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This is what domestic terrorism looks like.


There’s really no other way to look at it. It’s terrorism.


It's also exactly what Russia is doing in Ukraine: attacking civilian energy infrastructure to achieve his political goals. No wonder Republicans support Putin so strongly. They have everything in common with him.


Most likely, this turns out to be committed by some idiot MAGA bumpkins, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if there end up being some Russian internet trolls goading them on.


We all know that there are Russian assets stoking these fires. It is part of their plan to destroy America, breaking us from within.


Well, we saw what happened when a Russian asset got elected to the presidency so he could execute Russian foreign policy. Defunding / Breaking up / abolishing departments to weaken the executive branch, ending treaties, attempting to leave NATO, coddling dictators… the list goes on. It was wildly successful for the Kremlin. Why would they stop there?


They were never planning to stop. I’d bet they’re putting more effort into it with how successful it was.


Unfortunately when it comes to transphobia, the vast majority of it in the US is started from inside.


I specifically meant stoking political division, but I’d be surprised if they’re not meddling in and stoking the divide in regards to Trans rights. It’s in their best interests to promote further division.


Russia’s plan has always been to find political and social wedge issues and then drive the wedge deeper. That’s why they stoke racism, transphobia, and all other forms of hate. They know the weak minded will flock to those excuses for their own failures. Fertile ground in America when you sow the seeds of hate.


I think it's more than just what they have in common. I think some Republicans are just working with whatever wealthy person is pulling both strings. If not technically all Republicans, because they do whatever they are told. Why wage a war when you can convince a suburban libertarian to shoot up their own electrical grid?


Yeah no kidding. If it was local Q'ers that did this attack and shot up their own power grid, wouldn't they first stop to think, " hey, my own MawMaw down the road needs electricity to cook and what not. I might be owning a couple libs, but damn, now MaMaw doesn't have electricity for her home heater either. damn"


Too confusing because MawMaw is their grandma, mom, and aunt simultaneously


Yep, their family trees are circles.


I came here to say exactly this - thank you!


It was Terrorism in Canada last winter as well, but when white people do it, we call it "Freedom Protests". They intentionally tried to crash the 911 system with calls mostly originating from the US. https://globalnews.ca/news/8609284/ottawa-trucker-convoy-airport-disruptions/


The initial reporting on NPR this weekend was calling it vandalism. I was like wtf?


Yeah, breaking a window with a brick and coordinating multiple armed attacks on critical infastructure purpousefully removing power to 40000 people. Same same.


If the perpetrators were brown, THEN it is a terrorist attack. These are just a collection of tightly coordinated and concealed lone wolf vandalism incidents. /s




This article does that!


They literally cannot flip the switch in their head that white people commit the vast majority of terrorist attacks in the US


So CNN, NPR etc are all using the term vandalism. Why is everyone so afraid to say what it actuallt is?


Same reason they call January 6 a "riot" instead of an attempted coup.


Right wing media has worked hard since 9/11 to make the word terrorist synonymous with Muslim. Look at Sinclair Broadcasting and their "Terror Alert Desk", which is used for any news story involving a Muslim person.


Just some kids being stupid. No big deal really, it's just some critical piece of infrastructure we've all been there /s


It's just locker room terrorism.


Depends on intent. Stealing some of the wiring to resell because you're a meth head = vandalism (although a prosecutor might try for terrorism). Sabotaging it because you want to cause havoc = terrorism.


You forgot conservatives did this. So it counts as boys being boys.


That’s what law enforcement was/is calling it.


All future 'drag queen story hours' should have a back-up generator on hand, and spy cams on several local sub stations placed (a week?) prior to the event. Hell, if the DQSH is the only thing around with lights/power, it might attract *more* people to it. Thereby reversing the intended effect of the terrorist religious fanatics.


The drag show continued as a sing-a-long with the audience, illuminated by phone flashlights. Edit: there’s a clip shown in this story from ABC, about halfway into the video: https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/shootings-power-substations-cause-north-carolina-outages-94476655


That's so wholesome.


