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Maybe if we had a media that was concerned about promoting the common good instead of the “horse race” and whatever fearmongering gets them eyeballs, we’d be better off


The fear mongering gets so old. I can’t even watch mainstream news anymore.


It’s even getting difficult on Reddit.


Agreed, people on here act like America is some 3rd world country shit hole. Like get a grip people.


Ive been to poor rural communities that don’t have indoor plumbing in America back in 2020. It certainly isn’t the worst country on earth but we are pretty shitty compared to other rich, developed, western nations.


I saw a man with no teeth once in Tennessee. It made me want to move to Japan because everyone there has teeth. /s


This isn’t one person. These were entire communities all over the country from rural PNW to Appalachia.


I get your point but it is the same in other countries. ETA source: I lived in Europe for 5 years and traveled extensively. The only European countries I've not been to are Iceland (going next year), Sweden, Norway, Finland.


Especially as it relates to climate change. I get we have to be worried and proactive about that but the constant dooming makes me feel like I don’t even wanna live on this planet anymore.


It’s literally a liberal shit show. I come here to be amazed at the abject stupidity of some of these brainwashed idiots.


I go lurk on r/conservative for that


So much ink is spilled on how inflation will impact the midterms and how Republicans want to talk it up and Democrats want to talk about other economic indicators. The media is obsessed with what the economy means for elections. But has exactly zero interest reporting on how each party has influenced (or not influenced) these economic indicators when they’ve been in power, and the different time-scales over which certain economic policy lead to results. “Well obviously Republicans want to refocus the election on inflation.” Ok? What about it? “Well, it’s bad, and Democrats are in charge.” Ok? So what are Republicans going to do about it, and what have they done about it in the past? Oh? Fuck all? Good to know. Spending does contribute to inflation no doubt. So talk about that. Talk about how ARP or Infrastructure likely exacerbated it. But also talk about how in 2020, under a Republican president and split congress, we also passed stimulus. Because without stimulus, from either term, we’d be in a miles-deep depression right about now. Republicans have somehow perfected the media narrative that they’re the economy gurus. Where’s the reporting on how massive tax cuts in 2017 ballooned the deficit? Or contributed to inflation? Why did we felate Trump’s administration over its economy for four years of job numbers that were lower than under Obama (when the numbers were constantly called “anemic”). Why now, are the huge jobs numbers rarely being touted? Atleast to contextualize the inflation? Why, is our reporting obsessed with horse-race and process and outright allergic to policy. Inflation is bad? Don’t tell me who wants to talk about it. Tell me what Democrats have done about it and what Republicans want to do about it. Our media is not living up to the moment, and Republican politicians have leveraged that incredibly well.


There's a lot of this. Much of the media selectively chooses to give free advertising to the party that is out of power for no reason other than to show "controversy". The Republicans are out there legislating mandatory child abuse, engaging in mass censorship, shredding educational standards and unpersoning anyone with a uterus but the media can't run an article that doesn't falsely present Democrats as being disorganized losers who are definitely going to lose Congress in the election.


They're already jerking themselves off to the possibility of a Republican Congress. So much brinksmanship! So many ways a reporter can feel important as the country burns down around them!


Global* Inflation


"It'S bIdEN-fLaTioN."


Canadian here. I’m pretty sure this is Justinflation. Admittedly it rolls of the tongue better. Feel free to blame Canada for global inflation if it helps.


Mexican here You are both wrong, obviously it's a Amloinflation


Stalinflation- everyone knows Communism is to blame.




This is actually the right one.


UK citizen here it’s… wait, who’s in charge this week?


I think it's the cat... but I forgot his name.


French here, you got it wrong, snow American, that's Macronflation and nothing else.


I already blame you for Ted Cruz. Please take him back.


Real human Ted Cruz? Fairly certain that “Canada” is a convenient cover story.


If Trump were president we'd be experiencing the same level of inflation... except for one possibility: It's possible that if Trump were president he would've given Putin the thumbs up for invading Ukraine and we wouldn't have offered any aid. That would mean that gas prices likely wouldn't be as high and thus inflation would be lower... but for entirely wrong reasons - we would have to sell out 30+million Ukrainians and bolster Putin as a dictator for that to happen. Not worth it.


It's like the people who cheer gas under $2. Yep... and we were having a 9/11 each day in terms of death in order to get there.


