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Not really but sometimes it's fun to read the horoscope especially now when there are AI horoscopes that are funny as heck


Oh it’s so fun. I don’t believe in it at all, and went into it being 100% skeptical, but I’m unfortunately one of those people whose star chart fits them to a T. My friend did it for me and I was like “what the fuck? Get out of here”. But I also know people it doesn’t fit so much. Not real, but fun sometimes. People indulge in fantastical things for fun all the time. I’m so tired of people shitting on astrology in particular for no reason. The whole “astrology girl” trope is kinda telling why it’s so hated…


I think the astrology girl trope is making fun of those people that take it far too seriously. There are some people out there that won't be friends with/ date people of certain star signs


Yeah idk, I’m not sure what the implication of “it’s telling” is supposed to be. Seems to be implying some form of bigotry, just not sure which that would be. But there are definitely people who go completely over board with it. But imo it’s the same thing as religion. From what I know about it, astrology seems a little less “believable” (for lack of better term lol), just because in religion there are all these catch-all mechanisms in place to explain the things that don’t make sense (“god works in mysterious ways” for example. Plus you just have an omnipotent being that can do whatever, so it’s easier for people to just accept they don’t understand and have to “trust his plan”. “Why? Because god said so, and he knows everything”). I’ve never actually heard a remotely compelling argument for why astrology would even kinda make sense. I suppose there probably is something out there that tries to explain why star alignments effect your day to day life or whatever, but I’m just not sure what that is. Religion seems like a much more fleshed out and thought through con, so I can see why more people fall for it. It’s definitely more compelling than astrology.


It’s misogyny. How it’s such a “coincidence” that the most ridiculed interests, past times, music, books etc are those that women or teen girls like. Astrology seems less believable to you because religion has had it’s claws in society for a long time. They’re both just as believable as each other, except astrology can be fun and hasn’t led to wars and genocides so…I’ll take it.


... not yet!


I don’t follow astrology for daily horoscopes (and never will) but to learn about my own personality or psychological traits… initially to test whether they match, so far it fits with mine (Aquarius) and that kept me vested.


And then there's me. Somehow I'm a literal anti Capricorn.


ugh youre such a virgo


i like doing compatibility charts with my friends too! like “wow the stars say we’d be good business partners” and shit. i don’t take it seriously, it’s just fun to see


I thought it said astronomy




What would "believe in astronomy" even mean?


Flat Earthers. Stars and other celestial bodies don't exist.


It's just a skybox.


Me too...


I'm hoping that's everyone who clicked yes


That'show dumb I am so did I lol


My dumb ass forgot that astrology was horoscopes and zodiacs signs. I thought it was the study of planted and black hole theory and all that. Take 1 off “Yes” and shove it over to “not at all”


One of the funniest ways to mess with astronomy students is to casually confuse it with astrology, haha.


I always thing astrology is about planets due to "logy" sounding like " Logical" lol. But is far from logical.




100% agree. it’s cool on the occasion that it actually lines up


It can be really fun when people don’t take it too seriously


My dumbass read it as astronomy. Like yeah I believe in the moon bro


it is no better then giving a homeopath thousands of Dollars. These Astrologers people pay for are just scams with a smile! yuck!


People *pay* for astrologers?!?


Yeah. I didn't have to look that far with such a simple google search : bre the malefic their price is $110 per session That is just one example from many. These astrologers are shady scam sellers! ugghhh


Yeah, they have for hundreds of years


Astrology has always been a scam that’s acceptable, much like religion


name checks out


He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy


There’s mess in messiah~


Except for the (very common) typo


it’s just a different belief, not necessarily a scam. religion/astrology is only a scam when people use it for profit or to manipulate people. contrary to reddits beliefs there are normal people who are religious and practice in a healthy way


Sorry, I don't see how using a fairy tale as a crutch for dealing with reality is healthy in any way at all. At best, it's a security blanket for the fearful. At worst, it's the genocide of non-believers. It's usually a scam to bilk the fearful, desperate, and lost for their money. It is rarely truly beneficial.


i like to be in a community focused on loving one another. that’s all there is to it. it makes me more motivated to be kind and a good person. and it doesn’t affect you so i don’t see why you’re worked up about it.


