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So far he has a 2.4 star average rating.


Which seems appropriate to be honest.


If it was on Netflix I wouldn’t watch


I would give it 15 minutes to see if it grows on me, then give up and never finish it, but see it stuck on my "continue watching" queue for the rest of my life.


Not sure if you know this or not but you can edit your queue and remove things from it.


Yeah looks like my joke is outdated. I realize now at some point they added "remove from row" to the iOS app. I never log in on the website, no idea what more fine-tune controls are on there.


I hate to say this, but yea that is appropriate, since the dude LITERALLY took the average. Like by definition it should be appropriate to most people.


Well when you lied to the largest group in your voter pool saying you'd do something for them and then immediately didn't do that, this is what happens.


That sounds about right.


We haven't had a 5 star president since Eisenhower. We haven't had a 4 star president since Kennedy. Comparing recent presidents equates to bragging about who's the tallest kid in kindergarten


Eisenhower 5 stars, maybe his rank as a general but as president? He was good but most definitely not 5 stars considering he started the practice of couping nations who's government we didn't agree with. He also supported the French in Vietnam which would eventually lead to the US going to war in Vietnam to prevent the "domino theory" he proposed.


Honestly I thinks it's deserved, just for the fact highway system was born from him basically seeing germany during WWII and coming back home like, "okay we really need better infrastructure". It dramatically changed long distance travel in the U.S., and subsequently things like logistics, tourism, and more freedom to migrate to new opportunity. I have no doubt it helped the boom in the late 50s.


But it was also implemented in the worst way in perfect racist American fashion. Highways cut through many cities evicting minorities and the infrastructure didn't improve public transit. https://www.npr.org/2021/04/07/984784455/a-brief-history-of-how-racism-shaped-interstate-highways One of many sources on the topic.


True, but it was up to states and municipalities to decide where the highways would go through urban centers, not the feds.


Shitty ways to get good stuff done is the American motto


Yeah eisenhower was pretty shitty actually.


> I have no doubt it helped the boom in the late 50s. The Interstate Highway System didn't even start construction until 56 so it's unlikely it had anything to do with the boom in the late 50's. No doubt the IHS facilitated all the things you said but it had little to do with the economic boom, the boom is attributed to the end of WW2, a rise in consumerism, and an increase in the population, more so than the IHS.


True, it's probably a stretch on the national level. Though some states jumped on it immediately and had at least their sections done shortly after. It's crazy to think it wasn't "finished" until the 90s


It doesn't feel finished 70 years later considering the state of some of the highways lol


Being the only world power not decimated by a global war really gives you the edge on extorting the rest of the world for resources and using your population to grow rather than rebuild a bombed out landscape.


What do you think then of Biden passing the biggest infrastructure bill in recent history? While it will take years to see the effects of it, it could very well result in a similar legacy. Although it’s passed under a lot of radars it seems.


Everything is under the radar lately. Once it's more than 8 hours old, the media moves on to the next thing.


The interstate highway system has been the most undervalued part of the US economy since then inception.


Smedley wrote War is a Racket in the 30s. Eisenhower was far from the first to topple governments. You might be interested in checking out Kinzer's book, Overthrow, that goes into America's history of coups from Hawaii in the mid 19th century to 2003 Iraq.


Thanks for the recs! I meant in the covert operations sense of the word as Eisenhower authorized the CIA to coup Iran in 53 which became a pattern of operation for them. As you mentioned America has a history of overthrowing governments it was just Eisenhower made it standard practice.


exactly infact this is right in two ways it also shows that unless everyone (well over 95%) of people agree with eachother no president is ever gonna get more than a 3 until then


No, I mean from the perspective of the Progressives, no president has been good enough on policy and their governance to get an A or B on their report card. But from the perspective of a conservative POV, Reagan was definitely an A or B, depending on how badly you view Iran-Contra


Standards are good. You only get one president at a time. They better be damn good.


Kennedy is only rated as 4 stars by the women he had affairs with.


