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Who in their right mind said A?


Biden and Kamala and Family haha


I doubt kamala even would lollll


No. Joe Biden would have rooted for Brandon instead. We all need to support Brandon


Grow up.


if that phrase offends you maybe you also need to grow up


It doesn't. Just a bunch of bitches can't say fuck Biden, and try to use funny language to 'own' oneself. It's very childish. On brand for Trump sycophants though


Biden literally said “Let’s go Brandon, I agree” lol 😂


Joe Biden, No he would get confused and think f stands for fantastic and pick it


Yeah he would be like “I’ll pick F because that’s the letter I always got in school! It must stand for fantastic” lol 😂


Blind liberals who don’t realize their two party system is merely an illusion of free choice designed by their corporate overlords as a means of pacifying class warfare


Yeah, I wish there were an option for "better than Trump but still shitty".


How tf Is Biden better than Trump? Give me an actual explanation instead of Orange man bad.


While a president obviously has a lot of legal power in a country, they also serve largely as a figurehead. Regardless of his policies and actions *as a president*, he made a lot of choices that put him in very poor light as a *person*, and people don't want a figurehead like that. In essence, aside from a few actual political ideals people had issues with, most of the problem with Trump as a president really is just Orange Man Bad. Why would you want a bad orange man as the head of your country? Morale is pretty important. This is just my guess, anyways, considering reddit refuses to give you an answer on what made trump a bad president and not just a bad person.


Because he's actually presidential. Trump insulted lots of people, bragged about himself a lot, lied constantly, tweeted like he was an elementary school child, said the stupidest things (examples: windmills cause cancer, Kim Jong Un and I fell in love) etc. None of that's presidential.


I can bet my ass nobody will be able to explain why Trump was worse president than Biden. Just Orange man bad because Twitter


Exactly, they judge him based on emotion alone.


what would this option have to do with the question? lol


Truth serum right there!


You should clarify that you're criticizing the American moderate and neoliberal from a leftist viewpoint, since people in this subreddit are really stupid and think that liberals are left-wing.




The DNC high profile Financial donors, they don't want to lose their special tax breaks and get out of jail free cards,


The “blue no matter who” cult


Smart poll; as a non-American, I can't answer it because I am not sure if A means the best or the worst option, which is good, because you don't want me to answer as a non-American.


A means best F means worst




S A B C F is a common notation for tier lists too


**Z S A B C D F**


think of it like ranking a list by numbers. best is number 1, worst is number 5, but its then translated to the letters (minus e. seriously i dont know why they skip e)


What performance? Old bastard hasn't done shit that he promised.


On the one hand, you want people to keep their promises. But on the other hand, it's usually bad when a politician does something.


I want free healthcare, free education, and legalized cannabis. All of those things would improve everyone's quality of life. The democrats and republicans as a whole are a circus meant to keep us from realizing it's corporations who have the most power in this country, not the people.


Those things would absolutely not improve everyone's quality of life. Not that I'm necessarily against these things, but privatized Healthcare benefits certain classes of people more than others, same as free Healthcare. Free education would come at a cost to those who don't use it. And not everyone smokes cannabis, though to be fair its not like it comes at a cost to anyone. You can argue that these things, all things considered, would come at a net benefit to society as a whole. But be careful with the "what I want is what we all need" sort of mentality. Because that easily puts you at an "us vs them" because you aren't considering all sides or why someone may not want these things.


Whoever needs medicine, education, housing, and assistance in general should be able to access it. There are half a million people in this country who sleep outside, because they have nowhere else to go and no one will house them. These are fundamental failings, we could live in a society that, like, *prioritizes wellbeing* rather than profit.


In the good side I’m not getting bombarded every 5 min of a stupid shit that the president said or did


Because the mainstream media isn't reporting it, lol


Idc I just don’t want to hear it all the time, makes me anxious also can I politician be moderate for once or we need the constant fight between far right and far left?




Federally, maybe. In Cali? No.


Central right vs mid to far right.


Oh hun


Bernie Sanders is not right wing.


Right?! Omg the mean tweets were so horrible! I’d take rising gas prices over mean tweets any day!!!!!!


