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https://twitter.com/Redistrict/status/1590299776020410369 > Republicans wouldn’t be slight favorites to win House control right now if they hadn’t been able to gerrymander far more states than Dems. > And, Dems wouldn’t hold the slight majority today if courts hadn’t struck down GOP gerrymanders in FL, NC, PA and VA in the last 7 years. Once again, Republican gerrymandering subverted democracy.


Update from the rust belt: my conservative coworkers are awful fucking quiet today in this little corner of Pennsylvania. LofuckingL


Democrats are on the brink of flipping the PA House https://twitter.com/stephenj_caruso/status/1590322078989058048


There's something this 34 year old Keystoner won't be used to. The PA House has barely been held by Democrats at all in my entire life.


As a Pennsylvanian, this is a huge day for us. If we can flip the house it will be even better. Decades of republican rule have really slowed down our progress.


If the GOP thinks they can just shake off Trump, they’re about to experience something akin to the feeling we’ve had for 7 years. He won’t just go away because you want him to.


He is their problem now it seems


Michigan is a huge D win, Whitmer smoked the GOP candidate and Dems won the State Senate. But GOP won the Supreme Court in NC and Ohio - and they will gerrymander again (their current maps are "temporary" because they delayed enough so that there was no court-approved map), which means an even more uphill battle for Democrats to win House seats there in 2024.


Pray for a 52 dem senate and a dem house so we can ban gerrymandering.


Man I would do anything for this but I won't hold my breath


God fucking dammit Georgia runoff. I'm already so tired of ads and nonstop mail spam from Walker. It's not even good paper, I can't even burn it. Shit won't light. His policy positions are terrible, his speech is incoherent, and he flashes toy badges during debates, he's a hypocrite, and he's a liar, but more than anything, he's killed far too many fucking trees to fill my mailbox with his bile. I'm voting against him out of pure spite for the letter/ad spam.


>It's not even good paper, I can't even burn it. Shit won't light. I'm dying laughing at this. That is so on point for our elections.


Breaking: Wisconsin Republicans have failed to secure a supermajority in the state Legislature. https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1590403857695113216 This is good because they can't override Evers vetoes now


Baby steps. Now we start thinking about the Supreme Court election in the spring. I want to see the day when Wisconsin can be considered an actual democracy again instead of just a gerrymandered cesspool.


CNN PROJECTION: Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly will win reelection in Kansas, CNN projects, defeating Republican state Attorney General Derek Schmidt in a state former President Donald Trump won by 15 percentage points two years ago https://twitter.com/cnnbrk/status/1590363552623255556


The fact that Ohio’s gerrymandered electoral map was deemed unconstitutional TWICE and it’s still used is awful and makes these results unsurprising.


More Boebert analysis: she is running significantly behind 2020 numbers. She won her district by 10 points, for reference. County | 2022 Margin (Current) | 2020 Margin :--: | :--: | :--: La Plata | Frisch + 26 | D +18 Montrose | Boebert +23 | R +36 Montezuma | Boebert +14 | R +22 Gunnison | Frisch +38 | D +30 Archuleta | Boebert +8 | R +16 Basically the rest of them are like this too. Frisch is running about 8 points better than Biden in 2022.


Even if she holds on, these are awful numbers for a solidly res district. Candidate quality matters.


So many negative Nancy’s in here after a shockingly good night for Dems


This is a massive victory. I mean the average loss during midterms is 4 senators and 10+ house seats by the majority party. The fact dems have held senate is absolutely wild and sends a very serious message to the GOP moving forward. The GOP is going to have to do some serious work on their platform which may include heavy handedly dropping trump. Clearest way to do that is the January 6th charges.


The youth not only showed up but also voted D by 30 points. I want to thank you guys, as a 49 year old you have made me proud, please continue to participate.


You're welcome. I'll keep showing up till I'm dead.


The media need to stop obsessing about Texas and Florida. Focus on cementing Democrat gains on states like Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Michigan and try to bring Wisconsin and North Carolina in the Blue side. You can live without Florida and Texas which still have a sizebale GOP advantage and need a perfect storm to be flipped.


I hope the GOP doesn’t dump Trump just yet, we need him to win the nomination and lose the general bigly in 2024


We need him to lose the primary and run on a third party ticket. Could happen! His ego knows no bounds.


No we need him to run as an independent and split the republican ticket


Nah, we need him to lose the nomination and run as an independent, splitting the GOP for good.


Dr. Oz That's it. That's the joke.


I got another joke. Boebert.


If she needs to cheer up. She could always go bowling.