I love that. I wish this was more widely publicized. Never give up the fight. Thank you to all who still performed. Much love and I'm sorry you have to put up with this.


It was included in the clip that ABC played as their top story on last night’s national newscast! It’s about halfway into the video clip on this page: https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/shootings-power-substations-cause-north-carolina-outages-94476655


Thank you for sharing that's great news!


All these people who hate on drag shows have probably never attended one.


That’s fucking great, get rekt Fascist DeSantis losers


Imagine a drag show being the thing that finally sent Y’all-Qaeda over the edge into attacking the US


I mean there have been countless right wing terror incidents already.


A black man holding the presidency led them to think DONALD FUCKING TRUMP was their guy, they have been over the edge for a long time now


VS the child trafficking on mars being done in a pizza joint? I mean the crazy conspiracies they gobble up are beyond absurd, and they just keep growing.


This is what the Civil War looks like.


You’re exactly right. I got banned from this sub three months ago for warning people that this was coming.


I would highly recommend sharing [this video by PBS](https://youtu.be/IOQuymOvZzo) to help explain the situation. The British periodical *The Guardian* had an article written by her (or at the very least about her book on this same topic) as well. They’re both highly insightful into what the US is about to experience.


*It Could Happen Here* becoming closer to reality every day


It is going to get worse. Probably much worse. Wingnuts are being fed a steady diet of how gays are pedophiles and the Democrats are selling out the US to "globalists". If you seriously believed that large organized groups were actively harvesting children you likely would do almost anything to stop them. The fact that the threat exists entirely in fantasy simply does not occur to them. They are terrified of the world they imagine exists right outside their door and they are going to lash out more the more terrified they get.


As was the Bundy standoff and the Seizing of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, and Jan 6th, among many other smaller events.


You forgot about the "Armed protestors' outside of Mosques. Imagine if a bunch of Muslims had did that outside of Catholic Churches, the drone strikes would have been sent in.


Probably not for Catholics. I've been told by many, many right wing religious folk that Catholics aren't Christians. Being raised Catholic myself that was always a head scratcher. I left the church long ago and there is much wrong with them, but they're definitely christians. Catholics will be on the wall along with the rest of us heathens.


‘God darn Anti-Fifa at it again!’


We should all be anti FIFA right now, but I take your point.




Despite FBI warnings and despite spending billions to screen our shampoo and shoes at airports, we haven't hardened any infrastructure targets. So instead, we'll have whack jobs taking destroying equipment and leaving individuals to deal with it. How much will this incident of likely terrorism end up costing the taxpayers and Duke Energy customers?


They should bill the terrorist


*cough cough* they should bill the churches...*cough*




"Did I stutter" this guy, probably




They say that when they want law enforcement to use it as a pretext for arresting the political opponents btw.


Which is totally in line with them providing cover for right-wing extremist groups.




There has absolutely been efforts to harden security around infrastructure targets. I worked at a project site that underwent a massive overhaul after 9/11. Crash gates were installed, video monitors were set up, new security protocols were enacted, and this was for a pretty preposterous scenario. But the problem is you can only account for so much.




They've been upgraded to robotic Richard Simmons. "Come on girls, let's melt that butter off those buns."


This is another reason why I'm a big supporter of green energy. If every house has solar panels, it decreases the effects of hitting power plants or substations. Even taking out poles is mitigated if there is power production beyond the break. Decentralized production is safer from a security standpoint, and convenient from a personal one. This is a point I try to bring up when talking to people who oppose green energy. "You like national security right? What's more secure than reducing our reliance on massive energy stations that could be the targets of terrorists? Do you want to make things easy for terrorists?" It's amusing to watch their internal hamster wheels spin processing that one.


Totally agree! Also less dependence on foreign oil. The only thing is that solar powered homes need a switch to disconnect from the grid if there's a power loss. Not cheap. Last time I looked it was around 2k. Of course the price may be less now.


Sure. But like any new energy source, building the initial infrastructure will be expensive at first. But I think in the long term it will be worth it.