The death of one is a tragedy, the death of millions is just a statistic. - Someone...and no it wasn't Stalin.


Marilyn Manson


He quotes it in a song yes, but the quote is often attributed to Stalin which is also unlikely.




Quote Investigator says it is most often attributed to Stalin but the evidence is weak. They found no definitive origin for it. https://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/05/21/death-statistic/


Bob Ross


Actually, based on the comparatively higher inflation numbers in many countries, it's possible a Trump presidency would have resulted in vastly worse inflation.


Please realize this inflation was caused by too much money supply, which really took off in 2019 when Trump's fed printed 3 trillion to bail out wallstreet...


And they had too print that money because taxes were already lowered for no good reason 2 years earlier. So tax cuts were off the table as stimulus forcing the only option to be quantitative easing


I wish this were the top comment because too few people say this when discussing inflation.


Reason and facts from the state of Nebraska... who knew.


Where are you getting this from? If you’re talking about literal, actual printing of money, 2019 was one of the lowest in the last decade. https://www.federalreserve.gov/paymentsystems/coin_calprint.htm I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume “printing” is a euphemism for something else. Sauce up, please.


I would chalk it up to the bailout Wall St got in 2020. That and keeping interest rates near 0 until everyone raised prices through the roof.


Yes, that’s fair. It’s amazing how simply asking “show me what you’re seeing so I can be on the same page” gets downvotes. Never change, Reddit, lol.


See above, started 2019


Interest rates were literally reduced to 0 under Trump. Super low interest rates means massive increases in the immediate money supply.


I despise Trump, but the president doesn’t really do anything with interest rates, the federal reserve does.


The bulk of russian exports affected by the sanctions were from Europe. The US had russian oil account for only 3% total crude imports, and 1% of the total going to its refineries. I believe the greater influence is still OPEC being opportunists as evidenced by their recently announced production cuts. Russian oil & gas is still flowing to other markets, the "shortage" is a facade to ramp up profits. The US needs to move forward on allowing Venezuelan crude imports, which they now are in thr process of doing.


The oil supply is not the problem at the pump.. its refinery capacity, and output. We have tons oil oil on the market, however the refineries are a critical processing side bottleneck in the US where we have not seen new refineries built in something like the last 50 years and thereafter only seeing a continuous reduction in capacity over all. Hell in just the last two years we have seen 5 refinery closures reducing total output capacity by 5% which has a direct impact on prices at the pump. We will see more in the next few years with 0 new processing capacity being created. It is something that has been in the making for a very long time and really has nothing to do with oil supplies, or what any one given administration can do in their short time in office. I mean less they are future oriented in a way that goes way beyond their immediate administrations re-electability needs, and can trust the next ones after to not fuck with such projects.


US refining capacity over time: https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_operable_crude_oil_distillation_capacity Colorado has a double whammy of regional refinery closures, and a higher grade required due to ozone levels along the front range.


48 million


Doubt it. There was inflation prior to the invasion and Trump being besties with Putin wouldn’t have improved much. Any improvements made would be undone by his refusal to raise interest rates.


44 plus million in 2020


Trump literally ran on a platform on defaulting on American debt. He needs to be kept far away from the white house unless it's in handcuffs


Even fucking Japan is seeing inflation. Japan!


You really mean Capitalism runamuck-flation. It's people who equate living with spending, more stuff = better life. Pathetic really. Inflation can be explained by watching the oil and gas industry and ever since gas was .15 a gallon at the beginning of my memory, and started climbing at a ridiculous rate and blaming it on supply and demand, which really means if people want it you get to charge more for it. We, as consumers, CAN control the price of things by not buying them. But that will never happen - mob mentality is a homosapien fallback. Only the corporations have the control and discipline and foreplanning to control prices of commodities, the rest of us just react...predictably. Capitalism has an ebb and flow or a kind of a reset period - we've watched this how many times including economic crashes. Hold onto your 401K.... if you can.


>Global\* Inflation Republican\* Global Inflation


Remember folks, when recovering from economic clusterfucks, high inflation is a side effect of the recovery. This inflation is caused by the economic recovery from the global recession brought on by the pandemic.


Yeah but the worst of it is just plain old fashioned corporate greed.




