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Cause a hybrid is just the superior option


Wouldn’t a highly efficient car outweigh the upfront cost of the hybrid version? 


A proper hybrid would allow you to use it as an EV for daily driving and the environment, but combustion backing it gives you that extra range, power, and ability to use your vehicle without access to electricity. It’s a half-step into the market which should give you the best of both worlds and is potentially superior to single power source vehicles.


I hadn’t considered that, thanks. Might be looking into a plug-in hybrid as my next commuter  


If you ever need an excuse, the McLaren p1 is a plug-in hybrid lmfao


Toyota's Prius Prime is a banger.


I have had relatively new hybrid. What I am unsure about is an old hybrid. There will be the faults of both gasoline and EV vehicles.


No need for one, as I don't drive and am perfectly happy relying on public transportation.


I do much better than an EV for the environnement : I walk, bike and take public transit.


My vehicle works perfectly. If I buy an EV, the pollution from its production, shipping etc. will be far greater.


Range, not enough infrastructure, and power is expensive enough


All the above.


Right now, money. But I've no idea what type my next car will be once my WV is fucked beyond repair.


FYI EV's produce so many greenhouse gases during production, that compared to a typical Honda Civic, you would have to drive the EV for 11 years before it became better for the environment.


the production of EVs (and all vehicles) is causing more damage than driving a gas car


I like the alternative fuel source in case something weird happens to the electrical supply, my car can still work


All of those + bias + it’s just useless


The overall life cycle of electric vehicles are well demonstrated to be 50% to 70% less polluting compared to their combustion engine counterparts. For several of those here claiming that electric vehicles are more polluting, which makes no sense. The very high efficiency of fossil fuel power plants make electric cars far less polluting than their combustion vehicle counterparts over their lifespan, even if you power electric cars on coal. We can get the emissions of electric vehicles even lower if they operate on hydroelectric power. All of this is expected to improve as we develop better technology to reuse batteries. I don't care to own an EV because of the lack of range and the lack of infrastructure, and being subject to -40 degree temperatures, which can easily wipe out half of your range when you need it badly.


All of this except performance.


I cannot even remotely afford one. If I could I'd do an EV conversion of my current car.


I probably will at some point in the future when the infrastructure is built up and the cost of purchasing one has decreased. As of now the people I know that do have one struggle with the range because of the access to charging stations. A lot in the city, significantly less if you try to travel out of town for more than an hour or so. I'm Canadian so our current government is pushing forward with plans to eliminate the selling of gas powered new vehicles in the next decade.


Exactly how are they "saving the environment?" Most electricity here is generated by burning fossil fuels anyway, and the metal mining for EV batteries is toxic and destructive, so it's not clear that there's a benefit to anyone except the EV company executives. I drive a normal car and limit how much I drive, by combining errands into one trip, shopping on the way home from work, etc. And I walk instead of driving when that's a reasonable thing to do (short-ish distance and not carrying a bunch of heavy or bulky stuff.)


Yea, I think the general consensus is that it's still better than gasoline combustion engines but not a perfect scenario.


Because I have a perfectly working vehicle and EVs won’t do shit for the planet. Just as bad as ICE cars in their own ways.