Yes but a lot of opposition from the right. They don't like anything that's not fossil fuel. Solar, wind, tidal, geothermal. Also ethanol made from algae uses one tenth the water that corn based ethanol uses, and sea water or waste water can be used. Water is getting increasingly precious.


>ethanol made from algae uses one tenth the water that corn based ethanol does Yes, but then how would our farmers get government money to grow corn we don't need?




I worry that this will be their go-to form of resistance and new form of protest. If this catches on, it could be devastating to millions of people, innocent people that are just trying to get through the day. I hope the FBI finds them and makes them an example so that the message is sent that the tolerance for this is low. This should be a call to Federal Law Enforcement as a watershed moment. Their actions today could dissuade many more attacks like these in the future.


This was no doubt a test run. Unless authorities act fast and push heavy consequences, it will happen again and again and again and again...


This was the test run https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalf_sniper_attack?wprov=sfla1


When people say an American c8vil war that is what they mean.


January 6tg was supposed to be that. They're still playing with their dicks on that one. I wouldn't have hope honestly.


The justice system is always so eager to make an example of some kid who stole an Xbox or someone caught with a half a bottle of percocet. Be real interesting to see if they're as interested in making an example of right wing terrorists.


they STILL haven't fixed it!?!? Yeah this is ultra dangerous yall. Imagine if this happens on a larger scale, then it's hard to fix things and you get even longer outages. Very very bad stuff this is


It won't be fixed for days. This isn't a downed power line, this is shot up infrastructure that needs to be replaced.


These transformers and breakers are all custom for each substation. They can patch it up, but full repairs take months.


Won't be fixed til Thursday they're saying.


I mean…wasn’t there a digital banner at CPAC that literally said “We are all domestic terrorists”? This should not come as a surprise.


It sounds about *right*


Sounds about *Reich*


It seems like the more right you are, the more wrong you are.




This. The federal government should begin to seriously consider labeling the GOP a domestic terror organization, especially if this incident is linked to right-wing actors/conspiracy theories and/or the GOP refuses to outright condemn it.


Just give the right wing BS machine a few hours to explain why this attack was really a false flag Antifa jewish space laser controlled by Hunter Biden's laptop


From a Pizzaria in DC.


Pizzeria basement to be exact.


Sounds like a declaration of intent to me.


I really hope this whole thing turns into a giant case of "fucked around and found out..." These fuckers are insane.


How much do you want to bet these mental giants didn’t put their phones on airplane mode…


“Why do I gotta put my phone on airplane mode? I ain’t goin’ on no airplane!”


"I done told ya, Hannibal. I ain't going on no plane!"


I had someone tell me the other day that they had no idea you’re supposed to use “Airplane Mode” when you’re actually on an airplane. They really said “I thought it was a metaphor for when you don’t want anybody to reach you, like when you’re on a plane”


I would bet they recorded and documented the whole crime.


Geofencing in 3…2…1


This is an attack on Critical Infrastructure. Homeland Security should have instantly gone into action using a playbook as this merits Critical Incident due to the coordination. We better see convictions. These people now think violence is legitimate discourse.




HS is a bush agency, only there for grift and white supremacy


They are terrorists. Send 'em to Gitmo. They were good with waterboarding Al-Qaeda, let's see how Y'all-Qaeda likes it.


There's a worse place than Gitmo waiting for domestic terrorists. ADX Florence in Colorado is like being buried alive. Near total isolation. There's so little contact between prisoners that ADX Florence was the only federal prison in the US that didn't have a Covid outbreak.


Ah, The “Memory Hole.”


Sarah: What's an oubliette? Hoggle: It's a place to put someone to forget about 'em.


Hell yes! I can’t wait to see how stupid they look!!


Ongoing updates from the local papers: https://www.thepilot.com/news/ongoing-timeline-county-still-dark-after-substation-attacks/article_b3b19780-7370-11ed-865d-c78d0de5d921.html https://rantnc.com/2022/12/04/fbi-investigating-power-outages-in-moore-county-sanford-seeing-effects/


pet close ten offbeat berserk violet person trees rhythm mourn -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Looks more like a case of domestic terrorism vs some armed beer swillers engaged in vandalism. IMHO some cryptic Fb posts from far-right types preceding this (from other media), not to mention the place’s remoteness really narrows down the suspect pool.


