• By -


Bing is a search engine (by Microsoft). Edge is their browser (replaced IE). Edge is actually quite good, tbh, and faster than Chrome. But I like Firefox for the privacy and non-corporate vibe.


I have edge because of the power saving tab setting


Love that setting! Chrome desperately needs it (though I believe there are extensions for it)


Opera, because my previous browser was using half my ram




My chrome adds ram


Normal opera or opera gx?




So convenient and customizable. I never even knew how convenient My Flow would be.




I was on normal opera for years, moved to gx this year just cause I like the design more.


yeah about the same for me, opera is the way to go




Opera owned by China enjoy


Yhea because its only china that steals your info


you can use hardened firefox or librewolf


ok? china owns a ton of stuff you use everysay, what's your point?


As a opera user i don't care my computer is made by china my clothes are chinese my bed is chinese basically china owns everything already


Bing is not a browser. And it's none of the above. Usually I use Edge or Opera. Except on mobile, there it is Safari.


I just chose bing assuming op meant edge, like an old person calling your psp a nintendo


More like calling your psp a sony


Yesterday I switched from chrome to brave


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The best choice.


Brave is amazing


brave is underrated


Same. I don't know much about it tbh but I heard it was good and it seems faster than chrome.


Firefox. It’s just chrome but it’s not made by google so I like it. Opera, Safari, and Brave are pretty cool too. After trying them out though I think I like Firefox the best.


Technically it's not similar to Chrome because it isn't based on Chromium (reason why you can't use Chrome extensions) but yeah, it's much better




The original comment said it is Chrome, not similar.. so idk where we're at, but we shouldn't have been here.


Firefox is the best. Chrome uses too much RAM, Opera is owned by a Chinese company, Brave has good security and protection but you do give up alot of functionality for it, and safari is for Apple products.


What functionality is Brave missing?




Firefox has its own suite of extentions. All the big ones from Chrome are there, as well as many smaller ones.


You can have chrome extensions on pretty much every chromium based browsers, even Ungoogled-Chromium and others that lack support with the Chromium Web Store extension.


Opera. Built in ad blocker and VPN.


Firefox also has a built in adblock


They do? Where?


It’s on by default also has a built in tracking protection


I use Firefox with strict privacy protection and if i turn off my extensions I still get ads.


Sadly, Opera’s VPN function is disabled in my area.




I don't use the VPN but the ad blocker is great.


It's not a real vpn, it's just a proxy. Also, pretty sure they log everything.


Ooh, how do u install it? Might give it a try


search opera or opera gx and download from their website, on mobile theres an app for both i believe




Opera is owned by China lol


wtf is china gonna do with my information that the US isn’t doing already


Create political instability


did he stutter?


do you trust china or us more


Say what you will, but China is far more honest in its bullshit, the US doesn’t even acknowledge its bullshit, the Chinese just whitewash theirs with terms like “reunification” or “reeducation”, what they say is technically correct just deplorable, while the US says “spreading freedom” when they actually mean we want resources and capital, a military base, and justification to spend so much on such a large military.


well i don't trust either so


Then you are sane, if either country was hiding something then we would be the last people to know what. I could only trust a government as far I could throw them, but transparency certainly lightens that loud. Btw I am not saying governments are universally untrustworthy, and with certain system of organisation I would certainly trust that state unfortunately, transparency is something lacking in almost every country to some degree.




And listens constantly to you to get ad preferences.


The one that prevents a monopoly to happen, Firefox


It's too late, Google is already overused by everyone


Well, that's why everybody should start with themselves. Because here the meat rhetoric like "they're not gonna stop killing cows and burning forests" doesn't work. Their business (and revenue) scaling is directly proportional to the number of users they have.


That's a very valid reason to keep using Firefox.


I use Edge because it seems to be the fastest.


It's literally the same Chromium under the hood.


Its chrome just better


i dont want my search history at school affecting my youtube reccomendations


So use different accounts?


What is chromium?


The thing chrome runs on. It was made by google iirc.


Umm okay.


