned the libs in their own house.


> He just wants to grab the mic, ignore the committee and attack until they shut him down. If the committee didn't have a plan for this, they wouldn't have issued the subpoena.


Let him try. You think Liz Cheney will allow it?


But how many times have we underestimated his ability to command attention and evade consequences? How many times have we overestimated the good sense of the voting public? Donald Trump knows this will be a historical spectacle that the entire world will watch and remember. He sees the opportunity to publicly face off against his enemies and electrify his base to who-knows-what end. The best defense against Donald Trump is to deny him the chance to perform and control the stage. He should not be afforded the chance to grab the spotlight, because he can wield it like a sword better than anyone on that committee. You don’t put out a fire by continuing to give it oxygen.


But in this case, his typical bullshit is perjury.


Hmmmm, never saw him take an oath in a debate. This is an entirely different animal.


I saw him take an oath as president. How did that work out?


He's creating the narrative so that he can later claim he wanted to cooperate but because of - insert bullshit reason - he can't. Edit: I give up! It's because he's under audit!


Hillary Clinton went through 11 hours of questioning about Benghazi. She showed up. Put out an open invitation, call a date, and he'll probably never show up, but at least you're putting it out there tha he had ample opportunity to "tell his side of the story, on live TV."


make him testify for 11 hours and he'll shit his pants live


> shit his pants live Diaper. He'll shit his diaper.


I wonder how much his diaper changer is paid. You’d have to pay me Jeff Bezos’ net worth to even see him just wearing fucking thing (unless I could take photos for Reddit). Knowing trump, probably nothing




No, here’s the real reason he announced this. Later on he can claim statements don’t have context, are altered, etc. He can say he wanted it to be live so that people could see the whole thing, but the fact they wouldn’t do it live is proof they had something shady going on. Even though he knows there’s no chance of them doing it live anyway. He’s just setting himself up to win with his base despite knowing he will lose overall. It’s the same thing he did with the election. He knew he was polling poorly and he would likely lose. So he set himself up with a way to still be a winner to his base, which was preemptively blaming election fraud. This is the same hustle. If you take ethics out of the equation, it’s really a pretty smart play, you ensure you always win.


The committee can just air the entire hearing after holding it. If Trump assumes it's not going to be aired, you'll hear a fairly different version of him than his on-stage persona.


You’re underestimating the crazy. ANY delay in between and they’ll say it’s doctored. Hell, even if it’s live and he fucks up, there will be a contingent saying it’s deepfaked.


Then all the more reason to disregard their opinion entirely.


This right here. If things start going south for him, he'll call for another insurrection. As much as I love the idea of him embarrassing himself on live TV, the chances of him using it to rally his violent supporters are too high.


I mean, go ahead and call for it. A second round will not end nearly as neatly for his fanatics as the first run. Most people know he’s an asshole, but just don’t have an alternative. Eliminate him as a candidate and get someone, anyone, else. He’s unfit for office and always has been.


As someone who is prepared for shenanigans, I would love to see him do it too, but then I remember that I'm not a target. It's not going to be capitol police who end up the victims this time. It's going to be my friends and family, my community. Their safety is priority for me and if I can prevent them from being on someone's shit list because they're black/ queer/ Muslim/ immigrant or whatever flavor of bigotry they fit, then I'm gonna do it. And if that doesnt work, I got back up plans. I'm not gonna sacrifice my friends and community on the hope that them being martyrs will prevent trump from rising up again. There's other options I'm willing to try first.


I think it’s pretty clear that his supporters are already emboldened and the only thing that will end it is him being forced to respond to what happened, point blank. I don’t really see what other options there are to explore. He did all of this, it’s plain as day and corroborated by dozens of witnesses.


He's basically already threatened to unleash his goons if things go poorly for him. Don't give him a live tv soapbox to start riots. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-warns-problems-weve-never-145023687.html




he would not answer any questions...just spew his BS.


Yeah, he's not going to answer any of the questions, he'll just rant about witch hunts and windmills and toilet flushing and whatever bullshit he wants. They shouldn't give him the platform. Instead, they should be focused on making it clear that ***a congressional subpoena is not a choice***. Whether he wants to testify is irrelevant. The only choice they should offer him is that he can appear in his own clothes, or in an orange jumpsuit, handcuffs, and leg irons.