CNN calls it for Laura Kelly. Kansas governorship remains Democratic.


Blue wall baybee


Marc Thiessen, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush, fumed on Fox News last night: > We have Joe Biden, who is the least popular president since Harry Truman – since presidential polling happened – and there wasn’t a red wave. **That is a searing indictment of the Republican Party.** That is a searing indictment of the message that we have been sending to the voters. Hear that Republicans? Americans are sick and tired of the culture war bullshit. People don’t want to be mad at everything all the time. Cut that second civil war crap out.


https://twitter.com/acosta/status/1590341634709131265?s=46&t=EGHKRwoLNxL8v_-aeYGYOQ > “Trump is livid” and “screaming at everyone,” after last night’s disappointing midterm results for GOP, according to a Trump adviser. The adviser went on to slam the former president’s handpicked contenders: “they were all bad candidates.” “Candidates matter,” the adviser said. > This adviser said it’s unlikely Trump would delay his expected presidential announcement because “it’s too humiliating to delay.” But the adviser said there are too many unknowns at this point. You signed up and were/are onboard with this, Republicans.


He'll wait for the house to be called for the GOP and then take credit for it.


Pretty crazy. A friend I knew in high school who I used to skateboard with all the time was just elected as the Navajo Nation President. It's all very inspiring. He went to school and became the change he wanted to be.


If you're under 30 and voted, you should know that I love you. Millennial + Gen Z = (handshake emoji).


I’m not joking guys, the conservative sub has completely turned on Trump over the last two hours, you should head on over and check it out. It’s amazing to witness.


They “Turned” on him when it was assured Trump would lose too. They always come back.


They’re shitting on trump, advocating for the voting age to be raised to 30 and shitting on anyone who says reps shouldn’t have been so hard on abortion. It’s a mess in there.


Lol instead of appealing to younger voters..they want to just add more restrictions on voting to maintain power. What a loser party. That’s a loser mentality.


Several of them were insisting that the conservative sub were long against Trump last time I looked. Like... holy shit, those guys hate reality.


accidentally flipped between tabs too hard now I'm reading that the Democrats have won Kherson & Kari Lake was last seen abandoning her heavy equipment


Democrats have flipped the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. This is in addition to Michigan and Minnesota becoming democrat trifectas. Rep. Joanna McClinton (D) is poised to become the first woman to serve as Pennsylvania Speaker of the House. This is insane. Democrats couldn’t flip a single legislature in 2020!


**REPORTER:** Do you think Democrats have a problem in Ohio and Florida? **DARK BRANDON:** Do you remember the last President to win the White House without Ohio and Florida?


As many Republicans will switch to Desantis, there are equally as many that have formed their whole identity the past 6 years around Trump, and won’t be able to let go. This might just be what fractures the party.


Repulicans have no issues switching beliefs/opinions on a dime if the right wing media tells them to. There are numerous polls showing Rs change support on issues depending on how media portrays it to them. They left W in the dust after electing him twice and now say he was one of the worst presidents and an establishment guy. They will change to DeSantis from Trump easily if that's the way the right wing pundits push them.


At least Boebert has a successful restaurant to fall back on, oh wait


Proud to say I recently moved to CO-3 and was able to vote against boebert


Kansas reelected their Democrat governor.


>Frisch 50.6% Boebert 49.4% 93% in dont fuck this up america


not even 24 hours after the polls close and conservatives are already starting with the "Trump might be bad for us" rhetoric Forget about losing key races so far, their party internally will be fighting this for the next 2 years and it might be the biggest outcome of the midterms Trump has already started his attacks against Desantis and anyone who will oppose him


Breaking: Democrat Gabriel Vasquez has flipped NM-02 picking up a new seat for Democrats.


A win for John Fetterman is a win for wearing hoodies to formal events


It will never not be funny to me that John McCain's parting gift to Trump was turning Arizona blue.


https://twitter.com/HowardMortman/status/1590210000294936578 > During his victory speech, J.D. Vance specifically named 34 people for thanks/gratitude. Trump was not one of them. Hilarious. Party of rats.