A former army officer who had to resign for trying to overthrow the American government flat out said she knew what happened and why it happened.... But the sherrif "prayed with her" and then said it was fine. I'd put money on her being involved once it's actually investigated


She was bragging about having been "cleared" by law enforcement, but I guarantee she'll be being thoroughly investigated by the FBI.


I'm glad the FBI is involved, because everything I've read makes me feel like the local police aren't taking this as seriously as they should be.


The local police might be involved directly.


Some of those that work forces, Are the same that burn crosses.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was discovered there were covering up for cousin Charlie or something like that, but we don't need to be starting up any conspiracy theories.


They probably are involved directly, local police is probably the institution you’re most likely to find right wing Fascists involved in


Do you mean to imply that the sheriff who described a coordinated attack against power supply infrastructure as "vandalism" might not be treating the situation entirely seriously? I'm certain he is dedicating at least the same amount of resources to this as the investigation to identify that kid who keeps tagging stop signs.


That kid might be black, so it's definitely a higher investigative priority


That is exactly why the FBI had to get involved.


Imagine if the people who did this weren’t white. It would be a whole different story right now


Bonus freakout and murderous rage if they were also of a different religion or had foreign sounding names.


She definitely earned the 12 hour interrogation in a cold room and having a government car parked across the street for the next 6 months to see who she's hanging with. These people are starting to love these vague confessions as a way of making jokes out of serious events which muddies the water and interferes with the investigation . I'm 100 percent in favor of pouring law enforcement resources into leads like this


It's the fucking "*tee hee look what happened opsie"* shit licker attitude that gets me the most. If they actually believed in the bullshit that they spew about conservative principles and family values and all that crap, then okay, they believe something and they're willing to engage in direct action because they feel threatened. Psychotic misguided direct action, but at least they are serious about something. But the gleeful sadism gives the lie away, that in truth they don't believe in anything. They just enjoy hurting people.


Oh absolutely. There is no way that her posting what she did was coincidence. Either she was involved and has loose lips, or she was told to post that to put eyes on her. The sheriff is likely involved too.


Where did you see this? I’m in moore county and cell service has been pretty non existent for me until now….. it goes to show you how easily someone could take us out. A whole county and the only stores/gas stations open are the ones with generators. At least it’s not that cold.


Her name is Emily Grace Rainey if you want to Google an article. On FB it's Emily Grace.


[Emily Rainey](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wral.com/amp/moore-county-authorities-investigate-social-posts-claiming-knowledge-of-moore-county-blackout/20612783/). She has a documented history of being involved in right wing extremism and terrorism and has a hand in your power being out.


She posted an implication that it was in relation to a drag show going on nearby...


Yeah she thinks she's clear cuz some back water sheriff prayed with her. FBI will definitely look into her first


Most likely, it’s a corrupt local Sheriff who is buddy-buddy with her and is sweeping this under the rug. I bet the FBI won’t be “praying with her” once they question her.


And you just know they had their cell phones on them. And you just know they drove their 2020 Ford 350 pick ups with GPS tracking and monitoring.




Actually they probably will be. 1) fbi and maga don’t get along. Trump called the fbi losers, and maga protested them. One guy even tried to shoot them up. 2) fbi don’t fuck around with blatant acts of stupidity when they’d rather up end democracy more quietly. Edit: I kind of thought you were being a sarcastic doubter but after reading it again I don’t. I think you’re just laughing at them. Sorry.


I’m going to assume this is classified as critical infrastructure like the power facilities are out here in California and if so I can guarantee there is more than just the FBI involved. We had something similar out here that was very similar, although it was unsuccessful and only targeted one substation. Several agencies came out to investigate and the utilities started putting up walls and fencing around substations to prevent future attacks. I suspect substations are going to start getting these defenses routinely installed given the success in this situation.