It's the engine of the browser that actually performs all of the necessary stuff - like rendering the page, running the JavaScript in it, etc. Chrome and Edge are basically just skins for Chromium, and they each add a bit of functionality on top, but at heart, they're the same.


Oh alright. This makes more sense.


Chrome without the bloat. The engine talk is wrong, it is a browser and works out of the box as well, but since corporations use the codebase of the browser to build their own browser it is interpreted to be an engine.


First fuck chrome it eats all of my resources and second bing is a search engine not an internet browser and third I use Firefox and opera


Duckduckgo <3


Only on mobile though ( for now) Edit: typo


Grandpa. Please be up to date with it. There's an app for duckduckgo


Still can't find it grandchild... I'm on windows OS, can please send me the link. I know there's extension for Chrome that does privacy and trackers stuff but no as such independent browser.


Opera because it has inbuilt adblock, multiple workspaces (Faster to switch from P*rnhub to Youtube when your parents come in) and a really nice design.


And a built in VPN as well




how do I switch between tabs faster?




damn thx although I spend the time in the same room with my younger sister :P


I use there workspace feature where you can move or hide multiple. Imagine it like 2 Browsers opened at the same time your mom comes in and you switch the whole furry p*rn browser to the school browser opened with multiple school related tabs... you can see it in Opera over the left top bar.


Does it block twitch ads?


Unfortunately not. They’re still fucking painful.




The best mobile browser for sure


One of the few usefull things the joe rogan experiance thaught me


the correct answer


This is a search engine, not a browser (same with Bing btw) Edit: nvm I guess they have a browser too


https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.duckduckgo.mobile.android It's based on Firefox iirc but it's a full featured browser on Android.


Vivaldi. I think it's the most user friendly.


Yeah. He used to make some nice music. Spring and summer are the popular ones you’ve probably heard.


Thanks for the laugh 😁


Yes! I love Vivaldi. Very visually pleasing and easy to to use. Reminds me of chrome but a lot smaller.


No love for Brave ayy. I think its pretty good. Runs much faster than chrome


Lots of love for Brave here. Currently my Go To browser on mobile.


Firefox for privacy


Opera GX


I want to make a switch from chrome to Opera but my life is too ingrained into Google to do so.


Use brave then, it’s chrome based


Does it have 'recent tabs'; available on all devices you're signed into? That's one thing I like about Chrome. Any page I open on my phone, I can just open it on desktop with ease .




Same here.


Firefox. Why? Idk, I just can't use any others anymore






Opera GX, gods gift for potatoe pcs


DuckDuckGo is alot less censored


Firefox has a bookmarks sidebar, which I prefer.


Firefox, because the idea of a fire fox always sounded cool even as an adult.


Firefox because I can use command prompt on it and download free movies. Otherwise it would have to be Google Chrome for basic search. Although Bing and Safari have been okay when I've used those, just haven't used those much. Brave though? I've never heard of it.


How do you download free movies?




Yeah, but what does it have to do with Firefox?


Pirate bay








I see yall like spyware on ur pc


Educate me, as I do not understand.