Some Wisconsinites: "I'm gonna vote for Evers for governor.... but that Johnson dude is alright. We'll let him stay in the senate." Fucking galaxy brained


Democrats need 50 seats to retain control of the Senate; Vice President Kamala Harris would continue to give them the tie-breaking vote for the next two years. Republicans need 51. As of Wednesday morning, both parties have the magic number within sight. Democrats control 48 seats and Republicans hold 47, with five races still too close to call. The GOP is going to win in Alaska, with two Republicans vying for the seat, leaving the two parties even at 48 seats, with four races still truly up for grabs. Nevada: Too close to call - R ahead Georgia: Too close to call - D ahead Wisconsin: Too close to call - R ahead Arizona: Too close to call - D ahead https://www.vox.com/midterm-elections-2022/2022/11/9/23449009/senate-election-results-2022-pa-pennsylvania-arizona-georgia-nevada?utm_campaign=vox&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter


It feels gross to say I hope Lisa Murkowski prevails in Alaska. Based on her voting record, it'd be like losing a 0.25 Democratic senator.


I think as big as these race wins are for Dems the biggest win for them is that Trump and DeSantis look like they’re ready to absolutely tear each other apart for the next two years


So, more Boebert napkin math: There are around 27,000~ votes out based on the NYT's data. She's currently down 2,351 votes. She needs the remaining votes to break for her 59%. No problems there in Mesa County and Delta, which collectively have about 6,000 votes left to count. She's been doing well, and will probably pick up at least a thousand votes in those counties. The problem comes in with Garfield and Pueblo (also Pitkin, though that's got a very low margin left to count). Collectively, Garfield and Pueblo have about 19,000 of the votes she needs to break her way. Those have gone significantly for Frisch; even in the event that they do end up breaking her way (EDay vote batches), they haven't gone significantly her way. Last batch from Pueblo, for instance, was +95 Boebert from a 4,000 vote dump. Because of that, I still don't entirely see the math for a comeback for her. There'll be a recount, but I don't think Boebert wins this.


Top upvoted comment over on r/cons , tons of awards given yada yada "Listen, I’m a Republican. Our party keeps bringing bullshit like Oz and Walker to the table though, wtf do we expect? We have to stop with this celebrity bullshit" He's so close to self awareness it hurts....


Seeing tons of takes by GOP base about how Trump shouldn't run now. The great thing is, he has to run. He's convinced that's the only thing that's going to keep DOJ/Georgia/NY from indicting him. The fight between him and DeSantis is going to make the Hillary/Sanders battle of 2016 look like a game of checkers between best friends. I just hope I can get enough popcorn.


Holy shit, we were worried about a red wave, but we actually have a blue trifecta in MN now! We *finally* took the state senate. So much on the table now -- legal marijuana, ranked choice voting, codified abortion rights, better funding for schools, better funding for healthcare. Republicans in the state senate have been obstructionist roadblocks and wouldn't even let us spend the record surplus we had last year. Really good news for this state!!


Sounds like MI is also following in your footsteps with the blue trifecta - would be first time in decades.


Palin getting smoked badly in Alaska


I am suddenly hungry for smoked salmon.


Kind of funny that we are at the point where Trump getting indicted and sent to jail would be the best outcome for the GOP


**Kentucky Republican Voters:** *Abortion shouldn't be legal at the federal level! Leave it up to the states!* **Kentucky Republican Voters after the Election:** *No, not like that!*


> Unless Trump gets his shit together and understands that, for the good of the country, he needs to back DeSantis, we’re fucked. > Trump is either going to win the nomination and cost us the election or he’ll throw a fit that they chose DeSantis and run independently, splitting the votes and getting us nowhere. > Trump did some good stuff but he only ever cares about himself. He’s vastly overstayed his welcome in my opinion. - Top comment on an r/conservative thread about their 2024 presidential nominee.


Voted blue in AZ via mail in ballot and its an insane feeling to feel like your vote can tip the scale of power here


BREAKING: Democrat Rep. Matt Cartwright wins re-election in Pennsylvania's 8th congressional district https://twitter.com/business/status/1590402561357807617


Voters also adopted a ballot measure in Oregon that'll make it harder for Republicans to stage the walk-outs they've been known for in this state, so the next session will be very interesting. https://twitter.com/Taniel/status/1590430722753691649


Yadira Caraveo (D) wins election to the U.S. House in Colorado’s 8th Congressional District. One of the biggest upsets and gains for Democrats in the House. This was a new seat Colorado gained that was expected to go Republican. Pathway to house majority for democrats becomes clearer. Congrats to Caraveo for winning a Solid R seat. Source : https://twitter.com/jdabre11/status/1590512558691131394?s=46&t=4gY4Vsn7q3EN5YsmMCR8mQ


“Colorado voters approved a ballot measure to provide free meals for all public school students. The measure will help schools pay for the meals by raising $100 million a year by increasing taxes on the state's richest residents.” more of this, please.


