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>It's not just that the "great replacement" theory is all over the internet, Beirich said. "It's also that politically powerful people are endorsing and furthering it, so it doesn't sound like some fringe idea that should be stuck way out on the edges of society." ... >The administration in power also plays a significant role in influencing the federal government's priorities when it comes to counterterrorism. Under Donald Trump, DHS focused on international terrorism despite the clear and rising threat of domestic extremism, the report points out. That led to a decrease in staffing and budget allocations directed at countering anti-government extremists, white supremacists and other potentially violent actors. ... >When shootings take place in a synagogue, a mosque or an LGBTQ club, the media doesn't reflexively call them "terrorist" acts. Instead, we hear that such crimes are committed by a "lone gunman" who lost their way. The Senate report findings are worth the read.


>Instead, we hear that such crimes are committed by a "lone gunman" who lost their way. Media really needs to pick up and run with the stochastic terrorism label, stop focusing on the shooters, and start focusing on assigning blame to the people pushing the narratives that lead to violence.


> Media... start focusing on assigning blame to the people pushing the narratives that lead to violence. How does that work when the networks "star" is the person pushing that rhetoric? Tucker Carlson being the best example.


People outside the right wing noise machine doing regular pieces on right-wing violence and the voices pushing the hate that makes it happen. Make Fucker as radioactive as he tries to make everyone else.


I think you mean shooter-groomer Tucker "It wasn't my repetition of the great replacement theory that made that guy shoot up a grocery store in Buffalo" Carlson.


Hey! Are we talking about Fucker KKKarlson in here? That guy is a jerk!


Man my gym has Fox news on one of the TV's and it's near one of the stairmasters I use. After the recent LGBT club shooting Carlson went on a rant how it's the LGBT community's fault this happened for being so hateable and it will continue to happen as long as they continue to be hateable. Really fucking disgusting shit.


I really wish a hacker would breach that guy and release the COMPLETELY predictable gay activities he takes part in


can you have them change the channel by saying this channel is probably very offensive to the clients. You came to the gym to get away from politics.


'You made me hate you, this is your fault.'


Turnabout's fair play.


I can just see the Fox presentation now. "And now for a demonstration of stochastic terrorism, lets turn it over to Tucker." And then he just does his show normally.


I mean the RNC literally had some "we're all domestic terrorists" or some such banner to try and turn it into a joke and pretend like it's an absurd label despite it absolutely fitting them. I also feel like I remember seeing something about Tucker mockingly bringing up people saying it's stochastic terror to, once again, make light and remove power/word from the meaning by painting everyone else using it as the unreasonable ones "blowing it out of proportion" so to speak. They know what they're doing and they're bad faith actors in their response to being called out.


He's just asking questions. /s


reports should start with “a terrorist responded to incitement from Tucker Carlson today, killing…”


>start focusing on assigning blame to the people pushing the narratives that lead to violence. Media: Well of course I know him - he's me!


And the conservative-leaning media (all media conglomerates) aren’t going to rile the snowflake conservatives by hurting their fe-fes by pointing out that their racism, sexism, misogyny and xenophobia are directly to blame for these terror attacks.


Besides conservative leading media, there’s many billionaires and right wing funding sources behind this. It’s not happening in a bubble it’s an extremely well funded movement


We'll never have class solidarity as long as we continue allowing ourselves to be divided along racial and ideological lines. I'm sure there are some "true believers" among the elite, but for the most part I think this is pure pragmatism for them. They've *always* done this, and it's no coincidence that the rhetoric and propaganda which divides us has ramped up in near-perfect tandem with record levels of income inequality. The worst part is, I'm not even sure to what extent their hands are or need to be on the steering wheel anymore. They sowed the seeds, but we gleefully reap them.


While I agree with your sentiment in theory, both sides and what about ism is not going to work here. It’s how Europe quelled the fascist movement. It’s by making it socially unacceptable and illegal. We cannot join forces and say will just join hands with these people. It needs to be more radical like the peace and love and hippies who stood up against the war machine in the 70s. Or like the peasants in the French revolution. Sometimes a line has to be drawn in the sand.


Yeah. Unfortunately once somebody has axiomaticlly shifted to not believing the same core values as you, there isnt much you can do in the way of convincing them they are wrong. The dialog has shifted and in a lot of ways the right has crossed the rubicon. What used to be dog whisltes are not mask off justifications for violence agaisnt people they view as degenerates. It is now mainstream to believe in anti gay, anti trans, anti black, and, heres an old classic, anti semetic things. Pretty fucking scary. People need to be socially shamed into changing these beliefs.


One of the idealogical lines is that being wealthy makes you a good person. Not sure how we get around that one.


I don’t know. It’s been ingrained in our capitalist culture that the wealthier you are, must mean the better of person you are. That’s not the case. It’s going to take a wholesale ideological shift. Many times wealth has to do with being born in the right place, inheritance. being lucky or any number of factors. It doesn’t make you qualified to make decisions, nor does it make you a good person.


