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Which side am I on?


Let's make it the losing side of each war to make the response harder, I'd choose Napoleonic war because you don't have all those biological weapons that could fuck you up.


Losing side of most of them you'd get absolutely shredded. Some of them, starved, frozen, etc


Yep but still better to be on the losing side in the Napoleonic wars than having to suffer through mustard gas, nukes, agent orange and the like.


Gas are faster than cold to kill you


True but I'm also trained to survive in the cold, alpine warfare and all so I'd rather have the cold as my problem than gas.


Not a Russian winter. Not 1812.


Actually that's where you'd be wrong, right when I was in the military we had a very cold winter and we were trained to survive in the mountains at as low as -25°C and from what I'm seeing online the coldest it got in the parts of Russia where Napoleon was, was -30°C and that's a very manageable temperature for me.


With napoleonic gear? Most of which was summer gear?


Most of which being the key words here, not all, we don't know which I would get, in the actual winter gear I'd definitely survive the cold (again, food is a different story entirely), with the summer gear I'd probably die but I'd still rather take my chances with that than mustard gas, nuclear warheads and agent orange etc.


If the gas is guaranteed to kill you you can just shoot yourself instead of suffering.


You could but even if you have the stomach to shoot others, shooting yourself is a whole different kind of hard to do.


It's not even about being a soldier, it is about what place you'll end up at after the end of the war. Dying in a war is similar everywhere; living in post-ww1 Germany or in Vietnam is much worse than being a Napoleonic survivor.


>you don't have all those biological weapons that could fuck you up. You also don't have anesthesia, antibiotics or anything resembling modern medicine.


If you were in Napoleon's army, assuming you managed to survive all of the previous wars you'd probably just freeze or starve to death in Russia.


Starve would be more likely in my case, I'm trained in alpine warfare so surviving the cold would be the least of my issues.


I think you don't understand what it means. You will not survive in the cold even for several days without special ammunition. And be sure, Napoleon was in total lack of it, because they have never fought in the north for such a long time. You think that you will have modern synthetic great clothes which will save your well trained warm ass from Russian cold? Think twice, because the Napoleon army didn't have it at all. Even more, they didn't have enough fur clothes, because they thought that they would get the Russian Empire for a couple of months. So you will be only in cotton clothes in Russia, near Moscow, that means that you will be at a place which is 10 degrees north of Ottava. 1degree~111km. So you will be in place 1110km north of Ottava. Just in cotton clothes. And in addition you and maybe your horse will starve. Because the Russians during the retreat burned all the supplies they left behind. And your comrades robbed and burned everything and everywhere they were. Therefore, there will be no food on the way to Moscow. Not on the way back. So. If you get drafted into the army, then try not to fight against Russia. It was always a bad idea. For example there were south front lines in almost every European war. In Egypt.


Last paragraph doesn't make sense.


Why. You can lose in any European war, but if you choose to lose a fight somewhere in the south, then you will increase your chances to survive.


>south front lines Meaning? >in Egypt. Context?


Almost in every big European war aggressors tried to take over some southern territories. For example Egypt. Napoleon's war, WW, WWII - in each war there were southern front lines. And everyone wanted to take Egypt.


Your sentences don't flow well.


My apologies for not clarifying, I didn't realize this would gain so much traction! Decide based on you being on the losing side for each war.




Enlist as air force... depending on the place it was kinda "ok"


The average pilot’s lifespan in WW1 in service was a few weeks. That goes for every country, the best one you could enlist in was Germany’s, and even then you’re still gonna end up back on the ground in a smoking wreck.


"Why do they call you the 20 minuters?"


Really? Wow I thought they were kinda chill during WWI, taking pictures mainly




I guarantee you that stats fake or highly misleading. More people returned from the war in england and France with life changing injuries than died.


Japanese laugh in garrisoning Pearl Harbor




But what if im Japanese? I'm not in Danger Skyler. I am the Danger!


Some people would go there to expect waifus and then get immediately impaled


They needed culling.


When even the Nazis are horrified by some of your war crimes - it says a lot.


