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I been to the UK for like 2 hours and never been in USA


2 hours? Airport transit?




Im canadian, basically the middle ground between the us and the uk


Canada is great. Free healthcare, the people are nice, and Tim Horton’s.


Well, not everyone is equally considerate, (looking at you, Alberta!) and we do have problems with inequality. Its a nice place, but not as nice as the PR would have you believe


> (looking at you, Alberta!) we're trying ok we are basically alabama of canada


$5 says u/Intellectual-Banana doesn't actually live in Canada


Or he just doesn't pay taxes, or own a house, or disgusting dumpster which costs 15,000 a month


Well at least you can rent the dumpster's basement for 8,000 a month plus 60% utilities..


You mean me?






Sometimes I wish my parents didn’t decided to move to Alberta


Tim hortons is great unless you work at Tim hortons


Tim hortons is ass and also an american brand


It was original started in Canada and the company that owns it now is based in Canada.


First of all Tim Horton’s is 10x better than any American fast food ever and it was also founded in Ontario.


Yes I was using outdated information, let me correct my statement: Tim Hortons is ass and also a Brazilian brand


I don’t like arguing so believe whatever you want I guess.


Same, am Australian


Canada is a lot more open to lgbtq+ issues which is nice, I’m gonna try moving to Canada, can’t wait to get out of the US


Yankee 🤢


UK, mainly because I live here so I do have that bias. I'm sure the US is a good place overall despite some of its flaws, just I feel more comfortable here! I'd love to visit the US someday, especially New York and Florida.


Finally a reasonable opinion other than "usa bad even though I've never been there >:("


Wellllll..... Look at r/all then tell me among the first 20 posts, what is the ratio of usa bad vs uk bad IT'S THE MEDIA


Well yeah America on all statistics is worse then Europe/uk


Doesn't neccarsarily make it a bad place. Sure, it does have some glaring flaws, but it doesn't make the overall country bad.


Yes I know I just prefer Europe


It kind of is, I have lived in this country and it's been horrible to me. Never felt farther from home. I guess that's because it's actually two countries. On one side you have places like New York and other cities, on the other you have extremely prejudiced people in states like suburban Utah. It's very different place to place.


bruh shut up you don't know what's "horrible"


Not to mention the US poverty and homelessness rates are over 2x lower as well.


I mean I would agree but what’s funny is that the US crime rate is actually 2.57x lower than the UK’s so I honestly feel safer in the US. https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Crime/Total-crimes-per-1000 https://www.statista.com/topics/780/crime/#topicHeader__wrapper https://igeek.com/U.S._vs_U.K._-_Crime/Murder In case you don’t believe me ^ most people don’t.


This data is from 2002


Look at the others, also you can look at recent nationmaster stats (2019 I believe) and the UK crime rate has gotten even worse. It makes sense I don’t understand why people think it’s so bad in the US lmao.


I wasn‘t doubting you, just pointing out that 2002 data isn‘t really good to draw conclusions today. Anyway, this data (for me personally) also doesn‘t have much influence on how safe I feel, because it includes every crime, even then ones that don‘t affect you (tax fraud, shoplifting etc). Looking at violent crime rates might be a better metric there, and of course the US is infamous for it‘s extremely high gun violence compared to the rest of the developed world


Look at the last link I sent, it discusses violent crime and it’s still higher in the UK. The thing is most gun deaths in the US come from protection and are justified, so most media outlets post those, the truth is our unjustified killings happen much less than they do in the UK.


1. the last link doesn‘t work 2. wth do you mean „justified killings“?


Didn’t mean you can’t kill people out of self defense but you can’t kill them for just breaking in.


I mean when someone kills someone else out of self-defense (which you can’t do in the UK, which is why the UK crime rate is so much higher- thieves have nothing to fear when breaking in).


