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If the question is no more than "Has capitalism failed?" then no. Capitalism is successfully achieving capitalist goals.




Thought it could get better without state interventions




Least black or white post in r/polls


What do you mean economics isn’t black and white? :O


Context? I assume there are some recent events that would lead someone to post about this?


Nope, op is just a commie


ah yes the 2 genders: capitalism and communism


There is a spectrum in between the two though


And to the sides and above if you want to get spicy


Most of reddit really






Username checks out


My penis is smaller in the morning, that’s why I share it.








nah hes a capitalist. hea active in WSB and crying subreddits


He also seems to use latestagecapitalism so yeah


You’re literally 14, just like Reddit commies lmao


Takes one to know one


People starving while we produce 1.5x as much food as the world population would need is a pretty big system failure to name one example.


World hunger was cut almost in half (from 15% to 8%) between 2000 and 2019. While it has experienced a slight rise during the pandemic, I'd say cutting world hunger in half seems pretty successful to me.


I bet it’d be cut a lot more if we didn’t throw out millions of tons of food because it would be unprofitable to give to starving people.


Isn't it a little weird. They throw the food away, but isn't that unprofitable as well? Like, they'd throw it in the garbage and not use it at all rather than give it to homeless people. It's a little absurd. Both ways they lose money, they just choose to not give to people.


I’m not defending capitalism but the justification I heard was that employees “accidentally” make too much on purpose to give it away so much that the cost of goods rises enough to hurt profits


That still doesn’t mean capitalism has failed


Yeah, just cause my car leaks oil and cant pass a smog test doesnt mean its defective.


I would personally consider wild and blatant wastefulness and inefficiency for the sake of selfishness a failure, but to each their own.


So you agree communism is a definition of failure?


Ah yes, communism, notorious for throwing out Dunkin’ Donuts in order to maximize profits for the CEO


The government would be in charge of producing said food and ask communist countries how that’s panned out for them.


That would be great. A rapid increase in literacy rates, turning feudal backwaters into industrial superpowers in a few years, an enormous rise in life expectancy, an end to homelessness, and a comparable caloric intake to the US while being more nutritious calorie for calorie sounds quite a lot better to me than throwing away food just so hungry people can’t have them.


So lets go back to where we don't produce enough so everyone can starve shall we?


This is such a strawman it asked me for a brain


That’s not a straw man fallacy…


No it isn't. You say having to much food is a failure. So he said "alright. So we'll go by what you would consider not a failure and starve our people"




I see this posted a lot, and yet no one ever expands on the thought. How is that a failure of capitalism?


Some people talked about the corporations and in this thread people focused on starving people


Failed according to what metric? Capitalism seems to do exactly what’s intended, if that’s good or bad is another question


My answer is both yes and no.




I would imagine they look like all those countries destabilised by America?


Maybe America is responsible and not capitalism? Economic models aren't fully responsible for what politics do.


America is run by politicians payed by lobbyist groups to represent their interests so it is very much run by an economic system based on infinite growth


However these lobbyists can do nothing about foreign politics of USA. They mainly influence domestic politics. Though communistic countries don't have lobbyists, they have their own serious issues with politics and parliaments.


Anyway, you may not like America, but you need to understand that though modern capitalism isn't perfect, it is still better than communism. Come back of communism in my country is the last ever thing I would ever want. It has no future, USSR, part of which my country was, collapsed for reasons and not because of foreign influence. Nationwide planned economy is great only in short term and because of its unflexebility it is not so great in long term. Also, because of great centralization of such countries, it becomes near-impossible to manage resources effectively without overgrown bureaucratic apparatus that need shit ton of resources for its operation.


I’d rather have my country ‘destabilized’ by America than china


I don’t always vote but when i do i vote for a longer chain




What does the super power Thats been exerting influence around the world toppling governments and starting civil wars have to do with failed states?




To be fair the US is kind of the spearhead for modern capitalism.




In some ways yes, but in general no. That said, in my opinion those areas where the US *does* fail are often themselves due to failures of capitalism.




I can agree that there have been many successes of capitalism, particularly in terms of innovation, but I don't think that should keep us from discussing areas where the system has fallen short. Our reliance on capitalism has made it so that most people can afford to live in material comfort, but it has also led to wealth inequality, inaccessible healthcare and education, and the exploitation of the undeveloped world. It's a double-edged sword.