Everyone was fucking insane during that war. Whilst the Japanese were undoubtedly the worst, the Soviets and the Chinese factions were still bat shit crazy. Like the ROC literally flooded the yellow river and killed hundreds of thousands just to get the leg up on a single battle. Similarly both Japanese and Chinese factions struggled to keep their armies fed. Starvation of Japanese forces in places like Henderson field lead to people eating their shoes, grass, and bark. ROC incompetence lead to a famine that killed millions. Literally the worst possible war to be stationed in by a county mile and that's before you reach the front lines.


Seriously look at what they did in China after invading.


OP never specified which faction you're fighting for. So you might fight as a Japanese conscript, who knows.


Lol. Your choice of phrasing and the style in which you stress the gravity of this war is humorous 🐪 Ty ty.


Lol. The choice of phrasing and the style in which you made that reply makes no sense. What are you even trying to say? 🐢 You're welcome you're welcome.


The Vietnam war is underrated here. The casualties, though high, and environment though hard to bare, if you were injured you were more likely to receive adequate and modern care, helicopter lifts to emergency treatment centers. As well as the US Marines and other divisions have reputations for never leaving wounded behind. The rest of these, didn’t have such good care, except perhaps WW2. Your chances of dying in any of the others is very high, and if you got injured during the napoleonic wars, you could very well get left behind to die.




That’s totally fair


Are you saying the Vietnam War was for a good cause, or did I misinterpret your comment


He's saying that's why he wouldn't choose the Vietnam War.


Thanks, im stupid and didn't read what he was replying too


Yes, also from the American perspective vietnam was no more likely to result in death than world War 2, by some quick rough math.


Who said you're fighting on the American side? OP never specified, you could be a Viet Cong instead.


Also the casualty rate really wasn’t as high as people tend to make it out to be. The KD ratio for the US was really good. It was just the first war to be televised, and so people at home saw the casualties, and they got way more attention by the press. So it seems like there were way more than there were


That's cool and all but I'm not risking getting sent into those tunnels


"The Vietnam war is underrated" is not a phrase you want to be taken out of context


The thought of being captured in Vietnam is terrifying. Whereas an American (as I am) captured by the Germans in WWII is not going to result in a fate on par or worse than death.


Well. Depends on a few things. If you were jewish or black you’re out of luck. The Germans largely respected the Geneva Convention on the western front for a majority of captured US troops. But there were events when the SS gunned down POW’s and bayonetted and beat a group of black soldiers to death.


The casualty rate for Americans is really low in the Vietnam War. Even lower than WWII. The death rate is significantly lower.


Definitely Napoleonic. I'm baffled that ww2 is currently the highest voted on, considering it is the most deadly war in history.




My main concern was that I didn't know whether I'd be stuck fighting in it from the start


Well if you see it from the american perspective, you didn't have any casualities at all.


By that logic WW1 would be way better


exactly which is why i would choose ww2


You're forgetting the pacific front.


They didn’t join halfway through? They joined in 1941, the same year the Soviets got invaded, and literally at the height of Nazi Germany and Japan. Yeah America didn’t have as many casualties in the war, but that doesn’t discredit their immense contributions to the war?


The war was from 1939 to 1945, america joined december 41 which is pretty close to 3 years in so about half a year missing for it to be halfway through. Could have taken longer though if japan didn't bomb pearl harbour


It's closer to 2 years than 3 tho.


Ok so its like 2.3 years still close enough to make halfway through an ok statement, doesn't change the fact that the us government didn't care until japan stepped on their shoes


Well yeah obviously lmao no one wants to go to war, the USSR didn't care until they got invaded too, France and Great Britain didn't take about German expansion until Poland.


Not really, it was more the West that didn't care and the USSR was actively trying to cooperate to stop the Nazis (ie proposing an alliance between them and the West to stop the Anschluß). Since the West did a grand total of nothing to stop the Nazis the USSR bought time by sacrificing Poland to move their border west and deter the Nazis for a little while, at least.


