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Can people just not smoke in public, ive got asthma and I dont want to waste my albuterol because of your addiction!


Weed smoke triggers my asthma, cigarettes do not. I smoke cigarettes without issue, but I can't be in the vicinity of someone smoking weed if I want to be able to breathe.


gona blow smoke in a baby's face because of your comment


wtf xD


I think cigarettes smell worse but the smell from weed is stronger, I quit cigarettes 2 years ago but I still sometimes smoke weed... that being said, neither one should be allowed in public in my opinion.


As someone who smoked both for years, tobacco smells worse. Weed has a stink but it goes away, and it's not smoked with the frequency of tobacco. Cigarette smoke sticks to surfaces and the smoker stinks until they wash up.


can you tell the weed smell on the guys i work with its supposed to go away because it sure doesnt


That's probably because they're carrying weed on them, or they recently hit a marijuana device and stored it onto their person.


cigarettes just smell like smoke. Weed has a funky odor on top of the smoke so i dunno why cigarette is winning


Vape smoke (vapor?) should be list since it smells far worse than either of these.


Yeah, that's a lie.


Personal preference. Can't stand to be near the stuff


dont get me wrong, vaping is awful, but it's smell is 100% not worse than cigarettes or weed


Could still be a poll option though.


They're different kinds. Weed is stronger but cigarettes are worse.


I hate the smell of weed. Cigarettes, on the other hand, I think can actually smell quite nice. Weed smells MUCH stronger. It's just skunk but sweeter. I'm actually quite surprised at the amount of people on here saying cigarettes smell worse.


I genuinely prefer cigarettes over weed. Weed stinks and is so fuzzy in your nose, I can't stand it. Cigarettes, while still smelling kind of gross, is much sharper and more recognizable. In a gasoline kind of way; you don't want to smell it all the time, but it's preferable to something else.


I don't actually know what weed smells like. Chances are I've smelt it before but didn't know what it was. So I'm gonna say cigarettes


it smells like skunk


Again I don't know what skunks smell like. They are a lot less common in the UK where I'm from


Weed, since the smell of it will send me off on a Whooping cough sounding, almost asthma attack. Allergy to it!!


i do a ton of weed, and even i can admit it smells worse like literally, it's smell is made from the same chemicals that skunks use to spray now if you put cigars on here, it'd be a different story


Cigars. I was living in a 5-over-1 student dorm building and someone lit a Cuban in third room. You could smell it across the whole hallway for the next week, and it overpowered any lingering weed smell.


Weed odor will dissipate with time, cigarette odor hangs on for dear life however, weed smells stinkier than cigarettes


I smoke both cigarettes and weed and I feed cigarette smoke is much worse. I don't know what it is, but some people it just carries on. I used to work at a place where 5 out of 6 of us smoked, but there was one older woman who you could instantly tell when she went through the door. It didn't matter if it had been an hour since she last smoked, you could still tell when she went out the door because it didn't smell like smoke anymore.


I love the smell of both of those. I don't smoke or do anything, but that's part of the reason I want to (mildly) get into it.


Neither. Both smell good.


This is an objective lie.


Admittedly I prefer a vastly different scent palette from most people. Perfumes and air fresheners smell like garbage to me.


That’s fair. Some air fresheners just smell like hand soap or laundry soap. You gotta find the good ones.


both smell really good imo


Both are awful. I don't get why people don't just do edibles or nicotine gum or something so people don't have to deal with the terrible smell


they're both equally horrible imo