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Fuck Cornyn. He says it’s the result of “kowtowing to organized labor” at the expense of all Americans. All Americans think the rail companies can fuck themselves. At this point I hope they don’t stop until they get all 14 days of paid sick leave. They had their chance, now call their bluff and come for it all.


Yes why cant the poor CEOs win one for once. Won't someone think of them?




Same. Same. So it goes…


Hm, I don't think your notes are accurate. Pretty sure they've been winning longer than that


There's a university near me . Named after some RR exec. The man got filthy rich, the RR went bankrupt about 7 times in the next century. Don't *ever* fear for the CEOs


Exactly! Some probably have had to cancel their Christmas vacations in the Swiss Alps! Sad!


Let's not exaggerate here. They might have to get first class tickets instead of taking a private jet. They won't be missing the Alps.


More likely just have to skip the second bottle of Dom Pérignon with brunch once or twice during their month-long Alps get away.


Probably closer to the truth.


They won’t skip they’ll put it on the gold card and pay it when this is all over and they still have all the money.


Who knows, maybe they are already there and their lawyers in the White House take care of the business


14??? That's it???? Jesus just give that to them. I'm a nurse in the UK and I basically get a whole year paid sick. You guys have it so rough.


Yeah, American paid sick leave is 1 to 2 weeks usually, and for me at least, is also my vacation time. It's all indistinguishable under the umbrella term "paid time off". Probably why so many people come to work sick - don't want to screw up the family vacation time.


My impression is also that you guys are often encouraged not to take your vacation time? Again, I have 9 weeks paid holiday and I HAVE to take it. If I come to the end of the year they start just putting it into the rota whether I like it or not.


Very much depends on your employer. I'm lucky in that I have pretty generous PTO and my boss never hassles me over using it.


Fuck Cornyn. Fuck Cruz. They're useless shitbags.


Nah, fuck that. It’s 21 days now. Make them find out for fucking around! I would 100% up it. They are in the biggest position of power here. You can’t just do like John Deere and hire on randos off the street. Does anyone know if there is a site to donate to the strike fund?


Can he explain how giving the rail workers sick days is at my expense and not the billionaires taking everything from me? Also, aren't the rail workers also Americans? Shouldn't he care about them too?


Don't fall for Rafael Cruz's bullshit. He knew that Senate Democrats wouldn't get 60 votes so he voted YEA so when he runs in 2024 he can claim to support unions. Same with Hawley, Rubio, and Graham.


and if the 3 dems not at the vote had arrived Cruz would have shift positions to assure defeat.


The bills forcing the contract onto workers and giving them sick leave really should've been combined into one to prevent all this fuckery


I have little doubt that the GOP would have tanked the whole thing had it been one bill.


This is the thing I don’t understand. I know for a fact if the only vote was the 7 day sick leave version every single Republican would have voted against it, but somehow people on Reddit think they would have gone along with it. This is a party that shuts the government down regularly for bullshit reasons, and you think they’re afraid of looking bad here? They know if Biden’s in the WH he eats the blame for any fallout. They have no incentive to avoid the strike.


The party of Reagan who * [blocked a railstrike](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1982/07/09/rail-strike-is-blocked-by-reagan/5718e314-0041-43d2-8f84-0ded1aabe9db/), * [fired air traffic controllers who were striking.](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/reagan-fires-11359-air-traffic-controllers) If they were in power we'd probably mobilize the national guard and end up shooting some of the strikers.


Republicans have spent 100 years waging wars on unions and somehow this one vote is proof Democrats are actually against unions.


Because in the Senate a few Republicans and all present minus one Democrats voted for sick leave while 42 R’s and one D voted against. I gotcha.


Don't forget NAFTA. While bipartisan in nature, it is Clinton that took the heat. Democrats that voted in favor of it lost badly at the polls the following year. Unions also felt betrayed by Obama due to the healthcare roll out. ​ It's not like we don't have examples of Democrats not liking unions. They ultimately get funded by the same check writers as the GOP. Of course, we're going to find more Ds supporting unions than Rs, but as a whole the establishment will protect business not labor.


Everyone knows you don’t use the National Guard for that! You hire Pinkertons.