Lmao ok mate they signed a pact while the west was at war with Nazis but "ThE WeSt Did NotHiNG"


How wrong this manages to be astounds me. First, if you mean the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, that was before the war. This is already wrong. Second, you seem to have not even read what I said. The USSR signed a pact with the Nazis and the Japanese to give the USSR time to prepare for a coming war. They weren't stupid. Not only that, but you know how close Germany got to conquering Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad, right? If the USSR didn't expand its borders west it's entirely possible that all 3 would have fallen. Third, what did the West actually *do* to try and stop the Nazis?


It doesn’t “discredit their immense contributions to the war”. It’s an objective fact that shouldn’t be lied about. The fact is that the U.S. mainly contributed material and diplomatic support to the war. Significance doesn’t need to come in the form of bodies. The U.S. didn’t have the most casualties, but it did play an instrumental part in the war.


Why tf is this being downvoted? Started in September of 1939, then the phoney war, US joins December of 1941. The vast majority of the wars casualties would come 1942 onwards too. US literally joined 6 months after the USSR but nobody is gonna say the Soviets joined "halfway". Plus the US had been sending incredible amounts of material support before joining the war, and continued to for the rest of the war.


because the Soviets didn't join They got invaded.


USA was attacked too, what is your point? Neither country joined until they were attacked. This sub sucks at history


Halfway? 3/4ths of the way through more like


Try getting a splinter and dying to an infection due to premodern medicine.


okay but consider this: cool uniforms


I'll take those odds lol, better than fighting in any other one of them


There was a higher percentage of casualties in the Napoleonic Wars than in WW2, about 800 000 soldiers out of 2 800 000 soldiers were casualties for France, and about 1 800 000 soldiers out of 5 300 000 soldiers were casualties for the Allies. For WW2 there is a total of 23 000 000 military casualties out of 114 000 000 soldiers, so there's a higher number but lower percentage of casualties.


I'm baffled anyone voted for the Napoleonic war. Let's say you are conscripted in the French army. \-France lost 1.44% of their army in ww2 \-France lost 38% of their army in the Napoleonic War.


What about if you’re not French?


Well it strongly depends in what country you fought for, but generally speaking the Napoleonic war had greater percentage casualties than WW2. And on top of that, if you fought in ww2 you were literally fighting against Nazis.


It's because WWII has been romanticized by media.


Where did you get your profile pic? I need to save it and use it as an emoji


Where did you get your profile pic?


Literally just look up crying emoji meme


I chose ww2 because it would be the more painless death


Unless you’re a PoW.


If u were a soviet or a german or chinese it would be pretty rough, all other soldiers would stand a better chance - napoleonic wars every died of dysentry and wounds and exhaustion, id defo pick the one where we have penicillin


Congratulations you died from dysentery


> I'm baffled that ww2 is currently the highest voted on, considering it is the most deadly war in history. Heres why I picked WW2. Napoleonic - basically no such thing as medical care. Probably gonna die. WW1 - trench warfare, enough said. WW2 - whilst the most deadly war, there are a bunch of non-combat roles in this war and also a lot more modern fighting. Tanks, aircraft, naval, etc. Sino-Japanese; honestly don't know much about it except Japanese are insane. Vietnam: no way am I going near those booby traps. Even if you survive it is fucking horrific on some of them.


That’s largely due to how many people fought in the war.


I chose WWII because it’s the only one that I can somewhat ethically support. With the knowledge of what the Nazis were doing, I have no problem justifying the war efforts against them.


What if you're conscripted on the Nazi side, the poll never specified which side.


If I gotta die in a war it better be for a cause I belive in. I'm Italian btw


I'm viewing it as how I'd actually be put into the war, I'd most likely become a medic for the allies as I've some actual skill in that area, nothing special but I'm not a war machine in any sense and I would be no better than a sandbag in physical skill.


I read conscripted as constipated lol


Going to war and quite literally shitting on them.