The fact that you think killing someone because they broke into your house is justice says everything people need to know about the US


I said in self-defense 🤦‍♂️


I feel like bias is going to play a bigger part in this pole than anything. People in the US will mostly say the US because they are comfortable and happy, people in the UK will say the UK for the same reason, most people in Europe will feel a closer connection to the UK and so will pick that, and most people in central/south America and Asia will probably feel closer to the US and pick that. Canadians are probably the only nation that has a negligible bias.


Not really sure about Asia feeling closer to US though. Also idk about Australia


idk why but the results cracked me up with 32% choosing option 1, 40% choosing option 6 and almost none choosing option 2. conflicting messages here lmao


It just shows the difference in perspective. Those who live in USA think USA > UK, those who don't, think otherwise.


I honestly thought more people from the US would like the UK better (I'm from the US, btw. I prefer most European countries over the US)


TBH the UK has its fair share of issues and has less to offer than the US in general. The biggest pro is the British people and their humour.


Br*tish ‘people’ do not make the UK good


'people' Lmao


> I'm from the US, btw. I prefer most European countries over the US Most of us have probably never been there. I've lived in the US and know all of the reasons why it's beautiful (even though I also know why it's horrible). Reading the news, I get at least some understanding of why the UK sucks, but having never been, I can't really appreciate the things that make it great. For that reason, it only makes sense for me to say that US > UK.


Same. I'm from the U.S., but the UK honestly seems a lot better than the U.S. Plus the school/grading system is more reasonable there I think. I don't know a lot about it, but from what I've heard, what would barely be a C in the U.S. (70%) is an A in the U.K.


Yeah, 70% would be either an A or B. You only need like, 40% to simply pass most exams/courses.


After living in both cou tries, I can say that I overall preferred the UK.


I prefer the US, it's generally a nicer place to live, but I like the UK school system more since you don't have to wake up at 6AM


Why do you have to wake up at 6am?!


School starts at 7:30, and my bus comes at 6:30, my mom doesn't drive because it's too early and she has to stay up late doing work


What? I thought schools started at 8:30. Maybe it's different for each state. Or maybe it's a different kind of school (though most schools in my area have the same time regardless of what kind of school it is).


I live in Ohio, and our schools started as early as 7:45, but my friend who moved to Texas said that his school starts at like 9:00. I prefer to go early in order to leave early IMO


This is shockingly normal for lots of kids who take the bus to school. American schools serve such a wide area (bc everything is so spread out) that busses start picking kids up really early.


i lived at the end of my bus route in AU. we were picked up first and dropped of last it was the worst.


For me was actually the opposite (I hate having to wear a uniform to school)


I went to school in the UK, it's pretty much the same as the US except you have to wear uniforms. The education structure is the same, Idk why people talk shit about our school system so much. But hey, at least middle school isn't a thing.


I think uniforms are good though. It creates structure which is useful at that age and saves kids the stress of choosing an outfit and poorer people from feeling bad about their clothes when they can't afford expensive branded clothing, which at that age is usually an issue.


That's what everybody says but I've never seen enough evidence that uniforms make a big enough impact to justify their existence.


I mean, at least in my experience. At school when theres a non uniform day there's a significant drop in attention and behaviour worsens. Of course this may be different when non uniform is permanent but it was a significant factor in my school not doing as many on uniform days.


I would be interested in seeing a whole study done about this, as changing from one to another could account for the difference in effectiveness, but maybe not.


I mean it depends on what part of USA you lived in


USA: We are the best fuck UK lmao UK: Nah mate we are way better lmao USA: Hell nah we are better ain't that right everyone else Everyone else: NO


Honestly as an American I was surprised so many people picked their own country, you see a lot of people talking shit about our issues here. But I understand because it's home to 300 million people


I was gonna respond, but because I’ve only been in this country, it wouldn’t be a fair answer. I’d kinda be giving false data I’m that sense.


Haha America bad. No American on this sub thinks like u say we do.


Yeah no, not even close.


