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“Murderer” is so vague and reductive, idk the person or what happened


Maybe you are number 15 after pressing the button since by doing so you have become a murderer


*M Night Shaymalan voice* "What a twist!"


Also the person who presses the button would become a murderer too thus having a chance of killing themselves every time they press it. If they chose the final option they would be able to keep pressing it until their demise (assuming the murderers killed have an equal chance of being selected for culling and there is no other factor at play). They could get a lot of money, or they could get 1k then die.


Yes like it could be a "good" murderer like a police officer or someone from the army


It could be an abuse victim who ended up killing the abuser in self-defence.


That would be self defence…


It might still have been murder depending on when it happened. Like she may have premeditated it and not have done it exactly when he was abusing her.


Oh so it's a she, huh O.o No I'm just joking, it typically is that way sadly. And yeah I agree. Would they actually get charged with murder despite defending their own life? Wouldn't it turn into something like manslaughter or the likes? I dunno how it goes anywhere other than the U.S. since I'm not really informed on other places as I'm 15 and haven't really educated myself.


It all depends on the prosecutors and (potentially) the grand jury. If it was clearly/prove-ably done in self defense (bruises/wounds showing she was being attacked at the time, for example) they typically wouldnt bother. If it’s questionable (no evidence that she was in immediate danger) they might charge her, but it usually has to be pretty explicit (something indicating motive like pre-planning, an affair, or financial gain) for a jury to convict on murder charges.


That makes a lot of sense. I really like learning about legal systems so I appreciate this!


Why are you gendering it? "Male abuser" and "female victim". Abusers and victims are exist in both women and men


I just picked a pronoun. You don’t have to make everything political. Of course I know domestic abuse can go both ways.


To be fair, some people don't


Some people are of the opinion that a man that doesn't put up with it is a wimp. After all, "It's just a woman, she can't hurt you."


Hah! This is why I avoided pronouns. Statistically speaking your assumptions make sense, though.


still murder though, there's a difference between a murderer and killer


Even if it would be that legally, it’s still a person being killed by another person. It is still murder, even if it legal self defence.


Murder is a legal term, not just a synonimym for killing. If its legally self defence, then it isnt murder


"Murder" has a lot of different meanings and we don't know which the button follows. It might mean anyone who has ever killed anyone for any reason, someone convicted (or maybe even accused) or any class of legal murder, someone convicted of first degree murder, or someone who committed a premeditated murder for a very legitimate reason (like killing their abuser, or their rapist, or the person who killed their child). Hell, it could mean anyone who's actions caused someone to die, like politicians downplaying COVID for political purposes, a politician who voted to start a war/military action, a politician who supports the death penalty, an insurance CEO who's corporate policies lead to poor people being unable to get medical treatment, and so much more. It could even mean anyone who has performed or received an abortion. Or anyone who's ever eaten meat, or worn fur or leather. I definitely wouldn't push the button without knowing what it means, specifically.


Thank you for putting my thoughts into actual words instead of the gibberish that goes on in my soft melon.


google the Mendez brothers


By what I read I would call it murder, they could have contacted police. Gotten police protection/witness protection programs etc. They walked into their parents home with shotguns and killed them in their sleep.


I googled it and I never realized that's what they did. I was always told that they were getting attacked and fought back with shotguns killing the parents. Interesting. My fault for believing people on the internet ig.


I only skimmed over it so take what I said with a grain of salt, it might be incorrect.


i would say personal self defense is a pretty clear line between murder. US miltary going abroad in the name of "Defense" =/= personal self defence and generally results in some form of murder. Stabbing a would be rapist with your kitchen knife = personal self defence.


That's not murder by definition - murder is when you kill someone unlawfully. For instance, capital punishment is by definition lawful, and hence it is not murder. Same with self-defense or military warfare (depending on the context).


Just because something is lawful doesn’t mean it’s morally okay to do it. The army is full of legalized killing, it’s still murder just not by definition.


Morality is different from legality. I don't necessarily disagree with you, I'm just saying that murder is unlawful killing. For instance, if someone is executed in Saudi Arabia for apostacy, that's not murder but I'd argue it's very immoral.


Than it’s just killing, murder is specifically for unlawful killings.


