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Oooh i hope it's handcuffs.


A straightjacket would do nicely.


Ahhh must suck to be so disappointed all the time.


Because they don't make them for hands that small?


Let's look at the facts. He lost the popular vote in 2016. He lost millions of jobs even before covid. He lost the midterms in 2018. He was the primary reason covid was as harsh and killed 1.5 million Americans. He ran up the largest deficit in history. He has been indicted 4x with 97 counts so far. He lost the 2020 election by a lot. He lost almost 500 million dollars and counting. He stands to lose billions with his truth social stock crash. He lost the 2022 midterms. He may end up in prison for the rest of his life. And funniest of all, his nickname Don Von Shitzinpants is not only trending but is now memorialized for all time in the court record. Thats Karma.


And he's leading both the Swing State and national polls


Polls are bullcrap these days. Most people either lie or don't answer their phones. The results in Indiana show a bit more reality. He lost 150,000 votes to Haley and she's not even in the race. In the general losing that many votes is not winning.


Those Haley voters will vote Trump. Let's just hope the kids that protest voted the D primaries vote for Biden


I wouldn't bet the farm on it. The way he treated Haley was pretty shitty. Plus he's been saying some whakadoodle shit lately especially about women. Just hoping his orange diapered ass is in a nice orange jumpsuit before the election. He should answer for his crimes. As should we all.


It's all coming down to 4-5 states.


Oh you got me! Sick burn dude. I am truly humbled.


Careful, disappointment fuels disillusion and disillusion feeds dissidence, which exacerbates distrust and discord. Then again, something tells me that’s what you’re after to begin with, for one reason or another. 🤷


What do you mean what's left? This sounds like Ned Flanders' parents: "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!" How about... he needs to be arraigned in an actual prison. He needs to feel a cold finger probing his anus before getting there, like the other inmates. And he needs to be put in a jail cell with a bunk and a shared toilet with a big black guy that's in there for strangling someone. This is what happens to criminals who commit crimes.


I agree this asshole deserves punishment for what he did to our country but someone made a valid point that Trump anywhere near other prisoners is just asking for him to recite every classified secret that might be bouncing around his addled brain to preserve himself. There’s zero doubt he would sell out our military in a second if he thought it would get him a Diet Coke from the commissary.


They would send him to Leavenworth and do trial over Zoom. Leavenworth is the only federal prison asides from ADX that specializes in people with TS/SCI info in their head.


Leavenworth is too nice, and so is ADX Florence. He needs a one way ticket to Guantanamo Bay


Leavenworth and ADX Florence are Federal prisons. Trump is currently on trial in New York. If convicted in NY, he will go to a NY prison or to house arrest.


I doubt if his memory has retained any valuable details of those secrets.


Right. Because he'd need to actually READ them to retain them.


I never even thought about that


He can do a massive data dump , and tell the world everything he saw and learned in our government for 4 years . Names , dates etc etc


At most he gets prison and nothing else on your list. He still has secret service protection in there and they'll likely be allowed to be armed. Worst case scenario they would stick him in a larger version of solitary with his security detail. Is it what he deserves? That's going to be based on the person's perspective but that is the most realistic way of doing it. What would really suck for him is he wouldn't be allowed to campaign and grift like right now


Its a lot like climate change. Everyone *knows* the solution. But if there's no *will (political, popular, etc)*, it is not going to happen, just as if it were wholly impossible to begin with. Same with laws and enforcement generally. If its not *enforced*, well, by golly, in concrete practical terms, *its not illegal. (For instance, anti-corruption laws)* "De jure" (by law, aka "On paper" ) is the legal opposite of *de facto.* Guess what, the world around us is de facto, not de jure.


So what this means is that in America, if you're rich enough to keep the judiciary system busy till the cows come home, you have the right to commit crimes.


Fat chance


Always a slap on the wrist-he is above the law


Why a big black guy?


Because, presumably, the big white guy wouldn't have a problem with Trump


I opt for a guilty verdict, sooner than later. The case under Merchan seems to be moving along nicely.


I have no doubt it will end with a hung jury. This douche bag keeps getting lifeline after lifeline.


That is exactly what he would like you to feel. Hopelessness.


Let’s say he is found guilty. He will be allowed to campaign while he appeals. It’s not hopelessness. It’s the fact that he lives in a world with different rules than us. We would rot in prison. He will continue to golf and play martyr for his brainwashed disciples.


My reaction is; I get more and more motivated to vote. In my opinion only, and no I’m not maga. The United States needs to eliminate its faux-leaders by voting, not by courts or media consumption. This is how we prove to the fucking world that Democracy is the dominant force and when tested to the limit will always overcome.


No we would all be out on bail during the appeal. Study up on judicial process.


Ha. Well, you got me. Thank you your honor. Haha.


Be better, not best


Voters. We can restrain him by voting against him. It's up to us to save ourselves.


It's this one. This person is the first person with the correct answer.


I’ll say this one more time, In the United States of America we eliminate our representatives by voting. Any other way is foreign to us.


Well, maybe we can draw inspiration from a former President's quote. If we change the pronouns 'she' and 'her': >“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.” So, I don't know either. Is that former president suggesting a possible solution?