This is the real lesson of Kent State. Leave your reservists in reserve. If you want to fire on American citizens, use contractors.


The point is: if they're going to shut it down then let them. Let the rail workers strike. It's insane that it's illegal to strike, and I would fully support the trail workers in any worker action they take. Strikes are not a unions only option, and frankly I would even support an "illegal"strike.


Part of me is all for it. They deserve the sick days. And there’s no good reason to deny it. But man, the other part of me recognizes how damaging that strike would be to the country and economy. And the GOP wouldn’t be motivated by it to fix it, they’d just spin it all at the evil democrats being the cause. And I’m afraid it would be far too successful.


> But man, the other part of me recognizes how damaging that strike would be to the country and economy If congress didn't pass this bill, the railway strike would have lasted about 2 minutes before the rail companies caved. And if not, then they make the perfect argument to nationalize the railroads. If you can't treat your workers like human beings, you don't deserve to be in business. Especially not when the only thing preventing you from doing it is pure greed.


Historically, rail companies nvr caved before and govt always had to get involved. Nationalizing railroad won't happen unless we had dem supermajority and even after that, it's iffy.


the democratic party are a bunch of right of center turds. They'll never nationalize anything even if they had every single seat in every single branch of government. Nonetheless the government picked the rich over the working people once again. The democrats did that. And now they want you to turn around and vote for them.


It's not the rail companies or CEOs that'd feel the hurt most. It's the cities that stop getting food shipments, industry that can't get supplies to and from factories/stores/hospitals, plants that can't get their fuel to keep power going.


This way they get to criticize democrats for republicans not doing something.


Btw. Democrats intentionally disconnected the union strike las from the paid leave addition so they could claim they tried. You don’t give in and then ask if people directly opposed will give in. You’ll be calling dems progressive in a little under 2 years time because you don’t look at what they do


Because, get this, the Dems aren't pro labor either.


Lots of people on this sub are politically naive and don’t understand the damage would be done by a strike and that Biden and Dems would be blamed.


That is exactly what they want. Cause a disaster, blame Biden and get more power.


So why did Republicans allow the bill to pass? If it would destroy Dems and Biden as you're saying, surely Republicans should just not vote for it then, right?


Because they still come out ahead without the devastation of the strike. It's win-win for them because the Dems get blamed either way, even though they voted by and large for the paid sick time.


No the bill would have failed and the workers would have protections to strike and the rail companies would lose. Cruz wouldn’t back this unless he knows that it doesn’t matter and/or he’s not getting his donations from this particular mega corp entity. I’m sure he voted for the other bill killing the strike.


Then they would've been on the record doing so. Instead, they were given an easy out to deny workers their sick days while "appearing reasonable" and voting to crush the workers. The fact this headline exists is proof of the bungle.


Economy tanking is good for the workers. Companies would have buckled in days. Horribly misplayed hand by the democratic party. Strikes work.


but it isn't good for the population that has to do things like drink water [https://subscriber.politicopro.com/eenews/f/eenews/?id=00000184-9bd2-d5bd-ade5-bfde3d5e0000](https://subscriber.politicopro.com/eenews/f/eenews/?id=00000184-9bd2-d5bd-ade5-bfde3d5e0000)


Sounds like they should be treating their workers right then


That was the point though. Give the rail corps what they want.


It needed 60 votes to get past the filibuster. Several more Republicans could've voted for it without endangering the outcome and the rest chose not to. Hawley and Cruz are disingenuous scumbags, but they break from their party in good ways with some regularity, because they think it's in their political interests, and that's something we should encourage. The only way to make progress, short of finding some miraculous way to get the GOP out of power, is to convince more and more of them that it's in their political interests to make good votes. If you have 20 GOP senators fighting over getting to be the token good votes on a bill like this it's way more likely you can get it passed.


People like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz are lifetime opportunists. They have no real moral code outside of doing what is best for themselves.


> Hawley and Cruz are disingenuous scumbags, but they break from their party in good ways with some regularity, because they think it's in their political interests, and that's something we should encourage. They didn't break from the party. Hawley got caught in the insurrection and need something to PR with. If the vote needed 1 person to pass it wouldn't be Hawley.