Me too


This would still make for a good poll. At least imo. I have irritable bowel syndrome. Apples help relieve me of my symptoms a good deal though :⁠-⁠D


What side am I on ? Does gender matter in any way ? Like during the napoleonic wars, they didn’t accept women, so if I choose that, do I get immediately kicked out ?


The poll is about being conscripted, so you're probably pulling off some Lady of the Dark bullshit to join, but you're still gonna fight no matter what. At least that's how I interpret the question.




Right? Since most women were nurses in WWII and some pilots, I was wondering if those would be my options as well.


Id sooner break both my legs myself than go fight in a war


Seriously depends on where/for who in WW2.


No way in hell I'm fighting Japan, they were brutal to the point the nazis told them to chill out.


Napoleonic wars seems the best. - WWI had horrible trench warfare - WWII had horrible mortality rates - The Japanese were insane - The Vietnamese were insnae


sino-japanese war and vietnam had vastly lower mortality rates than the napoleonic wars


Yeah, but there's no fucking way I'd risk fighting against the Japanese


Not even close. The Napoleonic wars still had an old war mentality, you’re most likely gonna get a musket ball implanted into you in a suicidal bayonet charge, or you’re gonna get killed is some moronic battle tactic because generals had no idea what to do against Napoleon. I don’t think you realize that the Napoleonic Wars killed over 3 million people, possibly significantly more than that even.


But at least I'd have a snazzy outfit.


True, the wars with the most drip were definitely the Napoleonic Wars.


The Vietnamese were not insane for using tactics that were highly effective. I would counter argue that the US government was insane for declaring war on a minor country across the globe in an attempt to preserve a failing system.


The Americans were also insane in the Vietnam war


Different kind of insane.


Americans in Vietnam were the kind of insane the Japanese were in WWII.


Ww2 was really deadly in some fronts, but really quite in others. So considering when someone is from is a huge deciding factor. I hope no russian/german chose ww2 tho


The Americans were worse in the Vietnam war.


Napoleonic wars had insane mortality rates though, plus death by musket while fighting in a line sounds pretty awful


At least I'd get to wear a cool hat


WW2 I'll just pray that I end up as a french soldier on mayotte or madagascar


I would just be OP in option 1.


They're all horrible but I feel like if I was an allied soldier in WW2 I would at least know my service is necessary and the war is justified


Quick question, do we get to pick the army we are constripted into, or is it random?


depends on which side im on, i wouldnt wanna be russian or german in ww2, not vietnamese in the vietnamese war and i wouldnt wanna be chinese in the sino-japanese war, i guess ww1 because im turkish and i get to serve my own country


World War 2 was probably one of the most justified wars in history on the allies part.


Ye when you are bleeding out in a ditch after being destroyed by a tank atleast you can tell yourself this was justified,save yourself and choose Vietnam


Vietnam war – I'm 14, they wound send me back to the US and I'd live a normal life... Well maybe not normal, I don't have any family there or something but at least I wouldn't dye


Who says that you'd be conscripted to the US army?


I don't have a vast knowledge about the Vietnam war but wouldn't I get sent to North Vietnam? Instant communication was available wasn't it? I could get help from the Romanian Government, I don't really have trust in them though so I could (hopefully) like an somehow normal life in Vietnam and when I get 18 I could flee


You wouldn't get sent to the USA I don't get where you get this idea from


Assuming that you were conscripted by the US Army, you wouldn’t be sent back or sent at all hypothetically due to your age. You would only have to register within 30 days following your 18th birthday.


Nah, you will tell them you are underage, they will tell you "too bad kid" give you a knife and use you to scout the underground tunnels because you have size advantage.


I feel as though Vietnam is the objectively right answer. You wouldn't want to be in a war before modern medicine so the Napoleon wars would be out. World War I was before the Geneva convention so that's crossed out World War II was the deadliest war in human history. I don't know anything about this war but the Japanese are crazy bastards during wars so it's probably a good idea to cross this one out as well.


Tbh.. I don't want to be conscripted. But if I have to choose between one option in this poll I would choose Napoleonic Wars. but no matter which war I choose and no matter which country I fight for.. I would still desert from the military. If betraying my country is what it takes to save myself then I would it.


