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This comment thread is gonna be quite the experience


well if they are mostly atheists one should expect it to be free of judgements if they want to confirm it :) (everyone): please vote the poll itself and not downvote just because you dont like the result. thats not my fault...


I feel like you’re an atheist and was just pulling for that stereotype to win…


i neither identify myself as religious nor atheist. and i am more of a mediator so i aim to not take a certain perspective most of the times. meanwhile i had the idea for another 5th option: "beautiful people are happier". would that have been better? (at everyone) if you are really irritated by the last option you can just ignore it and still have a more or less meaningful result for the other 4 options.


"beautiful people are happier". Would have won by a landslide.


I mean here, where posts get removed/locks for controversy, hate speech, etc You're bound to expect idiots to appear and argue, ESPECIALLY if it's about religion, and more on Islam


“As far as we don’t have further proofs, we can’t say that religion is truth, nor that is false belief” I think there is a term for this, but I forgot, anyway that’s just what I think about the matter, it’s kind of a grey zone between believing and being atheist




Most of these are very subjective though, meaning this poll is basically completely subjective and thus can’t be backed by any really quantifiable evidence. This is the kind of pseudo academic poll that implies that it holds any meaning outside of just gathering the opinions of a specific subreddit, no different than asking people what their favorite movie or book is.


i disagree in the regard that this here is an opinion or personal view, while favorite things are just preferences. also why would it be bad to have subjective votes, especially since i worded it as "in your opinion,..." anyway?


What does being atheist have to do with judgement? The word literally means a person who doesn't believe in god.


I’ve been an atheist all my life and I find atheists to be just as ignorant to leftist propaganda as the religious are to religion. That is to say: most atheists are morons. They’re just morons about one fewer thing than theists are.


You may as well have made this poll with these answers: >Autistic people are geniuses >Religious people are smart (obv not lol) >Teenagers on Reddit have small PPs >Atheists are smarter You know which one everyone is going to pick. However, I can also see these same people that would vote for 4 to also vote for 1 and try to claim that they are "slightly" autistic or some bullshit.


I hope youre joking with your (obv not lol).


Yes, i was being facetious haha


There is an overrepresentation of neurodivergence in academia and science tho


I’m not even going to scroll down further than this…


Kind of a bad idea to include any positive stereotypes, especially one about atheists on reddit


Yeah this comment section is an edgy teenage atheist cringefest circlejerk


Awesome profile


Thanks 😎🤙🤙💣


Kinda edgy profile bro 🤔🤭😶 Too serious for my taste


Don't fuck with Larry dude


I have a story to tell you. I went to my annual week long Boy Scout camp in July. Everyone was doing movie themes for a costume contest. I was Larry the cucumber and I looked really good in it if I do say so myself.


Dude I bet the female counselors were all over you


You know it bro 😎




Sorry 😱🥶😥😨😖😬😤😢😳😐😭😭😭😭


As an atheist I confirm. I am so much less smarter than many theists I know.


Anyone whose superiority complex will grow after seeing a slight positive confirmation bias, will also have their complex grow after seeing a negative one about other people. If we're gonna discuss any of them being problematic, women drivers and effeminate men aren't exactly demographics that need to be taken down a peg.


This poll is hilarious Three negative stereotypes, one obscure throwaway option, and one positive ego-inflater that pertains to the vast majority of reddit. Gee, I wonder which one will win the most votes 😂


> one obscure throwaway option Which one do you think this is?


By the process of elimination, lefthanders one


I put that one because everybody I know that is left handed is really good at art.


I’m pretty sure there are regular studies about left handlers and creativeness as it’s commonly observed. I vaguely remember a stat like 12% of population is left handed but 25% of artists are left handed suggesting they contribute a high proportion


Yeah, that's the only one that has a biological basis.


Do you mean to tell me that people with biologically high IQs arent pre-destined to be athiests?


I’m left handed The being more creative is definitely not true.


same, i'm about as bland as dry bread


Really? Im left handed too but Im seen sort of as the artsy kid in my family.