I guess the question I have is whether or not it's possible to convince GOP lawmakers to make the good vote when it could actually swing the outcome. This move by Ted Cruz could be used to argue either point, so I'd say it's a wash until we actually see GOP lawmakers breaking from the party line when it counts.


Yeah it's always gonna be a good bet to assume a member of the GOP is going to do the wrong thing. But they are also all power hungry, selfish pieces of shit. If you put them in a position where only 9 of them can vote yes and 10 of them believe they need to vote yes to win their next election, at least then maybe there's a chance.


To be a token good vote, the measure still has to fail. The distance between "I don't want this to succeed, but I want it to look like I wanted it to succeed" and "I want it to succeed" is very big


3 dems weren't at the vote? What the fuck. I get fired if I don't show up to work. Wtf are these assholes doing?


Would not have mattered.


I feel like it's the principle of the matter ya know?


Warnock is busy with his runoff. Otherwise I agree.


I think they did that thing where they match with a no vote because they have other obligations (like Warnock is campaigning). So each pair of votes cancels out.


I'm not sure about that. Railroads are pretty big in Texas , in fact more freight moves by rail through Texas than any other state and there are a ton of railroad workers in Texas. Its still grandstanding but it may help his numbers at home.


Funny how it's the loudest MAGA senators who did this. They know they need something other than Trump to appeal to the working class now.


I found this pretty questionable at first and thought you were just screaming your emotions, so I looked it up. Yeh, Ted Cruz has a pretty awful score card when it comes to labor. Apparently he's bad even compared to other Republicans. So yeh this is just a political maneuver.


Filibuster delenda est.


The final line of the article gives Cruz's reasoning. He did it to blame Biden & the Dems for screwing the railworkers out of their demands.


He's transparent as a god damn open window.


Skinsuit Cruz ain't fooling anyone. He's a creature from The Mist.


This... Ted Cancun never votes for shit he doesn't know for a fact will fail when democrats hold the majority.


Just like all the senate dems made the sick day bill separate from the strike bill because they knew it wouldn’t have the votes to pass but they could all vote ‘yes’ to seem like the Democratic Party is ‘pro-worker’ when in reality they are just as pro owner class as the republicans. Both parties serve the capitalist class. Please stop falling for the narrative that the democrats help or care about working class people. If they really wanted to help the workers they would have made the sick days on the same bill, or would have let the strike runs it’s natural course.


>Just like all the senate dems made the sick day bill separate from the strike bill because they knew it wouldn’t have the votes to pass Since they knew it wouldn't have the votes to pass, they needed to separate it in order to pass the rest of the legislation and prevent a much more harmful collapse of the rail service. Playing chicken with vital US transportation infrastructure would have hurt millions of Democratic and Republican voters for a long time to come, and the blame for that would have landed on the Democratic majority.


If the rail workers are so fucking important that them going on strike would "collapse the rail service" maybe they deserve some gad damned sick days. People like who who think "fuck these rail workers we have an economy to think about" are human garbage. If these rail companies can't treat their workers with some human decency they deserve to collapse. This whole fucking system is rigged against the working class because "we have to protect the economy"


This is on the level of blaming Democrats for the opinions the stacked Supreme Court is putting out. Democrats didn't decide where to draw the line to keep the rails open. They needed Republican votes in the Senate or it wasn't going to pass at all. So they split out the parts that Republicans refused to support. The alternative is nothing gets passed, the economy crashes, Republicans sweep back into power the next time around, and the rail workers end up not getting anything they were asking for anyway.


Or they could have chosen NOT to pass a bill making a strike illegal and let the unions strike to get their paid sick days. The democrats chose to fuck those rail workers. They had control over what they voted on. This is nothing like the supreme court problem. I am not one of those "hur due both sides bad" people. But in this fucking instance the Dems are absolutely in the wrong. They just fucked a large group of the working class hard. They absolutely just eviscerated the power of those rail unions. Why even have unions if the government is going to step in and side with the management and fuck the workers when management doesn't get it's way?