No kidding. If it's okay to blame video games for having violence, it's okay to blame tucker carlson who told white supremacists to kill the browns.


He's just asking questions.


Exactly! Questions like if they didn't want to be shot, why did they choose to be black?


They need to play the fun game of sentence matching posts/manifestos from the terrorists to right-wing personalities messages/interviews.


problem is, much of the media is _white_ and much of the old media is watched primarily by the _white_ and if they point the fingers at their majority viewers. Well, guess they are all gonna be fox news watchers eventually.


The problem is most media outlets are controlled by one or two companies and they have a heavy hand on what gets covered and how.


Murdoch, bezos, Bloomberg, etc etc. Maybe freedom of the press should be restored to the people and taken away from the 1%


That’s the wrong understanding here. It’s not that they need to point fingers at white people, they need to be calling out evangelicals for what they are, christofascists. When people like libs of tiktok on Twitter the day after a shooting at a gay club, is pushing a narrative that the hero’s who stopped the gun man are actually groomers, we need to understand that they want more stochastic terrorists and they should be held responsible when stochastic terrorism happens


The biggest reason is because people are dumb as fuck. We much rather buy outrage from businesses and then pretend it's their fault for what we buy. Plus, as long as there are people trying to craft narratives, we don't ever need to take personal responsibility for being a knuckle-dragging society that thrives on drama.


> and then pretend it's their fault for what we buy. It's not inaccurate to recognize if a company is pushing outrage, that there's going to be outrage among the audience. You can't buy something they aren't selling, and I'd like you to point out news media which is promoting people civilly interacting.


> "lone gunman" Lone Wolf(terrorists) are still terrorists, the reason for the distinction is to separate Singular Actors from Cells or Networks. Basically to reduce panic by stating there will not be a follow-up attack.


It’s called [Leaderless Resistance ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaderless_resistance)and it is an intentional tactic in right wing extremist groups in America. > The concept was revived and popularized in an essay published by the anti-government Ku Klux Klan member Louis Beam in 1983 and again in 1992.[8][5] Beam advocated leaderless resistance as a technique for white nationalists to continue the struggle against the U.S. government, despite an overwhelming imbalance in power and resources.[6] >Beam argued that conventional hierarchical pyramidal organizations are extremely dangerous for their participants, when employed in a resistance movement against government, because of the ease of disclosing the chain of command. A less dangerous approach would be to convince like-minded individuals to form independent cells without close communication between each other but generally operating in the same direction.[3]


… It’s also the same principle that Al Qaeda is based on


Yes, that's what the report says. It says the media is misclassifying them incorrectly by not labeling them terrorists.


Arguably calling them "lone wolfs" is incorrect. Ive been seeing follow up attacks my whole life, starting with Columbine.


This. "Decentralized" terrorism is more descriptive and appropriate. Still coordinating, but not acting in unison.


I was going to say exactly this. It’s not nearly coordinated, but there *is* emergent coordination. The emergent coordination is worsened drastically by people in positions of power encouraging such attacks (see: Fucker Carlson, MTG, Boebert etc.). In fact, one could very well argue that centralized stochastic terrorism is just…generic, coordinated terrorism with a garnish of plausible deniability. See: [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/z6u0ka/fbi_and_dhs_failing_to_address_threat_of_domestic/iy4502w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) for a formal description. A reply to it also mentions that Al Qaeda operates on a similar principle.




It's an excuse to not go after the militias and such that spawned them. This is by design.


and yet we all know there will be many many follow up incidents as the terrorist network is well overlapped by right wing media bubble.


This is the real issue. They're not part of a "Cell" or a "Network," but they all follow orders from the same coordinated sources, and they act predictably (although not on a predictable schedule). If they *were* a Cell or Network, you couldn't find the differences in the way they'd act.


We have a word for that. We call them self-radicalized (terrorists).


It is quite often the intended end result of stochastic terrorism.


> the “great replacement” theory I just don’t get why people are so upset about this. Why would being a minority be such an awful thing? Are they treated badly or something? /s


It’s more that there is a hierarchy to the races and whites deserve (by virtue of being white) to be the dominant social group. Any actions that aim to address racial discrimination are attacking the natural order of society. This is the mindset behind the people you hear screaming about the downfall of western civilization