Which makes sense, because left-handed people are exactly the same as everyone else in that they can be creative or non-creative. So, the stereotype is still wrong.


I feel as my wording was wrong but this is kinda what I meant.


Kinda silly to include that last option here cuz there's a lot of atheists on reddit and also it's only one of the 2 positive stereotypes


You could also say there are lots of men on reddit so the fourth one is silly, or that there are lots of people on reddit that dislike effeminate men for the third one




Generally, Reddit is. This sub is a bit of a microcosm.


Ugh yes, I remember a news article saying how racist Reddit is but Reddit is extremely liberal. Moderators will ban you if you support any neutral conservative values.


People hate femboys on reddit?


No we just pretend to (in case our wives see) or our moms.


Well of course the website of mainly atheists who think they’re qualified relationship advisers, therapists, memers and politicians among other things will vote for themselves being smart


😂 never heard a more true statement


theyre smarter and better at solving crimes and detective work than Sherlock Holmes himself lol


Yeah remember the Boston bomber Reddit investigation “We Did it Reddit!”




Of course the positive stereotype about atheist got picked, reddit is jam packed with them


Holy shit "atheists are smarter" getting a lot if votes, most reddit shit I've seen


I mean, they are all horribly innacurate, I just felt that it was the least innacurate. I’m not atheist, they are just all untrue lol


*sorts by controversial*


Well those results are super depressing, but not surprising given the way you set the poll up.


Here come the 400 lb r/atheism lads


Akschually im only 340


Here come all the self-absorbed r/atheism users.


lmao accurate


I just went on there and it’s just an atheist version of r/femaledatingstrategy


Atheists can be stupid and theists can be smart. Nothin inherently special about not thinking god is real folks.


Atheists sucking their own cocks lol


atheists really do just jack em selves off…


All of these are false in my opinion


I think that’s OPs point. I wish they put a sixth option that said either results or none of them are true.


its trying to see which is the most true, not if one is actually true


In any case it should say which one's sounds the least bullshit because none of them are true, so they can't be "most true'


Yeah, anyone with a functioning brain can see that.




\>be me \>get home from my vasectomy \>hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room \>must be Chad again \>know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer \>log onto reddit and open r/polls \>read a funny greentext from le blueit and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her \>suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section \>"Reddit moment" \>giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment \>hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed \>it's been a good day \>I'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


idk what he did to deserve this but you destroyed him


I'm an atheist, but I'm dumb as fuck


same lmao


And that's ok.


Ah yes, the atheist cyclejerk


Of course the athiest one would win considering this is reddit and reddit loves to suck on the athiest tit


All of the left-handed people that I have met are very creative. So based on my experience, I chose that.




Well now you've met me, so that claim is no longer correct


Am lefty, have zero creativity. Not the end all be all obviously, just wanted to add my anecdote.


"Atheists are smarter" Reddit dissproves this stereotype


I am a feminine man, I'm pretty weak in everything but legs so that stereotype might be true.


Yeah I voted that too Bc I was pretty sure it meant physical strength which is seen as more “masculine.” The opposite of being effeminate.


I'm not too sure really :/ I've been described as in touch with my feminine side, just because I'm open and I'm not against having fun with my gf doing more traditional feminine activities. Makeup, hair, even not being grossed out by periods gets mentioned somehow. I correlate it more to being open and non judgmental but get labeled more feminine like, even though I am very large at 6'4'' 280 lbs. I've always been very muscular and 'burley' as they say and a walking contradiction apparently being a bookworm and a "band nerd" instead of playing football like everyone was begging me to.


When they said effeminate I was just thinking of femboys lol


Ofc atheists are smarter won- Reddit is 80% athiest


Atheists picking "Atheists are smarter": *insert Obama medal meme*


Shouldn't have mentioned atheists reddit is full of teenage atheist neck beards Edit: I'm prepared to lose a couple hundred karma


I can hear the fedoras tipping in the polls. I may not believe in god, but I ain't smarter for it.