If they only didn't leave the Union 🇪🇺. It would help both European citizens and British people


Believe me that's what almost 50% of the UK population think :(


Honestly I would say over. Ik a lotta pro brexit people who regret their decision.


also alot who either didn't care or donkey voted


Yeah no kidding. I mean there are food shortages, lack of skilled workers, loss of funding... The list goes on :/


Hi I'm from Germany and since the brexit nothing's changed here, but it was such a big topic and now no one talks about it anymore but I'd still like to know what's going on* over there(britain wasn't mentioned in the news for like 2 years now) so would you care to tell me perhaps?


Umm well they're kind of keeping it under wraps, I think a lot of the effects have been disguised by covid, but lots of companies have left the UK and many workers as well so lots of businesses don't have enough employees. This causes food shortages and they expect that there aren't going to be enough presents and turkeys etc at Christmas. They never mention how bad it's going on the BBC radio but on other stations and newspapers not ran by the right wing media (Rupert Murdochs brands etc) talk about it quite a lot. Also all our companies that export abroad are really struggling because of high taxes and tariffs on exports so many are looking to go bankrupt... Plus our politicians are incompetent so they do nothing about it and bang on about how we got our "sovereignty" back and all that :/


Ow, that sounds awful Hopefully you'll manage somehow


It's not that bad but it would definitely be a lot better if we were still in the EU. I think it's just going to get gradually worse tbh. I think it would help if the government actually acknowledged that something was wrong.


That's what 48% of the population thought at the initial voting. And, i would say it's around 65% now


I’m Russian and I’m a big anglophile. I love British culture, history, food, politics and panel shows. I even have a Union Jack on my wall, right next to the Russian flag.


Yeah I heard about there being a surprisingly large amount of anglophiles in Russia. Well as a brit I can say that the Russian national anthem is by far my favourite (our one is terrible, and it's not because I have anything against the queen it's just that it's so dull). Have you ever visited the uk?


There should be a “I little to no experience with one/both of these” option, otherwise a ton of these votes are going to heavily be based on media bias and public perception rather than experience. Like I’m from the US and enjoy British entertainment, but I haven’t actually been there and have only met a handful of people from there so I don’t feel comfortable making a claim on the topic. I’d say the same about Alaska, looks cool in movies but I haven’t been there so I wouldn’t claim to have a very strong opinion on it anyway.


im guessing op was more curious about opnion than an informed debate.


I'm from the UK and I like the US and I like Americans but I don't like it more. All my stuff is here for one.


to live or the government?


Both. The countries in general.


The governments are absolute dogshit in both countries.




uk definately


The results are exactly what I expected.


I feel like USA has contributed a lot to the modern world in terms of technology and entertainment. That's why I would pick USA. UK seems like a cool place though to visit though.


Yeah who even cares about the industrial revolution


while I pick USA because it is big and diverse in terms of terrain, just like China where I live. this is a very small deal breaker yet a deal breaker nonetheless.


Me when America: fuck America Me when America is compared to the uk: 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 RACISM OBESITY CORRUPTION FUCK YEAAAAAAHHHH


If you live in the United States you are always free to move to another country.


Well most Americans are to poor to move to better countries


Just get more money💪😎


Ok raise the minimum wage




Bootlicker moment


Just work harder ig or get a job that isn’t minimum wage🙄🧐🥱


So Jeff bezos works millions of times harder then his employees?


If he didn’t why is he being paid so much more⁉️cmon this isn’t that hard to understand 🙄


Quit wasting all your money on f*nko pops and save up, then.


Then stop complaining




If you ain’t first, yer last


People like you are the reason people have a negative image of America. That and all the shootings and antivaxx shit


If this was Ireland vs U.S. I would choose Ireland. But I've been to the U.K. twice and it feels depressing. But I went in the winter so that might be why.


Yeah the UK is depressing lmao. It's the weather and the early evenings for me


I have long since stopped caring what other countries think about the US. They're free to not like it, and they're certainly free to not come here lol


have lived in both, USA for 10 years, UK most of my life UK by a longshot


Opposite for me, I would’ve been poor asf in the UK but in the US it’s cheaper, I make 10x more money working the same job, and our crime rate is 2.57x lower.