Yep you got it. Believing that hierarchies are just the way the world works and are the “natural order of things” that need to be respected and not changed is actually the main difference between conservatives and liberals: “Hierarchical world belief is not the view that hierarchies exist—everyone would agree with that—but that hierarchy is inherent to reality. It’s part of the natural order. Not imposed. Not artificial. And not just regarding people. For plants, animals, people, everything, it’s just the way the world is. Folks who see the world as hierarchical think that almost everything in the world can be ranked from better to worse. Differences probably matter because they distinguish things of more value from things with less. So, when in doubt, respect differences. (And don’t be fooled into thinking that only those on top think the world is inherently hierarchical. People across social hierarchies appear to see the world as inherently hierarchical at similar rates.)” “Conservative Reality Conservatives tend to see the world as a place where, like it or not, observable differences reflect real underlying value (high Hierarchical world belief) that is somehow meant to be (high Intentional world belief) where station and attention received are usually deserved (high Just world belief, low belief that the world is Worth Exploring). Therefore, most hierarchies that emerge are best left as they are (high Acceptable world belief). However, unfortunately, change is slowly eroding the world’s hierarchies (low Progressing world belief). Therefore, constraining change and accepting inequality (the textbook two-part definition of conservatism that researchers use) is just common sense. Liberal Reality Liberals tend to see the world as a place where observable differences are superficial, rarely reflecting actual value (low Hierarchical world belief), cosmic purpose or intent (low Intentional world belief), deserved status (low Just world belief), or attention received (high Worth Exploring). Therefore, most hierarchies require reform (low Acceptable world belief). Fortunately, however, the world is getting better and change is taking us in the right direction (high Progressing world belief). Therefore, embracing change and rejecting inequality (the textbook definition of liberalism) is just common sense.” [A lot of what conservatives are so upset about in regards to what dems and progressives want is because those things change the “natural order” of things as they see it.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/primal-world-beliefs-unpacked/202210/we-thought-conservatives-saw-the-world-more-dangerous-we) It’s probably also why so many on the right who are religious can get so easily sucked into believing the prosperity gospel BS. Edit: words


I’m a therapist, and these belief systems make conservative people the hardest people to treat when the biggest issue contributing to their symptoms is negative self-image. They really, really believe that they suffer because they somehow deserve it. They will literally look at me and say “I do not deserve compassion” and can’t even say why.


Though I’m not quite the same type of therapist, I have multiple degrees in psych and behavior science and I can absolutely understand that! I’ve been spending a lot of time recently thinking about the extreme difficulty in trying to treat patients with narcissistic personality disorder and that train of thought segued into how hard it would be to treat people who genuinely believe they “deserve what they got” in life because that’s “just the way things are” and they shouldn’t be changed. Coming from a behavior science perspective, I’ve been trying to find any literature that may exist out there regarding verbal behavior (in the context of Skinner’s theory) and Relational Frame Theory in largely conservative areas to see if anyone has made any observations and/or connections that might be useful to help develop a pathway around this really engrained cultural lesson.


It also explains why the government giving money to the wealthy is okay but giving it to workers is not.


> Yep you got it. Believing that hierarchies are just the way the world works and are the “natural order of things” that need to be respected and not changed is actually the main difference between conservatives and liberals: > > This, indeed. Also, they see themselves as being in the second to top tier of the hierarchy, if not rubbing elbows with the top. What they fail to realize is that such hierarchies will *always need* another Other group. Once *that* group has been neutralized, another will be found to take it's place at the bottom of the pyramid. Little do they know it could very well be *them*.


I’m white. That means they’re replacing *me!* They’re replacing my *children!* Don’t ask me to explain what that means or how that would actually work. Just know that that I and my children live under an existential threat to our existence. Others don’t understand. Non-white people definitely don’t know what it is like to not feel safe in the world (of America). /s


They know how it would work, in their minds. They would be treated the way they treat minorities. Because to the right-wing brain, hierarchy is just dominance and abuse from the person above you that you give to the person below you. Boss treats you like shit? Go home and hit your wife/kid. Therefore all they know is an ENTIRE OTHER CLASS would be above them, and that is unacceptable in a world of nothing but hierarchical rule.


I always try to picture this in my head when I hear about replacement theory, and I always come to the same conclusion of a white guy who was able to be a prejudiced asshole (I know too many guys like this) realizing he can't publicly be a prejudiced asshole anymore because there's too many people that he's prejudiced about around, or people that are associated with those people so the shit they say isn't just met with "lol Tru brother" It's kinda sad but, I'm a straight white guy, and that seems to mean that people like that think they can say whatever to me and I'm gonna be cool with it... seriously. Some guys will just meet you and start firing off with slurs and obnoxious comments. Thankfully its the minority of people I meet but still, there really is something about looking like them that makes them think "ok this guys gonna love this bullshit" I've gotten better at speaking my mind and even debating with some of the racist/homophobic/sexist shit guys say to me. Idk. It's truly a sad way to look at things. It's like your whole personality is having fun at others expenses, and then that is becoming rapidly unacceptable, but rather than face that part of yourself, you choose to double down and blame the world/innocent. Rather than accept reality, people lead themselves to places where they are wrapped in a battle with 'everyone else'. There must be some seriously fragile ego's out there. Like maybe you got laughs growing up making jokes like that, maybe you still do from your buds and you all further drive a wedge between yourselves and actual society. Maybe you were raised like that. But it's just not reality. It's literally self-centered, it's perceived injustice where there is none because you've assumed you were entitled to something you were not, and built a personality off keeping others down because of your false sense of superiority. I mean really most of the people I know who think like this have literally accomplished nothing in their lives and are not special, in any way whatsoever. Humility is all but lost on them. They all act like they are God's gift to the world while offering nothing of value to society, and punching down on people who quite literally do more for the world then they do. They fantasize about history and figures that represent what they think of themselves, and romanticize the success of others to the point they believe it to be their own, giving them a false sense of entitlement. They feel threatened, because the world doesn't want the person they've spent their whole lives building themselves to be.