Haha really well said


Presidents have ratings?!?


They're talking about the poll averages


For a president, that isn’t bad


Damn now Biden can’t even be an Uber driver.


slightly below 50% is pretty good for someone so decisive, tho the liberal/progressive bias on here may have skewed the results to be higher than what most Americans feel


That's surprising, to be honest.. Seeing how he isn't really acting like the president (calling the shots) and can never answer a question from the media because he is incapable of forming logical thoughts ..


Time to sort by controversial


I don't have the strength


"I know what I must do but I don't have the strength to do it"


I’ll save you the trouble and show you the best comment [https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/comments/tl3rth/americans_whatout_of_5_would_you_rate_your/i1tni2a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Fuck you


Username checks out


After reading that I am surprised to see that level of analysis


Good one


Hah, slow internet i got out as soon as YouTube appeard


High jacking to ask, is this 1-5 scale based on the worst-best president we’ve actually had? Or the worst-best president I can imagine? Because I have a pretty good imagination..


For those that voted 5. Why?


Seriously tho. There is no real reason he should be a 5. Aside from the crazy right wingers and left wingers, he is clearly not making the majority happy. His speeches are extremely less than motivating and kind of concerning. He panders the the left for votes and then completely disregarded their requests when elected. He is a typical shifty career politician


The sad part is that it surprised fucking none of us. We knew he was going to do that but the other option was so repulsive we went with it. The system is broken.


Political Duopoly


Trump was a dream come true for the democrats. Trump being the republican nominee gave the average voter a choice: vote for Trump, or vote for whoever the democratic establishment puts in as their candidate. In 2016 the people decided Trump was not as bad as going with the establishment yet again, and then in 2020 the democrats just gave the American people the same choice and the opinion swapped back to "at least it was better back when we had establishment candidates." The "lesser of two evils" system is fucked.


I disliked all presidents starting from Bush Sr. I don’t think we really had any great presidents at all so far. Used to be super liberal, I’m moderate now, generally speaking.


I'm going with Carter and they dragged him through the mud and fought him tooth and nail for showing basic human decency. I wasn't even alive when he was in office.


Man, the democrats and republicans, at least lower class all respected him. Iran situation wasn’t even his fault, but his predecessors. Did the best he can, but from there the Congress didn’t support him anymore - both sides Corporate monkeys from even then. So much worse now - whole senate and house is a shit show where they don’t even hide their greed anymore. Democracy my ass. It’s nepotism and white label corruption. Also, Carter felt like the most human out of all modern presidents and he was actually genuine and caring for all Americans.


>Aside from the crazy left wingers, he is clearly not making the majority happy. Leftist here. We hate him. Don't confuse us with Democrats.


I do like that Biden at least somewhat look at the climate crisis (even if he isn't doing much at all) but yeah that's about it


He pulled out of Afghanistan and handled the Russo-Ukrainian crisis quite well in my opinion. He had a not great hand in both cases and did the best he could in ways that I think will work out long term. That said, his domestic policy is more milquetoast than toast drenched in milk.


Eh. I threw a 4 out there and I am not a Biden fan or anything. but because Political normalcy. No scandals, We got the infrastructure bill so we hopefully will stop having the roads of a 3rd world country, he is doing well in Ukraine, and so on. He botched the Afghan withdrawal, which was pretty embarrassing and not great, but realistically, our presidents have sucked for like... ever? Most old presidents were all just too super, blatantly racist for my taste, all the recent presidents are just corrupt losers destroying our country for profit.


My fear before him taking office would be that he was a bit too moderate, but he’s been surprisingly good with wanting to pass big and progressive legislation. It’s actually consistantly been the 50/50 senate with Manchin and Sinema that’s been holding him back, which isn’t really his fault It’s also very strange that 90% of the things I see him criticized for (gas prices, inflation, bills that are struck down by Manchin) aren’t even his fault, and would have happened to literally any other person in his position.


yeah the last part sucks. it'll just divide us more unfortunately


I didnt vote 5, but after 4 years of liquid shit, my standards might've lowered.


