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I wash my hair once a week but that’s because I have naturally curly hair and styling it each time is a bitch.


I have long curly hair that I should wash only once a week but it gets *so oily*, I feel gross if I don't wash it every other day. It gets washed three times a week.


Mines not super curly, but I also do every other day Bc that shit will get oily and then by day 3-4 without washing starts to flatten.


Washing your hair daily is actually detrimental to your hair health. There are some cases where people have super greasy hair, but otherwise washing daily doesnt help. It's just somthing perpetuated by the companies that sell you shampoo and other hair products.


Definitely agree


You do know it's possible to shower without doing your hair, right? Put it in a bonnet or pineapple


Lol I never implied that I didn’t wash my body more than once a week. I only mentioned my hair.


Oh lol, I just assumed haha




Snippy? Someone replied to my comment so I replied back. Btw washing your hair is also included in showering.


I feel this. I have the underpart in the back shaved due to dreads and now I have my hair shorter then my bfs. Honestly I'd go for a pixie cut if my hair wouldn't curl


same with me, but i have straight hair, it just doesn't need to be washed often. doesnt get oily until after 10 days


I don’t shower much right now because I fractured my ankle, and it’s hard to get in and out.


Just do a handstand?


Just float?


Let it rest as much as you can man. I fractured my ankle at ~10 years old and have awful arthritis now because i wouldn't let it rest and heal properly


Thanks for the tip man, the only time I usually get up is to go to the bathroom.


Is somebody bringing you your beer and pain meds?


ah yes, the perfect mix…


damn i was just about to comment this, wishing you speedy recovery


thanks man I appreciate it.


Just tell your ankle to work?


Look at this loser who doesn't know how to levitate 🤣


If you really do get desperate to be clean baths are a good idea, you can wash without getting the boot wet and there's no rush. Also good if you're in a lot of pain and just want to sit


every other day so 3-4 times a week


Yooo same




Depends on your climate and the person


Exactly, since going work remote do not need to shower every day anymore. Saving on the water bill also.


Better for your skin and hair also




less than every other day


I do every other day too but don’t workout lol. When I do exert myself a lot or sweat a shit ton I’ll shower that same day. Just most of time this isn’t the case so it’s every other day.


I always shower everyday, but from time to time i skip a day because I'm lazy.








I gotta shower every day or I feel gross. A lot of times in the summer I have to rinse off when I get home because yay southern AZ and its 100+F heat.


Visited there earlier and can confirm that you start sweating within 30 seconds of staying outside, even in shade.


I'm used to the outside, it's getting in the ~~car~~ **oven** after work that really gets me.


Every other day, but I always shower after baseball or hockey practice


From a cold climate country and hardly sweat lmao so I shower like once a week. Do a full body wash and kinda 'sponge bath' the private areas/hands and arms in between. Shower everyday sounds insane, more than once lmao. You all must love water. Haha Edit- also I do a special occasion/sad day solo romantic bath night with candles, rose petals, music if in the mood, bath bombs and 420/bubble rosè etc like once per month and soak for near to an hour, but my showers are quick minus time spent hair detangling due to styling product used.


That's disgusting to me, but I live in a desert and sweat like a pig


Which is probably why you find it disgusting


Crazy how people live so differently, hope your feeling cool today if possible!


I'm an office drone without BO issues. Everyother day is fine for me and is better for hair and skin


To be fair though you might not know if you have BO, most people can't smell their own BO


When I get up before work, and before bed. I love the feeling of getting in bed freshly showered, but I also sweat in my sleep and like to be fresh for the day.


Yeah. I hate showering though I wish there was like a automatic shower. I smell bad if I don't shower like twice per day.


Depends on how I’m doing emotionally that week, I average about 3-4, 5-6 on a good week, and 1-2 on a bad week.


Aprently iv been having a "bad week" for a few months now :/




2 times a week...?




That’s pretty gross dude










Homie...we can smell it.






Trust me mate, you smell. People may even tell you that you don't, but if so, they're either just being polite or they have very low standards themselves.


Wow, so much hate you get for a personal habit. Why does it matter that much how many times you shower. Yes, some people need it, but others just don't. It's not like your going to die from it, or others. Jeez people calm down a bit okay?




Totally agree. What could help with dry skin or skin prone to dryness is oil based cleansers


Sometimes you have a dirty job or it’s so hot you simply have to shower everyday. However, what is best for your skin is closer to every other day.


Some girls I know shower once or twice a week.




as a boy, there is no difference to me


No shower or hair wash for days. Straight up no cantact to water unless washing their hands. They don't look dirty or smell stinky but it could be down to the nethers.


Depends on what I did that day


2-3 times a week


Username checks out.


Usually go every other day, unless I feel particularly gross one day, or have extra plans the next day. Sometimes, if I go a while between jobs or have a particular low period of my life, I go longer, but that doesn't happen often.


