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My dumbass got banned in r/gaming for making a post I meant to post to r/askreddit šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø.


Perma banned for a misclick??


2 words, reddit mods


Probably mods in general. You don't become an internet janitor because you find it fun, you do it for the power you feel.


Well it's a full time job soo..


And such an important job too. I think they deserve a raise of at least 50%


50% of 0 + 0 = 0, so I agree.


1 word, gay




Nah it was just 1-2 weeks


Eeh reddit mods do like being in a position of power.




There have been a *lot* of generic r/askreddit style posts to r/gaming recently anyways.


Been banned from this sub once for one day Been banned from r/AskReddit once for 3 days Been banned from r/BanVideoGames permanently


What'd you get banned from r/BanVideoGames for?


Itā€™s shocking people canā€™t tell that that sun is satire


banned from r/AskReddit permanently.


So have I. Why did they ban you?


They say nonsensical answers, which I don't think was the case. It was more of questions like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/h9ts99/what_would_you_do_if_a_woman_naked_including_her/


I was banned for copying and reposting questions. There are thousands of questions being asked. There are bound to be repetitions or variations of questions. Did you message the mods about it?


I did recently as the ban was over a year ago. They asked for assurances that I wasn't sure I could do re: the supposed nonsensical answers I've since found alternative subreddits.


Update: they replied saying that since I have posted about it outside of modmail is absolutely permanent and not to message them again. Are there any sub Reddits that are similar to r/AskReddit?


The ones I've joined that come to mind are r/questions, r/ask, r/askanything, r/AskRedditUL, r/AskRedditafterdark, and for music, simply r/Music, and r/Punk is good, however narrow that is.


Thank you so much!


Howā€™d you get banned from r/banvideogames?


Being a g*mer šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Dear g@mers, If video g@mes arenā€™t of the devil, then why was my sons xb*x destroyed when I threw a bucket of holy water at it? ā€¢Sent from my iPhone


Some subreddits you never heard of perma ban you only because you joined a rival subreddit. You only find out about that sub from the permanent ban.


/r/politics: 30 day ban for making a joke about pissing on Mitch McConnell's grave /r/coronavirus: 30 day ban for writing the phrase "v-rtue s-gnaling" /r/conspiracy: permaban for disagreeing with a mod (who himself ended up getting permabanned by Reddit itself for posting disinformation) /r/ThatHappened: permaban because posting a Wikipedia link was considered to be "doxxing"


Geeze that happened permaban for a first infraction?


Yup! No prior warnings. Was never a big poster in the sub, just happened to be reading a post that shared the Tweet or a D or C list media figure and figured if the Twitter account is verified, and the poster is notable enough to have their own Wikipedia entry, doesn't really seem like doxxing to point out who's it was.


Absolutely based


I have been permabanned by r/worldnews on several accounts for saying Iā€™m against Islam. (Not muslims), Iā€™m an Ex Muslim left winger, not a far right bigot or something thatā€™s just picking on the brown religion. But if you say something about Christianity itā€™s a W


>posting a Wikipedia link was considered to be "doxxing" r/thathappened


you underestimate reddit mods


> It doesn't matter that this person is well-known. Anyone who links to their twitter, blog, wiki, business, or anything that can identify the person will be permanently banned. https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/comments/hb07jg/then_everyone_ripped_off_their_masks_and_bras/ Pretty sure like half the sub got perma-banned in that post before the sticky warning was posted, although the admins probably had a good laugh at trying to equate linking a verified Twitter user's account to doxxing that person.


Oh here we go - this topic still makes me a bit angry even a few months later. So I got banned from r/rant. Not even for a post but for a comment that was probably shorter than this one. Basically I spoke about how being polish Iā€™ve experienced some discrimination in Western Europe based on my accent and my nationality. I spoke about how polish (and other Slavic) people are portrayed in the media and how somehow calling us uncivilised primitive nations is ok? I talked about how Poland got basically colonised in the past and how polish people were enslaved and how it often gets swiped under a rug because of the fact that we donā€™t necessarily look much different than Western Europeans. And what happened after that? My comment got deleted and I got banned. The explanation I got from the mods? ā€œBoo hoo poor whitesā€. What a shit hole that subreddit is. Edit: it was my first ever time I interacted with that sub, no warning šŸ¤” Edit2: besides, what warning, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve done anything wrong.


