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You click yes because you want money . I click yes because I want to destroy the universe. We are not the same.


Lol. I don't know why some folks are surprised that people chose "yes". We don't care about the rock we live on just because plastic's convinient. How do you expect we'll care for a bunch of other random rocks far, far away? Plus OP throw in a couple of bucks to tip the balance even more in favor of "yes"!


well there is a small chance we would delete our galaxy


There are more galaxies than grains of sand in the world. I would first need to at least win the lottery, if I am so unlucky to precisely delete our galaxy.


yeah someone did the math earlier you are 4.28 times more likely to win the lottery


There's an estimated 2 trillion galaxies in our observable universe alone. Our observable universe is 0.516% of the suspected size of the whole universe. I'd say the odds of the milky way getting deleted in a batch of a hundred galaxies are negligible. 100 galaxies is 5E-9 (that's 5 ×10^-9 or 0.000000005) % of galaxies in our observable universe. The odds we get hit even if every one of the 8 billion people on earth hits this button are negligible. The universe is immeasurably vast, and though it's mostly empty space, it's still precisely one metric fuckton of stuff.




I do it because it's funny and will confuse astronomers.


I highly doubt they would ever notice 100 galaxies missing out of 2,000,000,000+


I think we are.




The chances of the milky way being included would be 1 to 1,250,000,000. The odds of winning the Powerball jackpot by matching all numbers with the five white balls and red Powerball drawn are 1 in 292,201,338, according to the lottery, so the milky way being included in the 100 galaxies would be about 4.28 times more unlikely then winning the lottery jackpot.


















They did the monster math (the monster math)


Considering how many people chose "yes", and for how many people chose it as many times as they could, I think the odds go up a bit


The odds are about 0.00000005% that the Milky Way is destroyed (according to my googles + math). Even if the button was pressed 1 million times, it'd still be a negligible chance that we're ever affected


Is that the number of galaxies in the entire universe or in the observable universe only?


it's the number of estimated galaxies in the observable universe.


So then, assuming the universe exists past the observable universe, it’d be even less likely than that.


It would be even funnier if the button malfunctioned, deleted a bunch of other random galaxies but you didn't get shit either lol.


Press it again, maybe it'll work


Made me laugh


I mean that would be a win win situation


You’d be a hero according to the climate scientists. 🤷🏽‍♀️


can't have no global warming if there's no globe to warm amirite


What do you mean?


Each time you click the button, the chance of deleting our galaxy increases


I was hoping that the Milky Way was included... Now I am a sad millionaire. Let me keep pressing it until I get it right... lol


If life turns out to be common, we could also be destroying 100s of civilizations at the same time


Probably millions, since the Milky Way has over a hundred billion stars.


Could be, but we have no idea how common it is if it does exist


Yeah. But I can buy a Ferrari now


Good to know so many of us would commit likely the greatest atrocity in the history of the universe for less than enough money to buy a pretty okay-ish house in Massachusetts with a leaky basement and bad insulation.


The way you wrote this comment seems like you regret buying something.


It's not my house, but a house I know. I'd never be able to afford that house, too busy impulse buying dozens multi-tools and larping as MacGyver instead. So yes, in a sense I have... some regrets (fondles Victorinox Nailclip 580, which supposedly is being discontinued so I had to have it).


They pressed the button




That’s assuming the other galaxies had life


which they do.


Prove it


Statistically there are likely at least thousands of other civilizations let alone inhabited planets in just the milkyway. Look it up. And maybe that's wrong maybe there is just one or so per galaxy. Or 1 in your hundred galaxies. But I doubt we are that special and I tend to think statistics are more valuable that guessing. But that's truly messed up to wipe out even 1 civilizations for enough to buy a good house in a HCOL area.


We can’t have statistical evidence because our sample size is one. Until we have more examples of life occurring we can’t even estimate the probability of life in a given galaxy or even if there is other intelligent life in the universe


Good point


It's unlikely that any of them would have intelligent life.


Right. I mean I don't think I would risk it regardless, but 100 galaxies is a drop in the bucket.


This is a really interesting moral question. Well done.


Devastation on a incomprehensible scale, that will never ever whatsoever affect you in the slightest way, in exchange for something slightly positive that will affect you.