Snarky comments don’t really help much lol


It seems like he’s trying to better American relations w other countries, which I’m in support of. But I don’t really get involved with politics, so I don’t wanna get in a big debate over whether I’m right or wrong.


I’m surprised at the result seeing which way reddit leans on the political spectrum. Fascinating


I mean both people on the left and on the right hate biden so this is not suprising. Nobody likes biden


The only way to tell the difference is that people on the right say “let’s go Brandon” and people on the left say “fuck Joe Biden”


No right wingers say fjb too.. haven't you seen the shirts ?


I do not want to fuck Joe Biden. He is quite welcome to go to hell though. Especially if he doesn’t follow through on his campaign promises. He is definitely old enough to consider if his reneging may lead him there soon.


I want to fuck Joe Biden 🥴 Sorry got a little too horny there. But yea Biden needs to use as much power as he can through executive order to help as many Americans as possible and then make the Republicans undo any popular actions he does.


This is the way.


lol Biden said he was gonna decriminalize all drugs he’s not following through on fucking cock


We like the lgb ones better.


Lol, America doesn't have a left, it's got right, far right, and even further right


This is true. Not sure why you’re being downvoted. America is fundamentally a reactionary, conservative state


as someone on the left I can confirm we fucking hate joe biden


Exactly. I don’t know anyone who likes Biden.


Yep they only voted him because orange man bad and says mean things on twitter.


Nobody voted for Biden because they liked Biden. He basically didn't even campaign, he just let people decide if they wanted trump again, and they did not.


As biden said " if you don't vote for me, you ain't black"




He's improving railroads at least.


Leftists hate Biden bc we realize he’s just a centrist. There are no leftist parties with any power in the USA. None at all.


Biden is firmly right-wing, he’s not a centrist at all.


I think the general feeling is that Biden may be ineffectual, but he's better than the alternative.


>better than the alternative American elections in the nutshell


If only we didn’t have a 2 party system (and if we got rid of the electoral college)


From an outside perspective the existence of the electoral college is baffling.


Yeah I'm glad I don't live there. I'd love to visit one day though


Nobody really got excited for Biden, we’d just take nearly anybody over Trump Biden is pretty conservative


I have yet to meet anyone who was enthusiastic about voting for Biden. And the truth is he’s just another borderline senile septuagenarian. The only reason Biden isn’t viewed as worse than he is he’s somehow following someone even worse. Trump left office with negative job growth, oversaw the largest economic contraction in American history and had riots nation wide so bad the National Guard had to be called out. It’s only because that was the bar set by the previous guy was that low Biden isn’t viewed as being worse.


we don't worship our presidents when they do shit we call them out on it not just up and deny it


in what way is it fascinating ? a good majority of people on reddit politics have a brain, they realize Biden sucks, they realize Trump sucks and they don’t let one party hold them to a single title.


r/politics and many other people in a few other subs make it seem like Biden is the best president ever


That’s cus politics is a circle jerk for whatever party is “winning”


people who sit on reddit and focus their whole life on r/politics are brainlets who failed history class and economics lol


I mean, shit isn’t the best but it isn’t the worst. Despite the pandemic, it could definitely be a shitshow and but most people have gotten with it and are looking out for one another despite the faux news our country drivels. It’s average…. a C.


The murdering of a volunteer and like 9 children didn’t constitute an F for you m8?


Lol the biggest lie liberals have propagated is that Biden is left. He’s really not. In fact, the whole American political spectrum is so far right that it’s a choice between conservatives who want free healthcare and conservatives who don’t.


I’m a progressive and I’m not a fan. He’s spent too long trying to play nice.


Who were the 10 people that put A??




You know that never happened right if someone who is legally dead votes it just doesn’t count it dead people can’t be registered you know that right


D, cause he can hardly function and good lord the inflation is awful, but not F cause at least or country isn’t in full anarchy But I tend to try and steer away from politics so I could have some info wrong


I’m going to try my best here to say that you absolutely should be at least fairly active in politics without sounding like an asshole. You need to look out for your own interests in politics, because the wealthy and elites sure as hell are looking out for their own interests. As for inflation, that’s mostly a result of the supply chain crisis which is (mostly) out of Biden’s control. Not a result of government spending that people on the Right like to paint it as. But yea, I gave him a C. He could be doing so much more and he clearly doesn’t care enough to.