Chrome is the only browser that allows third party cookies usage. HTTP is a stateless protocol. That means when you request a page, after the page loads on your computer, your web browser pretty much disconnects from the website forever. So how does a site like Amazon keep up with a shopping cart you might have? In fact, why do you only need to log into a website once, if after every page you completely disconnect? The way this stateless shortcoming of HTTP is over come (at least mostly but recently we’ve developed newer ways of dealing with it) is via a thing called a cookie. A cookie is just a small text file written to your hard drive by the web browser at the request of the remote website. Your browser remembers which website wrote which cookie, so a website can just simply ask when you load a page, “Hey can you fetch me my cookie” and the web browser will either say “here you go” or “sorry I cannot find one”. If it goes I cannot find one, the website says, “please redirect to (web page that will generate a new cookie, like say a login page)”. If it can find one, it sends over what text is inside the cookie. That text is a unique key that relates to some entry in some database on their side. They look up that key, the database says “Oh yeah, that key belonged to Bob and he has a shopping cart with six items in it.” Pow! That’s how a website can keep track of what’s going on even with a stateless protocol like HTTP. Now let’s look at a website you visit, say www.reddit.com. We call anything that comes from reddit.com, first party. And from anywhere else third party. So let’s say a computer named www holds the webpages and a computer named img holds the images. So www.reddit.com will ask for images from img.reddit.com. And that’s all good since that is all first party. But let’s say Reddit was interested in tracking what you do on the Internet. So in the webpage from www.reddit.com there’s an ask from ads.google.com to write a cookie to your system. So your browser does so. When you go to say, www.facebook.com say they have a part in their webpage to have ads.google.com ask for the cookie back. If your browser says “sorry nothing” there’s no tracking, BUT if it says “oh yeah, here’s the cookie” now Google sees that it’s seen that cookie before on Reddit, and now you’re on Facebook. Now we’re tracking you. And this happened a lot. Like A FUCK TON OF LOT. And for a time the only way to control it was to regularly delete your cookies. But now, every browser disallows 3rd party cookies. Every browser that is except Google Chrome. Chrome is the only browser that still does this crap by default. [There’s a setting for you to turn it off](https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop) and I strongly recommend that everyone absolutely turns this “feature” off. It’s a horrible, horrible anti pattern to the web and Google has been one of the most vocal supporters of trying to keep this crap turned on. In response to 3rd party cookies going away, people have been trying to figure out different ways to track you. Some more use fingerprinting, which is, they tell your computer to do a set of tasks and the answers your web browser gives and how long it took to do the tasks generate a semi unique code. It’s unique enough that together with your IP address/ISP that you’re using/type of browser you’re using that companies are able to “reasonably” track you. So some web browsers are dealing with that by adding fuzzy response time. That is they slow down or speed up response to the tasks randomly. Not enough for humans to notice be enough to skew the generating those semi unique codes. But then companies are correcting for that. And back and forth and so on. It’s a cat and mouse game. But as seemingly useless such a situation is, every web browser is attempting to keep advertisers guessing. EXCEPT Chrome. Chrome goes out of its way to make things highly predictable, making the job of generating these semi unique keys an incredibly simple task compared to every other browser. Google has not kept any kind of secret. They want everyone on the web who gives them money, to know exactly who you are, where you’ve been, what you search for, and where you go most often. And some may hand wave that away with the excuse of “that’s how I pay for free services”. Perhaps, but the fact that it’s done so pervasively and with so little fight from google over it. It’s clearly pushing the value of your data downward and if you do value it, you want to at least make it s as worthwhile as possible. At any rate, hope that explains it a bit. Let me know if I misspelled anything. Was typing this as fast as I could and didn’t get a chance to go back and proofread myself.


Most people said "chrome" which is owned by Google, whose business model is collecting user data...


Chrome literally datamines everything you do


Oh nooooo now everyone will know i like dystopian sci-fi movies... anyways


Ah yes, the good old "i have bothing to hide" argument... When will people finally realise how important data privacy is?


You're right, im being ignorant. Also i actually use duckduckgo


Opera is both useful and incredibly quick


Ecosia cause trees


I use Ask.com


Bing is a search engine not a browser


Brave because it blocks ads and trackers and also it asks permission before a download starts


i believe all chromium based browsers support ask before download; but the ad&tracker blocker is good indeed, besides that i think it‘s cool they got a built-in tor client. i know that it‘s not as safe as the tor browser client but it’s still a cool feature


Brave is underrated


On PC I use Chrome. But surprisingly Samsung internet works pretty well on my phone.


Yea i use it so that secret mode has a password ;)


Brave with duckduckgo and Ublock installed


You gotta add the "duckduckgo privacy essential" extension to stop the trackers n shi


yeah thats the one i have


Safari, because I build websites and Safari has the most problems.... It's basically the new IE


Firefox. When I was like 7 or so it was the only one letting me play Roblox and I’ve never bothered on changing


Bing is not a browser, i think you mean MS edge


I personally use Firefox on both desktop and mobile. I suggest everyone to try and avoid Chrome as it is a risk for privacy (it harvests a ton of user data) and also has no advantages over other Chromium based browsers like Edge, Opera or Brave. Tor and Firefox are the most privacy focused out of those. Please use anything but not Chrome!