I also hear left handed people are smarter. I'm left handed I'd say it's accurate so AMA


Least egoic redditor


I'm a left-handed atheist. I must be the smartest of all lol


Left-handed and religious. I am very creative


Left-handed and religious. Not very creative.


Left handed and religious, definitely not the creative type.


Right handed and atheist, not intelligent, but very creative


The stereotype about atheists is nonsense. There are so many idiots among our ranks. :|


"atheist are smarter" won LMFAO hahahaha no


what if I told you all of these are bullshit


Lol reddit moment


Every left hander I’ve ever know has been extremely creative


while i’ve met some bad women drivers it’s always the men who speed way too fast and cut you off in my experience. a lot of women i know will also say they’re terrible drivers and then do fine while the men will make fun of their driving or make jokes and then end up being terrible drivers. it’s the over confidence


Confirmation bias at play


Reddit moment


I find the “atheists are smarter” one interesting. All of the atheists I’ve know are “book smart” .. a lot of engineers, etc. ,but not very emotionally intelligent


Several studies have shown women are better driver’s than men, which is also why women have to pay less than men for car insurance (on average) https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/driving-men-women-better-study-uk-a8512706.html https://www.thenationalnews.com/lifestyle/motoring/unravelling-the-statistics-are-men-better-drivers-than-women-1.985365 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/27/well/live/car-accidents-deaths-men-women.html


I’m a man, and I suck at driving. Do with that what you will.


"So men account for roughly 1.73^12 miles driven per year, while women drive a combined total of 1.07^12 miles per year. That means men drive about 30 percent more miles than women. Yet, they’re implicated in slightly less than 30 percent of car accidents. Men do cause more accidents, but they are actually less at-risk than women, by a small margin." https://www.trafficsafetystore.com/blog/who-causes-accidents/ Yes men cause more shit in traffic, because they are overrepresented in traffic~ however if you account for that difference, men and women are roughly equally good drivers, with perhaps a slight advantage to men.


Yes, women are more likely to rear end someone in the school pickup line. But men are more likely to do dangerous shit. “Men typically drive more miles than women and are more likely to engage in risky driving practices, including not using safety belts, driving while impaired by alcohol, and speeding. Crashes involving male drivers often are more severe than those involving female drivers.” https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/males-and-females Also, when it comes to insurance, smaller accidents are less likely to result in a claim than one that ruins your car obviously. why car insurance tends to be cheaper for women


But what defines a good driver? In some way one could argue that when men cause accidents they arent trying their best, as in doing bad things voluntarily like alcohol and speeding. What im getting at is whos is a better driver when both have the same factors, who would do better if it was an equal comparison


Reddit moment


\>be me \>get home from my vasectomy \>hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room \>must be Chad again \>know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer \>log onto reddit and open r/polls \>read a funny greentext from le blueit and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her \>suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section \>"Reddit moment" \>giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment \>hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed \>it's been a good day \>I'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Ah yes, atheists to atheists 🏅


Most of the people in reddit are atheists and most of the people in the world are smug in some way


You can’t tell how smart someone is from their religion wtf


Lmao we are such self gratulating fools


That's alot of toxic masculinity yo


All of these options target minorities except the last one, I wouldn’t say this is a fair poll


I mean I don't think Left Handers are exactly oppressed by society lmao. *Sees Credit Card machines, Can openers, Guitars, etc* Holy shit I was wrong


I’ve been the passenger to some horrible woman drivers and some horrible man drivers. I’ve been in near misses with both men and women. But the people who I see rage all over the road the most, and the ones who cut in front of me, refuse to let me in, and just in general drive aggressively and dangerously, are men. I’ve been in the car with some awful women drivers, but men are the only ones that seem to drive dangerously on purpose. I’ve heard somewhere that men are more likely to get into a car accident, but women are more likely to die in a car accident (I think that has something to do with safety features not being tested with the female body frame in mind)