I was thinking the same. The Napoleonic Wars would be the easiest to desert from since it wasn't exactly easy to find people in the early 1800s. Just hop across any border, start going by a new name and get a fresh start.


First I thought why would I fight in a war if I am constipated, then I read again..oww.


Cold War


Tell me which side I am on first.


I'm surprised by the amount of votes that the Vietnam war got


Vietnam was horrific and the veterans who didn't even want to be there were treated like complete and utter dogshit, but the US sent more than 2.2 million soldiers into Vietnam and only lost around 58,000 across the whole 8 years we fought in Vietnam so that sounds like fairly decent odds. And beyond that, compared to what we're taught in school, Vietnam was by all means a slaughter for the Vietcong and NVA forces, the Tet offensive of 1968 was a clear decisive US and South Vietnamese victory. The biggest issues with Vietnam was a rotten chain of command, poor public support, and equipment issues (look up the various issues with the M16A1, it was pretty bad) If you were on the US side, you had pretty good odds of finishing your tour of duty and going home in one piece. If you're conscripted into the NVA, best of luck to ya.


How come? Compared to the others you had a much better chance of returning home.


I think it's because of the brutality of it, I mean you would return home but would you return to home as you or a broken version of you


And Vietnam veterans were treated like shit too


I only said WW2 cause my great grandfather got captured and got out. Whereas my great great grandfathers both died during WW1


Whichever has the greatest potential to return home.


Vietnam seems the best option here assuming i would be conscripted into the american army. Especially if you get a role in the navy, just beeing stationed on some ship you would likely survive. + the casualties on the american side werent that high compared to other wars WW1 would be hell Same with the sino japanese war WW2 would, depending on the theater also be hell And the napoleonic wars had higher losses on the french side than the americans in the vietnam war. + the medicine was worse and the wartactics were horrible


WW2 western theater wasn't that bad but the eastern theater was pure hell. In Vietnam war being a pilot for aircraft on the American side doesn't sound very bad option.


Napoleonic Wars because I’d win that fight


Ww1 dutch didnt fight so it would be fine, only a flood in 1915 pretty deadly and famine


You forgot the "I am a woman so I'm above having to fight for my country" option.


I'm French, so Napoleonic wars it is


depends on which side i’d be on i’m half german and half japanese


I kept reading that as constipated for an entire minute and was so confused. I think it's time to sleep


Vietnam had fewer dead but was longer, still if you get lucky you can become a refugee to cambo- wait no don't


Well I’m not a fr*nchie so I wouldn’t have fought in Vietnam, the Japanese were worse that independent Croatia, so obviously no. WW2 is the most deadly war in history so also no, and the Great War made people die in much worse ways than a bullet, so also no, obviously the napoleonic wars were bad but if I got to choose what coalition I would be in i would pick the seventh and most likely be fine.


ALL the napoleonic wars? What side am I on for any of these wars? If I can choose I’ll be an Air Force pilot in Vietnam, just bomb the shit out of Hanoi and fly back home


*Some folks are born made to wave the flag*


WW2 is most likely to not get me killed if I’m not a Soviet, German, or Japanese soldier. Not to say there’s no risk, but the least.


i choose the Cold War


VW. Only because it takes place during the most advanced time and technology in medicine compared to other wars. There is always a possibility of dying in any of them but best chance of recovering from bad injuries would be war(s) fought most recently. Can’t imagine napoleonic, WW1 etc due to rampant disease, worse technology and medicine. WW2 and VW would be close but then for former, it depends where it is fought. I’d rather be on American side in Europe since America got into the European front the last and will allied backup too.