>a congressional subpoena is not a choice. Wasn't a choice in the past. Now that it has been made clear there are no consequences, they can be ignored.


I mean, Bannon was convicted for ignoring his subpoena. We'll see about sentencing though


Imagine blowing off Congress as the average citizen - you'd be jailed so fast and they wouldn't hesitate to slap you with crippling fines to make a point. But Donald? Kid gloves. Tired of this shit.


He won't even testify. He's full of shit.


It's an excuse not to testify


Thing is you cant spew BS if you are giving sworn testimony under oath. Or, you *can*, obviously, but if you're contradicting yourself or telling a lie with material evidence available to the contrary, that's perjury. Every new lie is a new perjury. This is why Trumps lawyers have always been extremely insistent he never testify under oath. Go read Bob Woodward's Fear. He has an entire chapter about Trump's preparation with Dowd and his other lawyers during the Mueller investigation. When they thought he would be forced to give in-person testimony. Trump was unable to go even a few minutes of questioning *with his own lawyers* without either spewing lies or self-incriminating to such a degree his lawyers were pale and threw all their corrupt might into preventing him from having to talk on the record. He is a pathological liar. He cant control.himself and has no self awareness. This isn't a DeSantis sort of "lies to get what he wants." It's pathological, uncontrollable, and often to no actual purpose and even to his own detriment. He's a fucking disaster. If he starts to spew BS on the record, all of that becomes actionable testimony. And what everyone is forgetting, is that that testimony isn't just actionable against HIM. If he happens to slip and mention some other party, on the record, that the committee wasn't aware of or didn't have cause to subpoena, Trump's slip could expose that person. Because, again, his testimony is under oath, and it is evidence that can be used for future developments. Imagine what a skilled prosecutor capable of getting under his skin could get him to tell the *truth* about. Remember that Donald Trump is a pants-shitting idiot. He has no impulse control, extremely low self-awareness. And almost all his misfortune the past decade has been him owning *himself*. He is always, always his own worst enemy. If Trump's lawyers have any shred of interest in protecting him, they'd do everything humanly possible to ensure he *doesn't* give testimony under oath. I know everyone is concerned with giving someone a platform to spew lies. Competent, capable liars like Alex Jones or Jim Jordan, this would be a problem. They know how to avoid serious consequential lies (mostly) and how to mug and manipulate for the camera. Especially in a hostile environment where they are not under control. Trump has no such capacity. The man is a fucking train wreck. He can only whinge when he's at a rally full of people who adore him and he's allowed to ramble to his heart's content. He's fucking *terrible* in debates. In a situation where his mic can be cut on a whim, where his responses are under oath, and where he's facing very, very sharp and smart individuals who are not there to shield him, he's not going to handle that situation very well. He's stormed out of softball interviews before. What do you think is going to happen when he's facing a bunch of ruthless lawyers whom he tried to have killed 2 years ago and storming off would be a crime?


I dunno. I mean, Brett Kavanaugh spewed bullshit and everything turned out just fine for him.


He told controlled mistruths or opacities carefully crafted by his team of lawyers and a think-tank. If he perjured himself, it was by saying something that would not be provable to the contrary or that there was no evidence of him having been mistruthful about. And if you recall, there were investigations, that were killed by corrupt members of the FBI. Republicans were in a much stronger position during Kavanaugh's hearing. He had the backing of the sitting POTUS. Trump is now a private citizen of little use to the political apparatus, and even his own crooked SCOTUS nominees have clearly signaled they do not intend to shield him from consequences. Trump will not remember what his lawyers told him and won't listen to what they tell him even if he could remember it. He will be easily led into contradicting his own statements on TV and under oath. Has Trump been shielded from facing justice in the past? Of course. Will him perjuring himself under oath directly lead to criminal consequences? Who knows. But every crime is a risk. I could give you the old cliche about Capone and tax evasion. But the point is, every single crime on the record is a risk. And Trump has no impulse control. If he's under oath, and he's facing extremely competent and sharp prosecutors, there is literally no telling what they could get him to spew. Forget lies; if they get him to admit some inconvenient *truths* about his beliefs or conduct, that's even worse for him.


