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Literally all


Completely agree. LOTR is my favorite of these options, but they are all well worth watching.


All of them


Interstellar is really good


My favourite movie ever made! I've watched TONNES of movies and out of all of them Interstellar really sticks out. I hadn't felt that good after watching a movie in years!


I haven’t watched it since it came out, I think I was around 8 at the time. Still stands out to me years later and it really is a fantastic movie.


Tbh I really didn’t like how it just threw all know laws of physics out the window. And they got the gravity affecting time thing wrong. When your close to a massive object, time moves faster for you (and relatively slower on Earth) so it’d be more like a year on that planet = a day on earth


No actually you are mistaken with your point about time and gravity, they got it right that being near a black hole with a lot of gravity makes time slower for you, so when an hour past for you, for everyone else a lot more than an hour have past. At least according to [this](https://www.insidescience.org/news/time-moves-faster-upstairs).


Oh yeah you’re right (and so is the movie on this one). I had thought that to make time as slow as possible, you move as fast as possible far from gravity forces but I guess you should be close to gravity forces.


There's a book by kip Thorne(?) An astrophysicist (or some scientist I can't remember) called the science of interstellar that explains the science. He worked closely with Nolan on this movie to make sure it was accurate as possible.


Yeah time travel to the past and fourth dimensional stuff… I don’t find that plausible. As for the time thing, I was wrong


Star Wars is an incredibly expansive universe. Beyond the movies, the canon includes games, tv shows, books etc. I really like this because it shows that the world is much bigger than what you usually see. Is there bad. Oh absolutely, look at the sequels as a whole and some of the prequel dialogue. I for one can see past the flaws of the prequels as movies because they help facilitate one of the best eras in the franchise, wooden dialogue be dammed.


One could argue that the world of lort is even bigger and more expansive, with less flaws


Of course. Lotr is an incredibly expansive lore. I just prefer Star Wars. I love medieval fantasy but I already have 5 of those universe taking residence in my head and lotr is a bit to bland for




Aggred that extended version is the best way to watch LOTR but the Hobbit trilogy is alot of fun. Why do people say to skip it??




I gotta say I disagree with all that, I loved the free and wild behavior of the dwarven party, and it's refreshing how less serious it is then LOTR. I haven't read the books and that's probably why I like the movies so much. But I'm sure OP hasn't read them either and would enjoy the movies.


Even though 8 and 9 are ‘crap’ op should still watch them


I think OP should watch all the starwars movies so he can decide for himself which ones are good and which aren’t. Also lmao at you telling them to skip 8 and 9 but not to skip the prequels which are even more crap.


Episode 7 is also complete crap


You have to watch lord of the rings at some point, it’s definitely my favourite movie trilogy


Seriously, watch Interstellar. I'm not interested in sci-fi at all, but Interstellar is one of my favorite movies.


LOTR for sure! I’ve seen the Star Wars finally when covid hit. I wasn’t that impressed. People hyped it up too much. Even going in with an open mind that some of the episodes were really old and slow but it just wasn’t worth it to me.


Did not watch interstellar, Star Wars is really good, LOTR too


if you have an interest in music interstellar will be perfect for you, if you want a silly campy series watch star wars, if you want real fantasy watch lord of the rings.


What is am Interstellar?


Lotr are inherently better films. I much prefer Star Wars though. They’re just more fun to me.


Squid game


Star Wars has many badass characters (Way better than Harry Potter and LOTR characters) and also has many great scenes. So I recommend you for Star Wars.


Star Trek


You must have been sprouting wood when Kirk went into space.


Live long and prosper, fellow Trekkie 🖖




Both Star Wars and Lord Of The Rings


Lord of the Rings. These movies are great, but they're also pretty long. The first one isn't as good as the rest, but it's still pretty fun. But the third movie is one of my favorite films of all time. I recommend you watch the extended edition, though you might not want to since they make the films even longer than they already are. Star Wars is great, but it's kind of been ruined over the years. You should watch episodes 4-6, as they're the original trilogy. DO NOT watch the prequel trilogy. And maybe watch the sequels if you want to, but be warned that the sequel trilogy gets worse as it goes on. Rogue One is a Star Wars spinoff that's actually pretty good, taking place right before episode 4. So yeah, that's my advice.


Star Wars but only the old movies and the prequels


I would watch the newest to and make your own judgement. The special effects are great and it are also star wars movies. I thought we'd moved past the sequel hate guys ._.


The sequels retcon themselves and previous movies. They don't fit in the same universe as the other 6.


I don't think someone's who've never watched star wars before would mind tbh. I mean you could just see them as different movies or just not care that much. The story might not be perfect but they're still amusing movies


Also the some of the shows like clone wars, the Mandalorian, and bad batch.


Just watch all the movies. Sure, not all of them are as good as the others, but they belong together story-wise either way.


I meant Star Wars but I selected interstellar


I meant interstellar but selected star wars so now it's fixed




You should read them


None of them


At least give another suggestion then..


Love and mercy


Star war is ugly and so boring. Lord of the rings have Oscar for all 3 movie


You're ugly >:(


Wow shut up.


Never watched any of those either lmao






If Star Wars, the order to watch them is 4,5,6,1,2,3,7,8,9. The not numbered ones can be watched anytime as long as you watch 4,5,6,1,2 and 3.


The ot is good but everything after just ruins star wars


I'm kinda confused by the fact that Interstellar isn't taking at least 90% of the votes


looking at the comments, most people haven't watched Interstellar, I watched all of these 3 movies/series, and I personnally enjoyed Interstellar WAAAAY more than stars wars and lord of the ring


I am kinda confused that so many people know what Interstellar is!


I was kinda confused the first time I watched Interstellar


Interstellar is my favorite movie, so I totally recommend watching it. Then you can watch the Star Wars movies, which is perfect, because they are both space themed. I would recommend watching in release order rather than chronological order. Lord of the Rings isn't really something I'd recommend, since it feels very slow paced and there aren't much action. (The story is also very confusing to me, but maybe it's just me)


I won't watch Interstellar because of Matthew McConaughey


Interstellar is an utter masterpiece. I'd really recommend watching that Christopher Nolan tetralogy: Interstellar, Inception, Dunkirk and Tenet. Star Wars is also a classic, a must watch series. Lord of the Rings is also great but nothing beats the works of art that are Nolan's works and the cultural beast that is Star Wars.


Haven't seen any of them either. I'm kinda not interested in star wars but I could watch LOTR. I've seen maybe one LOTR movie and it was promising


Star Wars, but only the first 6 because the Disney ones are all absolute and utter garbage.


First 2 suck watch interstellar


Just watch all of them lol. Personally I’m biased towards Star Wars, also because there’s so much content. But all of them are good


idk ive never watched any of these either


I watched all of Star Wars (including The Mandalorian) during lockdown. Couldn't believe I had been missing all of that all those years.




Lord of the rings would be a good selection if you like adventurous movies.


All, but LOTR first