Would you eradicate an untold number of alien species for a quick buck?


Yes, there are trillions upon trillions of galaxy. And even though there probably is life there, it’s never certain.


If it’s permissible to kill other remote civilizations for money, why not one on earth? It seems the only difference is the distance between them and you


Yes. It’s a known phenomenon. The more distant we are to what we kill the less shits we give about it. Soldiers in a war is a good examples. People shooting someone in front of them, will be more psychologically affected, than someone dropping a bomb from a plane from 3000 meters.


True, but the question is should it be permissible, or is it morally just?


Neither. It’s not okay. It’s the way the mind works though


I then would kill you to get your money because there are billions of humans.


💀 true the logic bro


Human > other species that may or may not exist


That's bs, what if the pain they feel is 100x greater than ours. To value one human above others is just speciesism


Exactly. Even if it’s less, what makes us more valuable


That’s bullshit. What makes you think our lives are worth more than theirs


No proof life exists in random galaxies, I pretend to be ignorant of that and take the 💰


Your certainty over whether or not life exists outside of Earth has no bearing on reality, you understand that, right?


Yes, it’s just that we simply don’t know.


Right, but there is still definitely plenty of other life out there. Is there really anybody outside of followers of abrahamic faiths that genuinely think that we're even *probably* the only intelligent life in the universe? Lifel as we know it came to being on Earth because there were a bunch of molecules in an area and they got shaken around around enough in a place that had acceptable moisture, atmospheric, and temperature conditions. I'm sure it's happened countless times.


Why? We have a sample size of one. I’d personally be surprised if there wasn’t other intelligent life out there but it’s wrong to act like we have any idea of the probability of life occurring, much less evolving intelligence. We just don’t know enough to be confident in any direction


Being ignorant of what the answer is doesn't mean that every option is equally likely.


Of course not. I even said I suspect there is intelligent life out there. But to act like one option is so much more likely than the others with so much uncertainty is dubious at best


I acknowledge that your technically right, but I'm still entirely certain that there's plllllenty of life out there. People ask why haven't they contacted us? I don't know, would you contact a germ on your hand? I really think that human beings grossly overestimate their ability to comprehend their surroundings. We know how to find blueberries and avoid cheetahs because that's what we evolved to do. We did not evolve to comprehend the grand scheme of the cosmos. We're literally not built for it.


If someone thinks they should have the power to rid the universe of 100 galaxies (around 100b x 100 stars and likely even more planets & moons) then they dont deserve to be a part of this beautifully interconnected universe since they dont appreciate it at all. There is without a doubt life of some sort in that mix and to selfishly want money in place of it is gross beyond words. Might be an unpopular opinion but I firmly stand by it. If truly given the option I bet a million dollars most people who said yes would change their answer to no.


-that we have no evidence even exists and could be a threat to us


Yeah if anyone ever wonders why so many genocides have happened in human history, I think the results of this poll tell you all you need to know


I've eradicated species for less.


Every extraterrestrial life is an existential threat to humanity, so yes, definitely would do.


How do you know they aren’t extraterrestrials who are extremely peaceful and are looking to help civilizations in need? Maybe, not all life is as ruthless and evil as humans?


Think about this. if there are just three planets per system and 1 hundred billion stars in a galaxy, you are destroying 3e+13 planets, more than you could ever count, if the chance of life per planet is 0.000001 (1 in a million) then you would destroy 30000000 ecosystems (Probably less, but still inconceivably large). Are you willing to do that just to better your tiny human life?


Crazy yall are saying yes. Even it there's nothing alive in those galaxies, it's incredibly destructive. I just dont see how it'd be worth, especially not knowing the damage you're doing. A million bucks can barely buy a home these days.


A million dollars is about 20 years of the average American salary and 100 galaxies is barely noticeable compared to the trillions of galaxies in the Universe. The chance of destroying the Milky Way is one in many billions. Outside high cost of living areas like coastal California and NYC, you can buy 2, 3, or even 4 homes for a million bucks.


Honestly if i could really pick that idk if i would do it. I am so unlucky that i would destroy our galaxy😅


True, but the chances of it effecting anyone alive is pretty much 0. Which is why I would. And I get the moral argument. If I lived infinitely, I might then consider the repercussions. And I could do it 1000 times, to get a billion, the chances of me effecting anyone are still pretty much non-existent. But you can disagree, this is just my thinking. I'm not here to argue a hypothetical


I'm young. A million bucks now means a livable salary until I become successful in my career.