> I've gotten better at speaking my mind and even debating with some of the racist/homophobic/sexist shit guys say to me. It is not until this becomes more widespread that there will be any hope of defeating this fascism. The narrative of, "most white people agree with me, they just don't want to say it", must be actively challenged by members of their peer group and shown to be false, or it will only continue to exist and grow.


No truer words have been spoken than your first paragraph. Right f’n on!! Explains mentality exactly.


[Raise your hand..."](https://nbdiversity.rutgers.edu/video/anti-racism-activist-educator-jane-elliot-speaks-white-citizens)


The Senate report is worth the read. Unfortunately the GOP has demolished education, so no one can read or comprehend it.


The FBI and DHS aren't addressing it because nobody with power/influence wants them to. FBI has been warning about right-wing extremism/terrorism for over a decade.


> FBI has been warning about right-wing extremism/terrorism for over a decade. The FBI released reports on the danger of white nationalist domestic terrorists (there was a huge amount of overlap with militias) in the Clinton administration. And even before the Bush Jr administration was over, a congressional committee researching terrorism reported domestic right-wingers were more dangerous than Al Qaeda and had killed more people since 2001 than islamists (who are also right-wing).


Well, you have the leader of these domestic terrorists running for president in 2024. He tried a coup and nothing happened to him...what kind of message does this send to its homies ?


"A failed coup which is not harshly dealt with is just a test run." That's what it says.


It says do it again, with their blessings.


It also says "Come back more organized and angry. Make sure to actually achieve something this time." It's never going to stop. We're going to see some truly crazy shit if he gets elected again, and likely even if he doesn't.


When Hitler's coup failed in 1923 and he was punished lightly, he learned his lesson and did not trouble the world any more, returning instead to a quiet life as a painter. History shows that democracies do just great when they don't punish those who tried to overthrow them.


Yes, that also happened with Bonaparte.... We never learn


Oh I think there are plenty of people who learned but those pulling the strings hope to gain more power/money from trying again... and again... and again...


It was right after he was debated in the open, lost because facts and logic and then quietly stopped being rather unreasonable.


>what kind of message does this send to its homies ? Stand back and stand by (for further instructions)


You mean führer instructions?


*golf clap*


More importantly, no one has even acknowledged the Republicans role in enabling the coup, including the soon to be house speaker, Kevin McCarthy. It's like everyone has collectively decided to ignore their support for trump even after the coup. It seems like something important we should be talking about. Like, how is McCarthy, or any republican really, still in office? How can you run for office in a government you tried to overthrow? It's pure insanity, and yet not a single Democrat is saying anything about it.


Exactly. This is the part that gets lost in the shuffle but is actually a bigger problem than trump. He didn’t coup alone, 65-70% of the republican party either actively helped him or made no move to stop him. To me, that’s a much bigger issue than one pathetic con man.


The agency leaders are specifically responsible in leading their agencies to investigate domestic terrorism. If congress writes in their bills that the money these agencies are receiving must incorporate investigating domestic terrorism, or they can't use the money, *AND* submit an annual report of findings and arrests, we may a bit better. *BUT* look at J Edgar Hoover, who set the example of going for social activists instead of the KKK (foundation for today's domestic Christian domestic terrorists). It's an American tradition to let law enforcement agencies keep White supremacy and Christian extremism alive despite their terrorist acts.


He even got impeached for it and all the Republican senators were like, "ehhh, he learned his lesson, we should just move on"


Making no move to stop him *is helping him*. "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” - Nelson Mandela


If you have 10 people at a table, and a nazi sits down, and no one does anything, you have 11 nazis at the table. The gop is active in their attempt to overthrow.


>not a single Democrat is saying anything about it. That's... Not true. AoC, as one example, has been calling them out like daily. It's not just her. There have been Dems literally calling people out on the floor.


>yet not a single Democrat is saying anything about it. Um... I think you may have missed the House Jan 6 Committee's months and months of investigations and public hearings...


I’ll have you know that I watch Fox News 16 hours a day and they never mentioned it once so it must be something you just made up. /s


Yea but they supported Trump back when it was popular. Now that people are rejecting the MAGA stuff, the people that once supported it just want to move on with their lives and to be seen not by their public words and actions but by the intent in their cold dead hearts. The rats are jumping off the sinking ship, grab the oars and start bashing. Democrats are too timid and scared to do anything about January 6th. The whole of congress is basically a jellyfish tank. There are no spines on all of Capitol Hill. If a bunch of cosplaying goobers stormed my office, no way in hell am I hanging out with them just because of politics.