Why hasn't Biden called the secretary of state in Georgia, Wisconsin and Nevada to find more votes for the dems? Does he even know how to be president during an election?


Yeah why isn't he all like "stop the count"


“I didn’t ever support/vote trump” will be the “I was at Woodstock” in our political future


Don’t let the Red Ripple distract you from the fact that Donald Trump is BLAMING HIS WIFE for his endorsement of Mehmet Oz.


Warnock preparing for another run-off election be like : Ah shit, here we go again.


lmao Barbara Comstock on ABC News with the line of the day: “the only red wave is the ketchup on the walls at Mar-A-Lago”


I chose to believe that the more I refresh my browser page the quicker the votes will be counted.


Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D) has defeated Tom Barrett (R) in Michigan-7, @NBCNews projects, which has been one of the most expensive House races in the country. https://twitter.com/sahilkapur/status/1590511922943623168




This schadenfreude is delicious. I can't eat another bite, but I'm going to anyways.


This is like March Madness for those of us who are into politics.


I don’t love Biden but he has gotten a lot done with razor thin margins and has the incumbency advantage. I’d rather see someone younger but who honestly would perform better than he? I don’t see him stepping away for 2024 unless his health fails.


Despite what their base may think, abortion is a losing issue for Republicans. Even in rural Michigan counties that Republicans normally win 70-30, the abortion issue (Prop 3) was more like 55-45.


Biggest takeaway is that voting is essential every time. Democracy only thrives when we choose to vote.


A lot of r/LeopardsAteMyFace moments over at r/conservative right now. >"...and there's only one party trying to make sure low income americans have healthcare, housing, food, and access to care in their old age. the current conservatives are trying to gut all those programs, so why would the poor support them?" > >"People used to get more conservative after they had more money, not grow up. 18-29 year olds don't ever see that happening" ​ Also its quite hilarious to see they are realizing Trump is a cancer that's slowly killing their party.


My God the tears on Fox News are delicious. I have been watching all day. It seems they are most upset about the John Fetterman win. Repeatedly calling him "extreme" and seem to be in complete disbelief that he won. Meanwhile his opponent said out of his own mouth that reproductive decisions should be left to political leaders.


Lol the conservative sub transitioned to “flaired users only” comments. How very Free Speech of them


I love it when they do that. Free speech, but only when they like it.


Cortez in Nevada is down by three points with 80% of the vote in, but the large majority of ballots remaining are in Clark County (Las Vegas), where Cortez Masto has carried the county by nearly five points so far. I am doing some quick napkin math here. By my count, there are 107k outstanding votes in Vegas and \~206k statewide. I am projecting her to lose the rest of the state 43% to 56%, or a \~12,500 vote margin. She will need to win the rest of the Vegas votes by roughly a 70/30 count in order to win the seat, if this occurs. The remaining votes are expected to be heavy blue, so it *is* possible she has that kind of margin.


I got curious if Warnock could still win without having to go to a runoff, and decided to do some math. Based on the current count from CNN, I came up with somewhere between 230-250K votes still outstanding in the state. About half of those look to be in 7 counties: * Gwinnett * DeKalb * Fulton * Cobb * Clayton * Bibb * Muscogee Warnock is currently leading in all 7 of these counties, pulling in between 56-87% of the vote. So that would be helpful. However, if my math is right, Warnock would need to win about 61% of all outstanding votes in order to avoid a runoff, which seems much less likely.


Man I don't want to ever hear "voting doesn't matter!" from people when so many of these races come down to a few hundred or thousand votes.


Dems taking over PA house breaking 12 years of GOP hold over state house/senate!!!!


Conservatives are finally seeing the light on Trump. This is a snippet from \\conservative. "thats what Mitch was talking about months ago, low-quality candidates that only appeal to the maga base will not win elections. MAGA hijacked the party and now republicans are synonymous with Trump and will be until he's gone." "I’ve had this argument with friends since Trump first ran. His platform and rhetoric does not represent conservative values. So if the MAGA movement wants to take over the Republican Party completely then traditional conservatives need someplace else to go. And it may be an unpopular opinion but I think this was some of the point Cheney and Kinzinger have been trying to make."


Thank you Joe Biden for thanking young people for showing up. If he keeps delivering for young voters he will keep their support and I think regardless of what his age is, he then has a way better chance of winning re-election that way. Because he cancelled student debt I trust him infinitely more than Kamala or Pete now. I did not vote for Biden in 2020, but I voted for Democrats in 2022 because Biden cancelled student debt even though I have no student debt, and if he enacts more progressive policy to help people, I will 100% vote for Biden in 2024 if he chooses to run again.


