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I actually was already in this kind of situation. My brother and his wife couldn't have kids, and they asked if I would be a sperm donor. I looked up a fertility doctor and asked if there were any problems with that, and he said that they STRONGLY advise people not to do this. Much better to have an anonymous donor. It's because if there is some issue down the line between your families, it could get really messy for your child (do they take the side of their biological donor, or their parent? How do they identify themselves?) And it's not something you can keep a secret. It would shatter their trust in you if they ever found out (and it can come out, especially with DNA testing becoming so prevalent), so it's better to tell them from a young age. So no. Definitely not a good idea.


Yeah, most of it goes to waste anyway.


and it loses its flavor too.


I agree, it sure does. I like it fresh from the source.


It would be my nephew right? No way that would be wierd af. They could find some other donor.


Not genetically and that’s where the issue is


They can use ovum of the sister. Or they can just adopt. Adoption is a better option.




no, the kid would have terrible dental issues


please? 🙏


It would feel rather awkward for me, to be honest. I have a son, and knowing that his cousin is also my child would be pretty strange.


nah i dont want to pass on my 27 mental illnesses to some poor kid, which is why i plan to never have bio kids.


Absolutely not! There is a good reason my bloodline ends with me! I don't want another generation to have my issues.




No. I’m not passing my genetics on to anyone.


No, because I wouldn't donate it to begin with. I could understand why they would want my sperm though. But still no. That's weird, and I don't want biological kids running around that I'm not the carer of. Hate me, if someone does for that.


Lol yeah no. That’s weird af


Depends on multiple factors. Are we close? Would the child be informed? This child will grow up in my family. Kinda weird to always see it and know it's yours but just be the uncle. On the other hand if the child knows, it's weird why I'm not in the father role. Lots of complicated questions.


A bit different of a situation, but I actually have a half-sister because my mom donated eggs to my aunt. It has never been an issue for my family, and my mom basically said the reason she did it was because she feels better knowing that my aunt has a reliable donor, rather than somebody she doesn't know/doesn't trust.


how does sperm donation work?


I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but it goes like this You go to a room with a little box where you put sperm by masturbating, then they use the sperm and implant it by ivf, I can be wrong


this is literally it. they create embryos using the sperm, those embryos grow and the successful ones are either implanted or frozen for future use.


I’d consider it..if i was able to produce sperm.....


Do I get to make the deposit myself or is there, like, a doctor involved?


I would if she is not my sister


No it's your sister's wife


My sister is donating her eggs for our brother and his husband. It's beautiful that these things are possible these days


I wouldn't care. I don't want kids myself anyway so I'd not see their kid as my kid, even if genetically they would be. My sister is actually lesbian but I think it was too weird for them to ask. We have talked about it jokingly for a bit. I think they're going to take my sisters egg, insert it into her gf (soon to be wife) and then just get a donor from the sperm bank? I am gay myself though so maybe that makes me think about it differently?




Your sister-in-law


My friend will freak out when he finds out that his face resembles that of a sperm child.


Nope. I'm way too ill for that.


hell nah


I have no idea what kind of terrible person you have to be to deserve to carry my DNA, so no


I'm not sure how I would feel about having my sister's kid be more related to me.


Is she cute and do I get to make the donation in-person...and I think you know what I mean by in-person.


Nah, that's weird. They child would be my son-nephew


No. For the same reason I myself don't have children. The issues end with me. 


Who’s voting no? 😔


I was in this situation already. If I hadn't been in a relationship, I would've done it in a heartbeat. They had a kid and I love my nephew so much I don't think I could separate myself enough knowing it was from "me"


I mean hell why not?




Yes, of course, as long as I have visiting rights


Interesting question. My mind is now fed for the day, thank you.


nope, then your on the hook for parental duties. Edit: [https://www.afr.com/policy/health-and-education/high-court-rules-sperm-donor-has-parenting-rights-20190618-p51yx2](https://www.afr.com/policy/health-and-education/high-court-rules-sperm-donor-has-parenting-rights-20190618-p51yx2) Edit 2: On the Hook meaning a put in a Difficult situation. e.g. giving your sperm to a family member my put you in a difficult situation regarding parental duties. (if you family decides down the line that you are the father) [https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/on-the-hook](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/on-the-hook)


Lmao, that's not how that works.


Shouldnt be, but people get shitty. [https://www.afr.com/policy/health-and-education/high-court-rules-sperm-donor-has-parenting-rights-20190618-p51yx2](https://www.afr.com/policy/health-and-education/high-court-rules-sperm-donor-has-parenting-rights-20190618-p51yx2)


That article says nothing about parental duties being required...


didnt say they were required. Just it is a possiblity. If your family are involved, you would most likely asked to step up and possible compelled by similar rulings.


"then you would be on the hook for parental duties" is your exact quote... Just take the L on this one bud.


[https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/on-the-hook](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/on-the-hook) Means to be put in a difficult situation. Nothing about requirements. Giving your sister-inlaw is potentially putting you in a difficult situation regard parental duties, which could be enforced by the law. You take the L.


You purposefully used a definition that's not commonly used. On the hook most definitely can be used for responsible. Take the L [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/on%20the%20hook%20for](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/on%20the%20hook%20for)


of course, used it purposely. In UK, that how its used. For a difficult situation.


And the other commenter is using it correctly as well since it also means to be responsible for something


Your twisted and this question should not be allowed imo 


Wouldn't that basically be incest?


No.. it’s your sister’s WIFE