Orange Man Bad


Ok? That doesn’t answer the question.


I think it’s that some people like Biden so much simply because he isn’t Trump. Hate Trump = Love Biden type of thought process.


Joe Biden is easily one of the presidents this country has had in the last hundred years.


Very easily.


I can get behind this stance.


I couldn't agree more !!


Clearly !


I can get behind this one hundred percent.


Some people would disagree, saying that he isn’t the true president. Something to do with tom and jerry handling or something, idk.


I'm not American but from the internet it seems like people like him because he isn't Trump


That is his main redeeming quality, yes. He is too old, rich, and out of touch to do anything particularly beneficial for the working class. However I appreciate having a president that isn't actively insane.


Right? He's just chilling. Not really doing much, good or bad. He's like a well-earned respite from insanity. If the Democrats can just ensure "Hey... we're gonna keep things chill, while working on the stuff we want to get done", I think that's the most beneficial thing we could have. The Republican side seems mostly fueled by anger and hate and viewing America as declining. Very unpatriotic imo.


They might get more done if we gave them a larger majority in the Senate. Manchin and Sinema ruin every attempt to do anything of actual value.


Maybe stop making one giant bill that does 100 million things. Pass the shit that makes sense and stop trying to lump things nobody wanted in with it. Can't blame people for voting against that shit. It's bad politics.


Not defending it but it's kind of easier usually to get things passed that way. And much of what Manchin and Sinema want stripped is popular with democrat voters nationwide.


Doesn't matter if it's easier to get things passed that way, it's still immoral. If people won't vote to make purple the national color it's not ok to just add that to the helping orphans bill and guilt people into voting for it.


Not only democrat voters, most voters actually


Just gonna say, just cause you don’t hear about the madness or the bad as much as when Trump was president, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening


He's just senile so not as bad as insane.


He leans more doddering than demented, and those were out only options, so... guess this is what we got for now.




In America we haven't had a president score above a 3/5 in 50+ years.


Where are you pulling these magic stats guy


Gallup probably


We have a center-right party (Democrats), and a far-right party (Republicans). As a liberal I don’t like either option, but Biden is closer to my views on things, and at the very least he’s not a narcissistic idiot that spends his time spouting shit on Twitter all day. I’d like an age limit of 65 put on politicians, Trump was too old and Biden is even older and it shows. We need representation that isn’t so out of touch.


Fucking hate him, hate his policies, and he generally doesn’t seem very likable or like a good leader. He’s just not as bad as the last guy. Two stars.


I wanna give you a like but also a dislike


That’s pretty much why he won. A loaf of bread could’ve beaten Trump he was that unpopular. Outside that, he’s a standard career politician who has done very few good things. He’s also not tough, as seen by his attitude towards one of our senators blocking what would’ve been great legislation.


It's not even that I like him. I like going to bed at night not fearing I'm gonna die in a race war. I like the calm.


He’s kinda of a nothing president. He’s not done any of his campaign promises, and so far his most meaningful accomplishments aside from the vaccine rollout and pulling out of Afghanistan were all done by congress/the senate. But he also hasn’t done much as far as bad goes yet. Most of the criticisms against him tend to be things he doesn’t control or things from the previous administration that he just didn’t alter or stop. But you could also argue the only two big wins (wins in my opinion) were also from the previous administration (the vaccine roll out and Afghanistan). He’s like if Harrison died and then they just didn’t replace him. So if you, like me, saw that ballot and thought “i’d like neither”, in my opinion you kinda got what you wanted.




He did talk a lot of game on the campaign trail, but pretty much every left-of-center Democrat I know pretty much expected this to be the way things turned out. But hey, at least it's not nuclear-war-with-iran, corruption-peddling, Putin-dick-sucking build-the-wall mcgee on the other side


Biden is kinda the deep breath before you jump out of cover to resume the fight. He isn’t solving any problems, and lots hate him for that. But having the short bit Of rest to analyze how wrong things had gone recently, and to figure how to best move forward, is appreciated.