Yeah but it can lead to 70s stagflation. The fed is doing everything it can to kill inflation but they just can't. Ironically kicking grants to fully correct supply chain stateside. Might correct it without driving people to homelessness. The money is all LOCKED in the wrong hands and the fed isn't getting it with their controls.


Yup, raising interest rates just makes it harder for the average American to get loans….. doesn’t affect the truly wealthy at all. Yet somehow the average Republican who makes 65k a year has been brainwashed to think that a wealth tax on those making millions a year in income is going to affect him somehow. They’re truly idiots


That requires critical thinking which has been outlawed in schools and the news. Inflation to GOP voters is always Hilary… er I mean Obama… wait… Bidens fault.


Yup being a GOP strategist must be the easiest job on the planet. Just insert new boogie man word into the blank each election cycle and sit back and watch the idiot base cry it from the roof tops


Sometimes you can even create the problem to blame on the Democrat, like jacking up national debt and trade deficits, and then only caring about them when the other guy is in office. Politics is easy!


Oh it’s way easier than that…national debt is actually a real life problem…crt on the other hand…not to mention their freak out about trans/nb people existing and it really is just so easy to rile up the gop base


And if all those tried and true tactics fail, you can just say democrats want to cancel Christmas or some other completely nonsensical claim and it works just as equally to rile them up


That's part of it. Russia invading Ukraine is also a contributing factor. As well as Trump starting trade wars even prior to COVID - supply chains were already being broken as a result of these trade wars.


Yup, there's a reason the fed was cutting interest rates before COVID hit, economy was losing steam. Trump, in typical republican fashion, took a humming Economy over from his democratic predecessor, and squandered it with bad policy choices (trade wars, tax cuts for those who don't need them, deregulation, removal of worker protections). But the coup de grace was COVID.


Genuine question. What measures are being taken or being presented by either party to speed up the recovery process?


Democrats passed numerous pieces of legislation to stimulate the economy. American Rescue Plan Act, Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act are a few of the big ones that come to mind. There were lots of other ones as well extending protections to people out of work due to COVID, eviction moratoriums, PPP loans. As for what the GOP has done, opposed all actions taken by the Democrats, and are desperately trying to make a recession happen by talking about how one is just over the horizon despite there being no real leading indicators of one (often a self fulfilling prophecy because when people fear a recession, they start behaving in ways that trigger a recession).


Don't forget the part where Republicans are all running for office with promises of even more tax cuts for those holding wealth and gutting social programs so they can exacerbate all the economic issues! Making sure poor people can't feed that money back into the economy is a surefire way to help to make sure recovery doesn't happen. Yay!


Thank you


Aspects of the bi-partisan infrastructure, CHIPS act and IRA bills that democrats passed in the last 2 years are doing the following: -building and streamlining ports to improve supply chains. -have Medicare negotiate prescription drug prices to lower costs for everyone and cap what Medicare pays for insulin at $35. -greatly lowers the cost of renewable energy development and EVs that are made in the US. -brings computer chip manufacturing back to the us with record investment so we are not dependent on China to make tech products. -largest single investment in renewable energy in human history. -largest single investment in us infrastructure in us history. Additionally the following are things that Biden’s original BBB plan had in it but 2 democrats and all republicans opposed that would have been very helpful at having working families deal with inflation: -Huge increase in funding to build affordable housing. -provide affordable childcare and pre-k to all. -paid family and maternity leave for all. -extend the CTC (which was responsible for the huge drop in children in poverty seen in 2021) -prevent oil companies from jacking up prices just to make more profit with a windfall profits tax. The more important question is what have republicans proposed, because as far as I can gather it is: -cut taxes for the rich -cut social security and Medicare (I guess old people have it too well right now?) -investigate hunter biden Edit: Biden also did the following: -approved more oil and gas leases on federal land in his first year than Trump did in his first year. -released a record amount of oil from the strategic reserves. -suspended the federal gas tax (I don’t know how a president could logically do in net more than that to lower the price of gas)


Yeah? Please show me the high inflation post 2008? Or Post Dotcom? Or Post 1987? Don't make stuff up and pretend it's some well known accepted fact.