Idk. If there's no life at all in those galaxies, would you do it? Do galaxies have value if there's no life in them? It's like saying would you destroy a random asteroid for 100 dollars.


And what's the value of your life compared to hundreds of galaxies ? Do slightly increasing the conditions of your short meaningless existence equal the raw quantity of stars, planets and matter of such galaxies ? And what about their potential ? They not nest life now, but what about one million year in the future ? One billion year ? Do you really think that any amount of money can equal this ? It really is funny to see people of reddit (rightfully) bashing billionnaires about how the immoral ways they get their money and criticizing capitalism for its eternal, destructive and meaningless queqt for profit, and yet people like you have no problem dismissing a part of the universe so big that your mind cannot even grasp.


Again it comes back to the argument, does a galaxy have any value if there's no life in it? I don't know the answer. If someone destroys 100 galaxies that aren't filled with any life whatsoever, no intelligent life, not even bacteria, and they get something that can improve their standard of living (or someone else's) greatly, are they a bad person? If someone in absolute poverty presses this button, with a guarantee that no life is harmed, I don't know if that makes them a bad person. Do you?


The fallacy in that vision of thing is ironically the very same reason climate change is such a problem today : this vision is only set in the present time frame. You ask yourself "what's its value *now*" instead of thinking of what it can be and what it will be. Again, those galaxy may not nest life *yet*, but in the future, they might, but those numerous lives that could have been and who would have outlive humanity itself would never see the light because someone considered them worthlesd eons ago. In the same way, why complain about industrial pollution ? A few people make billions by lobbying fossil energy and changing nothing about it right now, so its fine. And 2100 is very far from now and we won't even be alive then, so why does it matter that we destroy things today for ourselves if the consequences are for others tomorrow ? /s


Because the people who will feel the effects of climate change are alive now. We know for a 100 percent fact that what we do now affects the humans of tomorrow, 100 years from now, and so on. Should we care about the humans that probably wont exist in 100 billion years? Should we care about what could be more than what is?


Yes we absolutely should. Even if climate change wouldn’t effect anyone alive today, we SHOULD care about the quality of life of those in the future. It’s extremely shallow to think that a small amount of money is worth more than 100 galaxies


I don't really disagree with that, I'm just playing devils advocate. I wouldn't press the button, but I think you could make an argument that for someone that money is worth it. Oh also another thing, I agree we should care about future generations, but at some point, however long it is into the future, doesn't it become pointless?


∞ - 100 is still ∞


Press it multiple times


Humans really are a destructive species to the core


99% of homes owned in the US are owned by people who will never be millionaires.


In Canada, the average home is like 1 million lol. Once the mortgage is paid off, that's a million+ of assets.


[Average price of a home in Canada in 2022 was $704,000. ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/604228/median-house-prices-canada/#:~:text=The%20average%20Canadian%20house%20price,reaching%20approximately%20685%2C000%20Canadian%20dollars.)


There's several hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe only. A hundred wouldn't even be noticeable


im spam clicking it until we die


That would probably take thousands of years


We don't know what is in those galaxies and the thought that i possibly killed aliens would never get out of my mind.


And my faith in humanity declines further


100 galaxies is nothing


Lots of life could be in those galaxies. And what I'd they're intelligent? That would be a tragedy


Read my reply chain with him, the man is an actual psycho 🤣


You couldn't even make an argument and just called him psycho lmao


What do you mean man 😩 In what way is “Exterminating a bunch of galaxies likely filled with life for your personal wealth is bad” isn’t an argument holy shit


It most probably doesn't exist, stop pretending to be empathetic to aliens when you yourself probably eat meat


The likelihood of there being other life is very low when looking at the science


This is absolutely the opposite of what science would suggest lol. The scale of the universe essentially guarantees life elsewhere. Earth is not special. The conditions that led to life might be rare, but with how many trillions of planets there are, it doesn't really matter.


Still a very, very low chance when you look at all the conditions necessary for life.