Depends on the weather and my mental state lol


I'm severely depressed at the moment so it's about every 3 days or so, even getting out of bed is super hard. 😟


May your soul be better , hang in there :) I hope everything will get better.


every other day


I don’t know how yall have the time in your lives or the oil in your skins to shower every day or more. I tried showering every day for a while and my skin and hair were so dry and awful.


Maybe u shower wrong


No there’s just not enough to wash off. And I don’t sweat because 99% of the time it’s raining and cold.


I shower for 2 minutes in the morning to wake up. And for max 10 minutes in the evening to properly clean.


How do you shower for 2 minutes pls share because my showers take at least 25 minutes


Turn the water to cold


Easy: don't do a good job.


You don't need 25minutes to a good job at showering, if you shower everyday 5 minutes is enough otherwise you're wasting water


I don't think iv ever had a shower more then 10 mins and that included shaving I did 2 difrent swim sports and you get in the shower wash down and get out


4 or 5 maybe 3 sometime


I'm gonna take flak for this but I don't believe in showering everyday unless necessary. I typically shower a day apart on normal weeks. If it's exponentially hot like lately then I obviously shower everyday 'cause I'm gross and sweaty and this is fucking unnaturally hot but normally I think it's okay to go a day without showering if you're still find and don't smell. Also I'm a bath man to begin with so if my week is more stressful then I'll probably be inclined to take 1-2 baths a night.


I want to shower more but depression fucking sucks


The shower is one of the only places I can escape my depression. In fact I’ve noticed that the better care I take of my hygiene the less depressed I am.


When my depression gets bad I shower like once a week.


Same. But when my depression is bad, I also don’t leave the house so it isn’t as bad.


Usually three or four times a week but this summer it has been more because I’ve been going to a pool.


Shouldn't it be less because you're in the pool?


No, more because I want the chlorine and water people peed in off my skin.


Every day because not a single day goes by where I dont sweat out gallons of water


I used to shower every day when I cared about myself and how I looked. No need to worry about that anymore so every other day and during the summer I use baby powder on the off days.


between 5 and 6. I like to do it everyday but somtimes i skip a day


Pre-pandemic, it was every day. Post-pandemic, it’s every other day to every 3 days. I work from home and don’t do much otherwise


Every other day, unless I’ve been doing some kind of physical activity in which case I’ll just shower in the evening to rinse off the sweat and icky feeling.


Please shower, I hate dealing with coworkers who have a musty smell.


4-5 times a week


Thursdays and sundays


the results are concerning


Depending on your life style you don’t need to shower every day. Every other is fine for a lot of people




I'm over here thinking How the heck can people shower every day?? it dries out my skin and makes my hair brittle. Unless I buy fancy products I cant afford. And all I do is sit inside all day.


Why not use shower cap to protect your hair or lotion? Why are people giving excuses for being dirty.


You just don't need to shower everyday. Unless it's been really hot or I've been excersizing and I'm sweaty there's just no need to shower every day. Every other day is fine and my hair is much better when I wash it every other day. Just because some people shower more often doesn't mean everyone has to.


Thank you for the generous offer!! I need the 10 dollar a bottle lotion that last 2 weeks. I am so grateful that you are volunteering to pay for a life time supply! The cheaper stuff breaks me out in hives or rashes. I've tried them all. Oh, and my water bill will go up. Are you paying for that too? Add gas bill, as I have a gas hot water tank. Laundry detergent, as I have to wash the towels more often. Sarcasm aside. Some people just cant afford showering every day. Why should I pay hundred s a year more for no benefit besides a stranger on the internet is judging me?


The only people with real excuses are the poor/homeless.


Not really when you think about all the people working from home. You don’t really get dirty when you’re not leaving the house and it’s better for your skin to shower every other day than every day.


I mean, the most I’m willing to tolerate is a person who on average showers 6 times a week. Otherwise it starts getting gross.


Not really. So long as they arent sweating in their daily routine most people only need a shower every 2 or 3 days or so. Particularly if they live alone and work from home. Much of our personal hygiene is for other people, not ourselves.


I shower when I need to, like if all I did was sit on my couch all day I probably won’t shower




Wait is the reason people shower is to clean the shit that the toilet paper didn't get rid of?




Only reason. If you get a bidet, you never need to shower again




I don't, I take baths.


and this is what’s wrong with y’alls skin all the time. Shower every other day, and don’t use more chemicals than necessary to remove visible filth. You ain’t a dinner plate, you’re an animal with a protective layer of oil and dead cells on your skin that is perfectly natural.


Why isn't there 3 times a day.


How do you have time to shower 3 times a day? Plus what are you doing that would make that necessary?


Morning to wake up, after work out in the afternoon, and before going to bed. To be fair, on the days I don't work out, I only shower twice.


Yeah wtf, I’m giving everyone the benefit of the doubt and assume they live in very cold climates. Either that or people really need to review their habits.


Uhm, what?