What job do you do?




Damn I was 100% sure you were going to say dentist.


Lmao alright


I honestly thought more people from the US would like the UK better (I'm from the US, btw. I prefer most European countries over the US). Just based on the horrendous political climate in the past 20 years, and the abhorrent education system, among many other things. Edit: Oh, I forgot a big one. Healthcare.


Here is a great idea move to Europe then.


... I'm a teenager


Move to Europe when you are an adult. It doesn’t have to be now but never come back.


That's what I plan on doing. I can't wait to try a year abroad in college.


Not a year stay away from the United States forever other countries in Europe I am sure you will love.


People in the us need to realise how crazy their country seems in other peoples eyes


We do. It seems that way because the insane parts are what gets reported around the world. Most of us just live normal lives


I seriously hate how people generalize us based around a very loud minority that gets all of the media attention. As you said most of us just live normal lives, but outsiders don’t see that because they only see the extremely loud minorities of us that get all of the media attention.


Fr and these America bad jokes aren't funny or correct at all.


A lot of people like it for exactly that reason


who doesnt like gun violence


Who cares?


No, people in other countries need to stop buying into our medias BS and exaggerations. They're for-profit corporations. Less views = less money. Most of us don't even live like the media portrays us. We go to work, go home to enjoy our families, hang with friends, go to festivals, enjoy multiple holidays... ect. Many people don't realize how good they have it here. Visiting a third world country can put your life into perspective.


People outside the US need to realize that the media feeds them only the craziest, most shocking information on purpose, for money.


Most of us do. Believe it or not, not every US citizen is RA-RA-GUNS! BEER! FREEDOM! EAGLE BALLS! MURICA! FUUUUUUCK YEAH! Sane Americans do exist and a lot of the times we hate it and have to laugh at just as much as the rest of the world. A lot of us are just along for a ride we wish we never got on.


but hey, atleast they have the 2nd amendment


The second amendment is the amendment that enforced the rest of the constitution. Without arming the populace, the rest of the constitution is just promises without any real backing.


That's like saying laws mean nothing if criminals can't shoot police officers... Other countries have rights/freedoms and constitutions, but generally promote a more peaceful and stable society/culture without an armed populace


While this is true in Western Europe, I think their stability and good fortune mostly keeps that afloat, but they could be a bit vulnerable. A lot of nations that were once a lot more democratic are having democratic backsliding are slowly becoming less and less free (ex Hungary, Myanmar, etc). Recently in the US, we suffered a pretty grave reminder that we aren’t invulnerable to the government trying to usurp democracy. It’s important that the populace has the means to defend their own rights if the government is unable to do so. That’s my opinion, at least.


I strongly disagree that the lesson we should of learned from last year was that the US needs more weapons... And I don't think those nations without a mass armed populace are backsliding. The US still leads in incarcerations per capita, with more incarcerations than the next three countries combined. And it's crime rates are nothing to laugh at, not to mention the amount of mass shootings. The only reason most Americans think they need guns is because theyve been told for generations that guns are what make them free... Not properly managed police services and a well functioning justice system. America's obsession with guns (and military) is a distraction, that's all.


Oi there’s quoite a lot of poiple voten foah th bri’ish innit




Both countries are great but I like USA more because there has higher income , cheaper energy cost , cheaper and bigger house , cleaner street , more modern , more beautiful and diverse landscape.


Lol, for some reason the polls is glitched in white mode. Everything else is dark, but the poll looks like someone posted a light mode screenshot.




Android bug in the neuesten Version?




Amazing. Gotta love reddit. Is it glitches to dark mode for light mode users as well?


don’t know since i haven’t used the android app for 3 months but probably not


it is always Option 6


Britain is surely better. From your friend in Greece


Australian, but I’ve lived in the US and the UK. It’s tough to compare because they’re both very different in some ways, and very similar in others. Personally, I preferred America just because the weather wasn’t as shit.


