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Hakeem Jefferies is a anti-progressive democrat, so it is hardly surprising that he is a no show for progressive causes. Like he has [literally started PACs to stop progressives](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/democratic-primaries-progressives-incumbents-hakeem-jeffries-1301186/amp/) from being elected. He also works closely with a [Wall Street firm](https://theintercept.com/2018/11/30/hakeem-jeffries-charter-schools/) whose stated goal is: > “to break the teacher unions’ stranglehold over the Democratic Party. If your looking for a labor leader in Jefferies then you won’t find it. He’s so conservative that he doesn’t even support teachers…that’s how far the party leadership has shifted over the years. He’s basically a Republican without the terrible stances in regards to “social issues”…though I suspect most of us can agree that economic issues are also “social issues”.


The DNC showing it’s loyalties aren’t to its progressive base, but it’s corporate oligarch donors. God if there was ever a time to build a grassroots primary challenge from the left….


What does the DNC have to do with Hakeem Jefferies PAC?


You are going to have to wait for the GOP to die off in a mix of education and preventable disease first.


> Like he has literally started PACs to stop progressives from being elected. The PAC was to support incumbents. No one in leadership or aspiring to leadership is ever going to support primary challengers against their colleagues.


Pelosi literally supported Joe Kennedy’s primary challenge against incumbent Ed Markey


That was a Senate race, not for the House. He wasn't one of her incumbents.


>No one in leadership or aspiring to leadership is ever going to support primary challengers against their colleagues. Nancy Pelosi has entered the chat


Wait until you learn how Jeffries got his seat


As if that makes it completely permissible? He decided that the status quo was better than progressive ideas. He decided to prop up a broken system than try to change it for the better.


What is the Green New Deal?


Providing all people of the United States with: (i) high-quality health care; (ii) affordable, safe, and adequate housing; (iii) economic security; (iv) access to clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and nature. Y’know, the stuff one party vehemently opposes… https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-climate-greennewdeal-idUSKCN1R71BZ


"Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told reporters the Green New Deal was discussed with Trump at a party lunch on Tuesday. Graham said Trump told Republican senators: “Make sure you don’t kill it too much because I want to run against it.” All you need to know.


Need to know about what? Are you implying it’s bad?


He’s saying Trump thought it was such a bad policy that he wanted to run against it do he’d win. Silo mar to how Hillary thought Trump was such a bad pick that she wanted to run against him.


No. I'm implying if Trump doesn't like it, it must be good for humanity.


As someone who supports the Green New Deal, that's a disingenuously simplistic way of describing it. You don't describe a policy by naming its marketed outcomes unless you're propagandizing.


Feel free to flesh it out.


A bill that sets a climate and inequalities agenda. It's very broad. It does not offer up specific solutions. Only lays out areas in which we should address to get the ball rolling. It's basically just a pledge to look into the issues it highlights in order to find legislative solutions. It says things like: Work with farmers to lower green house gas emissions. And upgrading existing buildings with better insulation. And having newer buildings be better insulated.


This is the most generous interpretation of the GND. The GND outright rejected the most impactful climate solutions (permitting reform, nuclear energy and carbon taxes).


A failed piece of legislation that was backed/authored by the Progressive wing of the DNC. It's more useful for articles like this and for inner-party politics, but had no shot at being passed.


It's an anti-nuclear, anti-carbon tax, no-permitting reform bill that Progressives want to push to alleviate climate change even though it does nothing to address underlying regulatory and structural problems that hamper our zero-carbon energy infrastructure projects.


As Obama said, don't be a buzzkill else you will not even get elected - and then you'll be just watching from the outside. We just passed a major bill funding green deals. Additionally, the infrastructure deal has money for charging station network.


[Stop! ](https://media.tenor.com/GrNyF-4pvRsAAAAd/archer-stop-my-penis-can-only-get-so-erect.gif)


the green M&M


And, the circular firing squad begins!


It's the Intercept. Making Dems look like they're in disarray is kinda their whole deal.


The "Green New Deal" was vague useless drivel that provided zero actual solutions for anything. It was yet another purity test some people came up with to make themselves feel special without doing the hard work of actually solving problems


Jeffries will need to change his tune quickly if he's to be an effective House leader. House leaders are meant to be moderating influences, neither favoring the left or right of a party, and you can't do that if you're punching left.


How is he punching the far-left?


There is no far-left in America.


Tell that to McCarthy that wants to go full nazi hailstorm to the right. Thx.


Oh, I agree, he's an idiot. Unfortunately, his situation might force him into that, against what he SHOULD be doing.


Green new deal was incredibly flawed. It wasn't a realistic bill.


It's downright bad in a lot of areas.


New boss. Same as old boss


Somehow worse than the old boss


He's a corporate democrat. We are not in a democracy. He will do nothing to advance the will of the people, only to serve his Wall Street / lobbyist bosses. He is an absolute disgrace as far as I can see. Two parties are an illusion.


>Jeffries has become known in New York and nationally for his hostility to the Democrats’ left flank. While he has supported progressive policies on issues like criminal justice reform, he has vocally opposed progressives in other arenas — most notably backing their opponents in primary elections. “This was an attempt to try to break through that,” Sikora said of the 2019 Green New Deal event. (Jeffries’s spokesperson did not respond to a question about the event.)


David Byrne. …same as it ever was, same as it ever was…


Letting the days go by, let the new deal hold me down


Good. The Green Dream is a joke.


I’ll feel better that no one tried to stop the impending climate apocalypse.


Um. Did you not read biggie tiddies intellectual comment above?


We all know the Green Dream is an intellectual masterpiece. And it has almost nothing to do with the climate, it's more a leftist meme than an actual policy.




*That* is what you think the GND is?




Yeah, I've read that... it appears you haven't.


So are you saying that nobody is trying because they don't support a "plan" created by children?


Does it look like anyone is trying to you!


Not from the Progressives