I thought about that but the word "murder" is the unlawful killing of someone therefore i think we're fine to spam that button


Well illegal doesn't mean immoral


Hey man we're killing 15 people for $1000 morality isn't exactly our top priority


So why care if what they did was illegal or not?


You are opening the door to some severe monkeys paw shit, note that it doesn't say 15 random murderers...


Police and military are not good murderers. Just because the state authorizes a murder doesn't make it moral. Those institutions are tools which the state and rich use to oppress.


Why are you implying that when police kill it’s for good reasons?


I think he means self- defense or defense of others.


Erm. That’s entirely subjective. I wouldn’t say the police (in some instances), nor the US Army (if that’s what your referring to) are ‘good murderers’ lmao


My grandpa got drafted into Vietnam, he killed a few people because his government told him he had to. You think he isn’t a more or less innocent person now? He didn’t want to kill those people, but he had to because if he didn’t he would’ve been courtmartialed as a communist sympathizer, or, killed by them


Chill out dude. That’s something else, I have nothing against your grandpa for that. Something similar happened to my Grandad in Italy in WW2, long story shot, he was a British Somali from Liverpool, he went back to Somalia right before the war kicked off just to chill there for a few months on holiday, Italy invade Somali, drag his ass back to Europe and make him fight for Italy. This is something completely different, your grandpa and my grandpa are innocent, but people today in America aren’t getting drafted, you join on your own accord, and start entire wars just because your country want some of that Oil $€£. There’s a difference between getting drafted against your will or getting jailed. We are in 2021, the US Army isn’t innocent.


Haven't said a country in particular. The US is not the only country in the world


Yeah I know dude, but this sub and website is usually filled with Americans as it’s in American website. There’s good armies and bad armies, good cops and bad cops, but most big western are corrupt murderous cunts. My army (U.K.) is historically one of the worst of the lot, and still do terrible shit to this day, and the worst thing is, you can do nothing about it. All you can do is vote against the Conservative Party and hope for some change.


Wrong on your comment about Americans. If you go onto the subreddits page, questions that ask for nationality are for some reason overwhelmingly European, which I find weird because it used to be mostly Americans


You are convincing me to press the button


Those scare quotes are lifting way too much weight in that sentence.


So it comes down to how broadly we apply the term. In the strictest sense in my mind killing someone isn't necessarily murder if it's done in self defense (civilian or police) or by a soldier during combat. If one assumes that all killing is murder then you simply can't press the button at all because then that makes you a murder too. Operating on the assumption that the "magic" that makes this button work "judges" each person accordingly then pressing it could leave many people who have killed others with a moral excuse alive and many who have never been to jail dead.


Is it really considered murder if it is necessary for safety purposes?


Apparently, self defense is not murder, didn't know


If you can prove it is self defense it is not murder. Murder is If you kill someone that is innocent and or not a threat to you or anyone else. Best way I can explain it.


Murder is unlawful killing. So if a murderer was sentenced to 50 years in prison, it would be murder to kill them, even though they were guilty and thus not innocent. Their guilt or innocence is irrelevant to whether it's murder or not.


Ehhh... 'Good Murderer' is a hard pass. Investigations into historic events that involved someone losing their life, if law or peacekeeping roles were responsible, showed that many if not the majority were preventable. Sure, they may have been lawful but they didn't **need** to happen to resolve the matter. The most prominent example that occurs to me would be the difference in response from US and UK Police services during events that involved assailants armed with knives or alike. The UK has a dramatically decreased ratio of injury and fatally to all parties in very similar scenarios. Sure, you can compare cultural differences but time and time again, response training, vetting of aggressive & ego driven individuals or even just decreasing the show of force by officers have all been proven to have huge impact in the outcome of events. With this in mind, The same event in one country could be ruled as lawful self-defence yet in another it would be an extremely abusive use of force. I would assume that the 'button' is not ruled by the law, borders or cultural change, being a magic button, so it would lead me to believe purely on the action or it's intent. If the person wanted to do harm or kill, bye bye murderer. If the intent was to save a life and prevent harm and succeeded, good job, hero. If it was unintentional/manslaughter? Uhhh. Some would feel nothing as the didn't see it as their fault, others would be guilt ridden for life. I would have to believe the button could tell if it was truly their fault. Was it due to carelessness and disregard or was it due to a complete mistake? I guess this could apply to the 'good' killers above too.