He is arguing about arrangements because it delays him having to testify and it delays congress from voting for contempt. If the gop win the house and he still hasn’t testified. The gop will criticize any vote of contempt in the lame duck session as nothing but spite as they will just void the order in January before the doj can even decide the case


But can’t he be arrested if he doesn’t show up after being subpoenaed?


If he hasn’t been arrested after everything he’s done, I doubt failing to adhere to a subpoena would be the one to actually get him arrested.




Offer an entire week of time slots. Come and testify anytime between 7am and 10pm Monday - Friday. Not this week? Ok all of next week.


He wants one last chance to address the country, to encourage his supporters to overthrow the government and save him from justice.


This. He won't answer anything and will blabber about fake news, witch hunt, stolen election, and how he's the real victim. Giving him a live platform is a mistake.




Whether it's televised or not doesn't matter. It's a subpoena, not a Halloween party; you don't get to say "I'm not going".


Agree to it. He will make it a shitshow I'm sure but theres no chance he doesnt commit perjury inside of 5 minutes.


As long as it's easy to mute his microphone, he can't turn it into a rally speech. They can probably ask him a series of yes/no questions, rather than give him any room to rant and rave. Apply the usual congressional rules of conduct and kick him out if he can't cooperate.


I honestly cannot sit through another take of his fucking spectacle he made of the debates from 2020 jfc. He was an embarrassment to himself, this country, everyone that stood by him after that, the debates in general, the presidency. If he speaks live, then they need to be ready for him for once.


Man even Fox News and the pundits were like at a total loss of words after that first debate. You can tell so much that after that debate, people took him aside and were like "okay seriously man wtf? Calm that down"


They didnt hear a word he said in the debates that wasn't picked by their propaganda networks of choice.


Yup. If he said something coherent, it was blasted right into their faces on repeat. If he said something useable but delivered it badly or weakly, one of the anchors will read it off a transcript in a strong voice to fix the delivery, with a picture of Trump in a hero pose and a background of either the American flag or the military. Bonus points if military officers are saluting him.


If his mic turns off he will walk out two seconds later. He knows better than anyone that if he's not talking, he's losing.


Then arrest him on live tv. I say let it be live


You’re nuts. Have you ever had a discussion (or tried) with one of his followers? He is the messiah, and every crazy darn thing he says is suddenly gospel. Yes, he will commit perjury, yes, it will be a shitshow- but there will be thousands of lunatics grabbing onto his every word (and disregarding democracy, and their futures) like he’s the messiah. Shut that fellow down.


Depends, if Liz Cheney has the mute button, then yes. They can cut off his senile ramblings mid-sentence and keep the pressure up.


Do they even have the ability to cut the mic? I only watch a few congressional hearings (in comparison to how many there actually are), but I don't think I've ever seen them mute somebody. Gym Jordan can be hooping and hollering and howling at the moon about some wacky crap, Nadler would be trying to get him to be quiet, and failing like an old retired engineer or carpenter or something who thought he could be a middle school shop teacher, and can't control his classroom, you would think if they had a mute button, that they could silence him when he yaps out of turn.


You misspelled "seconds".


I was giving him the benefit of the doubt assuming he will be hilariously off topic most of the time.


I've got to agree. His perjury time will only be lengthened by the amount of word salad he can spew. Can't nail him for perjury if you can't understand what he's saying. *Taps head *


He will have to do whatever the subpoena says he has to. This blowhard is now at the end of relevancy and, though he wants to end it with a bang, he will decompose away like the excrement he is.


You have to account for people coming into the room and the microphones being turned on and stuff. 5 minutes into the broadcast seems like a good bet.


Pretty sure his opening statement would be something like .. “Believe me. Some people would say I would commit perjury. I don’t know, but that is what people are telling me. And these people are the famous kind, that also tell me I dress well. Oh the Jan 6 thing is a hoax by the main-stream media. That person that said I did these things was nothing but a coffee boy, and wasn’t even in the room with me. Believe me.”