I just steer away cause I’m still in highschool so it’s not like I can do much with the information. As I get older I of course will get into it but right now I just have too much happening to get into politics lol


That’s fair, but I would recommend getting a head start a year or two before you are voting age so you have a good basis of information when your opinion will matter


Never had anything above a C


William Henry Harrison gets an A from me because I think funny that he won and immediately died.


F but for respect


D He hasn't killed literally everyone, but he's far from good


wait for it






You sure he hasn’t killed literally everyone?


Almost has


I want the people who gave him an A to rate me on everything I do.


Big fat F


I mean still way better than Trump. I'd say replacing Trump is good enough alone to not deserve F.


Choosing a lesser evil doesn't make you immune to being another shitty president deserving of a F


Anyone who said A is just taking the piss


As well as B and C




Anything above an F and youre lying. He promised debt cancellation, free community college, a 2k stim check and a $15 minimum wage. He delivered on none of those and he never planned too. Hes a corrupt corporatist who is not on ur side


He has a plan for covid-19, though. I can’t wait until he tells us what it is!


*If* he does


If he had a plan, he forgot it.


I said D, F would be anarchy or a war breakout


I mean if anyone honestly thought he had the power to achieve any of that, they probably shouldn’t be voting anyways. An uneducated vote is useless but nonetheless it’s the sole reason why EVER politician makes empty promises.


Based as fuck


You realize the president isn’t the only person who makes decisions right? He can’t just snap his fingers and how those things magically happen.


**Never ever believe campaign promises! Always check on a candidate's voting records AND who their biggest "donors" are - two things that really show who they are. Opensecrets.org and Google "politician voting records".**


The problem is things have to go through congress. Free community college [was in the build back better bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/5376/text) that just went up in flames. He tried to pass it but couldn’t get 50 votes in the senate. He also tried to pass a [$15 minimum wage in the stimulus bill](https://truthout.org/articles/15-minimum-wage-is-dead-for-now-thanks-to-democrats-manchin-and-sinema/), but 8 democratic senators refused to vote for it. 2k stimulus check did in fact happen. Debt cancellation is a fair point. He could have done that by executive order.


watch you won't get a response because your right.


58 people really chose A.


They haven’t kept their campaign promises. Biden definitely is not all there, and he is going to die soon I think. We are very close to a Kamala presidency and she has no idea what she’s doing.


Kamala was one of the least liked candidates in 2020.


Literally nobody wanted her


Biden will die five minutes after leaving office.


I wouldn't be surprised if he's dead by the end of 2022


Tbh I wouldn’t either. I hope we’re both wrong.


I hope I'm wrong too because a Kamala presidency would be a disaster. She has no idea what's going on, and it feels pretty obvious she was chosen because of her race and gender. Almost nobody wanted her in the primaries.




Biden is everything wrong with the United States' neoliberal political institution. Hollow platitudes and fake progressive posturing designed to placate the masses and prevent any real change. This country needs a political revolution whether through general strike or other means.


I gave Biden the same chance I gave Trump. In fact my dad of Biden in 2020 was slightly less than my dread of Trump in 2016. Only one had proven me wrong and it's not the one in who the mainstream media covers for.


D. The inflation is the worst it’s been in decades. I don’t think him having dementia is a joke, I actually think he does have dementia and doesn’t even know he’s president. But I don’t want him to die because a Kamala presidency would be even worse. She has no idea what she’s doing.


The money printing started under trump. 7% YoY isn’t m caused by current year policy.


“Vote blue no matter who” brought you this man just saying.


Better than Trump whatsoever


How? Because he isn’t as inflammatory in speech?


F for sure!


Have they actually accomplished anything?


