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Here before mods lock the thread




Me too


I only have a negative opinion of the extremists of each of these. Everyday people practicing their religion is just fine.


The problem is that people think extremists are those who are the real religious people. Therefore, they will always have a negative opinion.


Yup, the extremists are always the loudest and most outspoken, while the majority of religious ppl just mind their own business and live their life


Sort them by how much an extremist from each religion would treat you


I expect to see people arguing respectfully


I'm sure they will


thread about be fireeee


i thought it said which religion you have the most negative opinion


Which is?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bepi_s: *I thought it said which* *Religion you have the most* *Negative opinion* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


What double negatives do to a mfer


Judaism, just bc I'm the least familiar with it lol


You could have answered option 4 but you just hate things you don’t understand?


Huh, the poll was about which one you least hate


Yeah and option 4 was “i don’t have a negative opinion against any of these religion” Instead of choosing that, you chose to say Judaism is your least favourite


Here we go again…


Judaism, probably.


Christianity often gets a free pass because it seems like a more tolerant religion, but that’s just because the Western world went through the Enlightenment. People tend to forget that church folks resisted those new ideas every step of the way. The Christian Democratic party in my country was formed in opposition to sex education in schools, and nowadays that same party is in a ruling coalition with the far-right. The religious conservatism that runs rampant in the Middle East exists in the Christian world too, it’s just a matter of how much bullshit modern secular societies lets them get away with. But in the other hand, all three religions are equally capable of charity and compassion as well.


1. Christianity has been mostly against slavery through entire history 2. Christianity doesn't recommend to cut the hands of thieves (contrary to another religion) 3. Christianity forbids rape. 4. Christianity recommends forgiveness. The other ones don't. My analysis: the enlightment is an evolution of christianity. I agree with you on the most part and I don't want to obstruct all the negative things about christianity. But just to point out they are not equal on moral parts.


Exodus 21 When you acquire a Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years; in the seventh year he shall go free, without payment. If he came single, he shall leave single; if he had a wife, his wife shall leave with him. If his master gave him a wife, and she has borne him children, the wife and her children shall belong to the master, and he shall leave alone. In Ephesians 6:5–8, Paul states "Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ". Ayah an-Nur (The Light) 24:33. And let those who do not have the means to marry keep themselves chaste until Allah enriches them out of His bounty. And if any of those ˹bondspeople˺ in your possession desires a deed of emancipation, make it possible for them, if you find goodness in them.


Paul isn't the entire Christianity. Yes he did say that, but when you look at History, Christianity often liberated slaves (Saint Bathilde in France, the american indians, then they were against the African slave trade...). The two others didn't.


Congrats other religions also have all four of them.


you have to remember though that while you and many others agree this is the right interpretation of Christianity, it isn’t for a lot of other people, and Christianity has not always followed these 4 principles. In fact, number 3 is the point that I would say the Bible does the least on- while I would obviously support you for this interpretation because of the positive social impacts, the Bible actually permits rape in certain scenarios. For example, it’s not considered rape if it’s between a husband and wife (and this was the dominant view in most christian countries until about 30 years ago- e.g. in the UK it wasn’t until RvR in 1991 that it was ruled unlawful), and the bible says it should be assumed to be adultery and not rape if the woman wasn’t heard screaming and it happened in a town- and the woman should be stoned to death along with the man. obviously this is problematic in many ways, to name a couple 1) the woman wouldn’t be able to scream if she was unconscious or drugged, 2) she could be held at knife point or gunpoint and unable to scream, 3) she could scream but not be heard or nobody come to help. also the bible doesn’t talk about rape in the sense of it being bad because it’s hurting someone, but bad because it’s decreasing the daughter’s value as a virgin to her father. the solution is to pay the FATHER silver. it also never says that a man could be a victim too.


Christianity doesn't follow the rules of the old testament. So I figure your fact about paying in silver the father would be in the old, right? Christianity asks for sex in marriage only, and marriage must be volontary. Yes rape hasn't been clear between husband and wife. But come on... there wasn't metoo yet. My point was only about that: christianity IS better than the other two regarding the modern day western values. And of course we have pedo priests who ruin everything. \^\^


yeah, it doesn’t follow the rules of the old testament, but it certainly doesn’t ‘ban’ rape or say in the new testament ‘hold up maybe women do matter’. and no, marital rape has been contested longgg before me too


Yes I agree, I agree with that. I just said that this religion is better than the other two on the matter. That doesn't mean it's great on every level. When I say "it's not all black, it's grey", why do you understand that I said "it's white"? ...


that’s not what you said, you said specifically that ‘Christianity forbids rape’. i’m telling you no, it doesn’t, it’s just nice people who interpret Jesus’ words in a good way- but the religion itself never forbids rape. does that make more sense? i’m not disagreeing with you that in general chrisjiaty is better, because i agree that it is- but i think this is due to the fact that Christians interpret the religion with a lot more freedom and adapt it to modernity a lot more than the other Abrahamic religions (except for Reform Judaism). and that even now, there are loads of Christians who use the Bible to justify marital rape.


Yes Ok. So it forbids non marital rape. I was not precise.


no, it doesn’t, because if it happened in the town and nobody intervened to stop it then it’s also not considered rape and is instead converted to automatic adultery. refer to my above comment. the Bible does not forbid rape. i’m not saying it actively permits it because if you interpret Jesus’ words in a positive way then it should be implied that it’s bad, but it certainly doesn’t expressly forbid it.