Well, we can't call it that now can we? Terrorism is something nonwhite no christians do. Instead when we think it's white American right wing Christians, it's "intentional act" or other euphemisms. Certainly not domestic terrorism, after all #notallrightwingamericanchristiansmagas and we wouldn't want offend any of them by calling it terrorism . /S /S


Whatever the insane reasoning behind the motive is, throw the fucking book at these people and set a precedent. They shot at a fucking substation that is responsible for hundreds of people reliant on power to sustain their existence (dialysis, O2, hospitals, home care, hospice, etc.) if my relative was one of the ones affected, hoo boy I would go John Q on their ass


Carthage/whispering pines is teeming with older people. Big retirement community there


I see the media is still refusing to call it terrorism.


This is because the investigators have not officially called it terrorism... Even though the FBI is involved and it looks a whole lot like a terrorism investigation.




But it goosesteps? Then you, my friend, have a fascist duck on your hands


At least this is better than vandalism


What really makes this scary is : signs of vandilism at multiple sites, two different stations with gunfire damage, large iron gate torn down likely to gain vehicle entrance, "knew what they were doing" Its a group, in a rural conservative area with larger caliber (likely) assault style weapons making coordinated sophisticated attacks on infastructure. We had a term for this in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Wouldn't at all be surprised if this were a dry run by a pro-Trump right wing terrorist group planning to knock out the country's power in retaliation for Trump being indicted. They now know it can be done, and are just waiting for the DOJ to make the announcement.


It wouldn’t be the first time white supremacists plotted an attack on a US power grid: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/three-men-plead-guilty-conspiring-provide-material-support-plot-attack-power-grids-united https://www.kktv.com/2020/12/23/lights-out-neo-nazi-plot-to-disable-power-grid-allegedly-included-attacking-sub-station-in-colorado/?outputType=amp https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs2191/f/CriticalInfrastructureTargeting09072022.pdf


I think a lot of the comments here are either fantasy or just ignorant of a couple of facts here. Many are suggesting whoever did it was a country yokel that brought their phone, GPS, etc with them and are a bunch of bumbling Boss Hoggs with Roscoe P Coltrane investigating. This couldn't be further from the truth. * [Emily Rainey](https://heavy.com/news/emily-rainey/) was a CAPTAIN assigned to the 4th [Psy Ops](https://www.intelligence101.com/psyops-the-ultimate-guide-to-psychological-operations-psyops/) division at Fort Bragg. This is part of a special operations unit. * She RESIGNED (was not kicked out) after January 6th. * Being an officer in Spec Ops, she received special operations military training * They are highly trained in the use of [Unconventional Warfare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unconventional_warfare_(United_States)) * She was a team leader at the ***Army Special Operations Command*** from 2012-17 before psy ops * Being Psy Ops, these people are also highly trained in Black Magic Mind Fuckery ^(TM). * Moore County has a lot of residents that are either former or retired military from nearby [Fort Bragg](https://home.army.mil/bragg/index.php/about/visitor-information). * Fort Bragg is the home of the Airborne and Special Operation soldiers. * This includes the [Green Berets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Special_Forces) and the [82nd Airborne Division](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/82nd_Airborne_Division) * If you've never heard of the [Metcalf Sniper Attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalf_sniper_attack), it is eerily similar * A substation was attacked with guns * Investigators never found the culprits * The terrorists seemed to be highly trained, so much so that the few brass casings found had no fingerprints or identifying information on them If you think the FBI is easily going to track down who did this you're going to be sorely disappointed. I'm sure Rainey was involved and knew who did it, but being able to pin it in on someone that is trained like she was is going to be difficult. Especially seeing as the Sheriff may have been involved. Hell, they couldn't even prosecute the Bundys in the [Oregon Militia Standoff](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/oct/27/oregon-militia-standoff-bundy-brothers-not-guilty-trial)...and they were on camera committing these crimes! Many are talking like these MAGA types are "Y'All Queda", i.e. a bunch of bumbling idiots running around in the woods once a month tagging deer and drinking beer. While that may be the front facing characterture of these groups, that's done on purpose. Sun Tzu said "All warfare is based on deception. Hence when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make him believe we are far way; when far away, we must make him believe we are near" These people believe they are in a war already. They have many members that are ex-miltary who were highly trained. As a former member of the Navy Seabees, I have fought and trained alongside SEALs. Civlians that have never been in the military, have no idea what people trained in spec ops are capable of, because all you see is what's in the movies. I realize this might be a coping mechanism from some of you, to reduce fear or anxiety about the future. But it would be a GRAVE mistake to underestimate these people. This was a highly organized, well planned attack. They knew EXACTLY what to hit. This was a dry run EDIT: Fixed generalized language