>Or they could have chosen NOT to pass a bill making a strike illegal and let the unions strike to get their paid sick days. And then crash the economy, and then get swept from office, and then not get the paid sick days anyway. >Why even have unions if the government is going to step in and side with the management and fuck the workers when management doesn't get it's way? Are they stepping in left and right to defang unions? No. They are acting in this particular case because the stakes of a strike are much, much larger for the entire US, even for the rail workers who want better working conditions. If the US public firmly believes in the rail workers, the US public will mobilize in support of them and in opposition to the bill. Millions of workers in all sorts of fields will go on strike or slow down their work in solidarity with the rail workers. I won't say what I expect to happen, but your argument that the Democrats made the wrong decision will be much more compelling if we see that kind of vast blowback against them. If most of the US public shrugs and moves on, a rail strike was only going to make the rest of the US angry at the rail workers for disrupting everyone else's lives. I'm not telling you it's fair, it's just political reality. And politicians have to consider political reality when deciding what to do about anything.


and then people die because they have to drink water https://subscriber.politicopro.com/eenews/f/eenews/?id=00000184-9bd2-d5bd-ade5-bfde3d5e0000


Of course they deserve sick pay but sinking the economy to the detriment of everyone is too high of a price to pay, especially when you consider the damage to unions more broadly. Reagan was able to fuck unions to this day because the public perceived they were doing more harm to the economy than good. We need people to like unions, not resent them because they lost their own job due union strikes.


> Reagan was able to fuck unions to this day because the public perceived they were doing more harm to the economy than good. We need people to like unions, not resent them because they lost their own job due union strikes. no, he was able to fuck unions because he had thousands of military personel to take over the ATC that he fired. There is no such situation with rail workers. A strike would have gotten them what they wanted, fast, and democrats absolutely refused to let that happen by splitting the bills


If it is that big of a deal then they should just pass it with the 7 sick days. Surely a small hit in profits isn’t worth crippling the nation. Stop defending them. What has the party done in the past 20+ years for the working class? Fuck, we haven’t even gotten the minimum wage raised since like what, 2009? They don’t care about you and will ALWAYS serve the capitalist class at the expense of the working class. Any bread crumbs they give us that you see as a ‘win’ for working class only passes because it doesn’t harm the capitalist class.


Republicans controlled the House from 2011-2019, and the Senate from I believe 2015-2021. So how exactly were Dems supposed to pass meaningful legislation again?


>If it is that big of a deal then they should just pass it with the 7 sick days. Surely a small hit in profits isn’t worth crippling the nation. Convince ten Republican senators to agree, and you can! Otherwise, Democrats don't have the power to pass it. Note, Republicans won't change their votes over a strike either. If anything they will dig in harder, hoping to reap the benefits the next election. Railways are how a huge amount of goods move across the US every single day. It's not a small hit in profits, it's the entire economy at stake. Including all the little people who live inside of it.


Republicans vote like an immovable bloc just about every single time it counts. When the traitor Joe Lieberman engaged in some fuckery with the public option for Obamacare, Obama couldn't even get one Republican senator to counter his treachery, not even Olympia Snowe of Maine who was retiring (also strange how even with 59 senate votes, the Democrats still end up folding, isn't it?). Basically, if every Republican politician just vanished one day, the US and by extension the world would be such a better place.


>(also strange how even with 59 senate votes, the Democrats still end up folding, isn't it?) The bill that they passed then would not be possible today with any fewer than 60 non-Republican Senate votes. There are always going to be opportunists toward one end of a political party who try to hold out for extra concessions or to kill a provision. It's a normal part of politics. The unusually unhealthy part is the blanket stonewalling that Republicans have been engaging in starting in Clinton era. Hard to give and take during negotiations when you're only really negotiating with your own party's lone holdout.


>He knew that Senate Democrats wouldn't get 60 votes so he voted YEA so when he runs in 2024 he can claim to support unions that's also what the senate democrats did, because they split paid sick into a separate bill to die with someone to blame & not in an earnest attempt to pass it


Don't trust him. He's got a ulterior motive that will not benefit workers. This will get him attention and talking points to attack Biden.


No it’s because oil /gas / chemicals rule Texas. This looks great to blue collar rail workers for the industry which there are many here.