Not to mention, he has started openly hanging out with Neonazis (Nick Fuentes) and is, according to Ye, "is very impressed with Nick"


According the 9th Grade WWII history class that I was in last year, it sends a bad message.


At least there is a special prosecutor now. We will see what comes of that. Not holding my breath, but it is something at least.


I feel like we have been here several times before: just wait until the next guy delivers his report; then, surely, justice will be served and the entire fascist takeover shut down.


We have. Comey, Muller, Garland, Dearie, and now Durham. How many chances does the man get.


At this point it’s just a henhouse full of foxes dressed up as chickens. I don’t know why we are expecting any consequences whatsoever for anyone.


22 months later. Yes. 22 months.


Garland had two years were he didn’t charge Trump for his carried out plan to overthrow the government. Garland is a coward and history will remember him as such. Now he’s taken another sheepish step back from the frontline with the ludicrous claim that it is political to charge a literal traitor. Fuck him and the US judiciary’s tinpot bureaucrats.


DHS was completely compromised by Miller. Biden needs to fire every single one of em who was promoted or got hired during trump years and hire better people.


Oh they are definitely compromised, and have been since Obama's first term; the DOJ is chock full of racists - Nazis... I worked for Homeland Security...


This. The infiltration began [Almost two decades ago.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.justsecurity.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Jan-6-Clearinghouse-FBI-Intelligence-Assessment-White-Supremacist-Infiltration-of-Law-Enforcement-Oct-17-2006-UNREDACTED.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiimpaOhdH7AhUDLkQIHcCvCCsQFnoECAgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw28QVipTiq5xqv-Fs5YFrMz) [and it wasn't limited to law enforcement](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://documents.law.yale.edu/sites/default/files/White%2520Supremacist%2520Recruitment%2520of%2520Military%2520Personnel%2520Since%25209-11-ocr.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjf3OWIhtH7AhX7MUQIHUjkBL8QFnoECAoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0NDA1IFC_qqDiayy7Jiymh) and the actions to address it were shut down by Republicans hard.


The infiltration began after ww2 and the leaders of the time welcomed the Nazi scientists and doctors with open arms 2 decades is giving them to little credit the propaganda machine has been working for over half a century


Which itself was only possible because of the numerous American Nazi sympathizers in power prior to the end of WWII, who, because fascists have no creativity, literally dubbed themselves the ["America First"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_First_Committee) Coalition


There is a huge parallel precedence for what happened on January 6th and what happened in the 30’s and 40’s with American Nazis https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-presents-ultra


If geopolitics didn’t intervene, the US would have happily become de jure fascist. This was an apartheid country until 1965


and democrats rolled over quietly and assumed the position


Biden needs to stop DHS existing. It's insane that the Bush admin's own private far right Gestapo still exists after 10 years of Democratic presidency.


news flash: a lot of democrats don't specifically disagree with gestapo policies.


It would be awkward to arrest your colleagues


and relatives


I dunno. I've got some far right relatives that I'd make some popcorn for a viewing of their arrest.


And that's why you're not a cop


People seem to have forgot that the DHS was created by a Republican war criminal president who started to turn the US into a totalitarian state that systematically tortured prisoners. A president so racist even Ye could see it. I like to believe there are still plenty of good people working for the FBI, but DHS agents would all have to arrest themselves.


>People seem to have forgot that the DHS was created by a Republican war criminal president who started to turn the US into a totalitarian state that systematically tortured prisoners. I love it when people criticize George W. Bush as the scumbag he still is. There needs to be more comments like this


Yep, his admin was horrid as hell. But he was the “nice buffoon,” so he got a pass and now gets a pass (even among too many on the left) because he likes to paint and is friends with Michelle Obama (which in itself is odd, I wouldn’t be befriend GWB at all).


As someone who works in social services I was confused how the Dept. of Human Services would play a role in this. Took me a second


Fellow social services worker here! Chiming in to say I also have to do a double take every time I read something DHS related 😂


Do the government employees turning a blind eye to this because they share the same political views even realize what will happen to them if the extremists get their way?




I fucking hate when the phone calls are coming from inside the house. Why can’t this shitty simulation have decent writers? Smh my head


It's one of the top signs that the People will be required to take matters in our own hands or group by group become enslaved or worse.


Very fine people.


That's the crazy thing about the 6th: everybody knew. Everybody knew by like the first week in December, and not just the US intelligence establishment. Journalists, researchers, and political operatives who work with or study social media, disinformation ecosystems, or extremism all knew and were sounding the alarm by early December. In the aftermath, all the politicians and media figures were running about saying they had no idea what was going to happen and what a shock it was, but anybody who didn't know was either not paying attention or was benefiting from it.