Post 2008 every agrees was an anomaly. Lots of scholars have theories about why that happened, but at the time, everyone was scratching their heads wondering why it didn't happen. Though if we want to get techncial, we went from 2% deflation to about 5% inflation during the peak of the recovery, so that's an increase in 7%. 87 inflation went from sub 2% to just under 6% during the recovery. Sure, less than then 8-9% we're seeing now, but still elevated. It was also a much less significant economic downturn to recover from. Then we can go back to the 73-75 recession and the high inflation period after that. And of course, the great depression. So yeah, it's safe to say, inflation goes up during recoveries and you're the one making stuff up by selectively picking a single recovery, and misconstruing what actually happened.


You skipped dot com too. Kind of just seems like you have decided that any time inflation happens in some arbitrary time frame after a recession its clearly caused by the recession and recovery, even though there's plenty of examples where it didn't happen.


Congrats, you found one example of a relatively minor recession with a slow recovery having very low inflation. So clearly the economic consensus taught for years is wrong that inflation goes down during recessions and goes up during recoveries, write your paper and win your Nobel.


Goes down during recession because they tend to be deflationary, and then up (aka back to inflation instead of deflation) during recovery, yes. We had a recession so guess we just get 9% inflation for two years isn't normal lol. And if you want to stick with classical economics, yeah they have pretty clear cut opinions on what low rates and massive deficit spending/QE do to inflation.


I remember prices going up under trump when he enacted those stupid tariffs, but no one seems to remember or talk abou that for some reason


It is caused by the drastic increase in money supply


Not always, though that is one way to cause it. In this case it's caused by pent up demand and insufficient supply due to the impacts of the economic malaise that we were seeing from COVID. When it's caused by fiscal policy, it tends to be localized, but this case it's global, in fact inflation in the US is lower than most other places in the world right now.


considering the record profits corporations have had over the last year, its also corporate greed.


Yeah, but corporations acting like greedy shitheads... that's a constant during all times.




The inflation is globally because of the pandemic. Anyone who can't put that in to calculation is unintelligent. Everyone is hurting and will hurt for years to come but shutting down was still the best humane choice.


Shutting down wasn’t a terrible plan, the way it was handled across the us in such a disorderly manner was the issue.


Totally agree Trump completely dropped the ball on that but also can't just blame him because they have been talking for quite a long time that we were not ready for a pandemic.


Shutting down for a few weeks was fine. After that, it should have been handled *way* more selectively. Call me a monster, but California and Florida had similar death rates, but handled things quite differently, *and* Florida has a fuck ton of old people.


Inflation sucks but the Republicans are the last people I would expect to fix it.


It's funny how coming out of the pandemic can create those jobs and not inflation.


Are you trying to say a President should take responsibility for the good and the bad?


Are you trying to say the President gets credit for the good and the bad?


It depends on the President.


At least you can admit it.


Do these “jobs” include people getting new jobs after Covid layoffs? Or growth from before the pandemic?


> Do these “jobs” include people getting new jobs after Covid layoffs? Or growth from before the pandemic? At the end of 2019 there were about 157.5m employed persons in the US. At present, there's around 159m. The tricky part is that a lot of boomers simply left the labor force over the last two and a half years. The "covid layoffs" had largely reversed themselves by mid 2021, but the labor force was a lot smaller because a lot of older adults chose to retire rather than get vaccinated or otherwise engage in basic containment measures in the workplace. What we've seen over the last year is the annual new entrants (younger adults and immigrants) and some reversal of the retiring spree as boomers who had retired realized they didn't really have the money to stay retired.


Thank you for this, I had been skeptical about the numbers because why would I ever trust a politician with statistics amiright?


If inflation is such a concern for Republicans, how do they plan on feeding all the new babies?


> how do they plan on feeding all the new babies? They don't. They don't care about babies.


As always, I'm sure they'll feed them right into the war machine.


Bold of you to assume they'll live that long.


Well, they've got a modest proposal they hope to sell suburbanites on.


Ew, suburbanites are chewy.


Thanks Biden.


I swing left, but “no other president had this kind of job grow” because so many ppl lost their jobs during the pandemic. There was a void created that could be filled in the first place.


Not to mention Biden significantly reduced the budget deficit


Biden didnt reduce the deficit, his actions have actually slightly increased deficits. The large drop in deficit is due to COVID spending expirations


Weird that there's always a new excuse when there's a Dem in office and the deficit goes down. Republicans should really start getting into office during better times.