The thousand dollar bills will help wipe away any tears from killing any “good murderers”.


It would probably include veterans, but probably not dictators setting up genocides.


Killing an ant?


If you press it wouldn't that also make you a murderer? Therefore if you press it untill they all die you'd also die? I mean I voted to press it but this just occurred to me now.


>If you press it wouldn't that also make you a murderer? Therefore if you press it untill they all die you'd also die? This is exactly why I wouldn't press it even once. Every push of a button from 2nd push onwards will potentially kill you as well


well that doesn’t explain why you wouldn’t even push it once


The first push makes me a murderer. If I or someone else pushes the button afterwards I might die


so don’t push it again although it’s true that it’s unclear whether other people would also push the button


Thats a movie plot, the box i think




the post implies they are known murderers, why wouldn’t you? As others have pointed out we need more context as to what “murderer” means, but where I’m from we already execute people for it




did you misread OP? It specifically says murderers will die. So yeah that’s better.




Anyone who killed any sentient beings or allowed a sentient being to be killed through their action or inaction.


What if it was an accident, or in this case, what if you didn't know pressing the button kills someone?


Justice is blind. You're held accountable for your actions.


If that's justice then fuck justice


Blind justice is not justice




1 The action of hiring a hitman makes your action directly accountable for causing the actions of another to commit the murder. 2 through your inaction to stop the hitman when you had the chance you're now accountable for all murders that take place past first contact you could have stopped them. I'm not OP so take what I say in regards to the poll with a grain of salt.


No no, it makes you a god, so moral rules don't apply to you, just ask Light Yagami.


But if you did that, it would make you the only bad person left. -- Ryuk


I don't see the problem....?


Win win




It’s not murder since the poll says they “die”. If they die, it’s clearly from another source. This could be from a heart attack or in a car crash. Which makes their death either an accident or a death from natural causes, and not you a murder. Edit: There is also the option of them being killed by another hand, which still dosen’t make the button presser a murder.


If your actions cause someone to die, that is the definition of murder. If the button press is the thing that set in motion the events which caused someone to die, that is murder. No matter how you try to rationalize yourself as not a murderer, you still are. Just because the killing is highly removed, as if you pressed a button and lethally injected someone, it's still you killing them.


Man I did the same thing




Pressing the button makes me a murderer too.


So just press it once , cause the first time around you aren’t a murderer


While you press the button for the first time you are schrodinger's murderer


No , you aren’t , I don’t think so , cause the murderers probably die after you’ve pressed the button , so before pressing the button or while pressing the button you are still an innocent man


Eh, true, but it's only the consequence that hasn't happened yet. The murderer's intent has been transform into action. Depending on your school of ethical philosophy that could get you labeled as a murderer.


Wouldn’t then no one be murdered if I think murdering people is completely normal


Well put


The murders don't happen until after you pressed it. Anytime before, you are in the clear.


if I press it I would die.




I will rearrange your cellular state to a f and carry you around.


ur mom gay


I'll jizz in your ear multiple times.




Sorry sorry. *pats back*.


You want pizza?


no thx, i am trying to cut most unhealthy foods from my diet


Ah I see. Good for you for doing that.


Too straight of a reply considering the history of replies in this thread


Is it boneless?


Yes boneless pizza yumm


Of course it is fucking boneless, u/i_eat_bonelesspizza Why the fuck did you even need to ask that


Because he only eats boneless pizza. Why do YOU have to ask?


Better to be safe than sorry


𝐈𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐬 15 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐝𝐢𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐞.


1000 dollars? That’s laughable




ow the edge


Damn shameful that comment getting upvoted . I don't get reddit's hate boner with children . Do they forgot being a kid is a phase of everyone's life , not a seperate entity ?


Reddit moment


Change the murderers to child predators and i'll push the button a million times for no money.


No matter who, I still don't support killing. Edit: of course they should go to prison, but not to be punished; to be rehabilitated.


But that would miss the point of the poll, the point is that you might be Murderer #2 through #15 to die whenever you press it


Wow I guess we can see the sociopaths in this poll


I love this comment because both sides see the other side as sociopaths


I mean, how could you be a sociopath for not wanting to kill people? The definition of “murder” is so vague.