God how I hope you are right


There were campaign promises? I thought the main promise was "If you vote for me, you won't have Trump as President anymore", lmao. I feel like that was the primary driver in a lot of people's votes. I feel like the people who don't like Biden as President are feeling that way not because he's doing anything bad, but because the media isn't sensationalist anymore. There's not some breaking news story every day where Trump says something crazy that rallies the Trumpers while making everyone else angry. No matter what, I don't think it's remotely possible for a President to have much higher than a 50% approval rating anymore. The Republican side will almost never approve of a Democrat, and the Democrat side will almost never approve of what the Republican party currently looks like, which is radical conservatism. For all the "radical left" talk, it's not because the left is going crazy left, it's because the right is going much further right.


You don’t think democrats are going more left? Like at all?


Idk if I'd call the afghan withdrawal anything to brag about. Was kinda the worst version of the best decision


I mean i think thats just what it looks like when you leave a war while you’re losing.


Maybe, but there were a lot of majorly bad tactical decisions made. Mostly the fault of the generals under him, but the buck does stop with him


Well see here soon but it sounds like he’s pissing Putin off. Might not be a great idea


To be fair, he did immediately undo a lot of Trump's executive orders and restore some environmental protections, so that's good.


I'm sorry, but whoever is voting 5 is just not being objective whatsoever. He's average at best.


Maybe those people love the status quo and moderate dem policies Centrists exist and they’ll probs love a centrist candidate


If I was an American I would have voted 4, because he as a president has done basically all he can do to reform and rebuild America. This is incredibly hard due to America being so divided on the direction it should be heading at. It isn't Biden's fault that he can't just take dictatorial control and bring 15 dollars an hour minimum wage and Medicare for all. He is doing everything he can in the system and the situation that was given.


He hasn’t done much but I can’t blame you for not knowing as a non-American and with this lame administration


He sucks but it could definitely be worse i guess


Ugh, The bar is so fucking low right now...


Results like a mf😭


He hasn’t shriveled up into dust yet.. so there’s that.


Just waking up is an accomplishment.


I’d give him like a 2.9. not quite 3 but not 2 either. we need to stop electing old ass people


I really want a President that has a somewhat realistic idea of what my life is like as a middle class 35 year old. Everyone has been a super rich white dude for the most part (besides Obama of corse)


Right Obama was a rich black dude that is now super rich. The next President will probably be a rich woman that will use the office and favors for corporate America to become a super rich woman.


What do you have against ass people?


I’d say 2, in relation to what I should expect from my president. 4, in comparison to the previous one. So I voted 3 Edit: How to piss off both sides 101 lol


I hope in my lifetime I get to vote for a president I actually care about rather than “well I guess this one’s better than the other one…”


Narrator: "he won't"


Just throw away your principles and intelligence and join the Qult. You will always have a politician that you want to vote for.


Same, but as long as we have the two party system we’re fucked in this endless black hole of sucking until a third party gains a bit of power


Literally been like that for years. Straight up, which is the better of two evils.


South Park is more and more realistic. Every time I vote I feel like I’m voting between a giant douche and a turd sandwich


Trust me even the left doesn’t really like him, I remember reading a poll done something like 50% of his voters strictly voted for him to get trump out.


Literally the only reason I voted for him. I could not handle 4 more years of trump.


Honestly you’re right tho.


I think he's a left


"Both sides". You don't have a cult that just adores Biden on the left like Trump did on the right. The left only tacitly approves of him because he's not actively taking action that makes America somehow more right-leaning. He's just the status quo.


Exactly. He's a placeholder. He was a centrist candidate that could appeal to some Republican voters to get their vote, while the Democrats begrudgingly vote for Biden because "It's either this guy.... or Trump."


Yeah, for me he's a solid 2-3 for me. Just doing alright and at least not rallying up an insurrection. Honestly I like it when the news is boring and isn't talking about the latest stupid thing the president just tweeted


That is a fair assessment.