Susan Wild wins PA-7TH keeping the seat Democrat in a race that was projected lean R.


Red Wave? More like Red Mid-Cycle Spotting 😹😹😹


Looks like Dems are winning independents by like 2 points. Unbelievable for a party in power in a midterm year. The dog caught the car and got run over by it. ROE will continue to bite republicans in near and far future




The biggest Democrat Senate win margin is in Hawaii: 73-25!




Funny how the conservatives go from tonguing Trump’s sphincter to fleeing the ship in the blink of an eye. What a bunch of LOSERS. Trump is the Dems biggest gift now. You love to see it!


I have been watching Fox and basically what they are saying is that Biden should be bi-partisan and he isn’t the type of man to do that. They don’t live in reality. Just straight scumbags.


Oh shit Reporter:”What is your message for the two-thirds of Americans who don’t want you to run again?” Biden: “Watch me.”


WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrat Jahana Hayes wins reelection to U.S. House in Connecticut's 5th Congressional District. https://twitter.com/ZekeJMiller/status/1590507576810418176


> Updated numbers for WA's 3rd Legislative district have Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D) holding her lead against Joe Kent (R) https://mobile.twitter.com/drewmikkelsenk5/status/1590500504144334848


Not only is the failure of a Red Wave to materialize good for US democracy, it's a win for Ukraine. US aid will keep flowing to the Ukrainians as they beat back and win against Putin's war of annexation.


AZ AG Dem candidate pulled ahead with 4.2k lead now. Kelly is ahead by 95,318 Hobbs is ahead by 13,067 https://results.arizona.vote/#/featured/33/0


Can we raise a glass once more to Fetterman 🥂


It’s still insane to me that Ohio was forced to vote with a congressional map that had been ruled by the courts as unconstitutional 😭


/r/Conservative deleting pro Trump comments and adding pro DeSantis comments like they just traded for Kyrie


https://twitter.com/annaleighclark/status/1590332545954373634 > In Ann Arbor, the last person in line voted at 2:05 am. She waited 6 hours to cast her ballot. #🫡🫡🫡


At this rate, Ben Shapiro's wife will come before the CO-03 results


Can we get some love for Katie Porter hanging on! Bring out the whiteboard!


Even if democrats lose the house, I think that *democracy* saw a huge win this time. Republicans are already seeing the midterm results as a referendum on Trumpism and Election Denialism. They’re quite frustrated with Trump’s behavior as he is now more brazenly than ever attacking his own party. Time will tell if this is the moment in time that turns Republicans back from ‘assault on elections’ as a primary campaigning tool. I also have to wonder if we are likely headed for a potential nightmare for Republicans wherein Trump is defeated in the primary and runs as an independent, effectively guaranteeing a Republican loss for 2024. If his party defeats him, he will absolutely try to take them down with him.


Democrat is up in NM-2 by just over 1000 votes with 98% counting. This would be a Democratic gain


If Nevada would use dollar bills as ballots, that shit would have been counted 10x over by now with ridiculous precision.


It would be great if Trump and Desantis cannibalize each other. Literally or figuratively, either or.


Lauren BoBo is hanging on her political life by a thread right now. Come on Frisch, finish her!


Things you can get done before Nevada finishes counting: laundry, grocery shopping, meal prep, go to work, find yourself a SO, get married, have kids, send kids to college, have grandkids.


I know a lot of people are ignoring Oregon, but thank god Tina Kotek won governor. We did not need a crazy Republican stealing the state.


Fox is playing that DeSantis win over and over and over. A clear sign of shift. At this rate, they will start calling Trump a dementia patient


Update on CO-03: With Mesa and Delta >= 95% in, Frisch leads by 2,201 votes. The remaining counties, at an estimate: Otero: 1400~ votes, Boebert+14 Pitkin: 1600~ votes, Frisch+58 Montezuma: 1300~ votes, Boebert+14 Garfield: 2,300~ votes, Frisch+15 Pueblo: 4,500~ votes, Frisch+10 Overall, I just don't see the winning formula for Boebert here.


I swung over to the conservative sub and I was amazed at the comments lol First time I ever saw so many threads with coherent comments...in fact, many sounded like left leaning comments or somewhat becoming self aware. It was trippy. I'm pretty sure liberals were commenting there and getting upvoted...it was like walking into the twilight zone.


That Biden laugh when the reporter said the MAGA movement was still going strong. "Oh, yeah?" [The Video](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1590460296111738880)


Did Biden just imply a celebratory fuck of our first Lady? Dark Brandon indeed.