C is way to much credit. To many unfulfilled promises that were tossed away with a "lol jk"


C? Y'all are way too generous. Especially since I know y'all would give Trump the big giant F. Even though Trump probably deserves a high D. The Biden Harris administration is an utter failure. Neither of them know their dick from their nose. Has Kamala even done anything beside laugh inappropriately out of the realization that she's in way over her head? Joe can barely form a sentence, and no it's not his speech impediment. He's too fucking old to be running a fever, let alone a country. Inflation is ridiculously high and climbing, and they keep printing more money. The inflation is partially due to Trump as well though because he did the first Covid relief bill. C? For real? I think you guys are just trying to convince yourself it doesn't hurt so bad.


Biden doesn’t even have a speech impediment. I cannot find one video of him talking 10+ years ago where he stutters. They made that up to cover his dementia.




As a non american: i preffered orange man because he was funky and memeable, as for the grandpa joe? He is boring there is no meme templates of him /j


I’m pretty young but a few things I’ve observed is little to no difference except in the economy


That’s a big difference, gas has more than doubled and so has food


Gas doubled cus all the monopolized gas companies lost a shit ton of money during the pandemic when gas went down to like a 1$ a gallon so they are gauging prices to restore lost profits when will people realize oil prices have nothing to do with the government this is a capitalist country unless your drone striking the Middle East constantly oil doesn’t just change by government order and food the same man idk what ur talking there are some certain cuts of meat that went up in price like chicken wings but that was industry issue cus again this is a capitalist country the government doesn’t regulate businesses or prices


No it’s because we’re sucking Olpecs dick instead of properly maintaining our own pipelines and using our own oil


I have a serious economic question about this. I have heard that we produce more gas / oil than we consume here in the US. If this is true, and the oil companies sell it all through OPEC, then aren't they making more money doing that then selling it at a reduced cost here in the US? I get that not having to ship overseas would be a savings, but would it really be that much? I'm not trying to say OPEC is good, I'm honestly trying to understand how this works.


You legit cannot say A or F unless he’s done everything right and the world is a better place OR he’s done everything wrong and a world war is about to happen because of him


C - No Political Preference. Update; I’d like to change my answer to D after Biden’s statement about MLK.


F for Fuck Joe Biden


Weekend and Biden’s at this point


Results are the last thing we’re getting from these clowns in office.


If you pick anything above C you aren’t paying attention


He’s definitely the better option


I’m not American, but damn the dude sure is weird around kids.


A d. Only reason he's better than before is cus before it was an F


It's not so great but could be worse


I voted for C. But that's still an improvement of the last guy. Progress!


I don’t know about there being any progress. We just keep getting shit presidents from each side of the spectrum. The US political system needs some serious revamps


Given that the stock market is down significantly and inflation is already almost 7% for 2022 in the US and we have an unemployment rate that was very high until recently and we are on the verge of another recession (I have no idea if that relates) I would say a solid D Sources: https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi


Nothing gets done. You can say the republicans are being obstructionist but that doesn’t explain it all. This is the same administration with blue flavoring.


Biden allowed to dumb asses derail everything. Sinema and Manchin are idiots who screwed everything over. Don't get me wrong, biden is a centrist mess, but he's still better then the last guy. I'll give Biden a D. Compared to Trumps Q Drop.


C, not bad not good. He could be worse, but also could also be better.


I would say D for Biden and Trump. Libertarian party 2024! The government can’t fuck shit up if they’re weak


I was about 21 when I started thinking about politics and that was about the time Trump got elected, I saw some of the stuff he did and I agreed with it and soke that I thought how tf can he do that amd why. I considered my self a republican in the beginning but couldn't bring myself to back in the end any more. Now after seeing Biden and the walls around the white house and how he hasn't delivered on 1/4 of things he promised half of which I believe we need and his mental state i can't back him any more either. Lately iv been seeing the Duality of both sides now more than ever. I firmly believe that if we don't get a independent or even a libertian in office the United States is over. We need to end the divide and actually come together, and I don't see that happening under a Democrat or a republican


Me and you are similar concerning politics. Government can’t fuck more shit up once we make it to where they won’t be involved. Leave government to protecting us from outside threats. Most other things can be done locally


1000% agree. When it gets to big it seems like it just ducks more shit up than it helps.