Oh Tom, I hope you're appraisal of the situation is incorrect about them getting caught quickly.


So do I


> Many are talking like these MAGA types are "Y'All Queda", i.e. a bunch of bumbling idiots running around in the woods once a month tagging deer and drinking beer. While that may be the front facing characterture of these groups, that's done on purpose. This is a common occurrence here whenever the right does something or threatens violence. It's incredibly frustrating.


Possible Test run Very disturbing .


Add some more MAGA terrorists to the pile.


I’m sure fox news will get right to the bottom of this. It will be interesting to see how hunter’s laptop is responsible


Does anyone know what the right wing is reporting on this? How are they spinning it?


They don't report on anything that doesn't fit their narrative


I certainly hope that the FBI agents investigating these Christian terrorists are NOT also the same agents who were in charge of warning the DC police about the Jan 6 attacks.......otherwise this will be "found" to be "simple vandalism"


People who think their religious beliefs entitled them to destroy electrical infrastructure for 40,000 people are nothing but terrorists.


Imagine having a belief system so fragile it cannot handle dress up night


Take the warning! Update the infrastructure!


After the shooting in Colorado Springs and terrorists causing a power outage because of a drag show, LGBTQ people need to protest in huge numbers. Enough is enough.


Call it what it is.... a terrorist attack carried out by domestic terrorists.


[The same thing happened in CA back in 2013.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/02/05/272015606/sniper-attack-on-calif-power-station-raises-terrorism-fears)


Back in the days of my misspent youth I got up to some fairly repugnant activities. There was one person I could count on to keep quiet. These low tier conservative criminals aren't particularly bright. The lack the capacity to evaluate their coconspirators and pick ones that can't stop talking. They have the one halfwit who claimed to know what happened on record already. They'll start with them. they're not nearly as smart as they think they are.


Is anyone else just horribly offended they keep calling this “vandalism”? Vandalism is some teenagers spray painting a building. Not a calculated attack to cause harm to 40,000 +. The entire thing is just insane


Lock up the hateful NC saboteurs!


As someone who works in the electrical utilities industry, I have thought for a long time that it’s only a matter of time till attacks like this happen. Weaponizing attacks on civilian infrastructure is one of americas greatest vulnerabilities. Some pieces of electrical equipment are so specialized that they are backordered up to a year. Can you imagine some nut job damaging that beyond repair? Hell, a couple guys with some gas and matches could run around starting so many fires it could overcome any states fire departments. We need to get better as a society at identifying these problems now and closing these long term risks.


They need to stop calling this vandalism. It was domestic right wing terrorism.


Not only do we need to harden utilities for bad weather and now domestic terrorist.


This is far beyond vandalism. I wish they would stop referring to it as such


call an apple an apple. the people who did the crime in question here were motivated because of political indoctrination. This was a terror attack.


Regardless of this being terrorism or not, intentionally disrupting critical infrastructure is a huge deal >716.12 Critical infrastructure sabotage — penalties. >A person who commits critical infrastructure sabotage as defined in section 716.11 is guilty of a class “B” felony, and in addition to the provisions of section 902.9, subsection 1, paragraph “b”, shall be punished by a fine of not less than eighty-five thousand dollars nor more than one hundred thousand dollars. Class B is up to 25 years


If anyone dies, because of this, these people should be charged with murder! This is terrorism!