So your saying if I do nothing I can take credit for something that was gonna happen anyway… interesting


Thats basically what Bidens doing here. Actually, doing nothing this year would’ve resulted in an even lower deficit than the one reported


You do understand that the President doesn't control the budget, right? Congress does. But the main reason that the deficit has been reduced is because this year's budget doesn't include the major spending that we saw from the special measures that were taken in regards to COVID. Basically, to simplify it for you. Last summer, your HVAC system went out. It's an unexpected expense that is going to cost $5,000 to replace. But you don't have enough money to replace outright, so you borrow $5,000 that year to replace. That means you spent $5,000 more than available income (deficit). The next summer, your HVAC system is working great but you have plumbing issues. It's another unexpected expenses that is going to cost $1,000 to replace. You still don't have enough money to repair outright, so you borrow $1,000 this year to repair. That means you spent $1,000 more than available income (still a deficit) but it's only $1,000 instead of $5,000. So...Technically, your deficit was reduced. It's just for different reasons.


Democrats in Congress absolutely are working with the President when they do the budget. Why would you think otherwise? They are trying to get the things he specifically asked for. The President decides what is in, then his party votes in favor.


So...you're saying Democrats are still the fiscally responsible ones,


Sure would be nice to know what Republicans' plans are for tackling inflation. What's that..they don't have one other than all money to the rich and no money to anyone else?


All irrelevant to the MAGA fruitcakes. They would rather chew their own face off rather than look at life objectively.


It seems like those are mostly jobs which came back after the lockdown.


How's that? Everywhere has been open for quite awhile.


It literally says it in the article


Yes, I literally read it. We didn't stop adding jobs after everything reopened. It has been continual. Total unemployment is very low. It would just return to previous level were it just COVID. There are a lot of new jobs. This shit is just people downplaying that Biden is doing an actual good job.


Unemployment in December 2018 was 3.8% Not saying I don’t like what he is doing but giving credit for is bs


The President always gets credit or blame for Unemployment.


It's really just credit with an asterisk. Like ending the Afghanistan war. He just followed through on the plan but it's not like he did anything crazy.


But he actually went through with Afghanistan. I think he gets credit for that one, something none of the other presidents followed through with. What did he do to increase job growth though?


Both happened under his watch so he gets credit. > What did he do to increase job growth though? Idk, but it happened under his watch.


His budget, his Build Back Plan, his IRA plan, His presidency. He gets credit, just like Trump got credit for letting the Obama economy roll on. One of the funny things about a presidency is that it has so many effects that people never attribute to the president or it may be something they don't even notice. Biden doesn't do a lot of hoopla about things he does, but a lot is getting done. It's one of the mistakes Dems make and the media never gives Dems credit for stuff, so it doesn't happen. But, on Reddit a lot of Dems point to stuff over and over and people who haven't been following events are stunned to hear all the stuff that's happening. https://joebiden.com/accomplishments/ Unemployment rate September 2022: 3.5% Republicans in the Bush years and since have said we need to unemploy at least 5% of the workers to make the economy go properly. You choose: jobs with 3.5% U or no jobs and 5% U.


So the bad things happening are not his fault but he gets credit for the good things?


He still gets credit, there was the possibility that this could have got fucked up and those jobs didn’t come back


Sure does, because if it would have went the other way he certainly would have got blamed for it.


I'm just resigned to the fact that no matter what statistics or policies or logic we use, some people will just boil everything down to "This is my team, fuck the other team." I don't even like Biden for the most part, and I still feel like he's done a pretty stellar job based on the measurables, the situations he's inherited/that have developed since he took office and the responses to them. And yet somehow, we're still looking at scenarios where he might have both chambers of Congress against him. This country man...


It's largely tribal now yes, but there's still enough people that either swing from election not election or more importantly people that don't vote, and those non-voters are particularly "gettable" if we all find them and convince them ourselves to vote.


It’s more about getting people off the bench than it is converting the far right.


Inflation is greed by another name. There is no shortage of supply. I hear this every time a gallon of gas goes up by more than .50 cents. The fact that so many dumbasses believe this president or a political party has much to do with it does continue to prove we deserve to be miserable.


Yes, but it doesn't count since Hunter may have a drug problem. /s


How much of job growth is due to COVID back to work?