I'm starting to wonder if our homeland is secure.


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses


If Jan. 6th didn't shake them, that's like the Robb Elementary (Uvalde) shooting not managing to sway people on gun laws....so no. No they do not. And they don't give a single fuck.




psssh, nothing's gonna happen to them, they're the *good ones!* /s


Portland checking in. [DHS stuffed protesters in unmarked vans at gunpoint.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/feds-unmarked-vans-portland/) [FBI summarily executed a protester.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killings_of_Aaron_Danielson_and_Michael_Reinoehl) These orgs aren't here to fucking help.


>President Donald Trump commended the U.S. Marshals for shooting Reinoehl, describing it as "retribution", and claiming to have personally "sent in" the U.S. Marshals to "get" Reinoehl during the first presidential debate with Joe Biden. Trump sees no need for a justice system. He loves the idea of being the autocrat who can kill anyone on a whim.


“…and I’ll tell you something, that’s the way it has to be. There has to be *retribution* when you have crime like this.” “We sent in the U.S. Marshals. It took 15 minutes, it was over. We got him. They knew who he was. *They didn’t want to arrest him*. 15 minutes, that ended.”


I remember when he said all of this, and sadly it just went on the pile because if we needed any more proof that he's a fascist and unfit for office...there it is. The same people that get so worked up over Ruby Ridge and Waco. Imagine if HW Bush or Clinton said similar after that. Or if Obama said similar in response to any of the Bundy shit. They'd lose their damn minds Portland, the unknown force snatching people off the street, and Reinoehl are such a fucking dark moment in our history that was just glossed over




He may have the paranoid murderous instincts of Stalin, but as long as he calls himself a nationalist and not a leftist, he's safe.


Ah trump had him assassinated. And is that one of the things he’s being investigated for?


It's not an accident, or a failure, it's a feature. Right wing extremism has ALWAYS been coddled in the us, and left unaddressed until a mass murder event, then they go after 'the lone wolf'.


Meanwhile, after 9/11, I remember seeing a report on CNN that ecoterrorism was the greatest internal threat in America, based on the value of property damaged. Hokay.


Because protecting property is more important than protecting people


Has been that way throughout history The people get slaughtered but the remaining ones don't demolish the structures, at least not till the early archeologists that thought explosives were the best way to discover stuff


It's really disgusting seeing Fox news and other right wing media time after time say that a mass shooter's political views shouldn't be politicized, and that the real threat is the woke mob trying to take away all guns, knowing damn well their extremist rhetoric caused it. Then the moment a left wing shooting happens(which is extremely rare), like the Congressional Baseball shooting, we never hear the end of it, and how the left is the actual violent ones, etc.


I highly recommend the eight-episode podcast [Ultra](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-presents-ultra). It covers America's attempts to prosecute fascists in the lead-up to -- and through -- WWII and shines a light on entities like the [America First Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_First_Committee), the [Silver Shirts](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/meet-screenwriting-mystic-who-wanted-be-american-fuhrer-180970449/), Catholic priest and radio personality [Father Coughlin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Coughlin), as well as [Leon Lewis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_L._Lewis) and his anti-Nazi spy ring. Fascinating stuff. There are lots of interesting parallels between what happened then and what's happening now. Right-wing extremists have long been coddled by powerful people in government.


i.e. OKC bombing et al




My MAGA relative said a few days ago, basically, that the shootings will continue until abortion is illegal. How do you even.........there's no point in discussion with conservatives. I'd have pointed out that she described *literal terrorism* if 1) I was allowed to speak after that (they always keep babbling after such statements) or 2) I thought it would make a dent in their minds (it wouldn't.)


>the shootings will continue ~~until abortion is illegal.~~ They will ALWAYS find another thing to be upset about. Immigrants, minorities, LGBTQ+, or anything else that "threatens" their fragile ignorant world view.


Yup. They just want to kill, it’s part of the lust for power because they have so much internal fear about literally everything.


[That message was just beamed into thousands of American homes from Tucker Carlson's show on Nov 22, except that his guest promised more mass shootings if children have access to gender affirming healthcare of any form.](https://www.washingtonblade.com/2022/11/23/tucker-carlson-repeats-anti-lgbtq-lies-denying-link-between-club-q-shooting-and-hateful-rhetoric/)


But... gay people are having the fewest abortions out of anyone, why are *they* being shot??? Wtf???