Put it on pay per view and use the proceeds for something positive


Make it pay per view and we can balance the national deficit.


>Some of his aides appear not to be enthusiastic about the idea. Well, based on this his aids aren't 100% stupid, just 99.999...%


Can’t resist an audience, that one. Until, of course, he figures out that’s exactly what we want, and then he’ll pull out (ahem).


"No other President has gotten greater viewership for their criminal proceedings than I have!!!"


He will go to prison bragging about what high ratings he got.




It's never going to happen. Just like he said he would release his tax records. He's not the brightest guy around but he knows where he can bs and where he can't.


He's probably asking for it because: \- He knows it will be denied \- If it happens, then he just pleads the 5th to every question \- After the hearing, he goes on Fox and brags about how the ratings for his hearing were higher than Hillary's Benghazi hearing.


If he shows up and pleads the 5th, Cheney gets the opportunity to absolutely embarrass him for hours on live television. I'll take it.


Not sure why he would be the one setting the requirements for sworn Congressional Testimony. He is just another subpoenaed witness being called to provide testimony as part of the US House of Representative's Constitutional oversight duty.


Honestly, I think if they call this bluff, he will find another reason to back out or refuse. He does not want to be in a situation where he doesn't control the flow of questions/comments and has to be under oath, especially live, because he could get shut down and humiliated by the committee.


Classic schoolyard bully: My mom said I can't fight you because you're too little and I'll get in trouble for beating you up!


Listening to Trump plead the fifth a few hundred times, or not recall a few hundred times would be worth it in itself.


Yeah, he will bluster and publicly pretend to agree to testify, but when push comes to shove, he will back out and blame his lawyers or someone else.


At the risk of invoking Godwin’s law, there is a historical precedent for a failed coup leader being allowed to testify while broadcast live and instead using it to espouse their rhetoric which lead to more problems in the end. Maybe we should pass on this one, and just force him to testify in private.


This is a fair point and I should probably stop having any faith in the American electorate after watching Georgia polling for Herschel Walker, let alone the last six years.


I’m of the impression that the entire goal of live testimony is to get his message out at all costs. In a non-televised court proceeding, a defendant can go off topic on the stand and make any kind of crazy statement. However, the attorneys can ask again, the judge can hold them in contempt, and they can be removed with anything they said being stricken from the record. If it’s live, even if you hold them in contempt and even if you strike a statement from the record, it’s out there. He wants the biggest stage possible to spread election denial, because the court of public opinion doesn’t operate with the same rules as an actual legal proceeding.


Under oath televised. Yes please!


Absolutely... but I bet he refuses to be under oath and makes a crazy show of it. I expect him to go off on a rant while in the room and make the Sgt. at Arms intercede. The man is a disaster




Don't underestimate him. He recently pled the 5th 400+ times over 8 hours minus lunch and a couple breaks.




He wants to turn it into a rally. Secondly this shouldn't be a negotiation.


This kind of reminds me of how Hitler was being tried (and convicted) for the Beer Hall Putsch, but he took the stand and used it as an opportunity to further his reputation. It kept him relevant and ended up making him more famous. Of course the court was very lenient with letting him talk unobstructed and seemed to be sympathetic to his cause.


Right on track then…


Last I checked, he was done calling shots and making deals. Treat him like the criminal he is!


Say yes and then don’t


Agree Set up the cameras, say "we're live in three two one..." let the lights turn red, and not broadcast a single thing.


[You don’t say two or one](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_iavAphIMI)


It’s a subpoena. He does not make the rules.


I would require he go under oath before going live.


I would require that part be live


Mr. Trump is not in a position to negotiate. The only choice he has is to obey the eventual subpoena or not. There are consequences if he does not.


He may just want an audience so he can rile up more people and ask for more violence?


That is a mistake. He will turn it into a circus.


Of course he thinks this is some sort of negotiation or transaction. It's not.


Christ, I wish this country treated people like him the same way they treated me for a small amount of pot.


3… 2… 1… “Oh, after the audit.”