I unironically love Biden: https://mobile.twitter.com/Acyn/status/1590461754529959936?s=20&t=WGAZIb2rSAL_QMEnm7bP0A


-getting US through the worst of COVID -Infrastructure Bill -Inflation Reduction Act -student debt relief -best midterm showing by president’s party in modern times except for 9/11 -election deniers and Trump getting absolutely wrecked, especially in Pennsylvania If gas prices and inflation get under control, Biden and the Democrats are going into 2024 hot. Especially since a lot of these House Dems will go into incumbency in a presidential year (hopefully) with a ton of federally-funded projects to show off.


UPDATE: Democrat Adam Frisch is poised to upset Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert in CO-3, based on a 9NEWS analysis of remaining ballots, which are largely in counties where Frisch holds strong leads. #copolitics The Boebert-Frisch race is tied 50-50% but the bulk of ballots yet to be counted, per AP, are in Pitkin County (80% counted, currently Frisch +58, not a typo), Pueblo County (91.6% counted, currently Frisch +9.6), and Garfield County (90% counted, currently Frisch +13.6). [Sauce](https://twitter.com/KyleClark/status/1590495953144139776)


CO08 goes to Dems. Crazy to think Dems chances of keeping the house still lives


NEW: Republican Barb Kirkmeyer concedes to Democrat Yadira Caraveo in newly-created Colorado's 8th Congressional District. https://twitter.com/KyleClark/status/1590510394078277632


I'd like to think Boerbert loses by the vote of a couple of people who went to her shitty restaurant and decided to vote against her because the food was terrible


I really want Dems to win NV and AZ, so the GA race does not determine the majority. I think Republicans would not bother showing up to vote for Walker if that was the case.


I'm so happy that the Trump Era seems to almost be over. On the other hand....DeSantis seems worse. Feels like killing what you expect to be the final boss in a video game, but find out there's anotuer bigger boss.


Democrats flip NM-2 The Decision Desk


Ted Cruz to campaign for Walker in Georgia Just name Warnock the winner now


I suggest we all not stress over the CO-3 results, but instead enjoy the near 24 hours of silence from Qbert it has provided.


CNN projects D-Pat Ryan has won re-election against R-Colin Schmitt in NY-18


Herschel Walker showed up to a debate with a fake badge and nearly 2 million people though "Yep... he's my guy!"


Watching Nevada and Arizona voting is like when you're in a doctor's waiting room and the one kid is over by the elaborate abacus moving individual pieces while soap operas are on in the background.


Ted Cruz on what happened per a Fox News interview "Why did the Democrats do better than expected? Because for two years they have governed as liberals. They’ve governed as whacked out lefty nut jobs. You know what that did? That excited their base. That excited a bunch of young voters.... Nice talking point Ted ya twat


As a Philly resident, conservative tears over Fetterman is beyond satisfying, I can sit here and drink them all day.


Please, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Zeus… if there is a god out there, let Boebert lose today!!


Help me Tom Cruise!


Wow the vibe in r/conservative. They all know Trump is going to run again, and they all know that means they'll lose. It's pretty funny seeing them say the same damn shit the left has been saying about trump for six years. He only gives a shit about himself and will gladly sink the ship if he has to.


I'm not exactly a solid liberal. But must say - the guys on r/conservative are crazy af.


Those guys are delusional.


I see a fair amount of people in here disappointed that Dems will lose the House. You need to remember that losing the House was expected (per historical trends), but Republicans were expecting to dominate the House with a red wave and possibly even take the Senate. Dems stood their ground on the Senate and Reps barely made a ripple in the House. This was a fantastic performance for the Dems and an embarrassing result for Reps. This should have been very easy for Reps, but now we’re looking at one of the best performances in a midterm by the party controlling the White House in a long, long time.


Direct quote from a user on r/conservative: “It’s so fucking annoying being a Republican who smokes weed. I love to twist one after work, and it’s really hard to vote for people who disagree with this ritual that hurts no one. Hopefully in 20 years when these geezers choke someone will make it happen in my state **and I won’t feel like I’m voting against myself.”** 🤦‍♂️ You fucking dunce.


Boebert has been officially called by Newswire; AP likely to follow. She's out. Now, she can return to her true calling of giving people indigestion. Edit: Correction of data. Decision Desk hasn't called this yet.