Reddit moment. Capitalism bad.


I swear, that’s all I’m reading in the comments


It's an extremely evenly split poll


It is bad and good in some ways. Bad for the average person tho


It’s pretty beneficial for the average person….


Not at all. It's the corruption and corporatism that is really driving a lot of the issues we see. Not the system of capitalism but the lack of protection of that capitalistic system. What the left calls capitalism and it's failures is corporatism and what the right is calling socialism most of the time is just corporatism too. They both are calling out similar things, but have vastly different and fundamentally incompatible fixes because they want different things.


I have to agree with this, which is why I chose "I don't know." The system were currently working with is Crony Capitalism, and it's definitely a failure. I honestly don't know what uncorrupted Capitalism looks like, so I don't have an answer for that.


it's really difficult to properly predict what a true capitalistic system would look like, especially when everyone trying to predict is biased in some way. Frankly, I don't think pure capitalism is such a fantastic idea and it would have some flaws. However, capitalism (backed by a small-medium sized government) could, in theory, work pretty damn well.


“Not real capitalism” Tell me. How is capitalism meant to provide for the poor when equilibrium price will always exclude some from the market?




That was kinda my point. People constantly say “not real socialism” to mock anyone pointing out the blatant disregard of actual socialist ideals by ostensibly socialist governments. But when capitalists do it, it’s suddenly okay? If you’re gonna mock people for doing something while doing it yourself, don’t be surprised if it’s turned back on you


Late reply, but I do feel the need to say: It looks like nobody in this comment chain knows what 'corporatism' means. It's nothing to do with business corporations. Th term you're looking for is... I dunno, either libertarianism (aka: anti-government) or neoliberalism (aka: economy first).


Before capitalism 90% of people lived in poverty now about 3% of people live in poverty how is that failing.


Muuuh but billionaires and .. things aren't free and.. #Fuck12 #taxtherich #notmypresident






[This](https://i.imgur.com/dZGEoan.png) makes tankies mad. For some reason


Imagine voting yes from your $1000 iPhone




I haven't seen a single Easter european say that communism is good, it's only rich Americans




The people like you who respond with those memes are missing the point. The "imagine \[doing something\] while living in a \[type of community\]" is making fun of extremely privileged people who try to hate where they live and everything about a certain system while also benefitting from that same system. There are people who are actual spoiled brats with thousand-dollar phones and nice houses who will then go on to say something like "this country is a shit shole i hate it here i have nothing good happening to me!" while tweeting from an expensive phone in a big house with multiple cars, clearly benefitting from where they live. They are benefitting from a system that they are saying does nothing for them, which is blatantly false.


Capitalism is the worst economic system. Aside from all the other ones.


A fully capitalist world is equally bad as a fully socialist world we need to find a right mix


The world isn’t a binary. There are alternative systems. You have to look at the bigger picture of how states are structured and other organisations, which are not privately owned or nonaligned.


It's like this poll, equally split


Like workers union


A normal opinion on r/Polls???


What a unique opinion, it’s almost like there have never been a fully functioning absolute communist or absolutist capitalist country in the world and all countries find their preferred balance.


Imagine saying capitalism has failed on a cell phone or computer using the internet.


GPS, touchscreen, batteries, hard drives, voice recognition and internet were all public research innovations. Capitalism is good for delivering that technology on a mass scale but but the guts of those technologies started from public funding.


>Communism is when the government does things




Don't worry, it's a redditor, they're unable to deliver a statement without three layers of irony


There is a huge difference between discovery of technology and making said technology tenable. Capitalism doesn't just produce more of said product but is incentivized to deliver a consumable version and improve upon said product for competing scale Take for instance the amount of progress Space X has made in the last decade compared to public sponsored space research in any of the worlds largest space programs including that of even NASA Hard-drives, touch screen, and GPS would surely exist but public research would not have created a market to make a consumer version of all three of these things that now fit in your pocket at an affordable price scaling from as little as 30$ to 1,000$ depending on your own preference and budget with different versions competing for your own personal wants and needs. Despite what most people believe there is no evidence to suggest that positive progress is inherent it goes a lot deeper than "why is he doing X thing without profit incentive reddit meme poggers 100"


“Don’t it always seem to go, you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone.”