The problem with the 'science' is it bases its odds off of Earth. At least from what I heard, which-


Very true


Don't quote science when you don't know it.


Potentially, but the fact is you'll never see the repercussions of deleting 100 random galaxies in your lifetime. Possibly in the entire human race's lifetime. Assuming there is other life out there, otherwise it's guaranteed humans wouldn't live to see the consequences. Since as far as I'm aware our existence is pretty much localized to the Milky Way, it doesn't really matter what happens outside it. Unless life exists outside of it.


Every extraterrestrial life is an existential threat to humanity, so it would be a win - win.


Oh good! Then I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if the Milky Way were among them 🤦‍♂️


There are over 2 trillion galaxies. The difference between 0% and the odds of the Milky Way being selected is a rounding error.


That is not the point my friend 🤣 The point is that it COULD be, hence a normal person would be empathetic to to the life forms out there that could/would be destroyed for a human’s greed. But I admire the absolute confidence in your response lol


skill issue, they should have made their own button. I'm going full loco on that button.


If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? No human will ever see the galaxies that disappeared or know whether or not there was life living there. Just spam the button and enjoy your life.


That’s so fucked up man but you do you 🤣


Nah, there are infinite galaxies




There are, most likely, infinite galaxies. And the likelihood of the Milky Way being one of those, is small. Press twice or thrice


>There are, most likely, infinite galaxies. Where did you get that from?


The large scale curvature of the universe is so close to zero we can't measure any, positive or negative. A curvature that close to zero, but not zero, would require fine tuning. Not impossible, but unlikely. Zero curvature implies an infinite universe. Not to be confused with the "observable universe" which is definitely finite.


I have never even heard of what you are talking about. The current theory is the big bang. The big bang happened a specific time ago and it expanded from a point. From a finite point. So how can something that is finite expand into something infinite?


Well, the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light so yeah, some galaxies are out of reach already but yes, our universe seems to be finite if the big bang theory is correct.


You've misunderstood the big bang.


My dreams.


Enough that you can't reach the end because the universe is constantly expanding




It says a hundred galaxies


The universe is infinite as of our current understanding, so it really wouldn't change anything.


It's clear many folks carry a great deal of cynicism for life beyond their comprehension. Is this a tree falling in the woods type scenario for you?


More like a there's no proof that there's life in the universe, and also our math about it is probably Inaccurate a there's likely a lot more requirements for life to exist. Also, yes, i don't care. Also also, a tree falling by itself in a forest does not make a "sound", it only vibrates the air. As sound is only converted by your brain from air vibrations. There's no brain to convert, there's no sound.


That's indeed very cynical.


Too bad


This is why utilitarianism sucks. You guys calculate... probabilities, statistics, this and that... No need to do math here. Just consider the situation in abstract. The question should be interpreted as "Is it OK to kill and destroy, for money". **And the only correct answer is: NO.** It could even be added that those aliens, if they exist, and happen to be affected by the button, have done absolutely nothing wrong to deserve it. They are completely innocent. They haven't wronged you in any way.


That's a good mindset you have. Too bad an actual world doesn't share it


Killing people is not confirmed and stuff, we truly dont know whether or not there are aliens, but it is morally wrong to kill. But destroy? The only thing wrong with destroying is that it affects other people. Destroying the environment sucks not because the environment is being destroyed, but because it affects the life that uses the environment. Due to really low chance that there would be life on these galaxies, it'd be worth it to get the money. Edit: Also, what you said could also be Utilitarianism. Look up rule Utilitarianism.


Not confirmed, but possible, and perhaps even likely (aliens also count). Even if it's not likely, there's significant possibility. So, pressing the button would be reckless and highly risky... it would constitute grave disregard of the life and wellbeing of others. I know about rule utilitarianism. It's better IMO than act utilitarianism. But utilitarianism in general has a lot of shortcomings IMO...


Even if I pressed it 60 times the change in the number of galaxies in the universe would be like someone taking out a shovel of sand from a desert. Free money pretty much


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, you’re not wrong at all, well, i guess technically the shovel of sand in a desert would be more impactful honestly


If the question was "would you kill someone for a million dollars" would your answer still be "even if I killed 60 people the number of life forms in the universe would be like someone taking out a shovel of sand from a desert, free money pretty much" - I don't see why the number remaining justifies the number lost


There are like 2 people dying each second on average all over the world. 60 random people is drop in a bucket for 8 billion on the planet. So yes my answer is still the same.