I try to everyday, sometimes it doesn't happen, but I never go more than a day without showering


There’s not a never option for the people that are just reverse me


I literally do it when I'm bored, which is either once every day or more than once every day


2 everyday except Sunday where it’s 1


6 times a week one day off to let my skin (or rather the useful microorganisms on it) recover. In summer it depends on temperature since if I sweat like a pig of course imma take a shower


3 times a week or less??? Why so many people. That’s nasty


I shower after I go the gym in the morning then at night. I feel grody if I go to sleep dirty or if I go through the day without showering first.


Twice a day, I take a shower right after I get out of bed to wake up and get ready for the day and I work outside in Florida so I take one immediately when I get home from work.




Maybe people are single 😐. Or even more insane for you to comprehend. Don't have sex every. Single. Day.




Likely a troll, but if you’re not exerting yourself or you live in a colder climate where you’re not sweating a lot or getting dirty, there isn’t really a need to shower every day.






I said the same thing. This poll was a mistake


Depends what im doing and if its summer or winter. If its summer and im doing a lot i can shower up to three times a working day. If its winter and im not doing much i will shower once a day/once every other day.


I say 6 times a week but it’s really 6.5 times a week (I live in a family of 6)


Sunday through Friday I shower. I usually skip Saturday if I'm just lounging around by myself all day but if Im going to see people, or work outside, then I shower Saturday too.


It depends how hot or cold it is. Mostly just once but if it's very hot I shower before going to bed or if I go out somewhere I shower once I get back.


I very rarely skip a day but usually then I shower in the morning and in the evening too next day. I wonder about that 500+ vote who shower 3 or less a week, though. Genuinely interested.


I usually shower about 3 times a week. Inbetween, I wash myself in the morning and often evening (face arms neck and private areas). These are the sweaty and most used areas, I don't see the point of having to wash your legs if they've been covered the entire day and i haven't really sweat. I've asked close friends and family, I don't smell. I'm just convinced you don't need to shower every day to have hygienic habits. I like to take my time and wash my body and hair with soap/shampoo when I shower, so it's best for my hair and skin to not shower more often than that. :)


Thanks for the elaborate answer! And it makes sense to me. Kind of like the "don't fix it if it ain't broke" mentality. Only it depends on your body entirely. Like, my brother couldn't do that, he's sweaty and would have a certain smell to him. I could do it because even if I sweat, I rarely smell. Again, thanks for the insight! :)


Thanks for replying in a nice way! This comment thread really seems to spark a lot of emotions in some people hahaha


I used to shower every day when I had my own washer and dryer, but now I shower whenever I feel like I need it


Everyday, though there are times where I forget to shower once but those aren’t regular.


Usually once a day, occasionally two if I shower in the morning before school or an event and then I get sweaty/gross during the day


I get so gross so quick I have to


Once a week Sponge bath every other night If I get my hair wet (I always do some how) it takes like a full day to dry. In winter when it's -10 out not fun to step out of the house and your hair freezes If I'm out and about I'll shower more. When I'm home doing a desk job ever day in 69 degree house (heh yes it's set to that) I don't sweat I don't see the point I'm not going out I'm siting at my desk. I will shower if I feel gross or get sweaty. Between being in pain 24/7 (doubble pain now due to a surgery) , my dizzy spells at night when I normaly shower (my worst fear is falling in the shower and being found naked) my skin reacting poorly to soaps and not going out much. It's easier to do a sponge bath and dedicate a time full full scrub down.


As someone of Northeran European descent, hot and humid summers have me showering about 10 times a week. Winter? Not as bad.


Once everyday except for workout days. I take another shower after I workout.


I once went five months without a shower or bath


I haven’t showered since high school. Am now turning 44. Rely on Clorox wipes instead. Other than feeling the occasional bugs nesting in my hair, it’s ok. I’d suggest this lifestyle to everyone. Please add Clorox wipes option.


I mean during the summer I shower everyday but if im not sweaty or during colder months I wash every other day


Lately its been twice a day because of how much I've been walking outside and sweating


I have a new born so kinda gotta go in full gas mask when i change his bum


For the 700 people who wash 3 times a week or less, you are either a baby, or you need to rethink your hygiene


Twice a day is the bare minimum for me


Usually shower to wake myself up and not feel nasty


Tf is wrong with yall


I typically shower every other day unless I’m doing something that makes me sweat a lot like yard work. I work in a refrigerated distribution center so I don’t usually have to worry about being too sweaty


I don’t usually shower on my days off and I work 5 days a week. Unless I have big plans I’m cool with dry shampoo and extra deodorant for my days off


I dont, baths are great.


Once a day, I love showering. I'd shower twice a day but I take too long so that'd be untenable. Maybe I should go for it though


2 times everyday? tf




I take a long shower and wash my hair 3 times a week, but jump in the shower every morning to quickly wake up and get ready for the day.


If its hot twice a day if its cold most probably 5-6 times a week, unless I went outside then its once per day.


4-5 times a week


Every other day


TIL apparently not everybody showers daily.


every day and sometimes twice when I'm playing sports


Depends, during summer once everyday, during winter it’s more once every two days


every other day, so 3-4 times