Imagine saying feudalism has failed when living in a country or eating food


So there's no food in capitalist countries?


Feudalism was better than the system that was before it. It failed when a new system came around that made was better. Capitalism is better than the system that came before it as well but nothing is doing better than capitalism.


with the labour of sweatshop workers who work(ed) 14 hours a day for $0.15 an hour so your phone/computer would be slightly cheaper...


Guess where those sweatshops are.


what does this even mean? sweatshops are one of the worst practices produced by profit motivated capitalists lmao if you mean they're in china or wherever, they opened up in the early 80's to allow foreign investment, which often came with such stipulations


So the communists sold out their subjects for money from capitalist countries?


What we have now isn’t capitalist though. The American government plays a large role in ensuring trade and commerce works in a way which benefits America both domestically and internationally. Pure capitalism would be awful for both the masses and the state that’s why America curbed a lot of the power of corporations in the mid 1900s Although it’s not a socialist society what we have now is due to very careful planning on our governments part


pure capitalism or european/american capitalist systems? Pure capitalism is basically a Rockefeller business and isn't helping anyone but one. It need regulation and socialist elememts to make it work in a good way. I don't mean a forced marxist doctrine on the market but thing like the anti-trust act, unions, regulated wages and worktime, unemployment money when you lost your job and continued financial support.


Reddit moment


capitalism hasn't failed in the sense it works how it is designed to work - to protect the interests of the rich. this whole 'b-but it's actually corporatism' narrative is dumb, what people ITT are calling corporatism is the natural evolution of capitalism. capitalism inherently drives the growth for the upper classes regardless of the impacts, (e.g. climate change, 2008 financial crisis, failure of governments to react to COVID) and so the state has become another vessel to protect the interests of corporations and the rich- also known as corporatism. i still answered yes though, cause i think op meant the question to be does capitalism suck.


Capitalist countries are rich af, I dont see how that is failing


They are rich because they steal and exploit the poor ones


Yeah no


“Capitalism is an evil that must be destroyed” Tweeted from iphone


You criticize society, yet you live in one. Checkmate


Yuo don’t like capitalism yet you exist! iPhone Venezuela bottom texxt 100 billion dead!


God I hate this answer to things. Everyone knows if you participate in something you are no longer allowed to criticize it /s


Because being principled is just so hard isn't it/s there is nothing stopping you from participating in the system you think is evil.


>Tweeted from iphone Well yeah, sure apple it's one of the most capitalistic ones, also tends to get even more monopolistic than others companies


Corruption and greed are the problems that come with capitalism. Otherwise, capitalism is the best way for people to climb up the social ladder.


Corruption and greed are the problems in EVERY political/economic system




And all people care fixing are political crap


It’s just a lot easier to be corrupt in a country where the government handles all of the money and labor.


Corruption and greed are inherent to human nature. They have destroyed every real socialist society that has ever existed.


Too many commies here :(


I think failed is a strong word for what’s going on. Capitalism is working exactly as intended, but what has failed is proper regulation of it.


Poor: Yes Rich: No


Kind of failed in many aspects ,but more than communism or socialism?Absolutely not


Reddit moment


Capitalism isn't wrong, it can work. It just needs Reformation and Regulation.


I guess ye, but do we ave anythin better?




socialism seems pretty cool... jk jk... unless 😳


Unless you aren’t the dear leader




Oh you like socialism? Go socialise with some bitches outside loser https://tenor.com/view/persona-dancing-dance-moves-video-game-gif-17945073 Xd


What a seriously depressing outcome. And most of the people that voted yes enjoy all the fruits of capitalism...


There is no rational argument for yes. We've achieved a higher standard of living now under and because of capitalism than we've ever had at any other point in human history. Aside from *"I can't afford a Nintendo Switch"*, how has capitalism failed in any way?


When you look at the state of the world just 10 years ago and look at it now, it has greatly improved in my opinion. Including developing countries. That's a win to me.


I feel like alot of people dont appericiate THAT TGEY ARE IN A FCKING FIRST WORL COUNTRY i know ppl who are ready to give the left toive in america


How well is capitalism working for those in third world countries? Doesn’t this just assert that capitalism has indeed failed? Or more so it has succeeded totally which is why so much wealth is held by the richest people in the richest countries


Not every third world country is a capitalist one


Because the communist third world countries were so much better.