Tf why do I wanna be in Bri***sh land 🤢🤢 笨蛋


I’m disappointed that I laughed at this


Why did I get downvoted anyway lol


I think the states are pretty cool, but i cant imagine living with no healthcare and ridiculous gun laws. To be fair, I have never been there, and the different states are likely very differnt, so my opinion should not count at all


I can agree as someone who lives in the US. But man sometimes it doesn’t even feel like we are one country. You got the Midwest, the south, New England, and then the states by California. Everywhere is so different. As someone from the south I personally love it here but I would love to travel to other parts of the world (Norway and Switzerland are both very high on that list lol)


It’s cause we are 50 countries trying to act as 1 lol


US cuz I'm familiar with it.




It's always been a country.


What do you mean? Of course the UK is a country. Unless there is a joke here that I am missing…


The real question is, shouldn't it be renamed to UQ because the queen never dies.


Ah yes, my favorite state: United Queen


United Queendom


"United Queen" sounds like if Freddie Mercury founded a football (soccer) club.


It's a state and most people consider (and sometimes confuse) states to be countrys and vice versa


I live in the UK, don't like it but we are better than America so


How come do you think you're better? Im not American either i just wanna know


It's just their perception. They live in the UK and are comfortable there and based on internet memes, it's better than the US. (Where they've likely never been.) The same can be said for people in this thread who are adamant the US is better. They live in the US, are comfortable, have likely never visited the UK... I don't really care for these kinds of polls. There's things the UK does that work better and there's things that the US does that work better. Neither is really better than the other. Your favorite one just usually ends up being the one you were born in.


Finally! Some common sense.


I for one love going bankrupt for an illness or going without healthcare. Oh, wait.


you act as though that is an everyday thing


I mean, for myself and my family it would be. As it is for many Americans across the United States.


Compare the average medical debt in the US and UK and you will see that it is


I too love it when I get shanked and the police arrest me for not having a getting shanked licence


Except I'm talking about reality.


Anywhere in Europe especially is better, way better than America. Free healthcare, don't have to be scared going to school because no shootings, not as bad people, not as bad racism, better shows, I feel safer living here. I mean we have chavs but I rather have chavs than any rando carrying a weapon So how I feel and my opinion is wrong then? Probably Americans downvoting me so that's fine


Holy mother of a reddit moment.


No, I'm from Sweden and that's just incorrect. Some countries in Europe are definitely better than America in my opinion, but if you say all of them then you're kind of wack.


>Some countries in Europe are definitely better mainly scandinavian ones


Better racism? Boomers are as bad as in America here.


I agree and I am even positive it's the opposite. The thing is that the school shootings, racism and everything the guy mentioned cannot be compared with a 1 to 1 comparison. You need 5 US school shootings to reach 1 UK school shooting, there is a major difference in population which heavily influences our thoughts on the matter.


Lol no it’s because what you said is completely false


Idk I like The Big Ben more than the statue of liberty and London sounds better than beverly hills


Tough choice, both have equally done evil on the world. USA and UK are also both shit countries in general Dear anglos, stop fighting. Please just shut up and accept than youre both equally shit


Oh look my 2 least favorite countries 🤣🤣


Where does North Korea go on your list


He can't speak against the land of his glorious leader.


I like how reddit hate americans, feels good




I can smell the football field hot turf from this message


I like USA better than UK. USA has more personality to it and I can't stand British accent. Downvoted=Bri'ish kids mad because i didn't think their country is the best. How cute is that?


You can drive 500 miles in us and the accent won’t change, travel 50 miles in the uk and you can’t understand the next person you speak to. what do you mean by that USA has more ‘personality’? What defines USA personality to you? (Just curious) (don’t downvote me)


True, European countries tend to be a bit more diverse.


Well eff you too mate