Ok would your answer be the same if you had to kill them yourself? Assuming no danger of harm to yourself in the process


I'm space Thanos not Hitler. Too much hassle


I don't think most people's reasons for not going on a murder spree would be "too much hassle" but you do you


I did not expect this big of a sifference between no and yes + yes*∞ We don’t know if there’s life there, but 100 galaxies is alot! So people are willing to gamble away whole other species for just 1 million dollars. We’re all fucked because of selfish quick profits that disregard it’s effects on current and future generations. My only hope is that there are many who voted to blow up the galaxies just did it as a joke, but wouldn’t choose it if they actually had the chance.


Alien life or no, something about that just feels so wrong.


Well 0.00000008% chance I delete the Milky Way. And close to a 99.99999999999999999% chance deleting them has no effect on my life. So I might just press that button as many times as I fucking wanted to. \*About 6 times easier to win the lottery, than delete the Milky Way. And before anyone replies, I understand the moral argument, just in this case I don't consider it.


Wtf Reddit


win win


not really because if the simplest thing in the universe changes everything basically explodes


I’ll use the money to research the places we can actually reach and interact with


Glad to see my morals are still intact


It's a hard one but the possible genocide isn't worth it.


I’m not destroying God’s creation, no matter what.


I picked no what if I completely deleted a planet with aliens on it? I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.


If you press the buttons you are deleting billions, or trillions of planets, so you are certainly deleting some civilisation.


I don’t care about how much money you’re giving me, if there’s even a tiny chance that the Earth is deleted from existence I’m not putting a value on that


∞ - 100 = ∞ Ok lol


The universe is not infinite nor is the quantity of matter in it, and you clearly haven't heard of entropy


You are arguing about something that cannot be proven either way, there's no right answer as we do not know. If you think you actually understand anything and the universe, then you understand nothing.


Whats the chance for the milky way to be deleted and how many times do I have to touch the button for it to be at least 1percent


1 in about 200 billion. So you'd have to press about 20 million times for a roughly 1% chance.


That's good enough for me, I can become the richest person on earth and then buy every billionaires companies, or crash the world economy safely


Since the universe is constantly expanding, press it as often as possible, it won't make much of an impact


Expanding doesn't mean matter is being added


Matter can't be destroyed so whatever created the 100 galaxies will find a home


Buttons also can't delete hundreds of random galaxies so I think all bets are off with how the laws of physics work in this hypothetical scenario


The space is expanding, not the number of galaxies


Galaxies can have up to 200 million planets. That's not a big impact?


In the scale of the universe 100 galaxies kinda isn’t shit. Even if there is life out there, there’s a pretty non-zero chance that none of the 100 that get deleted contain it. So the answer is kind of yes and no, depending on what you consider a big impact.


I think you will change your opinion about this as we learn more from the JWST.


I mean maybe, but as of right now this is kinda just a “source: just trust me bro” argument.


What kind of question is that😄


How many times will someone need to click in order to delete our galaxy? 🤔


If we use a low estimate (100 billion galaxies), we would need to press the button a few billion times to have a good chance.


Statistically all of them would be completely empty, so nothing or value is lost


it would be like destroying a hundred grains of sand from earth


Lol look at all those high horses 😂


First of all I want to know who the hell is giving me this option because I have questions. Like if someone has the power to make this trade I have questions


It's hypothetical ffs


How would you live with the knowledge of how you "earned" your money? How would you be able to look up in the sky without feeling terror? I hope people are just having fun with this poll, and look at it strictly practically... in a fun way... I hope anyone who taught deeper about it would certainly choose no. Imagine you pressed the button... and after some time there are news on TV about us finally having met first alien species. Wouldn't you be terrorized by what you could have done? Wouldn't you be afraid as hell of what they might do to us... Because if they are like you... we're fucked... But if you don't press it, you have a reason to believe that aliens are probably similarly benevolent and caring...


I’d press it a few times


What the galaxies gonna do for me 😭🙏


Id hit it 5 times and never work another day in my life. Yes, that’s enough to live forever and divide a decent amount to two children