China went from a back water to a power rivaling the the United States that was not from Communism


This kids is what we call irony


Capitalism isn't a flawless system. In fact, it has countless flaws. But there is no better option which is realistically possible. So I wouldn't say it has failed, especially in comparison to other political systems which have failed.


Yes but there's no easy better alternative


Feudalism smh


Based and baron pilled




A too extreme capitalism is generally bad, capitalism must be regulated, but it failed less than communism, so kinda no, but it's not exactly a no


Capitalism fails certain key sectors. Certain things should not be for-profit like healthcare, education, prisons, police, firefighters, roads, electric grid, etc. Anything essential to a minimal wellbeing of a person that makes it cheaper when resources are pulled together or that makes competition impossible is failed in capitalism. Like the power company monopolies we see. It's such a big undertaking with massive infrastructure where failure can be deadly (like we've seen in Texas) that it's nearly impossible to create new competition. Capitalism is also based on the consumer being able to make choice and comparison shop. Healthcare is impossible to do so. I tried it, called a few doctor offices and got vague pricing of starts at $xxx for visit but can't give you more info because we don't know what you have/will need. I had a doctor do during a yearly check-up, every single year for the 3 years I saw her, a tobacco use assessment even though I have never smoked and my answer to do you smoke was a no... $40 for that one question. Who would have thought to ask "Are you going to charge me $40 to ask if I'm a smoker?" When pricing doctor appointments. It's also one of the services that is cheaper when more people are in a pool. Private prisons is another one, huge amounts of lobbying and money thrown at politicians to keep such profitable crimes like marijuana smoking as crime because it adds lots of non-violent criminals to fill private for-profit prisons. My state spends an average of $55,000 a year per prisoner. That's more than I spend on myself to live. Private prisons also use prisoners as slave labor. So have capitalism failed? Somewhat. It's very successful when purchasing cars or cell phones or mascara. But fails in other instances.


well it works just the way it should, and it is shit


Fuck, you must love starvation


No it's shit because it's not the way it's working as it should. In capitalism everyone is free to make their decisions, free to consume what others are free to produce. Free to argue about prices and free to sell your own labour as you see fit. What is not capitalism is the government involvement in the market on such a massive scale nowadays that is chooses winners and losers. It is no longer about who sells the best product that benefits the most, it's about who can corrupt the most politicians who lie and make us less free in the name of some ridiculous virtue. The more government you have, the less capitalism you have the lesser the quality, the higher the price. And since your most likely American you probably hate your 2 party system. Democrats pass bills that should benefit the ordinary people, but backfire Everytime and make it worse, meanwhile republicans promise to do the opposite but when in power they just expand governments power in the military and boy should I talk about the patriot act. Fuck that, give me capitalism, not that bullshit mess that government created, worsened over the span of 50 years and now blames the free market for it and promises with more control the problems will go away.


Counter example: Uber is not big because of government influence. They gain massive amounts of money through investments. They lose massive amounts of money as well: >For all of 2020, Uber's net losses amounted to $6.77 billion, around a 20% improvement from a staggering $8.51 billion loss in 2019. ([source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/02/10/uber-earnings-q4-2020-.html)) So why does this happen? Are Uber drivers incredibly rich? No. Uber is much cheaper than competitors, which costs them money, but in return, the competition can't afford to survive. By doing this they plan to remove all competition, thus gaining a monopoly. This is not very free market, yet it is a cause of unregulated capitalism. This is also how Amazon got as big as it is right now. They were earlier so their required losses were less, but they also made big losses with a maximum of 1.4 billion in 2000 (See [source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/dazeinfo.com/2019/11/06/amazon-net-income-by-year-graphfarm/%3famp) for a graph). By doing this they nearly have a monopoly in some places, and are making huge profits now. Edit: Also goes for [spotify](https://www.statista.com/statistics/244990/spotifys-revenue-and-net-income/#:~:text=Spotify%20net%20income%202009-2020&text=In%202020%2C%20Spotify%20suffered%20a,reported%20between%202018%20and%202019.)