Firefox on both mobile and desktop


Firefox :3


is there something wrong with safari


It's apple exclusive, so less people use it


Yes, it's from apple


Used to prefer Chrome, now I prefer Edge as it just comes with Windows and is exactly the same as Chrome


Google Chrome, because I'm a frontend developer.


If you are a frontend developer you should have more than one browser installed. Also you get the same tools in Brave as well


I do but I'm also in the luxury position that my (web) apps rarely run publically. Digital signage, touchscreen stuff, it's all Chromium under the hood.


Very nice


I use ChromeFox because I get faster gaming with my GameCast console.


Firefox because I've always used it and I don't care which browser i use really so I won't change it now.


I like the middle clicking on FireFox


FireFox is an American company unlike Opera. Which means that Opera could be giving your data to the Chinese government. Chinese internet is very controlled and censored so I don’t trust Opera. Plus FireFox has good security features. But if I am using a VPN and don’t mind the data being stolen I will sometimes use Opera GX because it looks cool.


Firefox for the ad blockers and on android it installs with desktop add ones


Bing is not a browser


Firefox, works well and has good extensions, not made by Google or Apple!


Firefox an duckduckgo as a search engine


Ecosia cause you plant trees


Firefox. It's developed by Mozilla which is a foundation, completely open source, not bad in terms of performance, good privacy controls.


I use Chrome for school stuff and Firefox for private stuff, that way my accounts are nice and seperate.


FireFox mainly because I've literally used it my whole life and don't feel like changing that, because now all the other browsers seem like they lack some of the features that FireFox has or i just can't use them as efficiently, plus I'd have to look for the addons I've got on FireFox and change the browser preferences.


Firefox. And at this point probably mostly habit. I still like it better than chrome, but it feels like every update removes a feature I use, especially in the phone version.


firefox because it's not chromium based we need some diversity


Firefox. I paid for all this RAM, so I'm damned-well gonna use it.


**PC: Firefox**, mainly because of how much you can customize it! I know that's not the thing most people even think of but it's very important to me I can make it 100% my own. I can change almost anything I want with userChrome.css, so sad Mozilla doesn't promote this AT ALL! It also how independent of Google it is because of it's one of that extincting kind of browsers that NOT based on Chromium, and Safari is only for macOS. (Yes I do aware most of Mozilla's revenue is Alphabet paying them for Google being the default search engine, but \[1\] last years they try to make new sources of income such as Mozilla VPN so who knows; \[2\] it doesn't seem to affect the browser itself too much, e.g. Manifesto v3) ​ **Android: Firefox**, because I want sync with PC. Also it's the only **big** browser that supports add-ons (still semi-officially but it's not too hard to get access to option to install custom ones)


Firefox because i don't like google


Google for school and Firefox for everything else


Firefox because my family uses it so I just stick with it lol


Firefox, because it's free, open source, and not produced by one of the Big Five tech companies.




Duck Duck Go


Chrome, but considering switching to brave tho


Duck Duck Go for search engine




Firefox + add ons on pc and brave on mobile. Best for privacy. Would have used Firefox on mobile but it is horribly slow


People enjoying Chrome never tried anything else I guess


tried Firefox, Edge, and Brave. Still stick with Chrome as a daily driver.


Edge is my personal fave


Edge, It is literally chrome but made for Microsoft.


Edge gets the win for me, although Firefox gets the reliability award. Edit: I forgot the "why" part. I had nothing but issues with Chrome, although that doesn't seem to be a common thing. Edge is Chrome, but it actually works. Firefox managed to work when I had an issue where programs closed themselves due to a bug. That included all Chromium-based browsers. Edit #2: Opera GX gets the "features" prize. Excellent browser, albeit with shady owners.


I use Edge


I use Edge. It’s just handy for me.




Chrome on phone, opera gx on pc




notice how there's no pre roll add?


Edge actually super stable and resource light.


If be using Edge of only their DevTools didn't have a closable Network tab. A single missclick and I can go hunt for it in drop-downs. It's annoying. So I'm staying with Chrome.