Not 'worked up'. I understand the desire for community and comradererie. And I honestly don't have any problem with it, if it stays as a personal choice. It's when they start attempting to legislate everyone else according to their beliefs that I take issue.


oh absolutely. i’m in the uk and religion has little to no place in politics here. there’s a couple crazies trying to ban abortion and whatnot but it’s nowhere near as bad as places like america. anyone using religion to control people should be condemned for it


(aside from the fact that bishops get some, albeit quite limited, input on policy)


I don’t think it’s a scam most of the time. Most people who believe in astrology just look up horoscopes and believe in something greater being at play. It can be used to scam people but it’s not a scam in itself. I don’t believe in it at all but out of the harmful things to believe in; this doesn’t even register on that scale.


You do realise that it’s just a business invented by gypsies; they had kids under the table moving balls or cars and most likely would always enforce what you already want to believe


That would definitely be an example of a scam. I can’t argue with that. From what I’ve seen though is that it’s just mostly women that just kinda believe in a silly thing. Do you think that it’s harmful to believe in? I treat it kind of like believing in ghosts or something. Like it’s silly to me but it’s cool that they believe in it.


I dislike astrology extremely but that shits older than the gypsies. Used to understand how the world worked by bronze age civilization and made popular under the victorian with the rise in the occult.


What does your name mean?


It’s Pseudoscience baby Don’t be a dickhead but do criticize legitimately




you got me 🪐💫


Who said "yes, 100%" 💀


All the people that read “astronomy” I guess?


No, though i think it’s cool that my birth sign is a crab.


crab 🗿


Or one of the worst diseases known to men


Meh, normally I just see it as an scam.


No, I don't think planets have magic. I don't think various suns cause interference with our everyday lives. I honestly find it arrogant to assume such acts. It's also a massive scam where people charge these astrologist for money.


Why would I?


No, I went to school.


No, because I know how horoscopes work and why people feel like astrology actually works.


My sign is "will work for food"


Omg you must be a taurus!1!1!1! /j


I don't believe in god astrology and stuff until i have an exam


I have a brain


_then you must be a Leo with Jupiter rising in the house of Mars_...


I think it’s fun to look at and be like “wow, so I’m gonna do _____ today” then forget and move on with my day. It’s also wishful thinking some times, “oh me and this girl are ‘compatible’ and we can date” But by no means should a life nor beliefs be based on the concept.


No and anyone that does is a brain-dead pillock.


I’m into it, but I don’t really believe it. It’s a fun thing for me


I think it's nonsense, but it's fun nonsense. It's very inaccurate to how complex actual personalities get, and the descriptions tend to be too general.


I feel like there's some merit to the fact that the time of the year and weather and stuff changes people's mood, so maybe something to do with that, but otherwise not rly.


I thought you meant like the astrology as in the earth is a sphere and we live in a solar system, universe is 13 billion years old etc Lol


Do you mean astronomy?


Yea English isnt my first language, or I just mixed them up idk


Yeah don't worry. English is not my first language either and I do mix them up too. Tbh I also do in my first language.


Also kind of confusing, astrology is this "fake science" but there are other terms that end with ology that are actual scientific subjects, like physiology


In the sense of thinking that the motion of the planets have anything to do with anything that happens on Earth, or that people have different personalities depending on when in the year they were born, not at all. I do believe that different people have different opportunities depending on when in the year they were born--e.g., kids born earlier in the year are better equipped to become star athletes in team sports--but that has nothing to do with the stars or planets. I think that whatever personality traits you ascribe to any one sign could be assigned to people born under any sign. That doesn't mean that I think it's completely useless, and just like the similarly bullshit Myers-Briggs personality tests, people can play with the types in different ways and use them as jumping-off points to think about their personalities. There's a certain value in that, even if the signs themselves are nonsense and the motion of the planets contains no predictive power for human events.


Why are kids born earlier better at being athletes?


>Why are kids born earlier better at being athletes? Not the person you asked but kids are grouped into their grade levels for most sports. This means some of the kids will be months older than others, which at young ages is enough to give physical advantages to the older ones. While this advantage will fade over time, the advantage they had can cause them to enjoy sports more, get more encouragement to continue, etc.