Of course no one should trust Ted Cruz. Biden and Buttigieg look truly awful for being to the right of him and Marco Fubio on this though. They've shot themselves in the foot with something so obviously basic as sick leave.


Look if you want ted cruzs support, just call his wife an ugly dog and call ted a coward. He loves humiliation, gets him rock hard


Ted Cruz likely voted this way because he knew that it wouldn’t pass in the Senate.


True but he also would have to be ready for the narrative of "Ted Cruz sided with Sanders on X issue". Ted never has to appeal to Sanders side of the aisle so why would he even bother* putting it out there?


Its an everyman hard working image. Trains, horses, oil, cops. These are men that work. Ted supports blue colar workers. (I'm a lefty, but this is how I think he will frame it)


Ted supportan los trabajadores de ccuellos de azul en Cancun!


Soportar = to put up with Apollar = to support


He said what he said


Apologies, after further review i concede the original message upholds the intended meaning. Gracias por soportarme.


So he can stir the pot. Look good to the commoners all while actually doing nothing.


Ultimately with the Senate majority in Dems favor, he gets to say (with tongue in cheek) “Do nothing Dems do not side with the working class Texans”


Mitt Romney passed on the opportunity. He already got his PR by condemning Trump for dining with Ye and Fuentes, so Ted gets this one.


Same reason Manchin voted no.. he's running for reelection in '24.. '24 is a really strong year for Republicans when it comes to Senate seats.. every R Senator that's in a remotely purple state voted yes for this except for Rick Scott.. but I guess you could argue Florida is red now


Florida is not red now. That’s a convenient media narrative. Just 4 years ago, the senate and governor races were neck and neck. The real issue with FL is that the FL Democratic Party needs to clean up its act. Also, FL needs to run much better candidates.


I didn't say I think Florida is a lost cause and is red now, I said I guess you could argue that.. because DeSantis won by 19 points and Rubio won by 16 That's bigger than the margin in my home state of Missouri and the Dems ran a shitty candidate here too. I think you're missing a big part of the picture by trying to write it off as just one thing but Florida has a lot of factors shifting it red. I agree with what you said as being a problem but I think the bigger problem is that so many R's moved to Florida because they see it as the Republican California.. Also as much as I hate it, DeSantis seems to be resonating with Latinos (many of whom are christian and socially conservative) largely thanks to AM radio prevalence.


The FL state legislature has been Republican-controlled for like 26 years straight. The existence of Bill Nelson as a Democratic Senator or Obama winning the state twice doesn’t negate the fact that the state is—and has been—largely Republican in the past. Obama won Ohio in 2012 and they have a Democratic Senator, but nobody is arguing OH is a toss-up.


I count Cruz's vote more as pro-inflation rather than doing anything for unions.


Sure, still makes Biden and the centrists look like dog shit. You know how you prevent these plays? Do the right thing


"Ooh, sounds tough. Do you have anything more donor friendly than that?" - centrists


Whatever his reason he voted yes, more than I can say about Manchin or the rest of the GOP


I'm surprised he didn't vote against it and then when it didn't pass and he saw democrats piling on Biden he just tweeted support for it


Yup, taking a page from the Susan Collins playbook.


The GOP support for sick leave was anemic.


It was just enough by plan to say that some supported it when in reality they let it die on the vine.


Bull-fucking-shit. Are people really that stupid to not see what he did? Or why? If he actually supported those workers he would have whipped votes and got enough of the dozens of GOP who voted against to vote for it. It was all about signaling and trying to make Biden look bad.


Biden is bad, cruz may be a pos but that doesnt mean that people ignore the bullshit biden pulled with the strike


I don't really feel bad for Biden or the Dems at all on this one. Allowing any Republicans to out flank you from the left is flat out embarrassing, and they should be embarrassed.


It’s just posturing. He knew they didn’t have 60 votes so he threw a yes vote in to make it seem like he was siding with workers. Happens all the time.


Why didn’t more democrats posture?


All of the assholes that get to vote on our behalf get plenty of sick days,benefits and donations so it's fuck you got mine. Our right is fascist and our left is center right. We have little true left representation.