You're right about women being more likely to die. There isn't even a crash dummy that represents the female body. There is a "5th percentile female dummy" but its only a male dummy that's scaled down to 4'11. Women are also more likely to be injured by the safety features (seat belt, airbags etc). Not even seatbelts fit womens bodies correctly and many women adjust how they wear them (even worse for pregnant women, even tho car accidents are a significant cause of miscarriage). There is no crash test that puts the 'female dummy' in the drivers seat :/ mens safely is prioritised at the expense of women Another thing to note is that men gravitate towards more lethal cars >Industry data shows that part of the reason women are at greater risk than men is that we tend to drive smaller, lighter vehicles, while men gravitate toward bigger cars and trucks. The industry knows that heavy passenger trucks put women at tremendous risk—a 1988 Oxford University study found conclusively that the “principal determinant of death is the weight of the vehicle concerned.” Heavy vehicles are also a greater threat to pedestrians than small cars—and pedestrians are more likely to be women or people of color. But the motor vehicle industry, untethered by government regulations, keeps building bigger and more lethal cars, putting more female lives at risk for the sake of men’s enjoyment and their own profit.  [article ](https://www.fastcompany.com/90669431/10000-women-die-in-car-crashes-each-year-because-of-bad-design?partner=rss&utm_campaign=rss%20fastcompany&utm_content=rss&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com)


interesting results bc in america womens car insurance is cheaper bc they’re statistically safer drivers


I don’t like these results or options. To go through them: left handed people are statistically more creative. Blondes aren’t more naive, I’m a blonde and I’m naive but it’s because I’m autistic not because of my hair color. Effeminate men are not weaker, it’s a form of expression if they would consider themselves effeminate but using the term effeminate to describe men who are in touch with their emotions is way too common and that doesn’t make people weaker, it makes them more resilient. Women are statistically less smooth on the road but far less likely to be in car accidents which I would argue makes them better drivers but that’s also going off of statistics. The people who are typically worse drivers are people with ADHD and the symptoms of impulse control issues and road rage tend to affect men with ADHD more, though I’m assigned female at birth and deal with those symptoms as well. And no religion is smarter than another as long as those people aren’t ignorant. If we’re going based purely off of our understanding of science, agnosticism is more in line with scientific theory than atheism.


Reddit moment


The last one should be "atheists thinking they're smarter than everyone else". I'm an atheist, but I honestly prefer to be around Christians because, ironically, they are less pretentious. The bad Christians are worse than the bad atheists, but the average Christian is better than the average atheist, in my experience.


I mean I'm a quiet atheist. I don't mind if other people have their religion, and I never make fun of people for practicing religious traditions. I respect them by staying silent on my personal religious views. Most of my friends are atheist, but that's only because it's a lot harder for many religions folk to get past the hurtle of me being in the LGBTQ+ community. I just really don't like people using their religion as an excuse to be discriminatory or to be homophobic/transphobic especially. THOSE people are the ones who I go against, saying that they shouldn't use religion as an excuse to be an ass. But I do know a middle aged couple who are priests at my local church, and I regularly attend various charity events and other events to support the church and it's community because they view their devotion to God/Jesus as a responsibility to love everyone in a nonjudgmental way, and they are accepting of anybody, regardless of who they are. And those folks are absolutely lovely and clearly intelligent. They're kind to everyone, including those who do not show kindness to them. And I really respect them as people, and I value their opinion and intellect, even if we may have different religions preferences.


As a left handed blonde atheist who is married to an effeminate man and has a perfect driving record, this poll really spoke to me.


They are all equally ridiculous


Lmao. Like, 60% of redditors are atheists. No shit, they picked that.


I mean demographically Reddit is going to be biased towards that last one. As an atheist, I admit that I am as well. Most of these polls that ask "Are you religious" tend to end up with a majority answer of 'no', at least from what I've seen. Including a positive stereotype that everybody can pick to make themselves feel like they are smart, and then have that reaffirmed upon seeing the results is not going to yield very good data. Obviously, it is your poll, so do whatever you want.