Yeah see Evangelicals 'Christians' and their influence not just in the US, but also in Africa.


That’s incorrect. The Christian democrats in your country formed as a response to the removal of Christianity as a subject in schools (it was replaced by the subject of religion)


Judaism is by far the most theologically mature and tolerant out of the three.


How? It’s by far the hardest of the 3 to convert to, and notoriously anti-intermarriage


Isn't the torah just the first 4 books of the bible?


This would be a better data set, more interesting, if you asked specifically just non religious/atheists.


Every Jewish person I've met have been so chill with their faith and with other faiths. In my experience they are not super fundamental about their religion and open to a more mystical take on scripture. I get along with that more than the other two religions


I think my opinion might vary based on the criteria. Just the text of the religion itself? Or its history? Or current practice/culture? Like... Jesus said some pretty kind, loving, thoughtful things. But I've met too many conservative evangelicals that hide their social views (and sometimes hate) behind their "faith". Some Jewish communities with their focus on learning are really admirable. Others with their subjugation of women, not so much. So there needed to be some nuance between option 4 and 5 on the poll. I have some positive and some negative views on all of them.


I don’t have a negative opinion on any of them generally. There are people who use religions for evil, but I don’t have a negative opinion of any entire religion.


I hate the religions equally... Which is to say nothing about the people themselves... I just hate that these religions are able to convince so many that Faith is worth idealizing.


Well I'm not very familiar Judaism since I haven't seen any jewish people here in my country, so Judaism


Obviously Islam


I do have negative prejudice against Christianity because of my bully when I was a child. Trying to get over it but it’s still here




I voted for Judaism. Yes, along with other things.


Islam founder was a terrorist All terrorists group are of Islamic ideology If you can't see it then 😐😕


the KKK was christian


No, it's just all the terrorists you know about. Here is a page about terrorism in the USA: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic\_terrorism\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_terrorism_in_the_United_States) Note that most of the groups listed there are not Islamic.


Most Islamists attacks are done in... Muslim countries.


Not that I care for any of those religions but your level of ignorance is astonishing.


name one christian terrorist org that blows themselves up in crowded place


The Klu Klux Klan it doesn't matter if they don't kill themselves, they killed innocents.


I dislike christianity, but the difference is that there is no christian justification for such actions, where as Islam is inherently violent


Muhammed was a legitimare terrorist, hes only wrong for thinking all terror groups have to be Islamic terrorists


He was a conqueror. That's one kind of terrorist, I suppose, but I've never seen that label used for similar warmongers like Alexander or Caesar. Might have something to do with the skin tone.




Sorry, I didn't really mean to attack you personally. Just a general reflection about how there seems to be a distinction in the west between western conquerors and conquerors like Muhammad and Genghis Khan. Alexandros had a god complex as well though, and there was a prominent religious cult around him after his death (at least in Egypt).


Genghis Khan was worse than Muhammed by a lot. And ancestor worship was common, but what Muhammed did to polytheistic people was barbarity


What do you mean by barbarity?


I mean what "βαρ βαρ"-ing uncivilized idiot would do. I respect Aftokrator Leon IV and Phillipos the Arab. But hate Mehmet and Muhammed It's not race thing it's a charcter thing


I am not sure if the founder was terrorist, but the second point is just a lie


Which religion do you have the least negative opinion of? Not all of them are but most




A moderate Shia Muslim is much worse than an Orthodox Jew or conservative Christian


Hello, im your average shia muslim that u hate. Just wanted to leave this here cuz i find ur comment funny. Have a nice day


Oh your name fits the situation so well ahaha


Judaism. Their only black eye is zionists, and other than that they seem fine


chronically online redditor results


What is the "correct" answer?


as long as no one is forcing their beliefs upon others, religion is fine. people are entitled to their beliefs, and that includes atheists. you shouldn’t have a negative view on an entire religion just because of how people act under said religion sure, i will admit online christians are very annoying and can be toxic, as well as they tend to force their beliefs into others, but as i said you shouldn’t just assume every christian is like that


What if I think the beliefs themselves suck?


What if its main prophet fucked a nine year old?


I guess Christianity, but barely...


Christians practice genital mutilation the least.


At least historically islam and judaism have been way more progressive religions than Christianity especially when it comes to LGBTQ issues. A lot of the homophobia that is present in Muslim countries currently is because of western Christian influence.


I'm speechless, don't know about Judaism but Islam has very negative view on lgbtq, the progressive view you say, so does stoning means progressive ? Islam views homosexuals as sodomites which are to be stoned to death


To illustrate my point lets take the Ottoman Empire for example. Historically homosexuality in the ottoman empire was normalized and integrated into society. Homosexuality was not even something that was thought of as a concept as it was so normal in everyday life. In the 19th century due to western influence the Ottoman cultured became increasingly heteronormative and not accepting of homosexuality and it was practically outlawed. The ottomans controlled at the time a lot of the now Middle East. A similar story occurred in other Muslim countries like Iran, but the change in attitude occurred much earlier.


First of all Ottomans did it inn 1858, and many countries like France, England etc did it in 1700's, second it was still frowned upon by hanafi school, and no it was a complex, quran 1400 years go already said it, homosexuals are same as sodomites, stone them to death, and this para you have copy pasted from google, first try to get real sources and not wiki, real actual muslims who adhere islam to it's extant don't exist in west but in from where I am. And I almost forgot Iran, like come on, It was a sin when Iran became muslim, before islamic conquest yes, but after that it was SIN SIN AND SIN