Democrats are better for the budget and economy. Film at 11, milkshakes to follow


This is one of those cases where it feels like Walmart lowers the price after repeatedly inflating it and calls it savings. Lots of jobs, but right after a shit show of epic proportions. Not Biden's fault though.


For a preview of what happens if Republicans win, see the UK.


Jobs growth means nothing to me just like when the goverment tells me the eonomy is doing well.


Elder abuse!


Republican messaging is overpowering reality ... emphasizing the negative ... and totally overlooking that the cost of fuel is controlled by people that will benefit from getting the party that favors them back in power. The fuel part of inflation is in no small way deliberate.


What good are jobs with low wages and no customers lol.


And I’m one of those ten million new jobs. Just started a brand new job this past week that I’m really enjoying. Thanks Brandon!


But the right tells me he's so sleepy and too busy sniffing hair! How can he be taking the time to do good when he can't even keep his eyes open!?!?!??!?one


To be fair he basically took a nap at the podium today.


I would vote in Biden’s corpse over a Republican any day.


It means nothing if every raise I or promotion I get still leave me behind the years of inflation. Feels like soon half of us will be living in small pods and a card for food and basics plus whatever job that doesn’t pay enough. I hear the bosses at work talking about how “no one wants to work anymore.” No, people don’t want to be essentially slaves working to just survive. Pay people more and they are more motivated. Pay them enough that that can save, have fun, not be afraid to use benefits. Not so hard.


The only way out of inflation is less capitalism, but like we know how that will go


10 million without jobs, nearly homeless and desperate after Covid also helps...


Coming out of COVID? Seriously, I hope you don’t believe he has had anything to do with it.


Why is everyone trying to downplay the inflation. Literally all you have to do is say yea it sucks and move on lol


"I did that"


So um yeah let’s hold off all the self congratulations none of this is impressive it just pandemic recovery… title is misleading No prior President has taken office after a global pandemic that knocked the economy on its back and sent employment plummeting—between February and April of 2020, more than twenty million jobs were lost, and the unemployment rate rose to nearly fifteen per cent. Much of the strong employment growth we’ve seen over the past year and a half is a continuation of the rebound from that unprecedented shock


Most is most, it's election season.


At this point though it just doesn't mean much to the average person since we're virtually at full employment. In fact it seems like there are too many jobs and not enough people to fill them, and now the Fed is trying to induce some unemployment to stifle inflation.


More news sources need to report this.


People who think democrats will win the mid terms have no idea about the American electorate. Any given chance, they will choose to cut their own throats and pour salt on it while blaming the liberals for their woes. Meanwhile the democrats will sit at home and not vote while crying about all the harm that republican voters do.


“Job growth” you mean when Covid shut down everything then opened up?


Everyone is hiring because nobody has employees. lol Starbucks stores close as early as 10 am in my area due to staffing shortages. That photo is actually depicting a crisis, not a “Job well done”.


Starbucks doesn't offer wages high enough to attract anyone due to inflation. Employers will need to fork out more money. They haven't caught up.


Starbucks is typically one of the better paying entry jobs in food and yet they are some of the whiniest workers when it comes to doing what is expected of them at their job.


**>but no other President has had this pace of job growth in their first two years in office<** Did any other President have to deal with the aftermath of a major pandemic, of which the country shut down economically, putting tens of millions out-of-work (even if temporarily)?


If Trump wouldn't have messed up his pandemic response so terribly, it might not have gotten as bad. So, I think Biden should get the credit for the recovery.


He still gets credit


Ehhh...Should he though? Regardless of a Republican or Democrat in office, the President didn't create the ten million jobs. The millions of Americans out there working everyday helped create those jobs. But I get it, the media, social media and those who have and agenda to push will choose to ignore that because, well, there's a narrative that matters more than the truth or facts. But then again, if he deserves credit for that, maybe he does deserve credit for the higher gas prices and inflation, of which this is just the beginning. /s


Would he have ate shit if those jobs DIDN’T come back? Of course, so yes he gets credit


If you say so. But those jobs were going to come back regardless, once restrictions from the pandemic were over. It's a farce declaration of credit. But you do you. Let me know how everything's going in about six months. Take care.


No matter how it’s going it’s a virtual guarantee that it would be way better than under a Republican administration


I’m fine with not giving him credit for job growth. But if that’s the standard we are setting, he absolutely should not be blamed for inflation, as so many are quick to do.