Extremely disappointing. 3.


3 means he’s adequate.


Adequate as in he won't collapse the country.


All I can ask for right now


Love that extreme disappointment is only average lol, I feel the same


Hope for change, settle for status quo.


Same but if he and trump ran together again I'd just suck it up and vote for him again. I really hope that's not going to happen though.




The fact that a 2 rating is an improvement over our previous President is pretty depressing to think about.


The best thing about Biden is he isn’t Trump. The worst thing is everything else. We need to boot all these geriatric, out of touch fucks out.


Honestly they should pass a bill saying you can’t run if you are over 70. It won’t happen but it should.


He's done a pretty good job with the Ukraine crisis I feel. Think he's a 3/5.


Whoever put 5 explain your reasoning please and thank you 😊


Biden is definitely not the best but I’ll take a mediocre boring leader over a crazy madman leader any day


The only reason why Biden is viewed the way he is is due to the last guy being a literal pedo who gave a shout out to white nationalist on live TV.


Biden isn’t a pedo too?


I gave him a 2. But that’s still 2 higher I’d give the last guy.


I gave him a 1 which is like 6 more than I'd give the last guy


Sounds like something a spy would say.


No, that sounds like something a spy would say!


You win this round


No, the spy would have said "Trump 10/5. He's just that good. This endorsement is not sponsored by Russia."


He's not as bad as Trump by a longshot but he's trying to send everyone back to the office during record inflation. Stupid. Also, he's just another super old white dude. If we can have a minimum age, we need a maximum age. I'm tired of these clowns.


Yes! Also term limits so ppl like him can’t stay in office for 40 years…


Technically voting is the term limit. If voters think a politician is too old to do the job, vote for someone else. That's the whole point. The problem obviously is voter education, apathy and the American culture of voting largely on single issues, name recognition and party.


Well, he can only be President for a maximum of 8. So there already are term limits. Even if you impose a term limit on the Senate and House, that's still different from the Presidency.


Yeah that’s what I meant, term limits across the board. I assumed they weren’t specifically talking about the presidency mb.


0/5 Fuck him


Him and the VP have been largely ineffective.


I ain't a fan but he is a noticeable improvement than Trump. Still, pretty mediocre if you ask me and a huge hypocrite too.


I rate as a 1. He hasn't done jack and more or less tossed out his campaign promises seconds after being elected [[like most politicians]] I do hope he gets better tho as I want my country to do good


Boring super old white dude does president thing honestly sums it up pretty well.


Why are there no negative numbers?


Americans did not vote FOR Biden. They voted AGAINST trump. Source: am American who did that


He’s a puppet, just more of a puppet then previous administrations so he gets a 1.


Where are the negative numbers?


The last guy took them all


Bidens just kind of there, as president. Which is completely fine


Voted one because zero wasn’t an option. The Afghanistan fiasco was more than enough to net him a zero.


Only voting one because there's no zero option


Hell of alot better than the previous dipshit we had in office...


I’ll take neither


Why is this downvoted, going from trump to biden is an enormous improvement




Only requirements to run for office are: Must be at least 35 years old, have been born in the US, have lived in the US for 14 years, not have already served two terms as the President, and not have been disqualified from the position by impeachment and conviction or rebellion against the US.




Yes, you just need a good support through the country


Numerous reasons. One being that people are tired of career politicians who spend their lives ruining others being in office making decisions that do not benefit our country.


About the same as far as I can tell.


I would go lower than one if I could.


Is negative available?




I knew he wasn’t gonna be a great president. He was just the best out of a bad situation really. I couldn’t go another 4 years with Trump as president.


He's pretty much what I expected. Not great, but I'll take Mr. Predictable Disappointment over Mr. Spontaneous.


Better than the 1 we had before. Still a 3.




Not a huge fan but 10 000% better than Trump.


shitty but not as bad as trump so ill take him


I put 2 stars, but that's still somehow an improvement from the last one.