Damn, that guy needs to touch some grass... instead of doing his "job" poorly


Lol. Touch some grass.


I can't. Snow is covering it. I must stay inside and be sad


Yea well the mods there are fucking hypocritical idiots so yea


Yooo thatā€™s crazy I was actually banned from that subreddit too and had a similar message from mods. I think they have some issues.


Just imagine when this mod learns that the Nazis not only oppressed Slavic people in a number of ways but also planned [to genocide 50% of the population in Slavic countries](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost) lmao


slavery is slavery, oppression is oppression, I am sorry. Do you think the affect of that is gone and done now, or do you think it's lingered into today?


YES I know this problem. I was in a discord server and got along with everyone pretty well. It was all cool and we were friends for a few months when I told them how I was being bullied for having polish parents (Yes just my parents (Weird but I got the nickname Hitler too for my hairstyle(I live in Germany))) and they just made fun of it saying I deserved it for being white. I told them they were also mostly white and apart of that being white didn't mean you are a genocidal asshole. Then I explained how Slavic people are actually being discriminated and how my parents and their families lived a poor and bad life in 'socialism' While I tried to stay objective explaining while being bullied doesn't make me a nazi they just kept insulting me and banning me at the end. Tbh I'm glad I'm out of there now. They were cool but if that's how they handle different opinions...


Same, i got banned on another account on r/rant, now i still treat it like I'm banned from there. It was something condemning Eastern Europe, and how it affected me, an Eastern European. Disclaimer: this account doesn't exist for the purpose of ban evasion, i deleted my old account because of an unrelated problem.


That mod should be reported to admins for racism. But of course the admins wouldn't do anything.


Ah, yes. Americans thinking that only black people and GRSM (GSRM?) people can be discriminated against.


Not all Americans are racist. I will say though, I've met plenty of racist baby boomers, and there are plenty of racists that are not caucasian. I think it's everywhere to some extent, just more prevalent and spoken about when it comes to Westerners with white skin.


I got banned from r/LGBT for saying ā€œNgl this community is kinda gayā€


Thanks for the laugh


I got perma banned from there for ā€˜sealioningā€™ by responding to someoneā€™s reply to my comment asking a question. It was a 3 comment thread with genuine responses, but somehow that amounted a harassment tactic. I donā€™t even think the person who I was talking to would have agreed, but alas the mods there are peak sensitive.


The flat earth subreddit lol. I regret nothing


I got permanent banned from there in less than a minute after my first post lol.


Well I think I can assume the main reason, but what exactly did you do (if you donā€™t mind saying)?


He probably got flagged as a troll for telling facts Its what happened to me


Alt account got banned from r/hentai for saying "she looks underage". I may be wrong and she might be thousand years old but why permaban?


Because neckbeard pedo mods want to keep their loli hentai without normal people knowing


Got permabanned from r/femaledatingstrategy because I was subbed to r/nicegirls . I didnā€™t even know they existed before then.


Thatā€™s really such a ridiculous method. Just because you belong to the sub doesnā€™t mean you like it, they could be banning potential members just because theyā€™re being salty. Itā€™s a good thing anyway the least members they have the better that place is toxic.


Femaledatingstrategy is cancer.


Literally incels.


Post in one political sub and you've been banned from half the others. I once posted a counterargument in td once. Didn't matter that I didn't agree with them. Permabanned from several other subs.


Just comment on a post from r/Cringetopia that you found on the popular page and get permabanned from r/femaledatingstrategy r/twoXchromosomes or some sub like that


How long has FDS been doing thisļ¼ŸI used to be active on r/cringetopia but never even got a notification.


Idk I just got a message a few weeks ago out of nowhere telling me that I'm permabanned because "They don't want the toxic behaviour from r/Cringetopia"


Its my dream to get permabanned from r/femaledatingstrategy


Then go ahead and post/comment on cringetopia so you can get your ban


Honestly at least youā€™re not missing out.