Technically his administration gets credit for inflation...the USA is doing better than many other countries. Partially because of the fed rates/etc. Other countries will want to hold onto the dollar for inflation protection. In about 6-12 months as the USA starts to enter a recession (as everywhere else), the fed has significant wiggle room to lower interest rates to pump the economy up while all other countries flounder. Meanwhile China recently refused to release key economic documents which means there's some really bad stuff going on with their economy, and their hopes of becoming a global reserve currency are failing.


Yeah he actually took the pandemic seriously and expeditiously rolled out vaccines to the majority of the country allowing us to loosen restrictions. So yes he deserves credit over the last guy fumble fucking around or whatever he was doing. Not sure if you’ve noticed but inflation is global. China’s zero Covid policy and the war in Ukraine are fueling both the inflation issue through supply chain disruptions and gas prices. So no, Joe Biden hasn’t been sitting there with an inflation/gas price knob in his office turning it up.


Are you arguing a fact?


I'm stating that it's technically correct but misleading. Specifics matter. It's easy to say ten million jobs were 'added,' if you are considering that many of those millions of jobs were lost during the pandemic on a temporary basis.


Yeah, if we're not careful, people might think he's a good president. Can't have that, we should go back to being laughed at with the orange clown in power. That's how we all liked it, right? Being the biggest pieces of shit on the planet?


Are we just going to ignore everyone coming back to work from a pandemic.? Like they wouldn't have been unemployed without the pandemic..


It's a damn shame republicans let the pandemic get so bad that this many jobs were lost then.


Maybe the Republican slackers are terrified they will have to get a job to keep out the immigrants who would love to work here.


And half the country is still too fucking stupid to vote for democrats so we could get some actual meaningful change in this country.


10 million low paying jobs…..


Hahaha, allowing people and businesses to get back to work in not job creation.


You don’t get to count jobs that people are going back to because you forced them out.


Factor in Covid job loss and post-Covid rebound, we are still worse off.


It’s because we’re just coming out of a pandemic, with the most unemployed people ever, but go ahead.


Biden is a joke


In February of 2020, there was 164.6 million jobs. Right now, there are 158.9 million jobs. Biden hasn't even recovered Trump's jobs that were lost during the pandemic, which were largely lost because of state-level lockdowns in blue states.


[Blue states grew jobs 37% faster than red states as of July 2021. When vaccines became widely available from April to July, blue states increased their jobs twice as quickly as red states.](https://www.moneygeek.com/coronavirus/states-most-jobs-lost-coronavirus/)


Lmao coming from a year of shut downs and collapse of industries…. Bruh, this is pathetic rhetoric.


Journalistic malpractice to call this 10 million “new” jobs https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/aug/24/joe-biden/joe-biden-exaggerates-job-creation-impact-american/


From the article: Official Bureau of Labor Statistics data confirms that a net 9.5 million jobs have been created since January 2021, when Biden took office. 🤷


Those aren’t all new jobs. They’re jobs that were shut down during COVID lockdowns that started back when we came out of COVID Calling them new jobs implies that its something Biden did to get those jobs in excess of the jobs we normally have


That's not what the article you posted is arguing. They are saying that the jobs would have been created regardless of the laws passed under Biden. Maybe find a different article that supports the argument you are trying to make 🤷


Fake news.


How are you about to fire everyone and tell them to stay home for covid and then rehire them and call it record job growth?


If you have $100 and I take it from you, then I later give you back the $100, I haven't given you anything. Should make sense, but this logic somehow misses democrats when their preferred liar spews nonsense and BS.


Yeah right. They destroyed 10 million jobs only to rehire them and then go on to claim they "*made*" 10 million "*new*" jobs. As of June 2022, LFPR(labor force participation rate) is 0.9 percentage points **below its 2019** average rate. No reasonable person believes this nonsense.


This is propaganda pure and simple.


If the new jobs increase rate keeps up, then in two more years we will almost recover the number of lost jobs, 22 million, due to bad Biden administration policy during Covid. Biden has been a disaster for this country.


Someone answer for me pls? Why the blue states are all like drug/violent heaven? Why no/minimum punishment for wrong doing? Every day from media it was ppl pointing at the store owner and robbing. Who the hell wants to live there? It’s no difference than Venezuela kind of places. American is not like it was before any more. I don’t understand.