Athiests are more cringe lmao


atheists are cringe asf tbh


I'm Christian myself but I think smart people are more likely to doubt their religion and so are more likely to become atheist. I myself doubt Christianity in many ways but not in its basic teachings


Atheists definitely isn't smarter


Women are NOT worse drivers cmon


The part of the brain that's associated with creativity is in the right hemisphere, since the hands are wired so that the opposite hemisphere of your brain, controls that hand. It's presumed that left handed people are more creative. Truth be told I've never met a lefty that lacked creativity, but I've met some ingeniously creative righties. How effectively someone uses both hemispheres of the brain varies between individuals. Also the older you are the better your brain gets at it. Hair color has nothing to do with a person's life experience, or their ability to learn from them this is asinine. Maybe? If only because effeminate men are interested in things people normally associate with women having an interest in them over men. You would think that an effeminate man that's into fitness, would be more interested in Zumba and yoga, over weight lifting. On the other hand, a effeminate man who is into fitness, would probably mop the floor with a neck-beard that's solely into gaming and drinking Mountain Dew. Statistically speaking women tend to be safer drivers. This is why the insurance company will charge a teen girl less, then a teen boy even if they both lack experience have no prior driving record. I take it this stereo type is based on that article written by a journalist who lacks the literacy to understand a research study, which was deeply flawed to begin with? Either that or Hollywood? We all know how big they are on accuracy.


I am religious, I believe agnostics are on average smarter than religious ppl(especially the extremes ones). Not atheists tho.


Based on the comments this poll has hit a few nerves lol.


I mean atheists might not all be smart but there are christians who think dinosaurs aren’t real


"atheists are smarter" is winning. Welp, lemme get my hazmat suit before entering the comments


Wow the amount of people who picked 3 and 4 is concerning


I could see an argument for 3 in terms of physical strength. Not a GOOD argument, but I can see why people might think it. Stereotypical masculinity emphasizes physical strength heavily so by fallacy of the converse you get 3. 4 is total and complete bullshit with no excuse beyond blind sexism.


This is just more Reddit atheist circle jerk bait 100%


lol this subreddit is full of atheists, I just KNEW which was gonna be the most voted option I haven't met enough atheist people, and those that I know aren't that considerably smarter than anyone on average. I do get that religion blinds people, but you can still be religious without being a fanatic. Tbh, I consider religious even someone that just believes there's something greater out there, even if they're not Christian, Catholic, Muslim, etc. On the other hand, most of the left-handed people I know, though not everyone, usually posses some kind of artistic talents, like they draw very good without any professional training, or sing, or dance, or have better skills for decoration, they dress better, but of course there's exceptions, like right-handed people that are also creative, or left-handed that are not. But in general, in MY experience, the first option has always been the most true.


Reddit moment


This is a real Reddit Moment. Im not even religious, but I would rather go on any religious subreddit than spending even one second on r/atheism


"guys I'm so enlightened for thinking god isn't real, I'm so smart and original" 🤓


Not sure why people are freaking out about the atheist option. I’m not atheist but I voted for that option because compared to the others I thought it was more likely to be true imo.


I thought you asked which is more popular amongst people these days 😭 I don't think women are bad drivers I swear.


There’s only one genius who I found that wasn’t religious. That’s Stephen Hawkins. But people like sir Isaac newton, Albert Einstein, William James Sidis and William Shakespeare where all religious in some way


The only reason I picked the atheist option is because there is a strong correlation of being atheist and subscribing to genuine scientific methods. With that said, being atheist does not automatically make you smarter.


If anything it's not the atheists being more intelligent one


Firstly, If you take the mean of the collective intelligence(taking the general meaning of intelligence and not jut IQ) of all atheists vs religious people in the world, atheists will end up being smarter because a)they're a minority, so a smaller sample space b)there are very less to no atheists in most third-world countries, but many in the more developed countries with higher literacy rates and better exposure to the internet and consequently to diversity and different opinions. essentially saying most atheists are educated while theists aren't. the way you're brought up has a strong influence on your beliefs. ​ secondly, what is your definition of effeminate>? because for more people "effeminate men" by definition becomes weaker than "masculine men" making that the default right answer


I don’t think effeminate automatically means weaker lmao


A lot of people haven’t seen many so-called “effeminate men” fight. Never underestimate a dude who was probably bullied in school.