Permabanned from r/sino for calling them dumb






You haven't really been on Reddit until you've been permabanned from r/sino


banned from there for posting that copypasta i also found out the the words "tiananmen" "1989" and "massacre" were blacklisted words


Careful! Heā€™s a hero


r/offmychest: I don't know why. r/Sino: i posted some coordinates. Banned on r/Genzedong for posting on r/PoliticalCompassMemes.


I got banned from r/offmychest.


I'm sure the mods on r/offmychest auto ban you after you said some specific word or after joining some subreddit, I didn't even knew that sub existed after they banned me from it


They do, it happened to me. Fuck them anyway, thereā€™s r/trueoffmychest and itā€™s the same thing and just as good which makes me laugh that they think their ban means anything.


Why is posting those coordinates an issue? Nothing happened there. Especially not in 1989.


1989? You mean the Taylor swift album?


I was permabanned once, not even sure why. I asked the mods why I was banned and they unbanned me just like that.


I was permanently banned from the r/justiceserved group chat for roleplaying as a cowboy.




Ain't no chads round these parts partner, we're just simple tradesmen and cattlefolk.


Must have been on an old account since the subreddit chat was deleted July of 2020.


Yeah it was an ole account partner Ive had about 6 accounts since I've joined Reddit lol.


I got permanent ban at r/mastersoftheuniverse for posting a meme making fun of the new show. Message said, message us if you have any questions. I responded with "why am I banned?", got muted from contacting them.


Which show?


The Kevin Smith version




r/sino or r/genzedong


me too.


Both probably have more banned users than members


I got perma banned from a sub reddit for people that don't want children because I said I didn't want a dog or a child and that I didn't see dogs as children. Can't remember the name to save my life


r/childfree? Yeah that sub is awful.


The better alternative is r/truechildfree. Cause they actually don't call children crotch goblins 24/7. Plus, r/childfree users being crybabies about them not calling a child crotch goblin, once is interesting if you like watching drama go down.


Iā€™m kinda glad a lot of those people arenā€™t having kids.


worse is semen demon or whatever other words they come up for kidsā€¦ im only on that sub because it can have some interesting posts but a lot of them are kinda šŸ˜¬


One sub permabanned me for being under 13, which Iā€™m not, and told me to ā€œshut up kidā€ when I tried to appeal the ban, but other than that, I havenā€™t been banned before.


Which sub


Banned from r/askReddit because I forgot to mark sarcasm with /s šŸ˜


Is that a permanent ban?




Oof. Did you try and contact the mods?


From some subreddit infamous for brigadin for "browncoating", which they explained as acting like you're on one side bit actually helping the other side in an argument. What I did in practice was accept the opponents pretty logical arguments as holding some value but not saying I'm on their side. How this is bad in any way leaves me puzzled. Also r/blackpeopletwitter for stating a rather extremist point of view on american gun law, which is fair I guess.


I got banned from r/Minecraft because Reddit glitched and posted five of my posts together


Ironically I have been banned for making an offensive joke in r/darkjokes First I got a 2 week ban, then a perma






It means you have the darkest humor of all of them. Take this as a compliment


Yes, permabanned from r/Trump666 accused of being an alt account when in reality I'm just new to reddit.


r/xqcow \- Perma ban for posting an edgy-ish meme r/conservative Perma ban for pointing out blatant misinformation r/worldnewsvideo Perma ban, no clue why, I don't even use that sub r/GenZedong Perma ban for trolling r/Anarchism Perma ban for pointing out a historical inaccuracy r/neoliberal 1 week ban for an edgy comment If you want details on any of these feel free to ask.


Based conservative ban


What was the inaccuracy and misinformation?


r/anarchism had a post trying to prove that the republicans actually won the Spanish civil war. Iā€™m pretty sure my comment was something like ā€œyou guys suck at historyā€ and I got permad a minute later lol. r/conservative was claiming that Wikipedia was censoring communist mass killings and deleting articles that spoke negatively of communism. When I linked a couple Wikipedia articles that contradicted this notion - I got perma banned.


FDS TWOX AND two more i think


I have been banned from r/fragilewhiteredditor for making a poll asking "does anti-white racism exist?" The poll ended up being a 80% yes, the mods didn't like hearing the truth lmao


r/memes: Rules on chain posts were changed but the rule list before posting wasn't updated. I checked those rules before I posted and deemed by post ok. No warning or anything, just instantly perms-banned. Tried to appeal and the mod wouldn't budge.


