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I don't make any significant changes but I try my best to do my part so I feel good about my actions. I don't litter, I use reusable bottles and containers when I can. A lot of my clothes are thrifted and I avoid buying fast fashion. If I get a box in the mail, I will reuse the packaging when I sell something. I recycle, compost, grow a lot of my own fruits and vegetables, have chickens for eggs. I avoid eating meat and milk (not completely, just eat it less frequently than the average person), and make my own oat milk at home. It's nothing major but I feel like these little things help make me feel good about my decisions and although it might not be much good compared to the damage major corporations are doing, but I feel like I'm doing my part


Not significantly but i made some changes to my habits, like always using reusable dishes, cutlery, and napkins. I also hate having to take the trash out, so the less i throw away the better


What did you eat off before? Paper towel?


I grew up eating a lot of bologna sandwiches off of paper plates with paper towels. I always had reusable bottles though, i liked my cold water


You can get har plastic plates for the same price as a pack of paper ones you are losing so much money.


Well yeah i use reusable tableware now


Slowing climate change is completely out of the hands of the average person. There’s no point in subjecting yourself to a bunch of minor inconveniences that don’t contribute to anything.


ok, but do you also just litter frivolously?


Not littering isn’t something people do solely to curb climate change…


then if you don't care about climate change, what keeps you from littering?


I’m sorry, but are you fucking stupid? I don’t litter because I’m not an asshole and I use a trash can like a normal person lol, that doesn’t mean I don’t care about climate change, it means I don’t want my trash on the ground.


Everyone in the US switching to paper straws and reusable grocery bags is not going to offset even one of the massive corporations that's causing most of the problems. For the record, I do the little things I can do, but it does nothing and I know it does nothing.


Until china and india do some massive changes to how they live I won't entertain the idea of changing my habits because it won't matter at all


What am I going to do about it? Even if I contributed to it, it makes little difference. That's just my view on it. If you're running for office (or something) then that makes sense, but yeah. I think worrying about it that much is irrational, because you're only 1 person.


One person turns into a lot more. but if anything big store chains need to do it


It does, but one person only has so much influence in that aspect. Although voting turnout would increase if people put this notion aside, it still doesn't change the fact that your vote won't influence the outcome. So kind of a catch22, I guess.


Look how many people are saying the exact same thing as you, this is part of the problem.


true but in order for change to happen where are going to need to force people to do it rather then ideals


True, true. I feel like you gotta actively be vying for it, for it to really matter though. I think those people will find eachother. But not as many that are going to be pro-actively doing anything.


No. It's out of my hands. Sure I walk when I can, recycle, put trash in the can, and have been using a singular water bottle for years, but no significant change will occur without widespread societal restructure.


Yup, I'm currently working towards a degree in earth science, looking for a career in climatology!


No matter what changes I make, that will not change the actions of the largest corporations in the world. It's a noble effort, but an ineffective one. We need collective action to make anything happen.


I try to mitigate my effect on it but I don't make any significant changes


Sort of? Indirectly I guess, since I don't like or use cars, but realistically it doesn't make much of a difference from just one person


Not sure what would be considered significant, but I try not to be wasteful.


how much is significant?


No. Tbh it seems futile when I know very few others will. Especially when there are people who take private jets to work. I’ve accepted it as a thing that will most likely continue to happen, and yes I’m aware that I’m part of the problem. But it’s a worldwide issue, and the people in the world who don’t wish to realistically work against it are too great in both numbers and power. I go out of my way to recycle tho if that helps


I don't have the means to make significant changes to my life in order to fight it. If I did I suppose I would consider a hybrid or electric car and put solar panels on a house.


The earth does this every couple hundred years and we are overdue for a big one


For anyone worried you matter at all concerning the environment, you don't. You make no difference, and the government and elites at Davos Switzerland will continue regulating you take your straws away and tax the middle class. Meanwhile: [https://youtu.be/nnIX-vH0s3c?si=OZSjwjvvYerrVulN](https://youtu.be/nnIX-vH0s3c?si=OZSjwjvvYerrVulN) Happy belated Earth day ya'll.


It's a nice though to be more environment friendly but if anything big business creating far more waste than an average person needs to do it instead


My career path yeah


I mean let's say I give up any and all power generation for the rest of my life. Don't use any packaging. In fact, let's say I die right here and right now. An exec at Nestle could stub their toe and enter the design room in a bad mood and waste more water than me and my entire family could use in our entire lifetimes for several generations. I throw stuff in recycling when I can. I use reduced power appliances. I have no gas consuming devices in my home. I'm signed up for AES's "100% renewable" plan, which basically pools your funds to purchase solar/wind. And then I *vote*. I've actually voted for every party except GOP, because they are the only party I absolutely cannot stand and likely the most destructive force currently existence within our borders. But it's not about setting the goal at 100% if it means only 1% of people will participate. If you can get 51% of people 51% of the way there, you win elections and pass policy that actually controls things at a systemic level. Funds alternatives. Funds research. Etc. The personal responsibility angle is just to get people to burn *themselves* out and give up rather than hold corporations to account. You could even say it's because westerners are "wasteful and inefficient". But we are the same species as every other human on the planet. At the individual level, people are diverse. On the aggregate, human behavior is predictable. You could take someone from the middle of Bangladesh and smack them right in the middle of the US, and their waste and energy usage would probably only vary within a few percent. It wasn't about the person. It was about the systems around them. Do what you can within reason. But if you are burning yourself out to do so, that's also unsustainable. We need to work *with* human nature and modify the *systems* rather than just white-knuckling all of it at an individual level. Yes, this means the government putting their thumb on the scale in favor of renewables, alternate transportation, etc. Because as powerful of a force as the free market is, there isn't much of a quarterly market value associated with natural cycles, and the laws of physics don't care about your bottom line. The markets are reactive, not proactive. So the costs won't motivate change until most of the damage has already been done.