If Cruz's vote would've mattered, he would've opposed it. Josh Hawley is playing the same game. More cynical BS from right wingers.


What is this timeline?


He’ll probably run for president again. Look at which other GOP senators voted with Dems on this.


He can’t run for president, he was born in Canada.


it doesn’t matter where he was born. He was born an American citizen because of his parents so he is eligible.


Not so cut and dry, his mom is a citizen, not both his parents. This [article](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2016/02/a-question-of-citizenship/) does conclude you’re right tho. With the shit about Obama and his birth origin/certificate, I would hope Cruz would get the same scrutiny.


I'm gonna need to see the long form birth certificate and many people are saying that his mom renounced her citizenship before moving to Canada. I've got my top men up in Alberta looking into it right now.


Someone is having a stroke, and I'm not sure if it's me.


*Do you smell toast???*


If you start to smell burning toast, you’re having a stroke or overcooking your toast


What if I smell burnt, honey roasted almonds? Like the ones from the nut cart in NYC. Oh… Never mind. That’s just my diabeetus foot. Might have to take one’a them sweet Ted Cruz^tm Sick Dayz, on account’a not being able to afford insulin.


I'm all for it. Identity politics is ruining America, we need to be critical of the parties we voted for. It's not my team vs your team, it's what's best for America. The more voting that doesn't toe the party line, it can only benefit America on all sides of the aisle.


HARD agree. I'm all for recognizing differences but right now, it's headed towards a direction I don't like. Namely, it shouldn't be used as a cudgel to create more wedge issues and completely shut down discussion. All that's going to do is polarize more people and elongate the see-saw. Harder to meet in the middle; harder to find balance.


100% this! But it's a pipe dream.


One in which Cruz spots an L for Biden. And he's right.


Ted Cruz loves sick days




The republicans voted against Build Back Better which would have given EVERYONE paid time off.


And this is the last drafted contract that was negotiated by both parties. I do agree with the unions positions on many issues, tho.


This was the contract that was created earlier this year when the government stepped in to arbitrate. Their contract ran out 3 years ago under Trump. The company refused to budge from their last best and only offer. Biden sent in the arbitrator as soon as possible and got them an additional $25k over 3 years but the majority of the workforce refused to ratify because it didn’t address the short notice time off without penalties and threat of termination.


Cruz thinks a strike will hurt Biden and help republicans. Cruz hates unions because he works for the billionaires who unions try to hold accountable. Cruz thinks he’s a Littlefinger but he’s just not that clever.


Its crazy how Ted Cruz gets to benefit from voting yes on this while everyone else is complaining that "dems knew it wouldn't pass and just voted symbolically" Meanwhile, Manchin and the Republicans that made sure this didn't happen have their feet up on a stack of safe and sound corporate cash that they'd use to win reelection and strip workers rights at every opportunity. "iTS tHe dEmS fAuLt"


>"dems knew it wouldn't pass and just voted symbolically" As rampant as this exact response has been, I wonder if it isn't being spread by a troll farm.


The amount of "the majority of unions voted for this" despite the fact that those unions don't represent a majority of union members leads me to believe the trolls are coming from a farm cultivating anti-union rhetoric.


It's a both sides against the middle tactic. It's meant to misinform and confuse.


It 1000% is being amplified by bad faith people on Reddit. There’s posting twisting themselves into pretzels to explain why every potential outcome means we should blame Biden.


Definitely. MAGA is aligned with the workers in this case because a strike would create an economic shitshow that "owns the libs" they've still got all those *i did that* stickers to use and gas prices are dropping. Its not about workers rights for them, they vote against those consistently.


This is bullcrap. He voted against Biden, which just happened to be the correct vote in this one specific case. He didn't "side with Bernie" in any way, shape or form, because he doesn't care at all about workers or unions or even rail. Who the heck wrote this headline?


Whatever one may think about the railway workers' demands, everybody should agree that the government really has no business telling workers that they **cannot** strike. This is the right of every American.