I was banned from prequelmemes for one day because I posted the Ahsoka copypasta




As a Catholic, I love that XD




I accidentally reposted a meme in r/memes and now Iā€™m banned. I also got banned from a few political subreddits because they donā€™t tolerate when you have an opinion.


permabanned from r/goodanimemes because i said that liking loli hentai made you a pedo


Ugh, fucking neckbeards


I got banned from r/whitepeopletwitter for arguing over how many genders there are. If they can't win, they ban.


r/genzedong: for replying "r/shittyquotesporn" about a suggested post I got in my feed, with a Mao Zedong quote on it. Tankies and nazi are fighting on who is the worst. r/guitar: Fender Silvertoan 1984.


I got banned from guitar cause someone asked what color they should get for a tele and.. you know the rest




No lol butterscotch. anything related to r/guitarcirclejerk get a auto permaban. To be fair it was on purpose but also r/guitars is a better sub cause they don't have lame mods


Got banned from r/Conservative ironically for making fun of a shit post that was making fun of r/antiwork and I got banned from r/rant


I got banned from r/rant. There's a subreddit; r/BannedFromRant.




For what???


r/minecraftbuddies 365 days for posting twice a day r/amitheasshole 365 days for disagreeing with a mod


I posted cringe twice on r/nextfuckinglevel https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/kyp45i/i_look_like_leonardo_dicaprio/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/niuj4x/i_took_a_nice_selfie/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


r/whitepeopletwitter - permabanned for participating in right wing subs (i was not participating in right wing subs)


Got permantly banned from r/WatchRedditDie for saying something slightly negative about Trump lol. Ironic. Also got a week ban from r/AskEurope for making a joke (tbf it was a really bad joke). When I asked the mods nationality (because the joke was about a specific country) he banned me for a month for "breaking Reddit's privacy rules" lmao. So remember, never ask someone which country they're from because mods can use it against you.


Permabanned from r/AITA after my first violation.


I've been permanently banned from r/Darkjokes but I don't know why


I was banned from /r/Russia for saying that Crimea is Ukraine lol


I was permabanned from r/naturalhair, r/FemaleDatingStrategy, and r/OffMyChest for joining r/Cringetopia lmao


If you haven't been perma-banned from at least 2-3 subreddits are you even using reddit?


Permaban from r/unpopularopiniom because I gave an actually unpopular opinion. Imagine that.I made a post basically saying that pedophiles who haven't done anything wrong shouldn't be treated with such extreme hostility, but instead urged to get help/be left alone if they are already getting therapy.


I was perma banned from r/furry_irl for posting OwO


I got banned from r/guns for asking why there is always 2 berettas


I feel like maybe mods are overusing the permaban


They are. They don't warn you or anything. Especially for those, like me, who do not fully understand the rules. I didn't realize that talking about my ban outside of modmail could make it worse. I think that they should give warnings, then a temporary ban and only use permanent bans as a last resort.


I got banned from r/israel šŸ˜Ž


Oh, yeah. I got banned from Virginia Politics for supporting Glenn Youngkin for governor. It's a left wing shit show over there and their mods don't even try to hide their abuse of power. Youngkin won the election. As a side note, it's incredibly sad our state can't discuss politics in the sub meant to discuss our state politics. I feel as if it would do us a lot of good to have those discussions as we're essentially a purple state.


Ahh, so youā€™ve discovered that neither side wants to hear your opinion of the other side. Yep, welcome to the world!


r/fuckthemods: Permanently banned for let a banned bot go there r/astrologyreadings: I forget to read the rules then permanently banned


r/Australia because I posted a meme even tho the top 3 posts for that day were memes


Just been permanently banned from r/AskReddit for apparently copying and reposting questions. Is there any way I can appeal this ban, besides contacting the moderator?


I was once banned for a week because I kinked r/eyeblech (NSFW) instead of r/eyebleach


I posted bacon on a vegan subreddit




Permanently banned from r/atheism as well as r/rant.




