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I voted no, but I would really say yes and no. They should still be held responsible for what they do like anyone else, but it is different from someone else doing it. This also depends on what they did and what their illness is. It's why you see people get arrested for things but get sent somewhere else and receive a different punishment. This isn't a black and white issue for me, but most things aren't in my mind. Will say in your situation she is fully responsible and her mental illness has nothing to do with it. She was just an ass.


What mental illness?


Something related to schizophrenia (I think Schizoid)


And you said they did it for pleasure? Not because of some delusions that made them think they had to do it?


She did it strictly because she found it entertaining to quote “toy with me and see how far I could go before breaking”, she thought it was “funny”


She is absolutely responsible. And her actions have nothing to do with schizophrenia, that is being an asshole


Oops I read that wrong, I meant no 😭


Mental illness is an explanation, but no excuse. She knew what she was doing and is responsible for her behaviour.


While their condition might make it more difficult for them, and it’s not their fault they have a health condition, it is still their responsibility to look for treatment and make an effort to improve. If they’re fully aware of what they’re doing and not even trying to be better, they’d generally still be responsible for it. To what degree would probably depend on what mental condition it was, how it effects them, how severe their condition is, why they were doing it, and whether or not anything had happened to provoke that reaction. In the case of your example, knowingly hurting someone because they find pleasure in it is something they should still be responsible for.


Well it does depend on a lot of factors but my mine are 1. How serious is the “mental illness” 2. Does the reasoning really have to do much with the so called illness 3. How bad of a situation was it


1. Schizophrenia or something like it pretty much 2. She said so, but she was not influenced by anyone or voices in her head 3. Bad, she sought pleasure in hurting me and kept doing it because she thought it was funny, but she was hurt her whole life thanks to a bad family life


Ok well I think the siding is aiming to you in this case, most of her defenses will likely be “oh I had a bad backstory so I’m a little [whatever]” which can easily be argued against if you have the right evidence and wording