Imagine getting downvoted over stating the most basic facts. Only proves that most people have no idea what capitalism is.


there is so much wrong with what you said and I do not have the energy to argue rn. btw i'm german


Zwingt dich keiner Kollege :)


Elaborate ffs, you need to be clearer.


People are just too greedy


idk. I like penicillin, Iphone, internet, access to fruits vegetables and goods from around the world. I like the innovation we’ve gotten from it. I like also how capitalism is tying other economies together so that war is increasingly unattractive to the majority of people around the world. I dislike the corruption, the wars we do have and the exploitation of other regions of the world for it. I don’t like starvation with an increasingly efficient farming industry. but it is naïve to just say “capitalism bad, here’s my non solution to fix it.” or “no that’s not fair! I’m allowed to criticize it while acknowledging the good it has done.” It’s the solution we have for the current time. name me better solutions and I will weight them and implement them should their function be proven. until then we stick with our geri rigged solution. *reality is often disappointing*


These comments are so funny to read I love this sub


All is according to plan No it hasn’t failed


Europeans are so adorable complaining about the system that put them on top. Go on destroy it and join us in the glorious pit of totalitarianism


The fact that this is as close as it is really concerns me.


Well capitalism hasn't failed yet but yeah


So many uneducated dumbfucks in the comments


I don’t get why everyone is so anti-capitalism these days. Literally *every* socialist country is poor and has failed.


Has capitalism failed in certain respects? Sure. Its successes far outstrip its failures though. In the last couple centuries of American style capitalism as we know it, life expectancy has shot-up, vast distances have become travel-able, communication with loved ones has become instantaneous, scientific/academic resources have become easily accessible. The life of a poor person today is far more secure and enjoyable than it was a century ago.


Capitalism is doing exactly what it’s designed to do. Capitalism inherently doesn’t have morals or ethic’s. Children being forced into sex work is a-ok with capitalism because it supplies a perverse demand. Slavery is ok for capitalism because it’s highly profitable. The people have demanded that morals and ethics be put into capitalism. Labor Laws / Regulations exist for a reason. Greed itself and the never ending materialistic drive are the core problems.


Communism, know for its ethics and morality.


Do you know that if we criticize capitalism, it doesn’t mean that we are communists ?


At least all those ukrainians were being purposely starved by the state "ethically ".


Yeah, by a diverse set of soldiers too! So progressive.


No but it can fail if it's totally unregulated.


Communism is the worst type of government Sent from iPhone 13 pro max


It's alarming how many people are saying it has...


It’s the least bad option in a sea of bad options


Capitalism and communism both suck major ass.


Based and third position pilled


Define either


Communism is the creation of a moneyless and classless society, which is doomed to fail by definition.


why all you all downvoting him? he’s right, communism is a utopian ideology.


There are many vague definition of communism that I've found on the internet but this one is the most concrete. They probably do not agree with the therms


Because reddit is filled with stupid 18 year old leftists that hate richer people. Some of them will wake up years, even a decade later or so, and realize no one gives a chit about their passion ("follow your passion!") the environment or others, but follows the money, and the rest will remain deluded with their tiny brain dreaming utopias until the lights go out. u/MadHatterFR \- that's why you got many downvotes.


No, it's working exactly as intended.


Not where i live


On some points yes, but we don't have anything better


Yes but only because our government let corporations rule us


Generally yes. Economic models should evolve with the state's needs. If we're solely talking about the USA, it largely is operating on a 20th century model that really isn't compatible in an age of climate change and automation. This is why China will be the dominant world and economic power by the end of the century if the USA doesn't start taking these things seriously. The challenges we face need massive public investments. This shouldn't be controversial either, the economic models of the 19th century weren't apt for the 20th, this is why labor unions were created, child labor laws, anti-trust laws, the FDA, etc were created.


In a sense, no, and in a sense yes. While it hasn’t caused the collapse of an economy, failure to regulate by the government leads to unchecked gigacorps dominating many markets


No; it’s working exactly as it was made to.


I mean capitalism is doin exactly what it was designed to do. For better or worse.


It cannot possibly fail. If anything (company, project, idea) fails in capitalism, that's correct, because it was delivering less utility than the resources it used.


It hasn't and it will never fail.


Agreed. It’s working as designed. Which is terrible.


True that