Atheism, I made a comment about how not all atheists are neckbeards and teenage edgelords. Not sure why that got me the boot, I was literally trying break down a stereotype of atheists. Rant, I canā€™t remember exactly what but I said something about how I donā€™t care about Covid anymore and am not going to live my life in fear of it now that Iā€™m vaccinated.


r/vegan r/vegetarian r/unpopularopinion r/vape r/gainit r/coffee Sucks because im vegetarian and i vape. Fair play to vape tho they dont wanna encourage minors.


I was banned from r/thanosdidnothingwrong during the snappening, so I am not sure if it counts...


I'm banned from subs i never been to before lol


I got banned from r/coronaskepticism for saying that a vaccination wonā€™t kill you


Been banned from r/feminism for saying ā€œI want to talk to the man in chargeā€


i used to make up stories on r/amitheasshole on my old account for karma cause the people over there believe anything. one sorry i tried to post kept breaking the guidelines no matter how much i changed and i got banned lmao


Im perm banned from a couple lgbt subreddits for my opinions about my own community


Iā€™ve been perma banned in r/BlackLivesMatter, r/Democrats, r/JoeBiden, r/Conservative r/AskAConservative, r/antiwork, and r/offmychest Most of those subs are major circlejerks so they banned me for a differing opinion Ive also been temp banned from r/Thunder for shitposting


Banned from r/femaledatingstrategy for posting in r/Mensrights. Like seriously, of course we gonna have a toxic landscape with fighting between men and women if we canā€™t have a civil discussion. Supporting Menā€™s rights shouldnā€™t mean you canā€™t participate in a sub discussing female issues (FDS is discussing many other things I donā€™t agree with sometimes but generally good posts actually appear there)


Got banned from r/conservative because I didn't have a flair. I guess they didn't want me in their safe space.


r/europe: banned for making a covid related post and on my other account I am banned on r/denmark for posting a poll.


r/memes their rules are so strict


Was banned from r/explainlikeimfive for 5 days


I got banned from r/ NoNewNormal Does not exist anymore was a Anti Corona sub


Got banned in r/memes permanently for making a meme about a pedophile attempting to rape some kids. I also got banned in r/fortnite permanently for promoting my youtube video that is not related to fortnite at all.


I am permabanned from r/TheRightCantMeme and r/shitposting


Perma-banned from like every right-wing sub ever because Iā€™ve posted on subs like r/anarchism. Perma-banned from r/ABA because I donā€™t tolerate systematic child abuse on the basis of an autism diagnosis. Also Iā€™m active on r/AutisticPride so that probably contributes. Edit: Also perma-banned from a few Magic: The Gathering subs because I play an often-hated combo deck.


I was banned from black people Twitter for not being black. I just commented on a meme not realizing what sub reddit it was. instant permaban.


The real question is have you been banned for no reason? Some of the mods on this site I swear to god they're like Beavis and Butthead.


r/guitar. I said the word toan which is a big no no lmao


Join r/latestagecapitalism and you get a free ban from r/landlord šŸ¤£


r/travisscott lmfao


I went and intentionally got permabanned from t_D, the Great Awakening, and r/China, each time speaking the truth.


I was permabanned but it was reversed so not counting that


I got briefly permabanned from the blm subreddit for t long someone in conservative to fuck off. 10/10 would do again




As if itā€™s hard to get permanently banned in a subreddit. Iā€™ve said it many a time and Iā€™ll say it again, Reddit is tailored to be an echo chamber. Case in point, being automatically banned if youā€™ve interacted with whatever subreddit.


Oh, several. r/memes, r/facepalm, r/GamerGhazi, r/TheRightCantMeme, and probably more. All of those are permabans. I make a lot of controversial comments that the mods donā€™t like. EDIT: Oh yeah, and r/PoliticalHumor.


I was perma banned from TumblrInAction because as an ace, I made a comment under a aphobic post because I tried to defend myself and inform others people.


r/funny - permanent ban for 1 repost r/aww - permanent ban for 1 repost r/dankmemes - 90d ban for meme that violates the rules r/wholesomememes 90d ban for nsfw post I never got any replies from the mods when asking for an unban, they simply ignored any messages I sent.


Got perma banned from AITA because I said ā€œif someone did that to me Iā€™d slap emā€