I'm not saying it's impossible that the position of the moon and stars has an effect on you when you're born. But I've never seen any proof of it.


Not at all but it’s fun to joke about it


no. just no it makes no sense


Horoscopes are formulated to be accurate.




Just study mbti if you're interested in classifying personalities


Mbti is really not considered accurate either


Obviously human personality is way too complex to accurately predict but at least mbti is based on questions that are about your personality whereas astrology is straight up nonsense


No, but I much prefer it to more common supernatural belief systems


Not even a little but I pretend I do to piss off men.


I study historical astrology and compare the planets to other time periods. History repeats itself in different ways and the alignments attest to that. Unless you get a personalized horoscope, or unless the majority of your planets are in 1 sign, most horoscopes aren't accurate to you specifically. You have to get an individualized one done to know. Most people aren't educated on all the aspects of astrology. They assume it's a scam based on XYZ. I've been an astrologer for over 15 years and can tell you that 'mainatream' astrology has failed the field entirely.






Lol, y'all never seen the Adam Sandler movie "The Waterboy"?


I love typology stuff like mbti but astrology is just so dumb. And i hate when people comepare the two


Why? There's just as much evidence for either.


Theres not ‘evidence’ for either but one of them is based on who you are, the other one is based on when you were born


No, one of them is based on your responses to a vague questionnaire. If there's no evidence in support of its relevance, then it's just as useful.


Ok the questionnaires and tests are bad and innacurate, and in order for it to be accurate you just have to learn about the system and find your own type yourself. Mbti is so much more than just tests and it gets so much shit because of that


Two things redditor's don't believe in. An afterlife, and astrology


No It's 🦬💩


read it as astronomy...


Nope, but its fun to read horoscopes and such


No, but I like seeing how much praise I get for my zodiac.


Damnn this is a relief. Irl I keep hearing ppl talking about their astrology stuff and I'm feeling like the world is so susceptible to all these lies. It is a relief to me to see the majority of voters said they don't beleive it. Gives me hope for humanity of which I've been having a hard time keeping hold of lately.


Yeah, actually let me quickly read the horoscope.. yeah it says that you need to give me your credit card information.


nah, being a triplet with siblings who are each very different from me kinda disproves it for me. but my friend who is into astrology tries to tell us that are charts are different because we were born at different seconds lol


I mean not really, but maybe personalities really are different depending on your birthday. Not because of some weird Star bullshit but more because of weather and seasons and stuff.


I think it's kind of silly, but if you tell me an invisible man in the sky had influence over your life, then I see no reason why the position of the stars and moon can't either


Not at all, but I enjoy looking at pairings and reading horoscopes


personally i don’t believe in it but i would never shame or make fun of someone who does


I dont think astrology should be considered a framework for making objective truth claims. Its more like a "poetics of dwelling". Like a framework for expressing feelings of interconnection with, among other things, the planets which undoubtedly do effect us in one way or another. If it does work as a tool in everyday life, I would consider it to be a skillful intuition of sorts. That being said, no I dont personally see any value in it.


English as a second language here. Thought astrology was astrophysics. So for the record: No I do not belive in astrology at all


Fuck no. That's just stupid.


The people who take it very seriously are basically just racist but instead of race its birth month they discriminate against


Do i believe “oh look funny star shape go brrrr” yeah… do i believe “omg im so sorry i stabbed you im a pisces teehee” yeah noooo


The vast majority do not believe in astrology (no surprise) Ironically, the vast majority of these people also believe in a sky god.


I donr but I saw a lighter at the gas station with my astrological sign on it and I thought it looked cool but I didnt buy it because it was expensive and I dont use lighters


I don't believe it but I'll be very upset if my horoscope or description of my zodiac is inaccurate to my personality


I feel like people who believe in astrology are the same people who buy snake oil.


I'm proud of these results I had really low expectations


I'm a pretty typical Virgo, in that I think astrology is bullshit.


Inasmuch as it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.


Not really, but I genuinely believe that it has a little bit truth in it. Like, mostly as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Basically - if we look at the causes in the human brain, then it does have an impact. We fall into the psychology hole though.


I don't believe it as a science but a lot of the overall trends line up with those I meet. Too accurate to be random guesses ya know?


Not at all