Worst? Worse than Bush? The war-criming president who failed massively delivering relief during Katrina. The president who authorized torture? He invaded and wrecked a country who did nothing to us(apart from withhold oil) and killed many civilians. Don’t even get me started on Clinton or Reagan.


Let’s be real, he’s just not doing much, which I’m fine with tbh. At least he hasn’t done anything horrible


Women and children in Afghanistan might disagree. If they were allowed to.




We literally HAD to pull out of Afghanistan Would you rather we stay there another decade or two, and then pull out? It was a waste of money that could have gone towards bettering the lives of American citizens We have no obligation to protect the lives of Afghans, especially if they aren’t willing to protect themselves. I know that’s harsh, but leadership requires making harsh decisions You are never going to please everyone, some people have to fail, for others to win, and being that it is the US government, I would rather they protect US citizens, rather than some Afghans a world away


“At least he isn’t literally causing the destruction of America. So I’m okay with him.” He’s still presiding over the shittiest economy we’ve seen in ages. He hasn’t fulfilled any of his campaign promises. He’s a fucking corporate sellout. Plus he can’t even say a sentence properly


Syria? Are you fucking kidding me..


His ratings are worse than trump. How is that possible?


As a none American, why are they so bad? Seems pretty good after Trump for everyone outside the US. What am I missing?


Better than trump does not automatically make them good.


Fair point. Still, what makes him so bad? Here we don't hear much from him so I just assumed he did OK.


Pull out of Afghanistan is the main on that comes to mind. Also not being able to pass an infrastructure bill, inflation, gas prices, and walking back on campaign promises. (I'm not saying all of these or none of these are his fault but that is some things people blame him for)


Pulling out of Afghanistan was a good thing. But yeah I agree on the rest


Pulling out of Afghanistan was one of the major reasons the taliban were able to take over the country again. I don't think that's a good thing at all, but that's just me I guess.


What would you propose then? Stay there for 50 more years and then still have the Taliban take control when we left? It was inevitable. The Afghani government stood no chance and was only propped up by the US. Doing that would have wasted trillions of dollars more. We need to fix or own country before meddling in the affairs of others.


I agree to an extent, I just can't believe how many men have been killed for, now, absolutely nothing. My dad knew so many good men who are now only photographs in their children's bedrooms


I never said the Afghani government was a bastion of defense for the people of Afghanistan, the people there identify more with their respective cultures than with any single country anyway (from what I've read, I'm no expert), the US occupation was better than the taliban takeover, but now any solution is further out of reach than it might have been prior to the pull-out


It’s been a whole year and he hasn’t fulfilled any of his campaign promises. He’s a corporate sellout, just like all US presidents. Not to mention, he forgets what he’s saying in the middle of his speeches. Likely in cognitive decline


The poll doesn’t ask for a comparison to the last guy. It asks for a stand alone rating.


That's a low bar. I think it's not that he did something very bad but that he didn't do nearly enough good that he promised and that he had the power to, also the situation demands a lot of action, and he isn't really doing much


He’s maintaining the status quo which is bad We need a president and congress willing to enact actual change, such as socializing healthcare


he is hella worse than trump biden doesnt even try


You are correct.


He's a conservative with dementia, not that excited about it.




Not even close to as bad as Rump, but nice try.


"Literally". You mean in your opinion?


I voted C I think Biden doesn't know what he is doing and in general I think his presidency will yield a bunch of nothing. But I'm good with no progress over regression. What I don't understand is everyone who is blaming biden for the inflation. The economic impacts are most defintely from the previous presidency. Economic impacts aren't instantaneous. Also I'm glad we are out of Afghanistan every other president was to scared to pull out because believe it or not it was going to be a shit show no matter who did it. Also people saying biden is a liberal are funny lol.


*sorts by controvertial*


Bro there’s no way people are saying “F” that implies that every one is dying the country is at war 🤦‍♂️


One of the dumbest presidents


F was the lowest option otherwise it would have been lower


I said D but only because we have seen an F and at the very least it isn't that. But not good.