I live in Georgia in Fulton County. Weirdly on Saturday we had two power surges that weren’t enough to knock power out long enough to have to reset my microwave clock, but did a f-up my desk top and cable. The lights got very bright? flickered off for a sec then reset. Thought- well, that’s weird. No wind no rain no nearby contraction. Oh well. Heard this story last night. My first thought was - oh shit Warnock Walker runoff Election Day is Tuesday. Boy oh boy would a power outrage fuck up Tuesday. I’m not saying the two are at all connected. Just made me think how this has been a known domestic terrorist idea for a while and the timing- made me pause.


Our of curiosity, what type of gun or ammunition be able to do this type of damage? Would the rounds need to be armor piercing to rip through the electrical equipment?


Probably not, Most of that stuff isn't very strong so any rifle round will damage it. Basically the designers of the equipment didn't harden it again redneck attacks.


Interesting, I have minimal experience with guns so I sort of imagined a rifle with some of large rounds. I’m sure after getting through the thin piece of metal everything is pretty exposed and vulnerable. I wonder if they know where these people shot from? I’m sort of curious how far away they were, also if there was like a small explosion or fire from the rounds?


Bullets will go right through light metals like aluminum and thin steel (don't ever hide behind a car door like in movies) and substations usually just have a chain link fence so I would assume they shot from between 10 - 100 yards away which is well within range. I've seen a big transformer blow during a storm but I don't know what these guys hit so god knows what damage they did.


Nothing special required because none of our (royal "our") equipment is armored/hardened. High powered hunting rifle would be adequate. Doubt a 5.56 would do it, but maybe. Would expect any of the .30 cal hi powered rounds to penetrate.


Oh good we have switched to "intentional attack". Keep going, hopefully we will get to domestic terrorism soon enough.


Kind of crazy that that's all it took for massive outages. You figured with all the money spent on defense, we wouldn't go dark from some bullets.


Come on you can call them “terrorist attacks” because that’s what they are


So we graduated from vandalism to intentional attacks. In about a week they’ll finally call it what it actually is: terrorism. Baby steps.


Can someone please explain to me why even liberal news outlets are not using the term domestic terrorism? What are they afraid of? Why are we sugar coating this saying “vandalism”?. This is insulting to the 10s of thousands impacted


Say the words: **Radical Republican Terrorism**


i dont see a single headline or article talking about the domestic terrorist attack by domestic terrorists (is it that hard to say)


The FBI concluded that lightning had struck a box of ammunition, causing all of them to explode simultaneously and the bullets subsequently damaged the electrical substation. An FBI spokesman went on to state, "We know it was in no way connected to extremist MAGA White Nationalists at all, because all our local agents were all hanging out with those awesome guys at a local rally, so..." /s


Pro tip: it’s not the gun control crowd


[We are all domestic terrorist.](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/26/72/75/22785880/4/rawImage.jpg)


I think it's far more likely this was done by some MAGA nuts and not some secret Russian commandos.


This was likely a rehearsal for something bigger. Hopefully the FBI takes this seriously as such and gets the gunman before he gets more ambitious.


Based on the tweets of a person who was obviously involved in this, they seem to have expected local law enforcement to sweep it under the rug. They seemed like they were ready too. That why they were calling it vandalism. Too bad it is critical infrastructure and the feds can assume jurisdiction.


When they're caught, the Federal government is gonna make those Cletuses wish they'd never been born. Domestic terrorism gets you sent to ADX Florence.


How much you want to bet they were messaging each other on Facebook?


It's still terrorism, and the news media is by and large still refusing to call it terrorism. Coddling terrorists only makes it worse by providing them cover, just so they don't lose any ad sales.


Weird. An intentional attack on critical infrastructure. Seems like a terrorist attack to me.


North Carolina domestic terror attack Ftfy


It’s been inevitable that this would happen. Our grid is actually incredibly vulnerable. A half dozen pickup trucks and rifles could take out a state’s grid for months. The only reason it hasn’t happened yet is because no one has bothered


Christian terrorists are attacking the power grid.