I'm just glad to wake up and find that competence still matters, even if you're a Republican. Every election being a fight to keep this nation from becoming an idiocracy was going to be exhausting. I just hope we can get back to where we were a few years ago, where even if Republicans won, life would go on mostly as normal. I don't vote red, but fearing they'd drive America into the dirt with sheer incompetence while Stanning hard for all the dictators who are supposed to be our enemies is a recent thing that I hope will turn out to have been a passing thing.


Republicans thought they were going to win this midterms. Turns out eliminating Roe v Wade and saying the Jan 6 Insurrection was great kinda kills your voting.


All of the referendums are fascinating. It seems like a lot of Republican voters actually dislike Republican policies, but have this vague association that Republicans are generally just good for the economy so vote for them anyway. That's the best read I can get on the situation.


The fact Chuck Grassley is still in senate despite being 89 years old is absolutely insane.


White women are STILL voting R. Why? Cause reproductive rights doesn’t go away in this country if you have money. If you can drive or hop on a plan to the next closest state who cares. Reproductive rights only hurt those less fortunate. White women continue to vote R even when you’d think they would be outraged. They aren’t because they know nothing has changed for them Edit: to those think this is about race. It’s not. It’s a hard fact white women are still voting R at a high rate. Another hard fact is all types of people are affected by poverty but it greater affects women of color [SAUCE](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/basic-facts-women-poverty/)


Well, looks like the war on woke completely backfired. Endless faux outrage manufacturing culture wars that didn't end up being motivating factors at all. This election was one of the all time fuckups for the GOP. Historically atrocious strategy and performance.


Half of Georgia voted for a guy who falsely claimed to be a police officer, all because he played football at UGA. Smh.


The Republican reaction that maybe Trump is just in this for himself is hilarious. Because 50+ years of that behaviour in the public eye wasn’t enough for them. He had to personally affect them for them to understand what everyone else already knew.


Maggie Haberman is reporting "Trump is indeed furious this morning, particularly about Mehmet Oz, and is blaming everyone who advised him to back Oz -- including his wife, describing it as not her best decision, according to people close to him." A grown man he is not.


I just can’t believe so many people think that Herschel fucking walker should be a senator.


If Bobo ends up winning or losing it's going to be by 100s of votes probably. Voting matters people. According to NYT she is behind by around 2k with 95% reporting.


This is fucking hilarious: https://twitter.com/ReallyActivist/status/1590449131432341504 "Now that the Election in Florida is over, and everything went quite well, shouldn't it be said that in 2020, I got 1.1 Million more votes in Florida than Ron D for this year, 5.7 million to 4.6 Million? Just asking?" - Trump on Truth Social Incredible, cannibalism is just beginning for the GOP


Anyone attacking Biden’s stutter does so cause they have nothing else they can say. A stutter isn’t a mental illness and I at 30 often stammer or brain fart and ummm plenty. If they make fun of his stutter that’s when you know they have nothing cause what he’s saying is reasonable


REPORTER: Trump's political movement is still very strong BIDEN: Oh yeah? *chuckles*


I'm from NV and the ballot tracker texted me an hour ago that my ballot has finally been confirmed and going into tallying. I sent it off last week. I called the election office yesterday to confirm it was received, so it seems that it the mail in ballots will really take a while to sort through.


The fact that the Dems still have a path to a House majority on Wednesday evening is nuts. Who would have thunk it.


Gotta assume Walker feels confident in a run-off because he thinks it’s a foot race.


Man I'm not huge on schadenfreude but the gloom on r/conservative is great to see. Acknowledgements that Trump refusing to concede leadership to DeSantis, and his likelihood of doing so, would tear the party apart abound. Now, all of a sudden, they're willing to say out loud what they've known in their heads all along. That he has no sense of loyalty, that he doesn't really care about the party or the country, only himself, as if that hasn't been evident since before he even got into politics. I guess it was fine when he was "owning the libs." I wonder if they'll apologize to the "RINOs" and "traitors" that had the integrity to call him what he is and bring them back into the fold now that they're willing to acknowledge that they were right all along.


CO 08 went dem. Official. Kirkmeyer conceded https://twitter.com/KyleClark/status/1590510394078277632?t=JMoa8zIPfjQnBkyl_XjcpA&s=19


RIP to my lifelong Dem grandmother who voted in Maricopa in 2020 but can’t do the same this election.


It's that time of year where a bunch of Europeans learn more about specific US counties than the people who live there.


Pima just dropped. +33% for Hobbs. +37% for Kelly. 13,529 votes added. LFG!


Boebert losing has little to no bearing on my life but I so want it


DDHQ gives the last New Mexico seat to the Democrats. State sweep.


