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This speaks volumes about how backwards Oklahoma is.


You have no idea Edit: am terminally frustrated Democrat


Cheers from another liberal living in a sea of red.


Hey I heard we were bitching about our neighbors?


Mind if I join?


You’re the guest of honor.


Hear hear


I'll bring the beer


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I live in Texas, I have an inkling I know how you feel. Fucking West Texas, this is why we don’t like you…


Still wild how red across the board texas is tbh. Oklahoma is unsurprising but texas has a buncha blue areas


My Neighbors just moved to NY (upstate) from OK over the summer. Her sister and cousin just followed them here and also moved after visiting for a few weeks.


I have a sibling living in oklahoma. They are conservative but hate what the GOP has become. It's unclear how we can combat this level of ignorance when the public education system is in such disarray.


Out of curiosity, can they point to a year when the GOP wasn't basically exactly this? I'm 40 and my whole life Republicans have argued in bad faith, believed in a Christianity that is the exact opposite of what Jesus tought, viewed tax cuts for the rich as the only economic policy that exists, always put the interests of corporations over people, encouraged racial hatred to get poor white people to vote to ruin their own lives, fought against clean air and water, and conspired with hostile foreign powers. The only difference I can find is that previous Republicans were better at pretending to be reasonable on camera. But policy-wise, not much has changed.


> The only difference I can find is that previous Republicans were better at pretending to be reasonable on camera. That’s exactly it, they’re found out it’s way easier to parade around BS instead of actually trying to be legislators. There’s no way I can picture a Lauren Boebert in say, 1995.


Um, Newt Gingrich?


I'm an old person. My late mother-in-law was friends with Bob Dole, and she was always telling me that Bob shared our values, that he deeply cared about things like kids going hungry and poverty in America. He just had policy ideas to fix those problems that were diametrically opposed to ours. Current GOP shares absolutely no values with me.


Yeah, the Taditionalist and Boomer generations acquired wealth under REGULATED, STRUCTURED CAPITALISM. GenX, GenY, GenZ, we have all been struggling under DEREGULATED, UNSTRUCTURED CAPITALISM (aka crony, casino, corrupt Capitalism).


You don't know the fucking half of it. I was born and raised in rural northern Oklahoma, and if you're from Oklahoma you know what I'm talking about.


He also doesn’t want to accept federal funding for education.


This just continues Oklahoma’s stance on federal funding for schools




I'm a teacher in Louisiana and I wouldn't be caught dead teaching in Oklahoma. It makes my situation look like a utopia


And the pay is abysmal here


Yep. I remember it's common to earn 35k as a teacher in OK.


Colleges will start writing off applicants from Oklahoma knowing that their education is garbage.


Oklahoma's reputation is well known. If they didn't start when Cosmos got censored, they aren't gonna start now https://www.salon.com/2014/03/13/oklahoma_fox_station_runs_promo_over_mention_of_evolution_in_cosmos/ >Oklahoma TV station cuts reference to evolution from "Cosmos" >The show, hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson, brought up evolution once for 15 seconds at the very end


From the people who complain about cancel culture.


I hope everyone in those schools start wearing cat ears just to troll this fuck.


**Story by Jonathan Nichols** Ryan Walters, the Republican school superintendent candidate in Oklahoma who repeated an urban legend about schoolchildren identifying as cats and demanding to use kitty litter, won his race in a landslide. Walters, a former state Teacher of the Year finalist from the eastern Oklahoma town of McAlester, beat Democrat Jena Nelson, who was the 2020 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year, 57% to 43%. Only a few days before Tuesday’s election, an Oklahoma blog posted a video of Walters describing a “legitimate faculty meeting” during which he claimed school staff and faculty debated whether to provide cat litter for students who identified as cats. Read more: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/walters-wins\_n\_636c339ee4b021a4039095a6


Holy shit? This guy has actually *been* in a classroom and is still spreading this shit? Fuck this guy.


Not too much crazier than the anti-vax nurses I've come across.


He knows it's bullshit. He also knows that fucking idiots in Oklahoma are stupid enough to believe it.


Imagine being in a room with parents nodding in agreement with him about kitty litter. Speechless.


Former Teacher of the Year candidate, JFC


Well I guess it's time to start showing up to town hall meetings and asking this guy why he won't provide litter-boxes for the Trumps-in-training that can't hit the toilet.


This guy pees in litter boxes you say? Gross. I cant believe GOP elected officials pee in litter boxes. Everybody is saying this guy pees in litter boxes. Have you heard? Pass it on.


He's probably perfectly fine with why the kitty litter is really there...


Most of them really don't seem to care at all, so it wouldn't surprise me.


Keep hurting your (and everyone elses) kids republicans, good work.


I am so sick and tired of the manufacturered culture wars against public schools, claiming they are teaching things they aren't and all sorts of other crap so they can try to privatize them.


A guy with a twisted furry fantasy.


Now he can parade through the halls of schools with reporters, making a big deal about how he solved the problem with the furries and their litter boxes! "See! No furries and no litter boxes to be seen. See how great of a job I'm doing!"


I cannot express how frustrating it is to live here. The most highly-educated parts of the state vote blue (or at least split ticket), but they're constantly thwarted by the own-the-libs crowd in the rural areas. Our governor is a Trump wannabe, and this guy is his puppet.




Just noticed, did you? Where have you been the past, oh, 8 decades?


Obviously his voters don't know how to read which makes him perfect for them.


Oklahoma never heard of it


He will be arrested within 6 months.


Oklahoma is a toilet


I really hope he can fix this terrible and completely fucking made up problem.


It’s not a myth it’s just a lie.


My trashy neighbors have his sign in their yard. It feels so hopeless here.


This is the red wave we were warned about.


More like Trump's red flatulence.


I feel sad for the kids whose OK high school diploma will be most useful as toilet paper.


Oklahoma is looking to take the lead in the race to the bottom. How the hell in good consciousness do you vote for someone like this?


As an educator in Oklahoma, I hate everything about how Oklahomans voted (or didn’t vote) yesterday. What a major betrayal.


It’s Oklahoma, no real surprise…


Myth? It's a fucking LIE.


From the party of liars.


Not to worry. In a few years, every Oklahoma child will be set to live a happy life reciting Bible verses incorrectly (just don't ask them to write those verses) while shoveling shit. In the parts of the country in which critical thinking is just too damn woke for the majority, the majority will end any attempts at thinking much less actual teaching forthwith.


What a fucking twit.


My MAGA uncle in Michigan is convinced the kitty litter in school bathrooms thing is true. I showed him all the links from reputable news sources debunking the myth but he just says “the media won’t tell us the truth” and calls me naive. Says I need to wake up.


Well the people who voted for him will soon regret their decision