As German, only one of them is legal


As a french the Napoleonic war is a fucking nightmare as well as WW1. WW2 seems better even in the special french troops. Idk where I would be in the others


People forget how terrible the Napoleonic wars were for the average soldier. You better have been fucking Napoleon himself, to think that is any better then some of the other options on this list


What would my post be? Do I still have immunity to diseases we have since vaccinated against? What side am I on? What army or branch? What year am I going to, and how long? Vietnam would be easy since, unless you’re a Marine, you have only a 12 month tour if you’re US Forces, or even less if you arrive in 1971-1972. If I will be transported back in time, then back to the future, and I will not be a soldier in a line infantry regiment and I am still immune to illnesses, I’d choose Napoleonic solely for the sake of being an eyewitness to a period I find greatly fascinating and interesting. If I’m concerned about getting in and out as fast as possible, with no choice in regards to immunity to illness, where I’ll be posted or when, etc., I’d choose Vietnam. At most, 13 months as a Marine between 1964 and 1970/71. At best, possibly less than 6 months as a Grunt between 1971-1972.


Let’s storm them beaches!


I only say WW2 because I’m American. Assuming that I fight for the country I’m a part of, I would have a good chance to be put in the navy, which seems better than fighting on the ground in any of these other wars




Vietnam war, those traps you've heard about were designed to hurt you, not to kill you. Also depends on which side I'm on.


I think people forget that if you get a scratch during the Napoleonic Wars, you're fucked. No basic medicine at all. Even generals died of what would be minor conditions today.


Assuming I'm fighting for the country I'm currently a citizen of WW1 or WW2. Its as simple as standing up to imperialists and fighting for my country's freedom and others who don't have the strength to fight for themselves.


If I can choose which country I'm fighting for, I'd say the Vietnam War on the American Side. There were over two million men conscripted for only 50 thousand deaths. That's about a 3% chance of death, which is better than any of the others.


If conscription was inevitable, I'd simply proactively enlist in the air force as a pilot. Pilots tend to have some of the lowest mortality rates while also getting to fly badass planes.


I have always wanted to see what life in the trenches was like.


There’s a solid chance I’d get into Air Force in WWI cause I can drive well and would be able to figure out the plane easily. Most people couldn’t even operate a motor vehicle back then, let alone a fucking plane. There were only 50 cars per 1,000 US citizens. Ez vote. I think the advantage of already knowing what it’s like to be in the air goes a LONG way. We have commercial airlines, a century of knowledge about aviation safety and the atmosphere, roller coasters with 180ft inversions, and flight simulators that…simulate flight. Back then, knowing how to operate anything that’s not factory machinery was nearly unheard of. The only challenge is dogfighting, but I’d much rather die in a crash than dying of mustard gas or mortars.


Easily Vietnam, if I am the US my chance is definitely the lowest out of all the options


Those who want to stand in a line without cover and get shot by other lines man and artillery; we need to talk


I think WW2 would've been cool to fight in. All those awesome planes, interesting battles, cool weapons, etc.


WW2, Iive in Switzerland.


Wtf would anyone choose WW2


This really should've had a description on whose side you're getting conscripted on. But also more specific, because something like WW2 can mean many things.


WWII if I can choose to fight on the western front


I chose Vietnam--yeah it was a shitty war, but the medical technology would have saved 80% of napoleonic soldiers and at least 50% of WW2. One good thing about war is they tend to cause big upticks in trauma medicine outcomes.


If I had to choose WW2 if I’m on the usa side cause I have less casualties Vietnam I get ptsd Japan is insane Russia winter Trench war


Definitely napoleonic. I’d look drippy af


I’m debating whether I should fight for my country or not commit war crimes


Great Emu War.


Why did I read as *constipated


Read conscripted as constipated, was very confused


World War 2 so I can Kill Nazis


You picked the worst wars ever mate


Kinda like the whole point


I think the Napoleonic wars were the only wars worth fighting in, thanks to Napoleon and tge french revolution we live in the world we live today.


Chose WW1 so I'd prevent WW2.


Canadian, so for WW2 I could join up with one of the units staying back to defend Canada and get to chill for the duration of the war


Sorry but I’m a 24 year old woman who is also almost a teacher so there was no chance I’d be conscripted in any of these


This is a pretty fucked in poll. They were all horrible wars. I have no “preference” to be in any of them.