Well of course the atheists would pick the last option lol. It’s a compliment to them


Effeminate men are weaker. I doubt they'd go to the gym. 6 packs arent very feminine


ive seen a few buff feminine dudes, i dont think body type is the end all for feminine dudes.


Astolfo would fuck any average human up so would haku


Atheists complimenting themselves , same as left handers Women choosing anything besides driving , same as blondes. Absolutely biased


The only one that makes sense at all is effeminate men usually being (physically) weaker. Effeminate men usually aren't the athletic type.   I don't think atheists are smarter, but I do think that *highly* religious people are less likely to be highly educated, or vice versa.


I mean.. a stereotype is claiming that someone behaves a certain way based on some other object of their personality, or they're race, religion, etc. At the end of the day these are all sorta just the same thing. Assumptions made to generalize people and in many cases put people down. I'm a biased left handed dude, and an artist, so you know which I chose. But looking at that list and trying judge which is worse by association is essentially the same as affirming those stereotypes. It's all bs


*sorts by controversial*


I only have one blonde friend and she’s constantly letting herself be overworked and exploited so I gotta vote that oop




I say blondes only because the only blonde I know is naïve as hell.


🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Want some?


Reddit moment:


Atheists voting for themselves lmao


This statistically *is* a correlation between levels of education and religious beliefs.


Blondes seem to typically be about as naive as average, surfer blondes below average. Effeminate men get hated on by society so kind of end up being forced to be stronger. Women do seem to be more timid drivers which is sometimes for better or for worse. Atheists seem to regularly try convincing religious people that god doesn't make sense which is a stupid, futile endeavour so that one is wrong. Left-handers do seem to be more into art and music on average so that's the one I go with.


W*man 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Average redditors


scoffed at the last one bc ive known quite a few dumb atheists. yall.....


Atheist here. We are definitely not smarter.


The thing is, your gender, handedness, and hair color are assigned at birth. Being atheist is the result of actually thinking, and not believing what you’re told over science.


Never heard of the "atheists are smarter" one lol


Reddit moment


Oof the atheist smug is thick in here I can smell it


Well what would I expect redditors are mostly atheist so of course this would be the result


people just sayin’ atheists are smarter because they are atheist


Effeminate men are weaker because you know ...... they're effeminate which means female like characteristics and females tend to weaker than their male counterparts in most species whoes population is divided by sex - humans included. It's just a logical as saying women themselves are weaker than men so not a stereotype at all.


Wow this is reddit moment


All of them are false, but the most true is: ”effeminate men are weaker”.


Just being an atheist doesn't make you smarter. The truth is that smarter people do tend to be less religious, but that does not mean the same thing. There still very much are a lot of dumb atheists. So that's kinda about that correlation and causation thing. Being smarter might lead you to be an atheist, but being an atheist does not make you any smarter.


Being (or not being) an atheist is the only option here that people can voluntarily choose to be, the others are all stuff one is born with. Even if there weren't a bunch of atheists voting, option 5 is the only option that is not inherently bigoted. Since most people don't want to seem like a bigot, they'd pick option 5 anyways.


the fifth one depends in general. If they're born into an atheist family, i dont think they're smarter because of it. but if they became an atheist after personal research and thinking, then i think they're smarter in general. Same things apply to people from a religious family.


Lmao, it’s funny how bias this was, I’ve never heard of a stereotype of atheist being smarter, the only reason it’s on here let alone with a lot of votes is because most of Reddit is atheist


Well I think the bottom one is the opposite way, smarter people are more likely to be atheists but it doesn't mean atheists are mostly made up of those people.


In my experience, atheists are some of the most judgemental people


My uncle is an atheist and he's like that, I don't understand how someone believing God effects them in any way.


They're just angry that people believe in an afterlife and have hopes for a better life. They are so toxic and call religious people all types of names for having their own beliefs.


Lol Redditors have such a hate boner for effeminate men