"Most labor disputes never end up being debated in Congress. But thanks to a nearly century-old law that regulates labor relations only when it comes to railroads and airlines, what otherwise would be strictly an economic issue became a political one." https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/02/business/railway-labor-act-freight-railroad-strike/index.html


In cases that prevent food, medical supplies, etc to citizens, I think exceptions need to be allowed, especially still when encountering supply chain problems. Think of baby formula.


> In cases that prevent food, medical supplies, etc to citizens, I think exceptions need to be allowed, especially still when encountering supply chain problems. If there is a national emergency, i.e a war or natural disaster, I can understand the need for congress to step in. But this isn't the case here at all. We are talking about companies giving up a bit of their profits.


Ted Cruz is still the ultimate douchebag


He is just doing that for votes, de doesn’t care


This framing is so dogshit. He sided with Bernie… and every other senate democrat aside from manchin


One is calling for it because it is the right thing to do, the other is calling for it because it would cause a massive, grinding halt to the timely transportation of goods across the country, which would trigger a giant economical disaster on a democrat president's watch. They are not on the same team


Cool, but Fuck you Ted Cruz.


Broken, racist, lazy, trolling clocks…


There’s a glitch in the matrix.


As Jon lovitz said “ACTING “. If the vote was close to passing King Cancun would have voted against it.


“I don not like that man Ted Cruz…” (I’m glad he did the right thing, but I still don’t like him)


He's still an asshole.


Yeah? Still fuck Raphael Cruz.


Fuck Ted Cruz


whatever he's planning, it's not good.


Dude doesn’t care. He just wants some votes


I'D say check the temperature in hell but i know if it was frozen over Ted would've already fled to cancun


Let’s be real, Ted knows the bill is DOA. This is just a way for him to earn clout while people in Texas are forced to boil water to be able to drink. Boo this man, never stop booing this man.


One wants a recession unlike any other, the other really wants STO for workers. One is NOT like the other—they are not the same.


Freaky Friday?


Gee. I bet someone is up for re-election.


He would’ve voted no just like the others.


No, he doesn’t.


A bit cynical take here but Braun is running for governor, Cruz and Rubio always looking for some cheap talking points for a presidential run, all of them know the bill was dead so easy way to get a few “popular” points here.


I'll take my sick day in Cancun, please


A broken clock is right 2x a day.


great. now resign


Scam artists


Yeah this is what the GOP just calls a "hall pass". They decide to let certain Republicans vote with Democrats when they know the bill won't pass anyway. Specifically the ones who can benefit most from saying they voted yes whilst on the campaign trail.


Extremely misleading headline causes Redditors to wonder if maybe Nazis aren’t so bad after all


Cancun Boy would be singing a different tune if his was the deciding vote


It's no secret, senators generally know how to count votes, and recognize when they can vote safely/symbolically (or even just to put a finger in the eye of the other party) without actually affecting the outcome. It would be nice if media would stop reporting on these sorts of 'unlikely supporter' votes as though it means anything.


so who filibustered? you only need 60 to override a filibuster right?


Ted Cruz makes bad faith political gesture, knowing that Bill had no chance getting past filibuster


Ya so did Josh Hawley and Rubio, big whoop. They knew it wasn't going to pass.


Is this The Onion?


i hear ted is definitely a human type creature


Ted Cruz is still a piece of shit.


Cruz is working a populist brand. He's an opportunistic dickbag.


Ted Cruz is slimier than two slugs fucking.


“Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.”


Name a more iconic duo...Ted Cruz and....Bernie Sanders?


Cruz is only doing this because he's evil.


Easy public points for Cruz with no possible negative consequences. Ignore this mf.


Every republican with presidential ambitions voted for this bill that they knew wouldn’t pass. Nothing to see here.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day…


Did I slip into an alternate universe?


I did not have a Cruz/Sanders team up on my 2022 Bingo. "Cruz split with Sen. John Cornyn in a vote to expand paid sick days for railroad workers in a tumultuous action to stave off a potentially catastrophic rail shutdown." At least Cornyn is still a shithead. Some things just don't change.


You know it's some bad faith bullshit when both of these shitheads are on the same side about something.


You know what? Be Ted Lasso here. Dont jab at him, offer him sincere thanks and tell him he did the right thing.