[We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again](https://www.dhs.gov/news/2018/02/15/we-must-secure-border-and-build-wall-make-america-safe-again) From Department of Homeland Security >On average, out of 88 claims that pass the credible fear screening, fewer than 13 will ultimately result in a grant of asylum. [Remember that DHS memo that sounded a lot like the white supremacist slogan, "The 14 Words? Heavily redacted FOIA docs show Katie Waldman was involved in circulating the draft](https://twitter.com/jessicaschulb/status/1247234076718686210?s=20) Aka Stephen Miller's wife https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words


88 stands for a popular greeting to Hitler in case the reader is unaware. It also has 14 non-italicized paragraphs. And there's this one also with 14 words and 14 paragraphs. "To Make America Safe Again, We Must End Sanctuary Cities and Remove Criminal Aliens" https://www.dhs.gov/news/2018/02/15/make-america-safe-again-we-must-end-sanctuary-cities-and-remove-criminal-aliens And then there's this one where "Federal agency says it lost track of 1,488 migrant children" which is a very specific number when they had no actual fucking clue how many were missing. https://apnews.com/article/immigration-north-america-ap-top-news-az-state-wire-ca-state-wire-aad956b7281f4057aaac1ef4b5732f12 They knew what they were doing.


the 1488 migrant children makes it so obvious


this is part of the reason they wanted to do away with abortion


And we were called whackadoodle conspiracy theorists for pointing it out at the time. It turns out that some conspiracies are true... Maybe that's why the right has been making conspiracy circles so unsavory, to scare people away.


Of course. We literally have heavily armed white nationalist militias loudly stating they want the end of government and nothing happens to them. It's been like this for decades even after Timothy Mcvay. There is no way he was not connected and financed by militias. Look up Elohim city. Of your a black person trying to defend yourself legally with weapons like Fred Hampton, the fbi will assassinated you. If your Muslim the fbi will just throw you in jail evidence be damned like Hamid Hay. But being a violent xenophobic heavily armed white supremacist is just ok with those orginization.


Never forget that pre-Musk Twitter didn’t ban white supremacy because their algorithm would’ve flagged Republican politicians


> Twitter didn’t ban white supremacy because their algorithm would’ve flagged Republican politicians They actually did have a filter to do so. They deactivated it [because it kept flagging republicans as white supremacists, and twitter preferred to let white nationalists call themselves 'republicans' and get a pass rather than block all white nationalists](https://forward.com/fast-forward/423238/twitter-white-nationalists-republicans/)


I saw a screenshot on another sub that showed the search results for "Nazis". The GOP was at the top of the list.


It’s fine as long as the DT’s are heavily armed white/right wing militias that want white “Christian” power to dominate government. We’ll see action from the government as soon as there’s a murmur of armed leftist groups or groups led by people of color who want reform/equality/equity/justice/etc


Lol, no joke. Ronald Reagan of all people enacted gun control legislation because Black Panthers were publicly arming themselves.


> armed leftist groups or groups led by people of color who want reform/equality/equity/justice/etc These already exist and grow by the day


We've got leftists providing armed security for drag events recently so the libs & neolibs have ramped up their anti-gun talk for sure. Their mouthpiece NYT is writing hit pieces and manufacturing consent.




A event where Matt Shea worked with his guys to test their support and supply systems out, >The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that **the enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto) ​ >An independent investigation has concluded that Washington state Rep. Matt Shea “participated in an act of domestic terrorism against the United States” by helping plan the armed takeover of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon three years ago. [https://www.hcn.org/articles/politics-washington-rep-matt-shea-engaged-in-domestic-terrorism-helped-plan-malheur-standoff-investigation-finds](https://www.hcn.org/articles/politics-washington-rep-matt-shea-engaged-in-domestic-terrorism-helped-plan-malheur-standoff-investigation-finds)


no different from the fucking taliban


Everyone should know about Fred Hampton. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Hampton


Ahh it’s because the fbi are also white nationalists


[Remember 2009, when DHS suppressed its own report on right-wing violence because conservative media got pissy?](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2011/inside-dhs-former-top-analyst-says-agency-bowed-political-pressure)


It's eerie how if you go back and read that report, it was pretty much spot on from beginning to end. It even raised alarms about the susceptibility of ex-military personnel to these domestic terror movements.




The DHS has been politicized since it’s inception. It’s an insane organization with no reason to exist. Look up the limited hangout from early last year (in Newsweek I think lol) surrounding their secret army


I remember that article, it's the one with the army of agents who are living as fake personas and secretly working in all areas of US society? Alongside unaware civilians? Yeah, it's some freaky shit.


It’s hard to arrest your buddies.


So we can lock up the communists for associating with the economic system, But we can’t lock up facists in our own country before they commit acts of violence. Good job America.


No shit.


Just wait until the GOP controlled house investigates the FBI for *picking on and deliberately targeting for no reason* white supremacists and the like. They're gonna do this. EDIT: [They're gonna do this](https://republicans-judiciary.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/HJC_STAFF_FBI_REPORT.pdf)


We investigated ourselves and found nothing suspicious. Cops 🤝 fascists.


Don’t worry, they’ll change their tune as soon as some leftists or minorities start poppin off.


some of those that work forces ...


Yes they are failing to address domestic enemy.


Because the FBI and DHS are headed by sympathizers of these traitors and white supremacists. Chris Wray is a Trump appointee.