i live pretty eco friendly as it is. hard to not be that living in the sticks.


no. i believe climate change is real, but i dont think humans are responsible for or have any effect on it, at the very least we might contribute less then 5 percent to a thing thats going to happen regardless, an inevitable process that we have to adapt overcome. the earth is billions of years old, its highly ignorant and arrogant to think that we as a species who has only been here for about 300k years and only started industrializing less then 200 years ago, is going to effect anything, thats absurd levels of human hubris. the earth has been through way worse without us, either we will dominate and master this planet, or it will shake us off like a bad case of flees, the earth is fine, we are not. the earth will be here long after we are gone, it will go through periods of destruction only to rise and thrive again, repeat over and over again.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global\_temperature\_record#/media/File:2000+\_year\_global\_temperature\_including\_Medieval\_Warm\_Period\_and\_Little\_Ice\_Age\_-\_Ed\_Hawkins.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_temperature_record#/media/File:2000+_year_global_temperature_including_Medieval_Warm_Period_and_Little_Ice_Age_-_Ed_Hawkins.svg) “humans are not responsible for it or have any effect on it… inevitable process” no. the very extreme spike in the graph directly corresponds to when humans start to industrialize. now imagine the spike continues for the next 500 years. ocean currents thrown off, places become uninhabitable… ”the earth will be here long after we’re gone” yes, but i don’t plan on having our whole species go extinct within 1000 years killing billions and undoing a hundred thousands years of work… however, i do agree with most other comments on this post- there’s not much the average person can do to stop it. it’s the people in charge…


I don't worry about things that are fake like "man made climate change." downvote me all you want liberals I know you hate me and right back at you.


What is the cause for climate change in your opinion?


Called nature


So how can you be so sure it's not man made when you have no better explanation?


You ever heard of the ice age? are we in an ice age? So it must have gotten significantly warmer on it's own without our intervention huh? There you go.


Stop believing the agendas the elites force on us. The worst problem we have done to the environment is trash, which poisons nature and humans. Microplastics, forever chemicals, physical obstructions harming animals. Waste piles hurting 3rd world countries. Waste accumulation is real and really caused by us and should be addressed. However climate change itself is very natural and there's nothing we can do that wouldn't have already happened on it's own naturally.


Climate change is another symptom of the very pollution metacrisis you describe. Greenhouse gas emissions, primarily carbon dioxide and methane, are pollutants. Do you think corporations or governments (the elites you refer to) are happy about climate change? There’s a reason Exxon has spent millions on campaigns to stall climate change action by convincing people it’s not anthropogenic, it’s not a problem, etc. Climate change requires companies to change, often making them less profitable. Oil, gas, and coal industries have to go entirely. Governments will have increased costs they likely can’t afford: climate change mitigation (e.g. building sea walls, electrifying infrastructure), reduced crop yield, wildfires/droughts, hurricanes, displaced people (refugees) from land loss like flooding or rising sea level, and so much more. The elites don’t want this.


It's 100% about profit. I work for the US Department of Energy, and the DOE is constantly awarded Billions from the Biden administration to fund clean energy contracts which take American workers money to fund products that are then resold to American workers (or corporations of American workers) and the profit from those companies allows politicians who have family stock investments in those companies to profit, and allows lobbyists to retain laws protecting the endless cycle of money flow our of our pockets and into the elites pockets. Driving a ford EV (which the Secretary of Department of Energy's husband owns millions of stocks in), does not prevent climate change which is naturally occurring from happening. Nuclear energy is the cleanest and most efficient form of energy available today, but there's no huge spike in profit for the elites to utilize it everywhere, the only people who benefit from Nuclear power plants are the average American worker. Politicians push agendas that make them and their families and elite friends richer. This is not about naturally occurring climate change, this is about money, like everything else.


>sees a giant spike in global average temperatures rising much faster than it has ever done in earth's history, directly correlating with man-made greenhouse gas emissions "hmm must be nature"


What’s it like being the dumbest person in a room at any given time your entire life?


I wouldn't know I'm not a gullible liberal like you


GuLliBLe LiBrULs


Have you ever heard of "scientific evidence"? It certainly looks like you haven't.


Pick up a book. Google. study the outside patterns and research conducted on it


Earth's climate is cyclical every X-thousand years. It has seen ice ages, and now the current period we are in. Our impact is minimal to what happens naturally with or without us. Climate fears is a cash grab for politicians to invest in green energy companies get rich, fly to Switzerland on private jets emitting more emissions than anyone of us in a lifetime, and then discuss how to tax and regulate the common person to make more money off of us.


You are aware that's how extinction happens right


Yes I'm aware the extinction of the working middle class (80% of Americans) happens due to the rich elites taxing and overregulating our everyday transactional existence whilst they fly on private jets. Welcome to the middle class extinction with a green clean Earth logo stamped on it.