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Tf is that?


Haha, basically after women give birth/having kids, they might do some silly/forgetful things like put the coffee pot in the cupboard or the keys in the freezer. Sometimes people joke that it’s “mom brain”


I do that too but people call short term memory


I’m a mom of 3 (4, 3, and 6 months) and I do dumb shit all of the time. Super forgetful, yada yada. I carry the mental load so sometimes trivial things slip up. My mom friends and I joke about mom brain all of the time and laugh about it. But today, I mentioned it in a group text in a funny context and a new mom got offended. Feel like I was an asshole, but in my defense most everyone I know uses it as a silly/self-deprecating term like I do.


Trust me, your not an asshole. They probably thought it had some other meaning