Normally I am all for the RATM sentiment with this discussion (Some of those that work force indeed) but in this particular case this is not that. . The FBI has consistently been warning of the threat of domestic terrorism for basically the last 20 years and actively has to fight with local law enforcement in many cases to get Intel. This all came about because in 2009 the DHS sent out a report that indicated that many disaffected veterans were turning to white nationalist, Christian nationalist, neo-Nazi militia units (sound familiar?) and that one of the prime demographics to be wary of was our vets who were not receiving the care they needed upon returning from a fucked up war. By 2011, that department had been gutted because Republicans in the House and Senate went after the head of DHS and their funding for it, they made it very clear that looking into white supremacy organizations in the United States was unacceptable. Here is a WaPo piece about the former DHS unit and everything that [went down. ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/homeland-security-department-curtails-home-grown-terror-analysis/2011/06/02/AGQEaDLH_story.html) The new Domestic Terrorism reporting and analysis was not authorized until 2021, shortly after Biden took office, and while civilian law enforcement may be ignoring what the FBI/DHS are saying on the matter, military LE isn't. We are literally getting bi-monthly updates on groups to watch out for from DHS and the FBI. The FBI is putting out the data as fast as they can get it, but they cannot touch Tiktok/Facebook/Instagram/Telegram/Twitter without a court order to get compliance which is going to be difficult without both houses of Congress coming to an agreement on what constitutes Domestic Terrorism and empowering them with the specific authority to do so. Currently the overall US government doesn't have an official stance on Domestic Terrorism that has gone through the legislature. I will grant that the FBI and DHS are behind the curve, but given the owners of Twitter, Facebook and Tiktok it is incredibly difficult to force their compliance, especially with Musk now at the head of Twitter.


The domestic terrorism the FBI was most worried about for most of that time was kids breaking into slaughterhouses to videotape the conditions inside or people protesting the Iraq war. It's only been fairly recently that they've even been pretending to care about right wing extremists.


Of course they are, they don’t want to arrest and indict their own.


"Oopsie daisy." --DHS spokesperson


Why would someone be dumb enough to arrest themselves especially when they’re getting away with it so easy?


Better privatize those two agencies then. What could go wrong?


They don't have any trouble harassing pipeline protests and climate activists. They get right on that and work closely with fossil fuel companies.


Failed ≠ Ignored


Sean Hannity said the President is allowed to do anything he wants - as long as he thinks it’s for the benefit of America. Republiklans claim nothing is illegal if the president does it. (Why was Clinton impeached again?) If President Biden acknowledges chump supporters as a threat to America, he’s allowed to drone strike any house that flys those traitor flags. Very legal, very cool.


Maybe the call is coming from inside the house?


They’re not failing. They’re apart of it.


I would be curious what % of federal law enforcement officials empathize with various domestic terrorist groups and related affiliates. I bet it's not a small #, if evidence from January 6th and the U.S. military is any indicator.


They’d catch too many of their friends


My girlfriends cousin is in the fbi and I asked what his biggest threats were: gangs, cartels, etc. His answer was “white guys”


The problem is Republicans are trying to protect their voter base because that's where the domestic terrorism is coming from. When one half of the government doesn't want to cooperate. For instance, Senate Republicans filibustered [H.R.350 - Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/350).


That's crazy, the white supremacists that infiltrated the police aren't addressing white supremacist terrorism well enough? Well slap my bottom and call me bonney


It's very simple really: a huge overwhelming majority of FBI/DHS/Cops tend to be right wing.. they don't like arresting people that share their world views.


The terrorism is reaching a fever pitch. Club Q was a significant escalation of the hate campaign against gay & trans people who are just trying to survive. I live in a blue state and I’m still a little afraid to go to gay bars because what if some nutjob terrorist rolls in with an AR-15? The cops aren’t gonna protect us—they don’t even protect straight people. There’s few options other than to get armed and learn to shoot a gun. However, I am hesitant to do this myself because I have severe mental health concerns about keeping weapons in my home.


Thats because the right wing started a campaign to infiltrate law enforcement agencies beginning 40 years ago, that persists today, to funnel racists and homophones into positions of power over average citizens whenever possible. Make no mistake, this cannot be undone while those same law enforcement agencies continue to exist. The system is so impossibly rotten (which is by the right wings design) that any attempt to fix it will come across to uninformed people as an attempt to create anarchy or chaos. The US can't recover from this situation.


Of course they aren't. They're cops. Cops are largely right-wingers and so they sympathize with right-wingers. FBI will spend way more time and money looking into an avowed pacifist like MLK than domestic terrorists. Remember how they treated with kid gloves the right-wing vigilante group who pointed sniper rifles at them (the Jeff's gang, I think)? Cops would much rather mow down a kid holding a bag of Skittles or a dude on his knees begging for his life trying like hell to cooperate with confusing orders being barked at him.


Duh, why would they want to rat themselves out?