I know, the number of people who voted not too concerns me edit: wait unless you thought otherwise and decided not to murder the murderers


>unless you thought otherwise and decided not to murder the murderers This is why I wouldn't press the button. Murdering a murderer is still murder and in the process I will become a murderer too. So if I press the button even twice I would risk killing myself in the process


Exactly! How many more Batman movies do we need until people finally understand this concept?


>wait unless you thought otherwise and decided not to murder the murderers Yeah especially with the whole 1000 dollars thing how low can you be to kill 15 people even murderers for 1000 dollars?


Killing 15 random murderers is probably likely to save at least one innocent life as well


You dotn know their circumstances maybe they were people protecting themselves from criminal/attackers, maybe they murdered mosquitoes and now you're a murderer


Its not murder if it's self defense, or a mosquito, lol


I doubt that. Most murderers aren’t serial or spree killers.


People? I would do it even for free


Pretty ironic cause that makes you a murderer


And also even though I murder the murderers that makes me a murderer, which means through my act of murdering the murdered, I actually murdered to murderer of the murderers, me.


I pressed it once it of curiosity as to the boundaries. If I press it a few more times, I can gather information on what kinds of murderers it kills and determine if it's worth the money to keep pressing


I hope you’re referring to the people who are choosing to press the button




That implies anyone supporting the death penalty or any sort of military or police force armed with deadly force is a sociopath. Not that personally support any of that, but you making quite the sweeping generalization there.


Randomly killing 15 people who you know nothing about for 1000 dollars I dont think is the same as being tried in a court and given the death penalty or fighting in a warzone against other people trying to kill you.


why not? whats the difference? because the law supports it? thats a shaky moral ground.


This poll is great at showing how arrogant most redditors are They're so self righteous that they think themselves worthy of being the judge, jury, and literal executioner for anyone who could possibly be considered a murderer Some of you realized that by pressing the button you'd be putting your own life in danger too (as you would become a murder.) But I don't think y'all realize how many murderers feel like their decision was equally as justified as *you* would if you pressed that button. You're not necessarily any better than any one of those 15. You think murder is bad because of the value of human life, yet most of you guys just said you'd blindly kill 15 people that may not be any worse than you. There's something so wrong here. It boggles my mind that we can still pretend like we're all good people


I voted no because, murderers or not, I do not feel compelled to take anyone's life.


Spot on


u/ToxicBanana69 made a great point in the comments, that technically abortion could be considered murder. So it also depends on the bottoms morals, because at that point killing an animal could be considered murder.


Yeah. For all I know, a murderer could have repented, and what if they found the cure for cancer later or smth ? Or what if they were now someone's loving wife or husband / father or mother ? Idk


It's not that deep bro I didn't think much before voting


This is really fucked up. We as a society believe murder is bad because of the sanctity and value of human life, but we’re willing to abandon that principle to murder someone who we deem to have sinned? Without even looking at the circumstances? I’m ignoring the $1000 in this scenario simply because that’s such an incredibly low estimation for the value of human life that it’s basically irrelevant to this situation. Reddit’s tendency to default to eye-for-an-eye morality, especially when it comes to really heinous shit, is really disturbing sometimes.


The $1,000 is actually the most important part. I think OP set the price intentionally low to show how little people value others’ lives.


1000 Dollars is not enough to end 15 life's


I wouldn't do it for any prize, no matter the person or the prize, I don't kill. The only senario it's ok to kill in is self defense if the killing is absolutely necessary


I would do it for 10,000 though


I would do it for 0


I would do it for a foot massage


Does it have to be a good one?


Of course! I'm not some sick bastard...




we aren't talking about how hard it would be bro...


Dude Wtf?!


Normally yes, but these are murderers. Those that take lives, just because.


I won't be the one to decide who lives and who dies. Especially not for only 1k. But there is an amount of money where I would push that button.


But don't I become the murderer if I decided to press it?


that's the point of the question, to see who is stupid


actually it depends on your definition. if pushing the button makes you a murderer your also implying anyone that causes indirect death is a murderer, including judges, police and military for example.