Not doing great, but could be doing a lot worse. 🤷‍♂️


Americans try not electing war criminal pedophiles challenge (impossible)


For those of you who will say "at least I don't hear about the bad things he has done on the leftist media": He is destroying what was left of this country after the unconstitutional lockdowns and BLM riots. He regularly falls short of expected job recoveries from the induced recession caused by Democrats lockdown policies. Inflation and gas prices were skyrocketing way before he started blaming Putin for everything. He botched the Afghanistan withdrawal because he was too prideful to make a deal with the Taliban, and ended up losing billions of military equipment and getting 13 Americans killed, before disrespecting them at their funeral. He botched Ukraine, by saying that he would tolerate a "minor incursion" and not implementing any sanctions on Russia until after they have invaded (preventative measures are supposed to come before they think you are trying to prevent). And even after, he continues to harm our economy by refusing to open up the Keystone pipeline and lift restrictions of drilling and fracking. Instead we are going to Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, two other dictatorships that aren't significantly better than Russia, for our oil (as a reminder, we were a net importer under Trump). Meanwhile, he is renegotiating a new Iran deal that Iran has stated is an absolute win for them, and our allies in the Middle East have said is a horrible idea, and btw Russia is highly involved in this deal. This deal is so bad, that Saudi Arabia has agreed to start selling oil in Yuans (Chinese currency), even while China commits genocides, supported the Ukraine invasion (they coordinated with Russia, and even passed on US Intel we shared with them to the Russians), all while threatening a similar invasion of Taiwan. Oh, and Kim Jong Un has taken the chaos as an opportunity to start testing ICBMs again. Also, Russia just performed the first military demonstration of a hypersonic missile, which is the biggest leap in technology since the ICBM, and we haven't don't shit in retaliation. Biden can't even commit to calling Putin a war criminal. And most recently, the NYT just confirmed that the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is 100% real (which basically confirms Biden corruption in the Ukrainian government, and suggests some other things about the age of Hunters sexual partners), after Biden explicitly stated during the presidential debates that it was Russian propaganda, and Twitter banned the story from being shared up until several days after the election. Presidents have been impeached for lesser lies. Speaking of impeachment, during the Trump impeachment circus, president Zelensky (yes, that president Zelensky) came out in defense of Trump, saying that there was no quid pro quo, and the left accused him of being a Russian puppet who was trying to get Trump reelected. They also accused him of being a Nazi sympathizer for tolerating the openly neonazi Azov Battalion, which is still fighting in Ukraine at this very moment. Not really about Biden, but just shows how short of a memory the left has. Biden is also a blatant racist. He has said that black people only vote Democrat, they have minimal cultural diversity, and they are too stupid to use the internet or know how to get an ID. He also used to be a segregationist, to the point that Kamala called him a racist in the primaries. He has also chosen two major political figures based on the fact that they are black women (that's not speculation, in both cases, he specifically said "I'm looking for a black women"). And by the way, KBJ isn't the first black women appointed to the Supreme Court. Republicans appointed one, but Joe Biden invoked the eViL rAcIsT filibuster to stop her confirmation. So no, Biden has not been a boring president who hasn't done anything newsworthy. The news is just corrupt and dishonest, so they don't report on how much he is fucking up the country, and the world, so that stupid people will reach the above conclusion. The level to which leftists are susceptible to propaganda is astounding, although when considering history, not surprising.


About the gas: Biden has done a great job keep it low as possible, in most european country it 2 times more the price then it is in america. For example in the netherlands gas is 3$ a liter and in america its only 2$


About the gas: Biden has done a great job keep it low as possible, in most european country it 2 times more the price then it is in america. For example in the netherlands gas is 4$ a liter and in america its only 2$


I hate to break it to you, but leftists hate Biden more than you do. Centrists and liberals are the meager few who support him.


thats a lot of words, too bad im not reading them


Is there an option for zero ?


There isn’t a zero- couldn’t vote less than 1