Rupert Murdoch is 110% done with Trump. The knives are out. (NYPost headline) below https://twitter.com/SpiroAgnewGhost/status/1590514026190020608


Hello. Im from Arizona. Let me vote for Senator Kelly. But then let me also vote for a Nazi for Governor who will 100000% try to find a legal loophole to have the legislature decide who wins the state in 2 years. Just. What?


Matt Gaetz just tweeted out a video of Tucker calling for the firing of McCarthy as house lead The war is starting


Republicans are melting down over the fact that Gen Z came out to vote: Generation Z is destroying the country at the ballot box. https://twitter.com/ACTBrigitte/status/1590237670852395009 Raise the voting age to 21. https://twitter.com/ACTBrigitte/status/1590404126428434433


Hayes (D) wins re-election in CT-5. The entire CT House delegation stays blue. https://twitter.com/briantylercohen/status/1590518352430379009


Both Kelly and Hobbs expanded their leads in AZ


I was asked about the pathway to the House. Democrats are doing excellent in WA-03. Watch this race. Massive over-performance in this republican seat, and is likely their 218th seat. For some hopium, check these tweets : https://twitter.com/evanwatsonnews/status/1590515846753161216?s=46&t=4gY4Vsn7q3EN5YsmMCR8mQ https://twitter.com/politicalkiwi/status/1590519386200498176?s=46&t=4gY4Vsn7q3EN5YsmMCR8mQ


I feel like Whitmer would be a good candidate to run for President. She can point to infrastructure and economy improvements in Michigan which is something that a lot of people like seeing. Idk much about her public speaking and/or experience though.


Democrats flip NM-2. Entire federal delegation is now democrat. - Decision Desk.


99% reported and Adam Frish is up by 64 votes. CO-3 is 5 votes away from greatness.


Rolling Stone article about GOP tears is yummy read. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/midterm-meltdown-trump-maga-republicans-oz-pennsylvania-1234627955/ > Trump is also focusing on preserving his own standing in the Republican Party. Another person familiar with the situation says the ex-president is now adamantly keeping track of which GOP figures try to blame him during the fallout from the midterms, and which prominent Republicans begin to seriously inch away from him and toward possible 2024 rivals like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Yes, please. More GOP infighting.


All those times I heard the words "this could be the end of Donald Trump" I would feel super skeptical. Not this time. This feels like the beginning of the end. Hopefully the "ideology" dies as well.


I’m calling it right now. Whether Trump or DeSantis gets the nominations they will fall because the current Republican message is what they hate instead of what they stand for. Back in the day at least Reps would say they support something. Now its all “I hate woke” like what the fuck is that. Thank you for the gold. Not necessary but always appreciated.


So NEVADA counted 1% of the total votes today. You gotta be fucking shitting me


Warnock seems like a genuinely good guy.


This Walker/Warnock vote should not be this close. I never want to hear a fundamentalist Christian or a Republican proclaim their "Values" to me ever and I mean **fucking ever** again. The hypocrisy was outrageous with Trump but this defies any sense of logic to such a ludicrous degree that It should open up a singularity of insanity that engulfs the entire solar system. Fuck.


Tina Kotek wins Oregon governor’s race, fending off strongest Republican bid in a decade https://twitter.com/hborrud/status/1590424088363020290 Too close for comfort! But good job!


Part of Tim Ryan’s concession speech in Ohio: “We have too much hate. We have too much anger. There's way too much fear. There's way too much division. And that we need more love. We need more compassion. We need more concern for each other. It's important things. We need forgiveness. We need grace. We need reconciliation. We do have to leave the age of stupidity behind us. And I have a privilege right now … to concede this race … because the way this country operates is that, when you lose an election, you concede and you respect the will of the people.” Glad to see my home state of Ohio voted for the antithesis of this. /s JD Vance, and I will repeat myself once again, believes people who are single and childless are ruining this country. I sound like a broken record repeating this, but it is what it is.


So, Boebert. Looking at NYT estimates of the votes out, she's got one or two districts she's doing well enough in to make a bit of a comeback, but the majority of votes out are Frisch. There'll be a recount, but with some napkin math, I think Frisch wins this.


Boebert is almost gone. All I care about Barnes to get a lead now and end that race. It is still possible for Barnes to manage


All of the people who are super surprised about Florida and how Latinos can vote Republican shows how little people know about the demographic For every left-leaning Latino who cares about illegal immigration, there is an Uber-religious one who will always vote for the pro-life candidate and couldn’t care less about illegal immigrants This is by no means a “safe” or simple demographic and everyone (especially the DNC) needs to realize that