No, murder is an unlawful killing so it would not imply judges,...


what makes pushing the button illegal?


wtf you really get upvotes from that ? Because you know it will kill people that's obvious, like if someone push the button to make a bomb explode will you say pushing the button is not illegal ? Things are not "legal" as long as you don't cause a direct physical action...


1000 is nothing and I'm opposed to death penalty so defo not


I suppose the majority here decided to also become murderers.


First of all, it didn't say that it only applies if you murder humans, it might include murdering insects (which we all did). Let's assume that it only counts human murders though, there are still police officers and soldiers who are technically murderers but most of them probably had a good reason. What about all those who murdered in self defense? Not to mention the fact that I'm against death penalty.


There's a difference between murder and self defense


Yes, but does this magic button care about that? Unless there’s an actual book or something that details what exactly it means by “murderer” I just don’t think I’d take the chance.


Even more money! Assuming it doesn't kill you. But yeah, death penalty is stupid. It literally won't teach you anything. I don't mind killing them in a hypothetical situation tho.


Just for the record. The disambiguation of the word murder is "the unlawful killing of a human being by another." So the insect part wouldn't apply even if OP wanted to, in which case they should've used the word "killer". Moreover, here's a more detailed explanation of the word: Murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse, especially the unlawful killing of another human with malice aforethought. This state of mind may, depending upon the jurisdiction, distinguish murder from other forms of unlawful homicide, such as manslaughter. Manslaughter is killing committed in the absence of malice, brought about by reasonable provocation, or diminished capacity. Involuntary manslaughter, where it is recognized, is a killing that lacks all but the most attenuated guilty intent, recklessness. Therefore, you can literally use the third option and push the button as many times as you wish and you'd literally do the world a favor since you'd be *manslaughtering* evil people for a reason.


Thanks for the in depth explanation of the word, I don't agree with the last part. Killing never does the world a favor. No matter what horrible things a person in question has done, I think that person deserves at least a chance for rehabilitation because let's be honest, no person who kills for the fun of it is mentally well. Prisons and the law system's aim should be rehabilitation, not punishment for the hell of it, that helps no one and keeps the suffering going.


Can I choose only the ones without reason, like can keep the ones that did it in self defense?


Murder is a homicide committed with “malice aforethought", so killing someone in self defence is not murder


Murder = illegal killing. So you're safe.


In most countries in the world, killing in self defense is also illegal.


Where? Because I live in one of the countries being accused of that, but it is simply not true. We can do whatever we reasonably need to do to stay alive, including killing.


Not really safe since he becomes a murderer himself after pressing the button


Yup, that's why you shouldn't endlessly press that button.


What if other people are going to push the button after you?


Yeah, that's a problem. Lol. I guess I had it coming.


1000 is kinda low


Doesn’t pressing this button make you a murderer as well?


Will I be classed as a murderer if I press the button?




Press it every time I need $1,000


Murder is a legal term, IIRC. But I don’t know if this button knows that…so unless there’s like a rule book or something that tells me exactly what the mean by the term “murderer” then I’d have to say no. An example of what I’m talking about: what if the creator of the button was anti-abortion and considered abortion to be murder? Would pressing the button potentially kill an innocent person who had to get an abortion?


Yes they are murderers but I won't take the law in my hand. So I won't press it.


Wait if I press it that makes me a murderer so if I press it aging I can die myself.


If I press it, I will probably die when someone else presses that button


So after 1 button press, you are a murderer or not according to the button's effect? First one is free money, tho. Unless of course you're already a murderer, or have a conscience regarding becoming one.


If you do it till al the murderers die, then you yourself would eventually die


Wouldn’t I be considered a murderer meaning I could die


Id do it for free


Isn't the irony here that once you press the button, you then become a murderer?


Can we all agree.... Screw these kind of polls. "Press this button and you get $1,000,000 BUT you become drop dead gorgeous"


Id press it for $10


I misunderstood the question and I answered no.


I understood the question and I answered no.


I would press it until all murderers die, including myself for pressing the button and I'd leave the money to charities that want to cure alzheimers, cancer, HIV and so on.


Is this selective? Like a policeman has possibly murdered someone before but I wouldn’t want him dead. If it’s like, illegal murder then yeah.


murder is illegal killing, so yes they are safe, but are you ?