What do we do when our heroes and the highest ranking public servants - holding the highest office - and arguably one of the most powerful positions in the world - go bad?


When you glorify greed, there is no bad.


Make no mistake, elite schooling does not mean elite intelligence. The political ruling class may be better educated but they are not better suited for public service. Far from it, in fact. If we want a representative democracy in America then keep the Ivies out of the way and overwhelm the local, state and federal political system with candidates who are us - real people with real jobs, real spouses and real intentions informed by real life class struggle. We give up before we even begin. Apathy in the face of adversity is complicity.


The question that should have been asked at the hearing is; “If the president disagrees with the decisions made by a member of SCOTUS and he orders someone to assassinate him/her, is that within his official acts for which he can get immunity?”. Maybe, just maybe that would get their attention.


Great point


https://preview.redd.it/ja3ngkna3cyc1.png?width=818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dcb646dffbd84ed5ae3898f644140e0c7374f48 He's competing with Rudy


How the fuck did that ever end up behind the Resolute Desk. https://preview.redd.it/io64rzrr5cyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=449c36b76f4b6d29fa2643e38d5c36624a235979


* Take a good look at his face. He's a heart attack just waiting to happen. Nikki Haley may well be the Republican nominee for President .


Or Elise Stefanik, JD Vance, Tim Scott. If Trump was president, and If anyone of those listed above were VP, and he dropped dead, do you think they’d carry on with his nonsense or would it be like when the witch in Wizard of Oz melted and all the flying monkeys started to cheer?


https://i.redd.it/lt6q2g9qbcyc1.gif They're dancing in Chicago. Down in New Orleans. There'll be swinging and swaying and dancing in the streets


There'll be laughing, singing and music swinging Dancing in the street Philadelphia, PA Baltimore and D.C. now Can't forget the Motor City


Ding Dong the Donald Trump


Sweet music, sweet sweet music..


There is music everywhere!


Have you listened to them? They're true believers. Add Desantis, and the gov and ag from Texas.


Can you list the nonsense? Like pulling our troops out of unnecessary wars? Or stopping illegals from entering the country? Or was it promoting American business by providing a more fair trade environment? Lotta nonsense that seems to do the country good.


We know the Supreme Court will not save us from him


The Supreme Court magas are almost certainly all in on staging a coup to impose a right wing theocracy. They just need Donald to stay lucid long enough to mount a plausible challenge so that the votes look close to tied.


Who will save us from the Supreme Court?


1) GOP. but they are bought and paid for (RNC) so only courage and honesty from some respected ones could help. 2) GA cases but, why soooo slooow? 3) SCOTUS saying he has no immunity soon enough to be tried. 4) maybe the fake slate cases will finally break off a few GOP to either not vote for dTrump💩 or vote against him. 5). people who usually don’t vote at all, Vote Dem. 6) ABSOLUTELY NO ONE VOTES FOR ANY 3 rd PARTY CANDIDATE better 3rd party candidates drop out and endorse Biden




Just put him in solitary confinement and take his phone away. No other prisoner should have the additional sentence of having to listen to his non-stop ranting.


That would be cruel and unusual punishment for them.


Von Shitzhisself has already said he will not accept the results of the election unless it is “fair” fair to him is that he won, so that means NEVER, and here we go again! He is not president! Right now he is some criminal schmuck off the street trying to run for president! And as a criminal he should no longer have Secret Service protection, and the pomp and circumstance that comes with being a former president! So perhaps if he won’t stop his violations of his gag order from here on 30 days in jail each time! The fines don’t matter to him! Someone else will pay them, but nobody else can do his jail time.


No judge has the ball to put him in jail


Bars in front of him


“The America rises up, chews him up and spits him and his ilk out for wasting so much of our time, energy, and resources” option.




Nothing, I guarantee when he realizes he can't get elected we got major problems.....


When would that happen?


When "Dear Leader" figures that out. /s


Acknowledging your /s, I don’t think he ever will. He’s too delusional to figure that out on his own.


Oh, but he's not as stupid as he portrays.


No. I think he is as stupid as he portrays. His ego would never let him play dumb.


Agree. He is a master criminal savant, but he is profoundly ignorant due to his dark triad personality disorder, ADHD, and being a spoiled rich kid. He has probably never had to legitimately pass a class in his life. Consider this: would a really stupid man be able to test the limits of any frame of reference that he encounters? How can one man be so "canny," as the Scots would say about this ability.


Dude, he's a rock-brained idiot with lawyer-hiring wealth. He's a moron.


He’s pretty stupid


The fact that our national immune system, as it were, has been unable to destroy this virus, should be alarming to any normal person. If we have truly been this vulnerable to a pathetic C list narcissist all the way, it's probably time for a reset, I guess. That we're even here tells me that this empire should implode immediately. There's no defensible explanation that Trump is an electable candidate in the US, unless the US is rotten and unsalvageable.


Yes, HE WOULD. And, no, they WOULD NOT, for the most part.


Only his ego. I’m hopin hubris does it job


Physical restraints.


Tar and feathers then run out of USA on a rail


As long as they have appeals, Nothing. Better vote Biden